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New Zealand has a large exclusive economic zone (EEZ) that contains a variety of marine habitats and commercially-important species. The commercial fishing industry operating within New Zealand's EEZ is of significant value to the economy and fisheries resources are managed through the extensive use of Individual Transferable Quotas (ITQs). One of the benefits of ITQs has been to better align some of the private incentives of quota owners with the public interest. These incentives contributed to an initiative proposed by the fishing industry to close large areas of New Zealand's EEZ to protect the seabed from trawling. These closed areas are termed benthic protection areas (BPAs) and protect the benthic biodiversity of about 1.1 million square kilometres of seabed—approximately 30% of New Zealand's EEZ. A significant proportion of New Zealand's known seamounts and active hydrothermal vents are protected by these closed areas. We describe and discuss the criteria used to select BPAs and some of the criticism of this marine protection initiative. We argue that the assignment of strong property rights in fishing resources was an important precondition to an industry initiative that has a significant public benefit. Where private and public interests are well aligned, government can adopt an enabling and facilitation role, ceding direct control of processes in order to get the results the align with the public interest.  相似文献   

A re-evaluation of the threat status of New Zealand's marine invertebrates was undertaken in 2009, following earlier review of New Zealand's Threat Classification System and subsequent refinement of the national criteria for classifying threat of extinction to New Zealand's flora and fauna. Sufficient information was available to enable 295 marine invertebrate taxa to be fully evaluated and assigned to a national threat category. The 10 taxa at most risk of extinction (‘nationally critical’) were the giant seep clam Calyptogena sp., the primitive acorn barnacle Chionelasmus crosnieri, O'Shea's vent barnacle Volcanolepas osheai, the stalked barnacle Ibla idiotica, the four-blotched umbrella octopus Cirroctopus hochbergi, the roughy umbrella octopus Opisthoteuthis chathamensis, the giant squid Idioteuthis cordiformis, the large-egged polychaete Boccardiella magniovata and two gravel maggots, Smeagol climoi and Smeagol manneringi. The key threatening processes identified for marine invertebrates were fishing and land-use associated impacts such as sedimentation. We identified no taxa that had improved in threat status as a result of past or ongoing conservation management action, nor any taxa that had worsened in threat status because of known changes in their distribution, abundance or rate of population decline. We evaluated a small fraction of New Zealand's marine invertebrate fauna for their threat status. Many taxa remain ‘data deficient’ or unlisted. In addition to the most threatened taxa, we recommend these taxa and their habitats as priorities for further survey and monitoring.  相似文献   

New Zealand's quota management system (QMS) was implemented in 1986 to address problems caused by a regulated open entry management system in place for the previous two decades. Excess capacity in the inshore fisheries caused several stocks to become depleted and conflicts to intensify between fishing sectors. The allocation of individual transferable quota (ITQ) was viewed as the best way to improve efficiency within the over-capitalised inshore fisheries and provide incentives for developing the deepwater fisheries. The expected benefits of the QMS fit with the political climate at that time, as the government was using market forces to address the deteriorating economy. This article outlines the results of a research project that involved four medium to large-sized, highly vertically integrated New Zealand seafood firms. The purpose of the project was to identify these firms’ sources of competitiveness in export markets and the process the firms used to develop sources of competitiveness, while adapting to rapid and radical changes to the political and business environment and transformation of the fisheries management system. The project's results show that the basis to seafood firm competitiveness is the security of supply to the fisheries resource provided by the QMS and aquaculture legislation. The project also outlines the role that government policies have in sustaining firm- and industry-level competitiveness. This article contributes to the broader discussion on the application of ITQ and other types of long-term access rights to the management of fisheries and does not express the views of the Ministry of Fisheries.  相似文献   

《Marine Policy》2001,25(1):23-32
New Zealand's fisheries are perhaps best known for the individual transferable quota (ITQ) system brought about by the Fisheries Amendment Act 1986. The 1986 Act allocated quota to fishing firms and individuals that met the allocation criteria. Part-time fishers, many of whom were Maori, New Zealand's indigenous people, were excluded from the initial allocation. The 1986 Act did not address claims by Maori of having indigenous rights guaranteed by the Treaty of Waitangi 1840. Since the Treaty, Maori have protested against government actions and legislation that have eroded their rights guaranteed by the Treaty. The implementation of the 1986 Act prompted further Treaty-based claims to large areas of fisheries, and the ITQ system was used to settle several claims. This paper explores Maori views on resource use and claims to fisheries resources, legislative changes enacted to settle Maori fisheries claims, and claims that remain outstanding. The insights of this paper have relevance to the broader discussion on the position of indigenous peoples throughout the world.  相似文献   

