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The measurement of the oxygen isotopic composition of the sulfate separated from fossil shells supplies no reliable information on the isotopic values of dissolved ocean water sulfate in the past. The results obtained suggest that fossils behave as open systems from the point of view of the possible influence of post-depostional processes on the isotopic composition of shell sulfate.  相似文献   

18O/16O ratios have been measured for Luna 20 and Apollo 15 fines and Apollo 15 rocks.Isotopic composition and fractionation between minerals are compared with previous results.Partial fluorination experiments on Luna 20 soil and Apollo 15021 extreme fines show large18O enrichments in grain surfaces. These results are discussed.  相似文献   

The cherts formed from sodium silicate precursors in East African saline, alkaline lakes have δ18O values ranging from 31.1 to 44.1. The δ18O values correlate in general with lake salinities as inferred from geologic evidence, indicating that most chert was formed from its precursor in contact with lake water trapped at the time of deposition. A few of the analyzed cherts probably formed in contact with dilute meteoric water. From the widely varying δ18O values we conclude that precursors were transformed to chert in fluids of widely varying salinity and aNa+/aH+ ratio.  相似文献   

A yearly cycle of carbon and oxygen isotope composition of shells of the Israeli land snailXeropicta vestalis is presented. The18O/16O values indicate that the snails use water from the land-air boundary zone. The18O/16O ratio of the shells is in isotopic equilibrium with the water condensate from the vapour during the winter months. During the summer months a contribution to the above water from soil water migrating upwards due to evaporation is noticeable. The δ13C values indicate that as in marine molluscs, the carbon isotopic composition in land snails is controlled mainly by the aqueous carbonate compound which is in equilibrium with the land-air boundary CO2.  相似文献   

Examples of positive correlations between initial 87Sr/86Sr and δ18O have now been shown to be very common in igneous rock series. These data in general require some type of mixing of mantle-derived igneous rocks with high-18O, high-87Sr crustal metamorphic rocks that once resided on or near the Earth's surface, such as sedimentary rocks or hydrothermally altered volcanic rocks. Mixing that involves assimilation of country rocks by magmas, however, is not a simple two-end-member process; heat balance requires appreciable crystallization of cumulates. In such cases, the isotopic compositions may strongly reflect this open-system behavior and indicate the process of assimilation, whereas the major element chemical compositions of the contaminated magmas will be largely controlled by crystal-melt equilibria and crystallization paths fixed by multicomponent cotectics. A variety of oxygen and strontium isotope “mixing” curves were therefore calculated for this process of combined assimilation-fractional crystallization. The positions and characteristics of the resultant curves on δ18O-87Sr/86Sr diagrams markedly diverge from simple two end-member mixing relationships. Based on the above, model calculations can be crudely fitted to two igneous rock suites (Adamello and Roccamonfina in Italy), but the shapes of the calculated curves appear to rule out magmatic assimilation as an explanation for most δ18O-87Sr/86Sr correlations discovered so far, including all of those involving calc-alkaline granitic batholiths and andesitic volcanic rocks. The isotopic relationships in such magma types must be inherited from their source regions, presumably reflecting patterns that existed in the parent rocks (or magmas) prior to or during melting.  相似文献   

Initial magnetic susceptibility (generally indicative of magnetite content) has been determined for 445 samples from 17 granites located in the southern Appalachian Piedmont of Georgia and South Carolina. These values have been correlated with whole rock δ18O data from the same plutons, yielding a pronounced inverse relationship. It has previously been shown for the southern Piedmont that low oxygen isotopic (18O-enriched) values usually occur in S-type granites (Wenner [1], this issue). It follows, then, that I-type granites are characterized by high susceptibilities (χ > 1 × 10?4 G/Oe), and S-type granites by low susceptibilities (χ < 1 × 10?4 G/Oe). An interesting result of this work has been the observation that some S-type granites exhibit good within-site clusters of remanent magnetic directions while I-type granites generally do not.  相似文献   

Carbon and oxygen isotope analyses on shells of freshwater molluscs and their habitat are presented. The data obtained reconfirm the usefulness of such 18O analyses for paleoenvironmental and paleohydrological studies.The 13C analyses on freshwater molluscs from lakes in southwestern Ontario, specimens grown under laboratory conditions and a comparison with the 13C contents of the dissolved inorganic carbon in their habitat show that the 13C contents in mollusc shells are primarily controlled by the aqueous carbonate species. Vital effects and food control appear to have only minor importance. The significance of this observation on the usufulness of mollusc shells for 14C dating is discussed.  相似文献   

