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华北晚古生代煤中黄铁矿形成世代的硫同位素证据   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
煤中黄铁矿硫同位素研究表明,华北煤中黄铁矿形成于不同的演化阶段早期黄铁矿的δ34SP值更偏负值,晚期黄铁矿δ34SP更偏正值.同时,黄铁矿硫同位素的差异也能反映硫的来源.  相似文献   

Discovery of a New Pterosaur in Western Liaoning,China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The pterosaur from the Yixian Formation in Beipiao, Liaoning Province, ischaracterized by the medium-sized individual, short tail, presence of the gastralia, strongforelimbs, radius and ulna longer than wing-metacarpal, extremely narrow and elongatemetatarsals, degenerated and small phalanx V of hindlimb and so on. It must be a new genusand species, Eosipterus yangi gen. et sp. nov., in the early groups of the SuborderPterodactyloidea. This is the first record of pterosaurs found in Liaoning Province. The fossilprovides new evidence for further determining the nature and geological time of the JeholFauna and for studying the palaeogeography and palaeoenvironment.  相似文献   

The Sichuan Basin,also known as the‘Red Basin’,is famous for its abundance of Mesozoic dinosaur fossils,especially in the Zigong area during the Jurassic era;the Middle Jurassic Shunosaurus and the Late Jurassic Mamenchisaurus faunal assemblages are the most representative.The Qinglongshan dinosaur fossil site is located in Fuxing,to the northwest of Rong County,Zigong City.This new site is situated within the Middle Jurassic Xiashaximiao Formation,and geologically is roughly equivalent to the well-known Dashanpu dinosaur fossil site.More than 600 dinosaur fossils were found concentrated in the excavation area,including teeth;cervical,dorsal and caudal vertebrae;and various parts of appendicular skeletons.This fossil site is also most significant as it provides new information on non-avian dinosaur life during the poorly understood Middle Jurassic.  相似文献   

冀北榆树沟煤矿区褐煤地下气化地质条件分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对冀北沽源县榆树沟煤矿白芈系青石砬组含煤地层地质条件进行分析,认为仵该矿区进行煤炭地下气化是可行的。研究区构造简单,为一轴向近东西向的舒缓向斜,主要煤层厚度大,最大平均厚度为24.31m。可采煤层顶板多为泥岩、炭质泥岩,尤其是煤系上覆的“三趾马红土”层,对气体有良好的圈闭作用。由于褐煤的灰分含量高,26%~49.03%,地下气化时对煤层顶板影响小,主要煤层埋藏浅200—300m,水文地质条件简单,根据诸多因素分析认为该矿区适合进行褐煤地下气化开采。  相似文献   

<正>Objective Baddeleyite(ZrO 2)occurs primarily as an accessory mineral in igneous rocks with low silica activity and has been widely used to determine crystallization ages of maficultramafic rocks and alkaline rocks including carbonatites and kimberlites.The Bayan Obo deposit on the northern margin of the North China Craton(NCC)is the world’s largest REE deposit.Many previous studies show that the  相似文献   

Objective High-pressure(HP)and ultrahigh-pressure(UHP)minerals tend to be preserved in mafic and ultramafic metamorphic rocks(e.g.eclogites and garnet amphiboli...  相似文献   

