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The upper Cenomanian–lower Turonian paleoenvironments of the Preafrican Trough carbonate platform is characterized by analyzing the structure of the ostracod assemblages and the information provided by other groups, and also by linking together the paleontological and geochemical data (detrital influx-redox-paleoproductivity proxies, δ13C curve). Two different domains (eastern and western) can be recognized on the platform during the late Cenomanian, before the onset of the OAE2. The western domain corresponds to a low-energy environment developed on a mid and/or outer ramp with hypoxic waters, low detrital influx and low paleoproductivity. The paleoecological assemblages show limited specific diversity but variable density. The ostracods are opportunistic and unspecialized (r strategists), being associated with Buliminidae, surface and intermediate-water planktonic foraminifera, and fishes. The eastern domain corresponds to an inner ramp and/or peritidal environment with oxic waters, low detrital influx and low paleoproductivity, developed in a higher energy environment with paleoecological assemblages showing high diversity but variable density. The ostracods are more specialized (K strategists), being represented by diverse and constant assemblages associated with diversified benthic foraminifera, calcareous sponges and echinoderms, as well as intermediate- and deep-water planktonic foraminifera. The onset of the OAE2 has no influence on the western ostracod assemblages, but leads to the decline of the ostracod fauna and the disappearance of the deep-water planktonic foraminifera in the eastern domain. During the early Turonian, after the OAE2, the platform becomes an outer ramp with increased paleoproductivity, but is associated with a decrease of taxonomic diversity in hypoxic waters. The ostracods are very sparse and unspecialized, associated with siliceous sponges, Buliminidae, surface-living planktonic foraminifera, fishes and pelagic crinoids. Marine paleobiogeographic communication is relatively easy across the carbonate platforms between the Preafrican Trough and other Moroccan regions, as well as between Morocco and different parts of the South Tethyan and East Atlantic margins belonging to the Cenomanian–Turonian South Tethyan Ostracod Province (STOP). Thirteen new species are described: Cytherella tazzouguertensis n. sp., Bairdiacypris chaabetensis n. sp., Bythocypris amelkisensis n. sp., Pontocypris tadighoustensis n. sp., Procytherura? elongatissima n. sp., Loxoconcha akrabouensis n. sp., Hemiparacytheridea sagittaemucronata n. sp., Rehacythereis errachidiaensis n. sp., Rehacythereis zizensis n. sp., Veenia (Nigeria) tardaensis n. sp., Veenia (Nigeria) mediacostarobusta n. sp., Xestoleberis? preafricanensis n. sp., and Xestoleberis circinatus n. sp.  相似文献   

We carried out a comprehensive facies/microfacies, micropalaeontological and biostratigraphical analysis of several carbonate olistoliths incorporated within a widely developed Albian conglomeratic sequence from the Eastern Carpathians of Romania. The majority of the sampled olistoliths contain a rich assemblage of benthic foraminifera and calcareous green algae. All of the described microfossils represent common lowermost Cretaceous taxa not previously reported from these carbonate elements or from this region. Based on benthic foraminifera assemblages the age of the studied olistoliths is upper Berriasian–lower Valanginian, contrary to the general belief that they are Barremian–Aptian in age. The dominant microfacies types mainly reflect deposition in shallow-water environments and show similarities with synchronous platform carbonates of the central-western Neotethys Ocean. The micropalaeontological and sedimentological data support new interpretations concerning the source area of these carbonate elements and provide new information concerning the evolution of the lowermost Cretaceous carbonate platforms of the Carpathians.  相似文献   

International Journal of Earth Sciences - The Western Sierras Pampeanas (WSP) of Argentina record a protracted geological history from the Mesoproterozoic assembly of the Rodinia supercontinent to...  相似文献   

