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Melting phase relations of an augite-olivine high-magnesian andesite and an augite-olivine basalt from the Miocene Setouchi volcanic belt in southwest Japan have been studied under water-saturated, water-undersaturated and under anhydrous conditions. Both the andesite and the basalt are characterized by low FeO*/MgO ratios (0.86 and 0.76 in weight, respectively) and qualify as primary magmas derived from the upper mantle.The andesite melt coexists with olivine, orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene at 15 kbar and 1030°C under water-saturated conditions, and at 10 kbar and 1070°C under water-undersaturated conditions (7 wt.% H2O in the melt). The basalt-melt also coexists with the above three phases at 11 kbar and 1305°C under anhydrous conditions, and at 15 kbar and 1205°C in the presence of 4 wt.% water.Present studies indicate that high-magnesian andesite magmas may be produced even under water-undersaturated conditions by partial melting of mantle peridotite. It is suggested that two types of high-magnesian andesites in the Setouchi volcanic belt (augite-olivine and bronzite-olivine andesites) were produced by different degrees of partial melting; augite-olivine andesite magmas, whose mantle residual is lherzolite, were formed by lower degrees of partial melting than bronzite-olivine andesite magmas, which coexist with harzburgite. The basalt magmas, which were often extruded in close proximity to the high-magnesian andesite magmas, are not partial melting products of a mantle peridotite which had previously melted to yield high-magnesian andesite magmas.  相似文献   

Calc-alkaline intermediate rocks are spatially and temporally associated with high-Mg andesites (HMAs, Mg#>60) in Middle Miocene Setouchi volcanic belt. The calc-alkaline rocks are characterized by higher Mg# (strongly calc-alkaline trend) than ordinary calc-alkaline rocks at equivalent silica contents. Phenocrysts in the intermediate rocks have petrographical features such as: (1) coexisting reversely and normally zoned orthopyroxene phenocrysts in single rock; (2) sieve type plagioclase in which cores are mantled by higher An%, melt inclusion-rich zone; and (3) reversely zoned amphibole phenocrysts with opacite cores. In addition, mingling textures and magmatic inclusions were observed in some rocks. These petrographic features and the mineral chemistry indicate that magma mixing was the most important process in producing the strongly calc-alkaline rocks. The core composition of normally zoned orthopyroxene phenocrysts and the mantle composition of reversely zoned orthopyroxene phenocrysts have relatively high Mg# (85–90) in maximum. Although basaltic and high-Mg andesitic magmas are candidate as possible mafic end-member magmas, basaltic magma is excluded in terms of phenocryst assemblage and bulk composition. HMA magmas are suitable mafic end-member magmas that precipitated high Mg# (90) orthopyroxene, whereas andesitic to dacitic magma are suitable felsic end-members. In contrast, it is difficult to produce the strongly calc-alkaline trend through fractional crystallization from a HMA magma, because it would require removal of plagioclase together with mafic minerals from the early stage of crystallization, whereas the precipitation of plagiolase is suppressed due to the high water content of HMA magmas. These results imply that Archean Mg#-rich TTGs (>45–55), which are an analog of the strongly calc-alkaline rocks in terms of chemistry and magma genesis, can be derived from magma mixing in which a HMA magma is the mafic end-member magma, rather than by fractional crystallization from a HMA magma.  相似文献   

Twenty-three volcanic rocks from the Setouchi volcanic belt, southwest Japan, were analyzed for Nd and Sr isotopic compositions for the purpose of examining the genetic relationships among the basalt, high-magnesium andesite (HMA) and evolved porphyritic andesite. The andesites have higher87Sr/86Sr (0.70487–0.70537) and lower143Nd/144Nd (0.512509–0.512731) than the basalts, i.e., 0.70408–0.70468 and 0.512691–0.512830, respectively. This result confirms earlier conclusions obtained from petrologic study that the andesites cannot be fractionation products of basaltic magma but that the andesitic and basaltic magmas were generated independently. On the basis of melting experiments for HMA and basalt, it is inferred that there is an isotopically stratified mantle beneath southwest Japan. Evolved porphyritic andesites have essentially identical Sr and Nd isotopic ratios to HMA and can be derived by fractionation of primary andesitic magma. A model to produce orogenic andesite is proposed on petrologic, experimental and isotopic bases.  相似文献   