根据流体包裹体显微观察,均一温度、盐度测定和激光拉曼分析结果,毛坝气藏储层中存在多种类型包裹体,包括气液H20包裹体、烃一H20包裹体、气相烃包裹体、沥青包裹体和含自然硫气液H20包裹体。在含自然硫气液H20包裹体中,自然硫的特征激光拉曼峰值是151.1cm^1~、217.9em^1和473.3cm^1。根据包裹体的产状、分布以及组合特征,可将本区下三叠统储层流体包裹体划分为3期。晚成岩期方解石中气液H20包裹体均一温度变化范围为104~206°c,盐度为4.03%~19.29%NaCl。温度和盐度呈一定的负相关关系,反映随着成岩环境的埋藏深度增加,地层中孔隙水的温度趋于升高,同时烃类与流体中SO42发生热化学还原反应(TSR),生成H2s和H20,使盐度降低。在区域抬升降温、降压期,由于外来流体的不均匀混合,流体温度、盐度进一步降低(均一温度为31~108℃,盐度为0.35%~4.03%NaCl),在低温及硫主要以H2s形式存在的条件下,02与H2s反应生成大量自然硫。在自然硫形成过程中,随着温度的降低,pH值趋向于升高,lgf(02)趋向于降低。当温度为100℃时,自然硫在pH=2.9~3.4,lgf(02)=-50.61~-49.92的环境中形成;25℃时,自然硫形成于pH=1.9~6.5,lgf(02)=-69.30~-63.11的环境中。  相似文献   

西藏改则县冈玛错地区发现榴辉岩   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
翟庆国  王军  王永 《地质通报》2009,28(12):1720-1724
青藏高原羌塘中部出露有一条东西长约500km的高压变质带,高压变质带中段片石山地区已有榴辉岩的报道,然而其他地区至今尚没有发现榴辉岩出露。首次在羌塘中部高压变质带西段冈玛错地区发现了典型的榴辉岩,岩石呈透镜状或块状,主要矿物成分为石榴子石、绿辉石、多硅白云母和角闪石。地质温压计估算结果表明,榴辉岩相变质作用发生的温度和压力条件为427~472℃和约2.3GPa。冈玛错榴辉岩是藏北羌塘地区第二例榴辉岩,它的发现进一步证明了该地区板块缝合带的存在,同时也暗示羌塘中部地区可能存在一条榴辉岩带,这对研究特提斯洋的闭合与青藏高原的早期演化具有重要意义。  相似文献   

黄铁矿是热液金矿主要的载金矿物。单个金矿中黄铁矿的载金已有不少研究,并积累了相关经验,但综合研究和相对定量的分析鲜见,对热液金矿中黄铁矿含金性的普遍认识非常重要。以我国数十个重要的卡林/类卡林型、造山型、岩浆热液型以及浅成低温热液型金矿中载金黄铁矿的矿物学及元素组成为基础,相对全面和定量地开展了黄铁矿粒径、自形程度和As含量与其载金性之间相关性的研究。结果表明:黄铁矿的载金性与其粒径大小多呈负相关(相关系数为-0.049~-0.783),与其自形程度多呈负相关(相关系数为-0.049~-0.989),与其As含量多呈正相关(相关系数为0.189~0.998),即细晶、它形、高As黄铁矿载金性优于粗晶、自形、低As的黄铁矿。相较于粗晶自形的黄铁矿,中细晶它形黄铁矿晶体,由于非理想的生长条件,使其内部晶格缺陷常见,从而更易包裹自然金;As以类质同象的形式置换S进入黄铁矿,由于As与S的晶体化学性质差异,导致高As黄铁矿内部出现更多晶格缺陷而捕获金。这些可能都是导致细晶、它形、高As黄铁矿载金性优于粗粒、自形、低As黄铁矿的原因。热液金矿成矿早阶段形成黄铁矿中的不可见金,很可能在热液系统中通...  相似文献   

岔路口特大型钼多金属矿床的发现及其意义   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
黑龙江岔路口矿床是近年来在大兴安岭地区北部找到的一处特大型斑岩钼多金属矿床,其产出规模已居中国北方钼多金属矿床之首.钼多金属矿化大部分在侏罗系火山-沉积岩中,呈细脉状、细脉浸染状产出,并与晚侏罗世石英斑岩、花岗斑岩和隐爆角砾岩具有密切的时空分布关系.初步研究表明,该矿床无论是在产出环境、地质特征上,还是在含矿侵入岩岩石...  相似文献   

