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Simultaneous competitive adsorption behavior of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn onto nine soils with a wide physical–chemical characteristics
from Eastern China was measured in batch experiments to assess the mobility and retention of these metals in soils. In the
competitive adsorption system, adsorption isotherms for these metals on the soils exhibited significant differences in shape
and in the amount adsorbed. As the applied concentration increased, Cu and Pb adsorption increased, while Cd and Zn adsorption
decreased. Competition among heavy metals is very strong in acid soils with lower capacity to adsorb metal cations. Distribution
coefficients (K
dmedium) for each metal and soil were calculated. The highest K
dmedium value was found for Pb and followed by Cu. However, low K
dmedium values were shown for Zn and Cd. On the basis of the K
dmedium values, the selectivity sequence of the metal adsorption is Pb > Cu > Zn > Cd and Pb > Cu > Cd > Zn. The adsorption sequence
of nine soils was deduced from the joint distribution coefficients (K
dΣmedium). This indicated that acid soils with low pH value had lower adsorption capacity for heavy metals, resulting in much higher
risk of heavy metal pollution. The sum of adsorbed heavy metals on the soils could well described using the Langmuir equation.
The maximum adsorption capacity (Q
m) of soils ranged from 32.57 to 90.09 mmol kg−1. Highly significant positive correlations were found between the K
dΣmedium and Q
m of the metals and pH value and cation exchange capacity (CEC) of soil, suggesting that soil pH and CEC were key factors controlling
the solubility and mobility of the metals in soils. 相似文献
Test of experimental set-ups for electrodialytic removal of Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd from different contaminated harbour sediments 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Electrodialytic removal of heavy metals from different harbour sediments was investigated. Electrodialytic remediation experiments in laboratory scale were made with calcareous and non-calcareous harbour sediments. Two different experimental set-ups were used for the study, one with stirring of the sediment slurry, the other without stirring. The removal of heavy metals was highest in the non-calcareous sediment, where 94% Cd, 91% Zn and 73% Cu were removed after 24 days. The highest removal obtained for the calcareous sediment was 81% Cd, 76% Zn, 75% Pb and 53% Cu after 21 days, with stirred sediment slurry. Electrodialytic experiments without stirring of calcareous sediment gave high removals (84% Zn, 58% Pb and 48% Cu), but there were problems with precipitations in the sediment, which limited the removal. The stirred experiments gave the highest removals of heavy metals and the voltage was the most stable in these experiments, and thus, the stirred set-up is the best choice for experimental set-up. The order in which the heavy metals were removed from the harbour sediments was Cd>Zn>Pb>Cu. 相似文献
Potential hyperaccumulation of Pb, Zn, Cu and Cd in endurant plants distributed in an old smeltery, northeast China 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The absorption and accumulation of Pb, Zn, Cu and Cd in some endurant weed plant species that survived in an old smeltery
in Liaoning, China, were systematically investigated. Potential hyperaccumulative characteristics of these species were also
discussed. The results showed that metal accumulation in plants differed with species, tissues and metals. Endurant weed plants
growing in this contaminated site exhibited high metal adaptability. Both the metal exclusion and detoxification tolerance
strategies were involved in the species studied. Seven species for Pb and four species for Cd were satisfied for the concentration
time level standard for hyperaccumulator. Considering translocation factor (TF) values, one species for Pb, seven species
for Zn, two species for Cu and five species for Cd possessed the characteristic of hyperaccumulator. Particularly, Abutilon theophrasti Medic, exhibited strong accumulative ability to four heavy metals. Although enrichment coefficients of all samples were lesser
