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一种有效的复杂多边形裁剪算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种基于扫描线思想和梯形分割技术的多边形裁剪算法,其主要步骤包括:计算主多边形(集)与窗口多边形(集)的交点,提取所有交点和多边形边界结点的纵坐标(y)并进行排序;以排序后的y作水平扫描线,分别对主多边形和窗口多边形进行梯形分割,获得两组梯形集合;对这两组梯形集合逐行执行梯形单元"交"运算,最后对结果交集进行边界追踪建立裁剪多边形。实验结果表明,该算法具有较好的计算效率,是一种比较实用的多边形裁剪算法。  相似文献   

介绍摄影测量数字成图系统中地物数据拓扑关系的自动建立,该算法是摄影测量数字成图系统中的一个重要子模块,用户不用输入其它相关信息,可直接利用地物数据自动生成结点、多边形及内点。该算法已达到实用化阶段,并已在实际生产作业中使用  相似文献   

缓冲区分析(Buffer Analysis)是地理信息系统(GIS)重要的空间分析功能之一。地理信息系统中的缓冲区生成分点、线、面三种,其中线状目标缓冲区生成是关键和基础。本文将线状目标缓冲区的生成分为每个线状目标缓冲区多边形独立生成过程和所有线状目标缓冲区多边形重叠合并过程两个阶段,并分别给出了相应的矢量算法。  相似文献   

目前在空间关系查询中常用的Plane Sweep算法是一种串行算法,在处理海量空间数据时效率较低,而已有的并行计算方法对于普通的计算机并不适用。本文针对这个问题,提出了一种多边形间空间关系查询的异构多核架构并行算法,该算法先利用STR树索引过滤掉不相交的多边形,然后将过滤后的多边形数据集合分解为点集合和边集合,并对其构建四叉树索引;在保证数据浮点运算精度符合要求的情况下,利用GPU强大的批量运算能力快速处理边与边的相交情况并据此逐步计算得到环间的拓扑关系,再根据环间拓扑关系计算得到多边形间的维度扩展九交模型(DE-9IM)参数值;根据DE-9IM参数值与空间关系查询条件相比对,输出查询结果。最后通过试验验证了算法的准确性与高效性。  相似文献   

基于二叉树思想的任意多边形三角剖分递归算法   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
提出了一种基于二叉树思想的任意多边形三角剖分递归算法。该算法采用二叉树思想,确定剖分三角形的二叉树状结构,并采用递归算法实现。这算法可适用于任意形状的凹或凸多边形,也适用于包含岛屿的多边形。此外,在考虑边界点高程的基础上,可充分顾及地形特征。该算法完全适用于长距离河流流域的三维面状表达。  相似文献   

道路网络示意图是实体网络的抽象表示,因其更加符合人的认知习惯,在地图服务与地图制图领域已得到初步应用。以路径为单位的网络示意图自动生成算法只顾及节点与线段的局部布置,且较难以维护网络拓扑一致性。本文以闭合多边形(网眼)为基本单位,利用网眼的独立性与邻接性,提出了多边形生长算法,核心思想是将道路网络分类为闭合多边形与非闭合线段,以闭合多边形提取、映射、优化为主线,辅助组合非闭合线段。算例分析验证,本算法在网络均衡分布及拓扑一致性方面具有优势。  相似文献   

Boolean operations between planar polygons are fundamental operations in the GISciences. In this paper, a new algorithm based on trapezoidal decomposition is used to perform Boolean operations. Using this method, Boolean operations between polygons are transformed into Boolean operations between decomposed trapezoids. It is comparatively easier to process the simple trapezoids than arbitrary polygons. This new method avoids the complex computation of the spatial relationship between the polygons' edges in the traditional algorithms, thus making the procedure more efficient and easier to understand. In addition, the proposed algorithm can work with concave polygons and those with holes.  相似文献   

