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西北地区不同类型云的时空分布及其与降水的关系   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
利用1983年7月~2001年9月国际卫星云气候计划ISCCP D2的月平均资料,对西北不同区域不同类型云的云量和云水路径的时空分布及其与降水的关系进行了研究。结果表明:高原气候区是各种云出现最多的地区,特别是积状云的云量明显高于其他两区,但这些云的云水路径值低;西北地区大多数云云量的高值区出现在天山山区、北疆地区、陕西东南部和青藏高原的部分地区。高云和部分中云云量空间分布特征与降水有着较好的一致性:沿着天山—昆仑山—祁连山一带以及陕南和/或陇南地区是高值区,低值区在塔里木盆地—内蒙古西部戈壁沙漠—黄土高原西北部一带;绝大多数云类春夏季节云量维持较高,秋冬季节云量较少。云水路径值较大的层状云类的云量多寡与降水多寡相一致;积状云类和层积云类云量多少与降水没有一定的关系,在降水偏少时,这类云的云量大多与降水正常时相近,有些云的云量甚至比降水偏多时还要多。  相似文献   

中国西北地区云的分布及其变化趋势   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
利用1983年7月—2001年9月ISCCP D2云的月平均资料,针对西北地区15种不同类型云的分布特征进行了分析,给出了中、低云量之和以及高云量在3个气候子区的多年变化趋势,初步探讨了其形成机制。结果表明:水层云、冰层云、水雨层云、冰雨层云和深对流云的光学厚度和云水路径值最大;水层云主要出现在天山山区、北疆地区和陕西南部,冰层云主要出现在北疆地区,水雨层云、冰雨层云和深对流云以及水高层云、冰高层云、卷层云的云量高值区在天山—昆仑山—祁连山一带以及陕南和/或陇南地区,因此上述地区也是有利于人工增水作业的地区。近20年中,高云量在3个气候区都呈明显下降趋势,中、低云量之和则呈上升趋势。西北地区云与地气系统之间可能存在这样一个过程:地面气温的升高,促使地面蒸发加剧,从而导致中、低云量增多而使降水增多,同时高云云量减少。  相似文献   

利用1994—2009年国际卫星云气候计划ISCCP中D2卫星观测月平均云数据集,从不同区域、不同云类角度出发,详细分析中国地区云量、云水路径、云光学厚度的时空分布特征。结果表明:(1)中国地区大部分水云分布在四川盆地至东南沿海一带,而大部分冰云分布在北方和青藏高原地区,其中卷云覆盖最广、云量最大,其次为卷层云、水高层云、水积云,而冰云中低云云量最小。(2)水云中层积云、雨层云和冰云中深对流云总云量、云水路径和云光学厚度均较大,云水含量丰富,对四川盆地至东南沿海一带降水贡献较大。(3)不同云类的总云量季节变化明显,不同区域表现不一,多数水云尤其是雨层云在北方和高原地区夏多冬少,而在西南和东南地区冬多夏少;冰云季节变化的地域性差异较小,多数区域高积云和高层云冬多夏少,卷层云和深对流云夏多冬少,表明冬季对流减弱使得冰云集聚且向中低层发展,而夏季温度升高、对流增强使得水云集聚并向高层发展。(4)水云中层云和雨层云的云水路径有明显的季节变化,且地域性特征明显,尤其是东南地区,表现为双峰型分布,峰值分别在2月和11月;冰云的云水路径在北方地区夏季达到峰值,而在南方地区冬季达到峰值。  相似文献   

东亚干旱半干旱区空中水资源研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
系统回顾了近年来中外对东亚干旱半干旱区空中水资源方面的主要研究进展,主要包括大气水汽、云的分布特征、空中水资源的降水转化率及其影响因子等。东亚干旱半干旱区西部及东部水汽含量较中部高,背风坡水汽含量较迎风坡高,季风区及山脉地区云水资源高于盆地、沙漠上空。20世纪80年代中期以后,东亚干旱半干旱区对流层底部的水汽显著增多,其中夏季增加最为明显。在全球气候变化背景下,中国西北部分地区云水路径总体呈现上升趋势,同时呈现"东正西负"的东西向变化差异以及"北正南负"的反相位特征。大气环流、地表温度、下垫面地表特征等因子通过影响东亚干旱半干旱区的水汽输送及蒸散,进而改变东亚干旱半干旱区空中水资源,空中水资源的改变通过影响辐射收支、不同高度云量及第2次相变产生的云水含量进而对局地温度和降水产生影响。以往研究中,大部分主要针对东亚干旱半干旱区大气中的水汽含量和云平均状态的分布与变化特征,而与降水相关联的空中水资源的变化特征目前仍不清楚,有待系统深入地研究。   相似文献   

