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孙锐  荣媛  苏红波  陈少辉 《遥感学报》2016,20(3):361-373
遥感数据反演高时空分辨率NDVI对监测植被动态变化过程具有重要意义,然而受天气影响,单颗卫星难以提供时间连续的高空间分辨率NDVI数据。以华北平原中东部为实验区,联合HJ-1 CCD数据和MODIS数据,对STARFM算法进行了改进,(1)考虑了不同地物对光谱响应的差异,为减少分类错误利用统计学上()对分类数据进行筛选,按照不同地物类型分别利用线性拟合方法修改光谱距离权重;(2)定义了预测半径,对HJ-1 CCD数据因外界影响而缺失的影像进行了预测。结果表明,与真实影像相比,预测结果呈现了较好的空间一致性,相关系数均达到了极显著相关,改进算法的预测精度要高于原算法。利用该方法将HJ-1 CCD NDVI的空间变化信息与MODIS NDVI时间变化信息有机结合重构了高时空分辨率NDVI序列,有效补充了HJ-1CCD NDVI的缺失数据集。  相似文献   

为有效了解柑橘种植结构及科学估产,制定合理政策,故快速大面积准确获取柑橘果园面积至关重要.该文针对南方丘陵、山区柑橘的种植特点,利用多时相高空间分辨率GF-1 WFV遥感数据,结合柑橘生长过程中的物候特征,分析比较柑橘与其他地物类在光谱特征、植被指数及纹理特征的变化差异,构建了融合柑橘物候和林地纹理特征的模糊分类与最邻近分类相结合的提取方法,并以江西省寻乌县为例,利用该方法提取了江西寻乌县的柑橘种植面积.结果 表明,GF-1WFV数据是复杂地形下提取柑橘作物的潜力数据源,该提取思路可为大范围内不同地区了解柑橘种植情况,进行柑橘长势监测和产量估测提供技术参考.  相似文献   

在喀斯特分布区,基岩、植被、裸地等多种地表覆盖交错分布,地物覆盖高度异质,并且呈现出短周期规律性变化和长期动态趋势变化,单一时相的影像进行土地覆盖分类精度非常有限。针对这一问题,本文提出一种顾及物候特征的多时相遥感影像分类策略,利用具有高时间分辨率的MODIS NDVI时间序列产品作为数据源,选择BFAST(Breaks For Additive Seasonal and Trend)方法进行NDVI时间序列的物候分解,采用动态阈值法对时序分解的物候轨迹进行标记,最后将物候标记特征与原始光谱时序综合特征进行组合,选择支持向量机(SVM)分类器进行土地利用覆盖分类,并且对比了不同特征空间下的分类结果。以云南省壮族苗族自治州丘北县和砚山县为研究区进行分类实验,结果表明,BFAST模型可以有效地分解出NDVI时序中的关键物候特征,相比基于单纯光谱特征的分类,物候驱动的喀斯特断陷盆地区土地覆盖分类精度有明显的提升,在NDVI、光谱和物候组合特征空间下,土地覆盖分类精度最高,总体精度和Kappa系数分别为88.94%和0.8693,尤其在灌木林、有林地、石旮旯地与稀疏植被的区分中,SOS、POS和GSG等物候特征具有较强的可分性,表明物候特征在地物识别中的有效性。  相似文献   

陈亮 《东北测绘》2012,(10):25-27
及时准确获取灌区小麦分布和面积,可以为流域水量调度、抗旱减灾提供数据支持。本文利用多时相HJ-1号卫星数据分析人民胜利渠灌区小麦生长期影像特征,研究灌区小麦快速提取方法。研究结果表明,利用灌区小麦越冬前多时相HJ-1号卫星影像NDVI数据进行小麦提取,能够准确获取小麦分布和面积信息,精度达到90%以上。  相似文献   

