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The remanent magnetization of iron grains in lunar fines can be studied by allowing a sample of fines to acquire a depositional remanent magnetization (NRM) in the Thellier determination of an ancient lunar field intensity. Although a natural remanent magnetization (NRM) in the Thellier determination of an ancient lunar field intensity. Although a palaeointensity of ca. 1.0 Oe was determined by this method, several factors complicate the interpretation of the result. These include the origin and nature of the iron metal in lunar fines, and the time and acquisition process of its magnetization.  相似文献   

Mature surface fines have an equilibrium specific surface area of about 0.6 m2/g, the equivalent mean particle size being about 3 μm. The adsorption behavior of inert gases (reversible isotherms) indicates that the particles are also non-porous in the size range of pores 10–300Å. Apparently in mature soils there is a balance in the forces which cause fining, attrition, pore filling and growth of lunar dust grains. Immature, lightly irradiated soils usually have coarser grains which reduce in size as aging proceeds. The specific surface area, determined by nitrogen or krypton sorption at 77°K, is a valuable index of soil maturity.  相似文献   

Apollo 12 lunar fines sample 12070,403 was annealed at 1000°C and subsequently irradiated with a beam of 130 MeV Fe9+ ions. Adsorptions of nitrogen and water were measured before and after the irradiation. Prior to the irradiation, the fines were non-porous and water had no effect on the physical characteristics of the lunar fines. In contrast, after the irradiation, the interaction with water caused an increase in the specific surface area and created a pore system. These results are definitive evidence that the interaction of water with damage tracks is the prime factor involved in the alteration of lunar fines by adsorbed water.  相似文献   

A diffusion mechanism is proposed which takes into account phenomena observed in ion-implanted solids, in particular the precipitation of rare gas in the form of bubbles and their migration. The composition of rare gases in the bubbles is inferred from the calculated distribution of solar wind rare gas ions as a function of depth in the grains. These calculations are made for the location and average composition of Apollo 11 samples. It is shown by analogy with experimental observations in ion-implanted solids that the bubbles would migrate towards the surface and that the diffusion constant for this migration would be strongly depth dependent. Relative abundances of rare gas nuclides remaining behind due to the resultant degassing are estimated for one Apollo 11 soil sample and are compared with observed relative abundances for this sample. A qualitative explanation of some of the experimental observations of Ducati et al. on individual lunar grains is also offered.  相似文献   

在嫦娥一号探月工程中求定月球重力场   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
月球重力场制约着近月外空间物体的运动,同时环月飞行器的运动也反映了月球重力场的作用. 本文结合我国嫦娥一号探月工程,探讨了利用月球卫星的地面跟踪资料,求定月球重力场的基本理论和方法,分析了环月卫星的轨道高度、地面跟踪采样时间间隔和跟踪精度等对求定月球重力场的影响. 若单独利用我国嫦娥一号探月工程的地面跟踪数据,恢复30阶次左右的月球重力场模型是一个比较实际的目标. 地面跟踪最好能以75s的时间间隔进行采样,数据连续提供时间应不少于30个昼夜,月球卫星星下点的月面轨迹间距不大于110km.  相似文献   

A 250-μm fragment in the Luna 20 fines has a very fine-grained “igneous” texture and has the composition (wt.%): SiO2, 41.1; TiO2, 0.35; Al2O3, 27.2; Cr2O3, 0.14; FeO, 4.2; MnO, 0.06; MgO, 8.5; CaO, 17.8; Na2O, 0.05; and K2O < 0.02. It contains ~ 65% plagioclase An99–100, ~ 15% olivine Fo90, ~ 2% Mg-Al spinel and the remainder an unusual interstitial phase with composition SiO2, 34.8; TiO2, 1.78; Al2O3, 18.3; Cr2O3, 0.04; FeO, 14.1; MnO, 0.22; MgO, 5.0; CaO, 24.1; Na2O, 0.34; K2O < 0.02. This fragment probably represents a portion of a normal highland rock (anorthositic norite) which was heated to a very high temperature by impact, lost volatiles including SiO2, and then partially crystallized. The observed phases and their inferred crystallization sequence are consistent with experimental results in the system CaOMgOAl2O3SiO2 (Schairer and Yoder, 1969), assuming the unusual phase to be a residual glass. This type of internal fractionation, leading to silica depletion in the residuum, is different from that normally observed in lunar rocks and is attributed to slightly lower bulk SiO2 resulting from vapor fractionation due to impact (which also results in lower Na2O and other volatiles). Because differentiation of the type shown by this fragment is rare in lunar materials, we infer that such major-element vapor fractionation is uncommon on the surface of the moon. The experimental CaOMgOAl2O3SiO2 phase relations also have a bearing on the lunar model proposed by D.L. Anderson in 1973: his “refractory” original lunar composition would differentiate to produce silica deficient liquids, like the unusual phase in our fragment, rather than the normal lunar crustal rocks.  相似文献   

