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围绕着海洋环流与气候变率的联系,概述了近年来有关温盐环流输送带路径、海洋环流在地球气候系统的热平衡和水循环中的作用、大洋温盐环流的稳定性和变率对气候的影响等方面的研究成果。 相似文献
一个灵活的海洋——大气耦合环流模式 总被引:20,自引:13,他引:20
Based on the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Climate System Model version 1(CSM-1), a Flexible coupled General Circulation Model version 0 (FGCM-0) is developed in this study through replacing CSM-1's oceanic component model with IAP L30T63 global oceanic general circulation model and some necessary modifications of the other component models. After the coupled model FGCM--0 is spun up for dozens of years, it has been run for 60 years without flux correction. The model does not only show the reasonable long-term mean climatology, but also reproduce a lot of features of the interannual variability of climate, e.g. the ENSO-like events in the tropical Pacific Ocean and the dipole mode pattern in the tropical Indian Ocean. Comparing FGCM-0 with the NCAR CSM-1, some common features are found, e.g. the overestimation of sea ice in the North Pacific and the simulated double ITCZ etc.The further analyses suggest that they may be attributed to errors in the atmospheric model. 相似文献
冬季青藏高原东部(22°N~32°N,102°E~118°E)层云区是唯一存在于副热带陆地的层云密集区,环流特征较为复杂,大多数耦合气候系统模式对该地区层云的模拟存在较大的偏差。对该地区层云模拟能力的系统分析评估是改进模式性能的重要基础。本文基于国际卫星云计划(ISCCP)卫星资料,评估了中国科学院大气物理研究所两个版本的气候系统模式FGOALS-s2和FGOALS-g2的大气环流模式试验(AMIP)对青藏高原东侧层云的模拟能力。通过分析云辐射强迫等相关特征、大气环流、稳定度、以及地表气温和云的关系,探讨了模式偏差的可能原因。结果表明,两个模式都不同程度地低估了青藏高原东侧的低层云量和云水含量。在垂直结构模拟方面,FGOALS-s2模式能较好地模拟出高原东侧低云主导的特征,其模拟的云顶高度与卫星资料更为接近;而FGOALS-g2模式则高估了该地区的平均云顶高度。分析表明,两个模式均低估了高原东侧的低层稳定度,同时不同程度地低估了该地区中低层水平水汽输送,导致层云云量的模拟偏少。此外,FGOALS-g2高估了高原东侧的上升运动和垂直水汽输送,使得模拟的低云偏少而云顶高度偏高。 相似文献
概述近10年来中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体动力学数值模拟国家重点实验室全球海洋环流模式的发展及其在全球海气耦合模式的发展和气候模拟方面的应用.重点是:一个30层、0.5°×0.5°的准全球海洋环流模式LICOM的建立及其模拟的热带太平洋海洋环流和印度尼西亚贯穿流;以20层海洋模式为海洋分量建立的全球海洋-大气-陆面系统耦合模式GOALS在气候变化模拟方面的应用,和以海洋模式L30T63为海洋分量建立的灵活的耦合环流模式FGCM-0在热带太平洋-印度洋海气相互作用及古海洋-古气候模拟方面的应用 相似文献
气候敏感度、气候反馈过程与2℃升温阈值的不确定性问题 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
气候敏感度是度量温室气体浓度升高和全球升温幅度关系的重要指标,当前气候模拟和气候预估中的很多不确定性问题,都直接和气候敏感度有关。气候敏感度的大小也决定着预估的气候变暖幅度的大小,直接影响到温室气体减排政策的制订。在简要回顾气候敏感度概念的提出和研究历史基础上,着眼于气候反馈分析,介绍了气候敏感度与辐射强迫和反馈过程的关系,总结了气候系统主要的反馈过程;根据大气层顶的能量平衡关系,利用CMIP5多模式结果介绍了平衡态气候敏感度和瞬态气候响应(包括累积碳排放的瞬态气候响应)的估算原理和方法,总结了气候敏感度不确定性的来源,并以"2℃阈值"问题为例,介绍了气候敏感度对预估结果不确定性的影响。随着观测资料的积累和气候模式的发展,继续减少气候敏感度的不确定性、估算包含碳循环的敏感度、利用地球系统模式规划最优碳排放路径是未来本领域主要的研究方向。 相似文献
对比两个同化资料GODAS(Global Ocean Data Assimilation System)和SODA(Simple Ocean Data Assimilation),考察中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室发展的气候系统海洋模式LICOM(LASG/IAP Climate system Ocean Model)模拟的北印度洋经向环流及热输送的气候态。LICOM能抓住北印度洋大尺度环流的季节变化特征,模拟的年平均越赤道热输送为-0.24 PW (1 PW=1015W),较之以往的数值模式结果更接近观测和同化资料。与同化资料的差异主要体现在季节变化强度,北半球夏季在赤道以南偏弱0.5 PW,这与模式夏季的纬向风应力偏弱,热输送中的大项Ekman热输送模拟偏弱,从而模拟的经圈翻转环流较浅有关。 相似文献
