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Balloon-borne observations of electrical conductivity in the troposphere and stratosphere were performed using conductivity sondes at Garmisch-Partenkirchen, West Germany, from June to November, 1980, after the Mt St Helens eruption. A significant decrease of atmospheric ions in the altitudes from the troposphere to lower stratosphere has been detected until several months after the eruption in comparison with the observational results obtained before the eruption. Simulteneous ruby lidar observation a month after the eruption indicates an increased amount of aerosol at nearly the same altitude as that of conductivity decrease. Several months after the eruption it appears that aerosols detected by lidar and those effective in reducing ion concentration have different profiles.  相似文献   

Isotopic and major and trace element analysis of nine samples of eruptive products spanning the history of the Mt. St. Helens volcano suggest three different episodes; (1) 40,000–2500 years ago: eruptions of dacite with εNd = +5, εSr = ?10, variable δ18O,206Pb/204Pb ~ 18.76, Ca/Sr ~ 60, Rb/Ba ~ 0.1, La/Yb ~ 18, (2) 2500-1000 years ago: eruptions of basalt, andesite and dacite with εNd = +4 to +8, εSr = ?7 to ?22, variable δ18O (thought to represent melting of differing mantle-crust reservoirs), 206Pb/204Pb= 18.81?18.87, variable Ca/Sr, Rb/Ba, La/Yb and high Zr, (3) 1000 years ago to present day: eruptions of andesite and dacite with εNd = +6, εSr = ?13, δ18O~6‰, variable206Pb/204Pb, Ca/Sr ~ 77, Rb/Ba= 0.1, La/Yb ~ 11. None of the products exhibit Eu anomalies and all are LREE enriched. There is a strong correlation between87Sr/86Sr and differentiation indices. These data are interpreted in terms of a mantle heat source melting young crust bearing zircon and garnet, but not feldspar, followed by intrusion of this crustal reservoir by mantle-derived magma which caused further crustal melting and contaminated the crustal magma system with mafic components. Since 1000 years ago all the eruptions have been from the same reservoir which has displayed a much more gradual re-equilibration of Pb isotopic compositions than other components suggesting that Pb is being transported via a fluid phase. The Nd and Sr isotopic compositions lie along the mantle array and suggest that the mantle underneath Mt. St. Helens is not as depleted as MORB sources. There is no indication of seawater involvement in the source region.  相似文献   

We have measured 238U–206Pb, 235U–207Pb, and 232Th–208Pb ages on Quaternary zircons by laser ablation, single-collector, magnetic sector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). To obtain reliable ages for Quaternary zircons, corrections for initial disequilibrium associated with deficits and excesses of both 230Th and 231Pa relative to secular equilibrium resulting from differential partitioning during zircon crystallization or source melting must be made. In contrast, the 232Th–208Pb decay system is clearly advantageous for samples affected by disequilibrium because the 232Th decay system lacks long-lived intermediate daughter isotopes. Conventionally, the initial disequilibrium for the 238U and 235U decay series has been determined by the distribution ratio between the melt and zircon (i.e., ƒTh/U = (Th/U)Zircon/(Th/U)Melt and ƒPa/U = (Pa/U)Zircon/(Pa/U)Melt). In our study, these correction factors were determined from comparison of the measured 238U–206Pb and 235U–207Pb ages with 232Th–208Pb ages obtained for three zircons of known eruption and, in some cases, zircon crystallization ages (Kirigamine Rhyolite, Bishop Tuff, and Toga Pumice). The resulting correction factors are ƒTh/U = 0.19 ± 0.14 and ƒPa/U = 3.66 ± 0.89 (Kirigamine Rhyolite), ƒTh/U = 0.24 ± 0.20 and ƒPa/U = 3.1 ± 1.2 (Bishop Tuff), and ƒTh/U = 0.28 ± 0.17 and ƒPa/U = 3.04 ± 0.99 (Toga Pumice). Although the uncertainties of these f values are relatively large, our results support the adequacy of the conventional approach for correction of initial disequilibrium. A recent study published results that apparently show zircon crystallization ages are younger than the eruption age of Bishop Tuff. It seems to be difficult to eliminate these discrepancies, even if the Th/U partitioning and disequilibrium generated during partial melting are taken into account for recalculation of its zircon age. However, magma chamber process and history of Bishop Tuff are too complex to obtain accurate zircon ages by U–Pb method. To overcome this, therefore, the Th–Pb zircon dating method is a key technique for understanding complex, pre-eruptive magma processes, and further efforts to improve its precision and accuracy are desirable.  相似文献   