利用HJ-1A/B卫星CCD数据,提取2013—2015年三年江汉平原农田的归一化植被指数NDVI,构建时间序列曲线,利用小波变换对HJ-1A/B卫星所得的NDVI数据进行平滑降噪处理,结合地面调研资料,提取江汉平原农作物的物候信息。研究结果表明,HJ-1A/B卫星可用于农田物候监测,对于小区域的农田作物长势监测具有独特的优势。  相似文献   

薛朝辉  钱思羽 《遥感学报》2022,26(6):1121-1142
科学准确地监测红树林是保护海陆过渡性生态系统的基础和前提,但红树林分布于潮间带,难以进行大规模人工监测。遥感技术能够对红树林进行长时间、大面积监测,但已有研究尚存不足。一方面,红树林分布于热带、亚热带区域,受到天气条件限制难以获得长时间覆盖的有效光学遥感数据;另一方面,红树林极易与其他陆生植被混淆,仅利用多波段数据的光谱信息难以精确识别。本文以恒河三角洲孙德尔本斯地区为例,基于谷歌地球引擎GEE(Google Earth Engine)获取2016年全年的Landsat 8 OLI和Sentinel-2 MSI数据,利用物候信息进行红树林提取研究。首先,基于最小二乘回归构建两个传感器在相同指数之间的关系,重建时间序列数据,之后根据可分性判据选取增强型植被指数EVI(Enhanced Vegetation Index)和陆地表面水分指数LSWI(Land Surface Water Index)。其次,对两个指数的时间序列数据进行Savitzky-Golay滤波处理,并分别提取生长期始期等13种物候信息。最后,将两个指数的物候信息进行特征级联,采用随机森林RF(Random Forest)方法进行分类,提取研究区红树林范围。实验结果表明:Landsat 8 OLI和Sentinel-2 MSI数据融合可有效提升时间序列质量,与基于单一传感器数据的分类结果相比,总体精度提高1.58%;物候信息可以显著增强红树林与其他植被的可分性,与直接使用时间序列数据的分类结果相比,总体精度提高1.92%;同时考虑EVI和LSWI指数可极大地提升分类效果,与采用单一指数相比,总体精度分别提高14.11%和9.69%。因此,本文通过数据融合、物候信息提取和指数特征级联可以更好地提取红树林,总体精度达到91.02%,Kappa系数为0.892。研究验证了物候信息在红树林遥感监测中的应用潜力,提出的方法对科学准确地监测全球或区域红树林具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

利用Savitzky-Golay滤波对覆盖江西省范围的SPOT VGT NDVI时间序列数据进行平滑处理的基础上,结合坡度数据,通过非监督分类的方法提取了江西省2000、2005和2010年水稻种植范围,并根据NDVI的年内动态变化,从水稻种植范围、水稻生长季起始时间、水稻复种指数和NDVI最大振幅等分析了江西省水稻种植和生长情况,探讨2000~2010年江西省水稻生产的变化。  相似文献   

针对如何在时间序列尺度上利用多源时空融合方法高精度地重构高分辨率遥感影像的问题,该文提出了一种基于增强字典学习样本空间的单数据对稀疏学习融合算法,并利用现有稀疏学习算法、STARFM算法以及半物理模型对Landsat与MODIS卫星数据进行双向融合实验。结果表明:随着样本尺寸及空间的拓展,改进后的稀疏学习算法能够获得比原始算法、STARFM、半物理模型等算法更优的融合结果,其中ERGAS可达15.0以内、SSIM可达84%以上,并且融合质量对高、低分辨率图像间的空间尺度差异性不敏感。通过采用更高效的在线字典学习算法,该融合方法的处理效率与应用价值有望得到极大提升。  相似文献   

王建梅  李德仁 《测绘通报》2005,(10):37-40,43
QuckBird提供的高分辨率卫星图像可以制作大比例尺城市土地覆盖分类图.图像融合可以充分利用全色图像的高空间分辨率和多光谱图像的光谱信息,提高目视和自动图像分类精度.在遥感领域应用较多的融合方法有IHS变换、主成分分析、颜色归一化和小波变换等多种方法,从光谱质量和图像分类两个方面进行比较研究,发现进行小波系数调整的小波变换融合方法光谱退化最小,土地覆盖分类精度最高.  相似文献   

