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壳幔热流配分代表了一个地区的深部热量来源与最基础的地热背景,为区域地热资源的形成提供了重要的约束条件.本文依托CRUST1.0模型与地质资料,将中国陆区在平面上划分为19个构造区,在垂向上将这些区域从第四系沉积物至上地幔的地层划分为8个圈层,确定了这些圈层的分布范围和厚度.在全国范围内实测放射性生热率数据664组,收集地壳放射性生热率及U、Th、K元素含量数据约1000组,系统地完成了上述区域各圈层的放射性生热率填图,统计得出我国陆区上、中、下地壳生热率的平均值分别为1.31 μW·m-3、0.57 μW·m-3与0.22 μW·m-3.在此基础上,结合最新的全国大地热流测量数据(1503组)完成了我国陆区地壳-地幔热流分布的研究.研究结果表明,我国陆区qc/qm>1的面积占80.1%、qc/qm>1.2的面积占65.8%.除我国东部、中部的一些盆地之外,在我国陆区大部分地区,地壳均为大地热流的最主要热源.地壳各圈层中,基底层至中地壳为地壳的主要的产热区域,贡献了平均约50%的大地热流值.本文以面积加权计算得我国陆区地壳热流平均值为39.1 mW·m-2,其中青藏高原最高、东南沿海次之,两者分别得益于较大的地壳厚度与较高的基岩地层生热率.我国陆区地幔热流平均值为29.7 mW·m-2,与全球地幔热流平均值接近,其中东部沿海地区、环鄂尔多斯地区、藏滇地热带分布区较高.地壳热流、地幔热流的高值区与我国的主要地热资源分布区均具有较好的一致性.


The analysis of both temperature data and thermal conductivity material from seven deep oil exploration horeholes in northeast Africa has allowed the calculation of a heat flow value in the Somalian Horn (average58 ± 12mW m?2) and one from the coastal plain of northeast Sudan (average96 ± 19mW m?2). Heat production measurements of granites from the Sudanese basement indicate a substantial depletion in the radiogenic heat producing elements.The heat flow results complement previous measurements from the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea and are consistent with the geological and geophysical consensus that these two regions are young proto-oceans formed by the mechanisms of spreading lithospheric plates. The heat production evidence suggests that the lithospheric plate beneath the Sudan coastal plain is approximately 30–50 km thick and underlain by a zone of partial or complete melt.  相似文献   

The class of three-dimensional radiogenic heat source functions, which satisfy a linear relation between heat flow and surface heat production, is constructed by expanding the source in terms of Fourier transforms in the horizontal directions and Laguerre functions in the vertical. The linear relation then becomes a set of linear equations among the expansion coefficients. In particular, it is shown that the preferred exponential decay model can only hold if heat flow is constant at the Earth's surface. Furthermore, if a heat source function has any lateral variation, then the linear relation cannot survive erosion of any uniformly thick slab. For a given heat flow data set, construction of a source solution, closest in the mean-square sense to the exponential decay model, is demonstrated. When applied to a heat flow data set from central England, the construction gives vertical profiles which locally show significant departures from the exponential model.  相似文献   

沉积层放射性生热的热流贡献(沉积层热流)是沉积盆地大地热流的重要组成部分,能够有效促进中国西部“冷”盆深层-超深层烃源岩的增温和热演化.本文利用不同的自然伽马(GR)-生热率(A)经验关系式分别计算了准噶尔盆地不同构造单元16口钻孔共6120个沉积层生热率,通过与实测生热率的统计对比,确定了适用于研究区的GR-A经验关系,建立了准噶尔盆地地层生热率柱,据此计算了研究区沉积层热流贡献,并以盆参2井为例定量分析了沉积层热流的增温效应.结果表明,准噶尔盆地沉积层平均生热率为1.179±0.339 μW·m-3,总体上随着时代变老,沉积层生热率呈现出递减趋势.准噶尔盆地沉积层热流平均为7.9±4.9 mW·m-2,约占地壳热流的29.2%和大地热流的19.6%,区域上与盆地沉积层厚度大体一致,表现为中央坳陷最高,北天山山前冲断带变化较大,陆梁隆起和西部隆起次之,东部隆起和乌伦古坳陷最低.沉积层热流能够有效增高深层—超深层烃源层受热温度,促进有机质热演化,如在考虑和忽略沉积层生热的两种情况下计算的盆参2井下侏罗统三工河组烃源岩底部(5300 m)温度差异最大为7.3 ℃,这显然对于地温梯度小、主体油气藏埋深大的准噶尔盆地油气资源评价和勘探目标优选具有重要意义.  相似文献   