Samples from the MANOP Santa Barbara Basin sediment trap intercomparison were analyzed for the isotopes of uranium, thorium, radium, lead, and polonium. All of the traps showed approximately the same compositions and isotopic ratios, indicating that they trapped similar materials. The234Th flux via falling particles was very close to the flux predicted from the production and scavenging rates of234Th from the water column. The210Pb content of the trapped particles and the surface sediments were the same, however, the measured flux of210Pb was seven times greater than the predicted flux. Predicted and measured fluxes of228Th and210Po were similarly out of balance. To explain this apparent inconsistency, we suggest (as others have done) that the Santa Barbara Basin is an area where scavenging from the water column is intensified and where sediments deposited initially on the margins may be physically remobilized on a short time scale. These two effects increase the apparent area from which the basin derives the longer-lived isotopes but does not increase significantly the supply of the short-lived234Th.  相似文献   

Lateral blasts at andesitic and dacitic volcanoes can produce a variety of direct hazards, including ballistic projectiles which can be thrown to distances of at least 10 km and pyroclastic density flows which can travel at high speed to distances of more than 30 km. Indirect effect that may accompany such explosions include wind-borne ash, pyroclastic flows formed by the remobilization of rock debris thrown onto sloping ground, and lahars.Two lateral blasts occurred at a lava dome on the north flank of Mount St. Helens about 1200 years ago; the more energetic of these threw rock debris northeastward across a sector of about 30° to a distance of at least 10 km. The ballistic debris fell onto an area estimated to be 50 km2, and wind-transported ash and lapilli derived from the lateral-blast cloud fell on an additional lobate area of at least 200 km2. In contrast, the vastly larger lateral blast of May 18, 1980, created a devastating pyroclastic density flow that covered a sector of as much as 180°, reached a maximum distance of 28 km, and within a few minutes directly affected an area of about 550 km2. The May 18 lateral blast resulted from the sudden, landslide-induced depressurization of a dacite cryptodome and the hydrothermal system that surrounded it within the volcano.We propose that lateral-blast hazard assessments for lava domes include an adjoining hazard zone with a radius of at least 10 km. Although a lateral blast can occur on any side of a dome, the sector directly affected by any one blast probably will be less than 180°. Nevertheless, a circular hazard zone centered on the dome is suggested because of the difficulty of predicting the direction of a lateral blast.For the purpose of long-term land-use planning, a hazard assessment for lateral blasts caused by explosions of magma bodies or pressurized hydrothermal systems within a symmetrical volcano could designate a circular potential hazard area with a radius of 35 km centered on the volcano. For short-term hazard assessments, if seismicity and deformation indicate that magma is moving toward the flank of a volcano, it should be recognized that a landslide could lead to the sudden unloading of a magmatic or hydrothermal system and thereby cause a catastrophic lateral blast. A hazard assessment should assume that a lateral blast could directly affect an area at least 180° wide to a distance of 35 km from the site of the explosion, irrespective of topography.  相似文献   

Three ferromanganese nodules handpicked from the tops of 2500 cm2 area box cores taken from the north equatorial Pacific have been analysed for their U-Th series nuclides.230Thexc concentrations in the surface 1–2 mm of the top side of the nodules indicate growth rates of 1.8–4.6 mm/106 yr. In two of the nodules a significant discontinuity in the230Thexc depth profile has been observed at ~0.3 m.y. ago, suggesting that the nodule growth has been episodic. The concentration profiles of231Paexc (measured via227Th) yield growth rates similar to the230Thexc data. The bottom sides of the nodules display exponential decrease of230Thexc/232Th activity ratio with depth, yielding growth rates of 1.5–3.3 mm/106 yr.The230Thexc and231Paexc concentrations in the outermost layer of the bottom face are significantly lower than in the outermost layer of the top face. Comparison of the extrapolated230Thexc/232Th and230Thexc/231Paexc activity ratios for the top and bottom surfaces yields an “age” of (5?15) × 104 yr for the bottom relative to the top. This “age” most probably represents the time elapsed since the nodules have attained the present orientation.The210Pb concentration in the surface ~0.1 mm of the top side is in large excess over its parent226Ra. Elsewhere in the nodule, up to ~1 mm depth in both top and bottom sides,210Pb is deficient relative to226Ra, probably due to222Rn loss. The absence of210Pbexc below the outermost layer of the top face rules out the possibility of a sampling artifact as the cause of the observed exponentially decreasing230Thexc and231Paexc concentration profiles. The flux of210Pbexc to the nodules ranges between 0.31 and 0.58 dpm/cm2 yr. The exhalation rate of222Rn, estimated from the226Ra-210Pb disequilibrium is ~570 dpm/cm2 yr from the top side and >2000 dpm/cm2 yr from the bottom side.226Ra is deficient in the top side relative to230Th up to ~0.5–1 mm and is in large excess throughout the bottom. The data indicate a net gain of226Ra into the nodule, corresponding to a flux of (24?46) × 10?3 dpm/cm2 yr. On a total area basis the gain of226Ra into the nodules is <20% of the226Ra escaping from the sediments. A similar gain of228Ra into the bottom side of the nodules is reflected by the high228Th/232Th activity ratios observed in the outermost layer in contact with sediments.  相似文献   

