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1. IntroductionThe Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau is an importantregion for the study of the global change andstructural evolution history). The in-depth knowledgeon its uplift process is the ke}' to understand theformation and development of temporary ph}'sicalenvironment of China or even East Asia. Therefore.a large quantity of researchers have given muchmore attention on this field (Burbank et al.. l982;Fang Xiaornin et al.. 1995f Ruddoman. ]997f AnZhisheng et al.. 1998). The macroscopic e\'o…  相似文献   

首次在青海西宁盆地新近纪河湖相沉积地层中发现了三趾马、副板齿犀牙齿化石,对化石的基本特征和埋藏情况进行了描述,三趾马化石经鉴定为东乡三趾马。结合区域和前人资料认为,本次发现化石的岩石地层应该属于咸水河组或以上层位,时代为晚中新世早期。分析前人孢粉资料认为化石形成时的古植被为森林-草原,古气候环境为亚热带干旱气候环境。这一发现为西宁盆地晚新生代河湖相地层格架的建立,提供了古生物学依据,对西宁盆地中新世地层确立起到时序标尺的作用。为青藏高原东北缘盆地的环境演化、地层划分、时代厘定提供了新的资料,对深入研究青藏高原隆升环境效具有重要意义。同时,也为青藏高原东北缘、华北地区、青藏高原三趾马动物群进行对比研究,提供了基础材料。  相似文献   

<正>Objective Xining basin is located in the northeastern QinghaiTibetan Plateau,which tectonic location belongs to a junction of the Kunlun and Qilian mountains.The southern,northern and western parts of the basin are restricted by the Laji,Daban and Riyue mountains fault zones,and go eastward into the Longzhong basin in Gansu Province.A succession of Cenozoic lacustrine sedimentary strata has been well developed in the Xining basin,with sediments over 800 m thick.Deformation uplift,the history of weathering and denudation of the source area  相似文献   

位于青藏高原东北缘的西宁盆地在新生代期间的变形具有明显的阶段性,新生代早期该盆地顺时针的转动在西宁盆地中的基底中产生或复活了一些北北西向的左行走滑断裂。晚期(中新世以来),由于盆地边缘断裂持续强烈活动并伴随着一定的顺时针旋转,在盆地中形成一系列切割盆地基底的北北东向和北东向次级断裂,盆地中不同方向次级断裂不同时间的发育与边界左行斜向剪切造成的变形类似。同时盆地中薄皮与厚皮构造共同发育为特征,不仅盆地盖层发生了一定程度的褶皱变形,而且沿着切割盆地内部的断裂,往往基底被抬升至地表,形成比较明显的基底卷入型褶皱。西宁盆地因此被分割,形成了一系列更小的次级盆地。而青藏高原东北部新生代变形同样具有以上特征,斜向挤压是该地区变形的重要方式,正是由于长期的斜向挤压,造成了盆地内部与边界之间的应变分配,盆地内部基底隆起,并逐渐分割原先的大盆地。而热水—日月山断裂以及温泉断裂发育在海原断裂与昆仑山断裂之间的阶区,它们的活动和发育与边缘大型走滑断裂有重要的联系,同时也是压剪作用的重要特征之一。  相似文献   

系统分析青藏高原新生代中新世50余个沉积盆地的类型、构造背景、岩石地层序列,对青藏高原中新世构造岩相古地理演化特征进行分析和探讨。中新世,青藏高原海相沉积已经全面退出,全部转为陆相沉积,约23Ma时高原及周边不整合面广布,标志高原整体隆升。塔里木、柴达木及西宁-兰州、羌塘、可可西里等地区主体表现为大面积的构造压陷湖盆沉积。约17.2Ma左右,阿尔金山显著隆升,使柴达木盆地西叉沟一带再无生物礁灰岩出现,且在盆地西部出现了短暂的沉积间断。这一时期,柴达木盆地西部开始进入湖退期,而东南部则快速湖进;同时,大约17.7Ma索尔库里山间盆地初始凹陷形成。另外,高原腹地五道梁-沱沱河盆地受南部唐古拉山的挤压抬升,在16Ma左右结束了五道梁组的沉积,在可可西里—唢呐湖一带则再次凹陷接受唢呐湖组沉积,形成高原腹地的大型压陷湖盆。13~10Ma期间,藏南南北向断陷盆地的形成,是高原隆升到足够高度开始垮塌的标志;约8Ma以来,高原东北部几乎所有湖盆均进入湖退期,普遍出现冲积扇、辫状河和水下扇砂砾岩堆积。  相似文献   

