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Re-Os isotopic dating for the molybdenites from the porphyry copper deposits of the Jinshajiang-Red River mineralization belt in Yunnan Province yields isochron ages of 33.9±1.1 Ma for the Machangqing deposit and 34.4±0.5 Ma for the Tongchang deposit. This result shows that both the Machangqing and the Tongchang porphyry Cu-Mo deposits from two different ore-fields formed simultaneously. This new data and the published Re-Os model ages of molybdenite (35.4 Ma, 35.9 Ma, 36.2 Ma) of the Yulong porphyry copper deposit in Tibet, which is located in the same Jinshajiang-Red River mineralization belt as the Machangqing deposit and the Tongchang deposit, suggest that these three Cenozoic porphyry copper deposits in the Jinshajiang-Red River mineralization belt were contemporary for their mineralization episode. That is to say, even their present locality is far away and nearly iso-distantly distributed, these three porphyry Cu(Mo) deposits belong to the same mineralization episode at the end of Eocene.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the relations between the Machangqing rockbody which corresponds to the A-type granites and porphyry copper mineralization in terms of petrochemistry, trace element geochemistry, fluid inclusion geochemistry and isotope geochemistry. The results show that the Machangqing porphyry copper deposit was formed from the fluid predominated by mag-matic fluid. This kind of ore-forming fluid was just differentiated from the magma responsible for the A-type granites. Therefore, as viewed from whether they contain water or not, the A-type granites can, at least, be divided into two types: water-bearing and water-free. The water-bearing A-type granites can serve as the host of porphyry copper deposits under certain geological conditions.  相似文献   

The Gangdese belt in Xizang has experienced both Jurassic subduction and Cenozoic continental collision processes, making it a globally renowned region for magmatic rocks and porphyry copper deposits. Numerous Jurassic intrusions have been identified in the belt. Apart from the quartz diorite porphyry in the large Xietongmen deposit, the Cu mineralization potential of other Jurassic intrusions in this belt remains unclear. This study presents zircon U–Pb dating and trace elements, apatite major ...  相似文献   

青藏高原东北部多尺度重力场及其地球动力学意义   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
由于受到SN和EW双向挤压作用的综合影响,处于年轻高原与古老地块交接区的青藏高原东北部岩石圈强烈变形,构造活动十分活跃.为了整体性地了解青藏高原东北部重力场和深部动力学机制,本文基于EGM2008全球重力场模型数据,利用小波多尺度分析获得不同尺度的重力异常信息;同时反演了研究区的地壳厚度;通过构建穿越龙门山造山带和西秦岭造山带两条剖面的岩石圈密度结构模型,分析了地壳上地幔内不同介质的分布特征.研究结果表明,青藏高原东北部岩石圈显示十分复杂的塑性体的特征,其重力异常走向多以EW或SSE为主,反映了高原岩石圈物质向东运移的趋势;地壳厚度由西向东逐渐减薄,边缘造山带深部并没有发现"山根"痕迹,结合该地区低重力的特征,推测西秦岭-松潘构造结岩石圈发生过大规模地幔流底侵作用;地幔流上涌的动力可能来源于印度板块向欧亚大陆板块俯冲,激发了地幔流体侧向移动,在扬子地台和华北地台附近受到坚硬岩石圈的阻挡而被迫上移,并因此造成龙门山与西秦岭的隆升.  相似文献   

The Tibetan plateau as one of the youngest orogen on the Earth was considered as the result of continent-continent collision between the Eurasian and Indian plates.The thickness and structure of the crust beneath Tibetan plateau is essential to understand deformation behavior of the plateau.Active-source seismic profiling is most available geo-physical method for imaging the structure of the continental crust.The results from more than 25 active-sources seismic profiles carried out in the past twenty years ...  相似文献   