本工作发展了一个用于研究热带海洋大气系统相互作用和ElNin~o/SouthernOs-cilation动力过程的混合型(hybrid)耦合模式,其中的大气部分为一个由一阶斜压模表示的自由大气和混合行星边界层所组成的简单热带大气模式(区域为热带太平洋:120°E~80°W,30°N~30°S;水平分辨率为2°×2°),海洋部分为大气物理研究所高分辨率自由表面热带太平洋环流模式(经纬圈方向水平分辨率分别为1°和2°,垂直方向分为不等距的14层)。两模式间的耦合是这样进行的:简单大气模式计算出海表风应力,热通量由松弛公式计算,淡水通量(蒸发与降水之差)由观测资料给定,它们一起作为海洋环流模式(OGCM)的强迫场;而OGCM计算出海表温度(SST),在其以外地区给定观测到的气候海表温度或陆地温度,作为大气模式的边界条件。本文给出采用逐日、同步耦合方案时模式对热带太平洋气候态模拟结果,表明未采用任何通量修正(fluxescorrection),耦合模式未出现气候漂移(climatedrift)现象,并且非常逼真地再现了热带太平洋气候态,特别是海表风场及相伴随的辐合带和降水、海表温度和流场及它们的季节变化。文中还进行 相似文献
和核辐射14C的分布 总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8
放射性14C在海洋环流研究和人为CO2问题的研究中都有重要地位。本文用海洋环流模式模拟了海洋中自然14C的分布及海洋对核辐射产生的放射性14C的吸收, 以期对海洋吸收人为CO2的能力做一初步的研究。模拟的海洋环流结果与观测相比符合得较好,成功地模拟出了北大西洋深水(NADW)、南极底水 (AABW)等基本特征。对自然14C的模拟揭示出了海洋通风的基本特征。模拟出的沿GEOSECS 路径的南、北垂直截面与观测结果符合得较好。对核辐射14C的模拟表明:模式模拟的沿GEOSECS 路径的南、北垂直截面与观测结果符合得较好;模拟出的海洋表面核辐射浓度与观测值一致,但核辐射14C在海洋中的柱存量和平均穿透深度都比观测结果要小。文中分析了造成这种差异的可能原因。 相似文献
本工作发展了一个用于研究热带海洋-大气系统相互作用和El Ni?o/Southern Oscillation动力过程的混合型(hybrid)耦合模式,其中的大气部分为一个由一阶斜压模表示的自由大气和混合行星边界层所组成的简单热带大气模式(区域为热带太平洋:120°E~80°W,30°N~30°S;水平分辨率为2°×2°),海洋部分为大气物理研究所高分辨率自由表面热带太平洋环流模式(经纬圈方向水平分辨率分别为1°和2°,垂直方向分为不等距的14层)。两模式间的耦合是这样进行的:简单大气模式计算出海表风应力,热通量由松弛公式计算,淡水通量(蒸发与降水之差)由观测资料给定,它们一起作为海洋环流模式(OGCM)的强迫场;而OGCM计算出海表温度(SST),在其以外地区给定观测到的气候海表温度或陆地温度,作为大气模式的边界条件。本文给出采用逐日、同步耦合方案时模式对热带太平洋气候态模拟结果,表明未采用任何通量修正(fluxes correction),耦合模式未出现气候漂移(climate drift)现象,并且非常逼真地再现了热带太平洋气候态,特别是海表风场及相伴随的辐合带和降水、海表温度和流场及它们的季节变化。文中还进行了对耦合模式的比较研究,以验证其良好性能和对实际热带太平洋气候系统的模拟能力。 相似文献
研究了气候海洋与大气的临界时间跨度及其非线性作用的大致结构。与预报的空间分辩率及系统的非线性强度相联系,气候大气和海洋的临界时间跨度可反映系统可预报的相对时间尺度。对于具有同样空间特征尺度的大气和海洋,海洋的最小临界时间跨度约是大气的9倍(可达数日至数十日)。一般(外源变化缓慢的)气候海洋与大气的一阶非线性越强,其临界时间跨度越小。气候海洋与大气非线性作用的大致结构是:通常与科里奥利力对流体运动的规范作用(如地转运动)有关,非线性作用随纬度增加而减弱。距平流场的切变结构及其沿经向与纬向上强度的比较直接改变气候大气和海洋的非线性作用(比如,向东的距平环流强度与经向环流强度相当时,非线性作用最强),较强的外部驱动(风应力和压弹梯度力)使非线性作用加大等等。 相似文献
A new presentation of the Indian Ocean shallow overturning circulation from a vertical perspective 下载免费PDF全文
Tiecheng Zhang Weiqiang Wang Qiang Xie Kexiu Liu Dongxiao Wang Xinrong Wu Xiaoshuang Zhang Kang Xu Wenya Yuan 《大气和海洋科学快报》2021,14(5):56-61
由于印尼贯穿流干扰了南印度洋经向翻转环流的计算,本文应用垂向翻转流函数来诊断印度洋浅层经向翻转环流.基于海洋环流模拟产品(OFES),本文探讨了垂向流函数相比经向翻转流函数的改进.研究结果表明垂向翻转流函数能平滑连接南北印度洋的翻转环流,包括完整的副热带翻转环流和跨赤道翻转环流.经向翻转流函数低估了印度洋浅层翻转环流;而垂向翻转流函数表示的印度洋浅层翻转环流受印尼贯穿流影响更小,其评估的印度洋浅层翻转环流强度约13 Sv,其中副热带翻转环流强度约8 Sv(1 Sv ≡ 106 m3 s-1).此外,垂向翻转流函数在印度洋南开边界(30°S~34°S)上600 m层表现为顺时针翻转结构,其强度约-5 Sv,可能对应风驱的副热带流系.因此,垂向翻转流函数提供了一种新方法来评估印度洋浅层翻转环流. 相似文献
Jiangbo JIN Xiao DONG Juanxiong HE Yi YU Hailong LIU Minghua ZHANG Qingcun ZENG He ZHANG Xin GAO Guangqing ZHOU Yaqi WANG 《大气科学进展》2022,39(1):55-66
State-of-the-art coupled general circulation models(CGCMs)are used to predict ocean heat uptake(OHU)and sealevel change under global warming.However,the projections of different models vary,resulting in high uncertainty.Much of the inter-model spread is driven by responses to surface heat perturbations.This study mainly focuses on the response of the ocean to a surface heat flux perturbation F,as prescribed by the Flux-Anomaly-Forced Model