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Summary The demand for increased productivity and the problems associated with mining at greater depths have increased the interest in using the yield pillar concept in the United States. This paper summarizes chain pillar behaviour in a mine that historically experienced coal bumps in both room-and-pillar and longwall sections. Results indicate that, generally, the chain pillars yield as designed, but that yielding occurred either after development or with approach of the longwall face. The Bureau of Mines investigated several yield pillar design approaches to possibly explain observed differences in pillar behaviour. These approaches suggest that very localized conditions, such as coal and rock properties, cover depth, and extraction height, may influence the behaviour of any one pillar. At this mine, yielding chain pillars result in de-stressing of the longwall entries and the transfer of potentially dangerous stress concentrations to adjacent panels. Pre-longwall-mining behaviour indicates the existence of a pressure arch, the width of which increases with depth. Results indicate that use of yield pillars improves stress control, reduces bump potential, and increases resource recovery.  相似文献   

Summary Field investigations on seven U.S. longwall coal faces were carried out to examine the behaviour and interaction of roof, floor and support on longwall faces equipped with hydraulic powered supports. The most important factor in determining face stability was found to be periodic weighting and an empirical design equation was developed for support capacity. The interaction of various elements in the face system is examined and discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The paper describes theoretical andin situ studies of tunnel deformation in longwall coal mining. It develops a method to predict tunnel convergence profiles from the faceline in longwall mining. The method accounts for the effect of panel width, extracted seam height, deformation moduli of the goaf material and coal pillar, depth of cover,in situ structural defects, tunnel shape and tunnel size in addition to the strength characteristics of surrounding strata. The analytical technique has been validated by reference toin-situ deformation measurements in 26 face-access tunnels in Cape Breton Coalfield mines. Based on this method a series of vertical convergence profiles for different depths and extracted panel widths have been presented.  相似文献   

Summary Roof convergence and the rate of convergence are regionalized variables; the geostatistics can thus be applied to a set of underground observations. This investigation shows that the removal of a slice of coal induces roof movement. The rate of convergence is highest just after the coal removal and decreases with time. The immediate advance of a rigid powered roof support decreases the total convergence for a complete production cycle. On the other hand, the timing of the advance of a relatively soft support element has no influence on the total convergence for a complete production cycle.  相似文献   

Summary Astrata control system has been developed to improve mine planning and design in deep coal mines in West Germany, where redistributed stresses from longwall workings in weak strata create difficult support problems. The system involves theoretical, laboratory and underground observations and studies of strata and support performance. Examples of the system covered in detail include planning the position and support of a cross-cut; improving a face layout; planning a gateroad; planning strata bolting and planning longwall face layouts.  相似文献   

杨治林 《岩土力学》2011,32(Z1):459-0463
根据浅埋煤层顶板岩层的赋存特点和长壁开采时基岩老顶的断裂下沉特征,应用初始后屈曲理论和突变理论探讨了初次来压期间基岩老顶的灾害机制和灾害控制,补充了基岩老顶破断后控制岩块滑落失稳的充分条件和岩块触矸前后台阶下沉的判据,确定了台阶下沉量,给出了控制台阶下沉和维持顶板稳定的支护力计算公式,并以神东矿区大柳塔1203工作面为例给出了工程实例。研究发现,顶板破断后岩块处于不平衡状态,台阶下沉的机制是结构的滑落失稳;岩块触矸前后的台阶下沉分别与断裂下沉和开采高度之间存在着确定的关系;顶板强烈来压主要是由结构滑落失稳造成的,控制台阶下沉的实质是控制岩块沿煤壁的滑落失稳。研究结果表明,综合应用初始后屈曲理论和突变理论,可根据顶板结构的赋存状况和结构特征,确定基岩老顶触矸前是否会出现全厚度切落;根据工作面的开采高度和采空区有效充填厚度等,可确定基岩老顶触矸后岩块的运动形式;根据顶板的破断步距、断裂下沉量和岩块摩擦因数等,可确定岩块触矸前后控制台阶下沉的支护力  相似文献   

齐铁军 《矿产与地质》2006,20(4):556-559
地下开采所引起的地表沉陷灾害是我国高速公路建设中所面临的一个新的课题。文章论述了条带煤采空区所引起的地表沉陷对高速公路建设的影响,建立了相关灾害的研究程式和研究方法,并利用研究成果进行了实例应用,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

