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We use the flux-transport dynamo prediction scheme introduced by Dikpati, de Toma, and Gilman (Geophys. Res. Lett. 33, L05102, 2006) to make separate simulations and predictions of sunspot cycle peaks for northern and southern hemispheres. Despite the division of the data, the skill level achieved is only slightly lower than that achieved for the sum of both hemispheres. The model shows skill at simulating and predicting the difference in peaks between North and South, provided that difference is more than a few percent. The simulation and prediction skill is achieved without adjustment to any parameters of the model that were used when peaks for the sum of North and South sunspot areas was simulated. The results are also very insensitive to the averaging length applied to the input data, provided the simulations and predictions are for peaks defined by averaging the observations over at least 13 rotations. However, in its present form, the model is not capable of skillfully simulating or predicting short-time-scale features of individual solar cycles.  相似文献   

Axisymmetric mean-field dynamo models in spherical shells are shown to be capable of producing temporally intermittent behaviour. This is of potential importance since (i) it is, as far as we are aware, the first time such behaviour has been produced internally by a mean-field dynamo model in a spherical shell, without requiring any additional assumptions or truncations, and (ii) it may be characteristic of the type of behaviour observed in the long-term record of solar activity, such as Maunder minima. We also show that these types of behaviour persist when the functional form of the alpha quenching is altered and also occur over intervals of the shell thickness and the dynamo number.  相似文献   

Powerful flares are closely related to the evolution of the complex magnetic field configuration at the solar surface. The strength of the magnetic field and speed of its evolution are two vital parameters in the study of the change of magnetic field in the solar atmosphere. We propose a dynamic and quantitative depiction of the changes in complexity of the active region: E=u×B, where u is the velocity of the footpoint motion of the magnetic field lines and B is the magnetic field. E represents the dynamic evolution of the velocity field and the magnetic field, shows the sweeping motions of magnetic footpoints, exhibits the buildup process of current, and relates to the changes in nonpotentiality of the active region in the photosphere. It is actually the induced electric field in the photosphere. It can be deduced observationally from velocities computed by the local correlation tracking (LCT) technique and vector magnetic fields derived from vector magnetograms. The relationship between E and ten X-class flares of four active regions (NOAA 10720, 10486, 9077, and 8100) has been studied. It is found that (1) the initial brightenings of flare kernels are roughly located near the inversion lines where the intensities of E are very high, (2) the daily averages of the mean densities of E and its normal component (E n) decrease after flares for most cases we studied, whereas those of the tangential component of E (E t) show no obvious regularities before and after flares, and (3) the daily averages of the mean densities of E t are always higher than those of E n, which cannot be naturally deduced by the daily averages of the mean densities of B n and B t.  相似文献   

It is now accepted that the solar activity has direct impact on the Earth climate, but is also responsible for the geomagnetic storms. It is thus fundamental to understand the mechanisms responsible for this activity. We present here first some aspects of the solar activity at the different atmospheric layers of the sun: active region at photospheric levels, filaments (prominences) and flares at chromospheric level and CME's at coronal level. A quick sum‐up of the principal characteristics of each is given as well as the key questions still under investigation. In the second part, two principal parameters are presented to describe these features: helicity and topology. Finally, we sum‐up the observational challenges for new solar telescopes.  相似文献   

A possible scenario of polar magnetic field reversal of the Sun during the Maunder Minimum (1645–1715) is discussed using data of magnetic field reversals of the Sun for 1880–1991 and the14 C content variations in the bi-annual rings of the pine-trees in 1600–1730 yrs.  相似文献   

The pulsation of the solar surface is caused by acoustic waves traveling in the solar interior. Thorough analyses of observational data indicate that these f and p helioseismic oscillation modes are not bounced back completely at the surface but they partially penetrate into the atmosphere. Atmospheric effects and their possible observational application are investigated in one‐dimensional magnetohydrodynamic models. It is found that f and p mode frequencies are shifted of the order of μHz due to the presence of an atmospheric magnetic field. This shift varies with the direction of the wave propagation.Resonant coupling of global helioseismic modes to local Alfvén and slow waves reduce the life time of the global modes. The resulting line width of the frequency line is of the order of nHz, and it also varies with propagation angle. These features enable us to use helioseismic observations in magnetic diagnostics of the lower atmosphere. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We study a mean field model of the solar dynamo, in which the non-linearity is the action of the azimuthal component of the Lorentz force of the dynamo-generated magnetic field on the angular velocity. The underlying zero-order angular velocity is consistent with recent determinations of the solar rotation law, and the form of the alpha effect is chosen so as to give a plausible butterfly diagram. For small Prandtl numbers we find regular, intermittent and apparently chaotic behaviour, depending on the size of the alpha coefficient. For certain parameters, the intermittency displays some of the characteristics believed to be associated with the Maunder minimum. We thus believe that we are capturing some features of the solar dynamo.  相似文献   