The Setouchi volcanic rocks include high-Mg andesites (HMAs) and garnet-bearing dacite–rhyolite, and are sporadically distributed along the Median Tectonic Line, Japan. New U–Pb zircon ages and geological and geochemical data are presented for those rocks in the Western Setouchi region (W-Setouchi). Previous studies referred to the altered andesite in the W-Setouchi as “pre-Setouchi volcanic rocks.” However, on the basis of the new U–Pb age (14.4 Ma ± 0.3 Ma) and geochemical characteristics, we redefine it as the Jikamuro Formation, part of the Setouchi volcanic rocks. Incompatible elements are more enriched in the Jikamuro Formation rocks than in the Setouchi HMAs. The characteristic element compositions may be explained by mixing of compositionally different magmas, including subducted sediment melts, plus a contribution from crustal contamination. A stress-inversion technique with Bingham distribution method was applied to the orientations of felsic and mafic dikes within the Setouchi volcanic rocks, and indicates paleo-stress conditions during the period of Setouchi volcanism in the W-Setouchi. The analysis reveals NNW-extensional stresses and a strike-slip stress. We infer that the former represents extensional conditions during the main period of volcanism and the latter represents a stress transition during the most recent period of volcanism (after 12 Ma).  相似文献   

Eiji Sasao 《Island Arc》2013,22(2):170-184
A petrographic study of sandstones from the Miocene Mizunami Group in Central Japan has been performed on core samples from a single borehole, in order to evaluate the provenance of the sedimentary rock. Evaluation of the provenance is based on bulk mineral, heavy mineral and plagioclase contents and on whole rock chemical compositions. The sandstones studied are divisible into three types; the first type is characterized by the occurrence of biotite and plagioclase ranging from albite to oligoclase, the second type is characterized by the dominance of amphibole and labradorite with pyroxene (clinopyroxene > orthopyroxene), and the third type is characterized by the dominance of pyroxene (orthopyroxene > clinopyroxene) and andesine with lesser labradorite, bytownite and anorthite. The first type is interpreted to be derived from the basement granite, whereas the others were derived mostly from volcanic ash, judging from their mineral compositions. The volcanic activity that supplied the volcanic ash to the Mizunami Basin occurred in two phases, distinguishable by variations in their mineralogical and geochemical compositions, an indication of change in character of the volcanic activity. This petrographic study of the sandstones in the Mizunami Group suggests that unrecognized volcanic activity occurred around the Mizunami Basin, even though potential provenance of the volcanic ash has not yet been identified.  相似文献   

Abundances of major and trace elements were determined for the Tertiary volcanic rocks from SW Hokkaido. The Late Miocene to Pliocene volcanic rocks of this region show geochemical features similar to those of the Quaternary rocks, that is, K/Si, Th/Si and LREE/HREE ratios increasing across the arc, east to west, from the Pacific to the Japan Sea side. In contrast, the Early Miocene volcanic rocks, which are geographically restricted to the Japan Sea coast, are distinct from all later volcanics and show “within-plate” characteristics — in particular, high concentrations of HFS elements. The Quaternary basalts have low Hf/Yb ratios and Hf contents, whereas the Early Miocene basalts are high in Hf/Yb and Hf, similar to Hawaiian alkali basalts. The compositional variation with time may result from the progressive depletion of incompatible HFS elements in the mantle source. Th/Yb ratios increase from Early Miocene to Quaternary, possibly reflecting increase in the LIL element contribution to the mantle source during that time.  相似文献   

