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Taiwan used to have the biggest precious coral fisheries industry in the world. However, due to changes in the fishery, including increased fishing restrictions and the replacement of obsolete vessels, the scale of the industry had been gradually reduced since 1979. Unfortunately, the initiative proved to be poorly managed and resulted in an increase in illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) coral fishing. This forced the government to review and amend the precious coral fisheries management regulations, which had been in place for decades. The Taiwanese government introduced stringent monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) management methods, already used in deep water fisheries, as a precautionary approach. At the same time, an investigation and evaluation of existing resources was carried out. Together, these initiatives were introduced in order to encourage the domestic industry to adopt the concept of ecosystem-based fishery management.  相似文献   

Vessel monitoring systems (VMS) are considered important instruments for fisheries monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) to reverse the current depressed state of the world’s fisheries, and have been mandated worldwide by fishery management agencies. The essential function of the system is to provide near-real time vessel position; the potential applications could, however, be more than that. This study explores the additional benefits, with practical examples, that Taiwan has received from implementing the system: in improving the quantity and quality of logbooks recovered, obtaining access to fishery-independent fishing effort estimates and prompt catch/effort reporting, enabling the possibility of regional management and understanding of both fleet dynamics and vessel behavior, and increasing efficiency of vessel safety protection. For other distant-water fishing nations, Taiwan’s experiences serve to demonstrate how the application of VMS technology can advance sustainable fisheries management.  相似文献   

The assessment of fishing effort is a vital part of fisheries management. However, assessing fishing effort by small-scale local fleets is often problematic, partly because of the complex socio-economic and cultural factors that govern the labour patterns of different fisheries employing different fishing practices. Often, official statistics produced by governmental agencies do not fully capture these factors, so a more holistic understanding of regional fisheries is required. Some contribution by social anthropologists is thus called for, in order to assess actual fishing effort and the trend of regional changes in fishing activities.  相似文献   

Colin Hunt   《Marine Policy》1999,23(6):807
The industrial fisheries of Fiji have had mixed fortunes. The fresh fish export industry has grown rapidly in importance so that fisheries is now the third most valuable export industry; its positive effect on the economy is mainly in the increase in the purchase of goods and services, such as air freight. The present ‘hands off’ policy by government in the fresh fish export industry should continue until the industry matures. In the longer run, ad valorem royalties should be considered as a mean of capturing resource rents. The government-owned export cannery has been in financial decline, and the maintenance of the social benefits of regional employment generated by the cannery has come at a high cost to government coffers. The future of the cannery, now leased to a private operator, is clouded by the uncertainty of the continuity of concessional access to European markets beyond the year 2000. The main task faced by government is the management of fisheries and fish stocks. The management of the inshore fisheries — vital to the needs of a large proportion of the population — needs additional resources. The capability for management of the industrial fisheries, necessary to maximise long term public benefits, would be enhanced by full cost recovery through a user pays policy. This article is based on a paper presented to the Fiji Update seminar, held at the National Centre for Development Studies, the Australian National University, Canberra, on 19 June 1998. The author wishes to thank Mr Krishna Swamy, Senior Fisheries Officer in the Fiji Fisheries Division, and Mr Grahame Southwick, Managing Director of the Fiji Fish Company Ltd, for their generous provision of information for the preparation of this paper; and Mr Joeli Veitayaki, Coordinator of the Ocean Resources Management Programme, University of the South Pacific, for helpful comments. Any errors or omissions are the author’s responsibility, however.  相似文献   

Taiwanese fishing boats have been hijacked many times this year. Trouble at sea can usually be attributed to communication problems, inappropriate management and an unfair salary system. The majority of boats hijacked are high sea (long-line) fishing boats. Although fishery authorities ask the fishing boats to set up vessel monitoring systems (VMSs), this precaution has not been sufficient. There is a further need for improved management by the fishing boat owner and for an improved employment policy for seamen. The issue of maritime security is not new, but it remains a major concern and continues to be a threat to Taiwan and other countries. To date, there have been many cases of hijacking in the South China Sea. This paper analyzes the reasons for the hijackings and provides potential strategies to prevent future incidents.  相似文献   