than 1 and the absolute concentrations didn’t reach the standard, species mentioned above were primarily believed to be potential
hyperaccumulators. 相似文献
Eleven surface soil samples from calcareous soils of industrial areas in Hamadan Province, western Iran were analyzed for
total concentrations of Zn, Cd, Ni, Cu and Pb and were sequentially extracted into six fractions to determine the bioavailability
of various heavy metal forms. Total Zn, Cd, Ni, Cu and Pb concentrations of the contaminated soils were 658 (57–5,803), 125.8
(1.18–1,361), 45.6 (30.7–64.4), 29.7 (11.7–83.5) and 2,419 (66–24,850) mg kg−1, respectively. The soils were polluted with Zn, Pb, and Cu to some extent and heavily polluted with Cd. Nickel values were
not above regulatory limits. Copper existed in soil mainly in residual (RES) and organic (OM) fractions (about 42 and 33%,
respectively), whereas Zn occurred essentially as RES fraction (about 69%). The considerable presence of Cd (30.8%) and Pb
(39%) in the CARB fraction suggests these elements have high potential biavailability and leachability in soils from contaminated
soils. The mobile and bioavailable (EXCH and CARB) fractions of Zn, Cd, Ni, Cu, and Pb in contaminated soils averaged (7.3,
40.4, 16, 12.9 and 40.8%), respectively, which suggests that the mobility and bioavailability of the five metals probably
decline in the following order: Cd = Pb > Ni > Cu > Zn. 相似文献
Distribution and enrichment of trace metals in marine sediments of Bay of Bengal,off Ennore,south-east coast of India 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In order to avoid the pollution of trace metals in marine environment, it is necessary to establish the data and understand
the mechanisms influencing the distribution of trace metals in marine environment. The concentration of heavy metals (Fe,
Mn, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, Co and Cd) were studied in sediments of Ennore shelf, to understand the metal contamination due to
heavily industrialized area of Ennore, south-east coast of India. Concentration of metals shows significant variability and
range from 1.7 to 3.7% for Fe, 284–460 μg g−1 for Mn, 148.6–243.2 μg g−1 for Cr, 385–657 μg g−1 for Cu, 19.8–53.4 μg g−1 for Ni, 5.8–11.8 μg g−1 for Co, 24.9–40 μg g−1 for Pb, 71.3–201 μg g−1 for Zn and 4.6–7.5 μg g−1 for Cd. For various metals the contamination factor (CF) and geoaccumulation index (I
geo) has been calculated to assess the degree of pollution in sediments. The geoaccumulation index shows that Cd, Cr and Cu moderately
to extremely pollute the sediments. This study shows that the major sources of metal contamination in the Ennore shelf are
land-based anthropogenic ones, such as discharge of industrial wastewater, municipal sewage and run-off through the Ennore
estuary. The intermetallic relationship revealed the identical behavior of metals during its transport in the marine environment. 相似文献
Partitioning,bioavailability and origin of heavy metals from the Nador Lagoon sediments (Morocco) as a basis for their management 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Nador Lagoon sediments show low trace element concentrations, and, in relation to the lagoon geochemical baseline, only some
anomalies for As, Cd, Cu and Pb in the NW of the lagoon deserve to be outstanding. The distribution of major, minor and trace
elements in the lagoon allows a breakdown in four zones. Between “Beni Ensar” and “Atelouane” (zone A), a quite confined zone
rich in organic matter and S, the most important trace-element anomalies (As, Cd, Co, Cu, Mn, Pb, Zn) were found, mainly around
industry and old mining activities. In the surrounding of the city of Nador (zone B), the anomalies correspond to Mn, Cu and
Zn. The coastal barrier and Kebdana channel (zone C) show moderately concentrations of Cd, Cr and Ni at specific sites. The
less polluted area is the SE of the lagoon (zone D), with no outstanding anomaly. In lagoon sediments, metal bioavailability
is very low. The metal partitioning patterns show that Cu, Pb and Zn present a low availability because they are bounded to
the residual, non-mobile phases of the sediments. Only in some sites, the fraction was associated with organic matter, which