For the Central European area three-dimensional model techniques are used to estimate the temperature-depth distribution within the Earth's crust, the temperature at the crust-mantle boundary, the MOHO heat flow density, and the lateral variations of the heat production within the granitic upper crust. Regularization methods are used for the inversion of the surface heat flow density. The calculations were done for a 1 × 1 degree grid. Evidently, for single geothermal provinces the 200°, 400°, 600°, and 800° isotherms are running parallel to the crust-mantle boundary which implies that this discontinuity might be interpreted in terms of an isotherm.  相似文献   

Nine heat flow values from Baja California and Sonora represent the first determinations of heat flux from Mexico and, in general, justify southerly extensions of the Basin and Range and Southern California thermal provinces of the southwestern United States. Heat flow in northern Baja California is low (0.84 hfu), consistent with known values from the Sierra Nevada Batholith, but a value of 1.23 hfu was recorded in the central area of the peninsula. Seven measurements from Sonora, averaging 2.5 hfu, are similar to Basin and Range values.Reduced heat flow values (q*) have been calculated for Sonora and are interpreted as indicative of a separate Basin and Range thermal subprovince in Mexico. A tectonic model developed for northwestern Mexico attributes the high heat flow of the Basin and Range to behind arc extension associated with the termination of Cenozoic subduction. Opening of the Gulf of California and sea-floor spreading therein has provided a vent for the release of heat accumulated under northwestern Mexico. Thus, the southern portion of the Basin and Range province (in Mexico) appears to be cooling and narrowing and a subprovince of high reduced heat flow is defined east and perhaps southwest of the Gulf of California.  相似文献   

In crystalline rocks seismic velocityV p and densityp increase, whereas radioactive heat productionA decreases from acidic to basic compositions. From the velocity-density systematics for crustal rocks at different pressures an empiricalA(V p) relationship has been derived for the range 5.0–8.0 km/sec which follows the exponential law:A(V p )=a exp (-bV p ), where the numerical factorsa andb depend onin situ pressure. A graph is given by means of which the heat production distributionA(z) can be obtained for any givenV p (z) structure.Contribution No. 207, Institute of Geophysics, ETH Zurich.  相似文献   

重力剖面金川—芦山—犍穿越芦山震区,近垂直于龙门山断裂带南段,长约300 km,测点距平均2.5 km,采用高精度绝对重力控制下的相对重力联测与同址GPS三维坐标测量,获得了沿剖面的自由空气异常和布格重力异常,并对布格重力异常进行了剩余密度相关成像和密度分层结构正反演研究.结果表明,芦山地震所在的龙门山断裂带南段存在垂直断裂走向的宽广的巨型重力梯级带,重力变化达252×10-5 m·s-2以上(龙泉山以西),反映出四川盆地与松潘—甘孜地块地壳厚度陡变(约14.5 km)性质;四川盆地与松潘—甘孜地块过渡区(龙门山断裂带与新津—成都—德阳断裂之间)存在(30~50)×10-5 m·s-2的剩余异常"凹陷",可能与上地壳低密度体、山前剥蚀与松散堆积和推覆体前缘较为破碎有关;剩余密度相关成像显示地壳密度呈现分段性特征,在芦山地震位置出现高低密度变化;地壳呈现三层结构,四川盆地上、中、下地壳底界面平缓,反映其稳定阻挡作用,而松潘—甘孜块体上、中、下地壳底界面明显往盆地逐步抬升,反映出青藏高原往东的强烈挤压作用;松潘—甘孜块体往东推覆变形主要集中在上地壳范围内,推覆深度随离龙门山断裂带愈近而越浅.本文通过对密度分布及结构特征的研究,分析了芦山地震及龙门山地区地壳构造背景和当前活动性的深部动力环境特征.  相似文献   