海带育苗过程光照强度监测系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海带(Laminaria japonica)是一种重要的食用藻类,在其生产过程中,育苗是最基础的环节。在海带育苗过程中光照强度因其变化性强、对幼苗影响显著等特点,被看作是一个重要监测指标。针对目前海带育苗光照强度监测方式落后、准确度和效率低的问题,本文基于相关研究成果,设计了一套由Wi-Fi通信和无线局域网加互联网通信方式组成的海带育苗光照强度监测系统。系统以移动客户端应用为主要业务控制中心,依据光照强度传感器、气象工作站等设备获取海带育苗车间内的光照情况以及外部环境参数,通过无线网关节点实现育苗环境信息和远程服务器的信息交换。通过开发系统应用层,实现移动设备客户端远程监控海带育苗光照参数的变化。实际的模拟生产测试表明,该系统性能稳定,实时监测、警报功能达到使用要求,提升了海带育苗生产的信息化水平,可对推动海带等藻类的精准养殖提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

姜静波  王鑫  于非 《海洋科学》2020,44(7):165-170
提出了一种基于海洋仪器测试海区所开发的环境信息监测系统设计方法,通过无线网络获取海区内台站、浮标等观测单元所采集的环境要素数据,实现数据的存储、查询和管理。长时间测试表明,该系统工作稳定,可为仪器设备的海上测试与评价提供基础实测数据。  相似文献   

概述了我国海水养殖业在快速发展过程中由于出现养殖产业规划滞后和养殖生态环境恶化而带来的若干问题。简要介绍"浙江省重点养殖海湾养殖生态和养殖容量研究"的立项背景和研究目的,鱼类、贝类和大型藻类的养殖容量研究方法以及相关的主要研究成果,展示了近海养殖生态和养殖容量的研究思路,为相关研究的进一步展开提供了一个范例。海水养殖的长远发展必须走可持续发展之路,良好的沿岸生态环境、资源与环境的和谐是支撑海水养殖业健康、持续发展的前提。总结了我国海水养殖业管理取得的进步并指出尚存在的问题。针对海水养殖业保持可持续发展的基本途径,提出了海水养殖业的规划管理和海水养殖技术改进等方面的科学建议。  相似文献   

海洋垂直剖面水温实时监测浮标系统研制与应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为了实时、连续地监测獐子岛海洋牧场养殖区域不同深度的温度状况,为海洋牧场构建和运行提供数据支持,项目组自行研制了海洋垂直剖面水温实时监测浮标系统,可以在水深≤50 m、风速≤60m/s、波高≤15 m的环境下应用。该浮标系统主要包括水面浮标载体子系统和剖面链观测子系统两部分,浮标载体子系统提供了安全可靠的工作平台;而剖面链子系统上的不同位置挂有多个水下传感器,用于测量相应位置的海水温度。耐压试验、温度标定、室内拷机、现场比测、海上拷机的检定数据表明该系统无渗漏、误差小、数据接收率100%。海上运行18个月的结果同样表明,浮标系统运行稳定,数据采集和接收率高,浮标电压稳定。实践表明该浮标系统具有测温精度高、结构简单、使用方便的优点,具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

本研究针对海洋管理部门监测预警的需求,开发了北海区海洋放射性环境监测预警信息系统。系统主要由信息数据库、分析评价模块、信息预警模块三大部分组成。该系统实现了放射性监测数据的管理和自动化评价分析,实现了核事故的预警、应急响应时的模拟预测、信息传输、信息通报等信息化管理。系统开发完成后,在海区放射性监测航次中对部分功能进行了应用,极大的提高了工作效率,为海洋放射性监测预警工作提供了技术支持。  相似文献   

赤潮是最严重的海洋灾害之一,它不仅破坏海洋渔业生产、恶化海洋环境、影响滨海旅游业,而且还会影响人类健康。卫星遥感技术具有覆盖范围广、重复率高、成本低廉等优势,近年来已成为赤潮监测不可或缺的重要手段。本研究利用C++语言建立了一套赤潮遥感监测系统。该系统能自动接收和处理遥感数据,并利用赤潮水体的光谱和固有光学量特征自动提取赤潮信息。在实际业务化应用中,该系统被国家监测部门采用,在2013年4月至9月东海赤潮高发期间,该系统制作了55期赤潮遥感监测产品,用于指导船舶现场监测工作,取得了良好的应用效果。利用本系统对近年来东海发生的27次大型赤潮事件进行了发生位置和面积的提取,并与现场观测结果进行比较。结果显示,系统对大部分赤潮范围的识别有较好的效果,对赤潮识别准确度大概在80%左右。  相似文献   

