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模态pushover分析方法的研究和改进   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
鉴于传统pushover方法不能考虑结构高阶振型的贡献,从而难以应用到高层结构中,有学者提出采用考虑多阶振型组合作用的模态pushover分析方法。本文通过考虑结构屈服后地震作用发生变化这一特性,对此方法进行了改进并通过算例进行了验证。结果表明本文改进的方法有很好的精度。  相似文献   

An Erratum has been published for this article in Earthquake Engng. Struct. Dyn. 2004; 33:1429. Based on structural dynamics theory, the modal pushover analysis (MPA) procedure retains the conceptual simplicity of current procedures with invariant force distribution, now common in structural engineering practice. The MPA procedure for estimating seismic demands is extended to unsymmetric‐plan buildings. In the MPA procedure, the seismic demand due to individual terms in the modal expansion of the effective earthquake forces is determined by non‐linear static analysis using the inertia force distribution for each mode, which for unsymmetric buildings includes two lateral forces and torque at each floor level. These ‘modal’ demands due to the first few terms of the modal expansion are then combined by the CQC rule to obtain an estimate of the total seismic demand for inelastic systems. When applied to elastic systems, the MPA procedure is equivalent to standard response spectrum analysis (RSA). The MPA estimates of seismic demand for torsionally‐stiff and torsionally‐flexible unsymmetric systems are shown to be similarly accurate as they are for the symmetric building; however, the results deteriorate for a torsionally‐similarly‐stiff unsymmetric‐plan system and the ground motion considered because (a) elastic modes are strongly coupled, and (b) roof displacement is underestimated by the CQC modal combination rule (which would also limit accuracy of RSA for linearly elastic systems). Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Nonlinear static (pushover) analysis has become a popular tool during the last decade for the seismic assessment of buildings. Nevertheless, its main advantage of lower computational cost compared to nonlinear dynamic time‐history analysis (THA) is counter‐balanced by its inherent restriction to structures wherein the fundamental mode dominates the response. Extension of the pushover approach to consider higher modes effects has attracted attention, but such work has hitherto focused mainly on buildings, while corresponding work on bridges has been very limited. Hence, the aim of this study is to adapt the modal pushover analysis procedure for the assessment of bridges, and investigate its applicability in the case of an existing, long and curved, bridge, designed according to current seismic codes; this bridge is assessed using three nonlinear static analysis methods, as well as THA. Comparative evaluation of the calculated response of the bridge illustrates the applicability and potential of the modal pushover method for bridges, and quantifies its relative accuracy compared to that obtained through other inelastic methods. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Performance based design becomes an effective method for estimating seismic demands of buildings. In asymmetric plan tall building the effects of higher modes and torsion are crucial. The consecutive modal pushover (CMP) procedure is one of the procedures that consider these effects. Also in previous studies the influence of soil-structure interaction (SSI) in pushover analysis is ignored. In this paper the CMP procedure is modified for one-way asymmetric plan mid and high-rise buildings considering SSI. The extended CMP (ECMP) procedure is proposed in order to overcome some limitations of the CMP procedure. In this regard, 10, 15 and 20 story buildings with asymmetric plan are studied considering SSI assuming three different soil conditions. Using nonlinear response history analysis under a set of bidirectional ground motion; the exact responses of these buildings are calculated. Then the ECMP procedure is evaluated by comparing the results of this procedure with nonlinear time history results as an exact solution as well as the modal pushover analysis procedure and FEMA 356 load patterns. The results demonstrate the accuracy of the ECMP procedure.  相似文献   

框架剪力墙结构模态静力非线性抗震分析方法研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
本文在模态pushover分析方法基础上推导建立了模态静力非线性分析方法,对一栋10层框架剪力墙结构进行了静力非线性分析,提出了目标位移求解的等效单自由度体系弹塑性时程分析迭代法,计算结果与相应时程分析结果进行了比较,表明两者吻合较好,验证了本文计算方法的有效性。另外,对同一结构,计算分析了在不同水平荷载模式下的静力非线性分析结果,比较不同荷载模式对计算结果的影响,为静力非线性分析方法的推广使用提供参考。  相似文献   

