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主要分析了WIND飞船2004年11月9日探测的磁云边界层引起的大尺度地球磁层活动.磁层响应主要包括以下3个方面:(1)磁云边界层内本身持续较强南向磁场驱动了一个强磁暴的主相.(2)由于磁云边界层内部较强南向磁场持续一段时间后发生向北偏转触发了一个典型磁层亚暴.文中详细分析了亚暴膨胀相发生时夜侧磁层各区域的观测现象,包括极光观测、高纬地磁湾扰、地球同步轨道无色散粒子注入现荆、Pi2脉动突然增强以及等离子体片偶极化现象等.(3)磁云边界层和前面鞘区组成一个动压增强区,此动压增强区强烈压缩磁层,致使磁层顶进入地球同步轨道以内;当磁云边界层扫过磁层时,位于向阳侧地球同步轨道上的两颗GOES卫星大部分时间位于磁层磁鞘中,以致很长时间内直接暴露在太阳风中.利用Shue(1998)模型计算得到当磁云边界层扫过磁层时磁层顶日下点的位置被压缩至距地心最近距离为5.1RE,磁云边界层的强动压结构以及强间断面决定了磁云边界层对磁层的强压缩效应.强动压结构、多个强间断结构以及持续较长时间的强南向磁场是许多磁云边界层的共性,这里以此磁云边界层事件为例分析了磁云边界层的地球磁层响应.  相似文献   

主要分析了WIND飞船2004年11月9日探测的磁云边界层引起的大尺度地球磁层活动.磁层响应主要包括以下3个方面:(1)磁云边界层内本身持续较强南向磁场驱动了一个强磁暴的主相.(2)由于磁云边界层内部较强南向磁场持续一段时间后发生向北偏转触发了一个典型磁层亚暴.文中详细分析了亚暴膨胀相发生时夜侧磁层各区域的观测现象,包括极光观测、高纬地磁湾扰、地球同步轨道无色散粒子注入现象、Pi2脉动突然增强以及等离子体片偶极化现象等.(3)磁云边界层和前面鞘区组成一个动压增强区,此动压增强区强烈压缩磁层,致使磁层顶进入地球同步轨道以内;当磁云边界层扫过磁层时,位于向阳侧地球同步轨道上的两颗GOES卫星大部分时间位于磁层磁鞘中,以致很长时间内直接暴露在太阳风中.利用Shue(1998)模型计算得到当磁云边界层扫过磁层时磁层顶日下点的位置被压缩至距地心最近距离为5.1RE,磁云边界层的强动压结构以及强间断面决定了磁云边界层对磁层的强压缩效应.强动压结构、多个强间断结构以及持续较长时间的强南向磁场是许多磁云边界层的共性,这里以此磁云边界层事件为例分析了磁云边界层的地球磁层响应.  相似文献   

用二维可压缩的MHD模型模拟研究了北半球背阳面磁层顶区的瞬时重联过程.结果表明,当行星际磁场(IMF)具有南向Bz分量和背太阳向Bx分量时,IMF与地磁场联接,磁层顶向外扩张,在等离子体幔区可形成流体旋涡,磁力线被扭曲,但不易形成磁涡旋;当IMF具有北向Bz分量时,不论Bx分量是背向太阳或指向太阳,都可发生瞬时重联,而且当IMFBx分量与地磁场Bx分量反向时,在等离子体幔区更易形成磁涡旋.这两种情况,在磁层顶边界层区都能产生多层的电流片.  相似文献   

用二维可压缩的MHD模型模拟研究了北半球背阳面磁层顶区的瞬时重联过程.结果表明,当行星际磁场(IMF)具有南向Bz分量和背太阳向Bx分量时,IMF与地磁场联接,磁层顶向外扩张,在等离子体幔区可形成流体旋涡,磁力线被扭曲,但不易形成磁涡旋;当IMF具有北向Bz分量时,不论Bx分量是背向太阳或指向太阳,都可发生瞬时重联,而且当IMFBx分量与地磁场Bx分量反向时,在等离子体幔区更易形成磁涡旋.这两种情况,在磁层顶边界层区都能产生多层的电流片.  相似文献   

