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李庆哲 《地质与勘探》2023,59(2):451-464
中非铜钴成矿带是世界最大的沉积型铜钴成矿带、全球最大钴矿、第三大铜矿发现区。因铜钴价格持续走高和中资企业持续关注的迫切性,本文对中非铜钴成矿带地质特征、铜钴矿床资源分布规律、权益资源量情况进行分析研究。同时,系统收集研究区学术研究成果、商业数据库、企业年报等数据,分析认为Lufilian弧形构造带是中非铜钴成矿带构造背景,从北向南依次为弧外部褶皱推覆带、穹窿地区、复式向斜带、加丹加高原。地层分为孔德龙古、恩古巴、罗安三个群,地层年龄自<573±5 Ma至879±16 Ma。含矿层位主要是罗安群矿床组,下分R2.1、R2.2、R2.3三个含矿层。矿床类型主要为碳酸盐质巨型角砾岩型、含矿页岩型、含矿砂岩型、含矿基底型铜矿,构成6个铜钴矿集区,具有等间距分布特征,间距为±20 km。截至2021年,研究区探获铜资源量1.91亿t,钴资源量1404万t。以当量铜资源量排序,>100万t的矿床33个,>1000万t级别的矿床7个。共有14个国家55家矿业企业参与铜钴成矿带勘探及开发。我国权益铜钴资源量分别为6467万t、648万t。大于50万t权益铜资源量的企业有洛阳钼业、紫金...  相似文献   

根据假设条件:(1)除了抽取和回灌的热量外,系统与外界没有能量交换;(2)开采100年,消耗15%左右地热储量;(3)回灌未发生热突破且抽水井井口温度与热储层回灌前温度一致。推导出回灌条件下单井开采权益保护半径的计算公式。并以深泽县为例进行了计算,对比回灌条件下和无回灌条件下的单井开采权益保护半径和面积的计算结果。  相似文献   

近日,中国有色集团赞比亚谦比希湿法炼铜项目全面建成进人试生产阶段。该项目投产后,赞比亚谦比希铜矿将覆盖采矿、选矿、湿法3个生产工艺,主要产品涵盖铜精矿和最终产品阴极铜。赞比亚谦比希铜矿是中国有色集团投资开发的我国第一座也是迄今为止最大的海外有色金属矿山,是中非合作的标志性项目。该矿2003年7月投产以来已累计生产铜精矿含铜6.3万t。该矿的矿区地表堆存有大量的氧化矿和尾矿,为了充分利用该部分资源,  相似文献   

哈萨克斯坦铜矿资源丰富,储量约4 000万t,占全球6%左右,产量高,开发成本低,储量及产量均居全球第十位。在该国矿产资源勘查预算中,对铜矿投入比重最大。哈萨克斯坦铜矿主要类型有斑岩型、砂页岩型、矽卡岩型等,目前其国内多数大型铜矿床主要由哈萨克斯坦本国公司KAZ Minerals PLC与Kazakhmys PLC开发。外国公司中,俄、英、德所占权益资源份额最高,中国处于中位。笔者系统梳理了哈萨克斯坦铜矿资源禀赋及开发现状,分析了中国对哈萨克斯坦铜矿投资开发合作的战略必要性及中国企业赴哈投资的机遇与风险,并提出投资建议。  相似文献   

陈其慎 《地质与勘探》2018,54(6):1091-1098
从进口集中度、进口来源国稳定性、运输通道风险和进口量占世界比例四个指标入手,构建了海外石油供应风险评价方法,定量评价了2000年至2017年中国海外石油供应风险变化趋势,结果显示,过去17年,中国海外石油供应风险整体呈不断增长趋势。通过分析中国海外石油供应风险不断提高的原因,研判未来中国海外石油供应风险趋势,提出了提高中国石油供应安全的对策建议:一是努力提高核能、太阳能、水电、风能等新能源供应比例,力争到2030年将石油消费量控制在总能源消费的13%以内;二是全力保障中东石油供应安全,持续推进中俄石油资源合作,巩固、提升中亚石油资源供应能力,加强与非洲、东南亚、南美等地的石油合作;三是平衡多渠道来源,到2025年,力争进口来源实现中东1/4,俄罗斯及中亚1/4,美洲1/4,非洲及东南亚等地1/4,真正实现中国石油资源供应安全。  相似文献   