原位监测海水中氨氮(NH3-N)和亚硝酸盐(${\rm{NO}}_2^- $)对于水体富营养化评价十分重要。针对现有的氨氮、亚硝酸盐原位监测仪器难以在同一检测模块中分别实现荧光和分光光度分析,仪器高效集成及利用受到限制等问题,本文基于光纤耦合微通道反应系统,通过光波长切割、光纤波导和微通道反应 Z 型检测池等技术集成和条件优化,提出了在同一光纤偶联微反应系统中实现氨氮荧光分析和亚硝酸盐分光光度分析的原位测定技术。结果表明,该技术实现了荧光和可见光光度法的模式切换并可分别测定NH3-N和${\rm{NO}}_2^- $;在恒温条件下,NH3-N测定荧光信号漂移小于−2.0%,${\rm{NO}}_2^- $测定吸光度稳定;不同的盐度对氨氮和亚硝酸盐测定影响较小;不同浊度下氨氮测定误差为−6.6%~2.5%,浊度补偿校正后${\rm{NO}}_2^-$测定误差小于0.1%。将该仪器应用于养殖海水中开展氨氮和亚硝酸盐的原位分析,仪器原位监测值与实验室方法测定值相符合。本文所提出的技术在同一模块中分别实现了氨氮和亚硝酸盐的荧光和分光光度两种模式的原位监测,为海水营养盐原位监测仪器的集成化设计提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

随着我国滨海核设施和核技术利用项目的大力建设与发展,迫切需要建立一套统一、规范的海洋放射性监测技术体系,以保障和应对我国海洋放射性环境安全与风险.本文分别对当前海洋放射性样品采集规范体系、海洋放射性监测技术规范体系、海洋放射性监测分析方法体系、海洋放射性质量评价体系和质量保证体系进行梳理,提出海洋放射性监测技术体系的发...  相似文献   

利用数据挖掘技术分析海洋地质调查数据,以获取其中隐藏信息,对推进海洋地质数据的科学高效利用具有重要意义。在模块化设计原则下,利用Python语言开发海洋地质数据挖掘相关的核心功能,利用WinForm搭建人机交互界面,并通过参数交互的方式实现了界面和后台功能间的互动。基于综合地质地球物理资料,利用软件预测了太平洋海山年龄。预测结果精度高于利用传统克里金插值方法所得结果的精度。应用结果表明,所开发软件的数据预处理、指标分析、综合评价等功能具有很好的实用性。  相似文献   

丁一  曹丛华  黄娟  钟山  王宁  胡伟  高松 《海洋科学》2015,39(2):85-90
在分析黄海绿潮卫星遥感监测需求基础上,设计了绿潮多源卫星遥感业务化监测系统。系统设计包括:卫星数据源选择,多源卫星影像绿潮信息提取方法、多源监测结果融合方法和绿潮信息提取总体流程,系统功能模块设计,系统研发语言和平台选择,以及监测报告、数值模拟初始场等产品的设计。为其后的系统研发中的中低分辨率信息提取、多源监测结果信息融合等关键问题提供了解决思路和方法。系统研发后可为黄海绿潮防灾减灾应急决策提供及时、准确、全面的绿潮监测信息。  相似文献   

沉积盆地内断裂体系的复杂性与多样性及其形成演化机制长期以来备受关注。以南海北部陆缘珠三坳陷为研究目标,在大量三维地震资料构造解析的基础上,分析了新生代区域伸展方向的转变规律,探讨了其对断裂体系发育演化的控制作用。研究结果表明:珠三坳陷断裂具有多走向、多级别、多性质的特点,依据断裂走向可以划分为NNE-NE、NWW-NW和近EW向3组,不同走向断裂发育特征、断裂性质及分布规律存在差异。新生代珠三坳陷区域伸展方向经历了顺时针旋转的演化,由古新—中始新世神狐-文昌组沉积期的NW—SE向,转变为晚始新—早中新世恩平-珠江组沉积期的近SN向,到中中新世韩江组沉积期至今的NNE—SSW向。新生代区域伸展方向的转变与先存断裂共同控制了珠三断裂体系的发育演化,整体上导致各演化阶段活动断裂特征存在差异。从具体断裂上看主要表现在:古新—始新世强烈活动的南断裂带南支西段在中晚期消亡;南断裂带北支不同分段的断裂性质存在一定差异;走向弯曲的琼海1号、南断裂带北支文昌 B 凹北段晚期发生局部构造反转。以上几方面现象共同反映了新生代区域伸展方向转变对珠三坳陷断裂体系发育演化的控制作用。  相似文献   

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