梁磊  周启  任东宇  文学虎 《测绘通报》2021,(12):124-129
从第三次国土调查数据库快速缩编派生出多尺度数据库,是地图制图的重要任务。本文针对大量图斑,首先通过研究图斑栅格综合,减少碎图斑数量;然后构建图斑语义邻近度模型、空间几何拓扑模型,分析了顾及拓扑和地区地理特征约束下的地类图斑制图综合方法;最后形成了自动化图斑缩编生产工艺流程。基于上述方法,采用计算机编程技术研发国土三调缩编系统,并应用于四川省某县23万图斑量的三调数据并试验验证。试验结果表明,通过本文方法的成果符合专题制图要求,极大地提高了三调图斑的自动综合效率。  相似文献   

提出了一种新的直观的方法进行多边形区域之间的运算。首先将需要计算的多边形区域的边进行自动拓扑构建,利用多边形区域的边将平面划分为n个小多边形区域;然后生成这些多边形区域的内点,通过判断小多边形区域的内点是否在原始多边形区域内来确定小多边形区域是否选取;最后合并选取的小多边形即为所求。试验结果表明,该方法思路清晰、鲁棒性强,在GIS中得到了有效的运用。  相似文献   

Invasive ericaceous shrubs (e.g. Kalmia angustifolia, Rhododendron groenlandicum, Vaccinium spp.) may reduce the regeneration and early growth of black spruce (Picea mariana) seedlings, the most economically important boreal tree species in Quebec. Our study focused, therefore, on developing a method for mapping ericaceous shrubs from satellite images. The method integrates very high resolution satellite imagery (IKONOS) to guide classifiers applied to medium resolution satellite imagery (Landsat-TM). An object-oriented image classification approach was applied using Definiens eCognition software. An independent ground survey revealed 80% accuracy at the very high spatial resolution. We found that the partial use (70%) of classified polygons derived from the IKONOS images were an effective way to guide classification algorithms applied to the Landsat-TM imagery. The results of this latter classification (78.4% overall accuracy) were assessed by the remaining portion (30%) of unused very high resolution classified polygons. We further validated our method (65.5% overall accuracy) by assessing the correspondence of an ericaceous cover classification scheme done with a Landsat-TM image and results of our ground survey using an independent set of 275 sample plots. Discrimination of ericaceous shrub cover from other land cover types was achieved with precision at both spatial resolutions with producer accuracies of 87.7% and 79.4% from IKONOS and Landsat, respectively. The method is weaker for areas with sparse cover of ericaceous shrubs or dense tree cover. Our method is adapted, therefore, for mapping the spatial distribution of ericaceous shrubs and is compatible with existing forest stand maps.  相似文献   

Voronoi图生成算法受到计算效率或生长源类型的限制,难以支撑线/面生长源Voronoi图的构建。本文提出一种生成线/面生长源Voronoi图的分解合并算法,其主要过程是将线/面生长源离散为特征点表达,通过特征点交叉建立最近特征点对,并以最近特征点对Voronoi子区域的交来部分地代替线/面生长源的等距离边界,算法以前后迭代离散计算的Voronoi子区域面积差分作为条件,可有选择地将部分生长源置入迭代过程,使线/面生长源Voronoi子区域逐步调整并达到精度要求。  相似文献   

崔璨  王结臣 《测绘学报》2011,40(1):104-110
借鉴计算几何学的理论方法,提出一种基于多边形梯形剖分思想的实现方法.首先利用扫描线技术将多边形分解为梯形面片集,以便将多边形的布尔运算转化为梯形面片间的布尔运算;这些梯形面片以扫描行为单元进行组织,梯形之间的布尔运算被限定在相同的扫描行内,可有效简化核心计算过程;在完成梯形单元布尔运算并得到结果梯形集后,通过边界追踪完...  相似文献   

采用了双向链表这种数据结构,对两简单多边形的顶点及交点进行存储,在对交点进行插入时,可直接插入链表中,避免了利用单向链表或数组进行存储时对点的重复查找。通过遍历两个顶点、交点混合表,可得到两多边形的交及多边形的顶点,从而得到两多边形的交集。相对其他类似的算法,该算法具有较快的计算速度和较高的效率。  相似文献   

在对拓拟邻接凸多边形方向关系计算特殊性分析的基础上,提出了一个邻接凸多边形方向关系计算法和二维空间方向关系推理方法。与Voronoi图所表达的邻近拓扑关系相结合,该算法可以用于计算离散二维空间目标之间的方向关系。  相似文献   

