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Eleven samples of Skye granites, two samples of Torridonian sandstone and one sample of Lewisian gneiss have been analysed for ten rare earth elements (REE) by neutron activation analysis. The granites are representative of the main granite centres and compositional types. All granites have sub-parallel light-REE-enriched patterns with chondrite-normalised Ce(CeN) = 78–263,YbN = 16–60and CeN/YbN = 2.9–8.0. REE patterns for the Lewisian gneiss and Torridonian sandstone are similar to each other, withCeN = 32–61,YbN = 3–5and CeN/YbN = 8–18. These two rock types as well as the Glamaig granite have negligible Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* > 0.9), and the other granites have Eu/Eu* in the range 0.83-0.34. The REE evidence suggests that Lewisian gneiss or Torridonian sandstone arenot suitable materials from which the granites could be derived by partial melting. The Western Red Hills granite intrusions show a systematic relation of REE content with Eu/Eu*. We suggest that the Glamaig granite is the most primitive, and was derived from a source with no Eu anomaly by fractional crystallization of a more basic magma. The later Western Red Hills granites might then have resulted from further fractional crystallization of magma with a composition like that of the Glamaig granite. The Coire Uaigneich and Eastern Red Hills granites may also be products of fractional crystallization, but from different magmas to those parental to the Western Red Hills granites. The basaltic parent magmas of the Skye granites may be “continental” tholeiites derived by interaction of basalt magma with Lewisian gneiss.  相似文献   

Thermal demagnetization studies of lavas in the Strathmore area of the Midland Valley, Scotland, support overall palaeomagnetic data found in previous studies of these rocks. Reduced directional scatter as compared to some earlier studies, is attributed to more effective demagnetization, resolving some of the directional complexity of previous studies. Combined magnetic fabric and directional analysis suggest that at least some deviating directions may be explained by local tectonism. The existence of almost antiparallel directional groups and field tests give supporting evidence for a “primary” (deuteric) origin of the main magnetization of these rocks. Additionally, a second remanence component having shallow reverse directions of magnetization, is attributed to later remagnetization in Old Red Sandstone time. The Midland Valley results are seen in conjunction with other Palaeozoic palaeomagnetic results and possible geodynamic implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Palaeomagnetic results from the Peterhead granite (Silurian), NE Grampian Highlands, define a characteristic magnetization with overall parameters of Dec: 180.4°, Inc: 22.3° and a95: 5.2°. These results agree with other “Newer Granite” data from North Scotland. An east-west trending dyke cutting the Peterhead granite shows an extremely well-defined paleomagnetic direction with Dec: 192.5°, Inc: ?19.1° and a95: 1.3°, suggesting a Permo-Carboniferous age. The Peterhead Granite results are seen in conjunction with other Palaeozoic palaeomagnetic data from Scotland. It is concluded that the observed directional spread of characteristic remanence directions previously reported from the Aberdeenshire Gabbros are not related to slow post-orogenic cooling (Watts and Briden), but is rather seen as the result of late Caledonian magnetic overprinting.  相似文献   

The West Pacific Seamount Province (WPSP) represents a series of short-lived Cretaceous hotspot tracks. However, no intraplate volcanoes in advance of petit-spot volcanism erupted near a trench have been identified after the formation of the WPSP on the western Pacific Plate. This study reports new ages for Paleogene volcanic edifices within the northern WPSP, specifically the Ogasawara Plateau and related ridges, and Minamitorishima Island. These Paleogene ages are the first reported for basaltic rocks on western Pacific seamounts, in an area that has previously only yielded Cretaceous ages. The newly found Paleogene volcanisms overprint the Early–middle Cretaceous volcanic edifices, because the seamount or paleo-island material-covered reefal limestone caps on these edifices are uniformly older than the Paleogene volcanism identified in this study. This study outlines several possible causative factors for the Paleogene volcanism overprinting onto existing Cretaceous seamounts, including volcanism related to lithospheric stress, or a younger hotspot track within the northern part of the WPSP that records magmatism from ~60 Ma.  相似文献   

