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Based on data from the Japanese Kokubunji and Wakkanai stations of vertical sounding of the ionosphere, the variations in the foF2 critical frequency prior to the strong earthquakes of March 9 and 11, 2011 (M 7.2 and 9.0, respectively), are analyzed. It is found that significant positive disturbances of foF2 had been recorded approximately one day before the first earthquake. Notably, at the Irkutsk reference station, which is located about 3300 km from the earthquake epicenters, there were no significant disturbances of foF2. This suggests that the effects of increased foF2, observed at the Kokubunji and Wakkanai stations, were probably caused by the earthquake preparation processes. The seismo-ionospheric manifestations of the stronger earthquake on March 11, 2011, even if they took place, were hidden by the geomagnetic storm’s effects.  相似文献   

The relation between the daytime in the nighttime values of the critical frequencies (foF2) of the ionospheric F 2 layer is considered. The correlation coefficient of foF2 measured at 1400 and 0200 LT of the same day is considered in various seasons of years with different solar activity (during the complete cycle of solar activity in 1979–1989). Special accent is made on the dependencies of the above mentioned correlation on a choice of magnetically quiet days with various limitations on maximal values of geomagnetic index Ap. It has been obtained that a statistically significant negative correlation between the foF2(1400) and foF2(0200) is more pronounced in the periods of high solar activity. The effect increases with increasing limitation of the considered days on value of Ap: the largest values of the correlation coefficient are observed if only very quiet days are considered (Ap < 6). There are preliminary indications that the considered relation between daytime and nighttime foF2 values depends on latitude.  相似文献   

Exceptional ground motions have been observed in the near-source region in relatively small and moderate earthquakes such as the Lorca earthquake of 2011. In the Mw 5.2 mainshock, horizontal peak ground acceleration reached 0.37 g at the LOR accelerograph station in the north-central part of the town. Maximum ground acceleration and velocity in this station was strongly polarised in the fault’s strike-normal axis, a feature interpreted as a near-field effect of rupture directivity. This quake hit the Lorca area causing serious structural damage, unevenly distributed in the urban area as result of a heterogeneous spread of building vulnerability and seismic shaking severity. This study investigates the characteristics of the earthquake shaking at the LOR station (on rock) and other 11 zones of Lorca with different site conditions. We have computed the 1-D transfer functions of the shallow structure at these 11 points with available local Vs models obtained with SPAC technique. These transfer functions were used to convolve the LOR accelerogram and simulate the ground motion which occurred at each site. A set of key engineering ground-motion parameters obtained here, indicate different shake levels at each site and all these values are clearly above the LOR station ones. These parameter values are in the range of typical expected values for European earthquakes with local intensity VIII. Their large values, especially those of acceleration response spectra and energy input spectra, more clearly for periods between 0.4 and 0.6 s, point out that the seismic demand has been quite high and help to explain the heavy damage spread on the town’s buildings.  相似文献   

电离层foF2变化对地震反应非常敏感,与地震有关的电离层扰动变化结果似乎非常有望用于地震短期预测。格林威治时间2011年1月18日20:23分,一次7.2级的大地震发生在巴基斯坦的达尔巴丁(28.73oN, 63.92oE)。本文研究中,我们必须利用架设在巴基斯坦的伊斯兰堡(33.78oN, 73.06oE)、玛尔坦(32.26oN,71.51oE)和卡拉奇(24.89oN,67.02oE)三个垂直探测台站获得的白天(08:00 a.m. - 05:00 p.m.)小时值数据找出地震前的foF2异常变化特征。结果显示,在达尔巴丁地震前几天,foF2出现了显著变化;并且距离震中最近的台站观测到的频率与幅度异常变化大于较远的位于孕震区边缘的台站。尽管地震异常特征显著,但增加其它电离层参数可以提高foF2异常的高置信度水平。  相似文献   

The dynamics of seismic noise before the catastrophic earthquake of March 11, 2011 in Japan is studied in a minute period range using the records of broadband IRIS stations. It is found that the dispersion of the noise and the number of asymmetric pulses recorded within 500 km from the epicenter of the earthquake have drastically increased 1.5 months before the event. This is the highest enhancement ever recorded by these stations during the same interval of the year for the past 15 years since the IRIS network started stably operating. No increase is revealed in the noise recorded beyond 1200 km from the epicenter. The pattern of decay in amplitudes of the anomalous noise with increasing distance from the epicenter to the corresponding stations likely indicates that the sources of the noise were located close to the source of the earthquake. The noise contains both regular and chaotic components.  相似文献   

The results of the comparative analysis of parameters of the Tohoku earthquake (Honshu Island, Japan) of March 11, 2011, 05:46 UTC and its aftershocks are presented.  相似文献   


The electric and magnetic variations observed during the earthquake of March 11, 2011 that occurred in the Pacific close to the northeastern coast of Honshu Island in Japan are analyzed. The variations in the electric voltage were measured at the decommissioned submarine telecommunication cable laid on the bed of the Sea of Japan. The neighboring observatories recorded the anomalous geomagnetic variations during the studied time interval; the sources and spatial location of these anomalies are studied. The seismic signals were identified from the seismograms recorded by the broadband seismometer STS-2 at the nearest seismic station.