We present results of study of the trace-element and Lu–Hf isotope compositions of zircons from Paleoproterozoic high-grade metasedimentary rocks (paragneisses) of the southwestern margin of the Siberian craton (Irkut terrane of the Sharyzhalgai uplift). Metamorphic zircons are represented by rims and multifaceted crystals dated at ~ 1.85 Ga. They are depleted in either LREE or HREE as a result of subsolidus recrystallization and/or synchronous formation with REE-concentrating garnet or monazite. In contrast to the metamorphic zircons, the detrital cores are enriched in HREE and have high (Lu/Gd)n ratios, which is typical of igneous zircon. The weak positive correlation between 176Lu/177Hf and 176Hf/177Hf in the zircon cores evidences that their Hf isotope composition evolved through radioactive decay in Hf = the closed system. Therefore, the isotope parameters of these zircons can give an insight into the provenance of metasedimentary rocks. The Paleoproterozoic detrital zircon cores from paragneisses, dated at ~ 2.3–2.4 and 2.0–1.95 Ga, are characterized by a wide range of εHf values (from + 9.8 to –3.3) and model age T C 2.8–2.0 Ga. The provenance of these detrital zircons included both rocks with juvenile isotope Hf parameters and rocks resulted from the recycling of the Archean crust with a varying contribution of juvenile material. Zircons with high positive εHf values were derived from the juvenile Paleoproterozoic crustal sources, whereas the lower εHf and higher T C values for zircons suggest the contribution of the Archean crustal source to the formation of their magmatic precursors. Thus, at the Paleoproterozoic stage of evolution of the southwestern margin of the Siberian craton, both crustal recycling and crustal growth through the contribution of juvenile material took place. On the southwestern margin of the Siberian craton, detrital zircons with ages of ~ 2.3–2.4 and 1.95–2.0 Ga are widespread in Paleoproterozoic paragneisses of the Irkut and Angara–Kan terranes and in terrigenous rocks of the Urik–Iya graben, which argues for their common and, most likely, proximal provenances. In the time of metamorphism (1.88–1.85 Ga), the age of Paleoproterozoic detrital zircons (2.4–2.0 Ga), and their Lu–Hf isotope composition (εHf values ranging from positive to negative values) the paragneisses of the southwestern margin of the Siberian craton are similar to the metasedimentary rocks of the Paleoproterozoic orogenic belts of the North China Craton. In the above two regions, the sources of detrital zircons formed by both the reworking of the Archean crust and the contribution of juvenile material, which is evidence for the crustal growth in the period 2.4–2.0 Ga.  相似文献   

Acta Geochimica - The Dounan manganese deposit is a typical large-scale marine sedimentary manganese deposit of the Middle Triassic in China. The metallogenic environment and change process...  相似文献   

Conventional and SHRIMP U-Pb analyses of zircon, monazite, titanite and apatite from the high grade rocks of the Northampton Complex in Western Australia provide constraints on the timing of metamorphic processes and deformation events in the northern Darling Mobile Belt (western margin of the Archean Yilgarn Craton). Paragneisses and mafic volcanics and/or intrusions have undergone granulite facies metamorphism in a probable extensional tectonic setting prior to formation of W- to NW-verging folds and thrusts cut by normal shears (interpreted as late collapse structures) during the main deformation event (D1). These structures are folded by open to tight folds with NW-striking axial surfaces developed in a second, NE-SW contractional event (D2). Zircons from a mafic granulite provide an age of 1079 ± 3 Ma attributed to new zircon growth prior to, or at the peak of regional granulite facies metamorphism. Metamorphic monazites extracted from a paragneiss yield an identical age of 1083 ± 3 Ma. The similarity of ages between zircons from the mafic granulite (1079 ± 3 Ma) and monazites from the paragneiss (1083 ± 3 Ma) is interpreted to reflect fast cooling and/or rapid uplift, which is consistent with thrusting of the gneissic units during the first deformation event (D1) associated with the onset of retrograde metamorphism. Granitic activity at 1068 ± 13 Ma was followed by intrusion of post-D2 pegmatite (989 ± 2 Ma), which constrains the end of metamorphism and associated deformation. Cooling of the complex to about 500 °C is timed by the apatite age of 921 ± 23 Ma. SHRIMP U-Pb ages of detrital zircons from a paragneiss sample yield a maximum age of 2043 Ma, with no evidence of an Archean Yilgarn signature. A majority of ages between 1.6 and 1.9 Ga are consistent with derivation from the Capricorn Orogen on the northern margin of the Yilgarn Craton. Younger detrital zircons with 1150–1450 Ma ages, however, indicate an additional source that had undergone early Grenvillian igneous or metamorphic event(s) and also places a maximum age constraint upon deposition. The source of this clastic material may have been from within the southern Darling Mobile Belt or from Greater India (adjacent to the Northampton Complex in Rodinia reconstructions). This study documents an extended Grenvillian history, with basin formation, sedimentation, granulite facies metamorphism, contractional tectonics (two periods with orthogonal directions of shortening) and late pegmatite emplacement taking place between 1150–989 Ma on the western margin of the Yilgarn Craton. Ages recorded in this study indicate that the proposed global distribution of Grenvillian belts during assembly of the Rodinia supercontinent should be reassessed to include the Darling Mobile Belt. Received: 7 January 1998 / Accepted: 10 March 1999  相似文献   