青藏高原东缘的地壳结构是两种主流青藏高原隆升模式争辩的焦点之一.中下地壳流曾经被认为是高原东缘隆升的主要构造驱动力,但是中上地壳之间低阻低速层的发现及其与2008 MS8.0汶川地震良好的对应关系表明,高原东缘具有向东刚性挤出的可能性.然而大部分关于龙门山断裂的数值模拟仍建立在下地壳流的基础上,仅将低阻低速层作为断裂的延续或是弱化地壳物性参数的软弱层,而非能够控制块体滑动的"解耦层",也没有考虑到刚性块体变形中的断裂相互作用.本文建立了包含相互平行的龙门山断裂与龙日坝断裂的刚性上地壳模型,用极薄的低阻低速层作为块体滑动的解耦带,采用速率相关的非线性摩擦接触有限元方法,基于R最小策略控制时间步长,计算了在仅有侧向挤压力作用下,低阻低速层对青藏高原东缘的刚性块体变形和断裂活动的作用.计算结果显示,低阻低速层控制了刚性块体的垂直变形和水平变形分布特征.在侧向挤压力的持续作用下,在低阻低速层控制下的巴颜喀拉块体能够快速隆升,而缺乏低阻低速层的四川盆地隆升速度和隆升量均极小,隆升差异集中在龙门山断裂附近,使其发生应力积累乃至破裂.龙日坝断裂被两侧的刚性次级块体挟持着一起向南东方向运动,但该断裂的走滑运动分解了绝大部分施加在块体边界上的走滑量,使得相邻的龙门山次级块体的走滑分量遽然减少,也使得龙门山断裂表现出以逆冲为主,兼有少量走滑的运动性质.本文所得的这些计算结果显示了在缺乏中下地壳流,仅在低阻低速层解耦下刚性块体隆升过程及相关断裂活动,提供了青藏高原东缘刚性块体挤出的可行性,为青藏高原东缘隆升机制的研究讨论提供了重要依据.  相似文献   

青藏高原东缘上地幔顶部Pn波速度结构及各向异性研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
黎源  雷建设 《地球物理学报》2012,55(11):3615-3624
本研究使用中国地震局地壳应力研究所2010—2011年期间在云南地区布设流动地震台站以及青藏高原周边地区固定地震台站记录到的波形资料,提取了大量高质量Pn波到时资料.联合中国地震台网观测报告,我们获得了一个新的青藏高原东缘上地幔顶部Pn波速度和各向异性结构模型.结果显示,研究区内上地幔顶部存在明显横向不均匀性.古老盆地和稳定地台区如四川盆地、柴达木盆地、拉萨地块和阿拉善块体呈现为明显高波速异常,而祁连山至西秦岭褶皱带和川滇菱形块体北部等为相对弱高波速异常.在龙日坝断裂带以东的松潘—甘孜地块往南沿安宁河—则木河断裂至川滇菱形块体南部显示为一条近南北向明显低波速异常.三江褶皱系、缅甸弧俯冲带以及四川盆地东南等地区为明显低波速异常.地壳强震多发生在高波速异常边缘或高低波速异常过渡带上,表明地壳强震的孕育可能还与地幔构造作用存在一定相关性.青藏高原东构造结的各向异性快波方向呈顺时针旋转分布,与印度—欧亚碰撞密切相关.龙门山断裂带东西两侧的各向异性快波方向发生明显变化,由其西侧松潘—甘孜地块下方的NE向转变为四川盆地下方的近EW向,说明青藏高原物质流动遇四川盆地后分为NE和SW向两支.在川滇地区26°N以南地区上地幔顶部各向异性呈现近NS向与地表GPS观测相一致,但与SKS分裂结果存在较大差异,可能表明地壳与上地幔顶部形变表现为耦合现象,而上地幔顶部至岩石圈内部则存在解耦现象.  相似文献   




