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T. E. Johnson C. L. Kirkland S. M. Reddy S. Fischer 《Journal of Metamorphic Geology》2015,33(7):695-709
Rocks exposed along the Scottish coast between Fraserburgh and Inzie Head contain information critical to understanding the evolution of the Buchan Block, the type locality for low‐P, high‐T regional metamorphism, and its relationship with the rest of the Grampian terrane, one of the major tectonostratigraphic components of the Scottish Caledonides. The ~8 km long section traverses a regional network of shear zones and, at the highest grades around Inzie Head, passes into the core of the Buchan Anticline, a large‐scale open fold that is commonly regarded as a late structure, post‐dating metamorphism. The metasedimentary rocks increase in grade from upper amphibolite to granulite facies and preserve unequivocal evidence for partial melting. The diatexite migmatites around Inzie Head, along with other gneissose units within the Buchan Block, have been regarded as allochthonous Precambrian basement rocks that were thrust into their current position during the Grampian orogenesis. However, field observations show that the onset of in situ partial melting in metapelitic rocks, which was associated with the formation of garnet‐bearing aplites and associated pegmatites, occurred around Fraserburgh, where shear fabrics are absent. Thus, the rocks preserve a continuous metamorphic field gradient that straddles the shear zone network. This observation supports an alternative interpretation that anatexis was the result of mid‐Ordovician (Grampian) metamorphism, rather than an older tectonothermal event, and that the Inzie Head gneisses are autochthonous. Using an average mid‐Dalradian pelite as a plausible representative protolith, phase equilibria modelling satisfactorily reproduces the observed appearance and disappearance of key minerals providing that peritectic garnet produced with the first formed melts (represented by the garnet‐bearing aplites) depleted the source rocks in Mn. The modelled metamorphic field gradient records a temperature increase of at least 150 °C (from ~650 °C near Fraserburgh to in excess of 800 °C at Inzie Head) but is isobaric at pressures of 2.7–2.8 kbar, suggesting the Buchan Anticline developed synchronous with partial melting. The Buchan Anticline is likely an expression of crustal thinning and asthenospheric upwelling, which produced voluminous gabbroic intrusions that supplied the heat for Buchan metamorphism. 相似文献
Abstract The Hercynian granitic basement which forms the Tenda Massif in NE Corsica represents part of the leading edge of the European Plate during middle-to-late Cretaceous (Eoalpine) high P metamorphism. The metamorphism of this basement, induced by the overthrusting of a blueschist facies (schistes lustrés) nappe, was confined to a major ductile shear zone (c. 1000m thick) within which deformation increases upwards towards the overlying nappe. Metamorphism within the basement mostly records lower blueschist facies conditions (crossite + epidote) except near the base of the shear zone where the greenschist facies assemblage albite + actinolitic amphibole has developed instead of crossite. Study of the primary mafic phase breakdown reactions within hornblende granodiorite reveals the following metamorphic zonation. Zone 1: biotite to chlorite. Towards zone 2: biotite to phengite. Zone 2: Hornblende to actinolitic Ca-amphibole + albite + sphene, and biotite to actinolitic Ca-amphibole + albite + phengite + Ti-ore + epidote. Zone 3: Hornblende to crossite + low Ti-biotite + phengite + sphene, and biotite to crossite + low Ti-biotite + phengite + Ti-ore + sphene ± epidote. P-T conditions at the base of the shear zone are estimated to have been 390-490°C at 600-900 M Pa (6-9kbar) and the Corsican basement is therefore deduced to have been buried to 20-30 km during metamorphism. This relatively shallow metamorphism contrasts with some other areas in the Western Alps where the Eoalpine event apparently buried the European continental crust to depths of 80 km or more. As there is no evidence for a long history of blueschist facies metamorphism prior to the involvement of the European continent, it is deduced that the Eoalpine blueschists were produced during the collision of the Insubric plate with Europe, rather than during Tethyan intraoceanic subduction. Coherent blueschist terrains such as the schistes lustres probably record buovant feature collision and obduction tectonics rather than any preceding oceanic subduction. 相似文献