It is proved that if a spherical shell is magnetized in the direction of and proportional to a magnetic field of origin internal to the shell and the magnetizing field later disappears, no magnetic field exists external to the shell. Similarly if a spherical shell is magnetized parallel to and proportional to a magnetic field of external origin and this magnetizing field later disappears, the magnetic field internal to the shell is zero. These theorems are true only if these ideal conditions are met, but are applicable to the interpretation of the natural remanent magnetization of the lunar crust. It is shown that the present absence of a magnetic dipole field of the Moon supports the hypothesis that the magnetizing field was of internal origin but does not distinguish whether this was due to a dynamo in the lunar core or to a primaeval magnetization of its interior. Local magnetic fields around the Moon are interpreted as arising from the departure from sphericity of the shell and large craters.  相似文献   

Baron et al. [1] have recently published X-ray photoemission spectroscopy analyses of the surface composition of lunar regolith fines sample 10084 showing almost a factor of two higher Fe than we found. They suggest that this discrepancy is due either to the choice of element lines analyzed or to the data reduction procedure used. We document the fact that neither of these possible explanations is correct and provide further arguments in support of our value.  相似文献   

18O/16O ratios have been measured for Luna 20 and Apollo 15 fines and Apollo 15 rocks.Isotopic composition and fractionation between minerals are compared with previous results.Partial fluorination experiments on Luna 20 soil and Apollo 15021 extreme fines show large18O enrichments in grain surfaces. These results are discussed.  相似文献   

A fragment found in soil from the Apollo 12 site (12037, from the rim of Bench Crater) appears to be a unique type of chondrite, petrologically and chemically distinct from other chondrites and lunar rocks. Inclusions consisting of shocked pyroxene rimmed by euhedral troilite crystals are set in a black aphanitic matrix. Abundant magnetite in the matrix exhibits microscopic morphologies (framboids and plaquets) characteristic of C1 chondrites. The bulk composition of this sample has high Mg/Si and low Fe/Si relative to other chondrites, and P and S are strongly enriched. Most compositional differences between this meteorite and other chondrites may be explained by fractionation of Fe phases, such as magnetite and troilite. Low refractory element contents preclude mixing with lunar materials. This sample may be a surviving fragment of the meteoritic component present in the lunar regolith. Its characteristics suggest that ancient meteoritic debris sampled by the moon may be significantly different from that captured by the present-day earth.  相似文献   

Summary The article describes lunar daily magnetic variation inH, D andZ components of the earth's magnetic field at Istanbul. Maximum occurs at 10.03 l.hr. (lunar hour) in theH component, 3.38 l.hr. in theD and 2.15 l.hr. in theZ component, during the period 1949 to 1968. Also, the seasonal variation of the lunar magnetic variation has been determined and it is seen that the variation of the phase inD andZ are opposite from the phase of the lunar variation inH, and the amplitudes of the lunar variation inH, D andZ are greatest during the northern solstice.  相似文献   

A procedure is described for the determination of the “apparent crossover voltage”, i.e. the value of the primary (bombarding) electron energy at which an insulating sample surface changes the average sign of its charge. This apparent crossover point is characteristic of the secondary emission properties of insulating powders such as the lunar soil samples. We found that lunar core samples from well-defined, distinct soil layers differ significantly in their secondary emission properties. This observation supports the suggestion that soil layers were deposited by an electrostatic transport process.  相似文献   