The surface heat flow in the interior of Archean cratons is typically about 40 mW m−2 while that in Proterozoic and younger terrains surrounding them is generally considerably higher. The eighty-four heat flow observations from southern Africa provide an excellent example of this contrast in surface heat flow, showing a difference of some 25 mW m−2 between the Archean craton and younger peripheral units. We investigate two possible contributions to this contrast: (1) a shallow mechanism, essentially geochemical, comprising a difference in crustal heat production between the two terrains, and (2) a deeper mechanism, essentially geodynamical, arising from the existence of a lithospheric root beneath the Archean craton which diverts heat away from the craton into the thinner surrounding lithosphere. A finite element numerical model which explores the interplay between these two mechanisms suggests that a range of combinations of differences in crustal heat production and lithospheric thickness can lead to the contrast in surface heat flow observed in southern Africa. Additional constraints derived from seismological observations of cratonic roots, the correlation of surface heat flow and surface heat production, petrological estimates of the mean heat production in continental crust and constraints on upper mantle temperatures help narrow the range of acceptable models. Successful models suggest that a cratonic root beneath southern Africa extends to depths of 200–400 km. A root in this thickness range can divert enough heat to account for 50–100% of the observed contrast in surface heat flow, the remainder being due to a difference in crustal heat production between the craton and the surrounding mobile belts in the range of zero to 0.35 μW m−3.  相似文献   

维西—贵阳剖面重力异常与地壳密度结构特征   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
维西—贵阳剖面位于青藏高原东南缘,为青藏高原物质往东南逃逸、东构造结侧向挤压及华南地块北西西向推挤作用的重要地段.利用剖面观测的重力与GPS定位数据,结合区域背景重力场、地质构造及深部地球物理成果,反演研究剖面较为细化的地壳密度结构特征.观测研究表明:剖面布格重力异常总幅差变化达190×10-5 m·s-2,具"斜N"分段变化特征,从西往东呈上升(维西至攀枝花,水平梯变大)—下降(攀枝花至会泽,水平梯变较大)—上升(会泽至贵阳,水平梯变较小)态势;高程与布格重力异常比值的趋势性转折部位为康滇地轴核心和小江断裂带东侧,可能与先存构造或新生构造发育有关;剖面地壳密度结构可分上、中和下三层结构,各层底界面平均埋深分别约20km、35km和51km,金沙江—红河断裂带和鲜水河—小江断裂带为地壳结构相对简单与复杂的过渡带;地壳厚度西深东浅,可能是东构造结的侧向挤压所致;下地壳厚度变化相对较大,可能对地壳增厚起主要作用;华坪—攀枝花附近的Moho面隆起和上地壳高密度体的存在暗示上地幔往上底侵作用,对青藏高原物质向南东逃逸和东构造结的侧向挤压均起到一定阻挡作用;中地壳下伏有限低密度薄层有利于其上物质的南东逃逸和顺时针旋转,有利于其下物质受喜马拉雅东构造结作用下往东向运移.  相似文献   

泰安一诸城高精度重力观测剖面,位于华北克拉通的东部,是中国东部重要的构造带且是地震活动的重要地段,利用剖面相对重力联测与同址GNSS三维坐标测量数据,得到剖面的重力异常,结合区域布格重力场、地球深部探测及地质构造成果,对剖面进行密度结构反演和剩余密度相关成像研究.结果表明:剖面布格异常变化范围为(-30.1~7.3)×10-5m·s-2,从西往东总体呈上升(泰安至沂源以低背景平缓逐渐上升与相应位置的高程呈现"同步型"变化;马站至张家楼以高背景逐渐上升与地形高程呈现"镜像型"变化)趋势,高低异常背景转折在沂沭断裂带西段150 km左右位置;背景异常是地壳厚度变化的反映,整体形态西深东浅,在沂沐断裂带地壳厚度隆起可能是地壳下地幔物质沿断裂向上入侵时,地壳产生挤压和膨胀隆起所致;剖面地壳密度呈现上、中和下三层结构,鲁西隆起、沂沭断裂带西部中下地壳局部存在低密度体,可能是上地幔物质上涌岩石含部分高温流体和熔融岩体所致,胶东地区保持了比较完整和均一的地壳结构特征,反映了胶东地区地壳活动不强;剖面的主要断裂带位置均能看到布格重力异常和剩余密度的变化,可能是断裂控制了地下介质的发育所致;剖面密度模型显示地下密度的分段特征和深浅构造差异,沂沭断裂带是鲁西隆起和胶东隆起的分界带;本文通过对布格重力异常和密度结构的特征研究,分析了地震活动、动力学背景与地壳密度结构的关系.  相似文献   