Carbonate alteration at the Mulgarrie gold mine in the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia, is represented by porphyroblasts, veins and pervasive, texturally destructive, carbonatisation. Two foliations, S1M and S2M, were produced by two separate deformation events at the mine‐scale, D1M and D2M. D1M and D2M both occurred in response to regional D2 tectonism. Carbonate alteration was the product of two separate episodes of fluid ingress: the earlier produced magnesite and the latter Fe‐dolomite. Both periods of carbonate alteration occurred pre‐ to early syn‐D2M, when mafic to ultramafic komatiitic rocks reacted with fluids that moved along regional faults and pre‐date the alteration associated with regional peak metamorphism. Gold at Mulgarrie overprints pre‐ and late syn‐D2 quartz veins in zones of massive carbonate alteration, suggesting it has a late‐ to post‐D2 timing. This late timing agrees with the generally accepted syn‐D3 (and younger) age for gold mineralisation in the Eastern Goldfields. We suggest that carbonate alteration at Mulgarrie is not a product of the hydrothermal event responsible for the gold mineralisation. Rather, the different relative timing of magnesite, Fe‐dolomite and gold indicates there were two carbonate‐producing fluid systems and a fluid transporting the gold overprinted these. Similarly, early carbonate alteration may play a role in localising auriferous vein deposits throughout the Yilgarn and other Archaean cratons.  相似文献   

Mantle xenoliths from the Obnazhennaya kimberlite pipe, Yakutia, possess a large range of mineralogical and chemical compositions, from both group A and B eclogites. Major-element contents of the group A eclogites exhibit transitional features between the group B eclogites and peridotite. The Mg# of clinopyroxenes is 0.86–0.94, with 0.60–0.84 for garnets. Differences in concentration of LREEs exist between the Obnazhennaya group A and the well-studied group B eclogites from the Udachnaya kimberlite pipe. In general, garnets in the group A eclogites contain lower LREEs than those from the group B eclogites; however, the trend for clinopyroxene is reversed. High d 18O (5.46–7.81) values, and the positive Eu anomalies in the garnets and clinopyroxenes (Eu/Eu* 1.2–1.4) demonstrate the involvement of an oceanic crustal component in the formation of the group A eclogites. The group A eclogites formed between 21.0 and 37.6 kbar, and 711 and 923 °C, in a time interval of 1,071–1,237 Ma. An innovative model is proposed to explain the formation of the group A eclogites and websterites. It involves the reaction of a depleted mantle peridotite with TTG and carbonatite melts closely related to the subduction of oceanic crust.  相似文献   