The effects of higher modes and torsion have a significant impact on the seismic responses of asymmetric-plan tall buildings.A consecutive modal pushover(CMP) procedure is one of the pushover methods that have been developed to consider these effects.The aim of this paper is to modify the(CMP) analysis procedure to estimate the seismic demands of one-way asymmetric-plan tall buildings with dual systems.An analysis of 10-,15-and 20-story asymmetric-plan buildings is carried out,and the results from the modified consecutive modal pushover(MCMP) procedure are compared with those obtained from the modal pushover analysis(MPA) procedure and the nonlinear time history analysis(NLTHA).The MCMP estimates of the seismic demands of one-way asymmetric-plan buildings demonstrate a reasonable accuracy,compared to the results obtained from the NLTHA.Furthermore,the accuracy of the MCMP procedure in the prediction of plastic hinge rotations is better than the MPA procedure.The new pushover procedure is also more accurate than the FEMA load distribution and the MPA procedure.  相似文献   

Incremental dynamic analysis (IDA)—a procedure developed for accurate estimation of seismic demand and capacity of structures—requires non‐linear response history analysis of the structure for an ensemble of ground motions, each scaled to many intensity levels, selected to cover the entire range of structural response—all the way from elastic behaviour to global dynamic instability. Recognizing that IDA of practical structures is computationally extremely demanding, an approximate procedure based on the modal pushover analysis procedure is developed. Presented are the IDA curves and limit state capacities for the SAC‐Los Angeles 3‐, 9‐, and 20‐storey buildings computed by the exact and approximate procedures for an ensemble of 20 ground motions. These results demonstrate that the MPA‐based approximate procedure reduces the computational effort by a factor of 30 (for the 9‐storey building), at the same time providing results to a useful degree of accuracy over the entire range of responses—all the way from elastic behaviour to global dynamic instability—provided a proper hysteretic model is selected for modal SDF systems. The accuracy of the approximate procedure does not deteriorate for 9‐ and 20‐storey buildings, although their dynamics is more complex, involving several ‘modes’ of vibration. For all three buildings, the accuracy of the MPA‐based approximate procedure is also satisfactory for estimating the structural capacities for the limit states of immediate occupancy, collapse prevention, and global dynamic instability. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hysteretic energy dissipation in a structure during an earthquake is the key factor, besides maximum displacement, related to the amount of damage in it. This energy demand can be accurately computed only through a nonlinear time‐history analysis of the structure subjected to a specific earthquake ground acceleration. However, for multi‐story structures, which are usually modeled as multi‐degree of freedom (MDOF) systems, this analysis becomes computation intensive and time consuming and is not suitable for adopting in seismic design guidelines. An alternative method of estimating hysteretic energy demand on MDOF systems is presented here. The proposed method uses multiple ‘generalized’ or ‘equivalent’ single degree of freedom (ESDOF) systems to estimate hysteretic energy demand on an MDOF system within the context of a ‘modal pushover analysis’. This is a modified version of a previous procedure using a single ESDOF system. Efficiency of the proposed procedure is tested by comparing energy demands based on this method with results from nonlinear dynamic analyses of MDOF systems, as well as estimates based on the previous method, for several ground motion scenarios. Three steel moment frame structures, of 3‐, 9‐, and 20‐story configurations, are selected for this comparison. Bias statistics that show the effectiveness of the proposed method are presented. In addition to being less demanding on the computation time and complexity, the proposed method is also suitable for adopting in design guidelines, as it can use response spectra for hysteretic energy demand estimation. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An accurate estimation of the applied load pattern is an essential component in each pushover procedure. Recently, a number of adaptive pushover methods have been proposed in which the effects of the higher modes as well as the progressive changes in the dynamic characteristics of structures are taken into account to compute the applied load pattern. The basic shortcoming of these advanced pushover methods is related to employing the quadratic modal combination rule, whereby the sign reversals of the modal load vectors are suppressed. In this study, an improved displacement-based adaptive pushover method is developed in which the applied load pattern is computed using the factor modal combination rule(FMC). In the proposed procedure, multiple load patterns, depending on the number of the modes considered, are determined in order to take into account the sign reversals of different modal load vectors. The accuracy of the proposed method is verifi ed for seven moment resisting frame buildings of 3, 9 and 20 stories with regularity or vertically geometric and mass irregularities subjected to 60 earthquake ground motion records. The results showed that the proposed methodology is capable of reproducing the peak dynamic responses with very good accuracy.  相似文献   

