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The rapid variation of density with depth in a stellar core can distort acoustic wave propagation in stellar interiors, producing a reflected wave. The reflectivity can come from a rapid density change at the boundary of a convective core, or from the steep gradients established in a radiative core during chemical evolution. We analyse this wave reflection within the framework of wave scattering theory, and address the question of the detectability of the reflected wave in the autocorrelation function of stellar p-mode measurements.  相似文献   

A new eigenfrequency equation for low-degree solar-like oscillations in stars is developed, based on the assumption of purely classical propagation in the stellar interior of acoustic waves modified by buoyancy and gravity . Compared with high-frequency asymptotic analysis, the eigenfrequency equation has a new functional form, with expansion in powers of ℓ(ℓ+1) instead of 1/ ω . Basic observable quantities, the 'large' and 'small' frequency separations , are interpreted as the dependence on frequency and refraction angle of a classical action integral for waves propagating close to the stellar diameter. The new eigenfrequency equation gives a significant improvement in accuracy over previous analyses when tested with solar p modes, suggesting this as an alternative and more powerful tool for applications in stellar seismology.  相似文献   

The quality of helioseismological ground-based data strongly depends on the presence of a gap in the observational window. In order to address that problem in the case of full-disc low-degree p-mode velocity measurements, Fossat et al. proposed a gap-filling method called 'Repetitive music'. The autocorrelation function of the velocity signal shows a correlation of more than 70 per cent at about 4 h because of the quasi-periodicity of p-mode peaks in the Fourier spectrum. The method then consists of filling gaps of the velocity signal with data, when they exist, located 4 h before or after.
By using Monte Carlo simulations, we assess the effects of the gap-filling method on p-mode parameters and their errors. A way to remove the modulation in the power spectrum resulting from the gap-filling method is proposed; its effects on p-mode frequencies, linewidths, amplitudes and asymmetries are discussed as a function of frequency and signal-to-noise ratio.  相似文献   

In recent years there has been some progress towards detecting solar-like oscillations in stars. The goal of this challenging project is to analyse frequency spectra similar to that observed for the Sun in integrated light. In this context it is important to investigate what can be learned about the structure and evolution of the stars from such future observations. Here we concentrate on the structure of the upper layers, as reflected in the phase function. We show that it is possible to obtain this function from low-degree p modes, at least for stars on the main sequence. We analyse its dependence on several uncertainties in the structure of the uppermost layers. We also investigate a filtered phase function, which has properties that depend on the layers around the second helium ionization zone.  相似文献   

The standard methods of the magnetic field measurement, based on an analysis of the relation between the Stokes V‐parameter and the first derivative of the total line profile intensity, were modified by applying a linear integral operator L to both sides of this relation. As the operator L, the operator of the wavelet transform with DOG‐wavelets is used. The key advantage of the proposed method is an effective suppression of the noise contribution to the line profile and the Stokes parameter V. The efficiency of the method has been studied using model line profiles with various noise contributions. To test the proposed method, the spectropolarimetric observations of the A0 star α2 CVn, the Of?p star HD 148937, and the A0 supergiant HD 92207 were used. The longitudinal magnetic field strengths calculated by our method appeared tobe in good agreement with those determined by other methods. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The classification of adiabatic modes of non-radial stellar oscillation was established by Cowling in 1941. In addition to acoustic and gravity modes he identified an intermediate mode, which he labelled the f mode, and which in simple stellar models has no radial node. The motion of a dipolar f mode (of spherical-harmonic degree l =1) shifts the centre of mass, and must have zero frequency. On the other hand, if the perturbation to the gravitational potential is neglected (the case considered by Cowling) the f mode has a frequency intermediate between those of the gravity and acoustic modes; this is true of modes of any degree ( l ≥1) . Here we consider the properties of the dipolar f mode, elucidating the origin of these differences through continuous transformations between the various relevant cases; in addition, we discuss the broader issues of the classification of modes of non-radial oscillation.  相似文献   

We present a new numerical method for solving the system of partial differential equations describing the structure and evolution of a spherically symmetric star. As usual, we employ the transversal method of lines in order to split the equations into a coupled spatial and temporal part. The novel features of the algorithm are the following: (a) Instead of using the Lagrangian picture we formulate the system of partial differential equations in the Eulerian picture. (b) We reformulate the equations of stellar structure as a multipoint boundary-value problem. By means of this reformulation the rather clumsy iterative matching procedure of stellar atmosphere and interior is avoided. (c) The multipoint boundary-value problem is solved by the multiple shooting method. This approach not only ensures a high accuracy of the stellar models calculated at each time step but also allows the free boundaries inside the star due to different energy transport mechanisms to be located exactly. (d) The time derivatives involved in the stellar-structure equations are discretized implicitly to second order accuracy. Moreover, at each time step, the chemical abundances are determined by using a sophisticated update procedure. In this way, a high accuracy is achieved with respect to the integration in time. The algorithm has turned out to be exceedingly reliable and numerically accurate. This is shown by the evolution of a 1 M star up to the hydrogen-shell burning phase. In this example, the virial theorem, the law of mass conservation, and the law of energy conservation is fulfilled to a hitherto unattainable degree of accuracy. Since the multiple shooting method, which is at the heart of our approach, is a perfect example of a parallel algorithm, the computational speed of the algorithm might be substantially improved provided easy-to-program, high-performance parallel computers with sufficiently many processors become available in the near future.  相似文献   