准确估算云量是了解青藏高原云参数时空特征的基础。通过相关分析、回归分析、趋势分析方法,分析了近21年来青藏高原云分布的动态变化。利用MODIS云量日产品(MOD08_D3)数据和ERA5再分析资料,分析了青藏高原不同阶段云量分布和云参数的时空特征。结果表明,高云区云量中心位于墨脱县(77.3%),林芝(72.5%)地区云量最大,青藏高原日平均云量在过去21年间减少了0.04%。季节分布上,夏季出现水云的概率最高(31.7%),春季出现冰云的概率最高(26.5%)。每年出现的冰云比水云高2%左右。在全球变暖背景下,青藏高原上空水汽含量呈减少趋势,云水含量呈逐渐增加趋势。年平均云水含量比大气总水汽含量高约0.01 cm,云水总含量增加约0.04 cm。本研究为理解云水资源对全球气候变化和青藏高原地区水循环的影响提供了依据。  相似文献   

中国西北地区云时空分布特征的初步分析   总被引:42,自引:1,他引:42       下载免费PDF全文
宜树华  刘洪利  李维亮  刘煜 《气象》2003,29(1):7-11
利用国际卫星云气候计划(ISCCP)获取的1983年7月-1993年12月的月平均云资料,分析了西北地区云的分布特片和季节变化,发现西北地区的云量与地形有很好的一致性;塔里木盆地是云量最少的地区,而且以云层较薄的积云和高云为主,在天山,昆仑山,祁连山一带,存在着云量的极大值区,其中云层较厚,水汽含量较高的层云,雨层云,深对流云占了很大的比例,值得注意的一点是,云的这种时空分布特征具有明显的地域性和稳定性,有利于开展人工增雨工作。  相似文献   

利用2007~2010年北半球夏季(6~8月)CloudSat卫星搭载的云廓线雷达(Cloud Profile Radar,CPR)探测结果对0°~60°N区域单层、双层和三层云系的水平分布、垂直结构特征及各云层云类组成、云水路径等物理量分布进行分析。云量的统计结果表明CPR探测的单层、双层和三层云系的云量分别为36.63%、8.26%和1.40%,云量的水平分布表明其高值区主要位于对流旺盛区域,且高值区的云层云顶高、厚度大,而低值区则多位于副热带高压区域。对不同云类的出现频率统计分析结果表明,单层云系中各云类的出现频率相近;多层云系的上层以卷云为主,下层以层积云为主。对比海陆差异发现洋面卷云和层积云的出现频率显著高于陆面,但高层云和高积云的出现频率低于陆面。云水路径分析表明,单层云系的冰水路径和液水路径均最大,而在多层云系中云层越高、厚度越大、冰水路径越大,液水路径则随着云层的降低增大。  相似文献   

利用CloudSat卫星资料分析云微物理和光学性质的分布特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用2007年1月2010年12月高垂直分辨率CloudSat卫星的2B数据产品,对云微物理特征量(包括云中液态水/冰水含量、液态水/冰水路径、云滴有效半径等)以及云光学参数(云光学厚度等)的全球分布和季节变化进行了统计分析,并研究了云微物理性质对光学性质的影响。结果表明,冰水路径分布在北美南部、南美大陆、非洲大陆、澳大利亚和南亚的陆地上空,以及太平洋、大西洋和印度洋的洋面上空,高值区最大值达600 g·m-2以上;垂直方向上,高值区位于赤道地区8 km附近以及中纬度地区4~8 km高度上。液态水路径在300 g·m-2以上的高值区主要位于太平洋、印度洋和大西洋的中低纬度海域上空,垂直上液态水含量随高度递减。冰云有效半径在高纬度地区近地面层达200μm以上,在赤道附近4~8 km上有1个高值区,南北半球中纬度地区2~4 km上有2个高值区,最大值均达到80μm以上。在1 km以下的边界层水云有效半径值较大,达到12μm以上。总云光学厚度在全球大部分地区40,高值区普遍位于中高纬度的广阔地区和低纬度靠近大陆的洋面上空;垂直方向上,云光学厚度的高值集中在2 km以下的边界层。云光学厚度的分布受云量、云水含量和云滴有效半径的影响,云量大的地区基本为云光学厚度的大值区。  相似文献   

