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1、 SCI (科学引文索引 )类论文1 ) BLLac天体和FRI射电星系的统一模型的新论据 =NewevidencefortheunifiedschemeofBLLacertaeobjectsandFRIradioGalaxies.白金明 ,MyungGyoonLee .ApJ,2 0 0 1 ,Vol.54 8,2 4 4 -2 4 8.2 ) GevGamma源短时标光变的搜索 =SearchforshortvariabilitytimescaleoftheGevGamma-Ray -LoudBlazars.谢光中 ,李开华 ,白金明 ,戴本忠 …  相似文献   

本利用Kent和Gunn提供的COMA团天区414个星系的视向速度资料,以及关于团成员的统计判别结果,对COMA团进行了动力学方面的讨论。分析表明COMA团不存在显动力学效应的整体转动。利用King-Michie模型拟合得到COMA团的核半径为5。'2(相当于210kpc,取H0=50km·s^-1·Mpc^-1),特征速度弥散度为935km·s^-1。从动力学模型的角度来看,COMA团有较为  相似文献   

本文利用Kent和Gunn提供的COMA团天区414个星系的视向速度资料,以及关于团成员的统计判别结果,对COMA团进行了动力学方面的讨论,分析表明COMA团不存在显著动力学效应的整体转动。利用King-Michie模型拟合得到COMA团的核半径为5.'2(相当于210kpc,取H0=50km·s-1·Mpc-1),特征速度弥散度为935km·s-1.从动力学模型的角度来看,COMA团有较为明显的形态分层。有迹象表明团中心区域的次结构是存在的。  相似文献   

从射电结构的角度评述了BLLac天体和FR-I射电星系的统一模型的最新进展,内容包括射电结构,延展射电光度(Pext),最大角尺度(LAS),射电核主导系数(f)的比较以及对相对论聚束的测试。最新的射电观测资料表明XBLs是介于FR-I和RBLs之间的过渡型天体,这对BLLac天体是聚束的FR-I射电星系提供了一个很好的证据。  相似文献   

冬天 ,天黑不久大熊座中的北斗七星便出现在东北方的天空中。在大熊 η(摇光 )和大熊 ζ(开阳 )的左侧有一个梅西耶天体 ,它和两者组成一个等边三角形 ,这个暗淡天体就是大熊座旋涡星系M1 0 1(NGC5457)。它的视星等为 9 6等 ,用小型天文望远镜就可以看到。它的赤道坐标是赤经 :1 4 h0 3m 2 ,赤纬 : 54°2 1′( 2 0 0 0 0历元 )。它的线大小为 1 0′× 8′;距离为 7 1兆秒差距 ,即 2 30 0万光年。最早观测到M1 0 1的人是法国人梅襄 (关于梅襄的生平事迹参看本刊 1 998年 2期第 2 4页 ) ,他于 1 781年最早用天文望远镜观测了M1 0 1 ,…  相似文献   

本文根据1980年2月至1989年11月期间SMM卫星的硬X射线(HXR)暴观测和GOES卫星的行星际质子积分流量观测,证认出48个共同样品,统计发现HXR暴的寿命Td(s)、峰值记数率Fx(c/s)和爆发期间发射的总光子数c的对数值,与行星际质子积分流量(被归一到耀斑本地)值Fp的对数值之间,均具有特别显著的线性关系,其中以logFp与logC的线性关系为最好,其拟合方程是logFp(>10MeV)=一0.604+0.538logC,相关系数r为0.70,相对标准误差为0.28.文中对质子积分流量的预测精度也作了讨论,并给出了置信区间。  相似文献   

基于被ROSAT全天区巡天观测和射电 4.85GHz巡天观测同时探测到的活动星系核的大样本 ,研究了X射线选的射电噪活动星系核的多波段性质 .通过分析该样本中的活动星系核的宽波段能量分布 ,确认了来自射电、光学和X射线波段的辐射光度之间的显著相关性 .这种相关性对于类星体、赛弗特、蝎虎座天体和射电星系是有区别的 .同时 ,探讨了从光学到X射线波段之间的谱指数与红移以及 50 0 0 和 4.85GHz处的单色光度的相关性  相似文献   

宇宙信息星暴环天文学家用高效率的新射电望远镜探测天鹤座旋涡星系NGC7552的活动核时,发现了环绕核心的一个有星暴活动的隐环。在过去的射电和X射线研究中已经找到了该星系的恒星形成的有力证据。但由于星系旋臂中有厚厚的尘埃遮挡,用可见光尚未观测到热斑环。...  相似文献   

1 IntroductionBarnard 5 (B5 )isadarkcloudinPerseus,about5°NEofNGC 1 333.ThevisualappearanceofB5isellipticalextendinginthenortheast southwestdirectionandwithanangularsizeof~ 1× 0 5°.Withthedistanceofthecloudabout 1 6 0 pc(Youngetal.,1 982 ) ,thelineardimensionsofthecloudar…  相似文献   