The Sulitjelma Gabbro situated at 67.2°N, 15.4°E was intruded close to the Late Ordovician climax of regional metamorphism in the northern Scandinavian Caledonides. Magnetic properties have been examined from samples collected at seven localities in the south western part of this body. Total NRM directions show a tendency to be aligned near the present earth's magnetic field direction in this region. Stability to a.f. demagnetisation is low and commensurate with low Koenigsberger ratios (0.001–0.16) and the presence of unoxidised magnetite as the principal remanence carrier. After cleaning the site mean directions no longer show an alignment near the present earth's field and of six statistically significant sites three are approximately reversed with respect to remainder. The combined mean direction after cleaning isD = 195°,I = 15° (precision parameterk = 6) and the derived virtual geomagnetic pole is at 0°E, 14°S (α95 = 23°). This pole is close to poles of comparable age from the British Isles and suggests that Britain and Norway were part of the same crustal plate in Ordovician times. Discrepancies between Siluro-Devonian results from the two regions may be due to inadequate age coverage of present results.  相似文献   

Summary Six Younger Granite localities showing normal and reverse magnetizations in equal proportion have given a Jurassic palaeomagnetic pole position =62.5°N, =241.6°E; (Fisher's precision parameter (k)=27.8 and 95=13°). Individual palaeopole-positions have also been obtained for a Cretaceous pyroclastic rock and for two Pleistocene basalt flows.  相似文献   

Of 16 sites collected in the Taru grits (Permian) and Maji ya Chumvi beds (Permo-Triassic) of East Africa only 6 sites from the Maji ya Chumvi sediments gave meaningful palaeomagnetic results. After thermal cleaning the 6 sites (32 samples) give an Early Triassic pole at 67°N, 269°E with A95 = 17° in excellent agreement with other African Mesozoic poles. There are now 26 Mesozoic palaeomagnetic poles for Africa from widely diverse localities ranging in present latitude from 35°N to 30°S. The poles subdivide into Triassic (17 poles) and Cretaceous (9 poles) groups whose means are not significantly different. The palaeomagnetic pole for Africa thus remained in much the same position for 170 m.y. from Early Triassic to Late Cretaceous. The data form an especially good set for estimating the palaeoradius using Ward's method. Values of 1.08 ± 0.15 and 1.03 ± 0.19 times the present radius are deduced for the Triassic and Cretaceous respectively with a mean value of 1.08 ± 0.13 for all the Mesozoic data combined. The analysis demonstrates that hypotheses of earth expansion are very unattractive.  相似文献   

Layered ultramafic-gabbro bodies occur widely in the Archaean of northwest Scotland. They were metamorphosed at granulite or high amphibolite facies and were tectonically thinned and broken up during deformation. They comprise repeated ultramafic-gabbro layers, locally with Ni-poor sulphide-rich tops, each rhythmic unit showing decreasing MgO, Ni and normative anorthite with stratigraphic height. Major, trace and rare earth element data are presented for the range of rock types. In ultramafic rocks, MgO varies from 22 to 37 wt.%, Ni from 1000 to 2500 ppm and TiO2 from 0.08 to 0.40 wt.%, while the MgO content of the gabbros ranges from 14 to 6 wt.%. The REE patterns are flat to LREE enriched with no significant Eu anomalies. In ultramafic rocks REE are from 4 to 10 times chondrite, and in the gabbros LREE range from 8 to 30 times chondrite and HREE from 6 to 15 times chondrite. Study of incompatible elements (Ti, Zr, Y) which are relatively immobile during metamorphism shows that neither garnet nor hornblende were involved in fractionation. Trace element modelling shows it is improbable that the ultramafic rocks represent primary MgO-rich liquids even though their incompatible element contents are quite high. The chemical trends are interpreted in terms of olivine and pyroxene settling from a tholeiitic high-Mg magma with 15–20 wt.% MgO derived by 30–40% partial melting of an undepleted mantle. The ultramafic rocks are the cumulates and the gabbros the derived liquids.  相似文献   

Palaeomagnetic study of Middle Liassic siltstones shows a stable magnetization with a mean direction of D = 12.3°, I = 64.6° (N = 60, k = 26, α95 = 3.9°) corresponding to a palaeomagnetic pole at 79.8°N, 125.6°E, similar to that for southern Germany and confirming predictions based on palaeogeographic reconstructions using North American data. Sideritic concretions of Lower Liassic age show a higher magnetic stability with a mean direction of D = 12.6°, I = 61.4° (N = 125, k = 50, α95 = 1.8°) which is not significantly different from the siltstones. This confirms the sedimentological evidence that suggests that such concretions grew very shortly after deposition, i.e. within the Liassic, and suggests that similar concretions of other ages could thus be used for palaeomagnetic studies. Although the Liassic palaeomagnetic pole (76.9°N, 134.7°E), based on this work, appears valid it is still not possible to evaluate a sensible Mesozoic polar wandering curve for the North Atlantic bordering continents.  相似文献   