青藏高原东南缘岩石圈变形强烈、地震活动频繁,对其深部结构进行研究有助于提高对其演化及强震发震机理等问题的认识.本研究利用青藏东南缘固定和流动观测台站记录的地震P波走时数据,采用体波走时层析成像方法得到研究区地壳、上地幔顶部三维P波速度结构.结果显示,峨眉山大火成岩省内带范围呈明显的高速异常,推测为二叠纪时期地幔柱活动残留在地壳内的基性和超基性幔源物质.川西北次级块体和大火成岩省内带东西两侧存在低速带,可能是壳内部分熔融存在和中下地壳流动的证据:高原物质向南运移时受大火成岩省壳内高速体阻挡后分为两支,东支沿安宁河断裂—则木河断裂—小江断裂延伸,西支沿红河断裂向上地壳运移并逐渐穿过红河断裂.云南漾濞MS6.4地震序列全部位于西支低速通道之上,推测构造块体SE向运动和地壳流作用使得应力在上地壳震源区进一步集中,共同驱动断裂活动导致漾濞地震发生.  相似文献   

Four layers of cherts were found for the first time in the Yangla copper deposit, western Yunnan Province. The cherts possessed the following geochemical characteristics: 1 Low TiO2 and Al2O3 contents, but high ore-forming element (e.g. Cu, Au, Ag) contents; 2 low total REE contents and clear negative Eu anomalies when normalized to chondrite similar to the REE contents and distribution patterns of associated massive sulfide ores; 3 silicon isotopic compositions of cherts in the Yangla deposit being the same as cherts and geyserite of hot-water sedimentary origin; 4 lead and sulfur isotopic compositions of cherts in the Yangla deposit being similar to those of the massive sulfide ores in the Yangla deposit; 5 Rb-Sr isochron age of cherts from the Yangla deposit being identical with that of host strata. Hence, we conclude that the cherts in the Yangla deposit are of hot-water sedimentary origin, which have a close relationship with the massive sulfide ores. The discovery of hydrothermal cherts from the Yangla copper deposit provides further evidence for the hydrothermal exhalative origin of the massive sulfide deposits.  相似文献   




The Maqen-Jingbian wide-angle seismic reflection and refraction experiment was carried out in 1998,which aims at determining detailed structure in the crust and top of the upper mantle and understanding structural relation between the northeastern Tibetan plateau and the Ordos block. The 1-D crustal models inferred by waveform inversion show strong variations in crustal structure,which can be classified into four different types:1 an Ordos platform with the Proterozoic crust and two high-velocity layers in ...  相似文献   

The Maqen-Jingbian wide-angle seismic reflection and refraction experiment was carried out in 1998, which aims at determining detailed structure in the crust and top of the upper mantle and understanding structural relation between the northeastern Tibetan plateau and the Ordos block. The 1-D crustal models inferred by waveform inversion show strong variations in crustal structure, which can be classified into four different types: ① an Ordos platform with the Proterozoic crust and two high-velocity layers in the northeast section, ② a transitional crust between the northeastern Tibetan plateau and the Ordos block across the Haiyuan earthquake zone, ③ the Qilian orogenic zone in the central part, and 4 the Qinling orogenic zone in the southwestern section. The Moho depth increases from ~42 km to ~62 km from the NE part to the SW part of the profile. The crystalline crust consists of the upper crust and lower crust in northeastern Tibetan plateau. There is an obviously low P-wave velocity layer dipping northeastward, which is 12–13 km thick, at the bottom of the upper crust in Qinling orogenic zone and Haiyuan earthquake zone. The lower crust is characterized by alternating high and low P-wave velocity layers. Beneath Ordos block, i.e., the NE part of the profile, the crust shows quite a smooth increase in P-wave velocity down to the Moho at a depth of about 42 km.  相似文献   

本文对新疆巴里坤红石滩铜矿区出露的石英闪长斑岩进行LA-ICP MS锆石U-Pb年龄测定,结果表明红石滩石英闪长斑岩形成年龄为403.1±3.8 Ma,形成时代为早泥盆世.此外,测得的两个锆石U-Pb同位素年龄为895 Ma左右,表明研究区可能存在早元古代基底.红石滩石英闪长斑岩体与铜矿关系密切,是寻找斑岩型铜多金属矿的有利场所,为今后在该区寻找同类型铜矿提供重要依据.  相似文献   

