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We report the development and first results of an instrument called Low Layer SCIDAR (Scintillation Detection and Ranging) (LOLAS) which is aimed at the measurement of optical-turbulence profiles in the atmospheric boundary layer with high altitude resolution. The method is based on the Generalized SCIDAR (GS) concept, but unlike the GS instruments which need a 1-m or larger telescope, LOLAS is implemented on a dedicated 40-cm telescope, making it an independent instrument. The system is designed for widely separated double-star targets, which enables the high altitude resolution. Using a 200-arcsec-separation double star, we have obtained turbulence profiles with unprecedented 12-m resolution. The system incorporates necessary novel algorithms for autoguiding, autofocus and image stabilization. The results presented here were obtained at Mauna Kea Observatory. They show LOLAS capabilities but cannot be considered as representative of the site. A forthcoming paper will be devoted to the site characterization. The instrument was built as part of the Ground Layer Turbulence Monitoring Campaign on Mauna Kea for Gemini Observatory.  相似文献   

An instrument for monitoring of the vertical profile of atmospheric optical turbulence strength, employing the Slope Detection and Ranging (SLODAR) double star technique applied to a small telescope, has been developed by Durham University and the European South Observatory. The system has been deployed at the Cerro Paranal observatory in Chile for statistical characterization of the site. The instrument is configured to sample the turbulence at altitudes below 1.5 km with a vertical resolution of approximately 170 m. The system also functions as a general-purpose seeing monitor, measuring the integrated optical turbulence strength for the whole atmosphere, and hence the seeing width. We give technical details of the prototype and present data to characterize its performance. Comparisons with contemporaneous measurements from a differential image motion monitor (DIMM) and a multi-aperture scintillation sensor (MASS) are discussed. Statistical results for the optical turbulence profile at the Paranal site are presented. We find that, in the median case, 49 per cent of the total optical turbulence strength is associated with the surface layer (below 100 m), 35 per cent with the 'free atmosphere' (above 1500 m) and 16 per cent with the intermediate altitudes (100–1500 m).  相似文献   

Slope Detection and Ranging (SLODAR) is a technique for the measurement of the vertical profile of atmospheric optical turbulence strength. Its main applications are astronomical site characterization and real-time optimization of imaging with adaptive optical correction. The turbulence profile is recovered from the cross-covariance of the slope of the optical phase aberration for a double star source, measured at the telescope with a wavefront sensor (WFS). Here, we determine the theoretical response of a SLODAR system based on a Shack–Hartmann WFS to a thin turbulent layer at a given altitude, and also as a function of the spatial power spectral index of the optical phase aberrations. Recovery of the turbulence profile via fitting of these theoretical response functions is explored. The limiting resolution in altitude of the instrument and the statistical uncertainty of the measured profiles are discussed. We examine the measurement of the total integrated turbulence strength (the seeing) from the WFS data and, by subtraction, the fractional contribution from all turbulence above the maximum altitude for direct sensing of the instrument. We take into account the effects of noise in the measurement of wavefront slopes from centroids and the form of the spatial structure function of the atmospheric optical aberrations.  相似文献   

We present results from a study of the seeing quality at the 4.2-m William Herschel telescope at La Palma. The median intrinsic seeing at the site is found to be excellent, and is comparable to that at the Paranal and Mauna Kea observatories. Contributions to the seeing from turbulence within the telescope dome are insignificant. Furthermore, the optical quality and tracking stability of the telescope are good, so that long-exposure image widths close to the limit imposed by the site seeing can be expected.  相似文献   

The technical feasibility of submillimeter interferometry at Mauna Kea, Hawaii, by connecting existing and planned optical/IR telescopes as well as submillimeter telescopes is discussed.Paper presented at the Symposium on the JNLT and Related Engineering Developments, Tokyo, November 19–December 2, 1988.Nobeyama Radio Observatory is a branch of the National Astronomical Observatory, the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan.  相似文献   

Coupling the JNLT with the Keck telescope is of considerable interest. Further enhancement may be possible with auxiliary small telescopes, as planned for ESO's VLT. Current plans for installing the optical very large array at Mauna Kea provide opportunities for extra OVLA telescopes near the JNLT.A coudé field slicer is proposed for interferometric observing of a reference star together with the main object. Additions to the JNLT coudé spectrograph are also suggested for use as a speckle camera with multiple spectral channels.Paper presented at the Symposium on the JNLT and Related Engineering Developments, Tokyo, November 29–December 2, 1988.  相似文献   

