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In 1998, the Australian Government released Australia's Oceans Policy (AOP), a world first policy initiative focused on providing a framework for integrated ecosystem-based management of Australia's vast marine domain. The South East Regional Marine Plan, the first regional marine plan to be implemented under AOP, was released on 21 May 2004. This paper argues that although full integration across sectors and jurisdictions has not occurred, new AOP initiatives, institutions and governance processes have considerably increased sectoral and jurisdictional coordination in the South East region.  相似文献   

Commonly, the Baltic Sea is pictured as a proactive region with a long-standing tradition for cooperation and surrounded by the “greenest” EU countries. In contrast, southern countries often suffer from the “Mediterranean Syndrome” in which the heterogenous socio political situation is given as the “proof” that cooperation would not work. The Marine Strategy Framework Directive adopted by European Union in 2008 is an important step towards ecosystem-based marine management and provides a legal document suggesting marine regions as a scale for cooperation. In this paper, we aim to explore stakeholders׳ perspectives on key factors for good governance at the regional sea level covering the Eastern Baltic States and the south of France. We targeted a broad panel of professionals from different sectors with a political, economic or societal importance in the respective seas. We suggest that Baltic and Mediterranean stakeholders are going through very different stages of governance adjustment fitting the purpose of ecosystem-based marine management. Baltic institutions are well established, which in some way prevents structural analysis of whether the current governance model is the most appropriate reaching GES. In the Mediterranean, the EU strategies faces institutional challenges, which is leading stakeholders to think “out of the box” about what is really needed for implementing ecosystem-based marine management for this sea. It is suggested that a golden opportunity exists at present in the Mediterranean to create a regional platform of cooperation, not only to fit the MSFD implementation, but also to improve governance of the Mediterranean Sea and its environmental status.  相似文献   

New multi-sectoral policies with a regional implementation are developed when maritime states recognise the importance of managing the marine environment under an ecosystem-perspective rather than a use-perspective. In Europe, the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) is the first attempt to promote an integrated management of the seas from the coastline to the limit of the Exclusive Economic Zone. This paper shows that, nine years from the MSFD adoption, there remain several ecological, economic, social and governance challenges. Using information gathered in a dedicated survey of the European Union Marine Strategy Coordination Group and in the recent literature the paper identifies the obstacles preventing a successful regional cooperation and policy integration. The survey indicates that the MSFD coordination structures are, in general, well-developed but there is an apparent lack of political will to coordinate actions at the regional level. Member States request greater flexibility to implement the Directive but they put their national interests before the benefit of a coherent and integrated approach for the entire region. Differences in budget, economic sector predominance, lack of staff and the MSFD short time-scale are identified as the factors that can hamper cooperation. These have produced recommendations of possible strategies for optimising regional coordination structures which respect the subsidiarity principle underpinning the MSFD.  相似文献   

《Ocean & Coastal Management》1999,42(10-11):985-990
Since 1997, institutions on both sides of the Atlantic have been building linkages under a joint US/European effort aimed at the next generation of marine policy and ocean management professionals. The Consortium for Transatlantic Cooperation in Marine Policy and Coastal Management Education is facilitating the exchange of knowledge between the United States and Europe regarding integrated coastal management (ICM) and regional fisheries management by creating course modules and case studies, conducting short intensive cross-cultural courses, offering transatlantic internship and academic exchange opportunities, and implementing distance learning technologies. The Consortium includes three European and three US universities, plus five partners from government, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector. The Consortium's ultimate goal is to foster cross-cultural understanding of ICM as it is implemented in response to international mandates such as Agenda 21, the Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Convention on Biological Diversity, and the Global Programme of Action on the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-Based Activities. This article describes the workings of the Consortium over the past two years.  相似文献   

The increasing degradation of marine ecosystems has led to multiple calls for greater protection through the establishment of marine protected areas (MPAs). If created at the ecosystem or ecoregion level, MPAs will likely straddle maritime boundaries and therefore necessitate international cooperation. International environmental law and international law of the sea may facilitate cooperation between States in creating transboundary MPAs. The extent to which this body of law is actually or potentially useful for the establishment of transboundary MPAs is examined in the context of the East African Marine Ecoregion, focusing on Mozambique, South Africa, and Tanzania. A general survey and assessment of the applicable global, regional, and bilateral instruments in relation to the three States is conducted. Although some global instruments are relevant in the East African context, regional and bilateral instruments are more conducive to the establishment of transboundary MPAs. The article concludes that although a trilateral agreement between Mozambique, South Africa, and Tanzania would be an ideal vehicle for the establishment of a transboundary network of MPAs addressing both national and ecoregional conservation interests, a separate solution at each border will be the first step towards this goal.  相似文献   

