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Estuaries are sinks for organic matter and nutrients entering both from their catchments and also from the adjacent lands and urban areas and in turn they are sources of such materials to the adjacent coast. The present paper quantifies the relative amounts of natural and anthropogenic organic matter and nutrients entering the Humber Estuary, Eastern England, including the allochthonous and autochthonous materials, those from urban and industrial sewage and from the catchment drainage of arable land. These data thus give a budget for the estuary which in turn answers questions fundamental to the management of the estuary. The estimations within the study have been carried out against a background of designating estuaries under the European Union Urban Waste-water Treatment Directive and the EU Nitrates Directive. The assessment has particularly addressed the question, related to the former Directive, of whether the Humber Estuary is eutrophic or likely to become eutrophic unless management measures are taken. Thus the paper indicates the nature and value of control measures such as treatment plant upgrading and the designation of Nitrate Vulnerable Zones. The paper includes the recent national and European discussions on the designation of areas under these Directives. Finally, the study has allowed a quantification of the present organic inputs to the estuary in comparison to those entering prior to large scale land-claim which had removed natural organic-producing wetlands.  相似文献   

Measurements are presented of the properties of suspended particulate matter (SPM) in the estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) of the upper Humber and Ouse estuaries during transient, relatively low freshwater inflow conditions of September 1995. Very high concentrations of near-bed SPM (more than 100 g l−1) were observed in the low-salinity (less than 1), upper reaches. SPM within the ETM consisted largely of fine sediment (silt and clay) that existed as microfloc and macrofloc aggregates and individual particles. Primary sediment particles were very fine grained, and typically, about 20–30% was clay-sized at high water. The clay mineralogy was dominated by chlorite and illite. There was a pronounced increase in particle size in the tidal river, up-estuary of the ETM. The mean specific surface area (SSA) of near-bed SPM within the ETM was 22 m2 g−1 on a spring tide and 24 m2 g−1 on a neap tide. A tidal cycle of measurements within a near-bed, high concentration SPM layer during a very small neap tide gave a mean SSA of 26 m2 g−1. The percentage of silt and clay in surficial bed sediments along the main channel of the estuary varied strongly. The relatively low silt and clay percentage of surficial bed sediments (about 10–35%) within the ETM’s region of highest near-bed SPM concentrations and their low SSA values were in marked contrast to the overlying SPM. The loss on ignition (LOI) of near-bed SPM in the turbid reaches of the estuary was about 10%, compared with about 12% for surface SPM and more than 40% in the very low turbidity waters up-estuary of the ETM. Settling velocities of Humber–Ouse SPM, sampled in situ and measured using a settling column, maximized at 1.5 mm s−1 and exhibited hindered settling at higher SPM concentrations.  相似文献   

The Humber Estuary Shoreline Management Plan provides a long-term strategy for investment in sustainable defences to reduce the risk to people and property from flooding in part of Eastern England. In addition to the estuary's economic importance with its ports, industry and the third of a million people living on its floodplain, the Humber is of outstanding value for wildlife and its historic environment. The plan has to meet the needs of these activities and take account of rising sea level. It is based on extensive technical studies and modelling. The realignment of some embankments is being examined so that the creation of intertidal habitat will offset losses from coastal squeeze, increase the stability for some lengths of embankment and reduce extreme high flood levels in the tidal rivers. The 80 ha Paull Holme Strays managed realignment wetland was completed in the summer of 2003 and work is in progress on another at Alkborough. Other such realignment will be developed as part of the implementation of the long term strategy.  相似文献   

Studies into the partitioning of trace metals between the dissolved phase and suspended solids have been performed on two major UK estuaries, the Mersey and the Humber. Aqueous phase trace metal concentrations were determined, along with partitioning data (Kp) determined from both laboratory equilibration experiments and by chemical leaching techniques.

Dissolved trace metals in the Humber essentially exhibited conservative behaviour (or a slight positive deviation). In the Mersey, however, removal of zinc, chromium, and, in particular, copper and cadmium occurred in the low salinity region.

