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We present the results of a study of the abnormal variations in the total electron content (TEC) of the ionosphere observed before the earthquake of January 12, 2010, in Haiti. Global and regional maps of TEC relative (%) deviations from the quite background state are built for January 9–12, 2010. Using the UAM (Upper Atmosphere Model) global numerical model of the upper atmosphere of the Earth, the variations in the electric potential in the ionosphere and TEC are calculated using external seismic current above faults between the Earth and the ionosphere as a lower boundary condition. The numerical simulation results are compared with observations. It is shown that the simulated variations in the TEC at a specified current density of about 1 × 10?8 A/m2 on an area of 200 km (latitude) × 4000 km (longitude) above the focus represent all main features of the observations: prevalence of increased TEC values (positive disturbances), neighboring negative disturbances of lower magnitudes, localization, magnetic conjugacy of high-intensity effects in the Southern Hemisphere, and disappearance of disturbances around midday. Methodological recommendations are given to reveal variations in the TEC related to the preparation of seismic events.  相似文献   

刘超  许力生  陈运泰 《地震学报》2010,32(1):130-132
2010年1月12日21点53分9秒协调世界时(UTC),在加勒比海域的海地发生了MW7.2地震.作者利用矩张量快速反演技术,通过反演全球地震台网的宽频带P波波形资料得到了这次地震的矩张量解,并判断走向253°、倾角74°、滑动角17°的节面是本次地震的发震断层面.  相似文献   

龙门山山脉,即2008年5月12日汶川(M=7.9)毁灭性地震的发生地,界定了喜马拉雅造山带的东缘,并显现出比青藏高原任何地方都大的地形起伏。然而,在这次地震之前,大地测量与地质调查工作都没有测到横跨该山系前缘有明显的缩短变形(Shenetal,2005;Meade,2007;Chenetal,2000),从而引起了关于该山岳带地形的形成与发展过程的激烈争论。现已提出两个端元模型:(1)脆性地壳增厚,即具有大量滑动的逆冲断层切穿岩石层并引起隆起(Ta—pponnieretal,2001);(2)地壳流动,即青藏高原下地壳的低粘度物质向外挤出,抬升了喜马拉雅山东北部的地壳(Roydenetal,1997;Burehfiel,2004;Bird,1991)。在此,我们使用平衡地质剖面来说明该山系前缘的地壳缩短、构造起伏与地形地貌是密切相关的。这表明,地壳缩短是位于青藏高原东缘的龙门山的隆起及其地形形成的主要驱动力。致使沿该山系前缘大型逆冲断层发生破裂,并造成数万人死亡和大范围破坏的2008年汶川地震(M=7.9)就是这种地壳缩短过程的作用表现。  相似文献   

The morphology of averaged diurnal variations of total electron content (TEC) under quiet helio-geomagnetic conditions for all latitudinal bands and various longitudes has been studied using Global Ionospheric Maps (GIMs) datasets. The diurnal TEC variation maximum is generally registered at 14–15 LT. The maximum is 38±5, 14±2, 10±2 TECU (TECU is generally accepted TEC unit) at the equatorial, middle and high latitudes. The nighttime TEC minimum is within 5–7 TECU regardless of a season, latitude and longitude. At the equatorial latitudes TEC exhibits the most significant daily/season variations and the asymmetry of its behavior in the hemispheres near the equinox. Abnormal diurnal TEC variations (evening maximum, near-noon minimum) are observed at middle and high latitudes in summer due to atmospheric wind effects. The comparison of the averaged diurnal TEC variations with the behavior of the ionospheric F2-layer critical frequency indicated that GIMs describe daily/annual TEC variations reasonably well.  相似文献   