一种基于位移的改进静力弹塑性分析方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
静力弹塑性分析作为一种新的结构抗震性能评估方法,近些年得到很大的推广。本文在已有的研究基础上,通过一种基于位移控制的多阶振型组合的静力推覆分析,采用自适应的水平加载方式,考虑高阶振型的影响。对一中等高度的结构进行推覆分析,结果表明,与采用不变的水平菏载分布形式的一般静力推覆分析比较,基于本文Pushover分析所得的结构响应与非线性动力时程分析所得结构的响应更为近似,尤其在受结构高阶振型影响较明显的结构层间位移角及层间剪力方面,其结果同动力时程分析所得更为接近。  相似文献   

This paper aims to extend the consecutive modal pushover (CMP) procedure for estimating the seismic demands of two-way unsymmetric-plan tall buildings subjected to bi-directional seismic ground motions taking the effects of higher modes and torsion into account. Multi-stage and single-stage pushover analyses are carried out in both X and Y directions. Inelastic seismic responses obtained by multi-stage and single-stage pushover analyses for X and Y directions are combined using the SRSS combination scheme. The final seismic responses are determined by enveloping the combined results of multi-stage and single-stage pushover analyses. To evaluate the accuracy of the proposed procedure, it is applied to two-way unsymmetric-plan tall buildings which include torsionally stiff and torsionally flexible systems. The results derived from the CMP procedure are compared with those from nonlinear response history analysis (NL-RHA), as a benchmark solution. Moreover, the advantages of the proposed procedure are demonstrated by comparing the results derived from the CMP to those from pushover analysis with uniform and fundamental effective mode distributions. The proposed procedure is able to accurately predict amplification or de-amplification of the seismic displacements at the flexible and stiff edges of the two-way unsymmetric-plan tall buildings by considering the effects of higher modes and torsion. The extended CMP procedure can accurately estimate the peak inelastic responses, such as displacements and storey drifts. The CMP procedure features a higher potential in estimating plastic hinge rotations at both flexible and stiff sides of unsymmetric-plan tall buildings under bi-directional seismic excitation when compared to the uniform and fundamental effective mode force distributions.  相似文献   

基于改进云图法的结构概率地震需求分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
概率地震需求分析是美国太平洋地震工程研究中心(Pacific Earthquake Engineering ResearchCenter,PEER)提出的新一代"性能化地震工程(Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering,PBEE)"理论框架的重要一环。传统的概率地震需求分析方法称为"云图法",这种方法针对确定性结构进行一系列地震动作用下的非线性动力分析,从而得到地震动强度参数与结构地震需求的"云图"。然而,传统的云图法只能考虑地震动的不确定性,而无法考虑结构的不确定性。为此,结合拉丁超立方体抽样技术,提出一种能综合考虑地震动不确定性和结构不确定性的改进云图法,并将传统的概率地震需求分析内容拓展为概率地震需求模型、概率地震需求易损性分析、概率地震需求危险性分析三个层次。以一榀五层三跨钢筋混凝土框架结构为例,分别采用传统云图法和改进云图法对其进行概率地震需求分析,得到了该结构的概率地震需求模型、地震需求易损性曲线和地震需求危险性曲线。分析结果表明:提出的方法可以有效地考虑地震动与结构的不确定性,避免不考虑结构的不确定性而低估结构的地震风险性。  相似文献   