碎屑锆石U-Pb年代学被认为是研究沉积物物源的有效手段。然而,应用碎屑锆石U-Pb年代学对中国黄土高原进行物源研究时却获得了非常复杂的物源信息。西宁黄土沉积于青藏高原东北缘地区,对其开展碎屑锆石U-Pb年代学研究不仅可以获得其物源信息,同时可以为探讨青藏高原北缘碎屑物质对黄土高原的贡献提供重要依据。碎屑锆石形貌学研究结果表明其可能经历了强烈的物理风化以及多次再循环,同时也可能暗示了物源的高度复杂性。来自不同沉积层位的碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄结果表明,西宁黄土碎屑物质的最终来源可能是青藏高原北缘和中亚造山带,且物源区自约1.3 Ma以来可能没有显著变化,但是两者对西宁黄土的相对贡献可能在不同的时期具有微弱的差异。西宁黄土与中国黄土高原中、西部典型剖面的碎屑锆石年龄分布具有高度相似性,暗示了两者的物源区可能很大程度上具有一致性,但具少量差异。  相似文献   


西宁盆地关家山剖面微生物细胞膜脂的生物标志化合物甘油二烷基甘油四醚类脂物(Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers,简称GDGTs)古温度指标MATmr记录了从16.8 Ma到13.4 Ma的持续降温过程(下降约5.1℃),与全球深海氧同位素记录的中中新世气候适宜期(MMCO)及其后的中中新世气候转型(MMCT)事件一致,揭示了西宁盆地古温度在此期间受全球温度变化控制。其环化参数CBT'重建的古pH值(CBT'-pH)平均为6.56±0.50,且80%样点的干旱指标Ri/b(古菌类异戊二烯型isoprenoid GDGTs(简称iGDGTs)与细菌支链型branched GDGTs(简称bGDGTs)相对含量比值)小于0.5,表明西宁盆地在此期间整体上处于较为湿润的环境,但是在14.0 Ma和14.8 Ma,Ri/b值记录了两次干旱事件。总之,虽然在古温度绝对值计算等问题上仍存在一定困难,GDGTs展现了在西宁盆地乃至青藏高原东北部在新近系甚至更老地层中应用的潜力。


新疆库木库里盆地发育有巨厚的渐新统一更新统陆相沉积序列,记录了青藏高原西部自渐新世以来的隆起过程和幅度,盆地主夷平面形成于中中新世以后,上新世以前,该盆地中新世山旺生物群及上新世Cyprideis介形类动物群的发现显示了青藏高原中新世夷平作用这后的再次隆升并对中国自然环境变化产生了重大影响,导致中国西部生物组合由中新世晚期类似于现代江南山地的种类转变成为上新世以适应咸水环境为优势的组合,形成了西部内陆强蒸发的干旱环境,生物分异度大幅度降低,特别是库木里盆地晚更新世晚期乳动物化石的发现和含化石层的研究及区域对比,表明20-30ka以来高原存在一次幅度超逾百米的快速隆升。  相似文献   

在阿克萨依湖幅1∶25万区域地质调查中,于青藏高原西北缘的西昆仑山南坡巴颜喀拉盆地发现了多个小型黑云母二长花岗岩体。对其中规模较大的一个岩体的岩石地球化学研究结果显示,该岩体富集大离子亲石元素和轻稀土元素,亏损高场强元素和重稀土元素,δEu负异常,无Nb的亏损,属壳幔混合的偏铝质A2(PA)型花岗岩。TIMS法单颗粒锆石U-Pb年龄测定获得10.0Ma±0.1Ma的年龄值(MSWD=0.66),表明该岩体为中新世晚期岩浆活动的产物。该岩体可能是中新世晚期青藏高原后造山阶段岩石圈发生拆沉作用形成的,就位于阿尔金巨型走滑断裂系的拉张区域,是阿尔金巨型走滑断裂系强烈活动阶段的反映,对青藏高原地质构造演化和高原隆升的研究可能具有重要意义。  相似文献   