High-magnesium andesites associated with basalts erupted after the opening of the Sea of Japan are present at Saga–Futagoyama in northwest Kyushu, southwest Japan. High Mg/(Mg + Fe) [=0.84] of orthopyroxene phenocrysts and bulk rock Mg–Fe–Ni compositions suggest that these high-magnesium andesites were originally primitive melts insignificantly modified in crustal magma chambers. KDCa–Na [= (Ca/Na)pl/(Ca/Na)bulk rock] ranges from 1.21 to 0.97 and suggests that the high-magnesium andesite magmas would originally have contained H2O less than 1.8 wt.%. Nb/La does not show a negative correlation with respect to SiO2. These lines of evidence indicate that hydrous components derived from the subducting slab would not have played a significant role in the genesis of the high-magnesium andesite magmas. Instead, the normative olivine − quartz − [CaTs + Jd] compositions and a negative correlation between Sr/Nd and SiO2 indicate that the basalt-high-magnesium andesite association would have been formed by multi-stage partial melting of relatively anhydrous source at pressure ranging from 1.5 to 0.5 GPa.  相似文献   

Zircon U–Pb dating of the Tonaru metagabbro body in the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt, southwest Japan, suggests that igneous events at ca 200–180 Ma were involved in the protolith formation. The trace element compositions of the Tonaru zircons are enriched in U (a fluid‐mobile element) and Sc (an amphibole‐buffered element), and depleted in Nb (a fluid‐immobile element), suggesting that the parental magmas related to the Tonaru metagabbros formed in an arc setting. Integration of our results with previous studies of the metasedimentary rocks in the Tonaru body clearly indicates that the protoliths of the Tonaru body were produced by oceanic‐arc magmatism. With the previous geochronological and geological studies, the tectono‐magmatic–metamorphic history of the Tonaru and other mafic bodies in the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt may be summarized as follows: (i) the protolith formation by the oceanic‐arc magmatic event had occurred at 200–180 Ma; (ii) the protoliths were accreted in the trench at ca 130–120 Ma; and (iii) they were completely subducted into the depth of the eclogite‐facies condition after 120 Ma.  相似文献   

The opening of the Japan Sea led to the separation of southwest Japan from the Eurasian continent. Subsequent to this event, a diverse range of igneous activities occurred in southwest Japan. On the back-arc side of the region, igneous activity commenced at approximately 22 Ma and persisted for an extended period. In the trench-proximal region of southwest Japan, magmatism initiated around 15.6 Ma, immediately following the cessation of the Japan Sea opening, in correlation with the subduction of the Philippine Sea plate beneath southwest Japan. The Amakusa Islands in western Kyushu host felsic to intermediate igneous rocks with Miocene radiometric ages. There has been a debate regarding the attribution of the igneous rocks in Amakusa Island among the Miocene igneous rocks in southwest Japan. To address this issue, we conducted zircon U–Pb dating and analyzed the major- and trace-element compositions of felsic igneous rocks in the Amakusa Islands to elucidate their characteristics. The obtained U–Pb ages range from 14.5 to 14.8 Ma, suggesting contemporaneity between magmatism in the Amakusa Islands and the Setouchi Volcanic Rocks in the trench-proximal region of southwest Japan. The major and trace element compositions of the felsic igneous rocks exhibit similarities to the dacites of the Setouchi Volcanic Rocks. These findings support previous suggestions that the magmatism in the Amakusa Islands can be correlated with the Setouchi Volcanic Rocks, based on the discovery of a high-Mg andesite dike and paleo-stress analysis utilizing the direction of dikes and sills. Therefore, the Setouchi Volcanic Belt is proposed to extend further west than the previously identified Ohno volcanic rocks in eastern Kyushu. The subduction of the Shikoku Basin of the Philippine Sea plate toward western Kyushu supports the hypothesis that the Kyushu-Palau Ridge was positioned west of Kyushu at ~15 Ma.  相似文献   