王琼  高原 《地球物理学报》2018,61(7):2760-2775

本研究收集了甘肃、青海、宁夏等118个宽频带数字地震台站的连续波形资料,利用噪声互相关,经过计算和筛选,在5~38 s范围内,共得到5773条瑞利波相速度频散曲线.然后采用1°×1°的网格划分,反演获得青藏高原东北缘相速度和方位各向异性分布.结果表明:短周期8~12 s内,鄂尔多斯从低速异常变为高速异常;该周期范围内各向异性结果与区域断裂走向有很好的一致性.18~25 s周期内,祁连地块、松潘-甘孜地块、羌塘地块低速异常范围逐渐变大,随周期增加地壳低速异常与人工探测结果相符;鄂尔多斯表现为速度随周期增加逐渐变大,说明其中下地壳速度相对偏高,不存在低速异常;该周期范围内的各向异性特征表现为,祁连地块和松潘甘孜地块大致呈NW-SE方向,而青藏高原内部快波方向显示了顺时针旋转的形态.在30~35 s范围内面波速度主要受莫霍面深度和莫霍面附近介质速度的影响,与地壳厚度分布有非常好的吻合.综合不同方法获得的各向异性研究结果,支持印度-欧亚板块的碰撞使青藏高原东北缘地壳发生缩短和逐渐隆升的观点,认为整个岩石圈的垂直缩短变形是青藏高原东北缘的主要形成机制.


青藏高原东北缘深地震测深震相研究与地壳细结构   总被引:15,自引:17,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
通过对青藏高原东北缘不同构造单元深地震测深资料震相的综合分析,利用反射率理论地震图方法对实际记录模拟计算,进一步研究东北缘区域内部不同构造单元地壳细结构.结果显示:西秦岭褶皱造山带分隔了南北不同性质的地壳结构,北侧为相对稳定的临夏—兰州新生代盆地、南侧为强烈改造的松潘—甘孜地块;松潘—甘孜地块在青藏高原东北缘的构造演化过程中改造为萎缩的若尔盖高原盆地和盆地边缘褶皱造山两类不同的地壳结构;青藏高原东北缘中下地壳普遍存在以多层高低速相间、低速度结构为主的破碎松弛结构,这种特征在缝合带和造山带尤为明显,显示为地壳形变增厚、流变滑动的重要场所;结合二维速度结构及GPS研究结果,对青藏高原东北缘地壳形变及动力学过程进行了讨论.  相似文献   

Rock avalanche is one of the most notable geological disasters in the mountain areas, such as the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. A typical one therein is the Luanshibao (LSB) rock avalanche that occurred in the Maoyaba basin. This rock avalanche has attracted a great deal of attentions, as it has a potential threat to the construction of Sichuan-Tibet Railway. It has been widely accepted that the LSB rock avalanche was caused by a seismic event. However, it is still an open question as to the timing of the earthquake-triggered rock avalanche. Here, we report twenty new 10Be exposure-ages obtained from the deposition zone. These tightly clustered exposure-ages, combined with geomorphic evidence, indicate that the LSB rock avalanche occurred during the mid-Holocene, possibly at 5.2 ± 0.2 ka. A comparison between the timing of rock avalanche and seismic events suggests a close correlation of the LSB rock avalanche with recurrent earthquakes around ∼5 ka BP. Such a correlation is well supported by the view from previous studies.  相似文献   