叶城晚新生代山前盆地的岩性主要由中新世的细粒泥岩和砂岩(乌恰群),上新世的砂岩夹薄层砾岩(阿图什组)及上新世-更新世的粗粒砾岩(西域组)构成。中新世的沉积以细颗粒泥砂岩为主,表明物源区较远,古流域坡度较小,搬运距离较长。古流向分析显示物源区位于南和偏南方,此时昆仑山的地势起伏尚不大。到上新世的阿图什组沉积时,开始出现砾石沉积,反映西昆仑山已经开始有规模地隆升。西域砾岩的沉积标志着作为物源区的西昆仑山民有相当的高度,随着山系的隆升,基底岩石被暴露和剥蚀。  相似文献   

晚中新世-上新世古生态演化是探讨构造-气候-生态环境相互耦合作用的热点议题,该时段不同区域C4植物是否发生大规模扩张及其在时空维度上如何演化等问题尚存争议.以青藏高原东北缘小水子红黏土为研究对象,基于总有机碳同位素重建了小水子地区晚中新世-上新世(6.7~3.6 Ma)的植物生态型,并结合周边结果对C3/C4植被时空演...  相似文献   

正The Qaidam Basin in the NE Tibetan Plateau has contributed the largest amount of potash in China.However,how the potash was formed has long been a subject of debate.Here we carried out a deep drilling  相似文献   

Tectonics and Topography of the Tibetan Plateau in Early Miocene   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Early Miocene stratigraphy, major structural systems, magmatic emplacement, volcanic eruption, vegetation change and paleo-elevation were analyzed for the Tibetan Plateau after regional geological mapping at a scale of 1:250,000 and related researches, revealing much more information for tectonic evolution and topographic change of the high plateau caused by Indian-Asian continental collision. Lacustrine deposits of dolostone, dolomite limestone, limestone, marl, sandstone and conglomerate of weak deformation formed extensively in the central Tibetan Plateau, indicating that vast lake complexes as large as 100,000–120,000 km2 existed in the central plateau during Early Miocene. Sporopollen assemblages contained in the lacustrine strata indicate the disappearance of most tropical-subtropical broad-leaved trees since Early Miocene and the flourishing of dark needleleaved trees during Early Miocene. Such vegetation changes adjusted for latitude and global climate variations demonstrate that the central Tibetan Plateau rose to ca. 4,000–4,500 m and the northeastern plateau uplifted to ca. 3,500–4,000 m before the Early Miocene. Intensive thrust and crustal thickening occurred in the areas surrounding central Tibetan Plateau in Early Miocene, formed Gangdise Thrust System(GTS) in the southern Lhasa block, Zedong-Renbu Thrust(ZRT) in the northern Himalaya block, Main Central Thrust(MCT) and Main Boundary Thrust(MBT) in the southern Himalaya block, and regional thrust systems in the Qaidam, Qilian, West Kunlun and Songpan-Ganzi blocks. Foreland basins formed in Early Miocene along major thrust systems, e.g. the Siwalik basin along MCT, Yalung-Zangbu Basin along GTS and ZRT, southwestern Tarim depression along West Kunlun Thrust, and large foreland basins along major thrust systems in the northeastern margin of the plateau. Intensive volcanic eruptions formed in the Qiangtang, Hoh-Xil and Kunlun blocks, porphyry granites and volcanic eruptions formed in the Nainqentanglha and Gangdise Mts., and leucogranites and granites formed in the Himalaya and Longmenshan Mts. in Early Miocene. The K2O weight percentages of Early Miocene magmatic rocks in the Gangdise and Himlayan Mts. are found to increase with distance from the MBT, indicating the genetic relationship between regional magmatism and subduction of Indian continental plate in Early Miocene.  相似文献   