A new continuous monitoring system has been developed for the measurement of volcanic gas from the steam well located 3 km north from the summit of Izu-Oshima volcano, Japan. After removing the water vapor using three sequential dehydration methods, CO2 and SO2 contents are measured using IR sensors, and O2 and H2 using a zirconia sensor and a semiconductor sensor, respectively. This system has been in operation without any significant trouble for 3 years.The dehydrated volcanic gas from the well consists of a mixture of CO2, O2 and N2. A decreasing trend of the CO2 content was observed from 1995 to 1998 together with a decrease of volcanic activity. Seasonal changes have also been observed in CO2 and O2 contents, CO2 being higher and O2 lower in summer, which suggests larger contribution of magmatic components in summer. While changes in short-term variation in CO2 and O2 are influenced by atmospheric pressure changes; the CO2 content correlates inversely with atmospheric pressure unlike O2 with some hours delay. In contrast, the H2 content increased intermittently up to 1200 ppm one to several hours after a sudden drop in the atmospheric pressure and without any apparent correlation with seasonal changes.This system allows us to study temporal variation in chemical composition of volcanic gas during quiescent periods of volcanic activity of Izu-Oshima volcano, and might help us detect anomalous changes before future eruptive events.  相似文献   

Origin of calc-alkalic andesite in the Japanese Islands is reviewed on the basis of the recent trace element data and new experimental results. It is suggested that calc-alkalic andesites in the Japanese Islands have at least four different origins; (1) fractional crystallization with separation of magnetite of high-alumina basalt magma, (2) partial melting of hydrous upper mantle peridotite (for magnesian andesite), (3) fractional crystallization with separation of olivine and/or orthopyroxene of magnesian andesite magma and (4) mixing of dacitic and basaltic magmas. Emphasis is placed on the possible generation of primary magnesian calc-alkalic andesite magmas by direct partial melting of the upper mantle peridotite under hydrous conditions at depths between 40 and 60 km.  相似文献   

Abstract Temporal–spatial variations in Late Cenozoic volcanic activity in the Chugoku area, southwest Japan, have been examined based on 108 newly obtained K–Ar ages. Lava samples were collected from eight Quaternary volcanic provinces (Daisen, Hiruzen, Yokota, Daikonjima, Sambe, Ooe–Takayama, Abu and Oki) and a Tertiary volcanic cluster (Kibi Province) to cover almost all geological units in the province. Including published age data, a total of 442 Cenozoic radiometric ages are now available. Across‐arc volcanic activity in an area approximately 500 km long and 150 km wide can be examined over 26 million years. The period corresponds to syn‐ and post‐back‐arc basin opening stages of the island arc. Volcanic activity began in the central part of the rear‐arc ca 26 Ma. This was followed by arc‐wide expansion at 20 Ma by eruption at two rear‐arc centers located at the eastern and western ends. Expansion to the fore‐arc occurred between 20 and 12 Ma. This Tertiary volcanic arc was maintained until 4 Ma with predominant alkali basalt centers. The foremost‐arc zone activity ceased at 4 Ma, followed by quiescence over the whole arc between 4 and 3 Ma. Volcanic activity resumed at 3 Ma, covering the entire rear‐arc area, and continued until the present to form a Quaternary volcanic arc. Adakitic dacite first occurred at 1.7 Ma in the middle of the arc, and spread out in the center part of the Quaternary volcanic arc. Alkali basalt activities ceased in the area where adakite volcanism occurred. Fore‐arc expansion of the volcanic arc could be related to the upwelling and expansion of the asthenosphere, which caused opening of the Japan Sea. Narrowing of the volcanic zone could have been caused by progressive Philippine Sea Plate subduction. Deeper penetration could have caused melting of the slab and resulted in adakites. Volcanic history in the Late Cenozoic was probably controlled by the history of evolution of the upper mantle structure, coinciding with back‐arc basin opening and subsequent reinitiation of subduction.  相似文献   

