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利用乌鲁木齐市5座100 m气象塔10层气温观测资料,通过统计方法详细分析了乌鲁木齐市城区和郊区近地层不同高度气温季节变化和日变化特征。研究表明:乌鲁木齐市四季均存在逆温,北郊逆温最明显。近地层100 m内主城区气温日较差较小,约为3.5~5.5 ℃;郊区气温日较差较大,约为4.2~7.0 ℃。夏季郊区气温高于城区,冬季北郊气温最低、南郊最高;白天大气基本上为超绝热不稳定状态,夜间城区气温高于郊区。春、秋季,白天城区和郊区温差小、夜间大,且愈近地面温差愈大;春季城区与南郊温差可达2.4 ℃、秋季可达3 ℃。城区和郊区各季节各层最高气温与最低气温出现时间几乎不同步达到。夏季、秋季、冬季和春季最高气温分别约在17:00~18:10、16:00~17:20、14:30~15:50(北郊滞后1.5 h)、17:00~18:00(南郊提前1.5 h)出现,最低气温分别约在7:10~8:20、8:00~9:00、冬季为多个时段(这与出现逆温有关)、7:30~8:40出现。  相似文献   

By means of SEDEX, ASPILA and XRF, depth-dependent changes of different phosphorus forms in sediment cores from specific areas of the offshore Changjiang Estuary (Yangtze Estuary) in 1998 were analyzed. Results show that contents of total phosphorus (TP), organic-phosphorus (OP) and iron-phosphorus (Fe-P) decreased down-core, while those of absorbed-phosphorus (Ad-P) and calcium-phosphorus (Ca-P) increased. The distribution tendency of detritus-phosphorus (De-P) is not obvious. Results also show that TP, Fe-P and OP contents at Meso station of the Changjiang Estuary and Hangzhou Bay are higher than that of the other stations. This suggests that the pollutants carried by the Changjiang and the Qiantang rivers from inland have affected the natural environment in offshore area. TP, Fe-P and OP contents of each station become higher from bottom to top, indicating the amount of the terrestrial pollutants carried by the two rivers has been enhanced since the last 30-50 years. Ad-P, Ca-P, Fe-P and OP are all active phosphorus in sediments, and their re-cycling in sediment is closely related to each other.  相似文献   

东海沉积物中磷的存在形态及其环境意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
By means of SEDEX, ASPILA and XRF, depth-dependent changes of different phosphorus forms in sediment cores from specific areas of the offshore Changjiang Estuary (Yangtze Estuary) in 1998 were analyzed. Results show that contents of total phosphorus (TP), organic-phosphorus (OP) and iron-phosphorus (Fe-P) decreased down-core, while those of absorbed-phosphorus (Ad-P) andcalcium-phosphorus (Ca-P) increased. The distribution tendency of detritus-phosphorus (De-P) is not obvious. Results also show that TP, Fe-P and OP contents at Meso station of the Changjiang Estuary and Hangzhou Bay are higher than that of the other stations. This suggests that the pollutants carried by the Changjiang and the Qiantang rivers from inland have affected the natural environment inoffshore area. TP, Fe-P and OP contents of each station become higher from bottom to top, indicating the amount of the terrestrial pollutants carried by the two rivers has been enhanced since the last 30-50 years. Ad-P, Ca-P, Fe-P and OP are all active phosphorus in sediments, and their re-cycling in sediment is closely related to each other.  相似文献   

巴丹吉林沙漠是研究亚洲内陆干旱化等古环境问题的重要窗口。以沙漠东南缘巴润宝日陶勒盖剖面为研究对象,通过详细的薄片矿物学、X射线衍射半定量及粒度等方法指标,综合分析沉积物的结构成熟度和成分成熟度等矿物学特征,恢复该地区在晚更新世沉积环境变化。结果表明:(1) 66.8 ka之前沉积的矿物碎屑分选性好、磨圆较好,稳定矿物含量高;66.8 ka之后,矿物分选性差、磨圆差,稳定矿物含量均下降,粘土矿物增加。(2) 66.8 ka之前沉积物以中砂为主,66.8 ka之后以细砂为主。研究表明巴丹吉林沙漠东南缘66.8 ka前后存在一次沉积环境突变,由风沙沉积转变为湖相沉积,可能代表了一次典型的东亚夏季风增强事件,推测与低纬西太平洋温度升高相关。对于巴丹吉林沙漠东南缘沉积物矿物学的相关认知有助于理解沙漠中沉积环境的转换过程及其驱动因子,并为重建沙漠千年尺度的古环境与古气候演变提供数据参考。  相似文献   

