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The Chisone Valley is located in the internal NW Alps, in the Pinerolese District, an area characterized by present low to medium seismicity. Fine-grained sediments (sand, silt and clay with interbedded gravel) crop out in the lower Chisone Valley: they were first interpreted as glaciolacustrine deposits, and then as a lacustrine infilling of the valley floor probably due to differential uplifting of the valley mouth. Review of this data, together with new field and palynological observations, lead us to refer the lacustrine deposits to approximately the Lower Pleistocene (Villafranchian). In many outcrops, the lacustrine deposits show strong soft-sediment deformation such as convolute laminations, water-escape structures and disrupted beds, some of them associated with folds and faults (cm to dm in size); only two sites show metric to decametric folds and faults trending E-W and N-S. Detailed structural analysis conducted along a recently exposed section (Rio Gran Dubbione site) shows several soft-sediment deformation features on the limbs of mesoscale folds. Because of their intimate structural association, the origin of these minor structures seems to be connected to synsedimentary activity on reverse and normal faults (m to dm in size) affecting the lacustrine deposits in the same locality. Soft-sediment deformation features can be interpreted as possible paleoseismites. If so, the present seismicity of the Pinerolese District, which is the major area of such activity in NW Italy, cannot be considered an isolated episode in the geological evolution of the region; even if there is no supporting evidence for continuous seismicity, the deformations in the lacustrine sediments of the Chisone Valley testify to Early Pleistocene seismic activity, probably related to the recent tectonic evolution of the internal side of the NW Alps.  相似文献   

Water losses due to transpiration and evaporation of intercepted water were measured using a “natural” lysimeter in the Hafren forest of central Wales, and were compared with estimates of potential evaporation calculated from meteorological observations. Given certain assumptions concerning the forest canopy, the lysimeter observations were used to estimate runoff from the experimental catchment of the Upper Severn, within which the lysimeter is sited; this estimate agreed well with observation.  相似文献   

Deep-water samples collected during the Kaiko project are often associated with biological communities located on geological structures favorable to fluid venting. The evidence of fluid venting are the temperature anomalies, the decrease in sulfate concentrations, the content in methane and the lowC1(C2 +C3) ratio of light hydrocarbons. Because of large dilution by ambiant seawater during sampling it is difficult to compute the composition of the advected end-member pore fluid. Part of this fluid should originate in the “petroleum window”, i.e. at temperature about 60°C. Modeling the upward flow of water, taking into account the anomalies of temperature measured on the seafloor and the geochemical anomalies, leads to non-steady-state advection of the pore fluid. The occurrence of a deep component in the fluid has implications for the geological and tectonic models of the subduction zones off Japan.  相似文献   

This paper addresses formation of felsic magmas in an intra‐oceanic magmatic arc. New bathymetric, petrologic, geochemical, and isotopic data for Zealandia Bank and two related volcanoes in the south‐central Mariana arc is presented and interpreted. These three volcanoes are remnants of an older andesitic volcano that evolved for some time and became dormant long enough for a carbonate platform to grow on its summit before reawakening as a rhyodacitic volcano. Zealandia lavas are transitional between low‐ and medium‐K and tholeiitic and calc‐alkaline suites. They define a bimodal suite with a gap of 56–58 wt% SiO2; this suggests that mafic and felsic magmas have different origins. The magmatic system is powered by mantle‐derived basalts having low Zr/Y and flat rare earth element patterns. Two‐pyroxene thermometry yields equilibration temperatures of 1000–1100 °C for andesites and 900–1000 °C for dacites. Porphyritic basalts and andesites show textures expected for fractionating magmas but mostly fine‐grained felsic lavas do not. All lavas show trace element signatures expected for mantle and crustal sources that were strongly melt‐depleted and enriched by subduction‐related fluids and sediment melts. Sr and Nd isotopic compositions fall in the normal range of Mariana arc lavas. Felsic lavas show petrographic evidence of mixing with mafic magma. Zealandia Bank felsic magmatism supports the idea that a large mid‐ to lower‐crustal felsic magma body exists beneath the south‐central Mariana arc, indicating that MASH (mixing, assimilation, storage, and homogenization) zones can form beneath intra‐oceanic as well as continental arcs.  相似文献   

Twenty-seven dives of the submersible “Nautile” in the subduction zone around Japan conducted in the French-Japanese Project Kaiko proved that fairly luxuriant benthic communities dominated by deep-sea giant clams of the genusCalyptogena (family Vesicomyidae) were consistently present on the accretionary prism at abyssal depths.Benthic communities characterized by three hitherto undescribed bivalves of the genusCalyptogena were found between depths of about 3800 and 4020 m at the mouth of Tenryu Canyon and at the top of basement swell of the Zenisu Ridge, both situated in the eastern Nankai subduction zone. Sporadic but discrete patches of organisms characterized by one more undescribed bivalve belonging to the genusCalyptogena were observed and collected between depths of 5130 and 5960 m on the landward wall of the Japan and Kouriles Trenches.Photographic inventories were prepared semiquantitatively using each series of bottom photographs taken in these areas with bow cameras of the submersible “Nautile”.Observations on the sporadic but dense distribution of the clams and other characteristic associated organisms match well with the scheme that communities sustained by chemosynthetic energy sources can be present at connate water seepages in subduction zones. These are to date the deepest record of benthic communities supposedly associated with chemosynthetic processes.  相似文献   