New measurements of optical turbulence profile at the Cerro Pachón observatory in Chile are analysed jointly with previously published data to model the variations of the intensity and thickness of the ground layer and free atmosphere under a variety of observing conditions. This work is motivated by the need to predict statistically the performance of ground-layer adaptice optics. We find that the ground-layer profile can be represented by a decaying exponent with a scale height of 20–40 m, increasing to 100 m under bad conditions. The zone from 6 to 500 m contributes typically about 61 per cent to the total integral, the latter causing a median seeing of 0.77 arcsec. Turbulence integrals in the ground layer and in free atmosphere vary independently of each other, in 50 per cent of cases they deviate by less than 1.8 times from their respective median values. The existence of periods with low turbulence in the free atmosphere and their importance for adaptive optics is stressed.  相似文献   

本文对全球现有天文台址的海拔高度、大望远镜所在地的高度和近十年来的光学天文台的选址在海拔高度上的考虑进行了综述和分析,并对云南境内候选点的高度提出看法。  相似文献   

Stellar images have been obtained under natural seeing at visible and near-infrared wavelengths simultaneously through the Subaru Telescope at Mauna Kea. The image quality is evaluated by the full-width at the half-maximum (FWHM) of the stellar images. The observed ratio of FWHM in the V-band to the K-band is 1.54 ± 0.17 on average. The ratio shows tendency to decrease toward bad seeing as expected from the outer scale influence, though the number of the samples is still limited. The ratio is important for simulations to evaluate the performance of a ground-layer adaptive optics system at near-infrared wavelengths based on optical seeing statistics. The observed optical seeing is also compared with outside seeing to estimate the dome seeing of the Subaru Telescope.  相似文献   

The Gemini Telescopes are being built to exploit the splendid infrared sites of Mauna Kea in Hawaii and Cerro Pachon in Chile. Both telescopes are being designed to deliver 0.1 arcsecond images at 2.2 m to the focal plane. This image size includes all tracking and enclosure effects. To exploit the superb infrared characteristics of the sites and telescopes we will require a new generation of IR instruments which will challenge both instrument designers and infrared array technologies.  相似文献   

The National Optical Astronomy Observatories (NOAO) proposes to build 8 m telescopes at two locations. The Northern Hemisphere location is on Mauna Kea, Hawaii, and the Southern Hemisphere location is within the existing boundary of the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory. This paper describes the sites under consideration and the facilities that support the operation of each telescope, namely, the telescope enclosure, the control facility, and the recoating facility.Paper presented at the Symposium on the JNLT and Related Engineering Developments, Tokyo, November 29–December 2, 1988.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

The National Optical Astronomy Observatories (NOAO) are planning to buld two 8 m telescopes, one for Mauna Kea, Hawaii, the other for a site in Chile. Optical configurations, primary mirror systems, and the telescope mounting are discussed. A new optical testing method is outlined. The system imaging goal is 0.25 FWHM. Construction could begin in the early 1990's.Paper presented at the Symposium on the JNLT and Related Engineering Developments, Tokyo, November 29–December 2, 1988.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Current projects for large telescopes demand a proper knowledge of atmospheric turbulence to design efficient adaptive optics systems in order to reach large Strehl ratios. However, the proper characterization of the turbulence above a particular site requires long-term monitoring. Because of the lack of long-term information on turbulence, high-altitude winds (in particular winds at the 200 mbar pressure level) were proposed as a parameter for estimating the total turbulence at a particular site, with the advantage of records of winds going back several decades. We present the first complete study of atmospheric adaptive optics parameters above the Teide Observatory (Canary Islands, Spain) in relation to wind speed. On-site measurements of   C 2 N ( h )  profiles (more than 20 200 turbulence profiles) from G-SCIDAR (Generalized Scintillation Detection and Ranging) observations and wind vertical profiles from balloons have been used to calculate the seeing, the isoplanatic angle and the coherence time. The connection of these parameters to wind speeds at ground and at 200 mbar pressure level are shown and discussed. Our results confirm the well-known high quality of the Canary Islands astronomical observatories.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the use of Shack–Hartmann wavefront sensors to determine the vertical distribution of atmospheric optical turbulence above large telescopes. It is demonstrated that the turbulence altitude profile can be recovered reliably from time-averaged spatial cross-correlations of the local wavefront slopes for Shack–Hartmann observations of binary stars. The method, which is referred to as SLODAR, is analogous to the well known SCIDAR scintillation profiling technique, and a calibration against contemporaneous SCIDAR observations is shown. Hardware requirements are simplified relative to the scintillation method, and the number of suitable target objects is larger. The implementation of a Shack–Hartmann based turbulence monitor for use at the William Herschel Telescope is described. The system will be used to optimize adaptive optical observations at the telescope and to characterize anisoplanatic variations of the corrected point spread function.  相似文献   

The Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) will be the first truly global ground-based optical/infrared observatory. It will initiate the era of extremely large (30-meter class) telescopes with diffraction limited performance from its vantage point in the northern hemisphere on Mauna Kea, Hawaii, USA. The astronomy communities of India, Canada, China, Japan and the USA are shaping its science goals, suite of instrumentation and the system design of the TMT observatory. With large and open Nasmyth-focus platforms for generations of science instruments, TMT will have the versatility and flexibility for its envisioned 50 years of forefront astronomy. The TMT design employs the filled-aperture finely-segmented primary mirror technology pioneered with the W.M. Keck 10-meter telescopes. With TMT’s 492 segments optically phased, and by employing laser guide star assisted multi-conjugate adaptive optics, TMT will achieve the full diffraction limited performance of its 30-meter aperture, enabling unprecedented wide field imaging and multi-object spectroscopy. The TMT project is a global effort of its partners with all partners contributing to the design, technology development, construction and scientific use of the observatory. TMT will extend astronomy with extremely large telescopes to all of its global communities.  相似文献   

Relations are presented between the optical depth of the atmosphere  (τ)  in the millimetre and submillimetre windows at 350, 450, 850 and 1250 μm. These relations are derived by an analysis of 849 skydips at 850 μm performed with the submillimetre camera SCUBA at the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) and polynomial fits to over 19 000 measurements of a tipping radiometer operating at 350 μm. The relations allow for an improved calibration of millimetre and submillimetre observations on Mauna Kea, Hawai'i, and for better monitoring of atmospheric conditions.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the Mauna Kea site are reviewed. An extensive site survey by NOAO during 1984–1985 showed that the average seeing was in the 0.4–0.6 range and thatr 0 was approximately 30 cm. An image quality study at the UH 88-inch telescope in 1987 showed the free atmosphere seeing was 0.5 and the boundary layer contributed less than 0.25.Paper presented at the Symposium on the JNLT and Related Engineering Developments, Tokyo, November 29–December 2, 1988.  相似文献   

Two steps have been taken to decide at what place and altitude to set up the JNLT on Mauna Kea. First, the wind tunnel experiment has been made in collaboration with the Institute of Meteorology using the two models of summit area with the reduced scales of 1/1000 and 1/5000. This study tells us that the north-west cone is suitable for JNLT. Secondly, we have done the measurement of the microthermal activities in this area with a 30 m tower, which was continued for about 4 months in collaboration with the University of Hawaii. This experiment has given the mean vertical profile ofC T 2 over 4 months and its scale height in the boundayr layer on our site. By use of these measurements, the contribution of the boundary layer to seeing is estimated. The behaviour ofC T 2 under strong winds can be explained very well by topographic effects, which is in fairly good agreement with the results of our wind tunnel experiment.Paper presented at the Symposium on the JNLT and Related Engineering Developments, Tokyo, November 29–December 2, 1988.  相似文献   

We present L ' and M ' photometry, obtained at the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT) using the Mauna Kea Observatories Near-Infrared (MKO-NIR) filter set, for 46 and 31 standard stars, respectively. The L ' standards include 25 from the in-house 'UKIRT Bright Standards' with magnitudes deriving from Elias et al. and observations at the Infrared Telescope Facility in the early 1980s, and 21 fainter stars. The M ' magnitudes derive from the results of Sinton and Tittemore. We estimate the average external error to be 0.015 mag for the bright L ' standards and 0.025 mag for the fainter L ' standards, and 0.026 mag for the M ' standards. The new results provide a network of homogeneously observed standards, and establish reference stars for the MKO system, in these bands. They also extend the available standards to magnitudes which should be faint enough to be accessible for observations with modern detectors on large and very large telescopes.  相似文献   

The astronomical community in Japan is promoting a national project to construct a large optical infrared telescope on Mauna Kea in Hawaii. The scientific objectives and the basic concept of the project are briefly presented, as they stand in September 1984.Paper presented at the IAU Third Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, held in Kyoto, Japan, between 30 September–6 October, 1984.  相似文献   

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