A preliminary collection of 43 palaeomagnetic samples (10 sites) from the miogeosynclinal and supposedly autochthonous Umbrian sequence in the Northern Apennines, Italy, was analysed by means of alternating magnetic fields and thermal demagnetization studies. The older group of samples, taken from the upper part of the Calcari Diasprini (Malm), the Fucoid Marls (Albian/Cenomanian) and from the basal part of the Scaglia Bianca (Early Late Cretaceous), all showed normal polarity directions and resulted in a mean site direction:D = 290.5°,I = +51.5°,α95 = 11°,k = 74,N = 4.The younger group of samples, taken throughout the Scaglia Rossa sequence (Latest Cretaceous/Middle Eocene) showed normal and reversed polarity directions. In contrast to the older group, the magnetic analysis of these samples resulted in a considerably less dense grouping of site mean directions. This presumably is due to inaccuracies introduced with the very large bedding tilt corrections that had to be applied to the samples of some sites. A tentative mean site direction for these Scaglia Rossa samples was computed as:D = 351°,I = +52.5°,α95 = 23.5°,k = 11.5,N = 5.Despite the low precision of the Scaglia Rossa result, the significant deviation between this Latest Cretaceous/Early Tertiary direction and the Late Jurassic/Early Late Cretaceous direction indicates a counterclockwise rotation of more than forty degrees. This rotation can be dated as Late Cretaceous.How far these data from the Northern Apennines apply to other parts of the Italian Peninsula has yet to be established. The timing of this rotation is not at variance with the data from other parts of Mediterranean Europe (Southern Alps, Iberian Peninsula) and from Africa. However, taking into account the preliminary nature of the results, the amount of rotation of the Northern Apennines seems to surpass the rotation angle which is deduced from the palaeomagnetic data for Africa.  相似文献   

Summary The paper is devoted to a critical evaluation of the hypothesis of the prevalent character of the palaeomagnetic field in the course of the whole Phanerozoic. The study ties in with the synthetic processing of all so far published palaeomagnetic data for Eurasia and Africa respecting some of the models ensuing from the concept of plate tectonics. Initial material for testing the dipolar hypothesis was obtained by statistical processing of the palaeomagnetic pole positions and by analyzing the values of the so-called palaeorotation, the palaeoinclination difference and of palaeodivergence. It was shown that, by defining tectonically stable blocks (plates, palaeoplates) within the scope of the Eurasian continent and within the scope of the African continent as a whole, data were obtained bringing evidence of the predominating dipolar character of the mean geomagnetic field for the period from the Quaternary to the Cambrian, with the exception of the Silurian which has not been studied sufficiently. The deviations of the palaeomagnetic directions from the direction of the dipolar field within the scope of the stable blocks have the character of a Gaussian distribution and the standard deviations only amount to a few degrees.  相似文献   


We investigated the isotopic composition of the Urumqi River and documented seasonal variability attributable to the mixing of various flow sources. Next, we applied these isotopic signals to partition the sources and studied their temporal variability in summer. The isotope hydrology separation results indicated that groundwater is the dominant streamflow source (approximately 62.7%) in the Urumqi River. Precipitation is an important source for the Urumqi River; approximately 19.1–20.7% of the runoff came from precipitation during summer and early autumn. In summer, approximately 21.1% of the runoff is derived from glacial meltwater. In summer, with the increasing distance to the glacier front, groundwater accounts for a larger and larger percentage of the river water, and the contributions of precipitation and glacial meltwater gradually diminish. Throughout 2012, the proportions of precipitation and glacial meltwater in the streamflow were 17.6% and 14.7%, respectively, and only 5% of the streamflow was derived from snowmelt.
Editor Z. W. Kundzewicz; Associate editor not assigned  相似文献   

Summary In order to obtain basic palaeomagnetic data on Upper Carboniferous, Permian and Triassic sediments collected from the NW Bulgaria, laboratory stability tests were extended from A.C. and thermal treatments to studies of mineral phase changes and to investigations of changes of magnetic anisotropy during laboratory procedures. Laboratory criteria were found which permitted to distinguish samples suitable for palaeomagnetic analyses from those representing rocks totally or almost totally chemically reworked during their history. Palaeomagnetic directions and pole positions derived from Stephanian, Lower Permian and Triassic rocks from the southern margin of the Moesian Platform are compatible with the values obtained for the tectonically stable North-European Platform.  相似文献   

