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Yangtzedonta is Undoubtedly a Junior Synonym of Xianfengella   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
With the verification of the type specimen by six experts from the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, the specimen of Xianfengella prima He and Yang, 1982 described by Qian (Qian, 2001, flge2: la-c) is confirmed to be the holotype specimen (NIGP. 84430) of Yangtzedonta primitiva Yu, 1985, and consequently, Yu Wen's view that they are not the same specimen is impractical. This fact demonstrates that Yangtzedonta primitiva Yu, 1985 is undoubtedly a junior synonym of Xianftngella prima He and Yang, 1982, and is invalid. Qian's conclusion (Qian, 2001 ) that no bivalve appeared in the early Meishucunian Stage of the Early Cambrian is rational.  相似文献   

廖卓庭 《地质学报》2008,82(2):169-173
2005年,地质学报(英文版,79卷第6期)同时刊出了余汶、钱逸关于扬子蛤(Yangtzedonta)与先锋贝(Xianfengella)是否为同一化石的争论文章.这一争论由来已久.引起多方关注.笔者详细观察了保存于中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所标本馆的余汶(1985)的Yangtzedonta primitiva Yu正模标本(标本登记号84430号)和钱逸(2001)的 Xian fengella等模标本(登记号125018-125022),认为84430号标本是一枚发育有特殊后接合缘构造、形态较为奇特的小壳化石.尽管饯逸(2001)称拥有与84430号标本相似的"更多、更精美的同类标本"和"完整个体",但他不仅从未展示具有与84430号标本相似后接合缘等形态构造的图影,还以与实际形态不相符的失真素描图等不实依据,混淆了84430号标本与Xianfengella在形态构造和壳体大小等方面的真实区别,断言84430号标本是一块Xianfengella的破碎标本,坚称"扬子蛤属是先锋贝属无疑"(地质学报(英文版),79卷第6期第777页).对此,笔者提出质疑.  相似文献   

贵州断杉剖面长兴阶上部发现的腕足类化石包括:Paracrurithyris pigmaea,Attenuatella mengi,Neochonetes (Huangichonetes) substrophomenoides,Spinomarginifera kueichowensis,Anidanthus mucronata,? Hustedia orbicostata,Pygmochonetes sp.,Crurithyris sp.和Martinia sp..通过对该腕足动物群的分析以及和其他地区同时期的腕足动物群的对比,认为断杉剖面腕足动物群是深水分子与浅水分子混生的动物群,同时也是暖水分子与凉水分子混生的动物群.深水分子与浅水分子混生的特征与长兴期晚期断杉剖面位于深水盆地相的边缘,并且离浅水碳酸盐岩台地较近的古地理位置一致;暖水分子与凉水分子混生暗示扬子海盆当时可能存在洋流活动.  相似文献   

长江源各拉丹冬地区晚二叠世乌丽群的腕足类生物组合   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在长江源区各拉丹冬一带晚二叠世地层中建立了2个腕足类生物组合,下部为Spinomarginifera cf.kueichowensis-Tschernyschewia cf.sinensis-Tyloplecta cf.yangtzeensis组合,见于乌丽群下部的那益雄组;上部为Leptodus nobilis-Perigeyerella costellata-Enteletes subequivalis组合,见于乌丽群上部的拉卜查日组.两个组合生物群属于特提斯动物群,均可与华南地区同期地层中的生物群相对比.  相似文献   

Yangtzeconus priscus-Archaeospira ornata, an important earliest Cambrian benthonic Assemblage of the Yangtze micromolluscan fauna, occurs mainly in the Lower Cambrian Zhongyicun and Dahai Members of the Yuhucun Formation in E Yunnan, the Tianzhushan Member (=Huangshandong Member) of the Dengying Formation in W Hubei and the Maidiping Member of the Hungchunping Formation in C Sichuan, China. About 90% of the genera of this Assemblage are unknown from the Nemakit-Daldynian and Tommotian molluscan Assemblages of the Siberian Platform, Russia. About 90% of the Siberian molluscan genera do not occur in the Zhongyicun and Dahai Members in the Meishucun section and in the corresponding beds of the Yangtze Platform, because the Tommotian molluscan Assemblage is characterizedly abundant archaeocyathids. It is clearly indicated that the Yangtze and Siberian molluscan Assemblages represent different bio- and lithofacies and ages. The age of the pre-trilobitic Yangtzeconus priscus-Archaeospira ornata Assemblage is older than that of the Nemakit-Daldynian and Tommotian molluscan Assemblages and referable to the Earliest Cambrian. Two new genera Mcnamaraconus and Zhangwentangoconus are herein proposed.  相似文献   