Polygonal object is a fundamental type of geometric data in vector GIS. The key step cleaning topological relationship after data collection of polygonal layer is to build polygonal objects from digital arcs. The raw digital arcs may intersect with each other. The algorithm for building polygonal objects after the raw arcs have been split at all intersections is presented. The build-up of polygonal objects in this paper is designed to be implemented by two steps. The first step is to extract all the polygons needed for build-up of polygonal objects from arcs. The second step is to organize polygonal objects from these polygons. For the first step, a tracing algorithm is proposed. The algorithm merely extracts the polygons needed for the build-up of polygonal objects, which is a subset of all the possible polygons that can be induced from the arcs. For the second step, an algorithm based on a specially designed order of polygons is advanced. All the topological relationships among the polygons are shown in a single scan. Experiments show that the two algorithms together offer a robust and efficient solution for building polygonal objects from intersected arcs.  相似文献   

Polygonal object is a fundamental type of geometric data in vector GIS. The key step of cleaning topological relationship after data collection of polygonal layer is to build polygonal objects from digital arcs. The raw digital arcs may intersect with each other. The algorithm for building polygonal objects after the raw arcs have been split at all intersections is presented. The build-up of polygonal objects in this paper is designed to be implemented by two steps. The first step is to extract all the polygons needed for build-up of polygonal objects from arcs. The second step is to organize polygonal objects from these polygons. For the first step, a tracing algorithm is proposed. The algorithm merely extracts the polygons needed for the build-up of polygonal objects, which is a subset of all the possible polygons that can be induced from the arcs. For the second step, an algorithm based on a specially designed order of polygons is advanced. All the topological relationships among the polygons are sho  相似文献   

崔先国  毛定山 《测绘科学》2008,33(6):139-140
求解任意两个简单多边形间的最大距离,在几何图形计算中,一直是一个基本问题。在对多边形自身的特性以及两多边形间关系进行深入分析的基础上,提出了一个基于折线凸包的单调性的简单多边形间最大距离的求解算法。根据封闭折线内部所具有的特性,把封闭折线拆分成两个断开的折线,使一条折线在另一条折线左边。两个多边形分别被拆分成四条折线,两个分为一组。分别求出每组中两条折线的凸包,利用凸包的单调性可以快速地找出两个距离最远的顶点,其中较大的是两个简单多边形间的最大距离。算法的时间复杂度是线性的。  相似文献   

The airborne SAR images were tested for geometric accuracy in order to assess the suitability of present airborne radar systems for topographic mapping. Images were transformed to terrain coordinate system using 2-D conformal, affine and polynomial transformations. Standard error in positional discrepancies at check points show that the geometric fidelity of present airborne SAR system is compatible with planimetric mapping requirements at 1∶50,000 and smaller scale.  相似文献   

The Miller Oblated Stereographic Projection, implemented by both the American Geographical Society and the Defense Mapping Agency in small-scale mapping of Africa, Europe, Asia and Australasia, is conformal for most land masses, reducing overall scale and area distortion by using a double projection. “Fill-in” sections are not conformal. Developed in 1953–1955 by O. M. Miller, the projection is implemented via tables for map construction. With the advent of computer-assisted intelligence and operations systems that use this projection to provide electronic images, the computation of rectangular projection coordinates from geographic locations via table look-up is no longer adequate. This paper presents an algorithm, based upon the original Miller work, which performs this transformation in a form applicable to scientific programming languages.  相似文献   

面向空间数据连续地图综合问题,提出了一种基于骨架线端点匹配的面状要素渐变方法,通过在两个关键表达之间进行尺度内插,实时、动态地派生任意中间比例尺地图数据。首先,对面状要素在大小比例尺下的两重表达分别进行约束Delaunay三角网剖分并提取各自的骨架线特征;然后,使用最优子序双射优化技术对骨架端点进行匹配获得多边形边界上相对应的特征点序列;最后,在剖分边界的基础上进行分段常规线性内插,获得面状要素介于始末尺度之间的多尺度表达。实验结果表明,该算法充分顾及了空间数据弯曲结构特征,对于光滑边界面状要素的渐变变换具有良好的渐变效果,可用于空间数据的连续地图综合和多尺度表达。  相似文献   

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