could be liberated easily. Arsenic is concentrated in both the residual phases and the organic matter, the latter being more
available. Cadmium is mainly concentrated in some samples in the interchangeable fraction, which could be considered as a
potentially toxic element because it is easily released. Concerning the origin of these trace elements, those found in zone A
correspond mostly to a natural source by weathering of mount Gourougou volcanic rocks (As, Co, Cu, Pb and Zn), and to an anthropogenic
origin (Cd) owing to the presence of industry and old mines. In zone B, contributions of Cu and Zn enter the lagoon through
soil weathering and river-borne, and as anthropogenic pollution from urban wastes. In zone C the most important pollutant
is Cd deduced to be of anthropogenic origin from the close industry and intensive agriculture area. In spite of the intense
socio-economic activities developed in the Nador Lagoon (agriculture, industry, fishing, tourism) trace element concentrations
in the sediments are low and with scarce bioavailability. Only the NW sector is relativity polluted because of geogenic features. 相似文献
Assessment of heavy metal contamination in soils around Manali industrial area, Chennai, Southern India 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
The concentrations of heavy metals (As, Ba, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Mo, Pb, Sr, V and Zn) were studied in soils to understand metal
contamination due to industrialization and urbanization around Manali industrial area in Chennai, Southern India. This area
is affected by the industrial activity and saturated by industries like petrochemicals, refineries, and fertilizers generating
hazardous wastes. The contamination of the soils was assessed on the basis of geoaccumulation index, enrichment factor (EF),
contamination factor and degree of contamination. Soil samples were collected from the industrial area of Manali from the
top 10-cm-layer of the soil. Soil samples were analyzed for heavy metals by using Philips MagiX PRO-2440 Wavelength dispersive
X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. The data revealed elevated concentrations of Chromium (149.8–418.0 mg/kg), Copper (22.4–372.0 mg/kg),
Nickel (11.8–78.8 mg/kg), Zinc (63.5–213.6 mg/kg) and Molybdenum (2.3–15.3 mg/kg). The concentrations of other elements were
similar to the levels in the earth’s crust or pointed to metal depletion in the soil (EF < 1). The high-EFs for some heavy
metals obtained in the soil samples show that there is a considerable heavy metal pollution, which could be correlated with
the industries in the area. Contamination sites pose significant environmental hazards for terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.
They are important sources of pollution and may result in ecotoxicological effects on terrestrial, groundwater and aquatic
ecosystems. In this perspective there is need for a safe dumping of waste disposal in order to minimize environmental pollution. 相似文献
Lotfi Mouni Lazhar Belkhiri Abdelkrim Bouzaza Jean-Claude Bollinger 《Arabian Journal of Geosciences》2017,10(4):77
The chemical associations of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn in four mine soil samples from the Amizour-Bejaia Pb/Zn mine (Algeria) have been investigated by a five-step sequential extraction procedure. Although Cd preferentially binds to carbonates, Cu, Pb, and Zn are mainly associated with the organic and reducible fractions. Batch adsorption experiments with either mono- or multi-metallic solutions are described with the Freundlich isotherm model. Whatever the nature of the soil sample, the sorption behavior for each given metal except Pb is very similar, indicating that the binding sites at the soil surface are progressively occupied by the metal from the solution. On each soil sample, the decreasing order of sorption can be established as Pb >> Cu > Cd > Zn. When the four metals are simultaneously applied to each soil sample, their specific behavior is strongly affected by their interactions and/or competition for the available surface sites: we generally observed isotherm curves with a slight maximum before the plateau at higher solution concentration. Although Cu is only slightly affected by the other metals, in the case of Pb, Cd, and Zn, the sorbed amounts strongly decreased. 相似文献