Here we report two cases of coseismic ionospheric disturbances observed through a GPS network in China after the great Wenchuan earthquake at 06:28 UT on 12 May,2008.One is detected 7.9 min after the earthquake and had an intensiveNshape oscillated waveform with a pronounced amplitude of about 1 TECU,which propagates approximately southward to the distance about 1000 km with the horizontal phase velocity of 600±84 m/s and the period of 9.5±1.3 min.The other is detected8.5 min after the earthquake and has an oscillated waveform more like a positive pulse with an amplitude of about 0.5 TECU,which propagates eastward to the distance about 800 km with the horizontal phase velocity of 720±59 m/s and the period of7.4±0.8 min.These two coseismic ionospheric disturbances are caused by the acoustic gravity waves excited by partial transformation of the acoustic waves originated from the energy release of the earthquake,somewhere near the epicenter.The directional preferences of these two coseismic ionospheric disturbances may be associated with the oblique geomagnetic field lines and the background winds filtering effect.  相似文献   

2010年1月12日海地地震破裂过程快速反演   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
张勇  许力生  陈运泰 《地震学报》2010,32(1):124-126
运用地震破裂过程快速反演方法,在2010年1月12日海地地震发生后,采用全球地震台网(GSN)的宽频带地震资料,反演了这次地震的破裂过程,得到了这次地震破裂过程的反演结果.结果表明,这次海地地震的破裂过程具有如下基本特征:①矩震级约为MW7.1;②地震主要破裂持续时间约为22s;③包括3个滑动量集中分布区域,最大滑动量约为4.9m,最大滑动速率约为3.3m/s;④这次地震基本上是一次双侧破裂事件,破裂从震中同时向东西两个方向延伸.  相似文献   

We report results from a detailed study of seismicity in central Kamchatka for the period from 1960 to 1997 using a modified traditional approach. The basic elements of this approach include (a) segmentation of the seismic region concerned (the Kronotskii and Shipunskii geoblocks, the continental slope and offshore blocks), (b) studying the variation in the rate of M = 4.5–7.0 earthquakes and in the amount of seismic energy release over time, (c) studying the seismicity variations, (d) separate estimates of earthquake recurrence for depths of 0–50 and 50–100 km. As a result, besides corroborating the fact that a quiescence occurred before the December 5, 1997, M = 7.9 Kronotskii earthquake, we also found a relationship between the start of the quiescence and the position of the seismic zone with respect to the rupture initiation. The earliest date of the quiescence (decreasing seismicity rate and seismic energy release) was due to the M = 4.5–7.0 earthquakes at depths of 0–100 km in the Kronotskii geoblock (8–9 years prior to the earthquake). The intermediate start of the quiescence was due to distant seismic zones of the Shipunskii geoblock and the circular zone using the RTL method, combining the Shipunskii and Kronotskii geoblocks (6 years). Based on the low magnitude seismicity (M≥2.6) at depths of 0–70 km in the southwestern part of the epicentral zone (50–100 km from the mainshock epicenter), the quiescence was inferred to have occurred a little over 3 years (40 months) before the mainshock time and a little over 2 years (25 months) in the immediate vicinity of the epicenter (0–50 km). These results enable a more reliable identification of other types of geophysical precursors during seismic quiescences before disastrous earthquakes.  相似文献   

2011年1月19日安徽安庆M4.8地震的震源机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我们用5个区域数字地震台网84个台站记录到的清楚的149个P波(P<,n>、R<,g>)的初动符号,求得了2011年1月19日安庆M4.8地震的震源机制解.节面Ⅰ:走向223°,倾角90°,滑动角-90°;节面Ⅱ:走向45°,倾角0°,滑动角-90°.根据野外考察得出的这次地震极震区长轴走向结果,可以推断,223°走向...  相似文献   

ResearchontheseismotectonicsoftheJan┐uary17,1995HanshinM7.2earthquakeZHU-JUNHAN1)(韩竹君),FU-HUREN2)(任伏虎),YujiroOgawa2)(小川雄二郎)a...  相似文献   

龙门山断裂带上的汶川地震摧毁了四川的几座城市,夺去了69000多人的生命。计算结果显示,该地震可能使部分鲜水河断裂、东昆仑断裂大部以及部分岷江断裂应力增加了0.2~0.5bar,更加接近破裂状态。这3条位于青藏高原东部的活动断裂带均在离汶川发震带150-400km的库仑静应力影响范围内。由于部分受力断层上的应变累积至少已有一个世纪之久,最近的汶川地震有可能触发或加速这些断层带上新的7级以上强震的发生,从而可能造成从四川省康定至道孚、青海省玛沁至甘肃省洛大以及邻近区域的强烈震动。本文利用由计算得到的汶川地震引起的应力变化以及过去10年观测到的背景地震发生率,对该地区在未来10年内发生破坏性地震的概率以及可能的空间分布进行了预测。结果表明,研究区内在未来10年内发生M≥6级地震的概率为57%~71%,发生M≥7级地震的概率为8%~12%,是汶川地震前发震概率的2倍。  相似文献   