The electric and magnetic variations observed during the earthquake of March 11, 2011 that occurred in the Pacific close to the northeastern coast of Honshu Island in Japan are analyzed. The variations in the electric voltage were measured at the decommissioned submarine telecommunication cable laid on the bed of the Sea of Japan. The neighboring observatories recorded the anomalous geomagnetic variations during the studied time interval; the sources and spatial location of these anomalies are studied. The seismic signals were identified from the seismograms recorded by the broadband seismometer STS-2 at the nearest seismic station.  相似文献   

本研究利用中国区域宽频地震台的波形数据,应用gCAP (generalized Cut And Paste)方法反演了2010年2月18日和2011年5月10日中国东北中俄边界附近发生的两个深震的矩张量解,与全球地震矩张量测定机构的结果对比分析,证实了2011年5月深震具有显著的补偿线性单力偶矢量(CLVD)成分,表明基于区域波形资料的gCAP反演可获得较可靠的深震震源机制结果.结合研究区1977-2010年的深震震源机制数据反演确定的日本俯冲带前缘的区域应力场方向,分析认为2011年5月深震的非同寻常震源机制,可能是由于日本东北近海Mw9.0地震造成南东东向拉张应力的变化而造成的,属于日本俯冲带动力作用过程中的响应活动.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the features of pre-earthquake ionospheric anomalies in the total electron content (TEC) data obtained on the basis of regular GPS observations from the International GNSS Service (IGS) network. For the analysis of the ionospheric effects of the 26 September 2005 Peru earthquake, Global Ionospheric Maps (GIMs) of TEC were used. The possible influence of the earthquake preparation processes on the main low-latitude ionosphere peculiarity—the equatorial anomaly—is discussed. Analysis of the TEC maps has shown that modification of the equatorial anomaly occurred a few days before the earthquake. In previous days, during the evening and night hours (local time—LT), a specific transformation of the TEC distribution had taken place. This modification took the shape of a double-crest structure with a trough near the epicenter, though usually in this time the restored normal latitudinal distribution with a maximum near the magnetic equator is observed. Additional measurements (CHAMP satellite) have also confirmed the presence of this structure. To compare the vertical TEC measurements obtained with GPS satellite signals (GPS TEC), the International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-2001, was used for calculating the IRI TEC.  相似文献   

Horizontal earth's strains preceding the Kanto, Japan, earthquake of 1, September 1923, are deduced from the analysis of the old triangulation data. The anomalous strains that are several times larger than usual tectonic strain are found in the western part of Tokyo Bay, Sagamihara district, Japan for the observational period 1882/91–1898/1910, while any significant strain is not revealed in the other region of the Kanto district. The Kanto district was surveyed twice during the period 1883/85–1890/92 in the west and during the period 1890/92–1897/99 in the east respectively. The polarity of the detected anomalous strains, the directions and the signs of the principal strains, are quite the same as those of the postseismic crustal strains during the period 1924–74, and are reversed as compared to the coseismic one.The Philippine Sea plate thrusts under the South Kanto district with N25°W direction and pulls down the land during the interseismic period. The aseismic reverse faulting would begin several decades before the 1923 Kanto earthquake along the deep interface between the Asian plate and the convergent Philippine Sea plate. The down-going along the locked part of the interface would be accelerated, thus the compressional stress on the earth's surface might be concentrated over the deep fault plane together with the acceleration of the subsidence at the tip of the peninsula close to the Sagami trough.  相似文献   

A simple method for finding the critical frequency at a path midpoint from the distance-frequency characteristic measured on the one-hop path, based on the Smith method (the transmission curve method). The proposed method is the solution of the problem for the regular ionosphere along the path; therefore the method accuracy is also estimated as applied to irregular paths. The modeling results for the Khabarovsk-Irkutsk path are considered, and the experimental results for the Magadan-Irkutsk path are presented.  相似文献   

Based on the data from the GPS receiving networks in Japan and America which have a high time resolution (2 min), two-dimensional (2D) distributions of the variations in the ionospheric total electron content (TEC) are constructed both close to and far from of the epicenter of the submarine earthquake of March 11, 2011 in Japan. Above the epicenter, a diverging multi-period disturbance appears after the main shock due to the acoustic gravity waves. Far from the epicenter, the wave trains associated with the tsunamigenic atmospheric internal gravity waves are revealed. These atmospheric waves significantly advance the arrival of the tsunami signal initially on the Hawaiian islands and then on the western coast of North America. The presence of the tsunami precursor in the form of atmospheric gravity waves is supported by the numerical calculations and by the analysis of the dispersion relation for the waves in the atmosphere. The detected ionospheric responses close and far from the epicenter can be used in the early tsunami warning systems.  相似文献   