An envelope‐based pushover analysis procedure is presented that assumes that the seismic demand for each response parameter is controlled by a predominant system failure mode that may vary according to the ground motion. To be able to simulate the most important system failure modes, several pushover analyses need to be performed, as in a modal pushover analysis procedure, whereas the total seismic demand is determined by enveloping the results associated with each pushover analysis. The demand for the most common system failure mode resulting from the ‘first‐mode’ pushover analysis is obtained by response history analysis for the equivalent ‘modal‐based’ SDOF model, whereas demand for other failure modes is based on the ‘failure‐based’ SDOF models. This makes the envelope‐based pushover analysis procedure equivalent to the N2 method provided that it involves only ‘first‐mode’ pushover analysis and response history analysis of the corresponding ‘modal‐based’ SDOF model. It is shown that the accuracy of the approximate 16th, 50th and 84th percentile response expressed in terms of IDA curves does not decrease with the height of the building or with the intensity of ground motion. This is because the estimates of the roof displacement and the maximum storey drift due to individual ground motions were predicted with a sufficient degree of accuracy for almost all the ground motions from the analysed sets. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An improvement is first suggested to the modal pushover analysis (MPA) procedure for bridges initially proposed by the writers (Earthquake Engng Struct. Dyn. 2006; 35 (11):1269–1293), the key idea being that the deformed shape of the structure responding inelastically to the considered earthquake level is used in lieu of the elastic mode shape. The proposed MPA procedure is then verified by applying it to two actual bridges. The first structure is the Krystallopigi bridge, a 638 m‐long multi‐span bridge, with significant curvature in plan, unequal pier heights, and different types of pier‐to‐deck connections. The second structure is a 100 m‐long three‐span overpass bridge, typical in modern motorway construction in Europe, which, although ostensibly a regular structure, is found to exhibit a rather unsymmetric response in the transverse direction, mainly due to torsional irregularity. The bridges are assessed using response spectrum, ‘standard’ pushover (SPA), and MPA, and finally using non‐linear response history analysis (NL‐RHA) for a number of spectrum‐compatible motions. The MPA provided a good estimate of the maximum inelastic deck displacement for several earthquake intensities. The SPA on the other hand could not predict well the inelastic deck displacements of bridges wherever the contribution of the first mode to the response of the bridge was relatively low. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

模态静力非线性分析中模态选择的研究   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:14  
本文应用模态静力非线性分析方法,对多个算例进行了静力非线性分析。比较分析了不同振型组合对计算精度的影响,对模态选择的参数进行了研究,提出采用模态质量参与系数进行模态选择的控制,为模态静力非线性分析方法的推广使用提供参考。另外,分析了结构基本周期对该方法计算精度的影响。  相似文献   