The Quantougou(QTG) Fauna in central Lanzhou Basin is an important late Mid-Miocene fauna on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau margin,but its numerical age remains a matter of debate.Here,we present a new magnetostratigraphic record for a fluvio-lacustrine section to further constrain the age of the QTG Fauna.Results suggest that the studied section spans from polarity chrons C5Cn.2n to C5 n.2n or C5 An.1n,with ages of ca.16.5 Ma to 10 Ma or 16.5 Ma to 12 Ma.The QTG Fauna is located at the top of polarity chron C5r.3 r or C5 Ar.2 r,which corresponds to an age of 11.7 Ma or 12.8 Ma for the fauna.Accordingly,the associated Myocricetodontinae(a subfamily of Gerbillidae,Rodentia) is suggested to have appeared in the Lanzhou Basin at 11.7 Ma or 12.8 Ma,which is the oldest Myocricetodontinae in East Asia but is still much younger than the ~20 Ma appearance of this subfamily in West and South Asia.Our age data support the interpretation that East Asian Myocricetodontinae originated from South Asia.The QTG fauna further suggest a dry and open grassland environment,which is consistent with global cooling after the Mid-Miocene Climatic Optimum.  相似文献   

The northeastern Tibetan Plateau is located at the convergence of the Asian winter and summer monsoons and westerlies; thus, this area has witnessed historic climate changes.The Xunhua basin is an intermontane basin on the northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau.The basin contains more than 2000 m of Cenozoic fluvial–lacustrine sediments, recording a long history of climate and environmental changes.We collected the mid-Miocene sediments from the Xunhua basin and used palynological methods to discuss the relationship between aridification in the interior of Asia, global cooling, and uplift of the Tibetan Plateau.Based on the palynological analysis of the Xigou section, Xunhua basin, the palynological diagram is subdivided into three pollen zones and past vegetation and climate are reconstructed.Zone I, Ephedripites–Nitraridites–Chenopodipollis–Quercoidites(14.0–12.5 Ma), represents mixed shrub–steppe vegetation with a dry and cold climate.In zone II, Pinaceae–Betulaepollenites–Ephedripites–Chenopodipollis–Graminidites(12.5–8.0 Ma), the vegetation and climate conditions improved, even though the vegetation was still dominated by shrub–steppe taxa.Zone III, Ephedripites–Nitrariadites–Chenopodipollis(8.0–5.0 Ma), represents desert steppe vegetation with drier and colder climate.The palynological records suggest that shrub–steppe dominated the whole Xigou section and the content gradually increased, implying a protracted aridification process, although there was an obvious climate improvement during 12.5–8.0 Ma.The aridification in the Xunhua basin and surrounding mountains during 14.0–12.5 Ma was probably related to global cooling induced by the rapid expansion of the East Antarctic ice-sheets and the relatively higher evaporation rate.During the 12.5–8.0 Ma period, although topographic changes(uplift of Jishi Shan) decreased precipitation and strengthened aridification in the Xunhua basin on leeward slopes, the improved vegetation and climate conditions were probably controlled by the decrease in evaporation rates as a result of continuous cooling.From 8.0 to 5.0 Ma, the rapid development of the desert steppe can be attributed to global cooling and uplift of the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