利用1960—2005年京津冀地区的地面太阳辐射资料,综合分析了该地区45年太阳辐射的分布状况和变化趋势,并结合云量、降水量、气溶胶光学厚度和大气含水量,分析了该地区太阳辐射的变化原因。结果表明:(1)京津冀地区的太阳辐射并没有出现20世纪80年代末到90年代中期的"变亮"现象;同期冬、春季总辐射下降,夏、秋季上升;(2)在1985—1997年间,依据总辐射变化情况,京津冀地区被分为截然相反的两个区域:东部地区总辐射增加,倾向率为1.016 MJ.m-2.mon-1.(10a)-1;西部地区总辐射减少,倾向率为10.092MJ.m-2.mon-1.(10a)-1;(3)总辐射增加的区域,主要是由于云量减少、降水量减少所伴随的日照时数增加以及气溶胶光学厚度降低所造成的;(4)总辐射减少的区域,云量、气溶胶光学厚度和降水量变化并不显著,总辐射持续减少。  相似文献   

利用欧洲中期数值预报中心(ECMWF)发布的第5代全球大气再分析资料(ERA5),结合中国气象局人工影响天气中心发布的CWR-MEM方案云水资源监测评估方法,对广西区域2009—2018年云水资源进行评估研究,结果表明:广西年均云水资源总量约5107.8×10^(8)t,其中年均空中留存云水总量约1422.2×10^(8)t,云水以区域内生成为主,年均约净输出197.1×10^(8)t云水资源。广西云水资源存在明显的季节变化特征,呈单峰分布,夏季6月最高,冬季2月最低,空中留存云水无明显季节变化。广西云水水平分布总体呈东北部高,向西和向南逐渐降低的分布特征。广西秋、冬和春季云水主要分布在低层925~600hPa,是以液相水滴构成的暖性层状云云水为主,夏季云水则主要分布在中层600~400hPa,是以过冷液水滴和冰相粒子构成的混合态云水为主,低层云水显著减少。  相似文献   

东亚地区云垂直结构的CloudSat卫星观测研究   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:11  
彭杰  张华  沈新勇 《大气科学》2013,37(1):91-100
本文利用卫星CloudSat同时结合了与其同轨道的卫星CALIPSO(Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations)2007至2009年3年的观测资料,将东亚地区划分为六个研究区域,着重研究了东亚地区云垂直分布的统计特征.结果表明:东亚地区不同高度的云量之和具有明显的季节变化趋势,夏季最大,春秋次之,冬季最小.海洋上空的单层云量最大值出现在冬季,而在陆地上空则出现在夏季.从云出现概率来看,东亚地区单层云出现的概率在春、夏、秋、冬季节依次为52.2%,48.1%,49.2%和51.9%,而多层(2层和2层以上)云出现的概率在春、夏、秋、冬季节分别为24.2%,31.0%,19.7%,15.8%.云出现的总概率和多层云出现的概率,在六个区域都呈现出夏季最大,冬季最小;对4个季节都呈现出东亚南部比东亚北部大,海洋上空比陆地上空大的特点,表明云出现的总概率的季节变化主要由多层云出现的概率的变化决定.东亚地区云系统中最高层云云顶的高度,在夏季最高,为15.9 km,在冬季最低,为8.2 km;在东亚南部和海洋上空较高,平均为15.1 km;在东亚北部较低,平均为12.1 km,且呈现东亚南北部之间差异较大的特点.东亚地区云系统的云层厚度基本位于1 km到3 km之间,且夏季大,冬季小;对同一季节,不同区域的云层厚度差别较小;当多层云系统中的云层数目增加时,云层的平均厚度减少,且较高层的云层平均厚度大于较低层的.云层间距的概率分布基本呈单峰分布,出现峰值范围的云层间距在1到3 km之间,各区域之间没有明显差别,季节变化也不大.本文的研究为在气候模式中精确描述云的垂直结构提供了有用的参数化依据.  相似文献   