Measurements of the temperature and composition of effluent from vents on the sea floor can be used to deduce the in-situ density of this fluid, which is required for calculations of flow in the chimneys and through their porous walls. This density is, however, not directly relevant when calculating the buoyancy flux in the plume above a smoker. It is the asymptotic buoyancy flux, following extensive dilution with seawater, which is required when estimating the height of rise of plumes in a stably stratified ocean, and when calculating the criterion for reversal of buoyancy due to non-linear mixing effects. The results of mixing calculations show that the effluent from hydrothermal vents on the sea floor will exhibit reversing buoyancy if the ejected fluid has a temperature of 300°C and a salinity greater than 8 wt.% NaCl. If the temperature of the effluent is 200°C the salinity required for reversing buoyancy falls to 5.5 wt.% NaCl. Measurements of temperature and salinities of sea-floor hydrothermal fluid suggest that fluids with the characteristics required to form reversing plumes are ejected at the sea floor. The possibility that reversing plumes may be found has important implications for the formation of massive sulfide deposits.  相似文献   

On account of the low porosity of the lithosphere, intracrustal fluids behave very differently from surface fluids, in that they are changing their geochemical and isotopic labels according to the geological environment. Given a heat source, meteoric waters can be supplied plentifully and their rates of throughput in geothermal systems are sufficiently high to exhaust the compositional signals of a given rock buffer. In contrast, fluids exsolved from magma, and subducted fluids, would be supplied at less than about one tenth of the meteoric rate over the life time of a system. Based on up-to-date flow models, the isotopic evolution of meteoric water interacting with crustal rock follows a curved to L-shaped track in the δD versus δ18O plot. Instantaneous (present-day) tie-lines between recharge and discharge are secants of such tracks and can have a range of slopes. At the start of an interaction, waters have δD and δ18O values approaching equilibrium with the original rock composition (water “W1”). Using known hydrogen isotope fractionation factors, W1 values generally plot in the region of “andesite” or “andesitic” waters of various authors. Since the W1 waters have δD values that are on average more positive, and also less variable than those of the meteoric recharges, most tracks and tie-lines have positive slopes, and the plotting of a large number of tie-lines will produce a focus on the field of W1 waters, regardless of the original water source.  相似文献   

Geochronological and geochemical studies reveal the possible origin of the restricted body of mylonite rocks occurring at the eastern edge of Kyushu Island, Japan, just in contact with the Sashu Fault, a part of the Paleo‐Median Tectonic Line (Paleo‐MTL). The LA‐ICP‐MS zircon U–Pb dating of the quartz diorite mylonite in this mylonitic body indicates a crystallization age of 114.0 ±1.7 Ma. Moreover, the two tonalite samples appear as thin layers within the Permian fine‐grained mafic mylonite; a part of the same body yields the age of 113.7 ±2.3 Ma and 116.9 ±1.3 Ma, with extremely low Th/U ratio. These quartz diorite mylonite and tonalite are consistent with the late Early Cretaceous magmatism and coeval metamorphism similar to those in the Higo Plutono‐metamorphic Complex in western Kyushu, Japan. This newly characterized complex occurs just south of the Cretaceous Sambagawa metamorphic rocks. The newly characterized mylonitic rocks are lying structurally above the Sambagawa Metamorphic Complex and are distributed along the Paleo‐MTL. The extension of the Higo Plutonometamorphic Complex, as well as the structural relationship between this complex and the Sambagawa Metamorphic Complex, is still controversial but holds a key to reconstruct the tectonic evolution of Southwest Japan during the Late Mesozoic to Early Cenozoic period. Hence, this article provides new insight into the reconstruction of the evolution history of East Asia as an active convergent margin.  相似文献   

The population dynamics and distribution of Daphnia pulicaria were studied in Lake Constance (Lower Lake). This Daphnia was absent in the year 2004, absent during most part of the year 2005 and absent in spring 2007 but present from November 2005 to July 2006. Abundance was high from January to late May of the year 2006; maximum abundance was 95,000 ind. m−2 (30 May). Males and ephippial females were observed in January and late May. Ovigerous females constituted between 30% and 70% of adult females from November 2005 to April 2006; in June and July their percentage decreased to <20%. Mean number of eggs per egg-bearing female ranged between 2 (in November 2005) and 9.8 (in April 2006) and maximum egg number was 20. Birth and growth rates were low (generally <0.15); death rate was highest in June (0.275). Females of D. pulicaria were larger than females of Daphnia galeata/hyalina but carried somewhat fewer eggs. D. pulicaria generally preferred the deep cool water layers. The species was abundant in the northern parts of the Lower Lake (Gnadensee and Zeller See), rare in the southern parts (Rheinsee) and absent in the Upper Lake. We conclude that the life history and occurrence of large-bodied D. pulicaria in Lake Constance can be governed by fish predation pressure. This suggestion is supported by analyses of stomach contents from Coregonus lavaretus; stomachs contained high proportions of D. pulicaria in the first half of the year 2006. The disappearance of D. pulicaria in early summer and the comparatively low proportion of adults for most part of the investigation period also indicate that fish predation is involved in the dynamics of this Daphnia. The preference for deep cool water can be strategy to reduce predation risk. The low density of D. pulicaria in the southern basin of Lower Lake (Rheinsee) may be explained by the influence of the Rhine River which flows through this basin.  相似文献   

The possibilities of recent advantages in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) technology as a tool for multidisciplinary coastal zone research are discussed. International education in the new high technologies is one of the most urgent tasks for the University GIS Network.  相似文献   

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