A combination of orbital photographic, selenochemical and magnetic surveys may elucidate the mechanism by which the lunar surface became magnetized and possibly yield an estimate of the intensity of the ancient magnetizing field and its time variation. The determination of the size and shape of the magnetized regions requires the measurement of the altitude dependence of field, especially at low altitudes (< 100 km) and with a high enough sampling rate to resolve the profile at the edges of magnetized bodies. The planned Lunar Polar Orbiter may well provide the necessary data.  相似文献   

Summary The lunar semidiurnal variation of ionospheric absorption at Freiburg and of thef 0 F2 at, Genova, Freiburg and Léopoldville has been deduced. The results are compared with those obtained by other Authors. Magnetic dip, rather than geomagnetic latitude, is found to be a parameter controlling the morphology of the lunar semidiurnal variation of theF2 layer. Finally, a graphical representation of the amplitude of lunar semidiurnal variation off 0 F2 as function of the magnetic dip is also given.
Riassunto Viene determinata la variazione lunare semidiurna dell'assorbimento ionosferico per Friburgo e della frequenza critica dello stratoF2 per Genova, Friburgo, Léopoldville. I risultati sono confrontati con quelli ottenuti da altri Autori per varie stazioni situate in diverse parti del globo. In particolare si trova che la inclinazione magnetica, meglio della latitudine geomagnetica, è il parametro che regola la morfologia della variazione lunare inF2. Infine si dà una rappresentazione grafica dell'ampiezza della variazione lunare dellaf 0 F2 come funzione dell'inclinazione magnetica.

This research was supported by a grant from the Committee on Lunar Variation (IAGA). The paper has been presented at the XII-Assembly of the I.G.G.U. in Helsinki (July–August 1960).  相似文献   

The thermoluminescence (TL) of various plagioclase feldspars embedded in a thick target of 150 kg of artificial lunar soil was measured after a 600-MeV proton irradiation. No correlation was observed between the parameters of the characteristic feldspar glow peak and the anorthite contents. The relative TL sensitivities of the individual plagioclase variants were measured and found to be practically the same for60Co-γ- and 600-MeV proton-irradiated samples.The TL intensity distribution within the target arrangement, converted to a 2π isotropic p-influx, resulted in an approximate TL depth profile of a thermally undisturbed lunar soil bomarded by galactic cosmic protons. The undisturbed TL intensity at a depth of 28 g/cm2 (? 17 cm) decreased to 39% at a depth of 106 g/cm2 (? 60 cm). For the evaluation of the temperature gradients by TL in lunar samples the experimental data at the sites of Taurus-Littrow and of Hadley-Rille yielded minimum depth intervals for sampling of ~ 20 cm and ~ 40 cm respectively, presuming an error of ± 15% in the TL determination. Certain aspects are seen by using the relation TL intensity/22Na-activity ratio versus depth (thus representing the total ionization profile) to establish22Na depth profiles.  相似文献   