本文在西藏南部吉隆盆地新生代沉积中获得丰富的介形类化石,根据介形类动物群在地层剖面上的分布规律,建立了8个介形类群落,自下而上为:Leucocytherella trinoda-Ilyocypris群落;Ilyocypris pentanada-Leucocytherella hyalina群落;Candoniella zadaensis-Leucocytherella群落;Eucypris subgyrongensis-Candoniella zadaensis群落;Leucocytherella-Cadoniella zadaensis群落;Leucocythere mirabilis-Leucocytherella hyalina群落;Leucocythere mirabilis-Leucocytherella glabra群落和Leucocythere mirabilis-Leucocytherella trinoda群落。通过对介形类群落进行详细的特征分析,并结合磁性地层年代学数据,将吉隆盆地7.2~1.67Ma的古气候划分为5个期次:①7.2~6.7Ma为暖湿期;②6.7~5.8Ma为凉湿期;③5.8~3.6Ma为暖湿期;④3.6~2.6Ma为凉湿期;⑤2.6~1.67Ma为冷干期。将研究区的7.2Ma以来的气候演化特征与全球气候演变对比认为:吉隆盆地7.2~5.8Ma间的气候以暖湿为主,可能与来自印度的东南季风加强有关;5.8~3.6Ma间吉隆盆地古气候分析显示为相对暖湿期,可能与来自印度洋的东南季风再次加强有关;3.6Ma后,由于是受全球气候变冷、冬季风加强及青藏高原强烈隆升的影响,吉隆盆地气候向更寒冷干旱的环境转变。  相似文献   

The latest Early Oligocene record from the Lanzhou Basin, northeast Tibetan Plateau, presents an opportunity to investigate early stage of the Asian monsoon patterns due to its special location. The record provides insights into the global zonal climate and the development of the non-zonal monsoon system. The study identifies possible links between factors governing the monsoonal patters and paleoaltimetry of the Tibetan Plateau. Sporomorphs results indicate the dominance of arboreal plants (both coniferous and broad-leaved) corresponding to a wetter environment, while xerophytes were rare. Based on the Coexistence Approach (CA), the climate of the Lanzhou Basin is likely to have been similar to that of present-day sites in Southeast China, i.e., characterized by relatively high precipitation and a warm climate. Both qualitative analysis of the sporomorph assemblages and quantitative calculations indicate that monsoons similar to those of the present daywere formed in East Asia and reached the Lanzhou region in inner Asia. High percentages of Picea, generally associated with the relatively high topography of the NE Tibetan Plateau, correlate well with the high paleoaltimetry of the main Tibetan Plateau during the Oligocene. Thus, the East Asian monsoon during this time can be closely linked to an uplifted Tibetan Plateau, following modeled relationships between the Tibetan Plateau and monsoon patterns. However, we believe such high precipitation may have mainly resulted from the orographic barrier, rather than being driven by zonal climate factors. Further investigation into the extent of, and controls on, the region of high precipitation should help clarify the role of these processes.  相似文献   

The characteristics of Late Cenozoic tectonic uplift of the southern margin of the Qinghai- Tibet Plateau may be inferred from fluvio-lacustrine strata in the Zanda basin, Ngari, Tibet. Magnetostratigraphic study shows that the very thick fluvio-lacustrine strata in the basin are 5.89- 0.78 Ma old and that their deposition persisted for 5.11 Ma, i.e. starting at the end of the Miocene and ending at the end of the early Pleistocene, with the Quaternary glacial stage starting in the area no later than 1.58 Ma. Analysis of the sedimentary environment indicates that the Zanda basin on the southern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau began uplift at -5.89 Ma, later than the northern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Presence of gravel beds in the Guge and Qangze Formations reflects that strong uplift took place at -5.15 and -2.71 Ma, with the uplift peaking at -2.71 Ma.  相似文献   

通过对青藏高原沱沱河盆地五道梁组湖相沉积环境的分析,尝试通过湖相沉积地层记录提取气候变化信息,探索高原腹地中新世古环境变化特点。通过对五道梁组岩石类型及沉积特征研究,识别出了洪积平原、浅湖、滨湖、深湖及盐湖5个沉积相类型。参考现代湖泊特征与古代研究实例,探讨了研究区湖相碳酸盐岩的沉积机制。根据剖面岩相标志及地层叠置样式,证实五道梁组沉积期古湖泊经历了3次由低水位变为高水位的旋回性变化,湖泊最低水位期以石膏层的出现为标志,高水位期发育洪泛泥岩沉积;初步认为五道梁组沉积发育在一个干湿交替的气候期,湖水位变化和湖平面升降主要受气候控制,而构造沉降和湖缘断块隆升是次要控制因素。  相似文献   

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