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The further evolution of a massive X-ray binary consisting of a compact object and an OB supergiant is outlined. The supergiant exceeds its critical Roche lobe and a second stage of mass transfer starts. The remnant of the mass losing star — a pure helium star — develops a collapsing iron core and finally undergoes a supernova explosion. If the compact companion is a black hole the system remains bound; if the compact companion is a neutron star the system is disrupted unless an extra kick allowing an asymmetric explosion is given. Computations were performed for the massive binary 22.5M +2M . The possible final evolutionary products are: (1) a black hole and a compact object, in a binary system, (2) two run-away pulsars, (3) a binary pulsar. As final parameters for the described system the eccentricity and period for the recently discovered binary pulsar 1913+16 may be found. An orbital inclination ofi=40° may be derived. The probability for the generation of binary pulsars is very low; in most cases the system is disrupted during the supernova explosion.  相似文献   

X-ray binaries such as Cen X-3, Cyg X-1, Vela X-1, 2U1700-37, SMC X-1, Cir X-1, with periods ranging from 2d.087 to 12d.28, are probably evolution products of massive binary systems. The massive primary starts losing mass after core hydrogen burning and undergoes a supernova explosion. The evolution of binary systems consisting of a 20M⊙ primary and secondaries of respectively 14, 10, 8 and 6M⊙ was computed from Main Sequence stage through the X-ray phase, until the second mass transfer phase. Estimates were performed for the evolution of a secondary of 4M⊙. It may be seen that some of these systems during their X-ray phase match the observed mass ratios and periods.  相似文献   

The evolution of a binary system with components of 10M and 8M is computed through a case B of mass exchange. It is found that after the end of core helium burning, a second stage of mass transfer from the primary occurs. Carbon ignition is prohibited by the large neutrino losses in the degenerated core. The primary remnant, a 1.12M star, ends as a white dwarf. A comparison with the 10M single evolution is made.This research is supported by the National Foundation of Collective Fundamental Research of Belgium (F.K.F.O.) under No. 10303.  相似文献   

The evolution of neutron stars in close binary systems with a low-mass companion is considered, assuming the magnetic field to be confined within the solid crust. We adopt the standard scenario for the evolution in a close binary system, in which the neutron star passes through four evolutionary phases ('isolated pulsar'–'propeller'– accretion from the wind of a companion – accretion resulting from Roche-lobe overflow). Calculations have been performed for a great variety of parameters characterizing the properties of both the neutron star and the low-mass companion. We find that neutron stars with more or less standard magnetic field and spin period that are processed in low-mass binaries can evolve to low-field rapidly rotating pulsars. Even if the main-sequence life of a companion is as long as 1010 yr, the neutron star can maintain a relatively strong magnetic field to the end of the accretion phase. The model that is considered can account well for the origin of millisecond pulsars.  相似文献   

We consider the evolution of neutron stars during the X-ray phase of high-mass binaries. Calculations are performed assuming a crustal origin of the magnetic field. A strong wind from the companion can significantly influence the magnetic and spin behaviour of a neutron star even during the main-sequence life of the companion. In the course of evolution, the neutron star passes through four evolutionary phases ('isolated pulsar', propeller, wind accretion, and Roche lobe overflow). The model considered can naturally account for the observed magnetic fields and spin periods of neutron stars, as well as the existence of pulsating and non-pulsating X-ray sources in high-mass binaries. Calculations also predict the existence of a particular sort of high-mass binary with a secondary that fills its Roche lobe and a neutron star that does not accrete the overflowing matter because of fast spin.  相似文献   

Since many or most galaxies have central massive black holes (BHs), mergers of galaxies can form massive binary black holes (BBHs). In this paper we study the evolution of massive BBHs in realistic galaxy models, using a generalization of techniques used to study tidal disruption rates around massive BHs. The evolution of BBHs depends on BH mass ratio and host galaxy type. BBHs with very low mass ratios (say, ≲0.001) are hardly ever formed by mergers of galaxies, because the dynamical friction time-scale is too long for the smaller BH to sink into the galactic centre within a Hubble time. BBHs with moderate mass ratios are most likely to form and survive in spherical or nearly spherical galaxies and in high-luminosity or high-dispersion galaxies; they are most likely to have merged in low-dispersion galaxies (line-of-sight velocity dispersion ≲90 km s−1) or in highly flattened or triaxial galaxies.
The semimajor axes and orbital periods of surviving BBHs are generally in the range  10-3–10 pc  and  10–105 yr;  they are also larger in high-dispersion galaxies than in low-dispersion galaxies, larger in nearly spherical galaxies than in highly flattened or triaxial galaxies, and larger for BBHs with equal masses than for BBHs with unequal masses. The orbital velocities of surviving BBHs are generally in the range  102–104 km s-1  . The methods of detecting surviving BBHs are also discussed.
If no evidence of BBHs is found in AGNs, this may be either because gas plays a major role in BBH orbital decay or because nuclear activity switches on soon after a galaxy merger, and ends before the smaller BH has had time to spiral to the centre of the galaxy.  相似文献   