夏开宗  陈从新  付华  郑允  邓洋洋 《岩土力学》2016,37(5):1434-1440
以典型陡倾结构面条件下的金属矿山--程潮铁矿西区为例,通过对矿区的地表变形监测资料及宏观破坏特征分析,认为矿区的岩层移动分为2个阶段,第1阶段为采空区顶板岩体破坏扩展至地表引起塌陷阶段;第2阶段为采空区周边围岩向采空区的倾倒破坏阶段,并得出了倾倒滑移区的地表岩体变形规律:岩体主要发生水平移动,水平移动值大于沉降值;变形先以缓慢变形为主,然后进入一个快速变形阶段,存在明显的转折点;开采沉陷和地形引起的应力同向叠加作用,使得地表岩体沿下坡方向的变形值增大,特别是水平移动值。同时揭示了矿区岩层移动角的分布特征;南部岩层移动角大于北部,究其原因是北部受最为发育的NNW、NNE结构面影响,倾倒破坏较为严重。所得成果为其他类似的金属矿山工程提供可借鉴的规律。  相似文献   

Summary This paper deals with the determination of subsidence parameters on a sloping ground surface above a completely mined underground panel in an inclined seam. A rays projection method is analytically developed to derive the subsidence components on the sloping ground surface from the corresponding ones on an assumed equivalent horizontal surface through the point of the mean elevation of the sloping surface above the extracted panel. Using the derived equations, the variation of subsidence with the inclination of the ground surface is analysed. An example is given to illustrate the application of the rays projection method in predicting subsidence effects on a sloping surface.  相似文献   

Monitoring of strata control parameters and behaviour of a powered support was carried out during an experimental trial of a mechanized longwall sublevel caving face for exploitation of a 7.5m thick coal seam. Field observations indicated that the requirement of support density for underwinning of top coal by sublevel caving under intact strata is different from that for underwinning under broken and fractured rock mass. Analysis of the leg closure observations and support resistance variations during different mining cycles showed rapid increase of the setting load density of the support in relation to the yield load density. This resulted in a large amount of leg closure during mining cycles of the sub level caving face under broken rock strata. Due to operational constraints, the field observations could not provide enough information to visualize the behaviour of the overlying rock strata. Simulation of the field conditions was therefore performed on a physical model to bridge this gap of information. Results of laboratory investigations on the physical model are combined with those of the field to explain the critical behaviour of the support system during sublevel caving under broken rock strata.  相似文献   

李郑  彭鹏  褚进海 《安徽地质》2013,(4):292-294
在安徽北部由于开采煤矿造成多处不同程度的地面沉降,利用卫星合成孔径雷达干涉(In—SAK)技术监测这些地面沉降的分布范围及幅度等信息,并分析其发展趋势是非常有必要的。  相似文献   

为保障厚煤层综采工作面回撤巷的安全使用,以鄂尔多斯纳林河二号井31102工作面回撤巷强矿压显现为背景,通过现场监测与理论分析相结合的方法,对厚煤层综采工作面开采过程中回撤巷强矿压显现进行研究。结果表明:厚煤层综采工作面回撤巷强矿压显现,主要为工作面采动引起的超前支承压力、相邻采空悬顶引起的双向支承应力,以及回撤巷开掘引起的静载三者耦合作用的结果。根据强矿压发生机理,提出回撤巷道及相邻巷道钻孔卸压和补强支护相结合的控制方案,使其处于“强支、强卸”状态。在相邻31103工作面回撤巷实施强矿压控制技术,通过现场观测和数据分析,表明强矿压控制技术效果良好,可有效保障回撤巷的安全使用。  相似文献   

This paper presents an analytical model of a floor failure at a longwall coal mining face based on the multiple sliding block model. During longwall mining, stresses and displacements of strata are constantly changing. High stress concentrations at the coal face can exceed the rock strength and initiate fractures in the strata that can, under unfavourable conditions, lead to large floor displacements and disruption of mining operations. Underground observations of the rock floor and the computational modelling of the longwall face indicate that two types of fracture dominate floor failure. Extensive lateral fracturing often develops along the numerous weak bedding planes that are typically present in the sedimentary strata while sub-vertical fractures form in response to changing stress abutments ahead of the longwall coal face. The fractures that initially develop ahead of the longwall face are subject to a secondary movement when exposed ahead of the longwall supports. In response to the stress relief as the coal is mined from above, strata move towards the opening and bending of the floor occurs. If fractures in the floor exist, the floor blocks will displace in response to the floor movement and interact at the fractured surfaces. This analysis attempts to explain how the stress distribution develops within the broken floor during an active movement of floor strata leading to high stress concentrations at the floor level. The analytical formulation in this paper is supplemented by numerical modelling, and results are presented to verify that the analytical solutions are in accordance with the numerical predictions.  相似文献   