T.E. Johnson C.L. Kirkland D.R. Viete S. Fischer S.M. Reddy N.J. Evans B.J. McDonald 《地学前缘(英文版)》2017,8(6):1469-1478
The type locality for high-temperature,low-pressure regional metamorphism,the Buchan Block in NE Scotland,exhibits profound differences to the rest of the Grampian Terrane.These differences have led some to regard the Buchan Block as an exotic crustal fragment comprising Precambrian basement gneisses and cover rocks thrust into their current position during Grampian orogenesis.Although rocks of the Buchan Block are now generally correlated with Dalradian strata elsewhere,the origin of the gneisses and the cause of the high heat flow and associated magmatism is debated.We report SIMS U-Pb and LA-ICPMS Hf isotopic data in zircon from high-grade rocks from the northeast(Inzie Head Gneiss)and northwest(Portsoy)corners of the Buchan Block.Around Inzie Head,upper amphibolite to granulite facies metasedimentary gneisses coexist with diorite sheets that were emplaced contemporaneously with partial melting of their host rocks,at least locally.U-Pb geochronology indicates a crystallisation age for the diorite of 486±9 Ma.Highly-deformed diorites within the Portsoy Gabbro have a crystallisation age of 493±8 Ma.Ages of ca.490 Ma for magmatism and high-grade metamorphism,which are broadly contemporaneous with ophiolite obduction and the onset of orogenesis,are significantly older than the established peak of Grampian metamorphism(ca.470 Ma).We propose a new model for the Grampian Orogeny involving punctuated tectonothermal activity due to tectonic switching during accretionary orogenesis.Rollback of a NW-dipping subduction zone at ca.490 Ma produced a back-arc environment(the Buchan Block)with associated arc magmatism and high dT/dP metamorphism.Arrival of an outboard arc resulted in shortening(the initial phase of the Grampian Orogeny)at ca.488 Ma.Rollback of a NW-dipping subduction zone to the SE of the ca.488 Ma suture began at 473 Ma and led to lithospheric-scale extension,decompression melting and advective heating of the middle crust,producing the widespread ca.470 Ma Grampian(classic Barrovian and Buchan)regional metamorphism.Resumed hinge advance and the final phase of shortening cut off the heat supply at ca.465 Ma,marking the end of the Grampian Orogeny. 相似文献
Large-ion lithophile element characteristics of an amphibolite facies to granulite facies transition at Gruinard Bay, North-west Scotland 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
M. B. FOWLER 《Journal of Metamorphic Geology》1986,4(3):345-359
Abstract Lewisian grey gneisses from Gruinard Bay, North-west Scotland retain mineralogical and geochemical evidence for Scourian horn-blende-granulite facies metamorphism, and they may be used to assess current models of elemental depletion at granulite grade. Their 'immobile'major and trace element geochemistry is indistinguishable from that of Lewisian amphibolite and pyroxene-granulite facies counterparts. The K, Rb, Th and U contents of the Gruinard Bay gneisses are depleted relative to amphibolite facies gneisses, but generally the abundances of these elements are above those of comparable pyroxene granulites. U and Th have reached an advanced stage of depletion, but allanite appears to be crucial in maintaining significantly higher U and Th abundances at Gruinard Bay than in pyroxene granulites. K and Rb loss is less extreme, and depends on the stability of the rock-forming minerals: K-feldspar; biotite; and, amphibole. Early removal of K and Rb has resulted in a small rise in K/Rb, but further preferential Rb loss would have been required to generate the characteristically high K/Rb ratios of Lewisian pyroxene granulites.