Intercomparison Project(FAFMIP).The results of ocean model were compared with those of a CGCM with the same ocean component.On the global scale,the changes in global mean temperature,ocean heat content(OHC),and steric sea level(SSL)simulated in the OGCM are generally consistent with CGCM simulations.Differences in changes in ocean temperature,OHC,and SSL between the two models primarily occur in the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans(AA)and the Southern Ocean(SO)basins.In addition to the differences in surface heat flux anomalies between the two models,differences in heat exchange between basins also play an important role in the inconsistencies in ocean climate changes in the AA and SO basins.These discrepancies are largely due to both the larger initial value and the greater weakening change of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation(AMOC)in CGCM.The greater weakening of the AMOC in the CGCM is associated with the atmosphere–ocean feedback and the lack of a restoring salinity boundary condition.Furthermore,differences in surface salinity boundary conditions between the two models contribute to discrepancies in SSL changes. 相似文献
Simulated Spatiotemporal Response of Ocean Heat Transport to Freshwater Enhancement in North Atlantic and Associated Mechanisms 下载免费PDF全文
The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation(AMOC)transports a large amount of heat to northern high latitudes,playing an important role in the global climate change.Investigation of the freshwater perturbation in North Atlantic(NA)has become one of the hot topics in the recent years.In this study,the mechanism and pathway of meridional ocean heat transport(OHT)under the enhanced freshwater input to the northern high latitudes in the Atlantic are investigated by an ocean-sea ice-atmosphere coupled model.The results show that the anomalous OHT in the freshwater experiment(FW)is dominated by the meridional circulation kinetic and ocean thermal processes.In the FW,OHT drops down during the period of weakened AMOC while the upper tropical ocean turns warmer due to the retained NA warm currents.Conversely,OHT recovers as the AMOC recovers,and the mechanism can be generalized as:1)increased ocean heat content in the tropical Southern Ocean during the early integration provides the thermal condition for the recovery of OHT in NA;2)the OHT from the Southern Ocean enters the NA through the equator alongthe deep Ekman layer;3)in NA,the recovery of OHT appears mainly along the isopycnic layers of 24.70-25.77 below the mixing layer.It is then transported into the mixing layer from the "outcropping points"innorthern high latitudes,and finally released to the atmosphere by the ocean-atmosphere heat exchange. 相似文献