The final state of the primaries of binary systems with initial massesM 1i=10M to 15M is derived from the mass of their C/O-cores. The possibility of a second stage of mass transfer towards the secondary is considered. It turns out that the critical mass for the bifurcation is about 14M : stars with larger masses in this range are the progenitors of neutron stars, while the lower mass stars are the ancestors of white dwarfs.Research supported by the National Foundation of Collective Fundamental Research of Belgium (F.K.F.O.) under No. 10303.  相似文献   

Inspired by the General Relativity for many decades, experimental physicists and astronomers have a solid dream to detect gravitational waves(GWs) from mergers of black holes, which came true until the excellent performance of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory(LIGO) at hundreds Hz. Nano-Hz GWs are expected to be radiated by close-binaries of supermassive black holes(CB-SMBHs;defined as those with separations less than ~0.1 pc) formed during galaxy mergers and detected through the Pulsar Timing Array(PTA) technique. As of the writing, there remains no nano-Hz GWs detection.Searching for CB-SMBHs is also observationally elusive though there exist a number of possible candidates.In this review, we focus on observational signatures of CB-SMBHs from theoretic expectations, simulations and observations. These signatures appear in energy distributions of multiwavelength continuum, long term variations of continuum, jet morphology, reverberation delay maps and spectroastrometry of broad emission lines, AGN type transitions between type-1 and type-2(changing-look), and gaseous dynamics of circumbinary disks, etc. Unlike hundred-Hz GWs from stellar mass black hole binaries, the waveform chirping of nano-Hz GWs is too slow to detect in a reasonable human timescale. We have to resort to electromagnetic observations to measure orbital parameters of CB-SMBHs to test nano-Hz GW properties.Reverberation mapping is a powerful tool for probing kinematics and geometry of ionized gas in the gravitational well of SMBHs(single or binary) and therefore provides a potential way to determine orbital parameters of CB-SMBHs. In particular, a combination of reverberation mapping with spectroastrometry(realized at the Very Large Telescope Interferometer) will further reinforce this capability. The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array(ALMA) and the forthcoming Square Kilometre Array(SKA) are suggested to reveal dynamics of circumbinary disks through molecular emission lines.  相似文献   

We offer a simple explanation for the small number of black holes observed in pairs with massive stars. In detached massive binaries, spherically symmetric accretion takes place. This accretion could result in effective energy release in the hard band only if the equipartition of the gravitational and magnetic energy of plasma is established (Shvartsman’s theorem). However, we show that due to the magnetic exhaust effect this equilibrium is virtually never established for the actual magnetic fields observed on massive stars: Shvartsman’s theorem does not work. As a result, it is virtually impossible to detect black holes in detached massive binaries by currently available means (mainly, through X-ray observations).  相似文献   

The results of evolutionary computations for massive binary systems (initial masses of the primary 10M ) with mass ratios between 0.3 and 0.8 are summarized and compared with observations in order to verify how far one can go with the conservative assumption of mass exchange. It is found that conservative mass exchange leads to acceptable first-order models of W-R and massive X-ray binaries. However, the comparison between this theory and observation reveals that for the observed systems (W-R and X-ray binaries) a preference exists for low intial mass ratios; moreover, the X-ray luminosities of the theoretical models are systematically too low, though this may be due to the adopted wind model. In addition, the influences of several parameters (distance between the components, chemical composition, primary mass, mass ratio and atmosphere) are examined. These parameters influence the remnant mass and any further evolution only marginally. Attention is also given to the effect on the system parameters of a supernova explosion of the remnant of the mass-losing component. For a large range of systems a disruption probability smaller than 25% is found.  相似文献   