With the availability of high frequent satellite data, crop phenology could be accurately mapped using time-series remote sensing data. Vegetation index time-series data derived from AVHRR, MODIS, and SPOT-VEGETATION images usually have coarse spatial resolution. Mapping crop phenology parameters using higher spatial resolution images (e.g., Landsat TM-like) is unprecedented. Recently launched HJ-1 A/B CCD sensors boarded on China Environment Satellite provided a feasible and ideal data source for the construction of high spatio-temporal resolution vegetation index time-series. This paper presented a comprehensive method to construct NDVI time-series dataset derived from HJ-1 A/B CCD and demonstrated its application in cropland areas. The procedures of time-series data construction included image preprocessing, signal filtering, and interpolation for daily NDVI images then the NDVI time-series could present a smooth and complete phenological cycle. To demonstrate its application, TIMESAT program was employed to extract phenology parameters of crop lands located in Guanzhong Plain, China. The small-scale test showed that the crop season start/end derived from HJ-1 A/B NDVI time-series was comparable with local agro-metrological observation. The methodology for reconstructing time-series remote sensing data had been proved feasible, though forgoing researches will improve this a lot in mapping crop phenology. Last but not least, further studies should be focused on field-data collection, smoothing method and phenology definitions using time-series remote sensing data.  相似文献   

Image classification from remote sensing is becoming increasingly urgent for monitoring environmental changes. Exploring effective algorithms to increase classification accuracy is critical. This paper explores the use of multispectral HJ1B and ALOS (Advanced Land Observing Satellite) PALSAR L-band (Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar) for land cover classification using learning-based algorithms. Pixel-based and object-based image analysis approaches for classifying HJ1B data and the HJ1B and ALOS/PALSAR fused-images were compared using two machine learning algorithms, support vector machine (SVM) and random forest (RF), to test which algorithm can achieve the best classification accuracy in arid and semiarid regions. The overall accuracies of the pixel-based (Fused data: 79.0%; HJ1B data: 81.46%) and object-based classifications (Fused data: 80.0%; HJ1B data: 76.9%) were relatively close when using the SVM classifier. The pixel-based classification achieved a high overall accuracy (85.5%) using the RF algorithm for classifying the fused data, whereas the RF classifier using the object-based image analysis produced a lower overall accuracy (70.2%). The study demonstrates that the pixel-based classification utilized fewer variables and performed relatively better than the object-based classification using HJ1B imagery and the fused data. Generally, the integration of the HJ1B and ALOS/PALSAR imagery can improve the overall accuracy of 5.7% using the pixel-based image analysis and RF classifier.  相似文献   

Forest cover plays a key role in climate change by influencing the carbon stocks, the hydrological cycle and the energy balance. Forest cover information can be determined from fine-resolution data, such as Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+). However, forest cover classification with fine-resolution data usually uses only one temporal data because successive data acquirement is difficult. It may achieve mis-classification result without involving vegetation growth information, because different vegetation types may have the similar spectral features in the fine-resolution data. To overcome these issues, a forest cover classification method using Landsat ETM+ data appending with time series Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data was proposed. The objective was to investigate the potential of temporal features extracted from coarse-resolution time series vegetation index data on improving the forest cover classification accuracy using fine-resolution remote sensing data. This method firstly fused Landsat ETM+ NDVI and MODIS NDVI data to obtain time series fine-resolution NDVI data, and then the temporal features were extracted from the fused NDVI data. Finally, temporal features combined with Landsat ETM+ spectral data was used to improve forest cover classification accuracy using supervised classifier. The study in North China region confirmed that time series NDVI features had significant effects on improving forest cover classification accuracy of fine resolution remote sensing data. The NDVI features extracted from time series fused NDVI data could improve the overall classification accuracy approximately 5% from 88.99% to 93.88% compared to only using single Landsat ETM+ data.  相似文献   