South China contains many complete sections through the upper Ordovician and lower Silurian. Brachiopod data including 130 brachiopod genera, assigned to 13 orders and 27 superfamilies from mid-Ashgill through late Aeronian intervals reveal that brachiopod macroevolution before and after the latest Ordovician mass extinction shows important changes in the diversity, composition and stratigraphical distribution of the phylum. The following six intervals are recognized: (1) a faunal plateau before the latest Ordovician mass extinction (mid-Ashgill, Rawtheyan); (2) a survival–recovery interval following the first phase of the mass extinction (late Ashgill, Normalograptus extraordinarius Zone and lower Glyptograptus? persculptus Zone; Hirnantian); (3) first survival interval following the mass extinction (latest Ashgill, upper Glyptograptus? persculptus Zone; end Hirnantian); (4) a second survival interval after the mass extinction (earliest Llandovery, Parakidograptus acuminatus Zone; early to mid-Rhuddanian); (5) a recovery interval in the Silurian (early to mid-Llandovery; late Rhuddanian to early Aeronian); and (6) a radiation interval in the Silurian (mid-Llandovery; mid- to late Aeronian). Only near-shore, low-diversity, benthic assemblages (mainly BA2), characterized by Ordovician relicts with a few Lazarus taxa and progenitors, are known from the southern marginal area of the Upper Yangtze epicontinental sea during the early to mid-Rhuddanian. They were replaced by newly established Silurian brachiopod communities (mainly BA2–3) in the late Rhuddanian to early Aeronian. These are marked by many newly evolved endemic forms and new immigrants, expressing a clear recovery within the Brachiopoda, but the recovery interval of the major brachiopod groups was heterochronous. In China the typical Silurian brachiopod fauna was mainly composed of indigenous Atrypida, Pentamerida and Spiriferida with stropheodontids derived from elsewhere, such as Baltica and Avalonia, two apparent refugia in the survival interval. The Atrypida was the first major group of Brachiopoda to diversity in the late Rhuddanian. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

近百年来,中国化石双壳类的研究经历了从无到有,从基础资料的积累到向基础理论方向发展和关门自守到走向世界的过程,逐渐摆脱了“标准化石”和从属地位,走上古生物学发展的道路。新中国成立后,经过我国几代双壳类古生物学工作者们的努力,中国各地质时期的双壳类组成总貌和双壳类化石的层序地层学已经得到揭示和确定,双壳类的起源、演化、埋葬、古生态和古生物地理学也受到不同程度的研究或探讨。双壳类古生物学已经并正在积极而有效地指导或支持地质生产。顾知微院士是我国化石双壳类学科最重要的承传和奠基人。  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地石钱滩腕足动物群中凉水分子的发现及意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王成文  杨式溥 《地质学报》1998,72(3):205-210
笔者于新疆准噶尔盆地石钱滩腕足动物群中,识别出凉水型腕足动物两种新种。石钱滩腕足动物群具有凉水-暖水混生动物群性质,古生物地理区划归北极大区为宜。晚石炭世早期准噶尔盆地可能已经成为西伯利亚板块南缘的一部分。  相似文献   

通过对本溪牛毛岭本溪组底栖生物群落的组成结构和个体生态研究,详细探讨了各群落的古环境意义,结合剖面沉积相和沉积旋回分析,探讨了相对海平面变化对群落取代的影响。本溪组上、下段沉积时期主要受潮汐作用影响,而中段沉积时期河流作用明显。辽宁本溪地区本溪期底栖生物群落的生态位主要集中在BA1-BA3之间,即潮间、潮上带到潮下浅海环境,沉积最大水深一般不超过60 m。古水深是控制各环境因素变化的重要原因,也是控制群落取代的根本原因。在水深变化不大的情况下,底质环境、海水含盐度、水动力强度等对群落的内部演替和群落之间的相互取代都具有重要影响。底栖生物群落生态位变化和剖面沉积相分析所揭示的海水深度的垂向变化规律,显示该区石炭纪本溪期经历了四次明显的三级相对海平面变化旋回。与华北其他地区相比,本区本溪期多了一次海平面变化旋回,显示该区本溪期海侵较早,该区下部旋回发育时,华北其他地区尚未接受沉积。  相似文献   