New Zealand fisheries legislation provides commercial fishing rights to holders of individual transferable quota (ITQ). The settlement of fisheries claims against the Crown by Mäori, New Zealand's indigenous people, brought about the transfer of ITQ holdings to Mäori, and an obligation on the Crown to recognise and provide for indigenous (customary) fishing rights over fishing grounds and other areas that have been of special significance to Mäori. Some types of customary fishing areas exclude commercial fishing and could affect recreational fishing. Fisheries legislation requires that regulatory measures be put in place to avoid, remedy or mitigate the adverse effects of fishing. The Government also aims to protect marine biodiversity by having 10% of New Zealand waters in some form of protection by 2010. The legislative processes for protecting the marine environment and establishing customary fishing areas include assessment of effects on fishing rights. This paper explores the conflicts that arise from legislative obligations to uphold the rights of fishers, to sustain fishstocks and to protect the marine environment. The paper concludes that inconsistent legislative obligations and their disparate processes have led to spatial conflicts and a race for the allocation of space. Legislative obligations need to be integrated to maintain a balance between use of fisheries resources and protection of the marine environment.  相似文献   

The role of marine spatial planning in sea use management: The Belgian case   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The expansion of offshore activities and the increasing need to meet international and national commitments to biodiversity conservation have led to an enhanced interest in marine spatial planning (MSP) as a tool for sea use management. Several European countries, on their own initiative or driven by European legislation and policy, have taken global leadership in implementing MSP. This article will discuss the Belgian experiences with MSP. It will give a short historical overview based on legal developments and review the implementation process of a ‘Master Plan’ as a spatial management policy for the Belgian Part of the North Sea. Additionally, this article will reflect on the research that has been done in Belgium to apply a land-use planning approach to the marine environment. The MSP process in Belgium shows that a spatial approach to sea use management is possible despite the lack of a legal zoning framework. However, it concludes that a legal basis for MSP, in addition to the current permit system, would provide a more strategic and integrated framework for ecosystem-based, sea use management.  相似文献   

The Kermadec Islands Marine Reserve (KIMR), which is located at 30°S, is New Zealand's largest marine reserve at 748 000 ha, and its biota is composed of a mix of warm temperate, subtropical, and tropical species. A depth‐stratified ecological survey was conducted of the abundance and percentage cover of macrobenthic species and of the water column at two sites (Meyer Island and West Chanter Island), 2km apart. Significant differences in benthic community structure and in water column turbidity and chlorophyll concentrations were observed between the two sites despite their proximity and physical similarity. Compared with other “snapshot” surveys of benthic community structure at sites within the KIMR there was a high degree of similarity among the species observed, but often a low degree of similarity in species abundance or percentage cover as a function of depth. We suggest that despite its isolation and the degree of difficulty of working at this location, a full‐scale ecological survey of the coastal marine biota of the KIMR is warranted to better understand New Zealand's subtropical marine biota and its affinities with other marine biotas of the South Pacific.  相似文献   

《Marine Policy》2001,25(2):159-167
Collaborative research initiatives between New Zealand's fisheries management agencies and commercial fisher organisations are commonplace. This can be attributed to a combination of fisheries management institutions and processes that on the one hand create incentives for commercial fishers to take increasing responsibility for fisheries research and on the other hand provide for governance structures that ensure the transparency and integrity of industry-led research. Nevertheless the full potential of collaborative research initiatives has yet to be realised. Collaborative research has been an indirect outcome of New Zealand's rights-based fisheries management framework and until recently there has been little effort to explicitly provide for it in Government policy. The financial and management capacity of commercial fisher organisations must also be developed if collaborative research is to become a core function of these organisations. High expectations have been created for collaborative research and failure to address key issues will undermine the potential and hence legitimacy of collaborative research involving commercial fishers and other fisheries stakeholders.  相似文献   

随着海洋强国战略的提出, 海洋经济进入快速发展期。尽管海洋开发的不断深入带来了巨大的经济效益, 但也造成 了海洋生态环境的不断恶化。本文基于演化博弈分析方法, 首先探究了渤海海洋环境治理面临的问题, 并就其治理的主体 (政府 、企业和公众) 构建演化博弈模型, 进一步分析三者达到均衡点所需要的条件, 最后提出相关主体参与海洋环境治理 的建议。结果显示, 监管成本是影响政府参与监管的主要因素, 企业是否非法排污取决于政府监管效率 、非法排污再治理的 成本、罚款与按照标准排污成本的利益比较, 而公众是否参与监督则取决于监督成本和回报。 因此为了实现渤海海洋环境的 有效治理, 应该降低政府监管成本以提高监管效率, 加大对企业非法排污的惩处力度, 畅通公众投诉渠道。  相似文献   