正锰是中国大宗紧缺矿产之一。截至2015年底,中国已查明锰矿石资源储量13.8亿t,分布极不均匀,且贫矿多、富矿少,富锰矿查明资源储量不足4 500万t。2008年国家实施新疆"358"项目以来,在西昆仑玛尔坎苏一带取得锰矿找矿重大突破,新发现奥尔托喀纳什大型锰矿床及穆呼、玛尔坎土2个中型锰矿床(冯京等,2016;高永宝等,2017;郝延海等,2017;黄河,2017),新增富锰矿资源量3 000万t,该区也成为中国新的富  相似文献   

孙刚  徐兵  韩燕 《世界地质》2007,26(4):409-412
为提高矿产储量计算的精确性,本文运用了限制性克立格法。给出了限制性克立格法的计算理论,并设计出限制性克立格法在阿舍勒铜矿中的储量计算流程,实现了对阿舍勒铜矿体的限制性克立格储量计算。结果表明,限制性克立格法的储量计算结果(783654.39t)要比普通克立格法的储量计算结果(706541.53t)更接近于实际勘探值(919454t),限制性克立格储量计算方法能够取得较为理想的预测结果。  相似文献   

据“中国有色金属报”报道,东北地区最大的铜矿山,已有50多年开采历史,为了增强矿山发展后劲,他们从1984年至1995年,全力开展第二轮地质找矿工作,并取得重大成果。新增铜矿石地质储量1134万吨,相当于又发现了一座红透山铜矿,可延长矿山寿命22年。  相似文献   

《中国国土资源报》消息(2013—11—19)“358”找矿突破战略行动实施3年来,内蒙古地质找矿取得重大进展:2011~2013年10月,全区新增储量铁矿石5.46亿t、铜220.03万t、铅锌904.24万t、钼364.29万t、金159.44t、煤炭450亿t,有6种矿产资源新增储量超过3年预期目标;新发现大、中型以上矿产地32处。  相似文献   

牟定铜矿的稳定同位素及流体包裹体研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾传杰  秦德先 《云南地质》1994,13(2):166-167
在区域地质构造环境认识的基础上,研究了矿床的硫、铅、碳、氢、氧同位素组成和矿物流体包裹体特征,进而对矿床成因及成矿条件进行了讨论。砂页岩(包括碳酸盐岩)铜矿,是重要的铜矿床类型,世界铜储量和产量的百分之二十以上来自这个类型。滇中砂岩型铜矿居全国同类矿床之首,是云南省重要铜矿产区。牟定铜矿是滇中主要铜矿山之一,矿床属于典型中生代砂岩型铜矿。应用现代成矿理论和矿床研究方法,深入解剖其成因,对丰富砂岩铜矿的成矿理论、扩大生产矿山资源,将具有重要的理论和实际意义。  相似文献   

中国铁矿资源勘查开发现状及供需形势分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
赵立群 《地质与勘探》2020,56(3):635-643
中国是世界钢铁生产和消费第一大国,如何摆脱由铁矿勘查投入持续下滑及铁矿石价格下行所带来的行业困境是近年来需高度关注的问题。本文通过对中国铁矿石的资源现状及供需格局进行综合分析,认为:(1)我国铁矿产量增速远低于我国钢铁需求的增速:以含铁量来计,2015年原矿产量相较于1998年仅增加了0.1倍,而粗钢表观需求量增加了4.5倍。(2)目前铁矿石的需求终端主要为建筑,近几年我国铁矿石消费量年增长率出现下降且有负增长,未来有可能会进一步放缓。(3) 2010年后铁矿石对外依存度持续攀升,最高达90%左右,进口量增速明显高于自产矿。由于铁矿石产能及产量的降速不及钢材,因此长期来看铁矿石价格或将继续下移。(4)未来中国铁矿石需求将会逐步下降,到2040年中国将需要8.56亿吨铁矿石,合理粗钢产能应为8.78~9.35亿吨。  相似文献   