Contamination,chemical speciation and vertical distribution of heavy metals in soils of an old and large industrial zone in Northeast China 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Fayun Li Zhiping Fan Pengfei Xiao Kokyo Oh Xiping Ma Wei Hou 《Environmental Geology》2009,57(8):1815-1823
Heavy metal pollution of soils has become a major concern in China as a consequence of rapid urbanization and industrialization
in recent years. However, the evaluation on soil heavy metal pollution in Shenyang, the largest heavy industrial base city
in China, has not yet been conducted. In this study, accumulation, chemical speciation, and vertical distribution Cu, Zn,
Pb and Cd in soils were studied and pollution condition was assessed in Tiexi Industrial District of Shenyang, the largest
and oldest industrial zone in Northeastern China. The results showed that in topsoil, the average concentration of total Cu,
Zn, Pb, and Cd was 209.06, 599.92, 470.19 and 8.59 mg kg−1, respectively, much higher than the national threshold limit. The values of pollution index and integrated pollution index
showed that the pollution level was Cd > Cu > Zn > Pb, and Cd, Cu and Zn belong to heavy pollution level. The residual, Fe
and Mn oxide-bound, and organic-bound species accounted for about 90%, while carbonate-bound and exchangeable species accounted
for about 10%. This study indicates that the soils in the industrial zone were widely and extremely polluted by multi-heavy
metals as a result of long-term industrial activities. 相似文献
P. J. Henderson I. McMartin G. E. Hall J. B. Percival D. A. Walker 《Environmental Geology》1998,34(1):39-58
Trace element geochemistry of humus (<0.425 mm) and till (<0.002 mm) collected in the Flin Flon-Snow Lake area, northern
Manitoba and Saskatchewan, provides a regional context for assessing smelter contamination in the environment. The area includes
a Cu-Zn smelter known to discharge As, Cd, Cu, Fe, Hg, Pb, and Zn. In this study, sequential extraction analyses, scanning
electron microscopy and x-ray diffraction analyses were used on a suite of samples to determine: (1) the chemical and physical
characteristics of heavy metals in surficial sediments related to distance from the smelter, (2) criteria for assessing the
relative contribution of these metals from natural and anthropogenic sources, and (3) the potential of these metals for remobilization
in the environment.
Humus geochemistry reflects the anthropogenic and natural component of heavy metal concentrations. Smelter-related elements
show anomalously high values adjacent to the smelter, decreasing with distance until background values are reached at 70–104 km,
depending on the element. In humus, Zn is associated primarily with labile phases; Hg with non-labile phases. Adjacent to
the smelter, high proportions and concentrations of Zn and Hg in non-labile phases, indicative of smelter-derived particulates,
are confirmed by SEM examination. The particles occur as spheres, irregular grains, and with organics. With increasing distance
from the smelter, the geochemical response to bedrock composition is more obvious than the anthropogenic input.
Till geochemistry reflects the natural variation imposed by bedrock composition. At highly contaminated sites (<3 km from
the smelter), increased percentages of smelter-related elements in labile phases suggests heavy metals are leached from humus
to the underlying sediment.
Received: 5 November 1996 · Accepted: 31 March 1997 相似文献
M. A. Kashem Ph.D. B. R. Singh Ph.D. T. Kondo M.Sc. S. M. Imamul Huq Ph.D. S. Kawai Ph.D. 《International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology》2007,4(2):169-176
