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黄土丘陵沟壑区极端降雨事件及其对径流泥沙的影响 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
半干旱黄土丘陵沟壑区是我国水土流失的重灾区。在全球气候变化的大背景下,极端降雨事件时有发生,加重了区域水土流失防治的难度。因此,科学界定极端降雨事件、进而探讨其发生规律及其对径流侵蚀的影响尤为重要。通过整理定西市安家沟流域(35°35′N,104°39′E)17年的降水和径流侵蚀数据进行统计分析。以降雨量和最大30min雨强为指标,采用世界气象组织的标准划分了极端降雨事件。结果发现:(1)研究区内极端次降雨事件的雨量和雨强的临界值分别为40.11mm和0.55mm/min,次降雨量的多年平均值为18.87mm。17年间共发生12次极端事件,5月、7月、8月份的发生概率分别为16.67%、50%和33.33%。因此最佳防治时间段为7、8月份。(2)聚类分析表明极端降雨事件可分为三类:降雨量和雨强都大于临界值,占25%;降雨量大于临界值,而雨强小于临界值,占41.67%;雨强大于临界值,降雨量大于多年平均值而小于临界值,占33.33%。(3)在极端降雨事件作用下,径流系数和侵蚀模数要比对应的多年平均值高。总体而言,降雨量和雨强都很高的极端事件的破坏性最强,但高历时低雨强的极端事件所产生的破坏也不容低估。(4)沙棘林在生长演替的过程中显著增强了抵御土壤侵蚀的能力,对极端降雨事件有很好的防治作用。抵御极端降雨最弱的是坡耕地,主要是由于受到坡度大、植被覆盖率低以及人为干扰等因素的影响。 相似文献
水分是制约半干旱区沙地植物生长发育和生态建设的关键非生物因子。于2008—2010年和2018—2021年生长季(4—10月)对毛乌素沙地流动、半固定和固定沙地0~100 cm深土壤水分进行了连续观测,系统分析了不同固定程度沙地土壤水分动态变化规律及其对降雨的响应。结果表明:(1)受降雨季节变化的影响,流动、半固定和固定沙地不同深度土壤水分季节变化一般呈∽型或双峰型,10 cm和30 cm深土壤水分含量波动较大,60 cm和100 cm深土壤水分含量波动较小。(2)3种固定程度沙地生长季土壤水分动态差异明显,总体来看,流动沙地土壤水分状况最好,且土壤水分含量变化相对平缓,固定沙地土壤水分状况最差,且土壤水分含量变化最为剧烈,半固定沙地居于二者之间;固定沙地10~30 cm深土壤水分状况好于半固定沙地和流动沙地,30~100 cm深土壤水分状况则相反。(3)降雨格局是形成土壤水分时空格局的主要原因,随降雨事件降雨量增加,降雨的入渗深度逐渐增加;但是固定沙地土壤水分的深层补充需较强的降雨和较长的时间。生长季降雨事件以小降雨事件为主,表层土壤水分波动更剧烈。生长季初期降雨较少且以小降雨事件为... 相似文献
陇东黄土高原土壤水分演变及其对气候变化的响应 总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8
以西峰为例,利用近45 a气象观测资料和近25 a的土壤水分观测资料,分析全球气候变暖背景下陇东主要气象要素及土壤水分的变化特征,探讨了气候变化对土壤水分的影响,以及影响土壤水分变化的主要气象因素。1993年以后,土壤水分以负距平为主,土壤干旱严重,0—50 cm和60—100 cm土层土壤水分含量在1997年和1995年降到最低值。春季是土壤水分减少最明显的季节,其中表层土壤水分对气候变化的响应更为明显,而夏秋季,较深层的水分变化更为明显。影响土壤水分的气象因子以降水、蒸发为主,气温通过影响蒸发间接产生影响。通过对土壤水分演变特征及其影响因子的分析,为进一步理解土壤水分条件的恶化原因,采取措施,合理利用气候资源,调整农业生态布局,恢复生态环境,积极应对气候变化提供决策方面的参考。 相似文献
在6个土层和10次土壤含水量测定的基础上,利用土地利用与地形等6类20个环境因子变量,建立了黄土丘陵区小流域土壤水分空间预测的6种多元线性回归模型,并提出了5类13个指标对模型进行了评价与比较.研究表明,各模型组之间的差异较大,以直接回归模型组为最优,PCA线性转换回归模型组次之,DCA非线性转换回归模型组最差.在每一组内,模型之间的差异相对较小,以变量全部入选模型稍优于变量逐步筛选模型.6种模型中,通用多元线性回归模型的拟合性最好、预测精度最高,但模型结构最为复杂、需要的环境因子最多;多元线性逐步回归模型不仅拟合性和无偏性方面很好,而且结构最为简单、需要的环境变量最少,因而为最优模型. 相似文献
不同植被类型的土壤水分对黄土高原的影响 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
Water stored in deep loess soil is one of the most important resources regulating vegetation growth in the semi-arid area
of the Loess Plateau, but planted shrub and forest often disrupt the natural water cycle and in turn influence plant growth.