高时空分辨率 NDVI 数据集构建方法   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
针对ETM 空间分辨率高和MODIS 时间分辨率高的特点, 选择官厅水库上游为实验区, 基于对STARFM 方法的改进, 构建不同时空分辨率NDVI 的时空融合模型-STAVFM, 使用该模型对ETM NDVI 与MODIS NDVI 融 合, 构建了高时空分辨率NDVI 数据集。研究结果表明, STAVFM 根据植被变化特点定义了有效时间窗口, 在考虑 物候影响的同时改进了时间维的加权方式, 通过MODIS NDVI 时间变化信息与ETM NDVI 空间差异信息的有机结 合, 实现缺失高空间分辨率NDV  相似文献   

ETM NDVI可以用来在30m的尺度上开展植被的监测,然而在Landsat卫星16天的重访周期和云污染等因素的影响下,常常会在相当长的一段时间内无法获取有效的ETM NDVI数据,给这一尺度下的植被动态监测带来了一定困难。相比之下,MODIS虽然在空间上只有250m分辨率的NDVI产品,却可以每天进行相同区域的监测。针对ETM空间分辨率高和MODIS时间分辨率高的特点,本研究选择实验区,基于对STARFM方法的改进,构建不同时空分辨率NDVI的时空融合模型-STAVFM,使用该模型对ETM NDVI与MODIS NDVI融合,构建了高时空分辨率NDVI数据集。研究结果表明,通过MODIS NDVI时间变化信息与ETM NDVI空间差异信息的有机结合,实现缺失高空间分辨率NDVI的有效预测(3景预测NDVI与实际NDVI的相关系数分别达到了0.82、0.90和0.91),从而构建高时空分辨率NDVI数据集。所构建的高时空分辨率NDVI数据集在时间上保留了高时间分辨率数据的时间变化趋势,空间上又反映了高空间分辨率数据的空间细节差异。  相似文献   

张猛  曾永年 《遥感学报》2018,22(1):143-152
植被净初级生产力NPP(Net Primary Production)遥感估算与分析,有赖于高时空分辨率的遥感数据,但目前中高分辨率的遥感数据受卫星回访周期及天气的影响,在中国南方地区难以获取连续时间序列的数据,从而影响了高精度的区域植被净初级生产力的遥感估算。为此,提出一种基于多源遥感数据时空融合技术与CASA模型估算高时空分辨率NPP的方法。首先,利用多源遥感数据,即Landsat8 OLI数据与MODIS13Q1数据,采用遥感数据时空融合方法,获得了时间序列的Landsat8 OLI融合数据;然后,基于Landsat8 OLI时空融合数据,并采用CASA模型,以长株潭城市群核心区为例,进行区域植被NPP的遥感估算。研究结果表明,基于时间序列Landsat融合数据估算的30m分辨率的NPP具有良好的空间细节信息,且估算值与实测值的相关系数达0.825,与实测NPP数据保持了较好的一致性。  相似文献   


While data like HJ-1 CCD images have advantageous spatial characteristics for describing crop properties, the temporal resolution of the data is rather low, which can be easily made worse by cloud contamination. In contrast, although Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) can only achieve a spatial resolution of 250 m in its normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) product, it has a high temporal resolution, covering the Earth up to multiple times per day. To combine the high spatial resolution and high temporal resolution of different data sources, a new method (Spatial and Temporal Adaptive Vegetation index Fusion Model [STAVFM]) for blending NDVI of different spatial and temporal resolutions to produce high spatial–temporal resolution NDVI datasets was developed based on Spatial and Temporal Adaptive Reflectance Fusion Model (STARFM). STAVFM defines a time window according to the temporal variation of crops, takes crop phenophase into consideration and improves the temporal weighting algorithm. The result showed that the new method can combine the temporal information of MODIS NDVI and spatial difference information of HJ-1 CCD NDVI to generate an NDVI dataset with both high spatial and high temporal resolution. An application of the generated NDVI dataset in crop biomass estimation was provided. An average absolute error of 17.2% was achieved. The estimated winter wheat biomass correlated well with observed biomass (R 2 of 0.876). We conclude that the new dataset will improve the application of crop biomass estimation by describing the crop biomass accumulation in detail. There is potential to apply the approach in many other studies, including crop production estimation, crop growth monitoring and agricultural ecosystem carbon cycle research, which will contribute to the implementation of Digital Earth by describing land surface processes in detail.  相似文献   

