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中天山地区的Pn波速度结构与各向异性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用宽频带流动地震台阵GHENGIS和吉尔吉斯地震台网KNET记录的地震波走时数据,反演了中天山地区的Pn波速度结构和各向异性.结果表明,中天山上地幔顶部平均速度偏低,具有构造活动地区的特点和明显的横向非均匀性;中天山南部地幔上涌区的Pn波速度非常低,表明存在较高的热流活动.Pn波速度的变化与地震分布有着密切的对应关系:地震大都发生在中天山北部Pn波高速区上方,而南部的Pn波低速区上方几乎没有地震.这一现象说明地幔上涌引起高温极大地降低了岩石层地幔的强度,并以热传导的方式进入地壳使其失去地震破裂强度而发生韧性变形.中天山北部和南部的各向异性也存在一定的差异,南部各向异性的快波方向为近南北方向,与SKS波的各向异性特征基本一致,反映了地幔物质的迁移方向;北部各向异性的快波方向呈向南凸出的旋转趋势,估计与哈萨克地台南缘楚河盆地地壳块体向天山挤入造成应力场的改变和岩石层变形有关.  相似文献   

天山构造带及邻区地壳各向异性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
鲍子文  高原 《地球物理学报》2017,60(4):1359-1375



中天山及邻区S波分裂研究及其动力学意义   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用天山及其邻区布设的37个宽频带地震台站记录到的远震波形数据,分别采用最小能量法和旋转相关法对SKS和SKKS波震相进行了偏振分析,计算出了台站下方介质的S波分裂参数:快波的偏振方向(φ)和慢波延迟时间(δt).本文研究结果表明:中天山内部大多数台站的各向异性快波方向呈NEE-SWW向,与天山走向平行,慢波时间延迟为0.4~1.7 s,这是塔里木、哈萨克斯坦的南北双向俯冲及其导致的天山地区岩石圈地幔南北向缩短变形的直接反映.本文研究发现中天山北部部分台站下方地震各向异性快波方向与慢波延时随方位角呈现规律性的变化,可能暗示该区上地幔各向异性不能仅用单层水平各向异性这一简单模式来解释.75°E以西的天山地区台站下方S波快波方向和延时具有强烈的横向变化,可能与研究区下方存在的小规模对流有关.中天山不同地段地震台站下方各向异性明显不同,进一步证实了天山地区构造变形的复杂性.  相似文献   

Contemporary tectonics in the Tien Shan region   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
New fault plane solutions of recent earthquakes, along with previously published fault plane solutions, field geologic data, and faults interpreted from LANDSAT imagery indicate thrust faulting in the Tien Shan region. For most of the fault plane solutions compressive stress axes are nearly horizontal and trending approximately north-south, perpendicular to the trend of the Tien Shan fold belts. Contemporary tectonics of the Tien Shan region can be interpreted as resulting from convergence of the Indian and Eurasian plates.  相似文献   

We have paleomagnetically studied sixty andesite-basalt lava flows of the Late Devonian (Frasnian) in the Northern Tien Shan. Stepwise thermal demagnetization revealed a high-temperature dualpolarity magnetization in most of the samples. The primary origin of this component was established by the positive reversal and conglomerate tests. We found a clear difference in angular dispersion of this component between the lower and upper portions of the section. In the former, the dispersion is close to the predictions of various models of geomagnetic secular variation, while the scatter in the top part of the sequence is smaller by a factor of four. We conclude that this distinction is most likely due to the geomagnetic field behavior and hypothesize that the magnitude of secular variation could vary severalfold over time intervals of 105−106 years. This is in sharp contrast with other models of secular variation, where this magnitude has been assumed to be rather time-independent (for a given latitude). We discuss probable implications and alternative interpretations of the observed data.  相似文献   

Summary The large scale anisotropic structures with plunging symmetry axes in the subcrustal lithosphere of central Europe were derived from independent observations of teleseismic P-residual spheres and polarizations of the split SKS waves. The dipping structures are interpreted as remnants of palaeo-subduction systems which retain olivine orientations from ancient oceanic lithosphere. Values of kP and kS estimated from observed teleseismic P and SKS data are within the range of anisotropies found for the upper mantle rocks. The Variscides of central Europe may thus be characterized by two palaeo-subduction systems, with symmetry axes divergent relative to the suture between the Moldanubicum and Saxothuringicum.  相似文献   