Sixty new measurements together with published heat flow data in the South Atlantic between 20°S and 35°S latitude have been analyzed. Heat flux is greater through the eastern Mid-Atlantic Ridge flank and basin than their counterparts on the west but the standard deviation or spatial variation is greater on the west, contrary to expectation based on sediment thickness. The variance in the data indicates that this asymmetry in mean heat flux is statistically significant at 87% confidence level. A pair of ridge-flank minima appear in a composite trans-Atlantic profile of heat flux versus sea-floor age, suggesting hydrothermal circulation in the young oceanic crust. The Walvis Ridge has a mean excess heat flux of 28 mW m?2 (0.7 μcal cm?2 sec?1) above the surrounding Cape and Angola Basins, and decreases along the ridge towards the northeast. Consistent with the apparent asymmetric distribution in the South Atlantic, it is also significantly higher than that of the Rio Grande Rise. We hypothesize that the trend and larger mean heat flux of the Walvis Ridge is best explained by a hot-spot origin, perhaps combined with higher radioactivity in the crust. However, the morphologic and heat flow differences between the Walvis Ridge and Rio Grande Rise suggest that these features have different geologic histories.  相似文献   

In this work, we map the absorption properties of the French crust by analyzing the decay properties of coda waves. Estimation of the coda quality factor \(Q_{c}\) in five non-overlapping frequency-bands between 1 and 32 Hz is performed for more than 12,000 high-quality seismograms from about 1700 weak to moderate crustal earthquakes recorded between 1995 and 2013. Based on sensitivity analysis, \(Q_{c}\) is subsequently approximated as an integral of the intrinsic shear wave quality factor \(Q_{i}\) along the ray connecting the source to the station. After discretization of the medium on a 2-D Cartesian grid, this yields a linear inverse problem for the spatial distribution of \(Q_{i}\). The solution is approximated by redistributing \(Q_{c}\) in the pixels connecting the source to the station and averaging over all paths. This simple procedure allows to obtain frequency-dependent maps of apparent absorption that show lateral variations of \(50\%\) at length scales ranging from 50 km to 150 km, in all the frequency bands analyzed. At low frequency, the small-scale geological features of the crust are clearly delineated: the Meso-Cenozoic basins (Aquitaine, Brabant, Southeast) appear as strong absorption regions, while crystalline massifs (Armorican, Central Massif, Alps) appear as low absorption zones. At high frequency, the correlation between the surface geological features and the absorption map disappears, except for the deepest Meso-Cenozoic basins which exhibit a strong absorption signature. Based on the tomographic results, we explore the implications of lateral variations of absorption for the analysis of both instrumental and historical seismicity. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) current local magnitude \(M_{L}\) can be over(resp. under)-estimated when absorption is weaker(resp. stronger) than the nominal value assumed in the amplitude-distance relation; (2) both the forward prediction of the earthquake macroseismic intensity field and the estimation of historical earthquake seismological parameters using macroseismic intensity data are significantly improved by taking into account a realistic 2-D distribution of absorption. In the future, both \(M_{L}\) estimations and macroseismic intensity attenuation models should benefit from high-resolution models of frequency-dependent absorption such as the one produced in this study.  相似文献   

The heat flow map of Europe was derived from 2605 existing observations, which for this purpose were supplemented by numerous results of deep borehole temperatures, gradients and local heat flow patterns. In areas without data the heat flow field was extrapolated on the basis of the regional tectonic structure and the observed correlation of heat flow and the age of the last tectono-thermal event. The heat flow pattern as obtained in the map may be described by two components: (i) regional part and (ii) local part of the measured surface geothermal activity. The regional part of the heat flow field in Europe is dominated on the whole by a general north-east to south-west increase of the geothermal activity, which is an obvious consequence of the tectonic evolution, the major heat flow provinces corresponding thus to the principal tectonic units. The geothermal fine structure (local part) superimposing the former is mainly controlled by local tectonics, especially by the distribution of the deep reaching fracture zones and by the hydrogeological parameters. The correlation between the heat flow pattern and the crustal structure allows some preliminary geophysical implications: (a) areas of the increased seismicity may be connected with the zones of high horizontal temperature gradient, (b) increased surface heat flow may be generally observed in the zones of weakened crustal thickness, (c) there are considerable regional variations in the calculated temperature on the Moho-discontinuity, as well as in the upper mantle heat flow contribution.  相似文献   

Summary In August 1966 temperature profiles in the volcanic soil of Mt. Wrangell (4160 m) were measured and the boiling point was found in depths between 20 and 80 cm. The measurements indicated that at least 50 percent of the heat transport is caused by latent heat, the same order of magnitude, which is expected from theoretical considerations.
Zusammenfassung Im August 1966 wurden am Mt. Wrangell (4160 m) im vulkanischen Boden Temperaturprofile gemessen. Der Siedepunkt wurde in einer Bodentiefe zwischen 20 und 80 cm angetroffen. Die Messungen ergaben, dass mindestens 50 Prozent des Wärmetransportes durch latente Wärme verursacht wurde, die gleiche Grössenordnung, die nach theoretischen Überlegungen zu erwarten ist.