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of main vegetation types on soil moisture and its inter-annual change.
Soil moisture in 0–10 m depth of six vegetation types, i.e., crop, grass, planted shrub of caragana, planted forests of arborvitae,
pine and the mixture of pine and arborvitae were measured in 2001, 2005 and 2006. Soil moisture in about 0–3 m of cropland
and about 0–2 m of other vegetation types varied inter-annually dependent on annual precipitation, but was stable inter-annually
below these depths. In 0–2 m, soil moisture of cropland was significantly greater than those of all other vegetation types,
and there were no significant differences among other vegetation types. In 2–10 m, there was no significant moisture difference
between cropland and grassland, but the soil moistures under both of them were significantly higher than those of planted
shrub and forests. The planted shrub and forests had depleted soil moisture below 2 m to or near permanent wilting point,
and there were no significant moisture differences among forest types. The soil moisture of caragana shrub was significantly
lower than those of forests, but the absolute difference was very small. The results of this study implicated that the planted
shrub and forests had depleted deep soil moisture to the lowest limits to which they could extract and they lived mainly on
present year precipitation for transpiration. 相似文献
黄土丘陵小流域土地利用结构对土壤水分时空分布的影响 总被引:97,自引:3,他引:97
本项研究选择黄土丘陵沟壑区5种典型土地利用结构和7种主要土地利用类型从198年5月到10月鳘吉测定一次土壤水分,探讨了土地利用结构和类型对土壤水分时空分布的影响。研究结果表明,土壤水分年内季节变化呈现出三峰三谷;林地和间作地对土壤水分有滞后作用;垂直梯度变化可归纳为增长型、降低型和波动型。通过分析5种土地利用结构对坡面土壤水分的影响,指出了调整土地利用结构与布局、发展农果间作和培育深根性植物是黄土 相似文献
毛乌素沙地流动沙丘土壤水分对降雨的响应 总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7
为探讨半干旱区流动沙丘土壤水分对降雨的响应,采用AV-3665R型雨量传感器、ECH2O-5土壤水分传感器同步监测毛乌素沙地东北缘流动沙丘2013年降雨及0~200 cm深度土壤体积含水量动态,分析土壤水分含量变化特征、降雨入渗特征及降雨对土壤水的补给作用。结果表明:5-11月累积降雨399.4 mm,显著(p<0.01)影响0~200 cm深度土壤水分含量; 且0~200 cm深度土壤体积含水量较低(6.49%±1.12%)时53.8 mm降雨、较高(10.22%±1.96%)时24.2 mm降雨湿润锋能够到达200 cm; 试验期间399.4 mm累积降雨对土壤水有一定补给作用,其中45.7±14.1 mm降雨蓄存在0~200 cm深度土壤中,占同期降雨的(11.4%±3.5%,且随着时间的延长,蓄存水大部分将渗漏到200 cm以下补给深层土壤水。 相似文献
黄土高原典型半干旱区水热变化及其土壤水分响应 总被引:4,自引:8,他引:4
利用黄土高原典型半干旱代表区68 a(1937-2004年)降水、气温资料和34 a(1971-2004年)土壤湿度资料,研究黄土高原半干旱区水热变化及土壤水分响应。结果表明:黄土高原半干旱区在近70 a中气温以下降为主,3-6月降水存在显著增多趋势,气温、降水倾向具有明显时段差异。干旱年份或少雨时段长周期振荡加强、短周期衰减;相对冷的时期气温振荡周期明显,反之不明显。干旱是该地区土壤的基本气候特征,生长期土壤水分波动式下降,蓄水期土壤水分波动式上升,总体上以下降为主,20世纪70年代中后期土壤水分较好,80年代土壤水分较差,90年代末到21世纪初转好。土壤水分对短期降水变化、降水气温气候变化及短周期振荡都存在明显响应。 相似文献
基于甘肃省清水县汤峪河径流小区2015—2017年的观测数据,研究不同植被恢复模式条件下坡面次降雨入渗、产流产沙特征。结果表明:不同植被恢复模式条件下的土壤入渗量与降雨强度呈二次函数关系,存在入渗量达到最大值的临界降雨强度。入渗速率与降雨历时可以用幂函数关系表达,符合考斯恰可夫入渗模型。不同植被恢复模式条件下的产流率在0.003 3~0.003 6 mm·min-1之间,相对裸地的减流率为54%~58%。产流率与降雨强度之间呈二次函数关系(R2>0.88),产流率的主要影响因素是降雨强度。径流含沙量平均值乔灌混合区(3.13 g·L-1)>灌木林(2.95 g·L-1)>乔木林(2.79 g·L-1)>草地(2.58 g·L-1),径流含沙量与降雨强度呈线性递增函数关系。裸地的产沙量显著高于各植被小区(P<0.05),是各植被小区的43~57倍,各植被小区的减沙率在93%~94%之间,减沙效益高于其减流效益。各植被坡面土壤流失量与降雨侵蚀力呈线性递增函数关系;产流率与侵蚀产沙率之间呈极显著正相关关系(P<0.01),二者间可采用二次函数关系表达。本研... 相似文献
黄土丘陵沟壑区小流域降雨入渗产流点面转化 总被引:7,自引:6,他引:7
