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We present the results of magnetic field measurements in three active prominences, July 24, 1981, July 24, 1999, and July 12, 2004, obtained from observations with the echelle spectrograph of the horizontal solar telescope at the Astronomical Observatory of the Taras Shevchenko Kiev National University. The magnetic fields were measured from the Zeeman splitting of the I ± V profiles in the He I D3 and H?? lines in the atmosphere at heights from 3 to 14 Mm. Our measurements of the effective magnetic fields B eff from the shift of the profile centroids have shown that the magnetic fields averaged over the entrance slit area were within the range from ?600 to +1500 G. The amplitude values of the local fields have been estimated from the splitting of the bisectors of the central parts of the line profiles at 0.9 of the peak intensity. The corresponding fields B 0.9 have turned out to be approximately twice B eff and reached 4000 G in absolute value. Narrow (1?C2 Mm) height peaks at heights of 6?C11 Mm have been found in the height distributions of the magnetic field. We have found an interesting effect in two prominences-an anticorrelation between the magnetic field strengths measured from the D3 and H?? lines.  相似文献   

Simultaneous observations of the polarization of radiations H and D3 have been performed in 1979 at Pic du Midi on 60 solar prominences (300 pairs of measurements). For the essential part of the sample, the degree of polarization p(D3) does not depend strongly upon the intensity E(D3); on the contrary p(H) decreases steeply when E(H) goes beyond the brightness which corresponds to (H) = 1 (Figure 4); the deviation of the polarization direction (H) does not show such a strong dependance upon E(H) (Figure 6). A crude estimate of the possible role of multiple scattering in an optically thick prominence is in general agreement with observational data but a detailed comparison will be possible only when a complete theory of the Hanle effect in non optically thin layers will be available.Therefore, H polarization measurements are presently useful mainly when (H) < 1 and, in connexion with D3 measurements (Figure 8), they should make possible to determine the three components of the prominence magnetic vector. Prospects are given for the observation of other lines (H; 10 830 Å) which do not suffer heavy self-absorption effects and would be well-suited to this type of study.  相似文献   

The time dependence of Doppler shift and line-center intensity is simultaneously observed for the H emission of three solar prominences, each one during about two hours. Doppler oscillations with periods near one hour and amplitudes between 1 and 2 km s–1 are conspicuously visible in the recordings of all three prominences. Fourier analysis yields periods of 50, 60, and 64 min, as well as slight indications of short periods near 3 and 5 min. No oscillations are found in the line-center brightness.  相似文献   

Two examples of sudden brightenings in local regions of active prominences as observed at the center of the H line are described. The origin of the brightenings is discussed in terms of Doppler shifts along the line of sight, Doppler brightenings and intrinsic changes of physical conditions. It is shown that the two examples presented here have common characteristics and the origin may probably be attributed to intrinsic changes of physical conditions.Contributions from the Kwasan and Hida Observatories, University of Kyoto, No. 257.  相似文献   

Simultaneously measured line intensities of Ca+ K and H, H, H and He D3 are presented and compared with recent model calculations by Heasley and Milkey (1978). The model calculations are compatible with the observations. There is indication that the observed branching of the relation E(Ca+ K and H) E(H) depends on the widths of the Ca+-lines.  相似文献   

A flare event occurred which involved the disappearance of a filament near central meridian on 29 August 1973. The event was well observed in X-rays with the AS & E telescope on Skylab and in H at BBSO. It was a four-ribbon flare involving both new and old magnetic inversion lines which were roughly parallel. The H, X-ray, and magnetic field data are used to deduce the magnetic polarities of the H brightenings at the footpoints of the brightest X-ray loops. These magnetic structures and the preflare history of the region are then used to argue that the event involved a reconnection of magnetic field lines rather than a brightening in place of pre-existing loops. The simultaneity of the H brightening onsets in the four ribbons and the apparent lack of an eruption of the filament are consistent with this interpretation. These observations are compared to other studies of filament disappearances. The preflare structures and the alignment of the early X-ray flare loops with the H filament are consistent with the schematic picture of a filament presented first by Canfield et al. (1974).  相似文献   

High dispersion CCD spectra are used to study the profiles of the Hα and Hβ lines of 48 stars in early spectral classes in the young diffuse binary cluster h/χ Per. In addition, moderate resolution spectra of 15 B and Be stars were taken over the interval 4400–4960 Å. One or, possibly, two new Be stars are discovered. The major parameters of the Hα line are measured for the observed B and Be stars. The spectra over 4400–4960 Å are used to estimate Teff, logg, and υsin i. No traces of emission are detected in the Hα line profiles for 28 of the stars and emission is observed in the Hα line for 20. During our observations an absorption profile of the Hα line was observed for some of the stars, such as Oo146, Oo566, Oo922, and Oo1268, although they have previously been identified as Be stars. A significant long-term variability of the Hα line is discovered for the Be stars Oo1161 and Oo2242. Oo2371 manifests a variability in its faint emission spectrum which is typical of close binary systems that include a Be star. __________ Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 51, No. 2, pp. 305–319 (May 2008).  相似文献   

