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地面核磁共振信号相位求取电阻率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
椭圆极化现象是电磁场在导电介质中传播时产生的,为得到准确的相位信息,在计算激发磁场时应考虑椭圆极化。本文研究了地面核磁共振(SNMR)信号相位求取电阻率的基本方法,利用SNMR信号通过广义逆反演法得到电阻率未知情况下的含水率及层位分布,作为相位反演电阻率的先验值,通过模拟退火法实现对电阻率的反演。对SNMR的研究解决了通过相位对电阻率的求取,有利于进一步利用相位信息提高含水层和含水率反演的精度。  相似文献   

地面核磁共振找水反演   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
简要介绍了地面核磁共振找水的正演理论方法,采用高斯求积并结合连分式展开的方法对核磁共振核函数中包含双重贝塞尔函数的积分核进行了数值积分,进而计算出精度较高的核函数值,在此基础之上,讨论了导电性对地面核磁共振信号的影响.基于奇异值分解算法,对核磁共振找水理论模型进行了反演研究,在不导电的情况下,重构出了比较理想的含水率分布.总结并改进了模拟退火算法,用改进的模拟退火算法分别对覆盖层高阻和导电条件下的核磁共振人工合成数据进行了反演,试验结果表明,利用改进的模拟退火算法反演地面核磁共振是可行的,而且反演结果较稳定,收敛速度较快.  相似文献   

马海钾矿区位于柴达木盆地台坳陷中,钾矿区内卤水绝大部分为晶间卤水和孔隙卤水。地面核磁共振物探方法在该区具有物性前提,为合理布置勘探工程寻找卤水提供依据。地面核磁共振方法在该区的应用,取得较好的效果。本文在简要介绍地面核磁共振方法原理的基础上,以马海钾矿区卤水勘察为例,着重对该方法的资料解释和应用效果进行了分析讨论。  相似文献   

分离线圈地面核磁共振找水方法是将激发线圈与接收线圈分离开来的找水探测方法.文中阐释分离线圈地面核磁共振找水方法正演表达式;利用高斯积分方法计算了分离线圈正演公式中的核函数.通过分析核函数的变化规律,得出分离线圈地面核磁共振方法具有较高的横向分辨率.通过计算全空间的核函数矩阵,将地下含水模型离散化,实现分离线圈地面核磁共振找水3D模型正演快速计算.通过对比计算1D含水模型响应,本文的计算选取网格的越小,正演精度越高.文中计算装置对模型的响应,分析正演曲线随着模型的埋深与装置的不同呈现的变化规律,研究分离线圈地面核磁共振的分辨特性及探测特点.  相似文献   

导电性影响的地面核磁共振反演   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
导电性影响对实际的地面核磁共振反演非常重要. 在导电条件下,导出了地面核磁共振感应电动势的平方是含水率分布的二次型. 通过进一步分析,我们将其对含水率的灵敏度用显式表示出来,为由核磁感应电动势利用迭代技术快速求解含水率分布奠定了理论基础. 数值模拟结果表明,在自由空间与导电条件下,采用非线性反演技术获得的含水率分布与理论模型都有非常好的一致性.  相似文献   

针对目前水平层状含水层的地面核磁共振响应特征已研究的比较透彻,而含水溶洞的响应特征却鲜有涉及的现状,本文给出含水溶洞地面核磁共振响应的计算方法.在文中,作者使用华军对双重Bessel函数无限积分的计算方法,实现了大回线源激发磁场的快速计算.再通过对地面核磁共振正演公式的离散化,实现了三维结构含水体的地面核磁共振正演计算...  相似文献   

地面核磁共振技术勘查西北干旱浅层地下水效果浅析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
地面核磁共振技术勘查地下水是一种新的应用领域,该技术是目前国际上唯一的能直接进行地下水勘查的技术.我所自一九九九年引进法国Numis仪器以来,先后在陕西黄土区、宁南黄土区等地开展寻找不同类型浅层地下水的试验工作,取得了一定的野外成果.本文是在分析总结这些成果的基础上,针对存在的问题如强干扰背景下勘查结果的可靠性,同一测点"8”字型与"正方形”发射线框二者勘查结果比较等方面进行探讨分析.  相似文献   

利用核磁共振(NuclearMagneticResonance缩写为NMR)技术探查地下水仅有二十多年的历史,文中简要介绍了NMR找水方法的发展状况,原理和方法特点,重点介绍了中国地质大学(武汉)利用NMR找水方法在中国一些地区找水取得的成效,最后指出了NMR找水方法的发展趋势。  相似文献   

层状导电介质中地面核磁共振响应特征理论研究   总被引:18,自引:7,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
水平层状导电大地中层状含水层地面核磁共振响应的数值计算技术涉及到导电介质中回线源 磁场的计算以及地下含水层中质子磁矩在线圈中产生感应信号的体积积分. 文中采用直接数 值积分技术,对具有振荡核函数的Hankel变换进行积分,以求取回线源磁场的径向与垂向分 量,计算并研究了回线产生的径向与垂向磁场分量随空间位置的变化规律. 基于磁场空间分 布特点,利用不等间距空间剖分技术计算地面核磁共振的体积积分,模拟了不同模型的地面 核磁共振响应并讨论了其影响因素. 结果表明,结合能对任意层状导电介质中磁场进行稳定 快速计算的直接数值积分技术与不等距空间模型剖分技术,可正确模拟地面核磁共振响应. 导电性是产生地面核磁共振信号相位的先决条件,但影响响应振幅强度与相位的因素还有含 水层的埋深、厚度以及装置大小等.  相似文献   

