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In many highly dense urban environments, the urgent needs of residents for increasing green space, improving the quality of the community environment and reconstructing the relationships among residents have given birth to the new space type of community gardens. However, China still lacks this relevant experience. In contrast, New York City’s community gardens had a relatively early start, and they now have rich experience in space construction, operation and maintenance. Given their level of experience, they can be used as references for the development of community gardens in China. This paper adopts a bibliometric research method, identifies 201 periodical literature sources published between 2000 and 2020 from the core library of the Web of Science as the object of study, and finally assesses the research hotspot for transferring from macro-research to space-type construction method, social impact, and so on, through CiteSpace software analysis. By virtue of the research process analysis and the results of field surveys and interviews, this paper probes the development status of space construction and social organization construction of the community gardens in New York City, and summarizes that area’s effective experience of development. Based on the current development situation of China’s community gardens, it is proposed that the development of community gardens should be directed by ensuring the land for development, giving full play to social benefits, and mobilizing social organizations, so as to effectively realize urban space construction and social governance.  相似文献   

城市景观生态研究的现状与发展趋势   总被引:24,自引:5,他引:19  
曾辉  夏洁  张磊 《地理科学》2003,23(4):484-492
从城市景观格局、景观动态变化及其驱动机制、土地利用与土地覆盖变化、生态恢复与生态合理性建设和城市景观生物多样性等5个方面总结了城市景观生态研究的发展现状。从分析结果看,城市景观动态变化的驱动机制、结构与功能的生态合理性评估、格局的优化设计模式和城市发展过程中的决策支持与管理等研究领域还存在着明显的不足,难以满足城市景观生态理论和应用发展的需求,应当成为今后研究工作的重点。此外,城市景观生态研究是一个多学科的综合性研究范畴,景观生态学研究人员必须与相关学科的专家密切协作,才能够推动上述理论和应用问题的解决。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. For centuries, a network of market gardens throughout Istanbul provisioned the city with fresh vegetables. These bostans and their gardeners held a respected place in Istanbul life, contributing to the city's food and employment needs. Today, only fragments remain. Massive urban development, intense competition for metropolitan space, modernization, changing institutions and laws, and the global industrialization of food have threatened this tradition with extinction. But in spite of the overwhelming forces behind their demise, some of Istanbul's bostans persist. Efforts to support and promote the gardens, and to draw from the expertise and experience of their gardeners, are emerging. From a historical perspective, this article examines Istanbul's bostans to understand their meaning and contribution to the city's people and landscape.  相似文献   

城市怀旧研究是认识城市空间的社会、文化和情感意义的重要途径,近年来逐渐成为国外学者关注的热点话题。基于地理学视角,以Web of Science为数据源,利用Citespace软件对国外城市怀旧的地理学研究进行了知识计量分析,并基于原文回溯,对该研究进行综述,发现:近年来国外城市怀旧的研究越来越受到地理学者们的关注;研究热点呈现出以“怀旧”、“城市”和“记忆”为中心,向“地方”、“历史”、“地理”和“景观”等多方面拓展的趋势;研究内容上,主要集中在城市怀旧的构成维度与多维空间尺度、城市怀旧与记忆、身份认同及怀旧旅游的关系、城市怀旧的触发要素与影响因素、城市怀旧对地方建构的影响、城市怀旧应用研究等方面。研究方法上,国外城市怀旧研究逐渐由定量研究转向定性和定量研究相结合,GIS技术、认知地图和景观分析等方法对于拓展城市怀旧的研究将起着重要作用。最后,文章指出城市怀旧的本质及其所反映的城市人地关系特征研究、城市怀旧的影响及其作用机制研究、城市怀旧的符号景观及空间特征研究以及城市怀旧与地方建构的关系研究是未来我国城市怀旧研究中值得深入的重要领域。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Scattered throughout the city of Toronto are more than no community gardens, sites of place‐based politics connected to the community food‐security movement. The gardens, spaces where passions for plants and food are shared, reflect the city's shifting cultural landscape and represent an everyday activity that is imbued with multiple meanings. Toronto's community food‐security movement uses gardens as one strategy to regenerate the local food system and provide access to healthy, affordable food. Three garden case studies expand on the complexities of “food citizenship,” illustrating the importance of that concept to notions of food security. The gardens reveal the role gardeners play in transforming urban spaces, the complex network of organizations working cooperatively and in partnership to implement these projects, and the way in which social and cultural pluralism are shaping the urban landscape.  相似文献   