With a new era emerging in the field of lunar exploration and habitation, there is a need for research on structural forms made of local soil material (regolith), which will be able to endure the extreme conditions in harsh environments (e.g., extreme temperature fluctuations, solar and cosmic radiation, meteor showers, strong ground motions, etc.). The present work focuses on understanding the dynamic and seismic behaviour of certain structural typologies of monolithic arches by means of finite element analysis (FEA). These typologies were extensively investigated previously, using static analyses accounting for the reduced gravitational field on the moon, and proved to be of the optimum shape against certain loading scenarios. Specifically, these optimal monolithic arch forms (named enhanced varying-thickness arches – EVTAs) examined herewith, are described by varying-thickness geometry, properly enhanced at certain weak points for increasing their structural stability. Aiming at a fair comparison, the seismic behaviour of EVTAs is contrasted to that of their corresponding monolithic constant-thickness (CTAs) counterparts (having the same amount of structural material). After defining an appropriate damage state, the authors conduct preliminary pushover analyses to determine the structural capacity of the arches against lateral loading. Subsequently, the modal analysis of the EVTAs shows that the second/vertical mode exhibits a natural period almost equal to that of their first/translational mode and substantially longer than the corresponding second/vertical mode of their CTA counterparts, indicating a potential vulnerability along the vertical excitation. Furthermore, taking into account that shallow moonquakes are comparable to intraplate earthquakes in terms of hazard potential, the authors produce sets of stochastic seismic excitations used as time histories for seismic analyses. The probability of exceedance of the defined damage state as a function of the peak ground acceleration (PGA) is presented through indicative fragility curves, where the structural superiority of EVTAs against their CTA counterparts is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Soil erosion, transport and deposition by water drastically affect the distribution of soil organic carbon (SOC) within a landscape. Moreover, soil redistribution may have a large impact on the exchange of carbon (C) between the pedosphere and the atmosphere. One of the large information gaps within this research domain, concerns the fate of SOC after erosion by water. According to different (mainly laboratory) studies, soil redistribution leads to aggregate breakdown, thereby exposing the contained SOC to mineralization. Our study aims to quantify the extent to which such increased mineralization occurs in a real field situation. Carbon dioxide (CO2)‐efflux was measured in the field after an important erosion event for a continuous period of 112 days. The specific situation on the field ensured that almost none of eroded SOC was exported from the field. Measurements of CO2‐efflux were done in areas with sediment deposition, as well as in comparable areas without sedimentation. Comparison of these measurements allowed the net effect of soil deposition on CO2‐efflux to be assessed. Field data were complemented by measurements on incubated, undisturbed soil core samples, in order to disentangle the contribution of environmental factors (moisture, temperature) from any erosional effect on CO2‐efflux. Results of these measurements on the field showed that CO2‐efflux was regulated by a complex interplay of different factors (mostly soil porosity, soil moisture and soil temperature). In combination with the incubation measurements, it could be concluded that the processes of erosion and transport indeed led to an increased mineralization of SOC, as a result of aggregate breakdown and exposure of previously encapsulated SOC. This effect was, however, much smaller than observed in previous laboratory studies. Moreover, it was only important in the first weeks, immediately after the erosion event. The calculated net erosional effect on CO2‐efflux represented a mere 1·6% of total SOC, originally present in the soil. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The major element compositions of 93 low specific gravity (<2.60), high-silica (>60%) glass particles, from a sample of lunar fines (14259,20) were determined by electron microprobe analyses. The size, shape, abundance, mineralogy and major element composition of most (>60%) of the high-silica glasses is consistent with their being fragments of interstitial glass from mare basalts. However, one group of 30 glasses with between 72% and 78% SiO2 and an average of ~2.6% FeO can be distinguished from other high-silica glasses both chemically and petrographically. Glass particles with this composition do not contain crystalline inclusions and are fairly homogeneous not only within a single particle, but also from particle to particle. The chemistry and petrology of these glasses suggest that they are not fragments of interstitial glass or shock-melted particles from a “granitic” source rock. Rather, the homogeneity and lack of crystalline inclusions suggest that this group of high-silica glasses was the product of lunar acidic volcanism.  相似文献   

The Gd isotopic composition in 19 lunar rock and soil samples from three Apollo sites is reported. The analytical techniques and the high precision mass spectrometric measurements are discussed. Enrichments in158GdO/157GdO due to neutron capture range up to 0.75%. Integrated ‘thermal’ neutron fluxes derived from the isotopic anomalies of Gd are compared with spallation Kr data from aliquot samples to construct a model which gives both average cosmic-ray irradiation depths and effective neutron exposure ages (Tn) for some rocks. In the case of rock 12053, this yields an average sample location of ∼300 g/cm2 below the lunar surface and an effective irradiation age of ∼230 my, compared to 99 my obtained by the81Kr-Kr method. Rock 14310 is the first lunar sample where Kr anomalies due to resonance neutron capture in Br are observed. A81Kr-Kr exposure age of 262 ± 7 my is calculated for this rock.  相似文献   

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