地震波衰减的物理机制研究   总被引:11,自引:8,他引:11  
对近年来有关地震波衰减的物理机制进行评述和初步研究认为,对于地壳介质,造成地震波衰减的主要原因是地壳内存在大量裂隙,裂纹中饱含水或部分含水,地震波传播时引起裂隙中的流体运动,从而造成地震波的衰减,对于上地幔,扩散控制的位错阻尼机制可能是造成地幔地震波衰减的一个重要原因,而上地幔软流层部分熔融的存在也是造成地震波衰减不可忽视的原因.  相似文献   

This paper deals with characteristics of the short period S-wave attenuation field in the rupture zones of 37 large and great earthquakes with M s = 7.0–8.6, as well as in low seismicity areas. We estimate the effective quality factor from Sn and Lg coda envelopes in two time intervals (Q 1 and Q 2). The quantity Q 1 is a measure of shear wave attenuation in the uppermost mantle, at depths of down to approximately 200–250 km, while Q 2 is relevant to deeper horizons of the upper mantle. We studied variations in the attenuation field in the rupture zone of the 1950 Assam earthquake. We examined the parameters Q 1, Q 2, and Q 1/Q 2 as functions of the time ΔT elapsed after a large earthquake. It is shown that the parameter Q 2 in rupture zones is practically independent of ΔT, while the quantities Q 1 and Q 1/Q 2 increase until ΔT ~ 20–25 years, especially rapidly for normal, normal-oblique, and strike-slip earthquake mechanisms. This analysis provides evidence that, as ΔT increases, so does the quality factor in the upper mantle for shear waves. It is supposed that this is related to the rise of mantle fluids to the crust. Geodynamic mechanisms are discussed that can support a comparatively rapid “drying” of the upper mantle beneath earthquake rupture zones.  相似文献   

The geological-geophysical and petrological-geochemical studies of the Earth’s crust and upper mantle are combined to estimate the state of the lithosphere at the junction zone of Tarim and Tien Shan. The laboratory measurements of electric conductivity in the rocks sampled from the upper mantle and lower crust considered against the geoelectrical and thermal models revealed lherzolite, granulite, and eclogite massifs in the deep section of the Tarim and Tien Shan junction zone. The experimental results suggest that the crustal thickness in the southern Tien Shan attained 35–40 km 70 Ma ago.  相似文献   

In this paper we show evidences of the fractal nature of the 3-D inhomogeneities in the lithosphere from the study of seismic wave scattering and discuss the relation between the fractal dimension of the 3-D inhomogeneities and that of the fault surfaces. Two methods are introduced to measure the inhomogeneity spectrum of a random medium: 1. the coda excitation spectrum method, and 2. the method of measuring the frequency dependence of scattering attenuation. The fractal dimension can be obtained from the inhomogeneity spectrum of the medium. The coda excitation method is applied to the Hindu-Kush data. Based on the observed coda excitation spectra (for frequencies 1–25 Hz) and the past observations on the frequency dependence of scattering attenuation, we infer that the lithospheric inhomogeneities are multiple scaled and can be modeled as a bandlimited fractal random medium (BLFRM) with an outer scale of about 1 km. The fractal dimension of the 3-D inhomogeneities isD 3=31/2–32/3, which corresponds to a scaling exponent (Hurst number)H=1/2–1/3. The corresponding 1-D inhomogeneity spectra obey the power law with a powerp=2H+1=2–5/3. The intersection between the earth surface and the isostrength surface of the 3-D inhomogeneities will have fractal dimensionD 1=1.5–1.67. If we consider the earthquake fault surface as developed from the isosurface of the 3-D inhomogeneities and smoothed by the rupture dynamics, the fractal dimension of the fault trace on the surface must be smaller thanD 1, in agreement with recent measurements of fractal dimension along the San Andreas fault.  相似文献   

由于介观尺度的孔隙流体流动,弹性波传播过孔隙岩层时在地震频段表现出较强的频散和衰减。Johnson理论给出了在任意孔隙形状的条件下,部分气水饱和孔隙介质的理论相速度和品质因子的解析解。本文在Johnson模型的基础上,通过对Q值曲线的低频和高频近似,推导了Q值曲线的近似公式,以及基于孔隙介质基本地球物理参数和孔隙斑块几何形态参数T和比表面积S/V的最大衰减Qmin近似公式。通过与理论值的对比,对Qmin近似公式存在的线性误差进行改正,进一步提高了精度。复杂的斑块形态对最大衰减Qmin和过渡频率ftr的都产生一定影响,且对ftr影响更大。因为数值模拟直接求解介观尺度的Biot孔隙介质方程需要极大的计算量,我们使用Zener模型建立了等效粘弹模型,有效地模拟了地震频带内的衰减和频散现象。  相似文献   