There is strong evidence for some kind of massive dark object in the centres of many galaxy bulges. The detection of flares from tidally disrupted stars could confirm that these objects are black holes (BHs). Here we present calculations of the stellar disruption rates in detailed dynamical models of real galaxies, taking into account the refilling of the loss cone of stars on disruptable orbits by two-body relaxation and tidal forces in non-spherical galaxies. The highest disruption rates (one star per 104 yr) occur in faint ( L ≲1010 L) galaxies, which have steep central density cusps. More luminous galaxies are less dense and have much longer relaxation times and more massive BHs. Dwarf stars in such galaxies are swallowed whole by the BH and hence do not emit flares; giant stars could produce flares as often as every 105 yr, although the rate depends sensitively on the shape of the stellar distribution function. We discuss the possibility of detecting disruption flares in current supernova searches. The total mass of stars consumed over the lifetime of the galaxy is of the order of 106 M, independent of galaxy luminosity; thus, disrupted stars may contribute significantly to the present BH mass in galaxies fainter than ∼109 L.  相似文献   

The influence of tidal, interaction on the periods of massive X-ray binaries during the postsupernova evolution is investigated. It is assumed that after a certain time the orbit has become circular and synchronous. The tidal effects of subsequent evolutionary changes in the moment of inertia of the massive component are calculated. It is shown that, as is already suggested by Sparks and Stecher (1974), for small mass ratios and short binary periods a tidal instability may occur resulting in an accelerating inward spiral motion. Before the onset of the instability the tidal forces maintain a nearly synchronous orbit. Possibly the orbits of Cen X-3 and 3 U 1700-37 are already unstable at present.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of pulsars is considered as the evidence for existence of black holes in neutron and quark stars. Within the framework of the degenerated star model with black-hole interior the existence of millisecond pulsars withP<0.5 ms and single pulsars with negative derivative of the period were predicted. The anisotropic accretion of neutron (or quark) star matter on to a rotating black hole leads to the formation of directed radiation (projector), which makes heat spots at surface (volcanos), that explains the nature of pulsating radiation and the complicated structure of impulses. This model gives both the mechanism of self-acceleration of degenerated star rotation (mass accretion on to the internal black hole) producing millisecond pulsars and also the mechanism of significant deceleration of rotation (ejection of neutral mass through a volcanic crater), leading to long-periodic X-ray pulsars. The black hole produces high densities and temperatures of the degenerated star mass that transforms gradually the neutron star into quark star (Cygnus X-3).  相似文献   

The bar formation is still an open problem in modern astrophysics. In this paper we present numerical simulations performed with the aim of analyzing the growth of the bar instability inside stellar-gaseous disks, where the star formation is triggered, and a central black hole is present. The aim of this paper is to point out the impact of such a central massive black hole on the growth of the bar. We use N-body-SPH simulations of the same isolated disk-to-halo mass systems harboring black holes with different initial masses and a different energy feedback on the surrounding gas. We compare the results of these simulations with the one of the same disk without a black hole in its center. We make the same comparison (disk with and without black hole) for a stellar disk in a fully cosmological scenario. A stellar bar, lasting 10 Gyrs, is present in all our simulations.  相似文献   

We present the results of three-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations of the final stages of in-spiral in a black hole–neutron star binary, when the separation is comparable to the stellar radius. We use a Newtonian smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH) code to model the evolution of the system, and take the neutron star to be a polytrope with a soft (adiabatic indices     and     equation of state and the black hole to be a Newtonian point mass. The only non-Newtonian effect we include is a gravitational radiation back reaction force, computed in the quadrupole approximation for point masses. We use irrotational binaries as initial conditions for our dynamical simulations, which are begun when the system is on the verge of initiating mass transfer and followed for approximately 23 ms. For all the cases studied we find that the star is disrupted on a dynamical time-scale, and forms a massive     accretion torus around the spinning (Kerr) black hole. The rotation axis is clear of baryons (less than 10−5 M within 10°) to an extent that would not preclude the formation of a relativistic fireball capable of powering a cosmological gamma-ray burst. Some mass (the specific amount is sensitive to the stiffness of the equation of state) may be dynamically ejected from the system during the coalescence and could undergo r-process nucleosynthesis. We calculate the waveforms, luminosities and energy spectra of the gravitational radiation signal, and show how they reflect the global outcome of the coalescence process.  相似文献   

Observational information required for determination of the masses of collapsed objects in close binaries is examined. Assumptions commonly used to evaluate the masses or thier lower limits, in the absence of the required observational data, are critically discussed. A reliable determination of the mass of a collapsed object in X-ray emitting binaries is yet to be made. No definitive case has been made for or against the existence of a black-hole in CygX-1.  相似文献   

High-frequency QPOs reflect non-linear, and likely resonant, oscillations in accretion disks. In black holes, and probably in neutron stars, but not in white dwarfs, strong gravity plays a crucial role in their formation.  相似文献   

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