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Chulhee Kim 《Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy》2001,22(4):283-292
We present the results from ROSAT observations of 3C273 in the soft X-ray band. The light variation of 3C273 was investigated
for three different energy bands of soft, medium, and hard. The maximum variability with a factor of 2 for 551 days was confirmed
at all three different bands. This appears to be a periodic variation within the period of roughly 6 months. However, the
short-term or micro variation was not so distinct and the light variation of each band did not show any correlation between
them. The hardness ratio for hard and soft bands shows irregular variation but there was no correlation between them. There
is no distinct variation of the photon index in the case of simple power law model fitting. For power law + free absorption
model fitting, the average photon index (Γ) is 2.08. 相似文献
V. A. Kotov 《Bulletin of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory》2011,107(1):70-77
The hypothesis that some extragalactic objects pulsate with a period of P
0 = 9600.606(12) s, which was first discovered in the Sun, is tested with data on quasar 3C 273. Observations of its rapid
photometric variability were made by different observers in 1968–2005 within several spectral bands. At the 4σ confidence
level, these data show that there is a period of 9600.624(18) s, which is consistent, within the error limits, with P
0 (mean harmonic amplitude 0.006 B magnitude). Its independence from the redshift z is a sign of a cosmological origin of the P
0 pulsation, which is sometimes understood as the “rhythm” of cosmos’ absolute time. This phenomenon is also shown to be deeply
connected—via the Sanchez formula—to the fundamental constants of physics and cosmology. This refutes the standard Big Bang
hypothesis and confirms the Steady State, c-free model of the Universe (c is the speed of light). 相似文献
Ian M Hardy Anthony Lawson rew Newsam Alan Marscher Ian Robson Jason Stevens 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》1999,310(2):571-576
From a combination of high-quality X-ray observations from the NASA Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer ( RXTE ) and IR observations from the UK Infrared Telescope (UKIRT) we show that the medium-energy X-ray (3–20 keV) and near-IR fluxes in the quasar 3C 273 are highly correlated. It is widely believed that the X-ray emission in quasars like 3C 273 arises from Compton scattering of low-energy seed photons, and our observations provide the first reliable detection of correlated variations in 3C 273 between the X-ray band and any lower energy band. For a realistic electron distribution we demonstrate that it is probable that each decade of the seed-photon distribution from the mm to IR wavebands contributes roughly equally to the medium-energy X-ray flux. However, the expected mm variations are too small to be detected above the noise, probably explaining the lack of success of previous searches for a correlation between X-ray and mm variations. In addition, we show that the IR leads the X-rays by 0.75±0.25 d . These observations rule out the 'External Compton' emission process for the production of the X-rays. 相似文献
R. K. Manchanda 《Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy》2002,23(3-4):243-258
We report the observation of nearest quasar 3C273 made with LASE instrument on November 20th, 1998 as a part of our continuing
programme of balloon borne hard X-ray observations in the 20–200 keV band using high sensitivity Large Area Scintillation
counter Experiment. Our data clearly show a steep spectrum in the 20–200 keV with power law spectral indexα = 2.26 ± 0.07. This is in complete contrast to the reported data from OSSE and BeppoSAX which suggest the value of 1.3 to
1.6 for the power law index in the X-ray energy band, but is quite consistent with the value derived for the high energy gamma
ray data. A single power law fit in the X-ray and gamma ray energy bands points to a common origin of these photons and the
absence of spectral break around 1 MeV as suggested in literature. We have reanalyzed the available data to study the temporal
variability of the spectrum in the hard X-ray band. Our analysis reveals that 50 keV flux from the source, shows a strong
modulation with a period of about 13.5 years. The analysis of the optical light curve of the source also supports the 5000
day period. We discuss the emission mechanism and the possible sites for X-ray photons along with the implications of the
long term periodicity with respect to source geometry. 相似文献
B. Z. Dai X. H. Li Z. M. Liu B. K. Zhang W. W. Na Y. F. Wu J. M. Hao Y. Xiang Z. J. Jiang L. Zhang 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2009,392(3):1181-1192
The long baseline simultaneous multiband ( BVRI ) observations of blazar 3C 273 are presented. We have made 758 optical multiband observations with the Yunnan Astronomical Observatory (YAO) 103 cm and Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (SHAO) 156 cm from 2003 January to 2005 April. In our observational campaign, the average colour indices are B − V = 0.21, V − R = 0.26 and R − I = 0.31 . The mean magnitudes in B, V, R and I are 12.895, 12.698, 12.441 and 12.139, respectively. The source is in a steady state over observational campaign. The correlations between colour index and brightness are discussed. We find that the correlations of B − V versus B , V − R versus V and R − I versus R have significant negative correlation, while B − V versus V , V − R versus R and R − I versus I have positive correlation. These strong correlations imply that the spectrum becomes bluer (flatter) when the source becomes brighter, and redden (softer) when the source fades both in intraday and long-term variability. The spectral evolution trends of 3C 273 are consistent with those of BL Lac objects. 相似文献