Palaeomagnetic data are presented from the southern Volodarsk-Volynsky Massif (VVM) of the Korosten Pluton, the Ukrainian Shield. Laboratory experiments (AF and thermal demagnetization, IRM acquisition, thermal separation), field tests (consistency and secular variation methods) and optical observations indicate that single domain and nearly single domain magnetite is the dominant carrier of a primary TRM in the anorthosites. Palaeomagnetic poles from the three sampling sites (Golovino and Turchinka quarries) are indistinguishable at the 95% confidence level and have been combined to yield a mean pole at Plat = 30 °N, Plon = 178 °E, a95 = 3.4 °.In the large slow cooling Korosten Pluton the U-Pb zircon/baddeleyite (Uzb) technique gives an age for the anorthosites, which are not equivalent to the time of magnetic blocking. Based on integrated analysis of geochronologic information and blocking-temperature data for magnetic minerals proposed by Briden et al. (1993), a first attempt has been undertaken to estimate the palaeomagnetic pole age from the Mesoproterozoic anorthosites. The Korosten Pluton has cooled from 850 °C (the closure temperature of U-Pb systematics in zircon/baddeleyite) to 350 °C (the closure temperature of K-Ar systematics in biotite) during 150 Ma after the emplacement of the anorthosites. Assuming a uniform cooling of the intrusion yields a rate of 3.3 °C/Ma. The cooling rate for the granites is 3.1 °C/Ma. The mafic and acid rocks have an average rate of 3.2 °C/Ma. Using the cooling gradient for the VVM (3.2 °C/Ma) and the mean natural blocking temperature of magnetite (520 °C) can be determined a remanence age. The estimate for TRM acquisition is 1656 ± 10.0 Ma.The magnetic pole for the VVM is in good agreement with the mean pole from the Baltic quartz porphyry dykes with an age of 1630 – 1648 Ma. The VVM pole is best dated and requires a revision of the latest paleogeographic reconstructions for the Fennoscandian and Ukrainian Shields at 1770 and 1650 Ma. (Pesonen et al., 2003).  相似文献   

Thermal demagnetization results (316 samples) are presented for the Tertiary succession of the Riasi thrust sheet (Jammu foothills, northwestern Himalaya). Primary and secondary magnetization directions of Murree Group red beds (Miocene to Upper Eocene) sampled northeast of Jammu indicate, for this part of the Riasi thrust sheet, a clockwise rotation over about 45° with respect to the Indian shield since Late Eocene/Early Miocene time. This accords with clockwise rotations of similar magnitude observed in the Panjal Nappe and the Krol Belt, and is interpreted as representative for the northwestern Himalaya. Results from the western part of the Kalakot inlier, sampled northwest of Jammu, i.e. basal Murree claystone (Middle Eocene) and carbonate from the Subathu Group (lower Middle to Lower Eocene), indicate an aberrant 20–25° counterclockwise rotation which is of local importance only. Available observations on rotation of Himalayan thrust sheets with respect to the Indian shield, indicate that the Himalayan Arc has formed through oroclinal bending. This supports Powell and Conaghan's and Veevers et al.'s model of Greater India with large-scale intracontinental underthrusting along the Main Central Thrust beneath the Tibetan Plateau. Minimal magnitudes of underthrusting of 550 km in the Krol Belt and 650 km in the Thakkhola region are concluded. Palaeolatitude observations (herein and in [1[) agree with absolute positioning of the Indian plate based on India-Africa relative movement data fixed to a hotspot frame in the Atlantic Ocean, and with palaeolatitude observations from DSDP cores on the Indian plate. Collision-related secondary magnetic components observed both to the north and to the south of the Indus-Tsangpo Suture zone show palaeolatitudes between the equator and 7°N. Comparison of both datasets indicates that initial contact between Greater India and south-central Asia had been established in the Hindu Kush—Karakorum region by about 60 Ma ago whereas eastwards progressive suturing had advanced to the Lhasa Block segment of the Indus-Tsangpo Suture zone before 50 Ma ago.  相似文献   