文章分析当前海域管理面临的形势,并剖析当前存在的管理问题,提出管理的总体目标和改革意见措施,同时对当前海域使用管理法修订、新一轮国土空间规划制定、围填海管控、海岸线保护与利用管理、养殖用海管理等主要工作提出管理建议。建议包括:构建基于生态系统的海域综合管理机制,深入落实生态文明建设总要求;开展海域资源本底调查,为深化综合管理奠定基础;整合涉海规划,发挥陆海统筹作用;发挥指标调控作用,实施市场化配置;调控产业用海,充分发挥海域资源最大效益;加大整治修复力度,恢复区域生态功能;打破部门间壁垒,形成监管闭环。  相似文献   

Australia's Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef ecosystem on earth. The governance of such a large and iconic area is complex due to the overlapping federal and state (Queensland) jurisdictions. Since 1975 this globally significant area has been protected by pioneering federal legislation which enabled the ‘reasonable use’ of natural resources to co-exist with conservation, thus introducing the concept of a multiple-use marine park. In 1981 the Great Barrier Reef was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Area. Today a federal multiple-use Marine Park covers 99% of the Great Barrier Reef Region and World Heritage Area, with the remaining areas under state jurisdiction. A close working partnership between the federal and state governments has evolved over 37 years and includes complementary legislation, joint field management and joint permits. In the face of increasing pressures, management of the Great Barrier Reef continues to be effective for a range of reasons, including a sound governance/legislative framework together with complementary federal/state legislation; integrated management with relevant federal and state agencies; and the application of ecosystem-based management principles both inside and outside the area of the marine park's jurisdiction. This integrated and comprehensive management model is widely regarded as effective by marine and coastal managers around the world.  相似文献   

New Zealand's quota management system (QMS) was introduced in 1986 to enhance the sustainability of New Zealand's fishery. This paper examines trends in quota and catch share concentration across a range of important fish stocks. It demonstrates that continuing concentration is occurring in the ownership of quota for deepwater species. At the same time there has been an increase in participation by small scale fishers in the inshore fishery. This appears to be driven by the introduction of the Annual Catch Entitlement (ACE) regime, allowing annual catch shares to be accessed at reduced transaction cost.  相似文献   

New Zealand's fisheries management institutions represent a globally recognised story of a successful sustainable management regime, an accolade perceived to be based on its early and comprehensive adoption of a quota management system (QMS). This article questions these assumptions. There are three main strands to the argument. First, that the interpretation of sustainability in the New Zealand QMS disregards the social while simultaneously accentuating a particularly neoliberal economic paradigm in which sustainability is directed towards sustaining the wealth generating potential of quota holdings. Second, while in theory there is a separation of biological and economic conceptions of sustainability in the QMS, these processes are, in fact, deeply intertwined. Third, that the sustainability brand works to legitimise the privatisation and marketization of marine environments, to protect the income stream of quota investors, and to effectively incorporate and discipline dissent.  相似文献   

Ocean temperature changes between 1991 and 2005 in the eastern Tasman Sea were analysed. This area was chosen because of a combination of data availability, low mesoscale variability and because of its importance in determining the climate of the downwind New Zealand landmass. A large warming extending to the full depth of the water column (c. 800 m) was found to have occurred between 1996 and 2002. This warming was seen in measurements by expendable bathythermographs and also in satellite sea surface temperature and sea surface height products, and has a clear impact on New Zealand's terrestrial temperature. The nature of the warming is discussed, together with likely forcing mechanisms. No local forcing mechanisms are consistent with the observed warming, leading to the conclusion that the signal seen in the Tasman Sea is part of a larger South Pacific‐wide phenomenon.  相似文献   

文章基于CiteSpace对2000-2020年海洋空间规划研究进行了知识图谱和可视化分析,分析发文量、作者、机构、期刊影响力和合作网络变化,揭示研究热点的变化趋势。研究表明:欧美等经济发达国家和澳大利亚具有较高影响力,国家与机构间合作密切。海洋空间规划研究始终以生态系统和环境保护为中心,研究内容以政策研究和生态环境研究为主,研究热点由关注生态功能转变为以人类活动为主的整体功能规划研究,蓝色经济、蓝色发展是近些年的主要关键词。在海洋开发强度、范围不断增大,全球气候环境频繁变化的背景下,加强海洋观测和数据收集,探索海洋生态系统对环境影响和人类活动响应机制,加强生态模型在海洋应用,细化海洋空间规划管理措施,因海制宜地调整规划方案,实现生态保护和经济发展的齐头并进,是我国海洋空间规划研究的未来方向。  相似文献   