对柴达木盆地察尔汗地区ISL1A孔的湖相沉积物样品进行了粒度分布特征分析,研究表明:(1)样品的粒度特征呈三峰模式,部分高盐阶段样品缺失第三峰,为双峰模式;(2)2~10 μm部分以湖成组份为主;10~70 μm和70~650 μm部分以风成组份为主;(3)<2 μm的组份可能与湖泊的生物化学成因有关。上述各组份与气候变化密切相关,且各自代表的环境意义也不同:<2 μm和2~10 μm部分反映了湖泊淡化-咸化程度和水量变化过程。10~70 μm部分可能在一定程度上反映了东亚冬季风的强度;70~650 μm部分反映了尘暴天气的程度。环境指标的对比分析很好地验证了ISL1A孔样品粒度各个组份划分的准确性,并可反演92.9 ka以来该地区的古气候演化过程。  相似文献   

Authigenic minerals can form in the water column and sediments of lakes, either abiotically or mediated by biological activity. Such minerals have been used as paleosalinity and paleoproductivity indicators and reflect trophic state and early diagenetic conditions. They are also considered potential indicators of past and perhaps ongoing microbial activity within sediments. Authigenic concretions, including vivianite, were described in late glacial sediments of Laguna Potrok Aike, a maar lake in southernmost Argentina. Occurrence of iron phosphate implies specific phosphorus sorption behavior and a reducing environment, with methane present. Because organic matter content in these sediments was generally low during glacial times, there must have been alternative sources of phosphorus and biogenic methane. Identifying these sources can help define past trophic state of the lake and diagenetic processes in the sediments. We used scanning electron microscopy, phosphorus speciation in bulk sediment, pore water analyses, in situ ATP measurements, microbial cell counts, and measurements of methane content and its carbon isotope composition (δ13CCH4) to identify components of and processes in the sediment. The multiple approaches indicated that volcanic materials in the catchment are important suppliers of iron, sulfur and phosphorus. These elements influence primary productivity and play a role in microbial metabolism during early diagenesis. Authigenic processes led to the formation of pyrite framboids and revealed sulfate reduction. Anaerobic oxidation of methane and shifts in pore water ion concentration indicated microbial influence with depth. This study documents the presence of active microbes within the sediments and their relationship to changing environmental conditions. It also illustrates the substantial role played by microbes in the formation of Laguna Potrok Aike concretions. Thus, authigenic minerals can be used as biosignatures in these late Pleistocene maar sediments.  相似文献   

Summary. A non-steady-state theoretical model is used to predict the present variation of temperature with depth in two boreholes in the Devon Island ice cap, Arctic Canada. The boreholes are 300 m apart and one of them reaches bedrock. The heat transfer equation is solved numerically with the record of past temperatures obtained from measurements of the variations of oxygen—isotope ratio with depth in the cores as surface boundary condition. The effects of ice advection, refreezing of meltwater percolating from the surface (the amount of which is recorded in the cores), heating due to firn compaction and ice deformation, and heat flow in the bedrock below the ice sheet are all included in the model. The free parameters are geothermal heat flux, present surface temperature and heat loss at the surface which depends on the depth of meltwater penetration and other factors. Agreement between observed and predicted temperature—depth profiles is very close. Latent heat released by percolating meltwater is the predominating factor in determining the temperature distribution in the upper half of each borehole. The temperature distribution is insensitive to the value of the factor used to convert oxygen—isotope ratio to temperature.  相似文献   

LagoonsedimentsgeochemistryanditssignificanceinstudyofclimaticandenvironmentalchangesinBarrow,AlaskaYangWeili(杨惟理),ZhangQings...  相似文献   

We present an evaluation of observations from the Lidar Ozone and Aerosol for NDACC in Antarctica (LOANA) at the Dumont d’Urville station, Antarctica. This instrument is part of the Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC), and ensures continuity with lidar measurements made since 1989 with the previous instrument at this site. This study is based on the dataset from 2008 to 2009, and comparisons are made with observations from balloon soundings, and from three satellite experiments: Aura/MLS, TIMED/SABER, and CALIOP/CALIPSO. The lidar ozone data are in very good agreement with the balloon sounding data (ECC sensor), revealing a bias of less than 3% between 17 and 34 km. For temperature, the lidar shows a low bias of ?3 K at 20 km when compared with Aura/MLS. Between 30 and 50 km, the bias is less than 2 K. We also present our initial results showing diurnal variations in temperature. The amplitude of these diurnal cycles is on the order of 1 K and is unlikely to account for the temperature biases between LOANA and the reference instruments. Comparisons of total attenuated backscatter reveal good qualitative agreement between LOANA and CALIOP, with differences of less than 30% in the derived optical depth.  相似文献   