目的 医学核磁共振与地面核磁共振找水是核磁共振技术应用的不同领域。本文通过对二者在方法原理、技术、应用等方面的对比研究,提出了地面核磁共振找水工作建议。  相似文献   

In hydrogeology there is a variety of empirical formulae available for determination of hydraulic conductivity of porous media, all based on the analysis of grain size distributions of aquifer materials. Sensitivity of NMR measurements to pore sizes makes it a good indicator of hydraulic conductivity. Analogous to laboratory NMR, Magnetic Resonance Sounding (MRS) relaxation data are of a multi-exponential (ME) nature due to the distribution of different pore sizes in an investigated rock layer. ME relaxation behaviour will also arise due to the superposition of NMR signals which originate from different layers. It has been shown, that both kinds of ME behaviour coexist in MRS and can principally be separated by ME inversion of the field data. Only a few publications exist that have proposed approaches to qualitatively and quantitatively estimate petrophysical parameters such as the hydraulic conductivity from MRS measurements, i.e. MRS porosity and decay times. The so far used relations for the estimation of hydraulic conductivity in hydrogeology and NMR experiments are compared and discussed with respect to their applicability in MRS. Taking into account results from a variety of laboratory NMR and MRS experiments mean rock specific calibration factors are introduced for a data-base-calibrated estimation of hydraulic conductivity when no on-site calibration of MRS is available. Field data have been analysed using conventional and ME inversion using such mean calibration values. The results for conventional and ME inversion agree with estimates obtained from well core analysis for shallow depths but are significantly improved using a ME inversion approach for greater depths.  相似文献   

Inversion of resistivity in Magnetic Resonance Sounding   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Magnetic Resonance Sounding (MRS, or Surface Nuclear Magnetic Resonance - SNMR) is used for groundwater exploration and aquifer characterization. Since this is an electromagnetic method, the excitation magnetic field depends on the resistivity of the subsurface. Therefore, the resistivity has to be taken into account in the inversion: either as a priori information or as an inversion parameter during the inversion process, as introduced in the presented paper. Studies with synthetic data show that water content and resistivity can be resolved for a low resistive aquifer even using only the amplitude of the MRS signal. However, the inversion result can be significantly improved using amplitude and phase of the MRS signal. The successful implementation of the inversion for field data shows that the resistivities derived from MRS are comparable to those from conventional geoelectric methods such as DC resistivity and transient electromagnetic. By having information about both the resistivity and the water content, MRS inversions give information about the quality of the water in the aquifer. This is of utmost interest in hydrogeological studies as this specific information cannot be determined solely by geoelectric measurements, due to the nonunique dependence of resistivity on water content and salinity.  相似文献   

利用核磁共振方法探查岩溶水   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:15  
核磁共振(NMR)找水方法是目前唯一直接找水的物探新方法,该方法可以探查各种类型的地下水。本文仅论述了在岩溶发育区常规电阻率方法找水时遇到的地质干扰。NMR找水方法的原理,仪器的组成,并以实例说明了NMR找水方法探查岩溶水的效果。  相似文献   

利用核磁共振方法探查基岩裂隙水   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
基岩裂隙水是我国分布最为广泛的地下水类型之一。本文阐述了基岩裂隙水的特点:含水层产状不规则、其赋存空间介质不均匀、同一含水层埋深不同、地下水运动状态复杂等。这些特殊的地质、地球物理特征,给常用的物探找水方法带来许多困难。本文通过对直接找水的新方法一核磁共振(NuclearMagnetic Resonance,缩写为NMR)测深与间接找水的电阻率测深的对比分析,论述了NMR测深直接找水的实质。并以实例说明了NMR测深在探查基岩裂隙水中的应用效果。  相似文献   

The underground application of Magnetic Resonance Soundings   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The potential application of MRS technology in locating waterbearing fractures in underground mines is studied. The determination of the presence of water ahead of mining is important to prevent accidents and to ensure higher efficiency in mining operations. In the usual surface based measurements, with horizontal loop and water layer, the geometry of the problem can be summarized by the value of the inclination of the Earth magnetic field. For MRS measurements under the geometric conditions associated with underground mining, where the loop is non-horizontal, the geometry can be described in an effective inclination that can be expressed in terms of the Earth magnetic inclination and declination, together with two further parameters that characterize the orientation of the mine wall. We examine the consequences of the different geometries on the MRS signal. Since the loop size is severely restricted in underground conditions, the feasible target depth is also severely limited. The consequences of the fractured hard rock aquifer conditions, typical of deep mining or tunneling environments, are also examined. The overall conclusion is that in underground MRS applications the signal strength is too small to enable the practical identification of fractures containing large volumes of water ahead of the mining face.  相似文献   

核磁共振测深方法的新进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
核磁共振测深(MRS)方法是目前唯一直接探查地下水的新方法。本文概要介绍了参加第二届核磁共振测深(MRS)国际学术研讨会的主要收获。阐述了核磁共振找水仪的研制和进展以及扩大了MRS方法的应用领域方面的情况。在应用MRS方法探测地下水取得很大成效的此基础上,我们率先用MRS方法进行了三峡滑坡监测和秦始皇陵考古工作,又取得了新成果。  相似文献   




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