对2016-2019年华北中部地区(34.7°-41.1°N,110.3°-119.7°E)流动地磁矢量观测数据进行处理,得到连续3期岩石圈磁场年变化数据,并对岩石圈磁场空间分布形态进行分析.研究发现,磁异常分布与岩石圈结构之间有一定相关性,在太行山隆起以西、临清坳陷、鲁西断隆和鲁西断隆以东等主要结构单元表现出不同程度...  相似文献   

It is shown that episodes of comparative seismic quiescence that lasted about 20–25 years in the areas of study alternated with intervals of sharply increased seismicity as series of large (M ≥ 6.9) earthquakes occurred during two to three decades. Since no M ≥ 6.6 earthquake has occurred in the area for as long as 21 years after the 1992 Susamyr event, middle-term prediction would require identification of zones of imminent large earthquakes. More reliable identification of such zones rests on data relating to inhomogeneities in the field of S-wave attenuation in the lithosphere, as well as on the characteristics of ring structures of seismicity. Such structures are formed as zones of seismic quiescence that are bounded by M ? Mth earthquake epicenters, where Mth is the threshold magnitude value. Correlative relationships were previously derived, lgL(Mw) and Mth(Mw), for events with different focal mechanisms (L is the length of the longer axis of a seismicity ring and Mw is the magnitude of the associated large earthquake). These relationships were used to estimate the Mw of large events that can occur in these ring structures. The greatest earthquake with Mw ? 7.5 is probably about to occur in southern Tien Shan, east of the 1949 Khait earthquake rupture. A smaller event (Mw ~ 7.0) can occur in the Kyrgyz Range area. Still smaller earthquakes probably have their precursory areas north and east of Lake Issyk-Kul, as well as in Dzungaria.  相似文献   

Seismotectonic strains (STSs) are calculated on the basis of the catalog of focal mechanisms of earthquakes including more than 5000 events compiled at the Institute of Seismology, National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, in order to investigate deformation processes in the Tien Shan (38°–44°N, 68°–80°E). A modern approach to STS classification based on the identification of 11 deformation settings (including four main, two extreme, and five transitional settings) is applied for constructing STS maps. Areal distributions of the Lode-Nadai coefficient, vertical component, and angle of the stress-state type are obtained. The results of the calculations are verified by comparing them with STS calculations using focal mechanisms of 116 strong earthquakes from the centroid moment tensor catalog of Harvard University that occurred in the studied region in 1976–2003.  相似文献   


天山造山带作为世界上陆内最大的造山带之一,现今地震活动频繁,造山运动强烈,是开展陆内造山和内陆地震活动研究的天然试验场.本文利用整个天山造山带地区国内及国际台网的108个地震台站连续三年的背景噪声资料,提取了8~50 s周期的瑞利面波相速度频散曲线,并构建了整个天山造山带地区的二维瑞利面波相速度与方位各向异性分布图像.结果表明:浅部结构与地表的地质构造单元具有较大的相关性.低波速异常主要分布于沉积层厚度较大的盆地地区,而高波速异常主要分布于构造活动比较活跃的山脉地区.东天山地区中下地壳存在比较弱的低波速异常,而塔里木盆地和准噶尔盆地汇聚边缘的上地幔区域则表现为明显的高波速异常,各向异性快波方向呈现近NS向的特征,暗示着塔里木盆地和准噶尔盆地的岩石圈已经俯冲至东天山的下方.中天山地区的中下地壳至上地幔区域均呈现为明显的低波速异常,且各向异性快波方向变化比较复杂,表明中天山地区的整个岩石圈结构已经弱化,热物质上涌可能对介质的方位各向异性有一定的影响.西天山及帕米尔高原的上地幔区域存在低波速异常,各向异性表现为NW-SE方向,可能与欧亚板块的大陆岩石圈南向俯冲有关.塔里木盆地内部存在相对弱的低波速异常,推测塔里木盆地可能已经受到上涌的地幔热物质的侵蚀和破坏.


