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对地日冕物质抛射研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
日冕物质抛射,作为太阳大气中频繁发生的极为壮观的活动现象,越来越受到太阳物理学家的关注。其中一类特殊的抛射事件--对地日冕物质抛射,通常与大的地磁暴、行星际激波和高能粒子事件相伴生,具有强烈的地球物理效应,是影响空间天气的主要因素之一。概括了对地日冕物质抛射的研究现状,重点介绍了与对土日冕物质抛射事件相联系的光球向量磁场演化的观测研究成果,并由典型事件探讨了暗条爆发、耀五等剧烈太阳活动和对地日冕物质抛射之间的密切关系,提出了尚待解决的主要问题和进一步的研究方向。 相似文献
A comprehensive case and statistical study of CME onsets has been conducted on the solar limb using the CDS, LASCO and EIT
instruments aboard the SOHO spacecraft. This is the first dedicated campaign to establish firmly the EUV signatures of CME
onsets and is based on a series of low-corona observing campaigns made in 2002. The event database consisted of 36 multiple
emission line sequences observed with CDS and the study builds, in particular, on studies of EUV coronal dimming which have
been associated with CME onsets. We witness a range of dimming events in EUV coronal emission line data. Shorter events, commonly
of duration < 4 hours, we find are indirectly associated with CME onsets whereas longer-duration dimmings (> 4 hours) appear
to be either due to coronal evolution or rotational effects. However, for some CME onsets, where the CDS pointing was appropriate,
no dimming was observed. Dimming observed in EIT typically occurred immediately after the launch of a loop or prominence,
and in 5 out of 9 events there is evidence of a matter buildup within the loop before launch. A total of 10 events occurred
where CDS was used to directly observe the CME footprint, but no relationship between these events was found. The results
suggest that the response of the corona to a CME launch differs between the low (1.0 R
⊙≤R≤1.2 R
⊙) and middle (1.2 R
⊙<R≤2.0 R
⊙) corona regions, hence implying a difference between dimming observations conducted with different instruments. 相似文献
Simultaneous SOHO and Ground-Based Observations of a Large Eruptive Prominence and Coronal Mass Ejection 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Plunkett S.P. Vourlidas A. Šimberová S. Karlický M. Kotrč P. Heinzel P. Kupryakov Yu.A. Guo W.P. Wu S.T. 《Solar physics》2000,194(2):371-391
Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are frequently associated with erupting prominences near the solar surface. A spectacular eruption of the southern polar crown prominence was observed on 2 June 1998, accompanied by a CME that was well-observed by the LASCO coronagraphs on SOHO. The prominence was observed in its quiescent state and was followed throughout its eruption by the SOHO EIT and later by LASCO as the bright, twisted core of the CME. Ground-based H observations of the prominence were obtained at the Ondejov Observatory in the Czech Republic. A great deal of fine structure was observed within the prominence as it erupted. The prominence motion was found to rotate about its axis as it moved outward. The CME contained a helical structure that is consistent with the ejection of a magnetic flux rope from the Sun. Similar structures have been observed by LASCO in many other CMEs. The relationship of the flux rope to other structures in the CME is often not clear. In this event, the prominence clearly lies near the trailing edge of the structure identified as a flux rope. This structure can be observed from the onset of the CME in the low corona all the way out to the edge of the LASCO field of view. The initiation and evolution of the CME are modeled using a fully self-consistent, 3D axisymmetric, MHD code. 相似文献
王水 《紫金山天文台台刊》1994,13(3):181-188
Basic processes of magnetic reconnection and observations of coronal mass ejection are introduced. A possible mechanism of CME caused by magnetic rcconnection in the current sheet of solar corona is suggested. 相似文献
综述日冕物质抛射的观测和持性,简短的前言之后,给出CME的发现经过及统计特性,着重介绍CME与其他种类太阳活动的相关。然后介绍CME的一般特性,包括可能与CME相关的一些物理过程的观测特性。初步结论是:CME是一种演变中的磁结构现象。 相似文献
1 INTRODUCTIONCoronal majss ejections (CMEs) are often seen as spectacular eruptions of matter fromthe Sun which propagate outward through the heliosphere and often interact with the Earth'smagnetosphere (Hundhausen, 1997; Gosling, 1997; and references herein). It is well known thatthese interactions can have substalltial consequences on the geomagnetic environment of theEarth, sometimes resulting in damage to satellites (e.g., McAllister et al., 1996; Berdichevskyet al., 1998). CMEs… 相似文献