李凡  司徒尚纪 《地理研究》2009,28(6):1550-1561
明代以来佛山的民间信仰迅速发展,神庙系统庞杂,既有广府民系的属性,又反映出商品经济高度发达的特征,对佛山城市发展产生了影响。从古地图和文献中提取历史时期基本空间数据和神庙等文化景观地理信息,建立佛山历史GIS数据库。通过景观复原、地图再现、空间分析和景观分析等方法,以神庙景观为视角,研究表明:明代至民国初年,神庙景观基本上以祖庙铺和明心铺及其周围地带为核心,呈自南向北逐渐扩展的分布总趋势,并与佛山城市社会空间发展相一致,逐渐形成了以佛山祖庙为中心的北帝信仰文化景观的核心地位。通过对北帝巡游路径空间的解读,反映出佛山民间信仰场域的构成,以北帝信仰为纽带,形成了以祖庙为中心的"中心—四方"空间形式,整合了佛山的城市社会文化空间。  相似文献   

城市规划建设的绿地功能应用研究新思路   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
城市绿地作为城市中最易感知的半自然因素,具有比较突出的生态功能、社会功能以及经济效益,能够改善城市的生态环境。该文对城市绿地功能在城市规划建设中的应用进行分析,指出其存在的问题,以生态学以及景观生态学的理论方法重新思考城市绿地功能在城市规划建设中的综合运用,重点探讨城市绿地与城市空间结构关系、城市绿地景观生态规划以及城市绿地生态系统服务功能价值评估等研究热点。综合分析发现,将绿地功能研究运用到城市规划建设中,有利于城市空间的可持续发展和城市生态环境的改善。  相似文献   

This article examines the regulation of urban public space through a study of the role of the family unit in past and present urban development in Singapore. Since the founding of modern Singapore 50 years ago, the nuclear family has remained the preferred social institution for state policies and subsequent regulation of education, housing, employment, health, leisure, social welfare and even neighborhood development. Drawing on primary government documents and field work and interviews with current and displaced small business owners on a commercial street in Chinatown, the article demonstrates how a “softer” version of spatial regulation emerged from an intersection of state commercial development policies that favored small, family-owned businesses and the extension of a family-based moral social order applied to the surrounding public spaces. The result is the regulation of Chinatown’s streets and sidewalks became inextricably bound up with the everyday operations of family-run businesses. More recently, state interest in creating an entertainment-based global Singapore has jeopardized this arrangement, as corporate gentrification threatens to displace family ownership of small businesses.  相似文献   

城市游憩商业区(RBD)对城市发展的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
RBD功能的出现对于城市而言表示了新的城市发展逻辑在发生变化,在新的城市发展逻辑关系中,城市社会经济、城市空间格局、城市文化景观形态等必然发生相应变化。本研究RBD对城市发展的影响,从整体的高度审视城市发展功能要素之间彼此的互动关系,从而引导城市规划与政策方向。  相似文献   

长春高新技术产业开发区绿地景观生态规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
付瑶  汤洁  梁喜波 《地理科学》2008,28(2):200-204
开发区作为中国工业化和城市化快速推进的主要增长极和载体,承受着城市经济和城市建设带来的巨大环境压力。结合长春高新技术产业开发区绿地建设现状,指出绿地数量少且分布不均,城市建设大量挤占绿化用地,绿地布局结构和网络体系不够完善,绿地建设特色不突出是开发区绿地系统存在的问题。在此基础上,确定了到2020年开发区绿地率为45%,人均绿地面积为35.97m2,人均公共绿地面积为29.24 m2等绿地规划总体控制指标;提出了点、线、面相结合的"一环、两带、流绿、线网、多园"的环网式的绿地系统空间模式;从基质、廊道、斑块等景观生态要素规划了不同尺度绿地系统建设思路。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Investigations of dooryard gardens, kitchen gardens, home gardens, and houselot gardens fall unequally into one of three groupings. The first are those that treat the plants in the gardens as biological entities and define a space considered a culturally controlled biological community or habitat. The second are those that consider plants cultural traits and the space defined by their positions a setting for household activities. The third conceives of plants as design elements within a garden or a landscape that frames a house or provides a setting for formal human performances. Recent decades have witnessed a broadening focus in the study of gardens, from spatial characteristics and biological content to social and cultural concerns such as reciprocity networks, contested spaces, and the concept of “dwelling.”  相似文献   