By assimilating information required for the estimation of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) by the Rapid-MOCHA array, we investigate how transports should be constrained. For the period 2004–2011, we find that even the large adjustments in Florida Strait transport (FST) imposed by assimilating FST data do not impact the AMOC strength at 26.5° N while the AMOC away from this section changes due to the baroclinic response. Moreover, the high correlation between the FST and AMOC previously reported cannot be confirmed for this longer period. When assimilating FST and AMOC transports in conjunction, simulated transports can both be brought easily into consistency with the Rapid estimates while the representation of the hydrographic data at the mooring locations improves mainly at the eastern boundary. The dynamical constraint through the equations of motion conditions that the errors of the components are correlated and the total AMOC error is a much smaller than the sum of its components. Although Ekman and mid-ocean transports improve when AMOC is assimilated, the excellent AMOC representation relies on error compensation through adjustments of mainly the Ekman component. Assimilating the mooring data together with FST does not improve the representation of the AMOC. Density information is difficult to extract via assimilating temperature and salinity because of the strong density compensation in the subtropical gyre. Alternatively assimilating density from the mooring data directly was of limited success. 相似文献
Jacqueline Flückiger Reto Knutti James W. C. White Hans Renssen 《Climate Dynamics》2008,31(6):633-645
Greenland ice cores, as well as many other paleo-archives from the northern hemisphere, recorded a series of 25 warm interstadial
events, the so-called Dansgaard-Oeschger (D-O) events, during the last glacial period. We use the three-dimensional coupled
global ocean–atmosphere–sea ice model ECBILT-CLIO and force it with freshwater input into the North Atlantic to simulate abrupt
glacial climate events, which we use as analogues for D-O events. We focus our analysis on the Northern Hemisphere. The simulated
events show large differences in the regional and seasonal distribution of the temperature and precipitation changes. While
the temperature changes in high northern latitudes and in the North Atlantic region are dominated by winter changes, the largest
temperature increases in most other land regions are seen in spring. Smallest changes over land are found during the summer
months. Our model simulations also demonstrate that the temperature and precipitation change patterns for different intensifications
of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation are not linear. The extent of the transitions varies, and local non-linearities
influence the amplitude of the annual mean response as well as the response in different seasons. Implications for the interpretation
of paleo-records are discussed. 相似文献
The Shallow Meridional Overturning Circulation in the Northern Indian Ocean and Its Interannual Variability 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