The present paper reports, for the first time, the occurrence of an omphacite‐bearing mafic schist from the Asemi‐gawa region of the Sanbagawa belt (southwest Japan). The mafic schist occurs as thin layers within pelitic schist of the albite–biotite zone. Omphacite in the mafic schist only occurs as inclusions in garnet, and albite is the major Na phase in the matrix, suggesting that the mafic schist represents highly retrogressed eclogite. Garnet grains in the sample show prograde‐type compositional zoning with no textural or compositional break, and contain mineral inclusions of omphacite, quartz, glaucophane, barroisite/hornblende, epidote and titanite. In addition to the petrographic observations, Raman spectroscopy and focused ion beam system–transmission electron microscope analyses were used for identification of omphacite in the sample. The omphacite in the sample shows a strong Raman peak at 678 cm?1, and concomitant Raman peaks are all consistent with those of the reference omphacite Raman spectrum. The selected area electron diffraction pattern of the omphacite is compatible with the common P2/n omphacite structure. Quartz inclusions in the mafic schist preserve high residual pressure values of Δω1 > 8.5 cm?1, corresponding to the eclogite facies conditions. The combination of Raman geothermobarometries and garnet–clinopyroxene geothermometry gives peak pressure–temperature (PT) conditions of 1.7–2.0 GPa and 440–540 °C for the mafic schist. The peak P–T values are comparable to those of the schistose eclogitic rocks in other Sanbagawa eclogite units of Shikoku. These findings along with previous age constraints suggest that most of the Sanbagawa schistose eclogites and associated metasedimentary rocks share similar simple P–T histories along the Late Cretaceous subduction zone.  相似文献   

Hroaki  Ishiga  Kotaro  Ishida  Kaori  Dozen Makoto  Musashino 《Island Arc》1996,5(2):180-180
Abstract Geochemical characteristics, mainly of major and trace elements and REE (rare earth elements) of bedded chert and shale/mudstone sequences, across the Permian/Triassic boundary in southwest Japan are examined. The boundary is characterized by the disappearance of bedded cherts, and the interval between the Upper Permian cherts and Lower Triassic (probably Smithian) cherts comprises siliceous shales and organic black mudstones. Bedded cherts are characterized by a gradual depletion of chemical elements from Middle to Upper Permian. However, overlying siliceous shales exhibit a clear enrichment in some elements, especially alkaline metals (such as K, Rb and Cs) and Ti, Th, Y, P2O5, and REE in comparison with elements of the PAAS (post Archean Australian shales). This indicates that average components of the upper continental crust were transported in the boundary interval, possibly caused by volcanic activity. Ce-negative shifting in NASC (North American Shales Composite)-normalized REE patterns is characteristic of this interval, and could be related to the deposition of siliceous rocks in Ce-depleted seawater. This was probably caused by an invasion of water mass with a Ce-negative anomaly into the previously existing water mass of the Paleo-Tethys. Weak negative Eu-anomalies in this interval are suggestive of plagioclase fractionation caused by acid volcanisms and the LREE/HREE ratios in the interval show a slightly light-REE enrichment. Organic black mudstones are characteristically intercalated in the interval. These rocks are usually regarded as a product of oceanic deterioration, but in pelagic conditions, organic materials were formed by high primary production that resulted from the active upwelling of ocean floor water currents with rich nutrients. This may have been caused by the inferred mixing of water masses of the Paleo-Tethys and of the Panthalassa in Early Triassic time which was regarded as an event synchronous with an increase in volcanic activity on highly matured island arcs and/or continents.  相似文献   