The residence of U and Th in the accessory minerals of granulite facies gneisses, which are often correlated with the residua of intracrustal partial melting, renders unlikely their extreme incompatibility required by such models. Even if such phases are ignored, high mineral-melt partition coefficients for silicic melts argue against partial fusion as an efficient depletion mechanism. On the other hand, the advanced stage of U and Th depletion reached in Gruinard Bay gneisses, which were still partly hydrous, severely restricts the role played by CO2 -dominated fluids and a hydrous medium is preferred. 相似文献
The residence of U and Th in the accessory minerals of granulite facies gneisses, which are often correlated with the residua of intracrustal partial melting, renders unlikely their extreme incompatibility required by such models. Even if such phases are ignored, high mineral-melt partition coefficients for silicic melts argue against partial fusion as an efficient depletion mechanism. On the other hand, the advanced stage of U and Th depletion reached in Gruinard Bay gneisses, which were still partly hydrous, severely restricts the role played by CO
Caledonian eclogite facies shear zones developed from Grenvillian garnet granulite facies anorthosites and gabbros in the Bergen Arcs of western Norway allow direct investigation of the relations between macroscopic structures and crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) in lower continental crust. Field relations on the island of Holsnøy show that the eclogites formed locally from granulite facies rocks by progressive development of: (1) eclogite adjacent to fractures; (2) eclogite in discrete shear zones (> 2 m thick); (3) eclogite breccia consisting of >80% well-foliated eclogite that wraps around rotated granulite blocks; and (4) anastomosing, subparallel, eclogite facies shear zones 30–100 m thick continuous over distances > 1 km within the granulite terrane. These shear zones deformed under eclogite facies conditions at an estimated temperature of 670 ± 50°C and a minimum pressure of 1460 MPa, which corresponds to depths of >55 km in the continental crust. Detailed investigation of the major shear zones shows the development of a strong foliation defined by the shape preferred orientation of omphacite and by alternating segregations of omphacite/garnet-rich and kyanite/zoisite-rich layers. A consistent lineation throughout the shear zones is defined by elongate aggregates of garnet and omphacite. The CPO of omphacite, determined from five-axis universal stage measurements, shows a strong b-axis maximum normal to foliation, and a c-axis girdle within the foliation plane with weak maxima parallel to the lineation direction. These patterns are consistent with deformation of omphacite by slip parallel to [001] and suggest glide along (010). The lineation and CPO data reveal a consistent sense of shear zone movement, although the displacement was small. Localized faulting of high-grade rocks accompanied by fluid infiltration can be an important mode of failure in the lower continental crust. Field relations show that granulite facies rocks can exist in a metastable state under eclogite facies conditions and imply that the lower crust can host differing metamorphic facies at the same depth. Deformation of granulite and partial conversion to eclogite, such as is exposed on Holsnøy Island, may be an orogenic-scale process in the lowermost crust of collisional orogens. 相似文献
The structure of the Dalradian rocks of the Banffshire coast has been re-examined. It is shown that D1 structures face upwards along the entire section and the major Boyndie Syncline (Sutton and Watson 1956) must also be of D1, age and not D3 as proposed by Johnson (1962). D2 structures are developed in the west, most strongly in the Portsoy Group and Cowhythe Gneiss where they may be related to the Portsoy Thrust (Elles 1931). East of the Cowhythe Gneiss D2 structures are not developed but D3 structures are of local importance. Porphyroblast growth is considered to be post-D1, pre-D3 related to the ‘active’ D2 deformation in the west (Barrovian) and to the ‘static’ D2 interval in the east (Buchan). The wider implications of these conclusions for Dalradian structure are briefly considered. 相似文献
A. C. BARNICOAT 《Journal of Metamorphic Geology》1983,1(2):163-182
The rocks of the Scourian Complex have been intensively studied, but there is still no consensus as to the conditions of the granulite-facies metamorphism preserved in these rocks. Recent estimates of these conditions fall into two groups, one at 820-920°C and ca. 11 kbar and the second at ca. 1000°C and >12 kbar. Investigation of a variety of rocks shows that the recorded conditions vary with grain-size, with higher-grade conditions recorded by the cores of coarser ( ca. 10 mm) crystals, and lower-grade conditions recorded by the rims of coarser grains and by finer grains. This observation suggests that re-equilibration during recovery of these rocks to the surface has been important which may account for the discrepancy in estimated P-T conditions. Revised estimates of the equilibration conditions of the Scourian Complex of T > 1000°C and P > 8.5 kbar are presented. The conditions suggested for the peak of metamorphism mean that the role of anatexis in the genesis of these rocks must be considered and the nature of the fluid phase thoroughly investigated. 相似文献
Fluid-rock interaction in some shear zones from the Pyrenees 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
A. M. McCAIG 《Journal of Metamorphic Geology》1984,2(2):129-141
Abstract Mylonites from shear zones cutting Hercynian gneisses in the central Pyrenees have been studied in thin section and using the electron microprobe. The shear zones contain retrogressive greenschist facies assemblages implying introduction of an aqueous fluid during deformation in the zones. Textural evidence suggests that fluid-rock interaction occurred throughout the active life of the shear zones.