Using the Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) data from Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), the rotation rate of the unipolar magnetic regions in North high-latitude regions of the Sun is estimated by tracking individual magnetic elements. The analysis reveals a strong spin down near the pole, which is greater than the Doppler and magnetic rotation rates estimated by Snodgrass & Ulrich (1990), and rotation rate inferred from helioseismology (Birch & Kosovichev 1998), and is probably related to variation of velocity gradient in the subsurface shear layer. (© 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

I present a new numerical tool for studying the interaction of meridional flows and magnetic fields, and study their role in establishing angular-momentum balance in the solar radiative zone. Quantitative comparisons with helioseismic observations provide stringent constraints on existing models of the dynamics of the solar interior. (© 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Solar long-term activity runs at high latitudes in three ways: (i) in phase with solar long-term activity at low latitudes; (ii) in antiphase with solar long-term activity at low latitudes and (iii) does not follow either (i) or (ii), and mainly occurs around the times of maxima of (i) and (ii). In the present study, we investigate the north–south asymmetry of solar activity at high latitudes and found the following. In Case (i), high-latitude filament activity, for example, is inferred to have the same dominant hemisphere as low-latitude activity in a cycle. In Case (ii), the north–south asymmetry of high-latitude activity, represented by both the polar faculae and the Sun's polar field strength, is usually different from that of low-latitude activity in a sunspot cycle, and even in a cycle of high-latitude activity (polar faculae and the Sun's polar field strength), suggesting that the north–south asymmetry of solar activity at high latitudes should have little or no connection with that of low latitudes. In Case (iii), the north–south asymmetry of solar activity at high latitudes (polar flares) should have little connection with that at low latitudes as well. The observed magnetic field at high latitudes is inferred to consist of two components: one comes from the emergence of the magnetic field from the Sun's interior and the other comes from the drift of the magnetic activity at low latitudes.  相似文献   

We present in this paper a statistical study aimed at understanding the possible relationship between surface magnetic field variation and CME initiation. The three samples studied comprise 189 CME-source regions, 46 active regions, and 15 newly emerging active regions. Both large-scale and small-scale variations of longitudinal magnetic fields of these regions are studied. To quantitatively study these variations, three physical quantities are calculated: the average total magnetic flux (ATF), the flux variation rate (FVR), and the normalized flux variation rate (NFVR). Our results show that 60% of the CME-source regions are found to have magnetic flux increases during 12 hours before CME eruptions and 40% are found to have magnetic flux decreases. The NFVR of CME-source regions are found to be statistically identical to those of active regions, averaged over 111 hours, and significantly smaller than those of newly emerging active regions. In addition 91% of the CME-source regions are found to have small-scale flux emergence, whereas small-scale flux emergences are also easily identified in active regions during periods with no solar surface activity. Our study suggests that the relationship between flux emergence and CME eruption is complex and the appearance of flux emergence alone is not unique for the initiation of CME eruption.  相似文献   

Relationship between Rotating Sunspots and Flares   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Active Region (AR) NOAA 10486 was a super AR in the declining phase of solar cycle 23. Dominated by the rapidly rotating positive polarity of an extensive δ sunspot, it produced several powerful flare-CMEs. We study the evolution and properties of the rotational motion of the major poles of positive polarities and estimate the accumulated helicity injected by them. We also present two homologous flares that occurred in the immediate periphery of the rotating sunspots. The main results are as follows: i) anticlockwise rotational motions are identified in the main poles of positive polarities in the AR; the fastest of them is about 220° for six days. ii) The helicity injection inferred from such rotational motion during the interval from October 25 to 30 is about − 3.0×1043 Mx2, which is comparable that calculated by the local correlation tracking (LCT) method (− 5.2×1043 Mx2) in the whole AR. It is suggested that both methods reveal the essential topological properties of the AR, even if the former includes only the major poles and the fine features of the magnetic field are neglected. iii) It is found that there is a good spatial and temporal correspondence between the onset of two homologous CME-associated flares and the rotational motion of sunspots. This suggests that the rotational motions of sunspots not only relate to the transport of magnetic energy and complexity from the low atmosphere to the corona but may also play a key role in the onset of the homologous flares. Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this article () contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

By using the sunspot time series as a proxy, we have made a detailed analysis of the mean solar magnetic field over the last two and half centuries, by means of a reconstruction of its phase space. We find evidence of a long-term trend variation of some of the solar physical processes (over a few decades) that might be responsible for the apparent erratic behaviour of the solar magnetic cycle. The analysis is done by means of a careful study of the axisymmetric dynamo model equations, where we show that the temporal counterpart of the magnetic field can be described by a self-regulated two-dimensional dynamic system, usually known as a Van der Pol–Duffing oscillator. Our results suggest that during the last two and half centuries, the velocity of the meridional flow, v p, and the efficiency of the α mechanism responsible for the conversion of toroidal magnetic field into poloidal magnetic field might have suffered variations that can explain the observed variability in the solar cycle.  相似文献   