本文利用GOCE L2观测重力梯度的五个独立分量(Txx,Tzz,Txy,Txz,Tyz),联合EGM2008地球重力场模型计算垂直重力,反演计算了青藏高原及邻区0~120 km深度岩石圈三维密度结构.将经过低阶项改正、地形效应改正、沉积层界面起伏效应改正得到的剩余重力及重力梯度异常值作为观测值,以改正剩余量归一化权重作为观测权重,基于Tikhonov正则化理论建立反演目标函数.反演过程中,利用地震层析S波速度转换密度作为初始约束,通过非等权最小二乘迭代法计算得到最终反演密度.反演结果表明:(1)40 km深度,青藏高原内部为中地壳,表现为低密度,邻区为中下地壳,表现为高密度.青藏高原内部中地壳强低密度层主要分布在高原边界.其成因是印度板块俯冲和周围坚硬块体阻挡作用导致在高原边界形成的高应变积累闭锁区,为壳内低密度软弱物质的形成提供了条件.(2)80 km深度,青藏高原上地幔顶部显示出低密度的特征.高原内部东、中、西密度特征差异明显,低密度以95°E为中心线呈东西对称分布.以班公—怒江缝合带为中心,在拉萨块体和羌塘块体内从北向南出现了"低-高-低"的密度分布起伏特征.该特征与GRACE得到的莫霍面起伏特征一致,结合大地构造结果,这种起伏特征验证了印度、羌塘块体从南北两侧分别向喜马拉雅、拉萨地块挤入的双向俯冲模式.(3)四川盆地和鄂尔多斯盆地内,地壳高密度异常较地震波速异常明显偏低,表明古老的四川盆地和鄂尔多斯盆地比想象中更冷、更坚硬.塔里木盆地和柴达木盆地内壳、幔高密度的结构特征,对应地幔物质上涌.  相似文献   

Desiccation in the interior of Asia is an important aspect of paleoclimate change during the Cenozoic era[1,2]. Research[3,4] shows that the widely distributed loess deposits in China were mainly transported by northwesterly and northerly winds from deserts and the Gobi region; in addition, an indispensable re- quirement for the generation of aeolian sediment is the presence of dry lands in central Asia[5,6]. The aeolian deposits in China provide an especially useful record of desiccation pr…  相似文献   

青藏高原东缘地壳上地幔电性结构研究进展   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
经过数十年的努力,中国学者针对青藏高原东缘地壳上地幔探测,累积完成超过20000 km的大地电磁测深剖面,取得了一系列重要科学数据和认识,为青藏高原东缘构造格局、地壳上地幔电性结构、地震机制和动力学研究奠定了基础.根据青藏高原东缘的主要构造和断裂分布特征,本文重点对龙门山构造带、川滇构造带和三江构造带三个构造带分区进行研究,主要依据大地电磁探测工作成果和壳幔电性结构特征,系统地对青藏高原东缘地壳上地幔电性结构、与扬子西缘接触关系、汶川地震和芦山地震的电性孕震环境及弱物质流通道等几个方面进行了梳理和分析.一是青藏高原东缘地壳表层岩块和物质沿壳内高导层向龙门山造山带仰冲推覆,表现为逆冲推覆特征的薄皮构造;二是高原东部地壳中下部及上地幔顶部向龙门山造山带和上扬子地块西缘岩石圈深部俯冲,呈现刚性的上扬子地块西缘高阻楔形体向西插入柔性青藏块体的楔形构造;三是将汶川地震和芦山地震的震源投影到大地电磁剖面上,发现震源位于剖面下方的高阻块体与低阻体之间靠近高阻体的一侧,龙门山构造带岩石圈表现出高阻、高密度和高速的"三高"特征,这种非均匀电性结构可能构成地震孕育发生条件;四是川滇和三江地区的多条大地电磁剖面探测结果表明,在青藏高原东缘中下地壳存在下地壳流和局部管道流,大地电磁结果对其空间分布形态、位置及大小进行了较好的刻画.根据研究区壳幔电性结构特征的构造解析和综合实例分析,总结了青藏高原东缘六类壳幔电性结构模型,提出了下一步重点研究领域和目标.总之,青藏高原东缘壳幔电性结构的研究对揭示研究区岩石圈结构和构造格局提供了重要依据,对油气及矿产资源远景评价提供了背景资料,对"Y"型多地震区的构造关系和发震机理研究具有重要指导意义.  相似文献   

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