Sequential extraction data gave an indication of the nature of trace metal bindings to suspended sediment, and revealed total extractable trace metals on the Mersey suspended sediment to be a factor of two greater than that found in the Humber. Similarly, partition coefficients in the Mersey were approximately an order of magnitude greater than in the Humber. Chloro-complexation was shown to control the partitioning of cadmium within estuaries. Copper, however, exhibited a distinct trend of increasing Kp with increasing salinity.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate whether indicator microbes and physical–chemical parameters were correlated with pathogens within a tidally influenced Estuary. Measurements included the analysis of physical–chemical parameters (pH, salinity, temperature, and turbidity), measurements of bacterial indicators (enterococci, fecal coliform, Escherichia coli, and total coliform), viral indicators (somatic and MS2 coliphage), viral pathogens (enterovirus by culture), and protozoan pathogens (Cryptosporidium and Giardia). All pathogen results were negative with the exception of one sample which tested positive for culturable reovirus (8.5 MPN/100 L). Notable physical–chemical parameters for this sample included low salinity (<1 ppt) and high water temperature (31 °C). Indicator bacteria and indicator virus levels for this sample were within average values typically measured within the study site and were low in comparison with levels observed in other freshwater environments. Overall results suggest that high levels of bacterial and viral indicators were associated with low salinity sites.  相似文献   

Establishment of a benchmark against which deleterious changes to an estuary can be evaluated requires validating that it has not been subjected to detrimental anthropogenic perturbations and then identifying the biological features which are indicative of a pristine condition and can thus be employed as indicators for detecting and monitoring departures from the natural state. The characteristics of the benthic macroinvertebrate fauna of an essentially pristine, seasonally-open estuary in Western Australia (Broke Inlet) have been determined and compared with those previously recorded for a nearby eutrophic, seasonally-open estuary (Wilson Inlet). Density was far lower in Broke than Wilson. Compositions differed radically at all taxonomic levels, with polychaetes contributing less, and crustaceans more, to the abundance in Broke. Average taxonomic distinctness was greater for Broke than both Wilson and 16 other temperate southern hemisphere estuaries, whereas the reverse was true for variation in taxonomic distinctness, emphasizing that Broke Inlet is pristine.  相似文献   

High-resolution hydrodynamic models are a common tool to simulate water dynamics in estuaries. Results from these models are, however, difficult to interpret without the aid of additional parameters to integrate the information. In this paper a methodology to understand the transport patterns in the Tagus Estuary is proposed. It is based on the computation of two renewal time scales: residence time and integrated water fraction. This last parameter is used to build a dependency matrix that gives the integrated influence of each region of the estuary at a selected point. The parameters are computed using a Lagrangian transport model coupled to the hydrodynamic model. Results show that Tagus Estuary has two different types of regions: the central part of the estuary, with low renewal efficiency, and three regions with higher renewal efficiency. Renewal mechanisms are, however, different for each region as shown by the dependency matrix. Comparison of renewal time scales with results from a water-quality model revealed that residence time is not a limiting parameter for primary production in the Tagus Estuary.Responsible Editor: Hans Burchard  相似文献   

Diatom indices are used to evaluate the ecological status of rivers but they have been rarely applied in estuaries. This study aimed to identify the diatom species indicating the main environmental gradients and pressures in a highly stratified estuary; and to evaluate the applicability of existing freshwater diatom indices. Marine influence due to salt-wedge intrusion and sea water mixing appeared as the main factor affecting diatom community. Three diatom assemblages were identified: indicators of riverine conditions (without marine influence), indicators of estuarine conditions (heterogeneous conditions with higher conductivities due to marine influence) and those specifically indicating well-established salt-wedge situations. Nowadays, the main human pressure affecting diatom community in the Ebro Estuary is the hydrological alteration resulting from flow regulation and abstraction. Several limitations were encountered in the application of diatom indices (e.g. inverse response with nutrients; ecologically important species not considered). Therefore, their use in estuaries should be done cautiously.  相似文献   