Whole-rock chemical changes during deformation are documented in a variety of mylonitic lithologies and retrogressed country rocks. The overall effect was to reduce chemical differences between lithologies. Activity diagrams show that this would be expected if a hydrous fluid was circulating between different lithologies during deformation. In most cases fluid/rock ratios were relatively small resulting in gradual chemical changes and repeated recrystallization. 'Open-system'behaviour with reduction in the number of phases is seen in some granite mylonites, suggesting focusing of fluid movement in parts of the shear zones. Continual fluid-rock interaction may have led to reaction-enhanced ductility in the shear zones over a long period of time. The source of fluid is uncertain, but may be related to underthrusting of material beneath the area investigated. 相似文献
Whole-rock chemical changes during deformation are documented in a variety of mylonitic lithologies and retrogressed country rocks. The overall effect was to reduce chemical differences between lithologies. Activity diagrams show that this would be expected if a hydrous fluid was circulating between different lithologies during deformation. In most cases fluid/rock ratios were relatively small resulting in gradual chemical changes and repeated recrystallization. 'Open-system'behaviour with reduction in the number of phases is seen in some granite mylonites, suggesting focusing of fluid movement in parts of the shear zones. Continual fluid-rock interaction may have led to reaction-enhanced ductility in the shear zones over a long period of time. The source of fluid is uncertain, but may be related to underthrusting of material beneath the area investigated. 相似文献
Abstract Metapelites in the Altavista area, southwest Virginia Piedmont, USA, underwent allochemical hydrothermal retrograde metamorphism in synmetamorphic shear zones. The metapelites of the Evington Group were metamorphosed in a prograde sequence of chlorite, staurolite, and sillimanite zones. Garnet–biotite geothermometry and phase relations support eastward increasing metamorphic grade, ranging from 570° C in the staurolite zone to 650° C in the sillimanite zone at c. 5.8 kbar. Sillimanite-zone rocks later underwent progressive retrogression around shear zones which acted as fluid conduits. Retrograde assemblages are successively zoned around the shear zones with staurolite-, chloritoid- and kyanite-bearing assemblages. The shear zones commonly contain kyanite or tourmaline veins. Applicable phase equilibria indicate that retrogression occurred during isobaric cooling through c. 200–270° C. Rock compositional changes with retrogression occurred in steps: SiO2 was gained in the early stages of the retrogression but lost in the late stages; Al2O3, K2O, and H2O were increasingly gained through the sequence; CaO was increasingly lost. Addition of H2O and decreasing temperatures resulted in new ferromagnesian minerals (staurolite, chloritoid, chlorite) and changes in H2O, SiO2, Al2O3, K2O, and CaO contents produced muscovite and sodic plagioclase. Subsequent to prograde metamorphism, deeply derived fluids migrated upwards along shear zones, providing fluid and energy for the retrograde reactions. The sheared rocks underwent fluid infiltration with fluid fluxes of 1.8 × 107–4.3 × 107 cm3/cm2 corresponding to minimum estimated fluid-to-rock ratios of 7.5–21 as a function of position within the shear zone. Fluid flow was from high to low temperature early and low to high temperature later in the retrogression. 相似文献
A. J. BAKER 《Journal of Metamorphic Geology》1987,5(1):101-118
Abstract The preserved array of pressures in the eastern Dalradian indicates that considerable syn- to post-metamorphic differential uplift has occurred. This inferred differential uplift suggests that Buchan sillimanite zone rocks originally lay at higher structural levels than presently adjacent cooler kyanite zone rocks to the west. A number of features are believed to coincide with the western margin of the sillimanite zone. These are a maximum in temperature, sharp thermal features, a high strain zone, and a train of metabasites. These features are explained by invoking syn-metamorphic movement between the Buchan sillimanite zone and the kyanite zone to its west, involving some horizontal component of movement. It is suggested that the lateral, now eroded, equivalents of the Buchan area once provided part of the required tectonic thickening for other parts of the Dalradian. Areas surrounding the Buchan area suffered tectonic burial followed by metamorphism during uplift relative to the Buchan area. 相似文献