The stratigraphy of tsunami deposits along the Japan Sea, southwest Hokkaido, northern Japan, reveals tsunami recurrences in this particular area. Sandy tsunami deposits are preserved in small valley plains, whereas gravelly deposits of possible tsunami origin are identified in surficial soils covering a Holocene marine terrace and a slope talus. At least five horizons of tsunami events can be defined in the Okushiri Island, the youngest of which immediately overlies the Ko‐d tephra layer (1640 AD) and was likely formed by the historical Oshima‐Ohshima tsunami in 1741 AD. The four older tsunami deposits, dated using accelerator mass spectrometry 14C, were formed at around the 12th century, 1.5–1.6, 2.4–2.6, and 2.8–3.1 ka, respectively. Tsunami sand beds of the 1741 AD and circa 12th century events are recognized in the Hiyama District of Hokkaido Island, but the older tsunami deposits are missing. The deposits of these two tsunamis are found together at the same sites and distributed in regions where wave heights of the 1993 tsunami (Hokkaido Nansei‐oki earthquake, Mw = 7.7) were less than 3 m. Thus, the 12th century tsunami waves were possibly generated near the south of Okushiri Island, whereas the 1993 tsunami was generated towards the north of the island. The estimated recurrence intervals of paleotsunamis, 200–1100 years with an average of 500 years, likely represents the recurrence interval of large earthquakes which would have occurred along several active faults offshore of southwest Hokkaido.  相似文献   

The chemical and isotopic compositions of volcanic gases at a borehole and a natural fumarole in the Owakudani geothermal area, Hakone volcano, Japan, have been repeatedly measured since 2001, when a seismic swarm occurred in the area. The CO2/H2O and CO2/H2S ratios were high in 2001. It increased in 2006 and again in 2008 when seismic swarms occurred beneath the geothermal area. The observed increases suggest the injection of CO2- and SO2-rich magmatic gas into the underlying hydrothermal reservoir, implying that the magmatic gas was episodically supplied to the hydrothermal system in 2006 and 2008. The earthquake swarms probably resulted from the injection of gas through the shallow crust accompanying the break of the sealing zone.  相似文献   

Abstract Rb–Sr and Sm–Nd isochron ages were determined for whole rocks and mineral separates of hornblende‐gabbros and related metadiabases and quartz‐diorite from Shodoshima, Awashima and Kajishima islands in the Ryoke plutono‐metamorphic belt of the Setouchi area, Southwest Japan. The Rb–Sr and Sm–Nd whole‐rock‐mineral isochron ages for six samples range from 75 to 110 Ma and 200–220 Ma, respectively. The former ages are comparable with the Rb–Sr whole‐rock isochron ages reported from neighboring Ryoke granitic rocks and are thus due to thermal metamorphism caused by the granitic intrusions. On the contrary, the older ages suggest the time of formation of the gabbroic and related rocks. The initial 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd ratios of the gabbroic rocks (0.7070–0.7078 and 0.51217–0.51231 at 210 Ma, respectively) are comparable with those of neighboring late Cretaceous granites and lower crustal granulite xenoliths from Cenozoic andesites in this region. Because the gabbroic rocks are considered to be fragments of the lower crustal materials interlayered in the granulitic lower crust, their isotopic signature has been inherited from an enriched mantle source or, less likely, acquired through interaction with the lower crustal materials. The Sr and Nd isotopic and petrologic evidence leads to a plausible conclusion that the gabbroic rocks have formed as cumulates from hydrous mafic magmas of light rare earth element‐rich (Sm/Nd < 0.233) and enriched isotopic (?Sr > 0 and ?Nd < 0) signature, which possibly generated around 220–200 Ma by partial melting of an upper mantle. We further conclude that they are fragments of refractory material from the lower crust caught up as xenoblocks by granitic magmas, the latter having been generated by partial melting of granulitic lower crustal material around 100 Ma.  相似文献   

