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EOS/MODIS卫星资料在贵州省林火监测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在森林火灾预防和扑救中,及时而准确地监测森林火灾和火环境的变化是各级防火人员最为关注的问题之一。对于大面积森林火灾,依靠地面人力和飞机监测,不但费用高,而且工作繁杂,特别是对于盲区的监测计算精度低。借助于卫星遥感和林火地理信息系统,进行计算机统计分析,可以克服这些不足,提供较为详细的森林火灾有关数据。该文介绍EOS/MODIS卫星遥感资料在贵州省森林火灾监测的应用,从理论上分析EOS/MODIS数据林火信息的识别和提取的原理及方法。  相似文献   

The study estimated, for the first time, the greenhouse gas emissions associated with cattle raising in Brazil, focusing on the period from 2003 to 2008 and the three principal sources: 1) portion of deforestation resulting in pasture establishment and subsequent burning of felled vegetation; 2) pasture burning; and 3) bovine enteric fermentation. Deforestation for pasture establishment was only considered for the Amazon and Cerrado. Emissions from pasture burning and enteric fermentation were accounted for the entire country. The consolidated emissions estimate lies between approximately 813 Mt CO2eq in 2008 (smallest value) and approximately 1,090 Mt CO2eq in 2003 (greatest value). The total emissions associated with Amazon cattle ranching ranged from 499 to 775 Mt CO2eq, that of the Cerrado from 229 to 231 Mt CO2eq, and that of the rest of the country between 84 and 87 Mt CO2eq. The full set of emissions originating from cattle raising is responsible for approximately half of all Brazilian emissions (estimated to be approximately 1,055 Mt CO2eq in 2005), even without considering cattle related sources not explicitly estimated in this study, such as energy use for transport and refrigeration along the beef and derivatives supply chain. The potential for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions offered by the Brazilian cattle industry is very high and might constitute Brazil’s most important opportunity for emissions mitigation. The study offers a series of policy recommendations for mitigation that can be implemented by public and private administrators at a low cost relative to other greenhouse gas reduction options.  相似文献   

The allocation of CO2 emissions to specific sources is a major policy issue for international aviation, especially for determining allocations for emissions trading schemes. This paper addresses the problem by recommending a possible methodology to allocate emissions to specific sources using detailed air traffic data. The basis for the calculations is an air traffic sample for one full-day of traffic from the UK. In order to analyse aircraft fuel burn use and hence CO2 emissions, the Reorganized Air Traffic Control Mathematical Simulator (RAMS Plus) and the Advanced Emission Model (AEM III) are used. The results from these detailed simulations are compared with two of the most widely-used aviation CO2 emission estimates to have been made for the UK: the SERAS study and NETCEN estimate. Their estimates for the year 2000 are 26.1 and 31.4 Mt, respectively. In addition, the most recent NETCEN estimate for the year 2003 is 34.1 Mt of CO2. Our estimate of total aviation CO2 emissions, using detailed simulations and real air traffic data, is 34.7 Mt for the year 2004. In addition, emission estimates are compared with two global aviation emission inventories: AERO2K and SAGE. Contributions of the highest-emitting flights and aircraft types are identified. International departures dominate; 6% of flights account for 50% of total emissions. The largest aircraft emit the most per flight-km, although not per passenger-km. Different methodologies and their implications are also discussed.  相似文献   

Summary A land-surface model (MOSES) was tested against observed fluxes of heat, water vapour and carbon dioxide for two primary forest sites near Manaus, Brazil. Flux data from one site (called C14) were used to calibrate the model, and data from the other site (called K34) were used to validate the calibrated model. Long-term fluxes of water vapour at C14 and K34 simulated by the uncalibrated model were good, whereas modelled net ecosystem exchange (NEE) was poor. The uncalibrated model persistently underpredicted canopy conductance (g c ) from mid-morning to mid-afternoon due to saturation of the response to solar radiation at low light levels. This in turn caused a poor simulation of the diurnal cycles of water vapour and carbon fluxes. Calibration of the stomatal conductance/photosynthesis sub-model of MOSES improved the simulated diurnal cycle of g c and increased the diurnal maximum NEE, but at the expense of degrading long-term water vapour fluxes. Seasonality in observed canopy conductance due to soil moisture change was not captured by the model. Introducing realistic depth-dependent soil parameters decreased the amount of moisture available for transpiration at each depth and led to the model experiencing soil moisture limitation on canopy conductance during the dry season. However, this limitation had only a limited effect on the seasonality in modelled NEE.  相似文献   