Various extraction procedures were employed for measuring extractable concentrations of potential toxic elements in soil. The extractability of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in four contaminated and four non-contaminated soils of Japan, was compared by single extraction (CaCl2, DTPA, NH4Cl, 0.1 M HCl and 1 M HCl ) and sequential extraction procedures [(six operationally defined chemical phases, viz. water soluble (Fl), exchangeable (F2), carbonate (F3), oxide (F4), organic (F5) and residual (F6) fractions)]. Extractability of metals from soils samples varied depending on metals and/or extradants used. Among the extradants, 1 M HCl extracted the largest proportion of Cd (79 to 96% of total), Cu (61 to 83%), Pb (51 to 99%) and Zn (23 to 52%) from soils followed by 0.1 M HCl, NH4Cl, DTPA and CaCl2. In all the extradants, the proportion of extractability of metals was higher in the contaminated soils than the non-contaminated soils. Regardless of soils and extradants, relative extractability was higher for Cd as compared to other three metals. The use of 1 M HCl may be recommended for first-level screening of soil contamination with heavy metals. The other four weak extradants are believed to provide a better assessment of bioavailable/mobile metals content in soils than 1 M HCl extradant. However, 0.1 M HCl mobilized all four metals irrespective of soil types, therefore, might be the best choice if only one extradant is to be used. The sequential extraction procedures showed 22 to 64% of total Cd was in the mobile fraction (sum of Fl to F3), while the corresponding values for Cu, Pb and Zn in this fractions were 2 to 23% suggesting higher mobility of Cd than other three metals. The single extraction procedures are simple and easy to perform and obtained results are comparable with sequential extraction procedure. 相似文献
The exchange kinetics of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn in seven mining and smelting-contaminated soils and the other two anthropogenically contaminated soils was investigated by using multi-elementary stable isotopic exchange kinetic (SIEK) method, and the experimental results were successfully interpreted by modelling using a sum of pseudo first order kinetics equations. SIEK results show that in the studied soils the isotopic exchange of Cd is a relatively fast process, and the exchange almost reaches an apparent plateau after 3-d equilibration; whereas for Cu, Pb, and Zn, the exchange is more sluggish, suggesting that it is important to understand the time-dependent metal mobility for risk assessment and management of contaminated soils. In most of the soils, the total isotopically exchangeable pool is divided, for all the metals, into two distinct pools: a fast exchangeable pool (E1) with a kinetic rate constant k1 having values around 1 min−1 and a much slower exchangeable pool (E2) with k2 ranging from 0.0001 min−1 to 0.001 min−1. The distribution of the two exchangeable pools varies significantly among metals. The amount of isotopically exchangeable Cd related to the fast pool is dominant, accounting for on average 60% of total isotopically exchangeable pool in the soils; whereas this pool is smaller for Cu, Zn, and Pb. The sequence of average k1 values is Cd > Pb ≈ Zn > Cu, consistent with the reported sequence of stability constants of metal-humic substances (HS) complexes while the average k2 values follow the order: Cd > Pb > Cu > Zn, probably controlled by the slow desorption of metal ions associated with soil organic matter (SOM) fraction. Our results imply that further study on the exchange kinetics of metals on each individual sorption surface in soils, especially SOM, is critical to help understanding the overall exchange kinetics of heavy metals in whole soils. 相似文献
The adsorption of Cu, Pb, Zn, and Cd on goethite (αFeOOH) from NaNO3 solutions and from major ion seawater was compared to assess the effect of the major ions of seawater (Na, Mg, Ca, K, Cl, and SO4) on the adsorption behavior of the metals. Magnesium and sulphate are the principal seawater ions which enhance or inhibit adsorption relative to the inert system. Their effect, as determined from the site-binding model of Davis et al. (1978), was a combination of changing the electrostatic conditions at the interface and decreasing the available binding sites.The basic differences between the experimental system of major ion seawater and natural seawater were examined. It was concluded that: 1) although the experimental metal concentrations in major ion seawater were higher than those found in natural seawater, estimates of the binding energy of Cu, Zn, and Cd with αFeOOH for natural seawater concentrations could be made from the data, 2) Cu, Pb, Zn, and Cd showed little or no competition for surface sites on goethite, and 3) the presence of carbonate, phosphate, and silicate had little or no effect on the adsorption of Zn and Cd on goethite. 相似文献