Electrical charges on aerosol particles and droplets modify the droplet–particle collision efficiencies involved in scavenging, and the droplet–droplet and particle–particle collision efficiencies involved in coalescence of droplets and particles, even in only weakly electrified clouds and aerosol layers. This work places electrically enhanced scavenging, and the electrical inhibition of scavenging in the context of the microphysics of weakly electrified clouds.Collision efficiencies are calculated by numerical integration to obtain particle trajectories, that are determined by the complex interplay of electrical, gravitational and phoretic forces together with inertia. These modify the trajectory of a particle as it is carried by flow around the falling droplet. Conversely, the flow around the particle also modifies the trajectory of the droplet. The flows are specified analytically, using a hybrid of the Proudman–Pearson stream function for that region close to the droplet or particle, where it is accurate, merging into the exact Oseen stream function for larger distances, where that becomes accurate. The effect of the flow around the particle on the motion of the droplet was simulated using Langmuir's superposition technique on the hybrid stream functions. The treatment of inertia in the present calculations allows an extension of the scope of our previous work by a factor of 10 larger in particle size (103 in mass). The coverage is extended to a wide range of atmospheric conditions and particle densities.The pressures and temperatures used in the models ranged from a representation of the lower troposphere at  1 km altitude (900 hPa, 10 °C) to that of the middle stratosphere at  30 km altitude (12 hPa, − 47 °C). The particles considered range from 0.1 μm to 10 μm radius; the droplet radii range from 4 μm to 50 μm; particle densities range from 300 kg m 3 to 2500 kg m 3; particle charges range from 2e to 100e with droplet charges of like sign of 100e; and relative humidities range from 10% to 100%.For the larger particles (radii greater than about 3 μm) interacting with the larger droplets (radii greater than about 15 μm) the effects of inertia increase with particle density and dominate at the larger densities. For particles with radii in the range 1–3 μm the ‘Greenfield Gap’ of very low collision efficiencies was found, and was determined to be due to the effects of the gravitational force causing a reduction of collisions of particles with the front of the droplet, and the effect of inertia overcoming the tendency for the weight to produce a collision in the slow velocity region in the rear. When the electrical or phoretic forces are sufficiently large the Greenfield Gap is closed.When the particles have radii < 3 μm inertial effects no longer dominate the collisions, although inertia modifies the weight effects for particles with radii down to about 0.5 μm. For charged aerosol particles with radii smaller than about 0.1 μm interacting with droplets or background aerosol particles smaller than a radius of about 15 μm, the long range electrical repulsive force is effective in opposing the phoretic forces and keeping the particle out of range of the short range attractive image force. Thus ‘electroscavenging’ gives way to ‘electroprotection’ against the scavenging or coagulation processes otherwise caused by Browninan diffusion or phoretic forces.In an atmosphere of temperature 10 °C and pressure 900 hPa the net phoretic force reduces to zero and becomes repulsive for particles with radii above about 2 μm (depending on particle conductivity). This enhances the development of the Greenfield Gap. However, the value of this radius (at which the net phoretic force is zero) increases strongly with decreasing temperature and pressure (increasing altitude) as expected from theory, and is about 5 μm in the middle troposphere and more than 10 μm in the stratosphere. Thus a net attractive phoretic force on particles extends into the 1–3 μm radius range in the upper troposphere; however, the weight and inertial effects can ensure the presence of the Greenfield Gap in that range for 2000 kg m 3 particles up to the middle stratosphere.  相似文献   

南半球中高纬度区域不同类型云的辐射特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用CloudSat的2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR云分类产品和2B-FLXHR-LIDAR辐射产品4 a(2007-2010年)的数据,定量分析了单层云(高云、中云、低云)和3种双层云(如:高云与中云共存、高云与低云共存以及中云与低云共存)在南半球中高纬度(40°-65°S)的云量、云辐射强迫和云辐射加热率。其中云辐射加热率定义为有云时的大气加热率廓线与晴空大气加热率廓线的差值。结果表明:研究区域盛行单层低云和单层中云,其云量分别为44.1%和10.3%。并且,中云重叠低云在双层云中云量也是最大(8.7%)。不同类型云的云量也显著影响着其云辐射强迫。单层低云在大气层顶、地表以及大气中的净云辐射强迫分别是-64.8、-56.5和-8.4 W/m2,其绝对值大于其他类型云。虽然单层的中云在大气层顶和地表的净辐射强迫也为负值,但其在大气中的净云辐射强迫为正值(2.3 W/m2)。最后,讨论了不同类型云对大气中辐射能量垂直分布的影响。所有类型云的短波(或长波)云辐射加热率都随高度升高表现为由负值转为正值(或由正值转为负值)。对于大部分云,其净云辐射加热率主要由长波云辐射加热率决定。这些研究结果旨在为模式中云重叠参数化方案在区域的适用性评估及改进提供观测依据。   相似文献   