Abstract The Tal y Fan Intrusion is a 110 m thick sub-concordant metabasite sheet intruded into volcaniclastic and pyroclastic rocks of Ordovician age in North Wales. Despite low grade metamorphism, primary textural zones resulting from initial cooling of the sheet are preserved and retain primary mineralogical and chemical variations which influenced the nature and extent of metamorphic recrystallization. This has resulted in a vertical sequence of secondary mineral assemblages through the intrusion. During early hydrothermal alteration K-feldspar replaced plagioclase micropheno-crysts in the marginal and contact zones, and olivine in the central zone was replaced by saponite. Subsequent regional metamorphism resulted in the development of (metastable) prehnite-pumpellyite-epidote assemblages in two sub-zones characterized by high Fe2O3. Elsewhere the assemblage prehnite-actinolite-epidote developed except in the contact and marginal zones where activity of CO2 suppressed both prehnite and pumpellyite. Both assemblages contain excess albite, quartz and chlorite and, on the basis of uniform mineral compositions over the area of an individual thin section, are considered to represent buffered equilibrium assemblages indicative of prehnite-pumpellyite and prehnite-actinolite facies conditions. A metamorphic temperature of 310° C at 1.85 kbar is obtained using the P-T-X grid of Liou, Maruyama & Cho (1985), which implies a field gradient of ~ 44° C km-1. Assuming that metamorphism relates to burial, an overburden thickness of ~ 7 km is indicated. Total maximum thicknesses, however, of Ordovician, Silurian and Lower Devonian strata, in the area, do not exceed 6 km indicating a field gradient of 52° C km-1. These relatively high gradients may possibly be related to concealed late Caledonian intrusions, or alternatively may result from high heat flow as a consequence of crustal thinning, rapid sedimentation and intense magmatic activity in a marginal basin setting. 相似文献
Abstract Late Archaean orthogneisses and aluminous and iron-rich metasedimentary rocks intruded by anorthosite and a ferrodiorite-granite suite were completely recrystallized during Proterozoic granulite facies metamorphism. Geobarometry and geothermometry indicate P-T conditions of around 7.5kbar. 700°C, with a CO2 -rich fluid phase and logfO2 at or below -16. A two-stage high-grade history of near isochemical corona growth is preserved in metasediments with the reaction cycle opx + plag + H2 O → hbl+gar+SiO2 → opx+plag+H2 O. End product compositions resemble those of the initial phases, and the only mobile components were SiO2 and/or H2 O. The coronas reflect shortlived fluctuations in chemical activity at essentially constant P and T, contrary to simple progressive change in equilibrium parameters recorded by most corona-bearing textures. 相似文献
Crystallization of melts, pegmatite intrusion and the Inverian retrogression of the Scourian complex, north-west Scotland 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
I. CARTWRIGHT 《Journal of Metamorphic Geology》1988,6(1):77-93
Abstract Partial melting of tonalitic gneisses in the 2.7 Ga Badcallian granulite facies metamorphic episode in the Scourian complex of north-west Scotland produced a suite of granitic to trondhjemitic liquids. On cooling and excavation of the complex, these melts underwent fractional crystallization and the residual liquids eventually became water saturated. Comparison with experimental data suggests that water saturation would have occurred in these melts at around 620–700°C. From the retrograde P–T -time path followed by the complex it is estimated that H2 O-dominated fluids were exsolved from these melts at c. 2.5 Ga. It is proposed that these fluids were the cause of the 2.5 Ga Inverian retrogression of the Scourian complex and that water-saturated melts formed during the crystallization of the leucogneisses were intruded as a suite of pegmatites. The timing of pegmatite intrusion is consistent with this proposition as are the temperature estimates, timing, distribution and nature of the Inverian phase of metamorphism. It is likely that the crystallization of melts is an important process in bringing about hydrous retrogressive metamorphic episodes in a number of other basement terrains, such as West Greenland and Australia. 相似文献
Abstract Textural evolution and compositional variation of clinopyroxenes in Ward Creek metabasites are described. Pyroxenes change, with increasing grade, from finegrained aggregates through fan-shaped medium-grained prisms to blocky coarse crystals. Characteristic features of metamorphic pyroxenes include: (1) the occurrence of coexisting pyroxene pairs, the compositions of which are used to delineate compositional gaps; (2) the existence of large compositional variations of pyroxenes, within a single specimen, which record a considerable span of P and/or T for crystallization; and, (3) the development of compositional trends in single specimens and in three metamorphic zones which are progressive in nature. The first formed clinopyroxene (Jd20Aug65Ac15) in the lower lawsonite zone mimics the composition of relict igneous augite. It changes continuously, with increasing grade, at nearly constant low XJd content towards acmite. At a composition around Jd20Aug30Ac50, the trend turns towards jadeite and intersects a solvus to form two coexisting clinopyroxenes in the middle lawsonite zone. At higher grade, the compositional gap