Summary Two faults related to the Pine Mountain overthrust sheet near Buchanan County, Virginia, were investigated to determine their effect on ground control and to develop recognition criteria for prediction. Both faults are right lateral, strike-slip faults overprinted simultaneously with thrust faulting. Offsets of the coal seam due to thrust faulting average 6 ft with severe roof conditions (20 ft high roof falls) occurring through an average 30 ft wide zone of disturbance. Recognition criteria include characteristic overthrusting, coalbed swag, bedding plane slippage, and fault gouge. Ground control strategies include mine designs that minimize fault exposure.  相似文献   

软岩矿区地面下沉及其对工业建筑物影响分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
根据鲁中软岩矿区开采引起地面下沉及地面井塔楼等建筑物倾斜变形的工程实际,采用非确定性研究方法,将深埋破碎金属矿体开采引起地面沉陷或岩体移动变形这一客观现象视为一随机事件,建立了开采引起地面沉陷或岩体移动变形分析的数学模型。利用该模型可对开采引起地面沉陷及其对地表工业建筑物影响进行具体分析评价。通过具体计算分析结果表明,在软岩地层条件下矿体开采地表移动变形的影响范围有随着采深的增加而逐渐增大的趋势。  相似文献   

Summary This paper discusses the framework for modelling and analysing the materials handling aspects of a conventional contour mine as related to the smaller to medium-size coal mining companies. Special emphasis is placed on model evaluation. The methodology employed consists of: (a) using the surface geometry of the area to be stripped for developing the equations that are used for analysing the critical factors affecting pit layout, (b) effecting engineering and graphical layout of the mine, (c) collecting — through time studies — and analysing equipment characteristic data, (d) constructing the model, and (e) evaluating the model. The results show that the graphical approach for model construction and evaluation is fast, accurate, and reliable.  相似文献   

为了科学解释榆神矿区矿井涌水量较大的涌(突)水事件,为煤矿防治水奠定基础,分析了近年来区内发生的突水事件及矿井较大涌水情况,提出矿井较大涌水形成机理、红土层水文地质性质、矿井涌水量预测的准确性等疑问,阐述了突破“井田”范围,从区域上研究地下水系统和突水水源,关注延安组、直罗组、安定组、洛河组等砂岩弱富水含水层,从导水裂隙带中寻找突水水源,科学评价各岩(土)层的水文地质条件,采动岩层(含水层)渗透性演化以及探索矿井水害源头预防和区域治理思路等几点思考,提出应该从区域上认识水文地质条件及对煤矿涌(突)水的“贡献”,揭示矿井较大涌水形成机理,进一步加强水文地质补充勘探,准确识别含水层、隔水层及其空间赋存关系,探测大采高、大采面环境下导水裂隙带发育规律,并提出从区域上识别地下水强径流带和局部富水区的基础上,制定矿井水害防控措施的思路,为榆神矿区煤矿水害防治提供借鉴和帮助。  相似文献   

采空地面塌陷是江苏省邳州石膏矿区最主要的地质灾害类型,具有突发性、偶然性、隐蔽性等特点,矿区上方人口密集,耕地、河流分布广泛,对矿区内居民生命财产安全危害较大。在该区以往地质工作研究的基础上,通过对已发生的地面塌陷进行野外地质调查,综合分析了塌陷坑所处的基础地质条件、工程地质条件、水文地质条件、采空区形成历史、塌陷坑的形态、塌陷发展过程和人类工程活动等要素。结果表明: 邳州石膏矿老采空区主要分布于矿区中部及西部,其规格严重偏离房柱法开采规范要求,整体稳定性差,常形成面状地面变形和波状地面塌陷等; 近期采空区主要分布于中部及东部,常形成点状地面塌陷; 巷道开拓区,主要位于中东部新建矿井区,常形成点状地面塌陷及塌陷隐患点。根据国内对石膏矿区采空地面塌陷的治理经验,结合本区实际情况,提出了一系列防治措施,以便有效规避灾害风险。该研究对矿区下一步开展采空地面塌陷治理工作提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

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