在对华北板块中北部天津蓟县中、新元古界的研究中发现,在新元古界青白口系景儿峪组之上、早寒武世府君山组之下,发育一套角砾岩,其究竟属于晚元古代还是早寒武世,并没有确切证据。由此推测为晚元古代并将这套地层命名为“西井峪组”。通过对西井峪组角砾岩的野外实测、薄片观察,对角砾岩的沉积特征做了详细的描述,并对其成因及物源进行了分析。结果表明:西井峪组为一套厚155 m的角砾岩,并可根据角砾成分和大小的变化分为九段。这套角砾岩中角砾的成分主要为白云岩,还有少量的燧石及石灰岩;整体呈块状,无层理,无层面;角砾含量80%~90%,杂乱排列,大小混杂,分选差,磨圆差,普遍为棱角状和次棱角状,填隙物主要为白云石泥和粉砂,结构成熟度极低。角砾的母岩主要是中元古界蓟县系雾迷山组,少量来自铁岭组。这套角砾岩属于冰川成因,为典型的冰碛岩。这套冰碛岩的发现对恢复晚元古代地球气候特征具有重要意义,其出现或许与“雪球地球”有关。  相似文献   

High fluoride and arsenic concentrations in groundwater have led to serious health problems to local inhabitants at Yuncheng basin, Northern China. In this study, groundwater with high fluoride and arsenic concentration at Yuncheng basin was investigated. A majority of the samples (over 60%) belong to HCO3 type water. The predominant water type for the shallow groundwater collected from southern and eastern mountain areas was Ca/Mg-Ca-HCO3 types. For the shallow groundwater from flow through and discharge area it is Na-HCO3/SO4-Cl/SO4/Cl type. The predominant water type for the intermediate and deep groundwater is of Na/Ca/Mg-Ca-HCO3 type. According to our field investigation, fluoride concentration in groundwater ranges between 0.31 and 14.2 mg/L, and arsenic concentration ranges between 0.243 and 153.7 μg/L. Out of seventy collected groundwater samples, there are 31 samples that exceed the World Health Organization (WHO) standard of 1.5 mg/L for fluoride, and 15 samples exceeds the WHO standard of 10 μg/L for arsenic. Over 40% of high fluoride and arsenic groundwater are related to the Na-HCO3 type water, and the other fifty percent associated with Na-SO4-Cl/HCO3-SO4-Cl type water; little relation was found in calcium bicarbonate type water. A moderate positive correlation between fluoride and arsenic with pH were found in this study. It is due to the pH-dependent adsorption characteristics of F and As onto the oxide surfaces in the sediments. The observed negative correlation between fluoride and calcium could stem from the dissolution equilibrium of fluorite. The high concentration of bicarbonate in groundwater can serve as a powerful competitor and lead to the enrichment of fluoride and arsenic in groundwater. Most of the groundwater with high fluoride or arsenic content has nitrate content about or over 10 mg/L which, together with the observed positive correlations between nitrate and fluoride/arsenic, are indicative of common source of manmade pollution and of prevailing condition of leaching in the study area.  相似文献   

在辽西阜新北部原建平群大理岩系中发现了大量的微古植物化石,经鉴定有5个属,其组合时代为中元古代。这些微古植物化石的发现为确定这些大理岩形成时代提供了可靠证据,并对进一步探讨华北板块北缘古大陆边缘构造演化及整个东北亚地区的前寒武纪地质具有重要意义。  相似文献   

正Objective Limnocythere inopinata(Baird, 1843) is an ostracod widely distributed in recent non-marine waters and in Quaternary sediments, where it comprises various phenotypes(Yin et al., 1999; Zhang et al., 2015). Based on the nodation patterns, five phenotypes were described in previous publications, namely, the unnoded, the phenotype with one node in the postero-ventral part of the valve, one with two nodes in the antero-ventral and postero-ventral parts of the valve, another with three nodes in the antero-ventral, postero-ventral and postero-dorsal parts of the valve,  相似文献   

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