研究表明活动星系核的高能γ射线辐射和低频射电辐射有着某些内在的联系。EGRET已检测到66 颗可信度很高的活动星系核。而这些高能的活动星系核有部分缺少足够的射电图象观测。为研究这些河外剧变源的射电辐射性质及致密结构,并研究活动量系核射电喷流弯曲与高能辐射的内在联系。我们利用国际欧洲VLBI网,英国的MERLIN 和美国的VLA对近20 颗γ射线活动星系核进行了观测。本文给出部分高能γ射线活动星系核在8 .5GHz的VLA 观测图象。  相似文献   

An X-ray source close to the classical Seyfert galaxy NGC 1068 is identified as a quasar with a redshift of 0.63. The very high surface density of quasars around NGC 1068 suggests that the quasars may be physically associated with this active galaxy.  相似文献   

The ASCA and BeppoSAX spectra of the Circinus galaxy and NGC 1068 are analysed and compared with photoionization models based on cloudy . In the case of Circinus, a single, mildly ionized reflector can account for the line spectrum, while in NGC 1068 at least three different reflectors (with different ionization states) are needed. We suggest that the reflector in Circinus and the low ionized one in NGC 1068 are the inner and visible part of the material responsible for the X-ray absorption. With this assumption, we estimate for the inner radius of the absorber a value of 0.2 pc for Circinus and of a few parsecs for NGC 1068.  相似文献   

Observations of three different sized regions centered on the optical jet spiral, NGC 1097 have been made with ROSAT. The PSPC observations show a striking excess of bright and medium flux X-ray sources around this hot spot nucleus, Seyfert 1 galaxy. The brightest of these sources are catalogued quasars which suggests the fainter X-ray sources are predominantly quasars also. If so, of the order of at least 10 and possibly considerably more X-ray quasars appear to be associated with NGC 1097 within a radius of 20. There is a marked segregation, with bright X-ray sources on the side of the bright optical jets and weak X-ray sources on the side of the fainter optical jets. Some, but not all, of this asymmetry could be accounted for by absorption in the plane of the spiral being tilted towards us on the weak source side. Both optical and X-ray evidence point to strong absorption in the disk of NGC 1097 which reaches far beyond the optical limits. High resolution imaging (HRI) of regions closer to NGC 1097 reveal some fainter pairs and lines of X-ray sources aligned across the nucleus near the cones defined by the optical jets. Filaments and patches of ultraviolet emission (1500–1700Å) appear to fill in the region between the strong optical jets in the direction of the bright X-ray quasars, suggesting physical association of the ultraviolet emission with the quasars and the galaxy. Finally, ROSAT SURVEY observations have been examined over a 4 × 4 degree field centered on NGC 1097. A line of X-ray sources going through the galaxy in the direction of the strongest optical jet includes a strong X-ray quasar with its X-ray isophotes extended toward NGC 1097. In approximately the opposite direction, 1.9 degrees distant, is a strong X-ray source (.5cts s-1) which is here identified with a 16.5 mag BL Lac object.  相似文献   

At the end of three days' spirited discussion of the type 2 Seyfert galaxy NGC 1068, what do we think we understand about this object? New observations -- particularly in the infrared and radio -- are helping to resolve old problems, while drawing attention to new ones. It appears that NGC 1068 is a relatively normal spiral galaxy in which large-scale gravitational disturbances are funneling matter into the nucleus. A collimated outflow disturbs the interstellar medium out to kiloparsec scales, but the nucleus itself is hidden behind an opaque screen. Radio observations have now pierced the screen, and suggest that at the center of it all, a 10-20 million solar mass black hole is accreting at close to its Eddington limit.  相似文献   

At the end of three days' spirited discussion of the type 2 Seyfert galaxy NGC 1068, what do we think we understand about this object? New observations -- particularly in the infrared and radio -- are helping to resolve old problems, while drawing attention to new ones. It appears that NGC 1068 is a relatively normal spiral galaxy in which large-scale gravitational disturbances are funneling matter into the nucleus. A collimated outflow disturbs the interstellar medium out to kiloparsec scales, but the nucleus itself is hidden behind an opaque screen. Radio observations have now pierced the screen, and suggest that at the center of it all, a 10-20 million solar mass black hole is accreting at close to its Eddington limit.  相似文献   

The chance that the pair of X-ray sources observed across NGC 4258 is accidental can be calculated as 5×10–6. The recent confirmation as quasars, and determination of the redshifts of the pair, atz=0.40 and 0.65 by E.M. Burbidge enables the final accidental probability of the configuration to be calculated as <4×10–7. In addition there are a number of observations which indicate the central Seyfert galaxy is ejecting material from its active nucleus.The NGC 4258 association is compared to four other examples of close association of pairs of X-ray quasars with low redshift galaxies. It is concluded that in each of these five cases the chance of accidental association is less than one in a million. The ejection speed calculated from the redshift differences of the X-ray quasars is 0.12c. This agrees with the ejection velocity of 0.1c calculated in 1968 from radio quasars associated with low redshift peaks become narrower—simultaneously strengthening the ejection origin for quasars and the quantization property of their redshift  相似文献   