Variation of precipitation δ18O in Langtang Valley Himalayas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The variation of the δ18O in precipitation and the relationship with precipitation amount at Kyangjin Base House and Yala Glacier Camp in Langtang Valley, Nepal Himalayas were analyzed. The variations of the δ18O with precipitation had great scatter, and the correlations between the δ18O and precipitation changed with time on the synoptic scale. On the seasonal scale, there was marked amount effect at Kyangjin Base House. However, the δ18O-precipitation gradient was smaller than that on the synoptic scale. Because of the maintenance of the basic equilibrium between stable isotopic compositions in atmospheric vapor and precipitation, the evaporation enrichment was light during the rainy season. Therefore, the variation of stable isotopic compositions in precipitation was independent on the sampling intervals. Simulations show that the rainfall in Langtang Valley was not the outcome of the initial condensation of ocean vapor that originated from low latitudes. The stable isotopic compositions in precipitation were greatly depleted due to the strong rainout of the vapor from oceans as the vapor was raised over the Himalayas.  相似文献   

The local meteoric water line (MWL) has been established from north to south of the Tibetan Plateau based on the measured results of δD and δ18O in precipitation and river water, and the relationship between MWL and moisture origins discussed. The spatial and seasonal variations ofd in precipitation and river water on the Tibetan Plateau have been studied. Results show that the spatial and seasonal variations ofd between north and south of the Tanggula Mountains are related to different moisture origins and water recycling.  相似文献   

A method has been developed for the analysis of D/H ratios of non-exchangeable hydrogen in plant cellulose. Plant samples are nitrated at low temperature and pure cellulose nitrate is extracted by acetone dissolution. Tests of this nitrated product have demonstrated that the nitration-extraction procedure eliminates the OH hydrogen and does not alter the D/H ratio of the cellulose carbon-bound hydrogen. Significant differences exist between δD values of plant total hydrogen and δD values of cellulose nitrate hydrogen. This difference is due to the effect of chemical heterogeneity of the δD value of plant material. Plant-extracted cellulose nitrate D/H ratios are systematically related to the D/H ratios of the associated environmental water. The overall relationship is linear with slope of one and intercept of ?22%. Five aquatic plants which grew at 16–17°C are related isotopically to the water by a linear curve with a slope of 1 and intercept of ?36%. Three plants which grew at 28–29°C have an intercept of ?11%. The general dependence of plant cellulose non-exchangeable hydrogen D/H ratios on the D/H ratios of the associated environmental water suggests that variations of the extracted cellulose nitrate δD values of plants can be used as indicators of climatic change.  相似文献   

87Sr/86Sr ratios of three hydrothermal waters collected on the East Pacific Rise at 21°N define a mixing line between seawater and a hydrothermal end-member at 0.7030 which is derived by seawater-basalt interaction at ca. 350°C and water/rock ratio of about 1.5. Sr concentrations are not affected in the process while Mg uptake from seawater is almost complete. Up to2/3 of this hydrothermal component is involved in anhydrite precipitation while the Sr isotopic ratio in sulfides (chalcopyrite + sphalerite) cannot be distinguished from that of sulfate. It is estimated that ca. 1 × 1010 moles of strontium are yearly cycled in the hydrothermal systems of mid-oceanic ridges, thereby affecting the87Sr/86Sr budget of seawater. Mass balance between river runoff, limestone precipitation and ridge basalt alteration suggests that the87Sr/86Sr ratios of the river runoff are in the range 0.7097–0.7113, and are largely dominated by limestone alteration.  相似文献   

Oceanic87Sr/86Sr ratios during Jurassic to Pleistocene have been determined by analysing fresh waters from marine limestone and dolomite aquifers. The results are in good agreement with published data from well preserved fossil material. The87Sr/86Sr ratios obtained are 0.7070 for Lower to Middle Jurassic, 0.7075 for Late Cretaceous, 0.7080 for Lower to Middle Eocene and 0.7087 for Pleistocene aquifer waters. The value of87Sr/86Sr for the Eimer and Amend isotopic standard was 0.7082.  相似文献   

