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In the Solomon Islands and New Britain subduction zones, the largest earthquakes commonly occur as pairs with small separation in time, space and magnitude. This doublet behavior has been attributed to a pattern of fault plane heterogeneity consisting of closely spaced asperities such that the failure of one asperity triggers slip in adjacent asperities. We analyzed body waves of the January 31, 1974,M w =7.3, February 1, 1974,M w =7.4, July 20, 1975 (1437)M w =7.6 and July 20, 1975 (1945),M w =7.3 doublet events using an iterative, multiple station inversion technique to determine the spatio-temporal distribution of seismic moment release associated with these events. Although the 1974 doublet has smaller body wave moments than the 1975 events, their source histories are more complicated, lasting over 40 seconds and consisting of several subevents located near the epicentral regions. The second 1975 event is well modeled by a simple point source initiating at a depth of 15 km and rupturing an approximate 20 km region about the epicenter. The source history of the first 1975 event reveals a westerly propagating rupture, extending about 50 km from its hypocenter at a depth of 25 km. The asperities of the 1975 events are of comparable size and do not overlap one another, consistent with the asperity triggering hypothesis. The relatively large source areas and small seismic moments of the 1974 doublet events indicate failure of weaker portions of the fault plane in their epicentral regions. Variations in the roughness of the bathymetry of the subducting plate, accompanying subduction of the Woodlark Rise, may be responsible for changes in the mechanical properties of the plate interface.To understand how variations in fault plane coupling and strength affect the interplate seismicity pattern, we relocated 85 underthrusting earthquakes in the northern Solomon Islands Are since 1964. Relatively few smaller magnitude underthrusting events overlap the Solomon Islands doublet asperity regions, where fault coupling and strength are inferred to be the greatest. However, these asperity regions have been the sites of several previous earthquakes withM s 7.0. The source regions of the 1974 doublet events, which we infer to be mechanically weak, contain many smaller magnitude events but have not generated any otherM s 7.0 earthquakes in the historic past. The central portion of the northern Solomon Islands Arc between the two largest doublet events in 1971 (studied in detail bySchwartz et al., 1989a) and 1975 contains the greatest number of smaller magnitude underthrusting earthquakes. The location of this small region sandwiched between two strongly coupled portions of the plate interface suggest that it may be the site of the next large northern Solomon Islands earthquake. However, this region has experienced no known earthquakes withM s 7.0 and may represent a relatively aseismic portion of the subduction zone.  相似文献   

The rupture process of the May 12,2008 MS8.0 Wenchuan earthquake was very complex. To study the rupture zones generated by this earthquake,four dense temporary seismic arrays across the two surface breaking traces of the main-shock were deployed in July and recorded a great amount of aftershocks. This paper focuses on the data interpretation of two arrays across the central main fault,the northern array line 1 and southern array line 3. The fault zone trapped waves recorded by the two arrays were used to st...  相似文献   

This paper reports internal structures of a wide fault zone at Shenxigou, Dujiangyan, Sichuan province, China, and high-velocity frictional properties of the fault gouge collected near the coseismic slip zone during the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. Vertical offset and horizontal displacement at the trench site were 2.8 m (NW side up) and 4.8 m (right-lateral), respectively. The fault zone formed in Triassic sandstone, siltstone, and shale about 500 m away from the Yingxiu-Beichuan fault, a major fault in the Longmenshan fault system. A trench survey across the coseismic fault, and observations of outcrops and drill cores down to a depth of 57 m revealed that the fault zone consists of fault gouge and fault breccia of about 0.5 and 250–300 m in widths, respectively, and that the fault strikes N62°E and dips 68° to NW. Quaternary conglomerates were recovered beneath the fault in the drilling, so that the fault moved at least 55 m along the coseismic slip zone, experiencing about 18 events of similar sizes. The fault core is composed of grayish gouge (GG) and blackish gouge (BG) with very complex slip-zone structures. BG contains low-crystalline graphite of about 30 %. High-velocity friction experiments were conducted at normal stresses of 0.6–2.1 MPa and slip rates of 0.1–2.1 m/s. Both GG and BG exhibit dramatic slip weakening at constant high slip rates that can be described as an exponential decay from peak friction coefficient μ p to steady-state friction coefficient μ ss over a slip-weakening distance D c. Deformation of GG and BG is characterized by overlapped slip-zone structures and development of sharp slickenside surfaces, respectively. Comparison of our data with those reported for other outcrops indicates that the high-velocity frictional properties of the Longmenshan fault zones are quite uniform and the high-velocity weakening must have promoted dynamic rupture propagation during the Wenchuan earthquake.  相似文献   