国家海洋公园是各国目前进行海洋生态保护极为重要的一种形式,以海岛生态系统为核心保护对象的保护区是海洋保护区的重要类型。长山群岛作为北方最大的群岛,在此建立海洋公园,对我国东北地区的经济发展及生态环境保护意义深远。文章在总结分析长山群岛建园优势的基础上,对现有海洋公园的建设方案进行探讨,并结合我国海岛管理的状况,有针对性地提出了我国海岛保护区管理的措施与建议。  相似文献   

《Marine Policy》1998,22(3):229-234
The 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (Stockholm, UN Conference, 1972) outlined a ‘masterplan’ linking environmental assessment, environmental management and supporting measures as basic and inseparable elements of environmental actions plans. It also indicated the advantages of a regional approach in contributing to the solution of global problems. The Regional Seas Programme of UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) was subsequently initiated in 1974 (UN General Assembly, 1972). Development of UNEP’s Regional Seas Programme demonstrated that the basic concepts formulated at Stockholm can effectively foster regional cooperation among interested States, and may benefit from the support of the United Nations system as a whole.The present Regional Seas Programme includes fourteen regions, comprising over 140 coastal States. It was conceived as an action-oriented programme encompassing a comprehensive, trans-sectoral approach to marine and coastal areas and to environmental problems, considering not only the consequences, but also the causes of environmental degradation. Each Regional Seas Programme is based on the needs of the region concerned. The Regional Seas Programmes promote the parallel development of regional legal agreements, and of action-oriented programme activities, as embodied in the action plans. The overall strategy to be followed, as defined by UNEP’s Governing Council (UNEP, 1974) is:
  • 1. Promotion of international and regional conventions, guidelines and actions for the control of marine pollution and the protection and management of aquatic resources.
  • 2. Assessment of the state of marine pollution, pollution sources and trends, and of the impact of pollution on human health, marine ecosystems and amenities.
  • 3. Coordination of efforts with regard to environmental aspects of the protection, development and management of marine and coastal resources.
  • 4. Support for education and training efforts to facilitate the full participation of developing countries in the protection, development and management of marine and coastal resources.
Because the goal of each Regional Seas Programme is to benefit the States of that region, governments are involved from the very beginning in the formulation of the action plan. After acceptance, the implementation of the programme is carried out, under the overall authority of the governments concerned, by national institutions nominated by their governments. Although the Regional Seas Programme is implemented primarily by government-nominated institutions, specialized United Nations bodies, as well as the relevant international and regional organizations, contribute to its formulation, and also provide assistance to these national institutions. UNEP acts as an overall coordinator for the development and implementation of regional action plans. In some cases, this role is limited to the initial phase of the activities.  相似文献   

United Kingdom (UK) and European Union policy is rapidly developing to meet international targets for the sustainable use and protection of the marine environment. To inform this process, research needs to keep pace with these changes and research questions must be focused on providing robust scientific evidence. Thirty four priority research questions within six broad themes were identified by delegates who attended the 1st marine and coastal policy Forum, hosted by the Centre for Marine and Coastal Policy Research at Plymouth University in June 2011. The priority questions formed through this research are timely and reflect the pace and change of marine policy in the UK in response to international, European and national policy drivers. Within the data theme, the majority of questions seek to find improved procedures to manage and use data effectively. Questions related to governance focus on how existing policies should be implemented. The marine conservation questions focus entirely upon implementation and monitoring of existing policy. Questions related to ecosystem services focus on research to support the conceptual links between ecosystem services, ecosystem function, and marine management. Questions relating to marine citizenship are fundamental questions about the nature of societal engagement with the sea. Finally, the marine planning questions focus upon understanding the general approaches to be taken to marine planning rather than its detailed implementation. The questions that have emerged from this process vary in scale, approach and focus. They identify the interdisciplinary science that is currently needed to enable the UK to work towards delivering its European and international commitments to achieve the sustainable use and protection of the marine environment.  相似文献   

为落实2010年APEC领导人宣言有关绿色增长及环境可持续发展方面的内容,APEC海洋可持续发展中心(AMSD)于2011年11月在中国厦门举办APEC蓝色经济论坛.通过APEC经济体代表们的广泛研讨,在蓝色经济研究方面提出了应重点关注的6个领域,包括陆海统筹、区域海洋经济统计标准、海洋生态系统服务价值、海洋经济政策调整、海洋经济数据政策及生态补偿等方面.基于此次论坛的研讨成果,作者建议中国蓝色经济未来的发展战略应是在深化理解蓝色经济理念的基础上,贯彻陆海统筹战略,建立区域海洋经济统计标准,形成政府政策导向,肯定海洋自然资本的价值,加强相关能力建设与深化国际合作.  相似文献   