在充分考虑小流域土壤入渗速率点面转化及地表结皮等影响因素在内的基础上 ,提出了小流域土壤入渗速率点面转化公式 :fm=fn×Sn/S×an×bn。以纸坊沟小流域为例 ,将实测的流域土壤入渗速率值 (点渗值 )利用上式进行转化 (面渗值 ) ,并与流域径流出口观测站由降雨径流观测值根据水量平衡原理推算出的面渗值进行对比 ,平均相对误差仅为 2 .42 %。初步得出流域土壤面渗率与不同治理度、年内 5~ 9月降雨总量间的单因子和复合因子高精度回归方程 ,为流域综合治理后的水资源量变化趋势提供一条量化途径 相似文献
Water stored in deep loess soil is one of the most important resources regulating vegetation growth in the semi-arid area of the Loess Plateau, but planted shrub and forest often disrupt the natural water cycle and in turn influence plant growth. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of main vegetation types on soil moisture and its inter- annual change. Soil moisture in 0–10 m depth of six vegetation types, i.e., crop, grass, planted shrub of caragana, planted forests of arborvitae, pine and the mixture of pine and arborvitae were measured in 2001, 2005 and 2006. Soil moisture in about 0–3 m of cropland and about 0–2 m of other vegetation types varied inter-annually dependent on annual precipitation, but was stable inter-annually below these depths. In 0–2 m, soil moisture of cropland was significantly greater than those of all other vegetation types, and there were no significant differences among other vegetation types. In 2–10 m, there was no significant moisture difference between cropland and grassland, but the soil moistures under both of them were significantly higher than those of planted shrub and forests. The planted shrub and forests had depleted soil moisture below 2 m to or near permanent wilting point, and there were no significant moisture differences among forest types. The soil moisture of caragana shrub was significantly lower than those of forests, but the absolute difference was very small. The results of this study implicated that the planted shrub and forests had depleted deep soil moisture to the lowest limits to which they could extract and they lived mainly on present year precipitation for transpiration. 相似文献
Soil erosion and its response to the changes of precipitation and vegetation cover on the Loess Plateau 总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6
Soil erosion is a major threat to our terrestrial ecosystems and an important global environmental problem. The Loess Plateau in China is one of the regions that suffered more severe soil erosion and undergoing climate warming and drying in the past decades. The vegetation restoration named Grain-to-Green Program has now been operating for more than 10 years. It is necessary to assess the variation of soil erosion and the response of precipita- tion and vegetation restoration to soil erosion on the Loess Plateau. In the study, the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) was applied to evaluate annual soil loss caused by water erosion. The results showed as follows. The soil erosion on the Loess Plateau between 2000 and 2010 averaged for 15.2 t hm-2 a 1 and was characterized as light for the value less than 25 t hm-2 a-1. The severe soil erosion higher than 25 t hm-2 a-~ was mainly distributed in the gully and hilly regions in the central, southwestern, and some