本文用回旋动力学研究了磁层顶等离子体低频漂移动力学不稳定性.在β≥1附近发现两支不稳定的漂移动力学Alfvèn模(DKA).它们可在▽T(∥-▽n)≠0时激发,速度剪切提供主要的自由能源.两支DKA均具有非零的(δEy,δE∥)和(δBx,δB∥).在湍动的非线性饱和状态下,δBx的起伏可导致很强的反常输运,当|δBx|=1nT时,D⊥可达到109m2/s的数量级.因此,DKA可能在太阳风-磁层耦合过程中起重要作用.  相似文献   

本文用回旋动力学研究了磁层顶等离子体低频漂移动力学不稳定性.在β≥1附近发现两支不稳定的漂移动力学Alfvèn模(DKA).它们可在▽T(∥-▽n)(?)0时激发,速度剪切提供主要的自由能源.两支DKA均具有非零的(δE_y,δE_∥)和(δB_x,δB_∥).在湍动的非线性饱和状态下,δB_x的起伏可导致很强的反常输运,当|δB_x|=1nT时,D_⊥可达到10~9m~2/s的数量级.因此,DKA可能在太阳风-磁层耦合过程中起重要作用.  相似文献   

不考虑磁层顶磁重联的全球三维MHD模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文介绍了一个新的磁层全球三维MHD模型,该模型可通过把IMF和地球磁场分开处理的方法“关闭”磁层顶的磁重联,从而可直观地显示不同IMF条件下磁层顶的IMF与地磁场的反平行区域,即磁重联最可能发生的地方,结果表示,IMFBx分量对磁层顶磁重联有重要影响。由于可关闭磁重联,该模型还可有效地研究有无磁重联时,太阳风对磁层位形(如晨-昏不对称性)、粒子输运等重要问题的影响,有助于揭示磁层物理现象的基本特性。  相似文献   

本文用回旋动力学研究了磁层顶等离子体低频漂移动力学不稳定性.在β≥1附近发现两支不稳定的漂移动力学Alfvèn模(DKA).它们可在▽T(∥-▽n)≠0时激发,速度剪切提供主要的自由能源.两支DKA均具有非零的(δEy,δE)和(δBx,δB).在湍动的非线性饱和状态下,δBx的起伏可导致很强的反常输运,当|δBx|=1nT时,D可达到109m2/s的数量级.因此,DKA可能在太阳风-磁层耦合过程中起重要作用.  相似文献   

磁层顶压缩事件的磁场分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
向日面磁层顶在平静太阳风条件下,处于10RE(RE为地球半径)左右.但在异常的太阳风条件下,即南向行星际磁场很强和(或)太阳风的动压很大时,会被压缩,甚至到达同步轨道附近.集中分析2001年4月11日的磁暴事件,研究当磁层顶发生强烈压缩以后。在地球空间和地面上产生的磁场影响.磁层顶位形选取Shue(1998)模型计算.当把计算结果与GOESl0卫星的观测数据对比时发现:磁层顶在强的太阳风条件下的确会被压缩到同步轨道以内.Shue(1998)模型的预测基本正确,通常的漏报可能是由于预报的位置误差所致.实际磁层顶电流片的位置和强度与我们假设的理想磁层顶间断面计算结果基本吻合.在分析大磁暴过程时,磁层顶压缩使磁层顶电流对于中低纬度地磁场扰动有突出的贡献,在2001年4月事件中,这个贡献可以大于50nT,占主相的1/6左右.这一贡献可以使Dst指数产生相应的误差.  相似文献   

IMF北向时磁层顶重联的模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于自己开发的全球三维磁层模型,模拟研究了IMF(Interplanetary Magnetic Field)北向时磁层顶重联及磁尾结构.结果发现磁层顶附近存在两种典型的重联过程:一是高纬极尖区IMF与地球磁场的重联,这与空间观测证据和前人的模拟结果是一致的;二是重联后一端在太阳风中另一端与地球相连的磁力线在向磁尾运动中,会发生弯曲、拖曳,在磁尾晨昏侧低纬区域可与尾瓣开放磁力线满足重联条件而再次发生重联.我们认为前一重联会使磁尾等离子片产生与IMF时钟角方向相反的旋转;而后者可重新形成闭合磁力线,可能是LLBL(Low Latitude Boundary Layer)形成的重要原因.  相似文献   