新疆两次暴雪过程云系的MODIS三光谱特征分析   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
王蕾  黄慰军  黄镇  黄刚  何亚萍 《气象科学》2011,31(1):107-112
针对暴雪云团卫星遥感监测的迫切性与特殊性,利用EOS/MODIS卫星具有较大范围、较高时空分辨率、多通道的遥感探测优势,选取新疆哈密2005年11月18-20日和库车2006年11月22-24日两次暴雪过程,通过研究,得到了MODIS各通道的积雪、晴空、薄卷云等光谱特征,采用可见光、近红外通道剔除与主体云系无关的信息,...  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted during the growing season of 1993 at a mixed deciduous forest in southern Ontario, Canada to investigate the atmospheric abundance of hydrocarbons from phytogenic origins, and to measure emission rates from foliage of deciduous trees. The most abundant phytogenic chemical species found in the ambient air were isoprene and the monoterpenes -pinene and -pinene. Prior to leaf-bud break during spring, ambient hydrocarbon mixing ratios above the forest remained barely above instrument detection limit (20 parts per trillion), but they became abundant during the latter part of the growing season. Peak isoprene mixing ratios reached nearly 10 parts per billion (ppbv) during mid-growing season while maximum monoterpene mixing ratios were close to 2 ppbv. Both isoprene and monoterpene mixing ratios exhibited marked diurnal variations. Typical isoprene mixing ratios were highest during mid-afternoon and were lowest during nighttime. Peak isoprene mixing ratios coincided with maximum canopy temperature. The diurnal pattern of ambient isoprene mixing ratio was closely linked to the local emissions from foliage. Isoprene emission rates from foliage were measured by enclosing branches of trees inside environment-controlled cuvette systems and measuring the gas mixing ratio difference between cuvette inlet and outlet airstream. Isoprene emissions depended on tree species, foliage ontogeny, and environmental factors such as foliage temperature and intercepted photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). For instance, young (<1 month old) aspen leaves released approximately 80 times less isoprene than mature (>3 months old) leaves. During the latter part of the growing season the amount of carbon released back to the atmosphere as isoprene by big-tooth and trembling aspen leaves accounted for approximately 2% of the photosynthetically fixed carbon. Significant isoprene mixing ratio gradients existed between the forest crown and at twice canopy height above the ground. The gradient diffusion approach coupled with similarity theory was used to estimate canopy isoprene flux densities. These canopy fluxes compared favorably with values obtained from a multilayered canopy model that utilized locally measured plant microclimate, biomass distribution and leaf isoprene emission rate data. Modeled isoprene fluxes were approximately 30% higher compared to measured fluxes. Further comparisons between measured and modeled canopy biogenic hydrocarbon flux densities are required to assess uncertainties in modeling systems that provide inventories of biogenic hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

本文利用嵌套版本的GEOS-Chem和美国环保署推荐的AP-42经验公式,估算了2006至2011年中国地区的道路扬尘排放并模拟了中国地区的道路扬尘浓度。多年平均的道路扬尘年排放量为2331.4 kt,且在中国东部地区的排放量要大于西部。由于降水月变化的影响,中国地区道路扬尘月排放量在12月最大而在6月最小。由于道路长度和车辆保有量逐年增加,2006–2011年期间,中国、京津唐、珠江三角洲和长江三角洲地区道路扬尘年排放量分别增加了260%、239%、266%和59%,这使得道路扬尘浓度在这些区域分别增加了233%、243%、273%和100%。  相似文献   

青泉  玉兰 《四川气象》2002,22(3):33-35
在分析阿坝州冬春季防火期气象条件的基础上,确定了日森林火险等级,运用T213数值预报产品,建立森林火险预报方法。  相似文献   