An Erratum has been published for this article in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics 2003; 32:1795. The recently developed modal pushover analysis (MPA) has been shown to be a significant improvement over the pushover analysis procedures currently used in structural engineering practice. None of the current invariant force distributions accounts for the contribution of higher modes—higher than the fundamental mode—to the response or for redistribution of inertial forces because of structural yielding. By including the contributions of a sufficient number of modes of vibration (generally two to three), the height‐wise distribution of responses estimated by MPA is generally similar to the ‘exact’ results from non‐linear response history analysis (RHA). Although the results of the previous research were extremely promising, only a few buildings were evaluated. The results presented below evaluate the accuracy of MPA for a wide range of buildings and ground motion ensembles. The selected structures are idealized frames of six different heights: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18 stories and five strength levels corresponding to SDF‐system ductility factor of 1, 1.5, 2, 4, and 6; each frame is analysed for 20 ground motions. Comparing the median values of storey‐drift demands determined by MPA to those obtained from non‐linear RHA shows that the MPA predicts reasonably well the changing height‐wise variation of demand with building height and SDF‐system ductility factor. Median and dispersion values of the ratios of storey‐drift demands determined by MPA and non‐linear‐RHA procedures were computed to measure the bias and dispersion of MPA estimates with the following results: (1) the bias and dispersion in the MPA procedure tend to increase for longer‐period frames and larger SDF‐system ductility factors (although these trends are not perfect); (2) the bias and dispersion in MPA estimates of seismic demands for inelastic frames are usually larger than for elastic systems; (3) the well‐known response spectrum analysis (RSA), which is equivalent to the MPA for elastic systems, consistently underestimates the response of elastic structures, e.g. up to 18% in the upper‐storey drifts of 18‐storey frames. Finally, the MPA procedure is simplified to facilitate its implementation in engineering practice—where the earthquake hazard is usually defined in terms of a median (or some other percentile) design spectrum for elastic systems—and the accuracy of this simplified procedure is documented. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An overview of the applicability of a typical single‐mode pushover method (the N2 method) and two typical multi‐mode pushover methods (the modal pushover analysis (MPA) and incremental response spectrum analysis (IRSA) methods) for the analysis of single column bent viaducts in the transverse direction is presented. Previous research, which was limited to relatively short viaducts supported by few columns, has been extended to longer viaducts with more bents. The single‐mode N2 method is accurate enough for bridges where the effective modal mass of the fundamental mode is at least 80% of the total mass. The applicability of this method depends on (a) the ratio of the stiffness of the superstructure to that of the bents and (b) the strength of the bents. In short bridges with few columns, the accuracy of the N2 method increases as the seismic intensity increases, whereas in long viaducts (e.g. viaducts with lengths greater than 500 m) the method is in general less effective. In the case of the analyzed moderately irregular long viaducts, which are common in construction design practice, the MPA method performed well. For the analysis of bridges where the modes change significantly, depending on the seismic intensity, the IRSA method is in principle more appropriate, unless a viaduct is torsionally sensitive. In such cases, all simplified methods should be used with care. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

根据黏弹性阻尼器的特点和抗震规范的要求,分别提出了用于黏弹性阻尼器减震结构抗震分析的弹性及弹塑性需求谱,前者是基于黏弹性阻尼器减震结构等效阻尼比的简化计算公式及规范规定的反应谱;后者是基于修正的V id icRμ-μ-T关系。在此基础上,借助模态推覆分析,提出了可以考虑高阶振型影响的黏弹性阻尼器消能减震结构体系的能力谱分析方法,并对一8层钢筋混凝土消能减震框架结构进行了"中震不坏,大震可修"性能水准下的抗震分析。算例结果表明,采用该方法分析黏弹性阻尼器减震结构体系是可行的、有效的。  相似文献   

基于改进点估计法的结构整体概率抗震能力分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
确定能力中位值和能力离差值是结构整体概率抗震能力分析的两个关键问题,文中分析了现有方法存在的缺点。在Zhao-Ono点估计法的基础上,引入基于随机向量边缘概率分布信息的Nataf变换,提出了改进的点估计法。将改进点估计法与Pushover分析相结合,提出了评估结构整体概率抗震能力统计矩的随机Pushover分析方法。以某五层三跨钢筋混凝土框架结构为例,应用本方法,进行结构整体概率抗震能力分析,得到了结构整体抗震能力的易损性曲线。分析表明,所提方法是一种具有较高效率和较好精度的结构整体概率抗震能力的分析方法。  相似文献   

Lateral load pattern in pushover analysis   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
The seismic capacity curves of three types of buildings including frame, frame-shear wall and shear wall obtained by pushover analysis under different lateral load patterns are compared with those from nonlinear time history analysis. Based on the numerical results obtained a two-phase load pattern; an inverted triangle (first mode) load pattern until the base shear force reachesβ times its maximum value, Vmax, followed by a (x/H)α form, hereβ and α being some coefficients depending on the type of the structures considered, is proposed in the paper, which can provide excellent approximation of the seismic capacity curve for low-to-mid-rise shear type buildings. Furthermore, it is shown both the two-phase load pattern proposed and the invariant uniform pattern can be used for low-to-mid-rise shear-bending type and low-rise bending type of buildings. No suitable load patterns have been found for high-rise buildings.  相似文献   

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