In the present study, Sentinel-1A Synthetic Aperture Radar analysis of time series data at C-band was carried out to estimate the winter wheat crop growth parameters. Five different date images were acquired during January 2015–April 2015 at different growth stages from tillering to ripening in Varanasi district, India. The winter wheat crop parameters, i.e. leaf area index, vegetation water content (VWC), fresh biomass (FB), dry biomass (DB) and plant height (PH) were estimated using random forest regression (RFR), support vector regression (SVR), artificial neural network regression (ANNR) and linear regression (LR) algorithms. The Ground Range Detected products of Interferometric Wide (IW) Swath were used at VV polarization. The three different subplots of 1 m2 area were taken for the measurement of crop parameters at every growth stage. In total, 73 samples were taken as the training data-sets and 39 samples were taken as testing data-sets. The highest sensitivity (adj. R2?=?0.95579) of backscattering with VWC was found using RFR algorithm, whereas the lowest sensitivity (adj. R2?=?0.66201) was found for the PH using LR algorithm. Overall results indicate more accurate estimation of winter wheat parameters by the RFR algorithm followed by SVR, ANNR and LR algorithms.  相似文献   

Rice is the most consumed staple food in the world and a key crop for food security. Much of the world’s rice is produced and consumed in Asia where cropping intensity is often greater than 100% (more than one crop per year), yet this intensity is not sufficiently represented in many land use products. Agricultural practices and investments vary by season due to the different challenges faced, such as drought, salinity, or flooding, and the different requirements such as varietal choice, water source, inputs, and crop establishment methods. Thus, spatial and temporal information on the seasonal extent of rice is an important input to decision making related to increased agricultural productivity and the sustainable use of limited natural resources. The goal of this study was to demonstrate that hyper temporal moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) data can be used to map the spatial distribution of the seasonal rice crop extent and area. The study was conducted in Bangladesh where rice can be cropped once, twice, or three times a year.MODIS normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) maximum value composite (MVC) data at 500 m resolution along with seasonal field-plot information from year 2010 were used to map rice crop extent and area for three seasons, boro (December/January–April), aus (April/May–June/July), and aman (July/August–November/December), in Bangladesh. A subset of the field-plot information was used to assess the pixel-level accuracy of the MODIS-derived rice area. Seasonal district-level rice area statistics were used to assess the accuracy of the rice area estimates. When compared to field-plot data, the maps of rice versus non-rice exceeded 90% accuracy in all three seasons and the accuracy of the five rice classes varied from 78% to 90% across the three seasons. On average, the MODIS-derived rice area estimates were 6% higher than the sub-national statistics during boro, 7% higher during aus, and 3% higher during the aman season. The MODIS-derived sub-national areas explained (R2 values) 96%, 93%, and 96% of the variability at the district level for boro, aus, and aman seasons, respectively.The results demonstrated that the methods we applied for analysing and interpreting moderate spatial and high temporal resolution imagery can accurately capture the seasonal variability in rice crop extent and area. We discuss the robustness of the approach and highlight issues that must be addressed before similar methods are used across other areas of Asia where a mix of rainfed, irrigated, or supplemental irrigation permits single, double, and triple cropping in a single calendar year.  相似文献   

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