基于FFII的城市旅游景观塑造:伊春市案例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市景观是城市旅游的重要依托。文中应用旅游景观、旅游规划、景观生态和城市设计的基本理论 ,从发展城市旅游的角度 ,提出了城市旅游景观塑造的FFII概念体系 ,并对伊春城市旅游景观整治的案例进行了实证研究。  相似文献   

城市人工地貌演变过程及机制的研究——以大连市为例   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
城市人工地貌是城市中由人类活动作用形成的各种高差起伏的人工建筑体的组合形态;本文以大连市为例,探讨了城市人工地貌的演变过程及机制,大连市城市人工地貌演变过程分为单核心扩散-绕大连湾的马蹄形延展-环形带状更新扩散期-多核心扩散、带状延展期;自然地质条件是演变的基础,城市规划是主导因素,社会经济发展水平是其推动力  相似文献   

近年来中国以互联网技术为核心的信息通讯技术(ICT)发展迅速,对居民的社会经济活动、生活方式等产生了深刻影响。本文利用问卷调查、微信访谈等方式调查了北京5个典型城中村,利用多元无序多分类logistic回归模型验证信息渠道对城中村居民居住和迁移空间的影响,结果表明:城中村住房市场非正规化从信息源头切断了居民通过互联网获取住房信息的渠道,加上城中村居民选择新住所具有就业导向和以地缘—血缘为纽带聚集的特征,信息渠道对城中村居民的居住迁移距离没有显著影响;受“就业锚点”、“距离衰减定律”和非正规就业影响,信息渠道对城中村居民近距离就业迁移也没有显著影响,但在更大空间范围内,城中村居民能通过招聘网站、社交网络等网络渠道获取就业信息,ICT的发展丰富了他们的信息获取渠道,扩大了就业空间选择,一定程度上减轻了时空制约。本文加深了关于ICT对居民日常活动空间影响、技术进步与社会平等关系的理解,丰富了居民时空间行为研究。  相似文献   

佟伟铭  张平宇  何欢 《地理科学》2019,39(10):1537-1545
基于长春市兴华园社区典型案例,利用社区理论揭示了大城市郊区化过程中失地农民社区的城镇化机制与影响。结果表明土地征用体制下以农村社区为载体实现了快速城镇化,实现了乡村社会和经济空间重构,乡村生产空间和生活空间的优化和重组,地域空间并入城市发展范畴,城镇化进程加快,主要表现为城市景观和设施的推进,农民市民化进程加快,包括就业非农化与生活方式市民化等,但存在社会保障和补偿机制不健全,失地农民生活满意度低,社会认同感缺失等问题。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(5):514-542
In this article, we examine the sociospatial effects of market-driven social housing policies implemented in neoliberal Chile. The study area encompasses the Valparaíso—Viña del Mar conurbation and its surrounding peri-urban and peripheral municipalities. To analyze the urban dynamic between 1990 and 2005 we use data showing the allocation of social housing complexes built during three time periods, socioeconomic data disaggregated at the district level, and semistructured interviews conducted with strategic actors from the public and private sectors. We conclude that private developers are increasingly building social housing complexes in peripheral municipalities, fragmenting the sociospatial landscape and concentrating poor families in ghetto-like compounds. We also encountered local governments (municipalities) with little capacity to mobilize the resources that they hold, and communities that remain disconnected from their local representatives.  相似文献   

论城市空间破碎化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
空间破碎化是城市空间演进的客观现象,表现为城市空间单元碎化、空间分割加强、空间联系弱化和空间整体功能下降,具有空间形态的封闭性、空间联系的阻隔性和空间功能的失配性等特征,是城市品质提升和可持续发展的重要制约因素,是城市空间格局与过程分析的新内容。“空间破碎化”是对“景观破碎化”的拓展和深化,有助于从更为综合整体的空间视角研究城市。“空间破碎化”研究应遵循“格局过程刻画→形成机理分析→调控模式设计”的分析框架,围绕城市空间破碎化的概念、特征、测度、机理、动态模拟和调控模式等内容,采用景观指数、空间句法、多智能体情景模拟和地学信息图谱集成的方法进行多学科融贯的综合分析,可为制定城市发展政策、促进城市发展转型、实现城市可持续发展提供理论指导和方法支撑。  相似文献   