During 1967–1970, the greatness of 90 large flares (H importance 2) was influenced by the orientation of the large-scale ( 100 000 km) magnetic field structure over the flare site. Although the average X-ray and optical emissions are only slightly larger for flares with their overlying fields directed southward, as opposed to northward, the meter-wave-length prompt flux maxima are, on average, an order of magnitude greater for the flares with southward oriented magnetic fields. There is a comparable, but possibly smaller difference in the 10 cm- fluxes. We therefore conclude that, during this period, the orientation of the overlying magnetic field affects the amount of electromagnetic flare energy radiated promptly in the corona (10 cm- and m-), relative to that radiated in the chromosphere (X-ray and optical). We demonstrate that this statistical effect shows some variability in degree during the period, although the trend is consistent throughout.  相似文献   

During a coordinated SMY program, the consecutive formation of two new active centers merging together within AR 2646 was observed from 28 August, to 5 September, 1980. The two preceding spots compressed an inverse polarity spot on 1 September 1980, causing recurrent ejecta of matter with time intervals around 10 min. The observations of the MSDP spectrograph operating in H at the Meudon Solar tower and of the UVSP spectrometer on SMM in the Civ 1548 Å line show that cold and hot material had the same projection, although the upward Civ velocity structure was more extended than the H one. We present evidence that observed contrasts of the H absorbing structure can be interpreted in terms of a dynamic cloud model overlying the chromosphere. H matter follows a magnetic channel with upward velocity around 20–30 km s–1 in the first phase of the event and with downward velocity ( - 40 km s–1) in the second phase. The stored energy is not sufficient to trigger a flare, nor even to propulse matter along the full length of an arch, because of the periodic reorganisation of the magnetic field.  相似文献   

A detailed study of the evolution and cooling process of post-flare loops is presented for a large X9.2 solar flare of 2 November 1992 by using H images obtained with Domeless Solar Telescope at Hida Observatory and soft X-ray images of Yohkoh Soft X-ray Telescope (SXT). The detailed analysis with a new method allows us to determine more precise values of the cooling times from 107 K to 104 K plasma in the post-flare loops than in previous works. The subtraction of sequential images shows that soft X-ray dimming regions are well correlated to the H brightening loop structure. The cooling times between 107 K and 104 K are defined as the time difference between the start of soft X-ray intensity decrease and the end of H intensity increase at a selected point, where the causal relation between H brightening and soft X-ray dimming loops is confirmed. The obtained cooling times change with time; about 10 min at the initial stage and about 40 min at the later stage. The combined conductive and radiative cooling times are also calculated by using the temperature and density obtained from SXT data. Calculated cooling times are close to observed cooling times at the beginning of the flare and longer in the later stage.  相似文献   

Profile variations in the Hα and Hβ lines in the spectra of the star 55 Cyg are investigated from observations acquired in 2010 at the Cassegrain focus of the 2-m telescope at the Shamakhy Astrophysical Observatory after named N.Tusi (Azerbaijan). The spectral resolution is approximately 15000. The emission and absorption components of the Ha profile are found to disappear on some observational days, and one of the spectrograms exhibits an inverse P-Cyg profile of Hα. It is suggested that the observational evidence for the nonstationary atmosphere of 55 Cyg can be associated in part with nonspherical stellar wind.  相似文献   

The carbon decameter radio recombination line (RRL) shape is described by a Voigt profile, since explicit line broadening is observed in the wings. A Lorentz component line half width is determined by the method of a Lorentz and Gauss line profile fitting of a curve. Since the Lorentz line shape is described by the Stark effect and the interaction with the Galaxy non-thermal background radiation, then by comparing the Lorentz component experimental and theoretical values a medium component electron density can be calculated for an expanding CII region towards Cassiopeia A. So far as the decameter lines are formed due to the transitions between the levels with large principal quantum numbers n>600, the life time, and thus the line width are very large. The collision transition rate is described by the perturbation theory for a low temperature medium. The radius matrix elements for a highly excited atom are defined more exactly with determining the transition rates for radiation interaction and scattering.  相似文献   

The effect of a non-uniform magnetic field on the gravitational instability for a non-uniformly rotating, infinitely extending axisymmetric cylinder in a homogeneous medium has been studied. The Bel and Schatzman criterion of gravitational instability for a non-uniformly rotating medium is modified under the effect of a non-uniform/uniform magnetic field acting along the tangential and axial directions. As a consequence the stabilizing and destabilizing effect of the non-uniform magnetic field is obtained, a new criterion for the magneto-gravitational instability is deduced in terms of Alfven’s wave velocity; and it is also found that the Jeans criterion determines the gravitational instability in the absence of rotation and when the non-uniform/uniform magnetic field acts along the axis of the cylinder.  相似文献   