The shallow meridional overturning circulation (upper 1000 m) in the northern Indian Ocean and its interannual variability are studied, based on a global ocean circulation model (MOM2) with an integration of 10 years (1987-1996). It is shown that the shallow meridional overturning circulation has a prominent seasonal reversal characteristic. In winter, the flow is northward in the upper layer and returns southward at great depth. In summer, the deep northward inflow upwells north of the equator and returns southward in the Ekman layer. In the annual mean, the northward inflow returns through two branches: one is a southward flow in the Ekman layer, the other is a flow that sinks near 10°N and returns southward between 500 m and 1000 m. There is significant interannual variability in the shallow meridional overturning circulation, with a stronger (weaker) one in 1989 (1991) and with a period of about four years. The interannual variability of the shallow meridional overturning circulation is intimately r 相似文献
文章介绍了海洋气象导航发展的必然性及其气象航线选择的原理和影响因素。结合中央气象台海洋气象导航中心近10年来的实船导航业务,分析了北印度洋气候对冬、夏季航线选择的影响因素,指出应结合北印度洋的冬、夏季气候变化及地形特点选择不同的气象航线。该文为在实际工作中根据不同的季节及船型情况选择不同的航线、规避大风和巨浪出现频率高的区域,以及保持良好的航行条件提供了依据。 相似文献
地磁场与气候变化关系的新探索 总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5
对地磁场与气候变化的统计研究早已表明,二者有很好的相关关系。本文的目的是对它们的关系给出一种可能的物理解释。利用近600年的地磁场模型资料和全球平均温度序列分析了两者变化的关系,发现它们有很好的对应,且地磁场变化超前于全球气温变化。从地磁场的变化来看,21世纪初全球变暖的趋势应该减缓。文中对地表浅层热场(地热带、火山和地温场)的分布特征与地球内部软流圈-岩石圈边界上焦耳热场的分布特征进行了对比分析。结果表明,地表浅层热场与地球深层焦耳热的分布有很好的对应关系,这可能暗示地表浅层热场是地球深层焦耳热的反映,地磁场通过焦耳热的不断释旋影响气候变化。 相似文献
The meridional overturning circulation (MOC) in the coupled ECHAM5/MPIOM exhibits variability at periods of near 30 years
and near 60 years. The 30-year variability, referred to as interdecadal variability (IDV), exist in an ocean model driven
by climatological atmospheric forcing, suggesting that it is maintained by ocean dynamics; the 60-year variability, the multidecadal
variability (MDV), is only observed in the fully coupled model and therefore is interpreted as an atmosphere–ocean coupled
mode. The coexistence of the 30-year IDV and the 60-year MDV provides a possible explanation for the widespread time scales
observed in climate variables. Further analyses of the climatologically forced ocean model shows that, the IDV is related
to the interplay between the horizontal temperature-dominated density gradients and the ocean circulation: temperature anomalies
move along the cyclonic subpolar gyre leading to fluctuations in horizontal density gradients and the subsequent weakening
and strengthening of the MOC. This result is consistent with that from less complex models, indicating the robustness of the
IDV. We further show that, along the North Atlantic Current path, the sea surface temperature anomalies are determined by
the slow LSW advection at the intermediate depth. 相似文献