A steady-state, one-dimensional, and nonhomogeneous two-phase flow model was developed for the prediction of local flow properties in volcanic conduits. The model incorporates the effects of relative velocity between the phases and for the variable magma viscosity. The resulting set of nonlinear differential equations was solved by a stiff numerical solver and the results were verified with the results of basaltic fissure eruptions obtained by a homogeneous two-phase flow model, before applying the model to the eruptions of Mt. St. Helens and Vesuvius volcanoes. This verification, and a study of the sensitivity of several modeling parameters, proved effective in establishing the confidence in the predicted nonequilibrium results of flow distribution in the conduits when the mass flow rate is critical or maximum. The application of the model to the plinian eruptions of Mt. St. Helens on May 18, 1980, and Vesuvius in AD 79, demonstrates the sensitivity of the magma discharge rate and distributions of pressure, volumetric fraction, and velocities of phases, on the hydrous magma viscosity feeding the volcanic conduits. Larger magma viscosities produce smaller mass discharge rates (or greater conduit diameters), smaller exit pressures, larger disequilibrium between the phases, and larger difference between the local lithostatic and fluid pressures in the conduit. This large pressure difference occurs when magma fragments and may cause a rupture of the conduit wall rocks, producing a closure of the conduit and cessation of the volcanic eruption, or water pouring into the conduit from underground aquifers leading to phreatomagmatic explosions. The motion of the magma fragmentation zone along a conduit during an eruption can be caused by the varying viscosity of magma feeding the volcanic conduit and may cause intermittent phreatomagmatic explosions during the plinian phases as different underground aquifers are activated at different depths. The variation of magma viscosity during the eruptions of Mt. St. Helens in 1980 and Vesuvius in AD 79 is normally associated with the tapping of magmas from different depths of the magma chambers. This variation of viscosity, which can include different crystal and dissolved water contents, can also produce conduit wall erosion, the onset and collapse of volcanic columns above the vent, and the onset and cessation of pyroclastic flows and surges.  相似文献   

1980年圣海伦斯火山爆发对之后30年火山学研究的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1980年5月18日,圣海伦斯火山发生了一次大规模喷发,这一事件令科学家和大众惊叹不已。巨大的山体滑坡、气浪以及随之而来的柱状喷发(高达25km,持续时间长达9hr)等影像记录震惊全世界,同时也激起了人们对此次火山喷发事件研究的兴趣(图1)。  相似文献   

 Physical properties of cryptodome and remelted samples of the Mount St. Helens grey dacite have been measured in the laboratory. The viscosity of cryptodome dacite measured by parallel–plate viscometry ranges from 10.82 to 9.94 log10 η (Pa s) (T=900–982  °C), and shrinkage effects were dilatometrically observed at T>900  °C. The viscosity of remelted dacite samples measured by the micropenetration method is 10.60–9.25 log10 η (Pa s) (T=736–802  °C) and viscosities measured by rotational viscometry are 3.22–1.66 log10 η (Pa s) (T=1298–1594  °C). Comparison of the measured viscosity of cryptodome dacitic samples with the calculated viscosity of corresponding water-bearing melt demonstrates significant deviations between measured and calculated values. This difference reflects a combination of the effect of crystals and vesicles on the viscosity of dacite as well as the insufficient experimental basis for the calculation of crystal-bearing vesicular melt viscosities at low temperature. Assuming that the cryptodome magma of the 18 May 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption was residing at 900  °C with a phenocryst content of 30 vol.%, a vesicularity of 36 vol.% and a bulk water content of 0.6 wt.%, we estimate the magma viscosity to be 1010.8 Pa s. Received: 25 August 1996 / Accepted: 19 July 1997  相似文献   