We identified a Neogene rapid uplift-denudation event of the South Tianshan based on apatite (U–Th)/He and apatite fission track (AFT) ages in Tertiary rocks of the Tarim basin, using borehole samples. The (U–Th)/He thermochronology can be used to reveal the tectono-thermal events with lower temperature than that of AFT thermochronology and has not been used previously to study the uplift of the Tianshan Mountain. Using these data, we show the relationship between the uplift of the South Tianshan and the subsidence/deposition of the northern Tarim basin during the Neogene. The apatite helium ages reveal the migration of uplift, erosion and deposition in the northern Tarim basin. A rapid uplift of the South Tianshan during the Miocene and a corresponding rapid subsidence in the northern Tarim basin occurred. However, in the Pliocene, the Kuqa Depression and South Tianshan uplifted and eroded at the same time and in turn provided the detrital source rocks for the Northern Uplift of the Tarim basin. In contrast to earlier studies, we arrive at the conclusion that the South Tianshan experienced rapid uplift in the Miocene based on (U–Th)/He data of apatite obtained from borehole samples collected in the Tarim basin itself, and not from the bordering mountain chain. Combined apatite (U–Th)/He and fission track thermochronometry enables reconstruction of thermal histories of sedimentary rocks between 40 and 120°C, and this has implications for the generation of liquid hydrocarbon in the 65–120°C range in the basin. Thermal and burial histories of typical samples were also modelled to show the rapid uplift in our study. Our works not only provide a new evidence for the South Tianshan uplift but also indicate that there is a coupling between uplift and subsidence in the South Tianshan and adjacent northern part of the Tarim basin, which controlled hydrocarbon accumulation in the Kuqa Depression and Northern Uplift of the Tarim basin.  相似文献   

Palaeotemperatures during the late Barremian–early Aptian (Early Cretaceous) on the Russian Platform have been determined on the basis of oxygen isotope analysis of aragonitic bivalve molluscan and ammonoid shells and belemnite rostra with well-preserved microstructure from the Ulyanovsk area. Those obtained from the planispiral and heteromorph ammonoid shells from the lower Aptian Volgensis–Schilovkensis, Deshayesi–Tuberculatum, and Deshayesi–Renauxianum zones range from 26.7 to 33.2 °C, from 29.2 to 33.1 °C, and from 27.0 to 29.5 °C, respectively. A heteromorph Helicancylus? cf. philadelphius shell from the uppermost lower Aptian Bowerbanki Zone was secreted in highest temperature conditions (32.8–35.2 °C). In contrast, upper Barremian molluscs (bivalve Cyprina sp. and belemnite Oxyteuthis sp.) of the Ulyanovsk area show significantly lower palaeotemperatures: 16.9–18.5 °C and 7.9–17.8 °C, respectively, which is in accordance with known palaeogeographic and palaeobotanical evidences, showing that a distinct climatic optimum seems to have occurred during the late early Aptian, when warm Tethyan water penetrated into the basin. Marked changes in calculated growth temperatures for investigated molluscs from the Russian Platform were most likely connected with both the general warming trend during the late Barremian–early Aptian and local palaeonvironmental conditions. New data from the Bowerbanki Zone of the Russian Platform provide evidence on existence of the positive carbon isotope anomaly (2.4–6‰) at the end of the lower Aptian. There were apparently the three positive C-isotope anomalies during the late Barremian–early Aptian. The onset of mid early Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE) 1a seems to coincide with both the beginning of significant warm conditions (followed by short-term cooling) and the abrupt decline in heavy carbon isotope concentrations in marine carbonates, which partly were the likely consequences of the intensive release of CO2 (biased by volcanic activity) and/or dissociation of methane gas hydrate.  相似文献   