We make use of 3456 d of observations of the low-ℓ p-mode oscillations of the Sun in order to study the evolution over time of the measurement precision of the radial eigenfrequencies. These data were collected by the ground-based Birmingham Solar-Oscillations Network (BiSON) between 1991 January and 2000 June. When the power spectrum of the complete time series is fitted, the analysis yields frequency uncertainties that are close to those expected from the returned coherence times of the modes. The slightly elevated levels compared with the prediction appear to be consistent with a degradation of the signal-to-noise ratio in the spectrum that is the result of the influence of the window function of the observations (duty cycle 71 per cent). The fractional frequency precision reaches levels of a several parts in 106 for many of the modes. The corresponding errors reported from observations made by the GOLF instrument on board the ESA/NASA SOHO satellite, when extrapolated to the length of the BiSON data set, are shown to be (on average) about ∼25 per cent smaller than their BiSON counterparts owing to the uninterrupted nature of the data from which they were derived.
An analysis of the BiSON data in contiguous segments of different lengths, T , demonstrates that the frequency uncertainties scale as T −1/2. This is to be expected in the regime where the coherence (life) times of the modes, τ n ℓ, are smaller than the observing time T (the 'oversampled' regime). We show that mode detections are only now beginning to encroach on the 'undersampled' regime (where   T < τ n ℓ)  .  相似文献   

In the context of future space-based asteroseismic missions, we have studied the problem of extracting the rotation speed and the rotation-axis inclination of solar-like stars from the expected data. We have focused on slow rotators (at most twice solar rotation speed), first, because they constitute the most difficult case and, secondly, because some of the Convection Rotation and planetary Transits ( CoRoT ) main targets are expected to have slow rotation rates. Our study of the likelihood function has shown a correlation between the estimates of inclination of the rotation axis i and the rotational splitting δν of the star. By using the parameters, i and  δν=δν sin  i   , we propose and discuss new fitting strategies. Monte Carlo simulations have shown that we can extract a mean splitting and the rotation-axis inclination down to solar rotation rates. However, at the solar rotation rate we are not able to correctly recover the angle i , although we are still able to measure a correct  δν  with a dispersion less than 40 nHz.  相似文献   

The stellar surface imaging technique is used for studying stellar non‐radial pulsations on the basis of inversions of time series of variable line profiles without making assumptions on the specific shape of the pulsations. The inversion results in an image of the stellar surface in which sectoral and tesseral modes can be distinguished in many cases and the pulsational degree and the azimuthal order can be determined. The capability of the technique is studied with simulated data. Then, the surface imaging technique is applied to high‐resolution spectra of the rapidly rotating Beta Cep‐type star ω1 Sco, which shows strong line‐profile variations. Stellar surface imaging is concluded to be a useful technique for pulsation‐mode identification. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

A version of the stars stellar evolution code has been developed that uses a non-simultaneous solution of the equations of stellar structure and evolution. In all other respects it is identical to the normal, fully simultaneous version. It is therefore possible to test the dependence of the solution on how the equations are solved. Two cases are investigated: a 5- and a  3-M  star, both of metallicity   Z = 0.02  . Prior to the asymptotic giant branch, the models are almost identical. However, once thermal pulses start, the two methods of solution yield diverging results with the non-simultaneous technique predicting longer interpulse periods. This is traced to difficulties associated with hydrogen burning caused by the use of a moving mesh. It is shown that, with careful control of the temporal resolution, the results of the simultaneous technique can be recovered.  相似文献   

We present new high-speed, multisite photometric observations of the rapidly oscillating Ap star HD 119027 acquired over seven nights during 1996. A frequency analysis of these observations reveals the presence of oscillations at 1835, 1875, 1888, 1913, 1940, 1942 and (possibly) 1953 μHz. These frequencies are consistent with a spacing of either 13 or 26 μHz, depending on the reality of the oscillations at 1875 and 1953 μHz. The data in hand do not permit us to discriminate between the two possible spacings. If the smaller value of the spacing is correct, it suggests that HD 119027 is outside the main-sequence band. Two of the frequencies listed above are separated by only 1.95 μHz, suggesting that they are modes of ( n ,ℓ) and ( n  − 1, ℓ + 2), which in roAp stars is a quantity governed by the internal magnetic field.  相似文献   

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