邓羽 《地理科学》2017,37(6):817-824
以居住为导向的北部回龙观区域和产业导向的南部亦庄为区域,以时间剖面遥感影像图为基础,综合运用土地利用数据、实地调查与深度访谈等多种方法,判别、回顾并解译物质空间的基本变化过程,凝练物质空间的演替规律与组织模式,以期为制定科学合理的交通基础设施建设和城市综合开发方案提供支撑。研究发现:居住导向的物质空间组织模式,以站域内居住空间持续扩大、居民数量不断增多为特征,伴随着城乡景观和生活方式的角逐。同时,却往往忽视了产业空间与公共服务设施空间配套建设,加之高密度的人口集聚,大大降低了居住舒适度。产业导向的物质空间组织模式以站域内产业空间持续扩大、企业数量不断增多、配套基础设施逐步完善为特征。但居住空间与公共服务设施空间建设的时滞性显著,造成了人气不足、土地利用效益低下。建立和完善轨道交通站域的物质空间组织模式知识库,将为交通导向下的基础设施建设和城市综合开发方案提供科学依据。  相似文献   

With the expansion of a city, the urban green space is occupied and the urban heat island effect is serious. Greening the roof surfaces of urban buildings is an effective way to increase the area of urban green space and improve the urban ecological environment. To provide effective data support for urban green space planning, this paper used high-resolution images to (1) obtain accurate building spots on the map of the study area through deep learning assisted manual correction; and (2) establish an evaluation index system of roof greening including the characteristics of the roof itself, the natural environment and the human society environment. The weight values of attributes not related to the roof itself were calculated by Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The suitable green roof locations were evaluated by spatial join, weighted superposition and other spatial analysis methods. Taking the areas within the Chengdu city’s third ring road as the study area, the results show that an accurate building pattern obtained by deep learning greatly improves the efficiency of the experiment. The roof surfaces unsuitable for greening can be effectively classified by the method of feature extraction, with an accuracy of 86.58%. The roofs suitable for greening account for 48.08%, among which, the high-suitability roofs, medium-suitability roofs and low-suitability roofs represent 45.32%, 38.95% and 15.73%. The high-suitability green buildings are mainly distributed in the first ring district and the western area outside the first ring district in Chengdu. This paper is useful for solving the current problem of the more saturated high-density urban area and allowing the expansion of the urban ecological environment.  相似文献   

杨兴柱  孙井东  陆林  王群 《地理学报》2018,73(2):276-294
作为新兴的重要发展力量,旅游正在不可逆转地改变着聚居空间演变进程。旅游地聚居空间特征及其社会效应是透视旅游地社会转型的重要维度之一,旅游地聚居现象已构成旅游地理学研究的重要命题。以千岛湖为案例,立足社区尺度,应用实地观察法、访谈法、问卷调查方法、GIS空间技术、统计分析法,探究千岛湖旅游地聚居空间发展过程;识别和划分居住社区类型,测算居住社区空间分异度,揭示旅游影响下典型聚居区分布格局;从居住满意度、社会交往和社会融合三个方面,构建聚居空间社会效应指标体系。研究发现:① 伴随着社会经济转型、旅游产业发展与城市更新的不断推进,千岛湖镇聚居空间发展经历了5个发展阶段。② 识别了76个基本空间单元,将76个居住小区划分为乡村社区、商住混合社区、老旧住房社区、一般商品房社区、高档商品房社区、高档别墅区、旅游度假社区7种类型。③ 城市居住空间分异现象存在于旅游地聚居空间。社会阶层越低的社区居住分异度越大,社会阶层较高的社区居住分异度越小。千岛湖镇聚居空间呈现圈层结构分布模式,从湖岸到中心城区,居住等级逐渐降低,乡村社区呈扇型镶嵌于主城区居住空间结构上,老旧住房社区和旅游度假社区分布于千岛湖镇外围。④ 旅游发展导致了聚居空间社会分异,引致旅游地传统社会关系的裂变分化,进一步影响聚居满意度、社会交往和社会融合。千岛湖镇旅游地社区居住总体处于较满意状态,且千岛湖镇社区居住满意度存在明显的空间差异,不同社区个体交友意愿存在差异,大部分居民能较好地适应本地生活。  相似文献   

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