通过求解含有摩擦耗散的线性化大气动力学方程组,得到了在夜间稳定大气边界层中小尺度地形产生的波动阻力和形式阻力的解析解.结果表明边界层中的稳定度、风速和湍流状态、边界层厚度、上部残余层中的稳定度和风速以及地形高度和坡度,都会影响波动阻力和形式阻力的大小,应在数值模式的参数化方案中给予考虑.分析还表明,当地形坡度减到一定程度时,形式阻力可以忽略不计.  相似文献   

罗玉来  何玉梅  赵亮 《地球物理学报》2016,59(10):3674-3683
本文利用中国国家数字地震台网(CDSN)和国际数字地震台网(FDSN)的宽频带远震资料,采用S和ScS震相剪切波差异分裂方法对东南亚下方核幔边界D″层地震各向异性进行研究.共获得了来自7个深震(400km)的24对高质量的S和ScS剪切波分裂参数,其中S震相的分裂参数与前人上地幔各向异性研究结果十分吻合,表明S震相观测结果反映了观测台站下方的上地幔各向异性.通过对上地幔各向异性校正后的波形数据进行进一步的分裂参数分析,最后得到了24个可靠的ScS剩余各向异性分裂参数.结果显示,在经度107°~112°范围内分裂参数均为空值(Null);而在该经度范围东西两侧区域,主要表现为明显分裂特征.这种分裂参数的分布指示了核幔边界D″层的各向异性特征的区域变化,我们推测这种变化可能与停滞在核幔边界的古特提斯和/或古太平洋俯冲板块相关.  相似文献   

The effect of the downstream propagation of a wake on the transport of momentum, energy and scalars (such as humidity) in the convective boundary layer (CBL) is studied using a direct numerical simulation. The incompressible Navier–Stokes and energy equations are integrated under neutral and unstable thermal stratification conditions in a rotating coordinate frame with the Ekman layer approximation. Wake effects are introduced by modifying the mean velocity field as an initial condition on a converged turbulent Ekman layer flow. With this initial velocity distribution, the governing equations are integrated in time to determine how turbulent transport in the CBL is affected by the wake. Through the use of Taylor’s hypothesis, temporal evolution of the flow field in a doubly periodic computational domain is transformed into a spatial evolution. The results clearly indicate an increase in the scalar flux at the surface for the neutrally stratified case. An increase in wall scalar and heat flux is also noted for the CBL under unstable stratification, though the effects are diminished given the enhanced buoyant mixing associated with the hot wall.  相似文献   

Sediment movement in the wave boundary layer above a mobile sediment bed is complex.A velocity formula for the boundary layer is proposed for sheet flow induced by asymmetric waves above a mobile sediment bed.The formula consists of a free stream velocity and a defect function which contains a phase-lead,boundary layer thickness and mobile sediment bed.Phase-lag of sediment movement is considered in the formula for the mobile sediment bed.The formula needs six dependent variables about asymmetric wave and sediment characteristics.Asymmetry effects on parameters(orbital amplitude,roughness height,bed shear stress,and boundary layer thickness)are properly considered such that the formula can yield velocity differences among onshore,offshore,acceleration,and deceleration stages.The formula estimates the net boundary layer velocity resulting from the mobile sediment bed and asymmetric boundary layer thickness.In addition,a non-constant phase-lead also contributes to the net boundary layer velocity in asymmetric oscillatory sheet flow.Results of the formula are as good as that of a two-phase numerical model.Sheet flow transport induced by asymmetric waves,and the offshore net sediment transport rate with a large phase-lag under velocity-skewed waves,can be adequately estimated by the formula with a power sediment concentration function.  相似文献   

The article reviews past accomplishments and recent advances in conceptual understanding, numerical simulation, and physical interpretation of the wind shear phenomena in the atmospheric convective boundary layer.  相似文献   


A study is made of the nonlinear stability of a weakly supercritical zonal shear flow in the β-plane approximation. The dynamics of initially small disturbances are examined. The main nonlinear effects are associated with the rearrangement of the critical layer. It is shown that as the wave grows in amplitude, linear regimes of the critical layer (viscous and nonstationary) change over to a nonlinear regime while the exponential law of disturbance growth becomes a power-law.  相似文献   