The analysis of the earthquake time distribution at Mount St. Helens reveals a good correlation between the physical state of the volcano and statistical parameters of earthquake sequence. There are three main seismic phases in the whole 1980–1986 period. The first one precedes the main eruption of May 18, 1980. It begins with a sudden increase of the seismicity level in late March and continues with an Utsu (1961) type decay of the seismic occurrence rate, characterized by a small value of the decay coefficient, β. The second phase lasts from the cataclysmic eruption on May 18, 1980 until the continuous dome building episode in 1983 and is characterized by a very slow exponential increase of the background level of seismicity. The third phase covers the remaining part of the sample and is characterized by a stationary earthquake clustering process episodically interrupted by peaks of activity related to eruptions. The trends in seismic occurrence rate within each phase, as well as the statistical parameter variations at each transition, are analyzed and discussed in the framework of volcanic activity. This leads to the conclusion that statistical techniques may give a significant contribution in understanding changes in volcanic processes such as those at Mount St. Helens.  相似文献   

Stratovolcanoes and lava domes are particularly susceptible to sector collapse resulting from wholesale rock failure as a consequence of decreasing rock strength. Here, we provide insights into the influence of thermal and cyclic stressing on the strength and mechanical properties of volcanic rocks. Specifically, this laboratory study examines the properties of samples from Mount St. Helens; chosen because its strength and stability have played a key role in its history, influencing the character of the infamous 1980 eruption. We find that thermal stressing exerts different effects on the strengths of different volcanic units; increasing the heterogeneity of rocks in situ. Increasing the uniaxial compressive stress generates cracking, the timing and magnitude of which was monitored via acoustic emission (AE) output during our experiments. AEs accelerated in the approach to failure, sometimes following the pattern predicted by the failure forecast method (Kilburn 2003). Crack damage during the experiments was tracked using the evolving static Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio, which represent the quasi-static deformation in volcanic edifices more accurately than dynamic elastic moduli which are usually implemented in volcanic models. Cyclic loading of these rocks resulted in a lower failure strength, confirming that volcanic rocks may be weakened by repeated inflation and deflation of the volcanic edifice. Additionally, volcanic rocks in this study undergo significant elastic hysteresis; in some instances, a material may fail at a stress lower than the peak stress which has previously been endured. Thus, a volcanic dome repeatedly inflated and deflated may progressively weaken, possibly inducing failure without necessarily exceeding earlier conditions.  相似文献   

The dispersal of volcanic ash from the May 18, 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens (MSH) has been simulated using the Lagrangian ash-tracking model PUFF. Previous applications of the model were limited to smaller, short-lived eruptions with ash dispersal occurring mainly within the troposphere. Two high-resolution atmospheric reanalysis datasets (ERA-40 and NCEP/NCAR-40) allowed MSH ash cloud dispersal to be simulated up to 30 km elevation. The 1980 eruption was divided into two distinct eruptive phases, (1) an initial, relatively short-lived blast/surge phase that injected ash up to 30 km and (2) a subsequent nine-hour plinian phase that maintained an average eruption column height of 16 km. Using PUFF, the two phases of the MSH eruption were modeled separately based on a range of individual input parameters and then combined to produce an integrated simulation of the entire eruption. The trajectory and areal extent of the modeled atmospheric ash cloud best match the actual distribution of MSH ash when input parameters are set to values inferred from satellite and radar data collected on May 18, 1980. The prevailing wind field exerts the strongest control on the advection and ultimate position of the modeled ash cloud, making the maximum column height and the vertical distribution of ash the most sensitive of the PUFF input parameters for this event. The results indicate that the PUFF model works well at simulating the dispersal of ash injected well into the lower stratosphere from a moderate, relatively long-lived eruption, such as MSH. However, attempts to use PUFF to recreate some granulometric aspects of the MSH fallout deposit, such as the maximum particle size as a function of distance from source, were not successful. PUFF consistently predicts much greater fallout distances for small ash particles (< 500 µm) than actually observed in the MSH deposit. The effective settling velocities used by the PUFF model appear to be too slow to accurately predict fallout distances of small ash particles. As a consequence the PUFF model may overestimate the duration of ash loading in the atmosphere associated with the distal fine ash component of explosive eruptions.  相似文献   