The late Cenomanian–early Turonian deposits in Tunisia recording the OAE2 event are commonly attributed to the Bahloul Formation. These deposits are composed of dark clayey limestone and organic-rich black shales with abundant planktic foraminifera. At the Bargou area, Oued Kharroub section, these organic-rich deposits include siliceous beds with abundant radiolarians recalling the “Livello Bonarelli”. A total of 25 radiolarian species are identified with a maximum of 18 species per sample. Moreover, the species skeleton preservation is usually poor to moderate in the most studied samples [estimated preservation index (PI) values ranging between 4 and 6]. Two successive assemblages are distinguished. The oldest one (RI) is dominated by nassellarians, which includes mainly Stichomitra, Pseudodictyomitra and Rhopalosyringium genera. It is included within the upper part of foraminiferal Rotalipora cushmani Zone and lower part of Whiteinella archaeocretacea zone. In contrast, the youngest assemblage (RII), which belongs to the upper part of the W. archaeocretacea zone and the earliest Turonian Watinoceras ammonite assemblage, is dominated by spumellarians and includes mainly Archaeocenosphaera, Cavaspongia, Pseudoeucyrtis and Pyramispongia genera. In addition, major and trace elements are analysed to test whether the geochemical record was synchronous to the biotic event or not. Thus, selected crossplots, Al2O3 vs. SiO2 and Al2O3 vs. TiO2, are used to evaluate the detrital input, and V/Cr vs. V/(V?+?Ni) and U/Th vs. V/(V?+?Ni) are used to evaluate the bottom redox conditions and the primary productivity within the Bahloul Formation. A strong Si/Al increase is marked in the lower part of the siliceous and organic-rich Bahloul Formation that could be explained by a local increase in upwelling-related biogenic SiO2 (silica-secreting organisms). Relative low abundance of terrigenous-related Ti/Al and K/Al ratios and enrichment of some productivity proxies such as Ba (organic matter related trace elements) suggests that the Bahloul was of relatively elevated primary productivity and minimal detrital input. Enrichments in redox-sensitive trace metals U and V in the Bahloul Formation deposits and redox indices, such as V/(V?+?Ni), U/Th and V/Cr, indicate that oxygen-restricted conditions prevailed during the late Cenomanian–earliest Turonian times and correlate well with relative abundances of some radiolarian and foraminiferal paleo-environmental indicators. In addition, indicators of detrital flux variations are used. Al2O3 shows a slight positive correlation with TiO2 and a less distinct correlation with SiO2.  相似文献   

In the oxidation zone of the Berezovskoe gold deposit in the middle Urals, Russia, minerals of the beudantite–segnitite series (idealized formulas PbFe3 3+ AsO4)(SO4)(OH)6 and PbFe3 3+ AsO4)(AsO3OH)(OH)6, respectively) form a multicomponent solid solution system with wide variations in the As, S, Fe, Cu, and Sb contents and less variable P, Cr, Zn, Pb, and contents K. The found minerals of this system correspond to series from beudantite with 1.25 S apfu to S-free segnitite, with segnitite lacking between 1.57 and 1.79 As apfu. Segnitite at the Berezovskoe deposit contains presumably pentavalent Sb (up to 15.2 wt % Sb2O5 = 0.76 Sb apfu, the highest Sb content in the alunite supergroup minerals), which replaces Fe3+. The Sb content increases with increasing As/S value. On the contrary, beudantite is free of or very poor in Sb (0.00–0.03 Sb apfu). Many samples of segnitite are enriched in Cu (up to 8.2 wt% CuO = 0.83 Cu apfu, uncommonly high Cu content for this mineral) and/or in Zn (up to 2.0 wt% ZnO = 0.19 Zn apfu). Both Cu and Zn replace Fe. The generalized formula of a hypothetic end member of the segnitite series with 1 Sb apfu is Pb(Fe3+ M 2+Sb5+)(AsO4)2(OH)6, where M = Cu, Zn, Fe2+. The chemical evolution of beudantite–segnitite series minerals at the Berezovskoe deposit is characterized by an increase in the S/As value with a decrease in the Sb content from early to late generations.  相似文献   