Abstract K–Ar age determinations were carried out on phengite separates from pelitic schists collected systematically from the Sanbagawa southern marginal belt and the associated area. The petrography and phengite chemistry by electron probe micro-analyzer (EPMA) revealed the existence of detrital white micas in the schist that have an extremely older age (108 Ma) in comparison with the neighboring schists (88 Ma) without any detrital mica. The ages become gradually older from the north ( ca 78 Ma) to the south ( ca 90 Ma) except for some samples that contain detrital micas and/or have been reactivated thermally by intrusives. The age is interpreted as an exhumation-cooling age that has been controlled by the ductile deformation of the host rocks that have never experienced a culmination temperature higher than 350°C which corresponds to the closure temperature of the K–Ar phengite system. The southward aging of the recorded ages in the extensive chlorite zone of the central Shikoku, from the Dozan river area of the north ( ca 65 Ma) to the study area of the south ( ca 85 Ma) through the Asemi river area ( ca 75 Ma), is explained in terms of increasing exhumation/cooling rates of the host rocks from north to south. The phengite K–Ar ages in the pelitic schists from the Kyomizu tectonic zone, which is classically considered as a remarkable thrusting shear zone, have no significant difference in comparison with that of the neighboring schists. This fact suggests that the latest stage of brittle deformation during exhumation/uplift has not significantly affected the ages of phengite in the schists.  相似文献   

We propose that competent layers composed of silicified rocks in the Cretaceous Ryoke low-pressure/temperature (low- P/T ) metamorphic belt in the Iwakuni–Yanai area, Southwest Japan, may be an exhumed equivalent of a seismically-reflective bright-layer in the middle crust. Silicified rocks crop out as layers or long lenticular bodies several to fifteen meters in thickness, and they are restricted to the area of greenschist facies conditions within a structural thickness of about one kilometer. The silicified rock layers exhibit a sharp contact with subjacent biotite schist but a gradational contact with overlying pelitic schist. Silicified rock is mainly composed of fine-grained quartz and minor muscovite and biotite, and some colored minerals have been variably decolorized by alteration. This implies that silicification turned the color of pelitic schists to pale gray or milky white. Quartz veins cutting schistosity at high angles were preferentially developed in the silicified rocks, while schistosity-parallel quartz veins, which underwent viscous flow, were observed in the underlying biotite schists. En echelon quartz veins and fishnet-like quartz veins are characteristic of silicified rocks. The modes of occurrence of quartz veins indicate that silicified rocks were competent relative to underlying biotite schist. The combination of contact with high-competence contrast adjacent to low-permeability silicified rocks may be a good reflector of seismic waves. If the silicified rocks were distributed in the middle crust to a considerable extent, they may result in seismic bright-layer reflections.  相似文献   

Flow by flow mapping of the 65-km-long anbaerial part of the southwest rift zone and adjacent flanks of Mauna Loa Volcano, Hawaii, and about 50 new14C dates on charcoal from beneath these flows permit estimates of rates of lava accumulation and volcanic growth over the past 10,000 years. The sequence of historic eraptions along the southwest rift zone, beginning in 1868, shows a general pattern of uprift migration and increasing eruptive volume, culminating in the great 1950 eruption. No event comparable to 1950, in terms of volume or vent length, is evident for at least the previous 1,000 years. Rates of lava accumulation during the historic period were several times higher than the average rate for the preceding few thousand years along the southwest rift zone and adjacent flanks. Rates of lava accumulation along the zone have been subequal to those of Kilauea Volcano during the historic period but they were much lower in late prehistoric time (anpubl. Kilauea data byR.T. Holcomb). Thus, only about 30% of the surface of the southwest side of Mauna Loa has been covered by lava during the last 1,000 years, as contrasted with about 90% of the subaerial surface of Kilauea. Rates of surface covering and volcanic growth have been markedly asymmetric along Mauna Loa’s southwest rift zone. Accumulation rates have been about half again as great on the northwest side of the rift zone in comparison with the southeast side. The difference apparently reflects a westward lateral shift of the rift zone of Mauna Loa away from Kilauea Volcano, which may have acted as a barrier to symmetrical growth of the rift zone.  相似文献   

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