地震断裂带中气体来源及运移机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着新的观测技术和理论的快速发展,地震断裂带气体观测和同位素分析技术都得到长足发展,为研究微量气体运移机制以及气体来源示踪提供了重要的技术支撑.本文简要介绍了前人利用同位素技术在深部物质来源研究方面的主要进展,详细阐述了断裂带中微量气体的特征、气体运移的影响因素以及气体运移机制和理论模型,包括扩散对流作用、接力传递作用...  相似文献   

Fault plane solutions for earthquakes in the central Hellenic arc are analysed to determine the deformation and stress regimes in the Hellenic subduction zone in the vicinity of Crete. Fault mechanisms for earthquakes recorded by various networks or contained in global catalogues are collected. In addition, 34 fault plane solutions are determined for events recorded by our own local temporary network on central Crete in 2000–2001. The entire data set of 264 source mechanisms is examined for types of faulting and spatial clustering of mechanisms. Eight regions with significantly varying characteristic types of faulting are identified of which the upper (Aegean) plate includes four. Three regions contain interplate seismicity along the Hellenic arc from west to east and all events below are identified to occur within the subducting African lithosphere. We perform stress tensor inversion to each of the subsets in order to determine the stress field. Results indicate a uniform N-NNE direction of relative plate motion between the Ionian Sea and Rhodes resulting in orthogonal convergence in the western forearc and oblique (40–50) subduction in the eastern forearc. There, the plate boundary migrates towards the SE resulting in left-lateral strike-slip faulting that extends to onshore Eastern Crete. N110E trending normal faulting in the Aegean plate at this part is in accordance with this model. Along-arc extension is observed on Western Crete. Fault plane solutions for earthquakes within the dipping African lithosphere indicate that slab pull is the dominant force within the subduction process and responsible for the roll-back of the Hellenic subduction zone.  相似文献   

东濮断陷湖盆兰聊陡坡带扇体形成机制及成藏规律研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
陆相断陷湖盆陡坡带由于具有特殊的构造背景,在下降盘易发育各种类型的砂砾岩扇体,且具有很好的含油气前景,近几年各大油田也都将其作为增储上产的重要勘探领域.但由于这些扇体一般都具有较大的隐蔽性,而且控制影响因素复杂,尤其是对于为数较多的受高角度大断层控制的断陷湖盆,在陡坡带进行砂砾岩扇体的勘探具有更大的风险性.本文运用层序地层学、地震精细描述等勘探新理论、新技术和新方法,结合生产实际,对东濮凹陷高角度兰聊陡坡带砂砾岩扇体形成机制及成藏规律进行了多学科综合研究,查明了扇体的成因机制、控制因素、分布规律,并进一步探讨了扇体成藏机理和成藏规律,为下一步勘探指明了有利方向和钻探目标,期望为国内外同类盆地陡坡带油气资源的勘探也提供了一定的借鉴.  相似文献   

马尼拉俯冲带缺失中深源地震成因初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马尼拉俯冲带是整个南海地震活动多发区,地震成因与南海的形成和构造演化关系密切.对马尼拉俯冲带地震数据和层析成像结果进行了深入分析.结果表明:马尼拉俯冲带的地震活动主要为密集的浅源地震,缺失中深源地震.进一步分析揭示:①脱水和榴辉岩的形成在南海洋壳到达软流圈前就基本停止.马尼拉俯冲带南部在较浅的深度就转变为塑性变形,并停...  相似文献   