Sandy-muddy transitional beaches (SMT-Beaches), representing the transition from sandy beaches to tidal mudflats, should theoretically develop very different morphological and sedimentological characteristics in river estuaries and in semi-enclosed bays due to their contrasting dynamic sedimentary environments. Evidence, however, is rare in the scientific literature. To reveal these morphological and sedimentary differences, the sand–mud transition (SMT) boundary distribution, beach profiles, and surface and downcore sediment grain-size compositions of 27 SMT-Beaches located along mesotidal to macrotidal coasts of the western Taiwan Strait, southeastern China, were investigated. The results show that typical estuarine SMT-Beaches are mainly characterized by an ambiguous SMT, a long distance between the SMT and the coastline (31–302 m), lower SMT and inflection point altitudes (average –0.76 m and –0.04 m), and lower upper beach gradients (~0.068) with fine sand. Estuarine SMT-Beach sediments display clear interbedded mud and sand layers, implying potential SMT migrations over various timescales. By contrast, typical bay SMT-Beaches are characterized by distinct SMT, a short distance between the SMT and the coastline (11–52 m), higher SMT and inflection point altitudes (~0.24 m and ~0.35 m), and narrower upper beaches with higher gradients (~0.095) and coarse sand. Bay SMT-Beaches present relatively stable sedimentary sequences and a narrow gravel belt surrounding the inflection point and/or SMT. These morphological and sedimentary differences between the two SMT-Beach types are initially constrained by sediment supply and transport and are further affected by tide conditions and wave climate. Sediment supply and transport predominately control the sediment structures, while the tidal range strongly influences spatial variations in SMT distances. Wave climate normally drives SMT altitude variations. This study highlights the morphological and sedimentary differences in SMT-Beaches in estuaries and bays, providing important knowledge for further revealing their morphodynamic processes and potential future nourishment. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Water Framework Directive requires the assessment of the ecological status of transitional waters considering the fish component. An original methodology, based on a pressure-impact approach, was established to develop a multimetric fish-based index to characterize the ecological quality of French estuaries. An index of contamination, based on the chemical pollution affecting aquatic systems, was used as a proxy of anthropogenic pressure. The fish metric selection was based on their response to disturbances tested via statistical models (generalized linear models) taking into account sampling strategy and estuarine features. Four metrics, for which discriminating responses to level of pressure were demonstrated, were retained to constitute the estuarine multimetric fish index. This new tool appeared particularly relevant to detect the contamination effects on fish communities in estuaries. It could help managers to take decisions in order to maintain or reach the good status required by the Water Framework Directive for 2015.  相似文献   

Ichthyoplankton and mesozooplankton were sampled and fluorescence and physical environmental variables were measured off the NW and N Iberian Peninsula coasts, during April 2005. A total of 51 species of fish larvae, belonging to 26 families, were recorded. Sardina pilchardus, with 43.8% and 58.7% of the total fish egg and larval catches, respectively, dominated the ichthyoplankton assemblage. The study area was divided by a cross-shelf frontal structure into two hydrographic regions that coincided with the Atlantic and Cantabrian geographic regions. Ichthyoplankton abundance was higher in the Cantabrian region while larval diversity was higher in the Atlantic region. This was the main alongshore variability in the structure of the larval fish assemblage. Nevertheless, the stronger variability, related with the presence of a shelf-slope front, was found in the central-eastern Cantabrian region where two major larval fish assemblages, an “outer” and a “coastal”, were distinguished. The Atlantic region, where the shelf-slope front was not found, was inhabited by a single larval fish assemblage. Canonical correspondence analysis revealed that, off the NW and N Iberian Peninsula coasts, the horizontal distribution of larval fish species in early spring may be explained by a limited number of environmental variables. Of these, the most important were the physical variables depth and sea surface temperature.  相似文献   

The identification, remedial treatment, and monitoring of contaminated sediments are among the priorities for managers of the Tampa Bay Estuary. Tampa Bay, as an urbanized estuary, is subject to the input of watershed sources of chemical contaminants, including metals, pesticides, and organic chemicals. Although the use of biological indicators and their incorporation into multi-metric indices is not new, the refinement and applications of such techniques for determining environmental condition still require further development and exploration. We present a single Tampa Bay Benthic Index (TBBI) that was developed specifically for Tampa Bay. Stepwise discriminant analysis was applied to a comprehensive list of potential benthic metrics. Results from the stepwise procedure identified the metrics that best discriminated between "healthy" and "degraded" conditions, as defined by sediment contaminant effect levels and dissolved oxygen. Discriminant analysis was then applied to the resultant three variables to determine the linear combination for the index.  相似文献   