The distribution of times t between coronal mass ejections (CMEs) in the Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) CME catalog for the years 1996–2001 is examined. The distribution exhibits a power-law tail (t) with an index –2.36±0.11 for large waiting times (t>10 hours). The power-law index of the waiting-time distribution varies with the solar cycle: for the years 1996–1998 (a period of low activity), the power-law index is –1.86±0.14, and for the years 1999–2001 (a period of higher activity), the index is –2.98±0.20. The observed CME waiting-time distribution, and its variation with the cycle, may be understood in terms of CMEs occurring as a time-dependent Poisson process. The CME waiting-time distribution is compared with that for greater than C1 class solar flares in the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) catalog for the same years. The flare and CME waiting-time distributions exhibit power-law tails with very similar indices and time variation. 相似文献
K. P. Dere G. E. Brueckner R. A. Howard M. J. Koomen C. M. Korendyke R. W. Kreplin D. J. Michels J. D. Moses N. E. Moulton D. G. Socker O. C. St. Cyr J. P. Delaboudinière G. E. Artzner J. Brunaud A. H. Gabriel J. F. Hochedez F. Millier X. Y. Song J. P. Chauvineau J. P. Marioge J. M. Defise C. Jamar P. Rochus R. C. Catura J. R. Lemen J. B. Gurman W. Neupert F. Clette P. Cugnon E. L. Van Dessel P. L. Lamy A. Llebaria R. Schwenn G. M. Simnett 《Solar physics》1997,175(2):601-612
We present the first observations of the initiation of a coronal mass ejection (CME) seen on the disk of the Sun. Observations
with the EIT experiment on SOHO show that the CME began in a small volume and was initially associated with slow motions of
prominence material and a small brightening at one end of the prominence. Shortly afterward, the prominence was accelerated
to about 100 km s-1 and was preceded by a bright loop-like structure, which surrounded an emission void, that traveled out into the corona at
a velocity of 200–400 km s-1. These three components, the prominence, the dark void, and the bright loops are typical of CMEs when seen at distance in
the corona and here are shown to be present at the earliest stages of the CME. The event was later observed to traverse the
LASCO coronagraphs fields of view from 1.1 to 30 R⊙. Of particular interest is the fact that this large-scale event, spanning
as much as 70 deg in latitude, originated in a volume with dimensions of roughly 35" (2.5 x 104 km). Further, a disturbance that propagated across the disk and a chain of activity near the limb may also be associated
with this event as well as a considerable degree of activity near the west limb. 相似文献
We propose a new model for the initiation of solar coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and CME-associated flares. The model is inferred from observations of a quiescent filament eruption in the north-western quadrant of the solar disk on 4 September 2000. The event was observed with the Siberian Solar Radio Telescope (5.7 GHz), the Nobeyama Radioheliograph (17 GHz) and SOHO/EIT and LASCO. Based on the observations, we suggest that the eruption could be caused by the interaction of two dextral filaments. According to our model, these two filaments merge together to form a dual-filament system tending to form a single long filament. This results in a slow upward motion of the dual-filament system. Its upward expansion is prevented by the attachment of the filaments to the photosphere by filament barbs as well as by overlying coronal arcades. The initial upward motion is caused by the backbone magnetic field (first driving factor) which connects the two merging filaments. Its magnetic flux increases slowly due to magnetic reconnection of the cross-interacting legs of these filaments. If a total length of the dual-filament system is large enough, then the filament barbs detach themselves from the solar surface due to magnetic reconnection between the barbs with oppositely directed magnetic fields. The detachment of the filament barbs completes the formation of the eruptive filaments themselves and determines the helicity sign of their magnetic fields. The appearance of a helical magnetic structure creates an additional upward-directed force (second driving factor). A combined action of these two factors causes acceleration of the dual-filament system. If the lifting force of the two factors is sufficient to substantially extend the overlying coronal magnetic arcade, then magnetic reconnection starts below the eruptive filament in accordance with the classical scheme, and the third driving factor comes into play. 相似文献