Vertical depth profiles of pore water isotopes (δD and δ18O) in clay-rich aquitards have been used to show that solute transport is dominated by molecular diffusion, to define the timing of geologic events, and to estimate vertical hydraulic conductivity. The interpretation of the isotopic profiles in these studies was based on pore water samples collected from piezometers installed in nests (typically 4 to 15 piezometers) over depths of 10 to 80 m. Data from piezometer nests generally have poor vertical resolution (meters), raising questions about their capacity to reveal the impact of finer scale heterogeneities such as permeable sand bodies or fractured till zones on solute transport. Here, we used high-resolution (30-cm) depth profiles of δD and δ18O from two continuously cored boreholes in a till aquitard to provide new insights into the effects of sand bodies on solute transport. High-resolution core-derived profiles indicate that such heterogeneities can cause major deviations from one-dimensional diffusion profiles. Further, comparison of piezometer-measured values with best-fit diffusion trends shows subtle deviations, suggesting the presence of heterogeneities that should not be ignored. High-resolution profiles also more clearly defined the contact between the highly fractured oxidized zone and the underlying unoxidized zone than the piezometers.  相似文献   

Cellulose nitrate prepared by different methods was subjected to elemental, isotopic, and spectroscopic analysis. Cellulose nitrate prepared by nitration of wood powder was contaminated, most likely by nitrated lignin. Cellulose nitrate prepared by nitration of wood cellulose did not contain this component, and thus provides a more accurate measure of the D/H ratios of non-exchangeable hydrogen of cellulose. However, cellulose nitrate prepared directly from cellulose contained trace amounts of hemicellulose nitrates and was not completely nitrated. These conditions will not cause significant errors in the D/H ratios measured for most samples. Analysis of aliquots of the same samples nitrated by the two methods suggests that published δD values of cellulose nitrate from wood may be in error by 6–8‰ in many cases and occasionally by as much as 15‰.  相似文献   

δ13C values are presented for cellulose samples prepared from two dendrochronologically dated Pinus longaeva (bristlecone pine) trees which grew during the last 1000 years. δ13C variations for these lower forest border trees are similar to upper tree line ring-width variations for the same species and English high summer temperature variations for the same time period. However, the δ13C variations appear to be unrelated to lower forest border ring-width variations and cellulose δ D variations for the same specimens.  相似文献   

On the basis of a dynamic model of a continuous Pb isotope evolution, the variations in the isotopic ratios of uranogenic and thorogenic Pb in a number of young ore deposits, ocean sediments and volcanic rocks from mid-ocean ridges, oceanic islands, island arcs and continents are evaluated. The deviations in the Th/U ratio from its model values are calculated. A model parameterT which indicates a more ancient enrichment in U/Pb (crustal-type Pb sources) or younger enrichment in U/Pb (mantle-type Pb sources) is also calculated. The relative change in the Th/U ratio is close to 1 for mantle-type Pb sources (lowerT values) and decreases for crustal-type Pb sources (higherT values). An interpretation of these changes could be connected with the differences in the U and Th geochemical behaviours in metamorphic processes under the conditions of a deeper (mantle) or crustal source owing to the differences in their valence states. In some cases they have similar (U4+ and Th4+) migration abilities; in others (U6+ and Th4+), considerably different.  相似文献   

226Ra,210Pb and210Po were measured in oceanic profiles at two stations near the Bonin and Kurile trenches.210Po is depleted by 50% on average relative to210Pb in the surface water. In the deep water,210Pb is about 25% deficient relative to226Ra. Based on the deficiency,210Pb residence time with respect to removal by particulate matter was estimated to be less than 96 years in the deep water.210Pb deficiency in the bottom water was significantly greater than that of the adjacent deep water, indicating more effective removal near or at the bottom interface.210Pb,210Po and Th appear to have similar overall rate constants of particulate removal throughout the water column.  相似文献   

Two ocean profiles from the Peru Basin from regions with different surface productivities were analyzed for total210Pb and201Po to evaluate the influence of particulates in the water column on their distribution. Comparison with a published226Ra profile for the region was made. The profile closest to the coast, where upwelling and productivity are high, shows depletion of210Pb relative to226Ra at all depths, with particularly marked excursions from radioactive equilibrium at the surface and in the bottom water.210Po appears to be deficient relative to210Pb at depth as well. Mean residence times in the deep water, relative to particulate removal from the water column to the sediments, of about 100 years for210Pb and about two years for210Po are indicated. The profile northwest of the upwelling region shows the226Ra210Pb210Po system close to equilibrium at all depths to 1500 m (except for the effect of atmospheric210Pb input seen at the surface.  相似文献   

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