Amir Mohseni Adel Reyhanitabar Nosratollah Najafi Shahin Oustan Kambiz Bazargan 《Arabian Journal of Geosciences》2018,11(14):384
The aim of this study was to determine the influence of sewage sludge (SLU) amendment on the desorption characteristics of zinc (Zn), lead (Pb), and cadmium (Cd) in contaminated calcareous soils. Three levels of SLU (0, 1, and 3% w/w) were added to the two calcareous contaminated soils. Samples were incubated for 30 days and equilibrated with 0.005 M DTPA for 0.25 to 240 h. The addition of SLU significantly increased the amount of DTPA-extractable Zn in soils. While the amounts of Cd, Pb, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and pH showed a significant increase only in 3% w/w of SLU, with the exception of Cd desorption in 1% w/w of SLU, kinetics of Zn, Pb, and Cd extraction increased together with an increase in the level of applied SLU. The best models for describing desorption data were explicitly power function and Elovich. The rate constants of Zn and Pb had significant correlations with DTPA-extractable Zn and Pb, DOC and pH, which affect Zn and Pb desorption. Also, the rate constants of Cd had significant correlations with CEC that can be deemed as equivalent to the fact that Cd desorption is controlled by surface adsorption, particularly in the lower sludge application amount. These results can be used for management of sewage sludge application in contaminated calcareous soils. 相似文献
Jiachun Shi Haizhen Wang Jianming Xu Jianjun Wu Xingmei Liu Haiping Zhu Chunlan Yu 《Environmental Geology》2007,52(1):1-10
Six hundred and sixty-five soil samples were taken from Changxing County in Zhejiang Province, China, to characterize the
spatial variability of Hg Cd, Pb, Cu, As and Cr. The geostatistics and geographic information system (GIS) techniques were
applied, and the ordinary kriging and lognormal kriging were used to map the spatial patterns of the six heavy metals. Hg,
Pb, Cu and As were fitted to the spherical model with a range of 85.75, 82.32, 86.10, and 23.17 km, respectively. Cr was fitted
to the exponential model with a range of 6.27 km, and Cd was fitted to the linear model with a range of 37.66 km. Both Pb
and Cu had strong spatial dependence due to the effects of natural factors including parent material, topography and soil
type. Hg, Cd, Cr and As had, however, moderate spatial dependence, indicating an involvement of human factors. Meanwhile,
based on the comparison between the original data and the guide values of the six metals, the disjunctive kriging technique
was used to quantify their pollution risks. The results showed that only Cd and Hg exhibited pollution risks in the study
area. The pollution source evaluated was closely corresponded with the real discharge of industrial production and the application
of organomercury pesticides. The results of this study provide insight into risk assessment of environmental pollution and
decision making for agricultural production and industrial adjustment of building materials. 相似文献
Trace metals (Cd,Pb, Cu,Zn and Ni) in sediment of the submarine pit Dragon ear (Soline Bay,Rogoznica, Croatia) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Vertical profiles of trace metal (Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni) concentrations, organic matter content, carbonate content and granulometric
composition were determined in two sediment cores from the submarine pit Dragon Ear (Middle Adriatic). Concentrations of the
analyzed metals (Cd: 0.06–0.12 mg kg−1, Pb: 28.5–67.3 mg kg−1, Zn: 17.0-65.4 mg kg−1, Cu: 21.1–51.9 mg kg−1, Ni: 27.8–40.2 mg kg−1) were in usual range for Adriatic carbonate marine sediments. Nevertheless, concentrations of Cu, Zn, and especially Pb in
the upper layer of sediments (top 12 cm) were higher than in bottom layer, while Cd and Ni concentration profiles were uniform.