Introduction The Taigu fault is located on the eastern boundary of the Jinzhong basin in the Shanxi fault depression system, which is one of the 12 major active basin boundary faults, and is also less studied among them. The reason for this is, firstly, the Jinzhong basin has no historical earth-quakes with M 7, while the two basins linked together in the northern and southern sides, the Linfen and Xinding basins all have had historical earthquakes with M 7; secondly, because the Jiaochen…  相似文献   

以东北地震区为例,基于G-R关系的震级·频度分布原理,研究了东北地震区最小完整性震级MC的时间分布特征和各时段的空间分布特征,统计了研究区内的地震活动性参数,探讨了小震资料完整性分析对地震活动性参数和地震危险性计算结果的影响.研究表明,对区域小震资料进行完整性分析,可以在低水平地震活动地区获得较准确的地震活动性参数,更好地反映了该区未来的地震活动趋势.本文的研究方法和结论可供地震资料完整性分析和地震活动性分析时参考.  相似文献   

The Taigu fault zone is one of the major 12 active boundary faults of the Shanxi fault-depression system, located on the eastern boundary of the Jinzhong basin. As the latest investigation indicated, the fault zone had dislocated gully terrace of the first order, forming fault-scarp in front of the loess mesa. It has been discovered in many places in ground surface and trenches that Holocene deposits were dislocated. The latest activity was the 1303 Hongdong earthquake M=8, the fault appeared as right-lateral strike-slip with normal faulting. During that earthquake, the Taigu fault together with the Mianshan western-side fault on the Lingshi upheaval and the Huoshan pediment fault on the eastern boundary of the Linfen basin was being active, forming a surface rupture belt of 160 km in length. Moreover, the Taigu fault were active in the mid-stage of Holocene and near 7 700 aB.P. From these we learnt that, in Shanxi fault-depression system, the run-through activity of two boundary faults of depression-basins might generate great earthquake with M=8. Foundation item: Chinese Joint Seismological Science Foundation (201017). Contribution No. 2003A004, Institute of Crust Dynamics, China Earthquake Administration.  相似文献   

郯庐断裂带是亚洲东部著名的断裂活动带,经过多年的研究,取得了一系列重要成果,但涉及断裂带内部精细结构、走滑与伸展断裂体系的研究成果较少.本文以其中的嘉山—庐江段为对象,依据高精度大地电磁(EMAP)和人工地震剖面及航磁异常资料,剖析了断裂带内部精细结构,明确了伸展和走滑断裂体系组成和平面位置,认为该段由多条主干断裂组成,具有断裂属性横向分区的特征:以池河—太湖断裂为界,东侧主要发育池河—太湖(隐伏)、嘉山—庐江和古河—散兵等断裂,组成正花状构造样式,主要呈现压剪性走滑活动特征;西侧主要发育五河—合肥、石门山和池河—太湖(浅部)等断裂,呈现半地堑结构,其中2条断裂往南伸入合肥盆地而消失,只有池河—太湖断裂继续南延为合肥盆地的东部边界,主要呈现伸展活动特征.本文提出的断裂带横向分区等认识,既融合了前人有关“裂谷论”和“平移论” 的重要成果,又弥合了二者的认识分歧,为今后精细研究郯庐断裂带提供了一条新思路.  相似文献   

青岛马山-王哥庄断裂带构造活动性分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
本文从构造地质学、地震学和地球动力学的角度出发,论述了青岛及邻区的地质构造背景,阐述了青岛马山—王哥庄断裂带的构造活动特征,分析了青岛地区的地震活动性.通过分析2003年6月和2004年11月的崂山震群活动特征,进一步确定了马山—王哥庄断裂带的构造活动性.受来自南黄海的区域构造应力作用,该断裂带尤其是其东南段表现出较强的构造活动性,具有引发有感乃至中等地震的可能性.  相似文献   