scattered areas of earth-rocky mountainous areas on the Loess Plateau. The soil erosion on the Loess Plateau showed a deceasing trend in recent decade and reduced more at rates more than 1 t hm 2 a 1 in the areas suffering severe soil loss. Benefited from the improved vegetation cover and ecological construction, the soil erosion on the Loess Plateau was significantly declined, es- pecially in the east of Yulin, most parts of Yah'an prefectures in Shaanxi Province, and the west of Luliang and Linfen prefectures in Shanxi Province in the hilly and gully regions. The variation of vegetation cover responding to soil erosion in these areas showed the relatively higher contribution than the precipitation. However, most areas in Qingyang and Dingxi pre- fectures in Gansu Province and Guyuan in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region were predomi- nantly related to precipitation. 相似文献
黄土高原西部弃耕地植被恢复与土壤水分调控研究 总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15
选择黄土高原半干旱偏旱区2 a、3 a、4 a、5 a、7 a、9 a、12 a、20 a的弃耕台地和天然台地,调查各弃耕地和天然台地的植物种类、数量、盖度、频度和地上生物量,定期采样分析各样地0~100 cm土层土壤水分。结果表明:农田弃耕后植被沿天然植被方向演替,在演替过程中,植物种类数量逐渐增加,但在弃耕9 a后开始减少,20 a后接近于天然台地;更耐旱的多年生草本和小灌木种增加;除7~9 a波状变化外,植被盖度和地上生物量呈逐渐减少趋势,弃耕初期的植被盖度和地上生物量显著大于弃耕12 a后和天然台地;12 a和20 a弃耕地0~100 cm土层含水量高于其他弃耕地和天然台地,弃耕初期表层土壤含水量较高,天然台地含水量居中,但其植被对水分利用的时间延长,范围扩大,表明天然台地植被的水分利用率提高,植被群落更加稳定。 相似文献
Spatial variability of soil moisture content and its relation to environmental indices in a semi-arid gully catchment of the Loess Plateau, China 总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16
The degree of spatial variability of soil moisture and the ability of environmental attributes to predict that variability were studied at the Da Nangou catchment (3·5 km2) in the semi-arid loess area of China. Soil moisture measurements were performed biweekly at five depths in the soil profile (0–5 cm, 10–15 cm, 20–25 cm, 40–45 cm and 70–75 cm) from May to October 1998 and from May to September 1999 using Delta-T theta probe. Results indicated that with increasing soil depth, the mean soil moisture content increases significantly for five layers and the coefficients of variation (CV) also increases with depth from 10–15 cm. It was observed that heavier rains and higher mean moisture contents are often associated with lower spatial variability (CV). Environmental attributes such as land use and topography play controlling roles in the spatial distribution of soil moisture content. However, the relative roles of these environmental indices vary with soil depth. The dominant controls on spatial variability of the time-averaged soil moisture changes from land use, aspect, relative elevation and hillslope position in the surface soil (0–5 cm) to relative elevation, hillslope position and aspect in the subsurface soil (10–15 cm, 20–25 cm), and to land use, relative elevation and slope gradient at larger depths (40–45 cm, 70–75 cm). The dynamic behavior of influences of different environmental indices on the layer-averaged soil moisture depends on several factors. In general, the