Regression analysis and principal component analysis were used to interpret distribution of trace metals, organic matter and
carbonate content in sediment cores. Results of both analysis showed that concentrations of all trace metals in the core below
the entrance to the pit were significantly positively correlated with organic matter and negatively correlated with carbonate,
while in the core more distant from the entrance only Pb showed significant positive correlation with organic matter. Obtained
results indicated that, except for lead which was enriched in surface sediment, in the time of sampling (before the building
of the nautical marina) investigated area belonged to unpolluted areas. 相似文献
Overbank and medium-order stream sediment samples were collected in Belgium and Luxembourg from 66 sampling locations (area of about 33,000 km2) and analysed for major and trace elements among which Zn, Pb, Cu and As. At each sampling location large bulk samples were taken, namely in the lower (normally at ≥1.5 m depth, over an interval of about 20–40 cm) and upper (normally upper 5–25 cm) parts of the overbank profiles and from the stream sediments. Furthermore, at a number of these sites, a detailed geochemical analysis of vertical overbank sediment profiles (sampling intervals of 10–20 cm) was subsequently carried out to unravel element variations through time and to help in the overall evaluation. For most sampled sections evidences such as 14C-dating and the absence of anthropogenic particles point towards a pre-industrial and often pristine origin of the lower overbank sediment samples. From the latter bulk samples, mean background concentrations were deduced. They reveal the existence of significant differences between the northern and southern part of Belgium (incl. Luxembourg) which relate to the difference in geological substrate. In the north dominantly non-lithified Quaternary and Tertiary sands, marls and clays occur while in the south Palaeozoic sandstones, shales and carbonate rocks outcrop. Consequently separate mean background values were calculated for the two areas. In the southern study area, some anomalous metal concentrations have been recorded in pre-industrial sediments. They are derived from mineralised Palaeozoic rocks, a feature which could be of interest for base metal exploration. In the upper overbank and stream sediments, in general, higher heavy metal and As contents were recorded with highest values in areas with metal mining, metal melting and cokes treatment industries. By comparing the trace element concentrations of the upper overbank or stream sediment samples with the concentrations detected in the lower overbank samples at each of the sampling locations, and by evaluating the vertical distribution patterns where available, the degree of pollution of the alluvial plain and the present-day stream sediments can be assessed. From this exercise, it is clear that highest pollution occurs in the northern part of Belgium, which relates to its high population density and industrial development. 相似文献
This paper examines the surface sediments collected from Dongping Lake in China for speciation and distribution of toxic heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Ni, Cd) in different grain size fractions, and for the factors that need to be considered in potential hazard of metals to the environment. Four grain size fractions (<63, 63–78, 78–163 and 163–280 μm), divided in wet condition, and bulk samples less than 280 μm in diameter were analyzed for their distribution, density and appearance. A three-stage extraction procedure following the BCR protocol was used to chemically fractionate metals into “acid soluble”, “reducible”, “oxidizable” and “residual” fractions. Correlation analysis was used to analyze the datasets. The results showed that <63 μm grain size part constitutes the major proportion of the sediments, but its density is the smallest among the four grain size fractions. In general, the metal content curve against grain size presents “S” distribution, and the highest concentrations do not exist in <63 μm grain size. Appearance observation indicates that the adsorbed substance increases gradually along with the decreasing grain size. The dominant speciation of elements and the extent of pollution are responsible for the metal distribution in different grain size sediments. While studying bioavailability and mobilization of metals, it is advisable to take metal speciation, grain size distribution and density into consideration. 相似文献
P. Miramand T. Guyot H. Rybarczyk B. Elkaim P. Mouny J. C. Dauvin C. Bessineton 《Estuaries and Coasts》2001,24(6):1056-1065
A study of contamination of the biological compartment of the Seine estuary was carried out by measuring the concentrations of cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), and zinc (Zn) in 29 estuarine and marine species belonging to 6 phyla. Species came from three main biological zones of the estuary: the Seine channel (copepods, mysids, shrimps, and fish), the intertidal mudflats (Macoma balthica community), and the subtidal mudflats (Abra alba community). Two fish species, the bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and the flounder (Platichthys flesus), were also selected for analyses. A comparison of metal concentrations in estuarine species of the Seine with those found in the same species collected on contaminated and non-contaminated sites showed a contamination of the estuary by Cu, Zn, and Pb. For Cd, the contamination is mainly observed in bivalves, although the concentrations observed were low and less than 2 μg g?1 d.w. High concentrations of Cu were found in copepods, shrimps, and fish. Pb contamination was mainly found in species living in the Seine channel where the copepodEurytemora affinis shows an average concentration of 22 μg g?1 d.w. High concentrations of Pb (>10 μg g?1 d.w.) were found in deposit-feeders benthic invertebrates. Elevated levels of Zn were seen in all species collected in the Seine estuary, including fish and in particular small flounder. The concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn found in edible estuarine species (shrimp and fish) were in the same order of magnitude than those found in fish and shrimps fished along the French coast. 相似文献