东亚地区云微物理量分布特征的CloudSat卫星观测研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
本文利用2007~2010年整四年最新可利用的CloudSat卫星资料, 对东亚地区(15°~60°N, 70°~150°E)云的微物理量包括冰/液态水含量、冰/液态水路径、云滴数浓度和有效半径等的分布特征和季节变化进行了分析。本文将整个东亚地区划分为北方、南方、西北、青藏高原地区和东部海域五个子区域进行研究, 结果显示:东亚地区冰水路径值的范围基本在700 g m-2以下, 高值区分布在北纬40度以南区域, 在南方地区夏季的平均值最大, 为394.3 g m-2, 而在西北地区冬季的平均值最小, 为78.5 g m-2;而液态水路径的范围基本在600 g m-2以下, 冬季在东部海域的值最大, 达到300.8 g m-2, 夏季最大值为281.5 g m-2, 分布在南方地区上空。冰水含量的最高值为170 mg m-3, 发生在8 km附近, 南方地区夏季的值达到最大, 青藏高原地区的季节差异最大;而液态水含量在东亚地区的范围小于360 mg m-3, 垂直廓线从10 km向下基本呈现逐渐增大的趋势, 峰值位于1~2 km高度上。冰云云滴数浓度在东亚地区的范围在150 L-1以下, 水云云滴数浓度的值小于80 cm-3, 垂直廓线的峰值均在夏季最大。冰云有效半径在东亚地区的最大值为90 μm, 发生在5 km左右;水云有效半径在东亚地区的值分布在10 km以下, 最大值为10~12 μm, 基本位于1~2 km高度上。从概率分布函数来看, 东亚地区冰/水云云滴数浓度的分布呈现明显的双峰型, 其他量基本为单峰型。本文的结果可以为全球和区域气候模式在东亚地区对以上云微物理量的模拟提供一定的观测参考依据。  相似文献   

基于CloudSat卫星资料分析青藏高原东部夏季云的垂直结构   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
张晓  段克勤  石培宏 《大气科学》2015,39(6):1073-1080
本文利用CloudSat卫星资料,对青藏高原东部2006~2010年6~8月云垂直结构的空间分布进行分析,结果表明:(1)夏季青藏高原东部云发展可达到平流层,且高原东部云在5km以下以水云存在,5~10km以液相和固相共存的混态存在,在垂直高度10km以上以冰云存在。由于CloudSat卫星资料云相的反演问题,可能会造成水云和混态云的发展上限偏低,冰云的发展下限抬升。(2)研究区整层水汽输送和云水平均路径空间分布存在一定的差异性,云水含量纬向分布表现为在26.5°~30.5°N附近存在一个明显的峰值区,经向分布表现为95°E以西云水含量低于以东。(3)研究区以单云层为主,尤其在青藏高原主体。单云层平均云层厚度4182 m,云顶高度、云厚限于水汽的输送,表现为由南向北波动下降。多层云发生频率在27°N以北明显减少,说明强烈的对流运动更容易激发多层云的产生。  相似文献   