南汀河断裂带是滇西南块体内部的一条左旋走滑断裂带,几乎横切整个块体,总长度达380km,是块体内NE向断裂中最长的一条,也是次级块体的边界断裂.南汀河断裂带晚第四纪活动性非常强烈,但仅南段在1941年记录到一次约7级的地震,其余段落还没有5级以上地震的记录,目前可能正处于应力积累和孕震阶段.2014年10月7日发生的景谷MS6.6地震位于断裂带南东约94km,其地震烈度等震线长轴与余震皆呈北西展布,指向南汀河断裂带.为了解景谷地震对周边构造特别是南汀河断裂带的影响,本文通过数值模拟方法计算了地震触发的同震静态库仑应力变化.利用两种同震滑动分布模型计算获得的结果显示,景谷地震对震中附近的断裂,如澜沧江断裂和景谷断裂影响较大,局部应力增加可达90kPa;对较远的断裂,如南汀河断裂带、龙陵—澜沧断裂带和无量山断裂带的影响较小,应力变化值均小于10kPa.通过设置不同断层参数进一步计算,南汀河断裂带北段两支断裂断层面上的静态库仑应力扰动呈半圆形分布,应力增加的最大值位于24.15°N附近的地表,沿断层的走向和深度都逐渐减小.其中西支断裂上应力变化最大值为0.89kPa,东支断裂上为1.18kPa.此外,在南汀河断裂带北段的古地震研究结果显示,该断裂段全新世以来发生过产生地表破裂的大地震,震级应当不低于7级.放射性碳测年将该次古地震事件的发震时间限定在900—1480AD,离逝时间为535—1115年.结合古地震事件的离逝时间和断裂带的滑动速率,本文计算得到南汀河断裂带北段已经积累的水平滑动量为2.8+1.5/-1.0m,进一步利用滑动量与震级的经验公式可估算出该断裂段目前积累的滑动量如果完全释放将会产生一个7.5+0.1/-0.2级的地震.虽然景谷地震在南汀河断裂带上触发的静态库仑应力变化值表明,该地震可能不会引起南汀河断裂带地震危险性的突变,但仍起到一定的加速作用.再考虑到断裂带北段目前已经积累了约7.5级地震所需的能量,该断裂段在未来具有较高的地震危险性.  相似文献   

阿尔金断裂带东段地区的造转换及其动力学机制研究一直是地学工作者关注的焦点.本文利用双差定位法获取研究区域2008—2017年间6013次地震事件的精确定位数据;整理筛选前人震源机制解36个,并采用P/S波振幅比方法计算获得221个以及CAP方法获得25个震源机制解信息.选择野马河—大雪山断裂作为研究区构造转换研究的突破口,综合小震定位数据与震源机制解信息,并开展野外地质调查进行验证,清晰刻画出该断裂的深部构造形态以及现今的运动特征:由阿尔金断裂带向祁连山方向过渡,断层产状由近直立逐渐转变为倾向南,倾角变缓,震源机制解由走滑性质为主转变为逆冲性质为主,是一个连续渐变的过程,为研究区的构造转换研究提供了直接证据.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONAstrong earthquake struck between Wudu and Wenxian in Gansu Province on July1,1879,another catastrophic earthquake hittingthe southeastern mountainous area of the province ever sincethe1654TianshuiM8.0earthquake.After an elapse of126years,this massive earthquake has fadedfrommemoryastime goes onandthe humanand natural environment changes.However,the historicaldocumentation about the earthquake is abundant,including official documents of the Qing Dynasty,local newspapers and…  相似文献   