Bulk mineral resources of iron ores, copper ores, bauxite, lead ores, zinc ores and potassium salt play a pivotal role on the world’s and China’s economic development. This study analyzed and predicted their resources base and potential, development and utilization and their world’s and China’s supply and demand situation in the future 20 years. The supply and demand of these six bulk mineral products are generally balanced, with a slight surplus, which will guarantee the stability of the international mineral commodity market supply. The six mineral resources(especially iron ores and copper ores) are abundant and have a great potential, and their development and utilization scale will gradually increase. Till the end of 2014, the reserveproduction ratio of iron, copper, bauxite, lead, zinc ores and potassium salt was 95 years, 42 years, 100 years, 17 years, 37 years and 170 years, respectively. Except lead ores, the other five types all have reserve-production ratio exceeding 20 years, indicative of a high resources guarantee degree. If the utilization of recycled metals is counted in, the supply of the world’s six mineral products will exceed the demand in the future twenty years. In 2015–2035, the supply of iron ores, refined copper, primary aluminum, refined lead, zinc and potassium salt will exceed their demand by 0.4–0.7 billion tons(Gt), 5.0–6.0 million tons(Mt), 1.1–8.9 Mt, 1.0–2.0 Mt, 1.2–2.0 Mt and 4.8–5.6 Mt, respectively. It is predicted that there is no problem with the supply side of bulk mineral products such as iron ores, but local or structural shortage may occur because of geopolitics, monopoly control, resources nationalism and trade friction. Affected by China’s compressed industrialized development model, the demand of iron ores(crude steel), potassium salt, refined lead, refined copper, bauxite(primary aluminum) and zinc will gradually reach their peak in advance. The demand peak of iron ores(crude steel) will reach around 2015, 2016 for potassium salt, 2020 for refined lead, 2021 for bauxite(primary aluminum), 2022 for refined copper and 2023 for zinc. China’s demand for iron ores(crude steel), bauxite(primary aluminum) and zinc in the future 20 years will decline among the world’s demand, while that for refined copper, refined lead and potassium salt will slightly increase. The demand for bulk mineral products still remains high. In 2015–2035, China’s accumulative demand for iron ores(crude steel) will be 20.313 Gt(13.429 Gt), 0.304 Gt for refined copper, 2.466 Gt(0.616 Gt) of bauxite(primary aluminum), 0.102 Gt of refined lead, 0.138 Gt of zinc and 0.157 Gt of potassium salt, and they account for the world’s YOY(YOY) accumulative demand of 35.17%, 51.09%, 48.47%, 46.62%, 43.95% and 21.84%, respectively. This proportion is 49.40%, 102.52%, 87.44%, 105.65%, 93.62% and 106.49% of that in 2014, respectively. From the supply side of China’s bulk mineral resources, it is forecasted that the accumulative supply of primary(mine) mineral products in 2015–2035 is 4.046 Gt of iron ores, 0.591 Gt of copper,1.129 Gt of bauxite, 63.661 Mt of(mine) lead, 0.109 Gt of(mine) zinc and 0.128 Gt of potassium salt, which accounts for 8.82%, 13.92%, 26.67%, 47.09%, 33.04% and 15.56% of the world’s predicted YOY production, respectively. With the rapid increase in the smelting capacity of iron and steel and alumina, the rate