A two-dimensional cloud model with bin microphysics was used to investigate the effects of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) concentrations and thermodynamic conditions on convective cloud and precipitation developments. Two different initial cloud droplet spectra were prescribed based on the total CCN concentrations of maritime (300 cm− 3) and continental (1000 cm− 3) air masses, and the model was run on eight thermodynamic conditions obtained from observational soundings. Six-hourly sounding data and 1-hourly precipitation data from two nearby weather stations in Korea were analyzed for the year 2002 to provide some observational support for the model results.For one small Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE) ( 300 J kg− 1) sounding, the maritime and continental differences were incomparably large. The crucial difference was the production of ice phase hydrometeors in the maritime cloud and only water drops in the continental cloud. Ice phase hydrometeors and intrinsically large cloud drops of the maritime cloud eventually lead to significant precipitation. Meanwhile negligible precipitation developed from the continental cloud. For the three other small CAPE soundings, generally weak convective clouds developed but the maritime and continental clouds were of the same phases (both warm or both cold) and their differences were relatively small.Model runs with the four large CAPE ( 3000 J kg− 1) soundings demonstrated that the depth between the freezing level (FL) and the lifting condensation level (LCL) was crucial to determine whether a cloud becomes a cold cloud or not, which in turn was found to be a crucial factor to enhance cloud invigoration with the additional supply of freezing latent heat. For two large CAPE soundings, FL–LCL was so deep that penetration of FL was prohibitive, and precipitation was only mild in the maritime clouds and negligible in the continental clouds. Two other soundings of similarly large CAPE had small FL–LCL, and both the maritime and continental clouds became cold clouds. Precipitation was strong for both but much more so in the maritime clouds, while the maximum updraft velocity and the cloud top were slightly higher in continental clouds. Although limited to small CAPE cases, more precipitation for smaller FL–LCL for a selected group of precipitation and thermodynamic sounding data from Korea was in support of these model results in its tendency.These results clearly demonstrated that the CCN effects on cloud and precipitation developments critically depended on the given thermodynamic conditions and not just the CAPE but the entire structure of the thermodynamic profiles had to be taken into account.  相似文献   

CFMIP大气环流模式模拟的东亚云辐射强迫特征   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:5  
吴春强  周天军 《气象学报》2011,69(3):381-399
通过与卫星观测云和辐射资料的比较,检验了10个大气环流模式对东亚地区云量、垂直结构、光学属性以及辐射特征的模拟能力.10个模式的模拟结果均来自"云反馈模式比较计划"(CFMIP),为便于与国际卫星云气候计划(ISCCP)资料的比较,所有模式都引入了ISCCP模拟器.结果表明,10个模式均能模拟出东亚地区冬、夏两季云量及...  相似文献   

Kinematics, cloud microphysics and spatial structures of tropical cloud clusters are investigated using hourly outputs from a two-dimensional cloud-resolving model simulation. The model is forced by the large-scale vertical velocity, zonal wind and horizontal advections obtained from Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere Coupled Ocean–Atmosphere Response Experiment (TOGA COARE). A period of 1600–2300 LST 21 December 1992 is selected for this study when the zonal-mean westerly winds in the lower troposphere intensify while the zonal-mean easterly winds above weaken. Under the vertical-shear environment, there are a westward-propagating cloud cluster, a newly-formed cloud cluster, and four eastward-moving cloud clusters. Two weak eastward-moving cloud clusters merge into strong westward-moving cloud clusters. Merged clouds display notable growth in the eastern edge, indicating that merging processes enhance convection. The development of the new cloud at the western edge of the existing cloud cluster before merging may account for the westward propagation of cloud cluster group, while the advection of the maximum total hydrometeor mixing ratio by the westerly winds after merging may cause the eastward propagation of individual cloud clusters.  相似文献   

Aqueous concentrations of ionic species observed in cloud water studies often have been in conflict with expectations from model predictions. These inconsistencies result from the size-dependent chemical composition of cloud drops during different stages in the lifetime of a cloud. To study this phenomenon, droplets of clouds need to be collected in different size ranges with high resolution in space and time. The only possibility for this kind of study is the use of an aircraft. Therefore, during the last several years, an attempt was made to develop a mobile cascade impactor, which can be installed outside an aircraft. The cloud water sampled in different size fractions can be transferred into the interior of the aircraft during the measuring flight. The collector is able to sample two size fractions. For continental clouds, the cutoffs are chosen to be >5 and >13.5 μm in diameter. For maritime clouds, the cutoff for the first stage could be shifted to 18.6 μm by lowering the nozzle speed. Prior to field application, the collector was characterized with the aid of “calibration fogs” produced in the laboratory with different drop sizes and different chemical compositions. The characterization included the examination of the cutoffs and the reliability of the sampling procedure with regard to the subsequent chemical analysis. With a collection period of 2 min, collection rates in the order of 0.1–1 cm3 min−1 can be obtained. The collector characterized in this manner was successfully used during measuring flights in clouds over northern Germany. Preliminary concentrations of NH4+, SO42− and Cl found in the two size fractions of the cloud drops are presented.  相似文献   

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