Concentrations of major and trace metals were determined in eight sediment cores collected from the inter-tidal zone of the Medway Estuary, Kent, UK. Metal associations and potential sources have been investigated using principal component analysis. These data provide the first detailed geochemical survey of recent sediments in the Medway Estuary. Metal concentrations in surface sediments lie in the mid to lower range for UK estuarine sediments indicating that the Medway receives low but appreciable contaminant inputs. Vertical metal distributions reveal variable redox zonation across the estuary and historically elevated anthropogenic inputs. Peak concentrations of Cu, Pb and Zn can be traced laterally across the estuary and their positions indicate periods of past erosion and/or non-deposition. However, low rates of sediment accumulation do not allow these sub surface maxima to be used as accurate geochemical marker horizons. The salt marshes and inter-tidal mud flats in the Medway Estuary are experiencing erosion, however the erosion of historically contaminated sediments is unlikely to re-release significant amounts of heavy metals to the estuarine system.  相似文献   


Environmental flow requirements of estuaries have been ignored in the past, mostly because of the lack of long-term monitoring data or understanding of the responses to changes in freshwater inflow. In some cases, it was incorrectly assumed that the minimum flows determined for rivers would protect downstream processes and in others the omission of environmental water requirement studies for estuaries was as a result of the sectoral management of water resources or lack of applicable legislation. Three main countries have developed methods for estuaries, i.e. Australia, South Africa and the USA, from practical applications and a learning-by-doing approach. Recent methods take a holistic and adaptive standpoint and are presented as frameworks that include a number of steps and have elements of risk assessment and adaptive management. Most approaches are data rich and emphasize long-term monitoring. This review showed that, although methods are available, implementation is slow and will require strong governance structures, stakeholder participation, monitoring and feedback in an adaptive management cycle.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Guest editor M. Acreman  相似文献   

Sediment disturbance patterns in the coastal area off the Tagus Estuary (Portugal) have been assessed using a set of combined techniques. The potential sources of disturbance in the area include chronic contamination of the fine sediments originating from the estuary, a local input from a long-sea sewage outfall and occasional high runoff episodes following torrential rain. The Sediment Quality Triad approach, combining environmental chemistry (namely organic contaminants), macrofaunal benthic communities and laboratory sediment toxicity assays, was performed on sediment samples from 20 sites. The samples were collected before the outfall commenced operation and four years after commissioning, in order to evaluate the relative magnitudes of the three potential sources of disturbance. The sediment contamination created by the estuary was identified as the most important cause of reduced sediment quality, as disturbance in all three components of the Sediment Quality Triad were only found in a site located near the estuary.  相似文献   

Results are presented from a 1-year campaign to measure the seasonal variability of some key physical and biological properties of intertidal mudflats over a section of the central Tamar Estuary and to relate these to the physical environment. Seasonal variations in physical mudflat properties, such as grain size, density and moisture content were relatively small. With the exception of the particulate organic carbon content in the upper 0.002 m of surface sediment, biological variations were large. Redox potential exhibited considerable seasonal variation and showed that the sediments were less reduced in winter and more reduced in summer. Chlorophyll a and extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) within the surface 0.002 m of sediment (due to the presence of benthic diatoms) were strongly correlated and exhibited a pronounced seasonal pattern, with smallest values during winter and greatest values during late summer and early autumn. EPS had a dominating influence on sediment erosion, as determined from annular flume measurements. Velocity measurements and velocity modelling indicated that during the flood, and for much of the time during benthic diatom bloom conditions of high chlorophyll a and EPS sediment contents, the stresses exerted by tidal currents were too small to cause significant suspension of sediments over much of the middle and upper mudflats. Suspended fine sediment in the turbidity maximum zone was transported down-estuary and deposited in the main channel at low-water (LW) slack. Some of this sediment, in the form of relatively large aggregates, was subsequently transported onto the mudflats during the flooding tide, where slack currents and fast settling velocities may have enhanced sediment deposition there.Responsible Editor: Hans Burchard  相似文献   

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