From a fresh field investigation, it has been ascertained that the Late Palaeozoic Yu'erhong (Yuernhung) flora from Yu'erhong, Yumen, Gansu, northwestern China, studied by Bohlin in 1971 includes plants from the Westphalian Yangfukou Formation and the Stephanian to Sakmarian Taiyuan Formation. The Yu'erhong flora from the Yanghukou Formation is dominated by Euramerican elements with a few elements of the Cathaysian flora. No Angarian elements have be found in this section for lack of Late Permian strata. The specimens studied by Bohlin might possibly come from the upper part of the Upper Permian at tne southeastern corner . of the Yu'erhong basin. Those fossils from different horizons and localities might be mixed with each other during collection ;so they fail to reflect the exact horizon of certain plant fossils.  相似文献   

Ijolites from the type locality at Iivaara, Finland, form a continuous series of magmatic rocks ranging from urtites to melteigites. Both Ni and Cr, but also the large ion lithophile light-rare-earth elements, Zr, Hf, Nb, Rb, Sr and Ba are low in concentration. The Nd contents equal those of the neighboring fenites, Sr is distinctly less abundant, and there is no significant Eu anomaly. The 143Nd/144Nd and 87Sr/86Sr of the ijolites demonstrate a systematic covariation between the data of carbonaties from the Kola Alkaline Province (Sr – 13.8, Nd + 5.6) and those of the fenites at Iivaara (Sr + 132.9, Nd – 24.7) with Sr varying from +0.3 to +23.9 and Nd varying from-9.2 to-19.3. The trace element abundances and the isotopic data give evidence for a crystallization of the rocks from a liquid generated by melting (rheomorphism) of high-grade fenitized country rocks rather than from a primary mantle-derived magma which was contaminated at crustal levels. The fenitization of wall rocks preceding the ijolite magma formation was clement selective. Mixing of elements during the fenitization process between the designated components carbonatite (or derivative fenitizing fluid) and wall rock should have been dynamical depending on the stability of the wall rock mineral assemblages in contact with the fenitizing fluids, the migration velocity of these fluids, and their capacity of the respective elements. Such dynamical mixing explains best the variation of the isotope ratios withont systematic covariation of the respective element concentrations.  相似文献   

Stable C and O isotope records were obtained from carbonate rocks spanning the Hauterivian to Cenomanian interval collected in several sections from the carbonate platform of Pădurea Craiului (Apuseni Mountains, Romania). In the absence of some key biostratigraphic marker species, stable isotopes were applied as a tool for stratigraphic correlation and dating. The composite δ13C and δ18O curves for the Early Cretaceous shows variable conditions with large positive and negative excursions and provide information on past environmental changes. The Hauterivian and the Barremian limestones (Blid Formation) display lower δ13C values (−2.8‰ to +2.9‰) relative to the Aptian–Albian deposits (−2.6‰ to +5.4‰) (Ecleja, Valea Măgurii and Vârciorog Formations). The red detrital formation (Albian–Cenomanian) is characterized by a highly variable distribution of the δ13C values (−3.5‰ to +3.9‰). Based on the similarities between the C-isotope curve established in Pădurea Craiului and from other sections in the Tethyan and the Pacific regions, two major oceanic anoxic events characterized by δ13C positive excursions were clearly recognized. The first is the OAE1a event (Early Aptian) in the upper part of the Ecleja Formation and the Valea Măgurii Formation. The second is the OAE1b event (Late Aptian–Albian) in the upper part of the Vârciorog Formation and in the Subpiatră Member. The position of the Aptian/Albian boundary is estimated to be at the upper part of the Vârciorog Formation, immediately after the beginning of the δ13C positive excursion. The δ13C data show major negative excursions during the Barremian (Blid Formation), Early Aptian (Ecleja Formation), and Late Aptian (Vârciorog Formation). The O isotope variation pattern (−10.2‰ to −2.1‰) is consistent with progressively warming temperatures during the Early Barremian followed by a cooling period. A subsequent warming period culminated in the Early Aptian. A significant cooling phase corresponds to the Late Aptian and Early Albian and the climate cooled again during the Late Albian and into the Early Cenomanian stage. The data provide a better understanding of the Early Cretaceous sedimentation cycles in Pădurea Craiului and create a more reliable framework for regional correlations.  相似文献   