龙门山断裂带多参数深部结构成像与地震成因研究   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文



Abstract This paper describes the results of petrographical and meso- to microstructural observations of brittle fault rocks in cores obtained by drilling through the Nojima Fault at a drilling depth of 389.52 m. The zonation of deformation and alteration in the central zone of the fault is clearly seen in cores of granite from the hanging wall, in the following order: (i) host rock, which is characterized by some intragranular microcracks and in situ alteration of mafic minerals and feldspars; (ii) weakly deformed and altered rocks, which are characterized by transgranular cracks and the dissolution of mafic minerals, and by the precipitation of zeolites and iron hydroxide materials; (iii) random fabric fault breccia, which is characterized by fragmentation, by anastomosing networks of transgranular cracks, and by the precipitation of zeolites and iron hydroxide materials; and (iv) fault gouge, which is characterized by the precipitation of smectite and localized cataclastic flow. This zonation implies that the fault has been weakened gradually by fluid-related fracturing over time. In the footwall, a gouge layer measuring only 15 mm thick is present just below the surface of the Nojima Fault. These observations are the basis for a model of fluid behavior along the Nojima Fault. The model invokes the percolation of meteoric fluids through cracks in the hanging wall fault zone during interseismic periods, resulting in chemical reactions in the fault gouge layer to form smectite. The low permeability clay-rich gouge layer sealed the footwall. The fault gouge was brecciated during coseismic or postseismic periods, breaking the seal and allowing fluids to readily flow into the footwall, thus causing a slight alteration. Chemical reactions between fluids and the fault breccia and gouge generated new fault gouge, which resealed the footwall, resulting in a low fluid condition in the footwall during interseismic periods.  相似文献   

The Litang fault zone (LFZ) is an important active fault within the northwestern Sichuan sub-block. To-gether with the Garzê-Yushu, Xianshuihe, and An-ninghe fault zones on its northern, eastern and south-eastern sides, the LFZ constitutes the lateral extrusion tectonic system in the southeastern part of the Qing-hai-Tibetan Plateau[1,2] (Fig. 1). According to instru-mental records, historical recordings and field investi- gation, an earthquake (Ms7.3) occurred on its middle to south se…  相似文献   

鲜水河断裂带炉霍段的震后滑动与形变   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
杜方  闻学泽  张培震 《地球物理学报》2010,53(10):2355-2366
1973年2月在鲜水河断裂带炉霍段发生了M7.6地震破裂.自那以来,先后在炉霍县虾拉沱布设了若干横跨该地震断层(1973年破裂带)的地壳形变观测系统,包括断层近场的短基线、短水准、蠕变仪、人工构筑物等,以及断层近-远场的GPS观测站.利用这些观测系统的长期观测资料,本文分析了鲜水河断裂带炉霍段的震后滑动/变形及其时、空变化特征,并建立起解释这些特征的动力学模式.研究表明:(1)1973年地震后的头5年,地震断层在虾拉沱场地表现为开放性质,近场的断层震后滑动以无震左旋蠕滑为主,速率达到10.27 mm/a,且伴有微量的拉张性蠕动作用;1979年以来,左旋蠕滑速率由5.3 mm/a逐渐减小到2.27 mm/a,减小的过程呈对数函数型,反映此阶段断层面已逐渐重新耦合、正朝闭锁的方向发展,并伴有部分应变积累.(2)1999年以来,地震断层两侧远场的相对左旋位移/变形速率为10 mm/a,远大于同时期断层近场(跨距40~144 m)的左旋蠕滑速率0.66~2.52 mm/a;远-近场位移/形变速率的显著变化发生在地震断层两侧各宽约30 km的范围,显示出这是与大地震应力应变积累—释放相关的断裂带宽度.(3)结合动力学背景与深部构造信息,本文对这里断层的震后位移/变形及其时、空变化的机理进行初步解释,要点是:震后约5年之后,由于逐渐增大的断层滑动/摩擦阻抗,上地壳脆性层中的断层面由震后初期的开放性质逐渐转向重新耦合、并朝闭锁的方向发展,但其两侧地块深部持续的延性相对运动拖拽着浅部脆性层发生相应的弹性位移/变形.(4)可估计再经历15~25年,研究断裂段将完全"闭锁",即进入积累下一次大地震应力应变的震间闭锁阶段.  相似文献   

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