The intensity?Ctime profile of Forbush decrease (FD) events observed by neutron monitors (NMs) looks like that of a geomagnetic storm as defined by the Dst index. Oh, Yi, and Kim (J.?Geophys. Res. 113, A01103, 2008) and Oh and Yi (J.?Geophys. Res. 114, A11102, 2009) classified FD events based on the amount of overlap and simultaneity of their main phase in Universal Time (UT). Oh and Yi define an FD event as simultaneous if the main phases observed by NMs distributed evenly around the Earth overlap in UT, and nonsimultaneous if they overlap only in the local time of some stations. They suggested that the occurrence mechanisms of two types of FD events may be related to interplanetary (IP) magnetic structures such as IP shocks and magnetic clouds. In their model, the simultaneity of FD events depends on the strength and propagation direction of magnetic structures overtaking the Earth. Recently, the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) mission has been able to visualize the emergence and propagation direction of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) in three dimensions in the heliosphere; thus, it is now possible to test the suggested mechanisms. One simultaneous FD event observed on 18 February 2011 may have been caused by a CME heading directly toward the Earth, which was observed on 15 February 2011 by the STEREO mission. Therefore, the simultaneity of FD events is proven to be a useful analysis tool in understanding the geoeffectiveness of solar events such as interplanetary CMEs and IP shocks. 相似文献
太阳日冕物质抛射特性的模糊分类研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
应用模糊集理论对日冕物质抛射(CME)特性进行分类研究,根据CME形态特性和特征因子之间的关系,重点阐明构造每个特性的隶属函数和确定权重因子的基本原理与方法,通过数据处理,对CME特性进行聚类分析,结果表明,模糊分类方法要优于传统的统计分析,对于CME特性按重要性分类,为空间环境的预报提供了一个具有实用价值的方法。 相似文献
Louise K. Harra 《中国天文和天体物理学报》2006,6(2):247-259
We revisit the Bastille Day flare/CME Event of 2000 July 14, and demonstrate that this flare/CME event is not related to only one single active region (AR). Activation and eruption of a huge transequatorial filament are seen to precede the simultaneous filament eruption and flare in the source active region, NOAA AR 9077, and the full halo-CME in the high corona. Evidence of reconfiguration of large-scale magnetic structures related to the event is illustrated by SOHO EIT and Yohkoh SXT observations, as well as, the reconstructed 3D magnetic lines of force based on the force-free assumption. We suggest that the AR filament in AR9077 was connected to the transequatorial filament. The large-scale magnetic composition related to the transequatorial filament and its sheared magnetic arcade appears to be an essential part of the CME parent magnetic structure. Estimations show that the filament-arcade system has enough magnetic helicity to account for the helicity carried by the related CMEs. In addition, rather global magnetic connectivity, covering almost all the visible range in longitude and a huge span in latitude on the Sun, is implied by the Nancay Radioheliograph (NRH) observations. The analysis of the Bastille Day event suggests that although the triggering of a global CME might take place in an AR, a much larger scale magnetic composition seems to be the source of the ejected magnetic flux, helicity and plasma. The Bastille Day event is the first described example in the literature, in which a transequatorial filament activity appears to play a key role in a global CME. Many tens of halo-CME are found to be associated with transequatorial filaments and their magnetic environment. 相似文献
We present detailed observations of the formations of four distinct coronal dimmings during a flare of 17 September 2002,
which was followed by an eruption of a huge coronal loop system, and then an over-and-out partial halo coronal mass ejection
(CME), with the same direction as the loop system eruption but laterally far offset from the flare site. Among the four dimmings,
two compact ones were symmetrically located in the opposite polarity regions immediately adjacent to the highly sheared magnetic
polarity inversion line in the flare region, and hence were probably composed of bipolar double dimmings due to a flux-rope
eruption and represented its evacuated footpoints. However, another nearby compact dimming and a remote diffuse one were formed
in the opposite polarity footpoint regions of the eruptive loop system, and thus probably consisted of a pair of dimmings
magnetically linked by the erupting loop system and also indicated its evacuated footpoints. The loop system might have played
a role in guiding the erupting flare field and producing the over-and-out CME, but its eruption might simply have been pushed
out by the erupting flare field, because there was no reconnection signature between them. From comparison with a derived
potential-field source-surface (PFSS) magnetic configuration, our observations consistently suggest that the dimmings were
formed in pairs and originated from the eruptions of the two different magnetic systems. We thus define them as “quadrupolar