of capacity utilization for crude steel, refined copper, alumina, primary aluminum and refined lead in 2014 was 72.13%, 83.63%, 74.45%, 70.76% and 72.22%, respectively. During 2000–2014, the rate of capacity utilization for China’s crude steel and refined copper showed a generally fluctuating decrease, which leads to an insufficient supply of primary mineral products. It is forecasted that the supply insufficiency of iron ores in 2015–2035 is 17.44 Gt, 0.245 Gt of copper in copper concentrates, 1.337 Gt of bauxite, 38.44 Mt of lead in lead concentrates and 29.19 Mt of zinc in zinc concentrates. China has gradually raised the utilization of recycled metals, which has mitigated the insufficient supply of primary metal products to some extent. It is forecasted that in 2015–2035 the accumulative utilization amount of steel scrap(iron ores) is 3.27 Gt(5.08 Gt), 70.312 Mt of recycled copper, 0.2 Gt of recycled aluminum, 48 Mt of recycled lead and 7.7 Mt of recycled zinc. The analysis on the supply and demand situation of China’s bulk mineral resources in 2015–2035 suggests that the supply-demand contradiction for these six types of mineral products will decrease, indicative of a generally declining external dependency. If the use of recycled metal amount is counted in, the external dependency of China’s iron, copper, bauxite, lead, zinc and potassium salt will be 79%, 65%, 26%, 8%, 16% and 18% in 2014, respectively. It is predicted that this external dependency will decrease to 62%, 64%, 20%,-0.93%, 16% and 14% in 2020, respectively, showing an overall decreasing trend. We propose the following suggestions correspondingly.(1) The demand peak of China’s crude steel and potassium salt will reach during 2015–2023 in succession. Mining transformation should be planned and deployed in advance to deal with the arrival of this demand peak.(2) The supply-demand contradiction of China’s bulk mineral resources will mitigate in the future 20 years, and the external dependency will decrease accordingly. It is suggested to adjust the mineral resources management policies according to different minerals and regions, and regulate the exploration and development activities.(3) China should further establish and improve the forced mechanism of resolving the smelting overcapacity of steel, refined copper, primary aluminum, lead and zinc to really achieve the goal of "reducing excess production capacity".(4) In accordance with the national strategic deployment of "One Belt One Road", China should encourage the excess capacity of steel, copper, alumina and primary aluminum enterprises to transfer to those countries or areas with abundant resources, high energy matching degree and relatively excellent infrastructure. Based on the national conditions, mining condition and geopolitics of the resources countries, we will gradually build steel, copper, aluminum and lead-zinc smelting bases, and potash processing and production bases, which will promote the excess capacity to transfer to the overseas orderly.(5) It is proposed to strengthen the planning and management of renewable resources recycling and to construct industrial base of renewable metal recycling.(6) China should promote the comprehensive development and utilization of paragenetic and associated mineral species to further improve the comprehensive utilization of bulk mineral resources.  相似文献   