Repeated measurement of tephra erosion near Mount St. Helens over a 30-year period at steel stakes, installed on 10 hillslopes in the months following the 1980 eruption, provides a unique long-term record of changing processes, controls and rates of erosion. Intensive monitoring in the first three post-eruption years showed erosion declined rapidly as processes shifted from sheetwash and rilling to rainsplash. To test predictions about changes to long-term rates and processes made based on the 3-year record, we remeasured sites in 1992, 2000 and 2010. Average annual erosion from 1983 to 1992 averaged 3.1 mm year−1 and ranged from 1.4 to 5.9 mm year−1, with the highest rate on moderately steep slopes. Stakes in rills in 1983 generally recorded deposition as the rills became rounded, filled and indistinct by 1992, indicating a continued shift in process dominance to rainsplash, frost action and bioturbation. Recovering plants, where present, also slowed erosion. However, in the second and third decades even unvegetated hillslopes ceased recording net measurable erosion; physical processes had stabilized surfaces from sheetwash and rill erosion in the first few years, and they appear to have later stabilized surfaces against rainsplash erosion in the following few decades. Comparison of erosion rates with suspended sediment flux indicates that within about 6 years post-eruption, suspended sediment yield from tephra-covered slopes was indistinguishable from that in forested basins. Thirty years after its deposition, on moderate and gentle hillslopes, most tephra remained; in well-vegetated areas, plant litter accumulated and soil developed, and where the surface remained barren, bioturbation and rainsplash redistributed and mixed tephra. These findings extend our understanding from shorter-term studies of the evolution of erosion processes on freshly created substrate, confirm earlier predictions about temporal changes to tephra erosion following eruptions, and provide insight into the conditions under which tephra layers are preserved. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A compilation of paleomagnetic data from volcanic deposits of Mount St. Helens is presented in this report. The database is used to determine signature paleomagnetic directions of products from its Holocene eruptive events, to assign sampled units to their proper eruptive period, and to begin the assembly of a much larger database of paleomagnetic directions from Holocene volcanic rocks in western North America. The paleomagnetic results from Mount St. Helens are mostly of high quality, and generally agree with the division of its volcanic deposits into eruptive episodes based on previous geologic mapping and radiocarbon dates. The Muddy River andesite's paleomagnetic direction, however, indicates that it is more likely part of the Pine Creek eruptive period rather than the Castle Creek period. In addition, the Two-Fingers andesite flow is more likely part of the Middle Kalama eruptive period and not part of the Goat Rocks period. The paleomagnetic data from Mount St. Helens and Mount Hood document variation in the geomagnetic field's pole position over the last ~2,500 years. A distinct feature of the new paleosecular variation (PSV) record, similar to the Fish Lake record (Oregon), indicates a sudden change from rapid clockwise movement of the pole about the Earth's spin axis to relatively slow counterclockwise movement at ~800 to 900 years B.P.  相似文献   

The 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens covered soils with a tephra blanket and killed the forest tree cover in a 550 km2 area. After the eruption, rates of sheetwash and rill erosion, and plant cover were measured on tephra-covered hillslopes which had been subject to three land-management practices: grass seeding; scarification, and salvage logging. On rapidly-eroding hillslopes subject to grass seeding, limited plant covers were established only after erosion had declined sharply. Logging of trees downed by the eruption and scarification of previously logged surfaces slowed erosion, although the effect was small because erosion rates had already slowed substantially by the time these two practices were implemented. The factors controlling erosion, revegetation, and their relative timing at Mount St. Helens are similar to those following explosive volcanic eruptions elsewhere, suggesting that grass seeding is not likely to be effective at slowing erosion following most tephra eruptions, and that early mechanical disturbance could be an effective erosion-control measure. The results also indicate that even without deliberate conservation measures, processes which mechanically disturb a surface layer of low hydraulic conductivity (such as frost-action or trampling) can radically reduce runoff and erosion before revegetation has an important effect.  相似文献   

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