Marine environment protection in Europe faces a number of challenges. One is the coordination of relevant sectoral policies — such as agricultural and fisheries policies — with regard to marine protection objectives. The question in the following is on how marine protection issues can be more closely integrated in sectoral policies under the conditions prevailing at present. In particular the strength and weaknesses of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) as the key instrument for marine environment protection in Europe are analyzed in this context. In particular, the MSFD does not adequately address all sectors and policies which are relevant to marine environment protection. One possible means of giving the MSFD greater influences on other policies of relevance to marine waters is to integrate the objectives established under the MSFD in the European maritime policy. The aim should be to require the further development of sectoral policies to take unrestricted account of the objectives of the MSFD implementation process. But also other instruments of marine policy such as maritime spatial planning and marine protected areas are crucial to advance the protection of European seas.  相似文献   

中葡海洋合作是构建人类命运共同体和海洋共同体的重要实践。为了更好地推动中葡两国的合作,文章以中葡双方海洋科技合作为视角,分析了两国间开展合作的优势及合作现状,并提出了建立中葡海洋科技交流机制性平台、推动建立中葡联合海洋研究中心、积极推进中葡海洋科技项目务实合作等建议,期望对今后中葡海洋领域深入合作提供参考。  相似文献   

《Ocean & Coastal Management》2006,49(9-10):764-778
Southeast Asia, an economically ‘emerging’ region, contains the world's most outstanding and diverse tropical marine resources. The conservation of this biodiversity is essential both for global ecological health and the economic future of the members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. However, these resources are now severely threatened and will continue to be degraded from increasing and varied forms of destruction. Although Marine Protected Areas and other strategies have already been developed in the region, the effectiveness of marine resources management remains inconsistent. An analysis of economic, social, education and biological data suggests that this deficiency is linked to the level of economic development, as well as the level of scientific and resource management education and the total amount of marine resources in the country. These conclusions are used to suggest more appropriate strategies for better management of the marine resources in Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

The development of regional governance for the protection of the environment, sustainable use of natural resources and conservation of its biodiversity is unquestionably a cornerstone of international environmental law and policy. With regard to marine and coastal issues, it has mainly been taking place through Regional Seas programmes, Regional Fishery Bodies and Large Marine Ecosystems mechanisms. Based on a similar geographical approach, however, these regional mechanisms raise concerns relating to their coordination and efficiency, and possibly overlap in what they aim to achieve. This paper provides a review of existing regional oceans governance mechanisms, assessing their individual and collective capacities to move towards ecosystem-based management, and highlighting options to make the regional landscape more coherent and effective.  相似文献   

文章基于CiteSpace对2000-2020年海洋空间规划研究进行了知识图谱和可视化分析,分析发文量、作者、机构、期刊影响力和合作网络变化,揭示研究热点的变化趋势。研究表明:欧美等经济发达国家和澳大利亚具有较高影响力,国家与机构间合作密切。海洋空间规划研究始终以生态系统和环境保护为中心,研究内容以政策研究和生态环境研究为主,研究热点由关注生态功能转变为以人类活动为主的整体功能规划研究,蓝色经济、蓝色发展是近些年的主要关键词。在海洋开发强度、范围不断增大,全球气候环境频繁变化的背景下,加强海洋观测和数据收集,探索海洋生态系统对环境影响和人类活动响应机制,加强生态模型在海洋应用,细化海洋空间规划管理措施,因海制宜地调整规划方案,实现生态保护和经济发展的齐头并进,是我国海洋空间规划研究的未来方向。  相似文献   

The nature of participation by fishing organizations in fisheries management in the Northeast US is changing. Evidence of this is the number of groups that are actively seeking opportunities for group governance of marine resources. This article explores emerging collaborative or co-management arrangements in this region (a process whereby decision-making is shared between federal/council level and fishery stakeholder groups) and the shift towards an ecosystem-based approach to the management of marine fisheries.This research suggests that it is an opportune time for the development of a regional policy in the Northeast that provides an enabling environment in support of decentralized governance of federally managed marine fisheries. It also suggests that these initiatives can play a key role in operationalizing ecosystem-based management.  相似文献   