侯晓宇  赵元艺  刘春花 《地质通报》2017,36(8):1493-1499
麻利索克(Maniitsoq)位于格陵兰首府努克以北约160km处,是近年新发现的超大型高品位镍铜矿床。北美镍业公司对该矿床进行了一系列的勘查活动,累计施工钻探29840m,其中MQ-16-117钻孔268.70~342.75m段长74.05m的岩心中,Ni含量1.08%,Cu含量0.54%。由于中国科技界和企业对走出去参与格陵兰地区的矿产勘查开发甚感兴趣,因此系统研究该矿床的地质特征与资源潜力很有必要。全面收集、分析了该矿床的有关资料,并和中国的金川镍矿进行对比,结果显示,麻利索克镍铜矿为"小岩体成大矿"的典型代表,属于深部"熔离-贯入成矿"成矿机制;根据以往的勘查资料,评价其镍的金属量为195×104t,为世界级规模,建议中国企业重点关注。  相似文献   

宋崇宇 《地质与勘探》2021,57(6):1278-1286
纳米比亚矿产资源丰富,储量巨大,有“战略金属储备库”之称。铀矿储量居世界第五位、金刚石储量居世界第六位,铜、铅、锌、金等资源也较为丰富,在全球矿业投资市场极具吸引力。中纳两国外交关系良好,经贸往来频繁,为我国在非第二大投资国。矿业是纳米比亚经济的三大支柱产业之一,目前约有60余家企业在纳米比亚进行矿业勘查开发活动,包括B2黄金公司等国际矿业公司和中国广核集团有限公司、中国核工业集团有限公司等中资企业,纳米比亚对于中国海外矿业发展布局至关重要。本文系统梳理了纳米比亚主要矿产资源分布、矿床类型、储量等概况及勘查开发现状,从矿业法律法规、税收、外资管理政策及基础设施、人力资源条件等方面对纳米比亚的矿业投资环境进行了系统分析,认为纳米比亚具有丰富的矿产资源以及相对良好的投资环境,但需谨慎评估开发成本、环保政策及汇率变动、土地所有权方面等因素。  相似文献   

殷先明 《甘肃地质》2013,22(1):18-23
学名:Xuwulong yueluni尤海鲁,李大庆,刘维昌,2011语源:属名叙五(Xuwu)、种名日伦(Yueluni)分别来自我国著名的地质学家、甘肃地质研究的先驱王日伦教授的字和名  相似文献   

宋崇宇 《地质与勘探》2021,57(6):1287-1296
几内亚矿产资源丰富,铝土矿储量居世界首位,拥有宁巴山和西芒杜两座世界级铁矿床,石墨、金、金刚石等矿产资源也较丰富。矿业在其国民经济中占有十分重要的地位,丰富的资源吸引了力拓、俄罗斯铝业等国际大型矿业公司和赢联盟、中国铝业集团、中国河南国际等中资矿企在几内亚从事矿业开发。中几两国友好交往源远流长,经济互利合作不断发展。中国是几内亚第一大铝土矿出口国,同时也是几内亚第二大进口来源国,据商务部统计,2019年我与几内亚双边贸易额同比增长17.6%。本文系统梳理了几内亚的地质概况、主要矿产资源、勘查开发现状,认为几内亚丰富的矿产资源与我国具有良好的资源互补性。双方矿业合作互利共赢,随着政府及企业在基础设施建设的投资不断增加,几内亚矿业投资前景良好,有望成为中国海外矿业新基地。  相似文献   

铜矿峪变斑岩型含钼铜矿床成矿作用及找矿预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡永胜 《矿床地质》2000,19(1):46-53
通过对铜矿峪矿床在含铜建造、矿床地质特征、地球化学特征等方面的综合论述,探讨其成矿物质来源、矿床富集机制及成矿模式,并对找矿远景进行预测。  相似文献   

杨波  赵元艺 《地质通报》2017,36(1):90-111
南蒙古欧玉陶勒盖矿床是世界上已知最大的斑岩型铜金矿床之一,处在中古生代哈萨克-蒙古岩浆弧内,是中国"一带一路"项目中中国企业"走出去"的重要方向之一。铜金储量高、矿床品位好、矿化范围广、矿体规模巨大,属世界级超大型斑岩型铜(金)矿床,开发潜力巨大。在收集大量资料的基础上,通过整理和分析,建立成因模型,并划分出北Heruga区域、Javkhlant区域、西Hugo深部区域、西Hugo深部区域、Ulaan Khud北部矿点5个找矿远景区。欧玉陶勒盖矿床所在成矿带沿哈萨克-蒙古岩浆弧向两端延伸,向西经新疆土屋铜矿延伸至哈萨克斯坦境内的科翁腊德和阿克脱盖斑岩铜矿,向东延伸至中国境内多宝山、铜山地区。  相似文献   

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