Variations with time during recent decades of three parameters are considered. R(foF2) is the correlation coefficient between the nighttime and daytime values of foF2 within the same day. Stable trends are found for minimal (R(foF2)(min)) and maximal (R(foF2)(max)) values of R(foF2) over the year. The foF2(day)/foF2(night) ratio demonstrates both negative and positive trends; the sign of the trend being governed by the inclination I and declination D of the magnetic field. The correlation coefficient r(h,fo) between foF2 and the 100-hPa level in the stratosphere demonstrates a decrease (both, for the years of maximum and minimum solar activity) from the 1980s to the 1990s. The trends in all three groups of data are considered in the scope of an assumption that there is a long-term change in the circulation in the upper atmosphere. The data considered in the paper provide an indirect confirmation of the existence of this change and show the possibility that further studies of the thermospheric dynamics can be undertaken using ground-based ionospheric observations.  相似文献   

The paper addresses the interpretation of the location, type, and size of the source for the earth-quake of March 11, 2011. The source—a subvertical reverse fault trending in the azimuth of ∼25° along the island arc—is located in the middle part of the Pacific slope of Honshu Island, between 38°–38.5°N and 35.5°N. The length of the source, about 350 km, approximately corresponds to a magnitude ∼8.7 earthquake. In the north, the source is bounded by a sublatitudinal reverse fault, which generated an earthquake with magnitude 7.2–7.5 in 1978. On this segment of the Pacific slope of Honshu Island, there are probably another one or a few other large seismic sources, which are still latent. They are longitudinal reverse faults, which are comparable in scale with the source of the March, 2011 earthquake. The recurrence period of the maximal earthquakes in such sources is more than 1000 years.  相似文献   

基于IGS提供的GPS TEC资料和中国地壳运动观测网络提供的GPS数据解算的单站VTEC数据,采用统计分析处理方法,对2012年4月11日苏门答腊北部Ms8.6地震震前电离层TEC资料进行处理分析,结果表明:在震前5-6天以及地震当天,震中上空附近出现显著的电离层TEC异常扰动,异常形态有正有负,表现为先异常减小后异常增大最后变小,异常增大主要发生在下午至黄昏时段,即12:00-16:00 LT,持续时间约4小时.排除太阳活动和地磁扰动的影响后,4月5日出现的电离层TEC异常增大及呈现出共轭结构以及地震当天出现的异常扰动,可能与此次地震有关.  相似文献   

Summary Measurements of plasma parameters were made by the Intercosmos 24 satellite at altitudes between 2300 km and 2500 km in the interval of 16 to 12 hours prior to the initial shock of the destructive Iranian earthquake of 20 June 1990 (210009 UT, 37° N, 49·4° E, M=6·4), and before the strong aftershock of 21 June 1990 (090214 UT, M=5·8). The anomalous behaviour of the light ionospheric ions H+ and He+ and the cold electron temperature was observed over a wide region of the Northern Hemisphere before the earthquake. Sudden increases of energetic electron fluxes were observed over the Asian zone near the epicentre. These changes appear to be a part of the solid Earth — near space interaction occurring during the preparatory stage of the great seismic event.  相似文献   

In this study, foF2 data obtained from an equatorial station in West Africa were subjected to an occurrence probability distribution test. This was done on an hourly basis, for all the 24 h of the day. The results show that the probability (Np) of predicting foF2 within the range±of a standard deviation (σ) centered on the mean (μ) is ⩾0.68 is at least about 70% of the hourly set of data considered in this study irrespective of time of the day, season or solar cycle period. The distribution is not, however, perfectly symmetrically distributed around the mean. The seasonal hourly averages of foF2 were compared with those of IRI predictions. The IRI representation was found to be very good at low and moderate solar activity for both day and nighttime when the ITU-R coefficients are used. This is also true of the daytime at high solar activity. The night time prediction is only fairly good when the URSI coefficients are used for the prediction.  相似文献   

Geomagnetic records from 20 Japanese observatories have been used to yield time series of response function (RF) components for 20 years at periods of between 2.5 and 60 min. Six observatories showed anomalous variations lasting 3–5 years in the short period part of the above range of periods prior to the March 11, 2011 Tohoku earthquake. The variations could have been intermediate-term precursors. We made a detailed analysis of how noise affects the results using coherence criteria, visual control, and the remote-reference technique. We clarified the conditions that make response functions dependent on geomagnetic activity. For 19 observatories we constructed the tensor of the anomalous magnetic field with Kakioka as the base site. An anomaly in electrical conductivity striking WNW–ESE has been identified beneath the Boso Peninsula near Tokyo in the conditions of strong noise. We sought to corroborate the reality of the anomaly by visual control and processing of nighttime records with minimum noise. We advanced idea that precursors can be monitored using the DC noise field in the presence of a shallow conductivity anomaly. We provided a tectonic interpretation of the obtained RF anomalies. The Boso conductivity anomaly is interpreted as being due to a graben-shaped structure of the sediments and possibly to a deeper plate-tectonics structure, that is, the Sagami Trough. We examine similarities and differences between the Boso anomaly and the Avacha anomaly in Kamchatka, and provided recommendations for further study of the Boso anomaly and for using the Avacha anomaly to monitor EM precursors in Kamchatka.  相似文献   

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