Analytical models of the palaeomagnetic field have been constructed for a number of geological periods (Quaternary Neogene, Jurassic, Triassic, Permian and Permo-Carboniferous) by spherical harmonic analysis using the present-day world map as a basis and (for the earlier periods) using also a palaeogeographic reconstruction. The use of the palaeogeographic chart for the earlier periods simplifies the models, and its use appears to be valid. The low accuracy, small number and uneven distribution of palaeomagnetic data severely limit the conclusions which can be drawn from the analyses. Nevertheless the results for all periods indicate that throughout the past 300 million years the geomagnetic field has maintained its global structure, and has remained similar to the field of a dipole slightly shifted from the Earth's centre. It appears that there have not been any persistent systematic anomalies or variations in the Earth's magnetic field throughout that time, but rather that the field has been oscillating around a mean level not greatly different from that of the present epoch.  相似文献   

Results are reported from palaeomagnetic samples collected in two traverses across the coast-parallel dyke swarm of southern Greenland. This swarm probably resulted as the consequence of initial rifting between Greenland and Labrador, and a reversal of magnetisation has been found which is correlated on the basis of KAr age determinations (~168 m.y.) with the Mateke event of the Middle Jurassic (Bajocian). All of fifteen sites show significant grouping of directions after a.f. cleaning; three have anomalous directions of magnetisation while the remainder (nine normal, three reversed) give a combined mean direction of D = 336°, I = 66° (α95 = 4.6°) with a palaeomagnetic pole at 191°E, 72°N. The dykes exhibit the same corelation between polarity and deuteric oxidation state as that found in Tertiary volcanics. There is a systematic change in magnetisation across the dyke swarm in south Greenland from normal to anomalous to reversed directions; this is interpreted as due to lateral migration of the response to the regional stress field with time. The pole position lies in the vicinity of Jurassic poles from North America after closing the Labrador Sea according to the reconstruction of Bullard, Everett and Smith, but the scatter of these latter poles precludes a confirmation of this reconstruction for Middle Jurassic and earlier times.  相似文献   


The drawdown of Crombie Reservoir in November 2001 afforded the opportunity to examine the exposed sediments trapped since impoundment in 1868. Direct measurements of infill depth enabled an isopachyte map to be produced. Gravimetric conversion using measured bulk densities and a trap efficiency term indicated a long-term catchment sediment yield of 59.1 t km?2 year?1. Core stratigraphy analysis indicated that sediments were dark brown/black cohesive silty-muds with multiple sandy sub-units, representing a combination of discrete flood events and previous drawdown surfaces. Dating, constrained by mineral magnetic and 137Cs analysis, indicated that sedimentation rates have varied from 0.2 to 0.8 g cm?2 year?1, corresponding to a four-fold variation in catchment sediment yield (approximately 20–93 t km?2 year?1), most likely controlled by extensive conversion of moorland to woodland, and post-World War II agricultural expansion. The Crombie investigation is combined with other reservoir sedimentation surveys within the Midland Valley of Scotland. Area-specific sediment yields (t km?2 year?1) evidence a weak, though statistically significant (p > 0.05), positive correlation with catchment area (km2). The increase in area-specific yield with catchment area contradicts the decline, which is generally expected, and is taken to reflect the significance of channel erosion within water supply basins featuring mainly natural and semi-natural vegetation cover and low-intensity land management practices. With stable slopes channel erosion dominates and area-specific sediment yield increases downstream due to greater entrainment and transport potential. The high degree of scatter in the Midland Valley database reflects significant variations in the extent of land-use change and the local importance of agricultural improvements and afforestation practices.  相似文献   

Directional samples were taken to study rock magnetism and palaeomagnetic records from the Dong- sheng profile, which is 5 m thick and on the northwest edge of the Bose Basin. Mineralogy and rock magnetism of typical samples indicate that coarse granular titanomagnetite, and fine-grained hematite, superparamagnetic maghemite formed by pedogenesis are in the sediment, which has undergone many transformative processes during different stages of pedogenesis. Parallel samples were taken for thermal demagnetization (TH) (0 to 680℃) and alternating field (AF) demagnetization (0 to 80 mT) respectively. Experimental results of these two kinds of demagnetization illustrate that there are two or more magnetic components in the samples. Intensity of NRM decreases by almost 60% to 90% rapidly when the temperature ranges from 100℃ to 350℃, with a steady magnetic component. It is impossible to analyze the magnetic components at high temperature because those fluctuate widely when the temperature is higher than 400℃. Steady magnetic components from 100℃ to 350℃ indicate that the remanence was mainly carried by fine-grained hematite formed by pedogenesis, reflecting a change in the geomagnetic field while the magnetite was being oxidized into hematite by chemical weathering after deposition. The formative age of the sediments cannot be obtained by magnetic methods in this profile.  相似文献   

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