3C 345和3C 273的光变分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
用结构函数法,对两个经典的blazar 3C 273和3C 345的22 GHz、37 GHz和光学波段的数据进行了周期分析.结果显示,3C 273的周期性比较明显,22 GHz经分析存在7.0年和14.7年的周期,37 GHz存在7.2年和14.5年的周期,同时它的光学波段可能存在0.7年和8.7年的周期.3C 345的37 GHz存在比较明显的8.8年的周期,22 GHz和光学波段分别存在不太明显的9.3年和10.2年的周期. 相似文献
New observations of the jet in 3C 273 support and refine our earlier interpretation that (i) the mapped jet is 106±0.3 yr old and grows at 0.6 to 0.75 times the speed of light, at an average angle θ of (20 ± 10)? with respect to the line of sight; (ii) its twin is not seen yet because arriving signals were emitted when it was some 100.6±0.2 times younger; (iii) the fluid moving in the jet is an extremely relativistice ±-pair plasma, of bulk Lorentz factor γ >102; (iv) the beam has swung in projection through some 10?; and (v) the small excursions (wiggles) of the jet around its average propagation direction result from a self-stabilizing interaction with the nonstatic ambient plasma. All other interpretations of which we are aware depend heavily on the (‘beaming’) assumption that the jet material radiates isotropically in some (comoving) Lorentz frame, an assumption which we consider unrealistic. 相似文献
Seng-le Wen Zhi-min Peng Jun-hui Fan Guang-zhong Xie 《Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics》2002,26(4):1428-403
The near-infrared data of the quasar 3C273 are collected from available literature and are used to analyze its variability properties. The largest amplitudes of variations are ΔJ = 1.0, ΔH = 0.9, and ΔK = 0.86. The color indices are J − H = 0.82, J − K = 1.96, and H − K = 1.13. Analysis with the discrete correlation function (DCF) method indicates that the variability between any two infrared bands is correlated without any time lag. The relation between the color index and brightness is also investigated and the result indicates that the spectrum steepens when the source first dims, while it flattens after the source has dimmed to a some extent, suggesting that the emission of 3C 273 at near-IR consists of at least two components. Some discussions are presented. 相似文献
We have measured an optical position of 3C 273 in the AGK3 system using the 40cm astrograph of Shanghai Observatory. Combining with others' observations, we have derived a “proper motion”. A comparison with other results is made. 相似文献
O. Bendinelli G. Parmeggiani F. Zavatti S. Lorenzutta 《Astrophysics and Space Science》1984,103(1):165-187
The photometric structure of the resolved quasars 3C 273, PKS 2135+147, and PKS 0812+020 has been restored by an effective deconvolution procedure from observed photographic profiles and PFSs given by Wyckoffet al. (1981). Three well-defined components have been found in quasars: (1) the central point-like source, containing about 75% of the total light, (2) an intermediate region of about 10 kpc radius, whose luminosity seems to depend on the quasar's absolute luminosity, and (3) an external region with dimensions and behaviour of the brightness profile typical of giant elliptical and cD galaxies. The apperance of the photographic images of quasars with underlying nebulosities is discussed on the grounds of reliable extended PFSs and distances. An extensive discussion is devoted to the numerical aspects of deconvolution, which belongs to the class of ill-posed inverse problems. The regularization method, which avoids the numerical instabilities arising in such problems as well in the estimation of many nonlinear parameters is also described. 相似文献
Zhang Fu-jun 《Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics》1995,19(4):414-418
High dynamic range images on mas scale and the distribution of spectral index in the structure of the quasar 3C 286 were obtained from observations of global VLBI arrays at 5 and 1.66 GHz. There are two components located the center of the quasar, but we cannot decide which one is the real core from the spectral index. It is impossible that the structure of 3C 286 is the result of gravitational lensing. There may be two active black holes at the center, i.e., two central engines, each with its own jet extending in different directions. 相似文献
Blazar 3C 345的红移以及从射电到X射线波段的能谱等方面与伽玛射线源3C 279很相似,但是EGRET却没有探测到来自3C 345的辐射.从光变幅度(8GHz、22GHz,37GHz和B波段),光学最小光变时标和不同波段间的时间延迟3个方面,比较3C 345与伽玛射线源3C 279和3C 273的异同,寻找3C 345没有伽玛射线的可能原因.分析结果显示:光变幅度,在射电波段,3C 345与3C 279的更相似,在光学波段,3C 279、3C 345和3C 273依次递减并观测到了天量级的光变;还发现3C 345的时延要比3C 279长很多,而与3C 273相近.基于3C 345与3C 273的其他观测特征的相似性,如都观测到了大兰包,红外光度相当,那么3C 345的伽玛辐射能谱可能与3C 273相似,伽玛光度也相当.简单计算表明,若3C 273处于3C 345的红移处时,即使处在爆发态EGRET也探测不到3C 273,这可能正是EGRET从未探测到3C 345的原因. 相似文献
3C273的光学光变周期 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
收录了类星体3C273约110年的光学资料,并在此基础上讨论了光变周期性.当用两种不同方法(Jurkevich方法及DCF(离散相关系数)法)分析时,发现光变曲线中存在周期为2.0年、(13.65±0.20)及(22.5±2.0)年的周期性.同时也讨论了这种周期的可能机制. 相似文献