Temperatures have been measured in nine boreholes (ranging from 400 to 900 m in depth) in the Jharia Gondwana sedimentary basin of the Indian shield. About two hundred thermal conductivity determinations have been made on core samples from these holes. Temperature profiles, Bullard plots and heat flow profiles of these holes indicate different types of disturbances in the shallow geothermal regime, attributable principally to groundwater movement. Heat flow in the region of the “anticlinal high” is about 0.4 HFU higher than the heat flow in the main synclinal region of the basin. The possible sources for this variation are regional groundwater movement and upwelling of thermal waters through a deep-seated fault/fracture system. The heat flow of 1.9 HFU characterizing the main synclinal region, taken as the regional value for the basin as a whole, has been related to the heat generation of the Precambrian basement rocks. A plot of heat flow vs. heat generation falls in line with three plots for the Precambrian complexes of the Indian shield, indicating the absence of a thermal anomaly due to deeper crustal conditions underneath this basin.  相似文献   

Fluxes of fluid and heat from the oceanic crustal reservoir   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent discoveries define a global scale fluid reservoir residing within the uppermost igneous oceanic crust, a region of seafloor that is both warm and may harbor a substantial biosphere. This hydrothermal fluid reservoir formed initially within volcanic rocks newly erupted at mid-ocean ridges, but extends to the vastly larger and older ridge flanks. Upper oceanic crust is porous and permeable due to the presence of lava drainbacks, fissuring, and inter-unit voids, and this porosity and permeability allows active fluid circulation to advect measurable quantities of lithospheric heat from the crust to an average age of 65 Myr. A compilation of crustal porosities shows that this fluid reservoir contains nearly 2% of the total volume of global seawater. Heat flow and sediment thickness data allow calculation of reservoir temperatures, predicting 40°C mean temperatures in Cretaceous crust. Utilizing these temperature estimates, heat flow measurements and models for the thermal structure and evolution of the oceanic lithosphere, we have computed mean hydrothermal fluxes into the deep ocean as a function of plate age. The total hydrothermal volume flux into the oceans approaches 20% of the total riverine input and may contribute to the global seawater mass balance.  相似文献   

Strack OD 《Ground water》2006,44(1):91-98
We deal in this paper with an ongoing development of the analytic element method. We present in outline new analytic line elements that are suitable to model general flow fields, i.e., flow fields that possess a continuously varying areal inflow or outflow. These elements are constructed specifically to model the leakage through leaky layers that separate aquifers in leaky systems and to model transient effects. The leakage or release from storage underneath linear features is modeled precisely by the new elements; the singularity in leakage is matched exactly by the approximate solution. Applications are given for a problem involving leakage and for a case of transient flow. We note that the analytic elements can be used also to reproduce the effect of continuously varying aquifer properties, e.g., the hydraulic conductivity or the elevation of the base of the aquifer. In the latter case, the elements would reproduce the rotation of the flow field caused by the variation in properties, rather than the divergence as for the case of leakage.  相似文献   

In this work we have modeled the thermal structure of the lithosphere of the Spanish Central System and the Tajo Basin, and their implications for lithospheric strength. For this, we have used refined heat-producing elements (HPE) values to obtain new estimates of heat production rates in the Spanish Central System and Tajo Basin areas, which have been used joined to the relation between topography and thermal structure of the lithosphere to calculate the best-fit surface heat flows in the study area. Moreover, we have implemented a temperature-dependent thermal conductivity (appropriate for olivine) for the lithospheric mantle to improve the calculations of temperature profiles in the mantle. The geotherms so obtained, together with the implementation of a new rheological law for the upper lithospheric mantle, have been used to calculate refined estimations of the strength and effective elastic thickness of the lithosphere. We have obtained surface heat flow values of 84 mW m−2 and ∼82 mW m−2 for the Spanish Central System and the Tajo Basin, respectively. The thermal state of the lithosphere affects mantle temperatures, and hence may be playing an important role in the uplift and maintenance of the Spanish Central System.  相似文献   

The Sanjiang area in southwest China is considered as a tectonic intersection belt between the Tethys-Alps and the western Pacific, and has endured three-phase evolution processes: Proto-Tethys,Paleo-Tethys and Meso-Tethys[1―4]. In this area, its tectonics and struc- ture are extremely complicated, and intensively extru-sive deformation and faults are widely developed[1―3]. For that, the area is considered as the ideal na- ture-laboratory to study the evolution of Paleo-Tethys and also …  相似文献   

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