沙漠古气候重建对于了解区域古气候演变具有重要意义.通过以巴丹吉林沙漠东南缘巴润宝日陶勒盖(BRBG)剖面为研究对象,进行全样地球化学、分组分分粒级元素地球化学及Sr同位素分析,重建该地区末次冰期期间(66.8~41.0 ka)的气候演化模式.研究表明:66.8~41.0 ka呈现残留组分高Sr/Ca值、酸溶组分及残留组...  相似文献   

沉积物中的炭屑在探讨火(灾)的基本特征及其与植被和人类活动关系方面具有重要意义。采用孢粉学提取方法,对柴达木盆地北缘的湖泊表层沉积物进行了微体炭屑的分析工作,用以探讨其空间分布及其与区域植被和现代人类活动之间的关系。结果表明:不同粒径的炭屑浓度均呈现出自西向东升高的趋势,与区域植被覆盖度自西向东增加的趋势一致。其中,小粒径的炭屑以近圆形占多数,表明区域性火事件中燃烧的木本植被占主导地位;粒径较大的长条形炭屑在盆地东部区域占优势,表明地方性火事件向东增加,草本植物燃烧逐渐增多,与自西向东草本植物的增多相吻合,且燃烧由区域向近源转换。此外,该地区人口数量也有自西向东增加的趋势,推测人类生产生活用火对炭屑浓度有很大的贡献量,与大颗粒炭屑浓度向东升高有较好的对应关系。表层沉积物炭屑的空间变化特征不仅很好地反映了相应地区的火的信息,还对区域植被和人类活动等要素具有较好的指示意义。  相似文献   

最新一些研究结果强调了全新世期间的长期增温趋势,综合全球平均海平面、大陆冰盖面积、大气温室气体和太阳辐射证据来看,这比传统观点所认为的全新世期间的长期降温趋势,更具有合理性。回顾历史,结合最新的一些研究进展,发现支持“中全新世大暖期”和“晚全新世降温趋势”的证据存在明显的不确定性,最核心的问题为晚全新世加强的人类活动对代用指标或者证据的强烈扰动,使得其不能准确地反映真实的气候变化过程。鉴于目前全新世温度历史争论的核心关键在于晚全新世,因此有必要加强晚全新世温度变化研究。在人类活动影响较小的地区,或者利用对人类活动不敏感的代用指标开展研究,有望可以获得更可靠的晚全新世温度历史重建结果,为准确认识中华数千年文明的长期温度变化背景,进而理解期间的“人地关系”演化历史,并最终客观认识现今面临的以全球变暖为主要特征的气候环境问题,提供一定的科学基础。  相似文献   

The nature and evolution of deep-sea channel systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract A distinction is drawn between sea-floor canyons, which are incised into bedrock, and fan valleys and deep-sea channels, which are cut in unconsolidated sediment. The formation of continental margin canyons/fans and deep-sea channels is an inevitable consequence of continental margin rifting and sea-floor subsidence. Such submarine sediment transport systems are amongst the longest-lived physiographic features on earth, with the Bounty Channel system being more than 50 Myr old. Many deep-sea channels form the distal part of ocean-margin sediment transport systems, being incised 100–350 m into ocean-floor sediments, traversing great distances over the ocean-basin floor, and generally terminating on an abyssal plain. The course of each deep-sea channel is, however, unique. Channel locations are controlled primarily by inherited basement relief, and, during their evolution, by rates and patterns of lithospheric subsidence and sedimentation. In the early stages of ocean-basin formation, deep-sea channels may issue from the axial parts of marginal rifts, or directly from slope canyon-fan systems. As an ocean basin widens, margin-connected channels may become trapped within the strip of oldest (and therefore deepest) oceanic crust at the continent/ocean interface, and will therefore be margin-parallel features. In some cases, as for the Cascadia Channel, channels may escape from the ocean-margin deep, bypassing the spreading ridge via a fracture zone. Deep-sea channels and their associated sediments are influenced also by global sea-level change, by rate of turbidity current generation from the headward continental margin, by rates of pelagic sediment supply, by differential levee development consequent upon the Coriolis effect, and by the operation of deep-sea current systems with their associated sediment drifts. The survival of deep-sea channels as long-lived features necessitates that rates of long-term subsidence at the channel terminus exceed sediment accumulation.  相似文献   