在分析阿坝州冬春季防火期气象条件的基础上,确定了日森林火险等级,运用T213数值预报产品,建立森林火险预报方法.  相似文献   

利用MODIS资料监测京津冀地区近地面PM2.5方法研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为建立京津冀地区冬季近地面细颗粒物浓度监测方法模型,利用气象模式资料对2013年1-3月MODIS的AOD二级深蓝算法产品进行湿度和垂直订正,与同期观测的地面细颗粒物PM2.5资料进行相关分析。结果表明:AQUA的MODIS深蓝算法AOD产品更适用于建立冬季AOD-PM2.5遥感监测模型,其R2为0.33;以气象模式资料中边界层高度代替气溶胶标高对MODIS的AOD进行垂直订正,并结合IMPROVE观测的气溶胶吸湿增长特征构建分区湿度订正方法,可以提高AOD-PM2.5模型结果的精度,建立较为理想的京津冀地区冬季遥感反演综合模型,模型结果与地面监测结果R2达0.5以上。根据建立的模型计算了2013年1-3月的京津冀地区PM2.5月平均浓度,京津冀地区1月的PM2.5浓度较高,南部大部分地区空气质量已经达到重度污染水平。  相似文献   

空气动力学粗糙度和零平面位移高度是很多气候模型和陆面模式中的重要参数,采用气象学方法推导这两个参数对于大范围长时间序列的计算需要大量长期的野外观测,而遥感方法可以快速经济的提供大范围数据,在本研究中采用形态学模型,以MOD IS产品数据作为数据源,计算植被冠层面积指数,估算了中国东部2001—2003年归一化到植被高度的1 km空间分辨率时间序列空气动力学粗糙度和零平面位移高度,结果表明空气动力学粗糙度和零平面位移高度均存在季节变化特征,并对所采用的模型和参数估算的结果进行了讨论。  相似文献   

利用MODIS数据反演多层云光学厚度和有效粒子半径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
叶晶  李万彪  严卫 《气象学报》2009,67(4):613-622
利用卫星资料反演云微物理参数不仅有助于对天气变化的监测和预报,而且对人工影响天气的研究十分有益.目前卫星反演云微物理参数的算法一般是假设视场中只有一层云,但是实际环境中多层云出现很频繁.文中研究了多层云的光学厚度和有效粒子半径微物理参数的反演算法,主要针对薄的冰云覆盖在低层水云的多层云情形.算法利用中分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)吸收通道和非吸收通道同时进行反演,在此基础上利用SBDART辐射传输模式模拟冰云覆盖在低层水云上的多层云对云微物理参数反演的影响,模拟表明反演时将多层云作为单层云处理会使反演结果产生较大误差.为此,文中提出了云光学厚度和有效粒子半径反演算法中要考虑多层云的因素,并设计了一套云光学厚度和有效粒子半径反演方案.该方案使用SBDART辐射传输模式建立不同观测几何条件、下垫面类型、大气环境等条件下以光学厚度和有效粒子半径为函数变量的多层云、水云和冰云辐射查找表.经过云检测、云相态识别和多层云检测后,在该查找表的基础上,对MODIS通道1和通道7的数据采用最小方差拟合法反演光学厚度、有效粒子半径.利用该方案对2006年7月12日TERRA卫星MODIS数据进行反演试验,反演结果与NASA发布的MOD06产品中云的光学厚度和有效粒子半径的结果较一致,表明方案具有合理性.  相似文献   

为了揭示城市热岛形成机制,基于MODIS资料,结合自动气象站实测的气象资料,利用地表能量参数化方法估算了地表热通量,分析了城乡地表热通量的空间分布及变化特征.结果表明城乡地气热交换差异明显,与相关文献对比证明该方法是可行、有效的.  相似文献   

The forest model ForClim was used to evaluate the applicability of gap models in complex topography when the climatic input data is provided by a global database of 0.5° resolution. The analysis was based on 12 grid cells along an altitudinal gradient in the European Alps. Forest dynamics were studied both under current climate as well as under four prescribed 2 × CO2 scenarios of climatic change obtained from General Circulation Models, which allowed to assess the sensitivity of mountainous forests to climatic change.Under current climate, ForClim produces plausible patterns of species composition in space and time, although the results for single grid cells sometimes are not representative of reality due to the limited precision of the climatic input data.Under the scenarios of climatic change, three responses of the vegetation are observed, i.e., afforestation, gradual changes of the species composition, and dieback of today's forest. In some cases widely differing species compositions are obtained depending on the climate scenario used, suggesting that mountainous forests are quite sensitive to climatic change. Some of the new forests have analogs on the modern landscape, but in other cases non-analog communities are formed, pointing at the importance of the individualistic response of species to climate.The applicability of gap models on a regular grid in a complex topography is discussed. It is concluded that for their application on a continental scale, it would be desirable to replace the species in the models by plant functional types. It is suggested that simulation studies like the present one must not be interpreted as predictions of the future fate of forests, but as means to assess their sensitivity to climatic change.  相似文献   

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