correlation of soil moisture with slope gradient shows a more significant increase following a greater amount of antecedent precipitation (except for the extremely heavy storms), and declines afterwards. The relation of soil moisture with relative elevation and hillslope position exhibits an opposite trend. It was observed that the influence of land use corresponds to the difference in vegetative characteristics, with a stronger influence in June and August with a greater difference in vegetation. A significant influence of cos(aspect) was found during early spring and autumn with a rapid transient in solar irradiation. Finally, it was found that the sample size is adequate to estimate the catchment mean soil moisture at all five depths and on all 10 observations in 1999 (81 sites), while it is only enough for the upper soil layers (0–5 cm and 10–15 cm) in 1998 (26 sites). 相似文献
基于SMOS的黄土高原区域尺度表层土壤水分时空变化 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
用SMOS土壤水分数据、MODIS植被指数数据和TRMM月降水数据,通过对黄土高原区域尺度表层土壤水分含量时空变化的研究,对表层土壤水分的时空变化特征及其对降水的响应进行了分析。结果表明:黄土高原表层土壤水分空间分布主要表现为西部和东北部低、东南部较高。青海石质高山区及山西西南部等区域土壤水分含量与整个区域存在差异。黄土高原西部与河套平原部分区域表层土壤水分含量季节性变化较大。在不同降水条件下,土壤水分含量与降水量相关性呈显著差异。 相似文献
在陆-气相互作用中,土壤热状况(土壤温度、土壤导热率等)和土壤湿度等陆面状况对大气环流和气候变化都有着重要影响。黄土高原横跨干旱、半干旱及半湿润地区,为我国第二大高原,幅员辽阔。该复杂下垫面上的陆-气相互作用不仅直接影响到黄土高原地区的气候和环境变化,而且对东亚、乃至全球的气候和环境变化都可能产生重要影响。而对黄土高原区域的土壤热状况及土壤温度的研究是黄土高原陆-气相互作用研究的重要组成部分。分析了黄土高原典型塬区不同下垫面的土壤温度状况,分析了造成各种下垫面温度分布和变化不同的原因,得到如下结论:在近地层,随着土壤深度的增加,土壤温度振幅逐渐减小,40 cm土壤温度相对以上各层变化不明显。就季节变化而言,土壤温度在1 a中有两次稳定状态。第一次出现在4月上旬,其值约为6 ℃左右;第二次出现在11月中旬,温度值为14 ℃。相对于全年土壤温度而言,在12月到次年2月有一个低温中心,温度低于零度;7~8月间有一个暖中心。各层土壤温度在1月份是最低的,其后一路上升,4、5月份是土壤温度快速上升期,至8月上旬土壤温度达到最大值,为土壤升温期;其后温度开始下降。土壤温度梯度具有明显的日变化特征,夜间,土壤的热量是从深层传向地表的,而随着太阳高度角的加大,土壤温度梯度转为负值,深层土壤从地表获得能量,到了傍晚19时左右,温度梯度又转为正值;土壤温度梯度的变幅在有植被时要明显小于无植被时。各站的日平均土壤导热率,柴寺、塬下和中心站分别是1.43,1.24,1.17 W·m-1·k-1,土壤物理性质和土壤质地的不同是各站土壤温度分布和土壤热传导率存在差异的原因之一。 相似文献
陇中黄土高原土壤水分变化特征及其机理分析 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
基于兰州大学半干旱气候与环境观测站(SACOL)2010年全年的观测资料,对陇中黄土高原半干旱区土壤水分的年变化和日变化特征进行了研究,并通过计算水汽通量与蒸散量,探讨了土壤-地表-大气间水分的交换和运移机理。结果表明:土壤湿度的季节变化主要受降水影响,各季节的平均土壤湿度均呈现出表层和深层低、中间层高的特点,最高值出现在地下10 cm附近;在无降水的情况下,土壤5~20 cm处的含水量呈现出夜间逐渐降低、白天逐渐上升的波形变化,这种变化与土壤水汽通量具有很好的一致性,而水汽通量的方向则受温度梯度的影响;在白天,地表温度高于气温与较深层地温,水汽在向空气蒸散的同时也由地表流向土壤深部,夜晚地表温度则低于较深层地温,水汽由土壤深部流向地表。因此土壤内部的水分蒸发主要出现在夜晚,且主要发生在地表40 cm以内的土壤孔隙中,而白天地表的实际蒸发主要存在土壤浅层0~5 cm,5 cm以下土壤水分的蒸发十分微弱。本研究结果对于改进半干旱区陆面计算模式以及当地的生态环境建设具有一定的参考价值。 相似文献
Soil erosion and management on the Loess Plateau 总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3
CAI Qiang-guo 《地理学报(英文版)》2001,11(1):53-70
1 Introduction The Loess Plateau situated in northern China covers the drainage basins in the middle reaches of the Yellow River. It starts from the western piedmont of Taihang Mountains in the east, reaches the eastern slope of the Wushao and Riyue mountains, connects the northern part of the Qinling Mountains in the south and borders the Great Wall in the north, covering an area of about 380,000 km2 (Figure 1). The region is overlain extensively by Quaternary loess in great thickness, … 相似文献