becomes restricted towards the jadeite-omphacite join and clinopyroxene increases in XJd toward jadeite. A reversed compositional trend occurs at higher grade; clinopyroxenes decrease in jadeite component at nearly constant Aug/Ac ratio of 50/50 and finally become omphacite in the uppermost pumpellyite and epidote zones. The Na–Ca pyroxenes, close to the binary join Jd–Ac, occur in the lawsonite- and pumpellyite-zones, ranging from XJd= 1.0–0.30 together with Ab and Qz. The ubiquitous occurrence of aragonite at temperature estimates of 170–240° C by Taylor & Coleman (1968) for these zones does not support the low-temperature extrapolation of the Jd–Ab–Qz curve by Holland (1980). The estimated metamorphic field gradient indicates an inflection point at 7 kbar, 200° C. Below this, blueschist facies metamorphism proceeded under dominant pressure-increase from 4 to 7 kbar at nearly constant temperature, about 150–200° C, whereas at higher grade recrystallization, above the inflection point, the metamorphic temperature increased from 200 to 350° C at nearly constant pressure, about 7–8 kbar. Such an inflection point suggests the depth of underplating of either seamounts or accretionary packages in a subduction zone. 相似文献
Neil F. C. Hudson 《Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology》1980,73(1):39-51
Regional metamorphic zones, based on mineral assemblages in pelites, are presented for the Dalradian rocks of Aberdeenshire and Banffshire, in the type area of Buchan metamorphism; electron microprobe analyses of cordierite (C), staurolite (S), chlorite (Chl), biotite (B) and white mica (Ms) are reported for rocks from the classic sections of the Banffshire coast and the valley of the Ythan.A low grade biotite zone, separates two NE-SW trending sets of higher grade zones, in which the sequence s defined by the entry of cordierite, andalusite (A) and (in the west only) staurolite. The zones are characterised by the assemblages (with quartz and muscovite) B-Chl, C-B-Chl, A-C-B and S-A-B.The western sequence contains a transition towards higher pressure, Barrovian type, metamorphism. The isograds arise from continuous reactions affecting rocks of restricted bulk composition (M/FM). With increasing grade, there is a regular trend towards more magnesian ranges of composition for the assemblages C-B-Chl, A-C-B and finally (as P increases in the west), S-A-B. The isograds form when these assemblages intersect the most Fe++-rich rock compositions present which occurs in each case when the biotite M/FM=40. A complex of divariant equilibria, derived for the system KFMASH, is used to model the natural reactions. 相似文献
H.‐N. QIU J. R. WIJBRANS F. M. BROUWER J.‐B. YUN L.‐H. ZHAO Y.‐G. XU 《Journal of Metamorphic Geology》2010,28(5):477-487
The Zhujiachong eclogite in the south‐eastern Dabieshan ultra‐high‐P terrane has been overprinted during retrograde metamorphism, with the development of garnet‐amphibolite mineral assemblages in most rocks in the outcrop. This study is focused on providing age constraints for the retrograde amphibolite facies and greenschist facies mineralogy by 40Ar/39Ar dating. By applying a novel approach of combining three different techniques for extracting argon: laser stepwise heating of single grains and small separates, a spot fusion technique by UV‐laser ablation microprobe on polished sections and an in vacuo crushing technique for liberating radiogenic argon from fluid inclusions, it is demonstrated that an internally consistent thermal history can be derived. The 40Ar/39Ar ages indicate that phengite formed before 265 Ma, probably during the ultra‐high‐P event. Ages associated with amphibolite facies retrograde metamorphism range from 242 to 217 Ma by the analyses of amphibole. Ages of c. 230 Ma were found for the symplectite matrix that formed during retrogression from eclogite pyroxene. Late stage hydrothermal activity leading to the formation of coarse‐grained paragonite and fluid inclusions in vein amphibole was dated at c. 200 Ma. These age results agree well with the mineral crystallization sequence observed from thin‐sections of the retrograded eclogite: phengite → paragonite and amphibole in matrix → amphibole in the corona. 相似文献
Archaean granulite facies metamorphism of the Lewisian of Tiree, Inner Hebrides, north-west Scotland
I. CARTWRIGHT 《Journal of Metamorphic Geology》1992,10(6):727-744
The Lewisian of Tiree, north-west Scotland, underwent granulite facies metamorphism prior to 2.4 Ga. The temperatures and pressures estimated from garnet–clinopyroxene, garnet–orthopyroxene, hornblende–plagioclase and garnet–biotite geothermometers and clinopyroxene–plagioclase–garnet–quartz and orthopyroxene–plagioclase–garnet–quartz geobarometers are 810 ± 50° C and 10.5 ± 1.5 kbar. The imprecision of pressure estimates stems largely from uncertainties in garnet activity models. Calculations of blocking temperatures for Fe–Mg interdiffusion in clinopyroxene and garnet suggest that these temperatures and pressures represent only slightly reset peak-metamorphic conditions.