综合运用四川省地震台网与紫坪铺水库地震台网的观测资料,精确地测定了2008年5月12日汶川MW7.9地震的震源位置与发震时刻.指出,对汶川地震这样的大地震精准定位,必须克服或尽量减少远台观测对地震精确定位的局限性、地壳介质模型的不完善性以及识别与检测初至波震相的不一致性等因素的影响.通过分析对比、反复试验,从上述台网中精心选取了方位分布均匀、具有近震源台站约束、直达P波震相确系由初始破裂辐射出的15个地震台的直达P波到时数据,反演得出精确度比区域性地震台网常规测定的精确度高一个数量级的汶川大地震的定位结果,即:发震时刻(北京时间):2008年5月12日14:27:57.59plusmn;0.03 s;震中位置:31.018deg;Nplusmn;0.3 km,103.365deg;Eplusmn;0.3 km;震源深度:15.5 kmplusmn;0.3 km.   相似文献   

The physical mechanism by which the regions with increased or decreased total electron content, registered by measuring delays of GPS satellite signals before strong earthquakes, originate in the ionosphere has been proposed. Vertical plasma transfer in the ionospheric F 2 region under the action of the zonal electric field is the main disturbance formation factor. This field should be eastward, generating the upward component of plasma electromagnetic drift, in the cases of increased total electron content at midlatitudes and deepened minimum of the F 2 layer equatorial anomaly. Upward plasma drift increases electron density due to a decrease in the O+ ion loss rate at midlatitudes and decreases this density above the equator due to an enhancement of the fountain effect (plasma discharge into the equatorial anomaly crests). The pattern of the spatial distribution of the seismogenic electric field potential has been proposed. The eastward electric field can exist in the epicentral region only if positive and negative electric charges are located at the western and eastern boundaries of this region, respectively. The effectiveness of the proposed mechanism was studied by modeling the ionospheric response to the action of the electric field generated by such a charge configuration. The results of the numerical computations indicated that the total electron content before strong earthquakes at middle and low latitudes is in good agreement with the observations.  相似文献   

This paper investigates preearthquake ionospheric variations with the use of TEC of Global Ionospheric Maps (GIMs) and regional maps based on Precise Point Positioning (PPP) during the 7.1-M Indonesian earthquake that occurred on November 15, 2014. TEC maps corresponding to 10 days before to 4 days after the event were examined. In addition, a time series of TEC values according to the PPP maps were also evaluated. In addition to GIMs, it was possible to detect TEC variations with PPP maps. The results showed that ionospheric TEC decreased strikingly 4 days prior to the earthquake. This TEC variation was highly likely related to seismic activity.  相似文献   

利用法国DEMETER卫星观测的电离层电磁数据,分析了2007年11月14日智利7.9级地震前10天内的电磁信号记录,结果发现在震前1周内,低频电磁扰动开始在比较宽的纬度范围内增强,震前3天异常信号幅度达到最大,并在低纬度地区尤其突出.以5天为间隔,比较分析了多参量的空间图像,发现在震前5天异常幅度和范围扩大,震中位于异常区域的边缘地带.分析认为,这次地震前的异常信号与孕震区电磁辐射信号增多及空间加热扰动有关.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the features of pre-earthquake ionospheric anomalies in the total electron content (TEC) data obtained on the basis of regular GPS observations from the International GNSS Service (IGS) network. For the analysis of the ionospheric effects of the 26 September 2005 Peru earthquake, Global Ionospheric Maps (GIMs) of TEC were used. The possible influence of the earthquake preparation processes on the main low-latitude ionosphere peculiarity—the equatorial anomaly—is discussed. Analysis of the TEC maps has shown that modification of the equatorial anomaly occurred a few days before the earthquake. In previous days, during the evening and night hours (local time—LT), a specific transformation of the TEC distribution had taken place. This modification took the shape of a double-crest structure with a trough near the epicenter, though usually in this time the restored normal latitudinal distribution with a maximum near the magnetic equator is observed. Additional measurements (CHAMP satellite) have also confirmed the presence of this structure. To compare the vertical TEC measurements obtained with GPS satellite signals (GPS TEC), the International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-2001, was used for calculating the IRI TEC.  相似文献   