《Ocean & Coastal Management》2000,43(10-11):963-972
On July 1st 1999, the Institute of Marine Sciences (IMS), University of Dar Es Salaam celebrated its 20th anniversary. IMS was established as a lead institute for conducting advanced marine research and training in Tanzania. Its 20th anniversary accords us an opportunity to reflect on the advances of marine science in Tanzania. Being a coastal nation and by recognizing the importance and potentials of the ocean and coastal area, Tanzania, since its independence has been doing efforts to set-up sound marine policies and institutional framework and build the nation's capability, including human, in marine affairs. A careful study of Tanzania's marine science policies, institutional framework, and human capability indicates that the situation has improved satisfactorily, especially in human capacity. However, the country's capability in conducting basic and advanced marine science research remains poor due to the lack of a research vessel. The major problem has been the high construction and running costs of a research vessel. I am proposing two approaches from other countries, i.e., Japan, Germany, USA, and UK that can be adopted in Tanzania. Firstly, the research vessel can be acquired as a national resource, i.e., bought and owned by the government. Secondly, relevant and capable beneficiaries, departments, and organizations e.g., the navy, can buy the vessel and make it available to the marine science community. Acquiring a multipurpose marine research vessel is an important next step that Tanzania needs to make in marine science. I am also proposing formulation of a national policy to guide marine science research and development, and the establishment/selection of a lead agency with full authority to manage and supervise all marine and coastal area development/economic activities.  相似文献   


The Leigh Marine Laboratory (LML) has taken full advantage of its location on the shores of one of the world's first no-take marine reserves. The foresight of the founders of the laboratory has enabled the pursuit of ecological studies that have been amongst the first to demonstrate the effectiveness of reserves as a tool for conservation and restoration. The insights flowing from this work at Leigh are important, not only for targeted marine species, but also at the ecosystem level, and have proven to be highly relevant to broader resource management issues. Novel methodologies have been employed in the pursuit of these aims, helping to popularise their wider use. More recent work has focused on understanding the processes underlying the variability in response to marine conservation in marine reserves across the spectrum of coastal marine habitats in New Zealand. The LML has probably exceeded the expectations of its founders, who hoped the laboratory might generate information of interest in the fields of ‘resource management, food web dynamics and natural fluctuations distinct from man-induced changes’, and its contribution in the field of marine conservation has been significant both within New Zealand and internationally. This has been a 50-year journey that has gone from a focus on local effects of conservation to the broader context, from direct effects of protection to indirect effects, and from small-scale spatial conservation management to ecosystem-based management.  相似文献   

International policy frameworks such as the Common Fisheries Policy and the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive define high-level strategic goals for marine ecosystems. Strategic goals are addressed via general and operational management objectives. To add credibility and legitimacy to the development of objectives, for this study stakeholders explored intermediate level ecological, economic and social management objectives for Northeast Atlantic pelagic ecosystems. Stakeholder workshops were undertaken with participants being free to identify objectives based on their own insights and needs. Overall 26 objectives were proposed, with 58% agreement in proposed objectives between two workshops. Based on published evidence for pressure-state links, examples of operational objectives and suitable indicators for each of the 26 objectives were then selected. It is argued that given the strong species-specific links of pelagic species with the environment and the large geographic scale of their life cycles, which contrast to demersal systems, pelagic indicators are needed at the level of species (or stocks) independent of legislative region. Pelagic community indicators may be set at regional scale in some cases. In the evidence-based approach used in this study, the selection of species or region specific operational objectives and indicators was based on demonstrated pressure-state links. Hence observed changes in indicators can reliably inform on appropriate management measures.  相似文献   

基于生态系统的海洋综合管理是海洋管理的新理念和新模式,其倡导从海洋生态系统角度开展环境资源保护,并以促进海洋生态系统与人类开发活动的协调可持续发展为终极目标。美国大沼泽湿地项目是基于生态系统的海洋综合管理的经典范例。基于生态系统的海洋综合管理的核心理念是将整个生态系统纳入海洋综合管理范畴,颠覆传统的单一对象保护理念,实现海洋生态保护与人类生存发展协调可持续。美国大沼泽湿地项目采用了基于生态系统的海洋综合管理理念,将整个大沼泽湿地视为一个整体生态系统,实现联邦政府、州政府和社会组织协作,合力促进大沼泽湿地的绿色生态可持续发展。美国大沼泽湿地项目全面贯彻基于生态系统的海洋综合管理理念,采用联合管理模式,重视水资源环境治理取得一定成效,但也暴露出管理模式有待改进、公众宣传参与不到位、区域间联系不紧密等问题。  相似文献   

The Marine Planning Framework for South Australia is a new large-scale, ecosystem-based zoning policy for management of development and use in the marine environment. Utilising the Geographic Information System (GIS), the model establishes four ecologically rated zones, derived from known ecological criteria. A series of goals, objectives and strategies represent the desired outcomes for each of the ecologically rated zones. A Performance Assessment System (PAS) will subsequently evaluate the success of the marine plans. Implementation will be supported by a collaborative whole-of-government approach. Marine plans will facilitate the delivery of long-term protection to the marine environment as a whole ecosystem, whilst enabling a broad range of activities to occur in a sustainable manner.  相似文献   

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