大气边界层研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

大气边界层对云和对流的发展、演变有重要作用.本文回顾了在大气边界层高度计算方法,边界层的时空分布特征、结构和发展机理,以及边界层参数化方案等方面的主要研究进展.大气边界层高度计算方法主要分为基于大气廓线观测数据计算和基于模式参数化方案计算两大类;大气边界层高度频率分布形态具有明显的日变化特征,并且稳定、中性和对流边界层高度的频率分布呈现出不同的Gamma分布特征;地面湿度状况对边界层发展影响明显,对于不同的下垫面热力性质和地形状况,大气边界层高度呈现出明显的空间差异,青藏高原边界层高度明显高于一般平原地区;在强烈的地面加热驱动下,对流边界层与残余层通过正反馈机制循环增长可以形成4000 m以上的超高大气边界层;研制大气边界层、浅对流以及云物理方案的统一参数化框架是未来数值预报模式的发展趋势.


Interfacial instability of sand patterns induced by turbulent shear flow   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When a turbulent shear flow above a plane sand surface entrains sand grains,it generates a variety of sand patterns.Fluvial sand forms two major interfacial patterns:meso-scale dunes and antidunes,and large-scale bars.Measurements have evidenced that under erosive conditions,meso-scale patterns either change to or coexist with large-scale patterns.However,it remains elusive what exactly drives the switching of interfacial patterns and how the switching occurs.Here,we showdcombing a flow model with a grain transport model,allowing for both the surface and suspended sand fluxes dthat the switching of patterns emerges from the shear-driven complex feedback between grain transport and topographic perturbations.The switching predominantly depends on the magnitudes of the Rouse number and the grain size to undisturbed flow depth ratio.The model offers quantitative predictions of the maximum amplification of sand patterns and unveils a new attraction erepulsion phenomenon.  相似文献   


The development of initially small perturbations in a weakly supercritical zonal shear flow on a β-plane is studied. Two different scenarios of evolution are possible. If the supercriticality is sufficiently small, the growth of a perturbation is stopped in the viscous critical layer regime; for this case the evolution equation (corrected by the inclusion of a quintic nonlinearity) is derived. At greater supercriticality the nonlinearity cannot stop the growth of the perturbation in a linear (viscous or unsteady) critical layer regime, and the evolution is more complicated. Transition to a nonlinear critical layer regime leads to a reduction in the growth rate and to a slowing (but not a stopping) of the increase in amplitude, A. These are connected to the formation of a plateau (S=constant) of width L=O(A ½) in the profile of absolute vorticity, S. Careful analysis reveals that the growth in amplitude ceases only when the whole instability domain (where the slope of unperturbed S-profile is positive) becomes covered again by the plateau.  相似文献   

Effects of convective and mechanical turbulence at the entrainment zone are studied through the use of systematic Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) experiments. Five LES experiments with different shear characteristics in the quasi-steady barotropic boundary layer were conducted by increasing the value of the constant geostrophic wind by 5 m s-1 until the geostrophic wind was equal to 20 m s-1. The main result of this sensitivity analysis is that the convective boundary layer deepens with increasing wind speed due to the enhancement of the entrainment heat flux by the presence of shear. Regarding the evolution of the turbulence kinetic energy (TKE) budget for the studied cases, the following conclusions are drawn: (i) dissipation increases with shear, (ii) the transport and pressure terms decrease with increasing shear and can become a destruction term at the entrainment zone, and (iii) the time tendency of TKE remains small in all analyzed cases. Convective and local scaling arguments are applied to parameterize the TKE budget terms. Depending on the physical properties of each TKE budget contribution, two types of scaling parameters have been identified. For the processes influenced by mixed-layer properties, boundary layer depth and convective velocity have been used as scaling variables. On the contrary, if the physical processes are restricted to the entrainment zone, the inversion layer depth, the modulus of the horizontal velocity jump and the momentum fluxes at the inversion appear to be the natural choices for scaling these processes. A good fit of the TKE budget terms is obtained with the scaling, especially for shear contribution.  相似文献   

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