The Verkhoyansk–Chukchi orogenic area formed on the vast land mass that had appeared as a result of collision in the Early Cretaceous and that had consolidated the Mesozoic protoorogenic structures in northeastern Asia. This heterostructural land mass was the basis on which spatially and structurally coupled orogens developed in the late Mesozoic and Cenozoic. The protoorogenic stages in the evolution of the Verkhoyansk–Chukchi area were followed by several large orogenic stages: Albian–Cenomanian, Eocene, and Pliocene–Quaternary. The Okhotsk–Chukchi volcanic-block and the Yana–Kolyma fold-block orogenic systems formed at stage 1. The Taui–Anadyr continental-margin rift system formed at stage 2. This shaped the structure of the Verkhoyansk–Chukchi area. The internal structure of the orogenic systems formed through the Pliocene–Quaternary (neotectonic) stage, which was dominated by uplifting throughout the Verkhoyansk–Chukchi area. The neotectonic structure was mostly inherited from the previous orogenic stages.  相似文献   

Numerous magnetite–apatite deposits occur in the Ningwu and Luzong sedimentary basins along the Middle and Lower Yangtze River, China. These deposits are located in the contact zone of (gabbro)-dioritic porphyries with surrounding volcanic or sedimentary rocks and are characterized by massive, vein and disseminated magnetite–apatite ± anhydrite mineralization associated with voluminous sodic–calcic alteration. Petrologic and microthermometric studies on multiphase inclusions in pre- to syn-mineralization pyroxene and garnet from the deposits at Meishan (Ningwu basin), Luohe and Nihe (both in Luzong basin) demonstrate that they represent extremely saline brines (~ 90 wt.% NaClequiv) that were trapped at temperatures of about 780 °C. Laser ablation ICP-MS analyses and Raman spectroscopic studies on the natural fluid inclusions and synthetic fluid inclusions manufactured at similar P–T conditions reveal that the brines are composed mainly of Na (13–24 wt.%), K (7–11 wt.%), Ca (~ 7 wt.%), Fe (~ 2 wt.%), Cl (19–47 wt.%) and variable amounts of SO4 (3–39 wt.%). Their Cl/Br, Na/K and Na/B ratios are markedly different from those of seawater evaporation brines and lie between those of magmatic fluids and sedimentary halite, suggesting a significant contribution from halite-bearing evaporites. High S/B and Ca/Na ratios in the fluid inclusions and heavy sulfur isotopic signatures of syn- to post-mineralization anhydrite (δ34SAnh = + 15.2 to + 16.9‰) and pyrite (δ34SPy = + 4.6‰ to + 12.1‰) further suggest a significant contribution from sedimentary anhydrite. These interpretations are in line with the presence of evaporite sequences in the lower parts of the sedimentary basins.The combined evidence thus suggests that the magnetite–apatite deposits along the Middle and Lower Yangtze River formed by fluids that exsolved from magmas that assimilated substantial amounts of Triassic evaporites during their ascent. Due to their Fe-oxide dominated mineralogy, their association with large-scale sodic–calcic alteration and their spatial and temporal associations with subvolcanic intrusions we interpret them as a special type of IOCG deposits that is characterized by unusually high contents of Na, Ca, Cl and SO4 in the ore-forming fluids. Evaporite assimilation apparently led to the production of large amounts of high-salinity brine and thus to an enhanced capacity to extract iron from the (gabbro)-dioritic intrusions and to concentrate it in the form of ore bodies. Hence, we believe that evaporite-bearing sedimentary basins are more prospective for magnetite–apatite deposits than evaporite-free basins.  相似文献   

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