dimmings.” 相似文献
E. A. Jensen P. P. Hick M. M. Bisi B. V. Jackson J. Clover T. Mulligan 《Solar physics》2010,265(1-2):31-48
We present the results from modeling the coronal mass ejection (CME) properties that have an effect on the Faraday rotation (FR) signatures that may be measured with an imaging radio antenna array such as the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA). These include the magnetic flux rope orientation, handedness, magnetic-field magnitude, velocity, radius, expansion rate, electron density, and the presence of a shock/sheath region. We find that simultaneous multiple radio source observations (FR imaging) can be used to uniquely determine the orientation of the magnetic field in a CME, increase the advance warning time on the geoeffectiveness of a CME by an order of magnitude from the warning time possible from in-situ observations at L 1, and investigate the extent and structure of the shock/sheath region at the leading edge of fast CMEs. The magnetic field of the heliosphere is largely “invisible” with only a fraction of the interplanetary magnetic-field lines convecting past the Earth; remote sensing the heliospheric magnetic field through FR imaging from the MWA will advance solar physics investigations into CME evolution and dynamics. 相似文献
We investigate the initiation and formation of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) via a detailed two-viewpoint analysis of low corona observations of a relatively fast CME acquired by the SECCHI instruments aboard the STEREO mission. The event which occurred on 2 January 2008, was chosen because of several unique characteristics. It shows upward motions for at least four hours before the flare peak. Its speed and acceleration profiles exhibit a number of inflections which seem to have a direct counterpart in the GOES light curves. We detect and measure, in 3D, loops that collapse toward the erupting channel while the CME is increasing in size and accelerates. We suggest that these collapsing loops are our first evidence of magnetic evacuation behind the forming CME flux rope. We report the detection of a hot structure which becomes the core of the white light CME. We observe and measure unidirectional flows along the erupting filament channel which may be associated with the eruption process. Finally, we compare these observations to the predictions from the standard flare-CME model and find a very satisfactory agreement. We conclude that the standard flare-CME concept is a reliable representation of the initial stages of CMEs and that multi-viewpoint, high cadence EUV observations can be extremely useful in understanding the formation of CMEs. 相似文献
Bhuwan Joshi P. K. Manoharan Astrid M. Veronig P. Pant Kavita Pandey 《Solar physics》2007,242(1-2):143-158
The evolution of an X2.7 solar flare, that occurred in a complex β γ δ magnetic configuration region on 3 November 2003 is discussed by utilizing a multi-wavelength data set. The very first signature of pre-flare coronal activity is observed in radio wavelengths as a type III burst that occurred several minutes prior to the flare signature in Hα. This type III burst is followed by the appearance of a loop-top source in hard X-ray (HXR) images obtained from RHESSI. During the main phase of the event, Hα images observed from ARIES solar tower telescope, Nainital, reveal well-defined footpoint (FP) and loop-top (LT) sources. As the flare evolves, the LT source moves upward and the separation between the two FP sources increases. The co-alignment of Hα with HXR images shows spatial correlation between Hα and HXR footpoints, whereas the rising LT source in HXR is always located above the LT source seen in Hα. The evolution of LT and FP sources is consistent with the reconnection models of solar flares. The EUV images at 195 Å taken by SOHO/EIT reveal intense emission on the disk at the flaring region during the impulsive phase. Further, slow-drifting type IV bursts, observed at low coronal heights at two time intervals along the flare period, indicate rising plasmoids or loop systems. The intense type II radio burst at a time in between these type IV bursts, but at a relatively greater height, indicates the onset of CME and its associated coronal shock wave. The study supports the standard CSHKP model of flares, which is consistent with nearly all eruptive flare models. More importantly, the results also contain evidence for breakout reconnection before the flare phase. 相似文献
作为一种大尺度的太阳高能活动现象,日冕物质抛射(CME)的发现令人瞩目,其强烈的行星际和地球物理效应更引起了天文、空间和地球物理学家的共同关注。在本文中介绍了自CME发现以来的22年中观测和研究所取得的进展,以及它给太阳物理学带来的影响,并分析了研究工作所面临的困难和障碍,展望了CME研究的前景。 相似文献