We present the results of our tests of an acousto-optical imaging spectrophotometer with a CCD detector for astronomical observations. The tunable acousto-optical filter, based on a paratellurite single crystal with a 13 Å pass band operates in the wavelength range 6300–11000 Å. We obtained image spectra for the planetary nebula NGC 7027 in the Hα line and for Saturn in the methane absorption band, as well as Hα and continuum images for the nuclear region of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 1068.  相似文献   

D01 Direct evidence of the receding ‘torus’ around active galactic nuclei of FRII radio galaxies and quasars D02 Infrared emission from a clumpy and dusty torus around AGN D03 Size and properties of AGN narrow–line regions from emission–line diagnostics D04 Structural Variability of Intraday Variable Sources D05 Stability of self‐gravitating accretion disks in galactic centers D06 Supermassive Binary Black Holes in AGN D07 The extreme flare in III Zw 2: Evolution of a radio jet in a Seyfert galaxy D08 Radio Linear and Circular Polarization from M81* D09 A fundamental relation between Supermassive Black Holes and Dark Matter Haloes D10 Hunting for radio‐quiet BL Lacs – the 2dF BL Lac survey D11 The Eddington limit in accretion discs D12 Molecular Tori in AGN: A search using excited states of OH D13 The X‐Ray Properties of Radio‐Loud Core‐Dominated AGN: The 2 cm‐X‐Sample D14 The X‐Ray Properties of Radio‐Loud Core‐Dominated AGN: Extension to the High Redshift Regime D15 Line Profile Variability in AGN D16 Jet Superwind Interaction D17 Radio Interferometric Observations of AGN – Probing the Nucleus of M87 with 20 Schwarzschild radii resolution D18 The ISO–2MASS AGN survey D19 Supermassive binary black holes driving the activity of galactic nuclei D20 Proton acceleration at quasi‐perpendicular shocks: A case study for Active Galactic Nuclei D21 Super‐luminal shocks in Active Galactic Nuclei D22 Unconventional quasars from the variability and proper motion survey D23 Radio observations of starburst and AGN activity in Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies D24 Kinematics in Active Galactic Nuclei at Parsec Scales: the VLBA 2cm Survey D25 Three‐dimensional models of clumpy tori in Seyfert galaxies D26 Silicate emission in active galaxies ‐ From LINERs to QSOs D27 Discovery of 10 µm silicate emission in quasars. – Evidence of the AGN unification scheme. D28 Near‐IR adaptive optics imaging of luminous infrared galaxies D29 Interferometric observations of the Circinus galaxy with MIDI D30 Infrared Interferometry of the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 1068  相似文献   

It is shown that high-redshift quasars of bright apparent magnitude are concentrated in the direction of the centre of the Local Group of galaxies. A number of them are distributed along a line originating from the Local Group companion galaxy, M 33. A similar, but shorter and fainter line of quasars is seen emanating from the spiral galaxy NGC 300 in the next nearest, Sculptor Group of galaxies. The concentration of bright quasars in the Local Group direction is supported by bright radio sources catalogued in high-frequency surveys. One of the consequences of this large-scale inhomogeneity is to explain the different gradient of radio source counts in the direction of the Local Supercluster, a result discovered in 1978 but never investigated further. Previously reported homogeneity and isotropy of radio-source counts over the sky would seem to be an effect of integrating nearby, large-scale groupings with more distant, smaller-scale groupings over different directions in the sky. More careful analyses as a function of flux strength and spectral index on various scales over the sky are now required. Previous conclusions about radio source and quasar luminosity and number evolution drawn from logN- logS counts would then need to be re-evaluated.  相似文献   

We present an X-ray spectroscopic study of the prototype far-infrared galaxy NGC 6240 from ASCA . The soft X-ray spectrum (below 2 keV) shows clear signatures of thermal emission well described by a multitemperature optically thin plasma, which probably originates in a powerful starburst. Strong hard X-ray emission is also detected with ASCA and its spectrum above 3 keV is extremely flat with a prominent iron K line complex, very similar to that seen in the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1068 but about an order of magnitude more luminous ( L 3−10keV ≈ 1.4 × 1042 erg s−1). The hard X-ray spectrum indicates that only reflected X-rays of an active galactic nucleus (AGN) buried in a heavy obscuration ( N H > 2 × 1024 cm−2) are visible. This is evidence for an AGN in NGC 6240, emitting possibly at a quasar luminosity (∼ 1045 erg s−1), and suggests its significant contribution to the far-infrared luminosity.  相似文献   

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