This article uses a longitudinal survey (1999–2005) of commercial stakeholder organizations (CSOs) to assess the development, strengths and weaknesses of New Zealand's fisheries co-management over its first six years. After presenting the current characteristics and activities of CSOs, the institutional analysis and development (IAD) Framework is used to examine the regime. Results show a pattern of strengths and weaknesses with some areas substantially improved since earlier waves of the survey, while other areas have experienced surprising setbacks. These results suggest that in 2005 the regime remained fragile. Finally, New Zealand's recent move towards inshore “Shared Fisheries” management is explored in light of these findings.  相似文献   

The annual catch entitlement (ACE) scheme was added to New Zealand's quota management system for fisheries in 2001. The scheme allocates quota owners an annual share of the total allowable commercial catch (TACC) in proportion to their quota holding of a particular fishstock. With ACE being transferable, the change made it simpler for fishers (permit holders) who did not own quota to purchase ACE to match catch for specific fishstocks. But to be viable, non-quota-owning (ACE reliant) fishers need access to a reliable, long-term supply of ACE. This study examines the relationships between ACE reliant purchasers and their suppliers of ACE in New Zealand's Fishing Management Area Three during the 2014-15 fishing year. The study found that most buyers and sellers of ACE form enduring relationships to their mutual benefit. This symbiotic relationship bodes well for the survival of small fishers with the expertise to land fish in an efficient manner.  相似文献   

The protection of imperilled fish species is increasingly urgent given ongoing fisheries declines and the degradation of aquatic habitats. In Canada, threatened aquatic species were less likely than terrestrial species to be listed under the Species at Risk Act (SARA), the main legal instrument for bestowing protection, in the early years of the Act's implementation. In this paper, the existence of economic thresholds that might have hampered the protection of Canadian marine and freshwater fishes is examined. The analysis of the socio-economic data used to inform listing decisions about threatened fish taxa over the past decade reveals that the likelihood of being listed declines non-linearly with increasing estimated costs of protection but does not vary with proposed threat status. The estimated threshold cost (i.e., the point at which the likelihood of not being listed=0.5) was ∼$5,000,000 (∼$1,400,000 to ∼$31,400,000, 95% CI) per decade for freshwater species but only ∼$90,000 ($∼50,000 to ∼$140,000, 95% CI) per decade for marine fish taxa. In fact, no marine fish species with an anticipated cost of listing greater than zero was listed for protection. The presence of existing management legislation and qualitative statements about negative impacts of listing on exploitation generally led to denying protection to marine but not to freshwater species. These findings highlight both a large and inconsistent emphasis on costs of protection in SARA listing decisions, to the detriment of marine fish species.  相似文献   

The commercial fishery for snapper Chrysophrys auratus (Bloch and Schneider) in the Hauraki Gulf is one of New Zealand's principal marine fisheries. The snapper catch from this area declined by 22% in 1972, and by a further 4% in 1973, following 4 y of high catches by Danish seiners.

Some of the decline can be attributed to economic factors within the industry, and adverse winter weather. However, the 1972 decline in Danish seine catches is an acceleration of an existing trend. It probably results from heavy exploitation of an accumulated stock, and from movement of a few strong year classes past the age at which they have contributed most to the catch. The slight recovery in the 1973 Danish seine catch resulted only from increased effort; catch per day at sea continued to fall. An improvement in catch and catch per day is unlikely for some years at least.

Snapper catches by other methods (trawl, long line, and set net) also declined during 1972, but the available data on fishing effort do not allow a detailed analysis. The trawl catch in the gulf fell further in 1973 as fishing effort was diverted to other grounds, but the catch by lines and nets improved slightly.  相似文献   

This paper examines a case involving a mix of Territorial Use Rights in Fisheries, co-management and the competition for using coastal zones. In the 2000s, Taiwan's government initiated a remodeling of the fishery right system, which is a rights-based approach to fisheries management, as an attempt to address conflicts between fishers and developers regarding the use of coastal space and to put community-based co-management into practice. The paper particularly compares the system before and after 2000 and identifies areas of concern in the implementation of the remodeled system. The results show that the government's support for this system signifies progress in the right direction. However, concerns emerge, mostly involving fishers' low participation, fishermen's association's lack of technical skills and financial resources, and the division of management responsibility. The government is advised to play a more active role in dealing with these concerns. Finally, the paper reveals that the factor of competition for using coastal zones poses a challenge to co-management, and suggests a holistic view with integrated coastal management or marine spatial planning practices, for developing co-management under the fishery right system.  相似文献   

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