This study aims at investigating surface magnetic flux participation among different types of magnetic features during solar cycle 24. State-of-the-art observations from SDO/HMI and Hinode/SOT are combined to form a unique database in the interval from April 2010 to October 2015. Unlike previous studies, the statistics presented in this paper are feature-detection-based. More than 20 million magnetic features with relatively large scale, such as sunspot/pore, enhanced and quiet networks, are automatically detected and categorized from HMI observations, and the internetwork features are identified from SOT/SP observations. The total flux from these magnetic features reaches 5.9×1022 Mx during solar minimum and2.4 × 1023 Mx in solar maximum. Flux occupation from the sunspot/pore region is 29% in solar maximum.Enhanced and quiet networks contribute 18% and 21% flux during the solar minimum, and 50% and 9% flux in the solar maximum respectively. The internetwork field contributes over 55% of flux in the solar minimum, and its flux contribution exceeds that of sunspot/pore features in the solar maximum. During the solar active condition, the sunspot field increases its area but keeps constant flux density of about 150 G,while the enhanced network follows the sunspot number variation showing increasing flux density and area,but the quiet network displays decreasing area and somewhat increasing flux density of about 6%. The origin of the quiet network is not known exactly, but is suggestive of representing the interplay between mean-field and local dynamos. The source, magnitude and possible importance of ‘hidden flux' are discussed in some detail.  相似文献   

A simple way to couple an interface dynamo model to a fast tachocline model is presented, under the assumption that the dynamo saturation is due to a quadratic process and that the effect of finite shear layer thickness on the dynamo wave frequency is analogous to the effect of finite water depth on surface gravity waves. The model contains one free parameter which is fixed by the requirement that a solution should reproduce the helioseismically determined thickness of the tachocline. In this case it is found that, in addition to this solution, another steady solution exists, characterized by a four times thicker tachocline and 4–5 times weaker magnetic fields. It is tempting to relate the existence of this second solution to the occurrence of grand minima in solar activity. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Coronal holes are regions of dominantly monopolar magnetic field on the Sun where the field is considered to be ‘open’ towards interplanetary space. Magnetic bipoles emerging in proximity to a coronal hole boundary naturally interact with this surrounding open magnetic field. In the case of oppositely aligned polarities between the active region and the coronal hole, we expect interchange reconnection to take place, driven by the coronal expansion of the emerging bipole as well as occasional eruptive events. Using SOHO/EIT and SOHO/MDI data, we present observational evidence of such interchange reconnection by studying AR 10869 which emerged close to a coronal hole. We find closed loops forming between the active region and the coronal hole leading to the retreat of the hole. At the same time, on the far side of the active region, we see dimming of the corona which we interpret as a signature of field line ‘opening’ there, as a consequence of a topological displacement of the ‘open’ field lines of the coronal hole. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Kilogauss-strength magnetic fields are often observed in intergranular lanes at the photosphere in the quiet Sun. Such fields are stronger than the equipartition field B e, corresponding to a magnetic energy density that matches the kinetic energy density of photospheric convection, and comparable with the field B p that exerts a magnetic pressure equal to the ambient gas pressure. We present an idealized numerical model of three-dimensional compressible magnetoconvection at the photosphere, for a range of values of the magnetic Reynolds number. In the absence of a magnetic field, the convection is highly supercritical and characterized by a pattern of vigorous, time-dependent, 'granular' motions. When a weak magnetic field is imposed upon the convection, magnetic flux is swept into the convective downflows where it forms localized concentrations. Unless this process is significantly inhibited by magnetic diffusion, the resulting fields are often much greater than B e and the high magnetic pressure in these flux elements leads to their being partially evacuated. Some of these flux elements contains ultraintense magnetic fields that are significantly greater than B p. Such fields are contained by a combination of the thermal pressure of the gas and the dynamic pressure of the convective motion, and they are constantly evolving. These ultraintense fields develop owing to non-linear interactions between magnetic fields and convection; they cannot be explained in terms of 'convective collapse' within a thin flux tube that remains in overall pressure equilibrium with its surroundings.  相似文献   

By using the monochromatic images and magnetograms obtained with the satellite Hinode, 35 pairs of bipolar moving magnetic features (MMFs) in sunspot penumbrae are studied in the following three aspects: the morphological characteristics, velocities of motion and responses in low atmospheric layers. Then the following conclusions are drawn. (1) The bipolar MMFs appear in pairs of positive and negative polarities, are located in the midst of the approximately vertical magnetic fields in spot penumbrae, and move toward the outer boundaries of penumbrae. This indirectly justifies that the bipolar MMFs originate in the horizontal magnetic fields of penumbrae. In the time intervals of 2-8 hours and at the same positions, there appear the bipolar MMFs with similar morphologial characteristics and velocities of motion. This povides an evidence which supports the model of magnetic lines in the shape of sea serpent. (2) In the process of motion of bipolar MMFs there may appear brightenings in the photospere and chromosphere, and this implies that the middle and low layers of solar atmosphere are heated by the bipolar MMFs. (3) The sites of occurrence of bipolar MMFs and the distribution of penumbral magnetic field agree with the structural characteristics of uncombed sunspot penumbrae.  相似文献   

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