In this paper, we used the vertical total electron content (VTEC) derived from ground-based GPS observations to examine the ionospheric variations during the Mw7.9 Wenchuan earthquake which occurred on May 12, 2008, in China. The final results showed that the ionospheric VTEC around the epicenter increased obviously 9 days before the earthquake, decreased significantly 6 days before the earthquake, and increased strikingly 3 days before the earthquake. Relative to a normal non-perturbed state of the ionosphere, the maximum anomalies in the 3 days exceeded 40%, 40%, and 70%, respectively. The spatial sizes of the VTEC decrement and increment by more than 30% extended larger than 1500 km in latitude and 4000 km in longitude. Moreover, the maximum anomalies 6 days and 3 days before the earthquake moved towards the equator.  相似文献   

The distribution of the P and S velocities in the Benioff zone of central Kamchatka during the period of aftershocks (1997–2004) of the disastrous Kronotskii earthquake of 1997 (M = 7.9, MW = 7.7) has been determined. Based on the data for the foreshock period immediately preceding the earthquake (1991–1997), a sharp increase in the body wave velocities in the Benioff zone below the Kronotskii Peninsula (up to 9.5–9.7 km/s for V P and 5.1–5.3 km/s for V S) has been determined at depths of 55–140 km in the subvertical region. Based on observations during the period of aftershocks comparable with the last period of foreshocks (about 7 years), it has been established that the body wave velocities calculated for the Benioff zone below the Kronotskii Peninsula returned to the initial values typical of the beginning of that period. This indicates that stresses relaxed around the head part of the Kronotskii earthquake rupture zone after its origination. This conclusion is confirmed by a sharp decrease in the number of earthquakes with M = 2.3–4.9 in the Benioff zone below the Kronotskii Peninsula. Moreover, taking the velocity distribution during the period of aftershocks into account, it has been determined that a second stress relaxation zone is located at the southwestern flank of the Kronotskii earthquake rupture zone where the largest (M = 6.7) aftershock occurred. According to these data, it is concluded that two stress concentration centers could have existed during the preparation of the Kronotskii earthquake.  相似文献   

回顾了我们对2003年9月27日中蒙俄交界处7.9级地震(矩震级为8级)的预测。从Corioli力观点讨论了该震的强余震(矩震级7.3级)。  相似文献   

This paper studies ionospheric vertical total electron content (VTEC) variations before the 1 April 2014 Mw 8.2 Chile earthquake. VTEC derived from 14 global positioning system (GPS) stations and global ionospheric map (GIM) were used to analyze ionospheric variations before the earthquake using the sliding interquartile range method, and the results showed that significant positive VTEC anomalies occurred on 28 March. To explore possible causes of these anomalies, effects of solar and geomagnetic activities were examined, and VTEC variations during 17 March to 31 March in 2009–2013 were cross-compared. Also, VTEC for a full year before the earthquake was investigated. The results indicated that the anomalies were weakly associated with high solar activities and geomagnetic storms and that the anomalies were not normal seasonal and diurnal variations. An analysis of the spatial distribution of the observed anomalies was also presented, and it demonstrated that the anomalies specifically appeared around the epicenter on 28 March. We suggest that the observed anomalies may be associated with the subsequent Chile earthquake. Equatorial anomaly variations were analyzed to discuss the possible physical mechanism, and results showed that the equatorial anomaly unusually increased on 28 March, which indicates that anomalous electric fields generated in the earthquake preparation area and the meridional wind are possible causes of the observed ionospheric anomalies.  相似文献   

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