Firstova  N. M. 《Astronomy Letters》2015,41(10):593-600
Astronomy Letters - During our spectropolarimetric observations of the 2B/4.8X flare on July 23, 2002, with the Large Solar Vacuum Telescope (LSVT), we detected impact linear polarization in the...  相似文献   

Monochromatic photographs of the Orion Nebula taken through narrow bandpass interference filters (Δλ=10 Å) centred on Hα, Hβ and [NII] lines are presented. Ratio contours of Hα/[NII] and Hα/Hβ are derived. They enable a detailed study of the point-to-point variation in ionization structure and temperature throughout the nebula. Dust located within the ionized gas is studied from the Hα/Hβ ratio which varies from point to point over the nebula. Its strongest concentration, apart in the obvious ‘dark bay’, occurs in a shell surrounding the exciting stars, with about 2′ of diameter. Close to Θ1 Ori the Hα/Hβ ratio, corrected for interstellar reddening, is about 3.0 in good agreement with the predicted value (Brocklehurst, 1971). To account for these measures, the following arguments are proposed:
  1. Dust grains are completely or partially destroyed in region close to the exciting stars.
  2. Radiation pressure and stellar wind push the remaining dust up to some equilibrium distance outwards. The consequence of this action is obviously the formation of a ‘dust mantle’ which is seen as a ring in projection.

We present a catalogue of 3305 Hα emission-line point sources observed with the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope(LAMOST) in the vicinity fields of M31 and M33 during September 2011 and January 2016.The catalogue contains 1487 emission-line stars,532 emission-line nebulae including 377 likely planetary nebulae(PNe),83 H Ⅱ region candidates and 20 possible supernova remnants(SNRs) and 1286 unknown objects.Among them,24 PN candidates,19 H Ⅱ region candidates,10 SNR candidates and one symbiotic star candidate are new discoveries.Radial velocities and fluxes estimated from the Hα line and those quantities of seven other major emission lines including Hβ,[O Ⅲ] A4959,[O Ⅲ] A5007,[N Ⅱ] A6548,[N Ⅱ] A6583,[S Ⅱ] A6717 and [S Ⅱ] A6731 lines of all the catalogued sources yielded from the LAMOST spectra are also presented in our catalogue.Our catalogue is an ideal starting point to study the chemistry properties and kinematics of M 31 and M 33.  相似文献   

In this paper we present the H map, the 2D velocity field and the rotation curve of the galaxy NGC 784 obtained with the ByuFOSC2 scanning Fabry-Perot interferometer, attached at the prime focus of the 2.6-m telescope of Byurakan Observatory. The H image shows several HII condensations along the major axis of the galaxy. The galaxy has an asymmetric distribution of the H emission. The rotation curve is quite symmetric with a low gradient in the central part of the galaxy.  相似文献   

Based on the photospheric vector magnetograms taken at Huairou Solar Observing Station (HSOS), H images taken at Hiraiso Solar Terrestrial Research Center of Communication Research Laboratory, soft X-ray images taken by Yohkoh and an extrapolation method, the magnetic field structures and some active phenomena of the active region AR 7321 around 04:12 UT on 27 October 1992 are analyzed in this paper. A divergence of the transverse magnetic field, located at a newly formed spot, was found. At least four highly sheared magnetic field systems separately spread from this divergence to four other sites around this divergence. Vertical current concentrations are upward in this region and downward in the other four sites, and the corresponding H bright patches and soft X-ray bright loops coincide with these structures, confirming the existence of these four systems. The extrapolated magnetic force lines reconstructed by the Boundary Element Method (BEM), force-free field assumption, and boundary condition of observed photospheric vector magnetic field, coincide in space with the H bright patches and soft X-ray bright loops, showing that this extrapolation method is very effective and suggesting that the H bright patches and soft X-ray bright loops in this case represent the magnetic field structures in the upper atmosphere of the Sun.The bright structures in the H images and the soft X-ray images have a close correlation with the non-potential characteristics of the magnetic fields.  相似文献   

The M7.7 solar flare on July 19, 2012, is the most dramatic example of a “Masuda” flare with a well-defined second X-ray above-the-loop-top source. The behavior of the system of loops accompanying this flare has been studied comprehensively by Liu et al. based on Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) and Solar Dynamics Observatory/Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (SDO/AIA) data. We have performed spectroscopic and filter observations of the Hα loops in this flare with the Large Solar Vacuum Telescope. The basic physical parameters in the loops of this peculiar flare generally coincide with the known data in Hα loops. However, the electron density, 1011 cm?3, and the integrated disk-center continuum intensity, 12%, are quite high, given that the observations were obtained almost 3 h after the flare onset.We have estimated the ascending velocity of the loop arcade (~3.5 km s?1) and the height difference between the Hα and 94 Å loops (~2 × 104 km).  相似文献   

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