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We discuss visual observations spanning nearly 70 years of the nearby semiregular variable R Doradus. Using wavelet analysis, we show that the star switches back and forth between two pulsation modes having periods of 332 d and about 175 d, the latter with much smaller amplitude. Comparison with model calculations suggests that the two modes are the first and third radial overtone, with the physical diameter of the star making fundamental-mode pulsation unlikely. The mode changes occur on a time-scale of about 1000 d, which is too rapid to be related to a change in the overall thermal structure of the star and may instead be related to weak chaos.   The Hipparcos distance to R Dor is 62.4 ± 2.8 pc which, taken with its dominant 332-d period, places it exactly on the period–luminosity (P–L) relation of Miras in the Large Magellanic Cloud. Our results imply first-overtone pulsation for all Miras which fall on the P–L relation. We argue that semiregular variables with long periods may largely be a subset of Miras and should be included in studies of Mira behaviour. The semiregulars may contain the immediate evolutionary Mira progenitors, or stars may alternate between periods of semiregular and Mira behaviour.  相似文献   

Published data for large-amplitude asymptotic giant branch variables in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) are re-analysed to establish the constants for an infrared ( K ) period–luminosity relation of the form   M K =ρ[log  P − 2.38]+δ  . A slope of  ρ=−3.51 ± 0.20  and a zero-point of  δ=−7.15 ± 0.06  are found for oxygen-rich Miras (if a distance modulus of 18.39 ± 0.05 is used for the LMC). Assuming this slope is applicable to Galactic Miras we discuss the zero-point for these stars using the revised Hipparcos parallaxes together with published very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) parallaxes for OH masers and Miras in globular clusters. These result in a mean zero-point of  δ=−7.25 ± 0.07  for O-rich Galactic Miras. The zero-point for Miras in the Galactic bulge is not significantly different from this value.
Carbon-rich stars are also discussed and provide results that are consistent with the above numbers, but with higher uncertainties. Within the uncertainties there is no evidence for a significant difference between the period–luminosity relation zero-points for systems with different metallicity.  相似文献   

Optical radial velocities have been measured for 38 C-type Mira variables (C-Miras). These data together with others in the literature are used to study the differences between optical and CO millimetre (mm) observations for C-Miras and the necessary corrections to the optical velocities are derived in order to obtain the true radial velocities of the variables. The difference between absorption and emission-line velocities is also examined. A particularly large difference  (+30 km s −1)  is found in the case of the Hα line. A catalogue is given of 177 C-Miras with estimated distances and radial velocities. The distances are based on bolometric magnitudes derived in Paper I using South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO) observations or (for 60 of the stars) using non-SAAO photometry. In the latter case, the necessary transformations to the SAAO system are derived. These data will be used in Paper III to study the kinematics of the C-Miras.  相似文献   

The formation of dust with temperature-dependent non-grey opacity is considered in a series of self-consistent model atmospheres at different phases of an O-rich Mira variable of mass  1.2 M  . Photometric and interferometric properties of these models are predicted under different physical assumptions regarding the dust formation. The iron content of the initial silicate that forms and the availability of grain nuclei are found to be critical parameters that affect the observable properties. For certain plausible parameter values, dust would form at 2–3 times the average continuum photospheric radius. This work provides a consistent physical explanation for the larger apparent size of Mira variables at wavelengths shorter than 1 μm than that predicted by dust-free fundamental-mode pulsation models.  相似文献   

We report here the results of a 4-yr K -band (2.2 μm) survey for large-amplitude variable stars in a     area centred on the Galactic Centre. A total of 409 likely long-period variables (LPVs) were detected, for which positions, amplitudes, average magnitudes and periods were obtained whenever possible. The surface density of LPVs is more than ten times greater than in the Sgr I Baade window at        
The limits of completeness arising from interstellar and circumstellar absorption are discussed. Most of the area suffers interstellar extinction of     The shorter-period LPVs are less luminous than the longer-period ones and may be slightly under-represented in the data. Extremely heavy extinction     which affects the probability of detecting variables, occurs in less than 25 per cent of the area.
Almost all of the LPVs are Miras or OH/IR stars, with periods ranging from 150 d to about 800 d. K -band counterparts have been found for 59 per cent of the 109 known OH sources in the field. The average period of the variables found is 427 d, while that of the OH/IR stars is 524 d. For comparison, the average period in the Sgr I window, which contains no known OH/IR stars, is 333 d and only two stars are detected with     The survey field also contains a number of long-period, large-amplitude variables that are not OH emitters.  相似文献   