The short-period S-wave attenuation field has been mapped for the lithosphere of the Altai and adjacent areas in Mongolia and southern Siberia. A total of approximately 500 earthquake seismograms were used. These were recorded at the Makanchi and Ulan-Bator stations at distances of ~300–1900 km. It is shown that the attenuation of shear waves is much stronger in the west of the area of study compared with the east. A V-shaped band of high attenuation in the upper mantle has been identified in the west of the area where the epicenters of the magnitude 6.9 1990 Zaisan and the magnitude 7.3 2003 Chuya earthquakes were situated; a similar band extends northwestward to the west of Lake Ubsu Nur. The attenuation is comparatively low in the rupture zones of large (М ≥ 7.0) pre-1970 earthquakes. It was concluded that fluid-charged zones are formed in the lithosphere prior to large earthquakes in the Altai, as well as in other areas of Central Asia. Following large seismic events, the fluids were rising into the crust from the upper mantle during a few tens of years, thus reducing the attenuation of Sn waves. We have identified zones of high attenuation with no significant earthquakes being recorded there during historical time. It is our opinion that earthquake precursory processes may be occurring in these zones.  相似文献   

This study presents the results of stress field reconstruction for the epicentral zones of large-magnitude earthquakes in some folded-mountain regions of western Tien Shan. Field studies, including geostructural and tectonophysical interpretations, performed for the Talas-Suusamyr, Chatkal-Kurama, Turkestan-Zarafshan, Gissar and Nurata-Kyzylkum regions allow the reconstruction of some regional components of the tectonic stress field. The nearly E-W orientations of the lower-order compressional axes are identified in the Chatkal-Kurama and Turkestan-Zarafshan mountain areas. Detailed structural-dynamical diagrams of several epicentral zones and reconstructions of focal mechanisms of some strong earthquakes are derived from the geostructural data. The coincidence of the present-day stress field manifested in the earthquake sources and the recent stress field derived from the geostructural determinations is revealed. The focal mechanisms of the strong earthquakes in the folded-mountain regions of western Tien Shan relate to the thrust/strike-slip faulting and breakup of large tectonic blocks.  相似文献   

浙江珊溪水库库区地震波衰减特征研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
2002-2007年发生的珊溪水库地震事件是少震、弱震的浙江省区域显著的地震事件.搜集182次ML>2.0地震的近场台站数字地震波形,使用这些波形高信噪比的尾波时间域信号,根据计算尾波Qc(f)值的Sato模型,通过滤波及去除环境噪声,计算了地震波传播路径上的尾波Qc(f)值;拟合Qc(f)值与频率f之间的关系,分析了水库区域地震波衰减的时空特征.根据信噪比及计算要求,从近场9个台站的记录中挑选出641条三分向记录,计算尾波衰减参数,得到尾波Qc(f)与频率f的关系为:Qc(f)=52.19±7.11f0.9221±0.05.结果表明,本区域为低衰减区域.震群活动使区域介质对高频率波衰减趋势性增大.进一步对尾波衰减参数及尾波采样体之间的关系分析发现,该区域存在深部高衰减层.  相似文献   

The paper is devoted to estimating the dynamical parameters of 14 earthquakes with intermediate magnitudes (energy class 11 to 14), which occurred in the Northern Tien Shan. For obtaining the estimates of these parameters, including the stress drop, which could be then applied in crustal stress reconstruction by the technique suggested by Yu.L. Rebetsky (Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences), we have improved the algorithms and programs for calculating the spectra of the seismograms. The updated products allow for the site responses and spectral transformations during the propagation of seismic waves through the medium (the effect of finite Q-factor). By applying the new approach to the analysis of seismograms recorded by the seismic KNET network, we calculated the radii of the sources (Brune radius), scalar seismic moment, and stress drop (release) for the studied 14 earthquakes. The analysis revealed a scatter in the source radii and stress drop even among the earthquakes that have almost identical energy classes. The stress drop by different earthquakes ranges from one to 75 bar. We have also determined the focal mechanisms and stress regime of the Earth’s crust. It is worth noting that during the considered period, strong seismic events with energy class above 14 were absent within the segment covered by the KNET stations.  相似文献   

朱新运  于俊谊  张帆 《地震学报》2013,35(2):199-208
2002—2007年发生的珊溪水库地震事件是少震、 弱震的浙江省区域显著的地震事件. 搜集182次ML>2.0地震的近场台站数字地震波形, 使用这些波形高信噪比的尾波时间域信号, 根据计算尾波Qc(f)值的Sato模型, 通过滤波及去除环境噪声, 计算了地震波传播路径上的尾波Qc(f)值; 拟合Qc(f)值与频率f之间的关系, 分析了水库区域地震波衰减的时空特征. 根据信噪比及计算要求, 从近场9个台站的记录中挑选出641条三分向记录, 计算尾波衰减参数, 得到尾波Qc(f)与频率f的关系为: Qc(f)=52.19±7.11f0.922 1±0.05. 结果表明, 本区域为低衰减区域. 震群活动使区域介质对高频率波衰减趋势性增大. 进一步对尾波衰减参数及尾波采样体之间的关系分析发现, 该区域存在深部高衰减层.  相似文献   

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