Down-temperature re-equilibration resulted in chemical zoning over the outer 50–100 μm of the mafic minerals. P–T paths calculated from this mineralogical zoning suggest nearly isobaric cooling. However, the growth of late sillimanite in metapelites requires that the retrograde P–T path had a significant decompression component, suggesting that the mineralogical zonation does not define the retrograde P–T path. The discrepancy between the P–T path calculated from mineralogical zonation and that implied by mineral reactions probably results from the net-transfer geobarometry reactions closing at higher temperatures than the exchange geothermometers.
The Tiree rocks have a similar history to the mainland Scourian complex. Granulite facies metamorphism accompanied by partial melting occurred prior to the intrusion of the Scourie dykes at c. 2.4 Ga, and the rocks underwent retrogression both prior to and after dyke emplacement. However, peak metamorphic temperatures and pressures on Tiree were lower than those recorded in the Scourian complex, and the Tiree rocks may have been at a different crustal level at that time. 相似文献
Down-temperature re-equilibration resulted in chemical zoning over the outer 50–100 μm of the mafic minerals. P–T paths calculated from this mineralogical zoning suggest nearly isobaric cooling. However, the growth of late sillimanite in metapelites requires that the retrograde P–T path had a significant decompression component, suggesting that the mineralogical zonation does not define the retrograde P–T path. The discrepancy between the P–T path calculated from mineralogical zonation and that implied by mineral reactions probably results from the net-transfer geobarometry reactions closing at higher temperatures than the exchange geothermometers.
The Tiree rocks have a similar history to the mainland Scourian complex. Granulite facies metamorphism accompanied by partial melting occurred prior to the intrusion of the Scourie dykes at c. 2.4 Ga, and the rocks underwent retrogression both prior to and after dyke emplacement. However, peak metamorphic temperatures and pressures on Tiree were lower than those recorded in the Scourian complex, and the Tiree rocks may have been at a different crustal level at that time. 相似文献
河套地区呼和坳陷生物气勘探已经成为长庆油田寻找后备储量的新领域。目前,该区生物气勘探研究程度低。本文主要利用地震反射波的振幅、连续性、内部结构和外部形态等地震反射特征,在第四系更新统的地震反射中识别出了3种地震相类型:中-强振幅连续反射平行-亚平行席状地震相、变振幅断续及较连续反射平行-亚平行席状地震相以及杂乱地震相。编制了研究区地震相平面分布图,同时利用单井资料对和1、和5井进行了单井沉积相分析。经综合分析,将地震相转变为沉积相,认为本区主要发育浅湖、半深湖、滨(浅)湖等沉积相,该项研究将对本区后续的生物气勘探起到一定的理论指导作用。 相似文献
野外构造解析和显微构造分析表明,琼西南戈枕和冲卒岭两条近NE向韧性剪切带具NW向SE推覆兼NE向左旋剪切特征。采自戈枕和冲卒岭韧性剪切带内糜棱岩样品中的单矿物的40Ar-39Ar年代学研究表明,戈枕韧性剪切带04HN04样品中黑云母的40Ar-39Ar坪年龄为(227.4±0.2)Ma,冲卒岭韧性剪切带04HN24样品中的白云母给出了(229.6±0.3)Ma的坪年龄,均为印支期变形产物。上述两条剪切带的变形运动学和变形时序与华南内陆主要韧性剪切带(如雪峰山地区)具有很好的一致性,这为理解琼西南地区早中生代构造演化和华南印支块体拼合历史及其效应提供了新的信息。 相似文献