In this work, a sample of luminous M-type giants in the Baade's Windows towards the inner Galactic bulge is investigated in the near-infrared. The ISOGAL survey at 7 and 15 μm has given information concerning the mass-loss rates of these stars and their variability characteristics have been extracted from the MACHO data base. Most are known to be semi-regular variables (SRVs). Here we discuss how their IJHK S -region colours depend on period and on the presence or absence of mass loss, using results mainly taken from the DENIS and 2MASS surveys.
In order to compare their colours with solar neighbourhood stars, photometric colours on the DENIS, 2MASS and ESO photometric systems have been synthesized for objects in the spectrophotometric atlas of Lançon & Wood. In addition, they have been used to predict the differences in colour indices when stars with strong molecular bands are observed using different photometric systems.
The SRVs are found to inhabit the upper end of the     , K S colour–magnitude diagram, lying just below the Miras. High mass-loss rates are associated with high luminosity. The near-infrared colours of the SRVs increase in a general way with period and are the reddest for stars with significant mass loss. The average colours of Mira variables, whose periods start at around 200 d in the bulge, are bluer than those of the semi-regulars at this period, particularly in     , thanks to the association of deep water vapour bands with large amplitude.  相似文献   

A large and complete sample of stars with   K < 9.75  in the NGC 6522 Baade's Window towards the Galactic bulge is examined using light curves extracted from MACHO and IJK photometry from DENIS.
The improved statistics resulting from a sample of over 1000 variables allow all four of the sequences A, B, C and D in the   K S   , log  P diagram of the Large Magellanic Cloud to be seen in the Galactic bulge. The bulge sequences, however, show some differences from those in the Magellanic Clouds, possibly due to the effects of higher metallicity. These sequences may have value as distance indicators.
A new diagram of the frequency of late-type variables at a given amplitude is derived and compared with the old one from Payne-Gaposchkin. The catalogued semiregular variables of the solar neighbourhood are found to be a subset of the total of semiregulars, biased towards large amplitude.  相似文献   

Decline onset times were measured in long-term visual light curves for five R Coronae Borealis (RCB) variable stars. These included RY Sgr and V854 Cen, the two RCB stars previously reported to have a relationship between dust formation events and pulsational variations. Analysis of the decline epochs showed that all decline onsets for a given star obey a linear ephemeris tied to the object's dominant radial pulsation period. Thus, in addition to confirming the pulsation–decline correlation for RY Sgr and V854 Cen, this same behaviour was demonstrated in UW Cen, R CrB and S Aps for the first time. This general result firmly establishes the connection between radial pulsation and mass loss in the RCB stars. The dominant pulsation period of ≈40 d for all of these objects therefore represents the characteristic time-scale on which these stars produce dust.  相似文献   

Period–luminosity sequences have been shown to exist among the semiregular variables (SRVs) in the Magellanic Clouds, the bulge of the Milky Way galaxy and elsewhere. Using modern-period and revised Hipparcos parallax data, this paper demonstrates that they also appear among the M giant SRVs of the solar neighbourhood. Their distribution in the   K , log  P   diagram resembles that of Bulge stars more closely than those in the Magellanic Clouds. The prevalence of mass-loss among local M-type SRVs and its dependence on period and spectral subtype are also discussed.   K −[12]  , a measure of circumstellar dust emission, increases clearly with V amplitude, M giant subtype and  log  P   .  相似文献   

Power spectra of the light curves of semiregular variables, based on visualmagnitude estimates spanning many decades, show clear evidence forstochastic excitation. This supports the suggestion byChristensen-Dalsgaard et al. (2001) that oscillations in these stars aresolar-like, i.e., stochastically excited by convection, with mode lifetimesranging from years to decades.  相似文献   

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