北极新奥尔松地区现代污染源及其指示植物研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
分析了采自北极新奥尔松(Ny-lesund)(78°55′N,11°56′E)煤矿开采区水平剖面12个点位上的三种苔原植物Dicranumangustum(苔藓类植物)、Puccinelliaphryganodes(穗状植物)和Salixpolaris(管状植物)及土壤中10种重金属(Hg、Pb、Cd、Cu、Zn、Ni、Fe、Mn、As、Se)及S、TOC的含量。结果显示采矿过程中煤层的暴露是本地区的Hg、Cd、S污染的主要来源。三种分布最广泛、数量最多的苔原植物中苔藓植物Dicranumangustum对重金属元素具有最大的富集能力,位于矿区的Dicranumangustu体内污染元素含量显著高于非矿区部分,这也说明该水平剖面上的元素污染是由当地煤矿开采导致的。同时发现,Dicranumangustum体内元素积累和土壤中元素浓度之间沿水平剖面的变化趋势较一致,能较好地反映本地区的污染状况,可以作为污染监测和指示植物。从全球区域对比来看,北极新奥尔松苔藓体内污染水平显著低于邻近的北欧等工业区,但却是北极地区Hg、Cd和S污染最严重地区,同时也比南极地区高。  相似文献   

重金属污染物因具有持久性和难降解性,严重影响生态系统健康。青藏高原湖泊远离人类污染区,是研究人类污染物远端效应的理想区域。基于定年数据,湖泊沉积物可以追踪近百年内的人类污染物变化趋势。环境磁学具有经济、快捷和无损耗的特点,被广泛证实可以有效指示重金属污染;但目前还缺乏对青藏高原湖泊沉积物中的相关环境磁学研究。为此,选取青藏高原南部枪勇错1899—2011年的沉积物,进行系统的环境磁学分析,探讨磁性矿物与重金属Hg的相关关系及环境指示意义。结果表明:1899—2011年磁性矿物的类型没有发生变化,可分为4类组分,其中:组分C1(赤铁矿)占比不断增多,C2(针铁矿)占比相应减少,C3和C4(磁铁矿)的占比基本保持不变。样品的饱和等温剩磁和低频磁化率与Hg含量相关性较低。然而C1组分与Hg含量呈现良好的正相关关系。本文认为在近百年全球和青藏高原气温不断增高的趋势下,枪勇错的主要补给——枪勇冰川融化加速,导致原来被冰川或冰尘封存的人类污染产生的Hg重新释放。在这个过程中,C1(赤铁矿)组分因表面积大而易于富集Hg,最终二者一同随融水进入到枪勇错。本研究表明,环境磁学可以应用于青藏高原南部湖泊的重金属研究,并为揭示Hg在青藏高原南部湖泊中的富集过程提供新的视角。  相似文献   

塔中春季晴天近地层温度、湿度和风速廓线特征   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
利用最新安装的塔中"80 m观测塔梯度探测系统"资料,详细分析了塔中春季晴天近地层80 m高度内平均温度、湿度和风速廓线日变化分布特征,得出以下一些结果:(1)温度廓线有夜间辐射型、早上过渡型、白天日射型和傍晚过渡型四种.夜间近地层大气层结稳定,呈逆温特征;最强逆温出现在凌晨06时,此时,80 m高度温差为11.1 ℃.白天,近地层80 m内温度递减率在2.7~5.2 ℃/100 m之间,大气一直处于超绝热不稳定状态.(2)湿度廓线有日夜之分.夜间,30 m以下比湿随高度增高急剧变小,30 m以上比湿随高度增加而增大,大气呈逆湿特征.白天,比湿随时间一直逐渐变小.在近地层30~50 m之间有一个厚度约20 m的逆湿层,全天都存在.(3)风速廓线也有日夜之分.夜间稳定层结,廓线风速值以比对数关系更快的速度向上递增,曲线弯向风速轴.白天不稳定层结,廓线风速值以比对数关系较慢的速度向上递增,曲线弯向高度轴.只有在10 m以下高度,日夜间的风廓线近似遵循对数律关系.  相似文献   

The results of a series of magnetic measurements on sediment samples are illustrated by means of examples selected from a more specialized parallel publication (Hu & Oldfield, submitted). They are interpreted in terms of magnetic components, notably, 'magnetite' of varying grain size/domain state, haematite, goethite and greigite. Wherever possible, some indication is given of changes in the relative importance of the various magnetic grain size and mineral phases through time. The main components of the magnetic assemblage are described for each of the main lithological units identified in the long core which is considered elsewhere in this volume. These assemblages are related to source areas and to depositional processes, especially in the pre-Holocene parts of the core. In the Holocene sediments, the magnetic properties cannot be interpreted solely in terms of shifts in detrital mineral sources. Evidence is presented for the presence of both biogenic magnetite and authigenic greigite. The most recent sediments point to renewed catchment erosion, probably as a result of human activity during historical times.  相似文献   

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