扬子海盆奥陶纪末介壳动物群的分布及其古地理意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何卫红  卜建军 《地球科学》2003,28(3):261-267
通过奥陶纪末扬子海盆介壳动物群生态组合的划分, 并结合介壳动物群产出的岩性特征的研究, 分析了当时海盆内部的沉积分异特点: 扬子海盆中部, 水体相对较深, 为浅海较深水盆地, 指示的生态域 > BA4- 5;到海盆东部水体逐渐变浅, 生态域以BA4- 5为主; 海盆西部水体变得更浅, 生态域以 < BA3为主.此外, 将海盆划分为中部浅海深水黑色硅质页岩盆地、东、西部浅海碎屑岩和浅海碳酸岩-碎屑岩沉积盆地.从南往北, 进一步对以上3个沉积区进行了水体深浅变化的探讨, 并且认为: 海盆中部, 由西南往东北方向, 水体逐渐变深, 沉积中心位于湖北、湘中及湘北部分地区(桃园—安化一带); 海盆西部和东部, 从南往北, 水体均由浅变深(在海盆西部, 黔北生态域 < BA3, 川中至川东 < BA3, 川北和陕南为BA4;在海盆东部, 浙江桐庐、常山一带 < BA3, 安徽泾县和南京等地≥BA4- 5).此外, 根据生物群和岩性的空间变化, 认为扬子海盆以北面临大洋或洋盆.   相似文献   

内蒙古锡林浩特二叠系哲斯组腕足动物群特征及其意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨兵  张雄华  杨欣杰  夏浩东 《地质通报》2017,36(10):1683-1690
内蒙古锡林浩特克什克腾旗哈尔呼舒剖面哲斯组灰岩中发现了大量腕足化石,经鉴定计有22属42种,以长身贝亚目和石燕贝亚目为主,化石组合面貌具有典型的哲斯动物群特征。根据其与邻区的腕足生物地层对比,确定该腕足生物群时代为中二叠世Wordian期。哲斯动物群中凉水型分子共计10属26种,约占种级总量的61.9%,暖水型分子仅1种,约占种级总量的2.4%,体现了典型的凉水型动物群特征。古生物地理区划属于北方生物地理大区。此外,哲斯组碳酸盐岩中颗粒组合属于苔藓虫-棘皮动物-腕足动物组合,代表凉水沉积环境,也印证了哲斯动物群的凉水型特征。  相似文献   

华北地台石炭系—二叠系界线的腕足动物标志   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
依据现代地层学理论,年代地层界线应具有全球一致性或近一致性。根据华北地台石炭纪、二叠纪地层特点,笔者主张在华北地台以Pseudoschwagerina(s.s)带(确切地说是最早出现该带特征化石层位)底作为二叠纪的开始。本文通过对华北地台若干典型地点界线附近的腕足动物化石进行系统研究,认为腕足动物面貌在界线附近有清晰的变化,与界线标志(竹蜓)属有一定的对应关系,以此作为界线的辅助标志具有区域性的普遍意义。  相似文献   

Brachiopod events in the European Middle Cretaceous (Aptian-Cenomanian). Brachiopod species proliferated in the Late Aptian and Cenomanian. Significant palaeobiogeographical events took place during the Middle Cretaceous, in particular during Early and Late Albian time.  相似文献   

腕足动物是寒武纪冠轮动物分支的重要类群,在寒武纪大爆发期间海洋底栖动物群落结构构建中发挥着重要作用。研究表明华南最早的腕足动物出现在寒武系第二统。通过大量酸蚀处理和系统分析,发现华南寒武纪第二世碳酸盐岩相中赋存的腕足动物可分为8属12种和3个未定属种,都属于磷酸钙质舌形贝型,揭示了寒武纪早期磷酸钙质壳腕足动物的多样性及其形态差异。通过全球对比,力求探索寒武纪最早腕足动物的起源、多样性、分布与辐射。通过个体发育研究,揭示了异时发育在乳孔贝形态多样性中发挥的重要作用,同时表明寒武纪舌形贝型腕足动物发育中普遍存在滤食型浮游幼虫和变态发育的过程。因此变态发育的浮游幼虫可能是腕足动物的祖先特征。这与现代舌形贝明显不同,现代舌形贝的浮游幼虫为次级幼虫,演变为直接发育。此外,对比全球不同大陆腕足动物的首现,认为舌形贝型亚门腕足动物可能在寒武纪第二世初起源于东冈瓦纳与华南板块,随后开始向全球扩散。对寒武纪早期腕足动物多样性、个体发育与生物地层的深入研究,有助于增进对关键动物门类的早期起源与系统演化的认识,同时也将推动全球和区域寒武纪生物地层的划分与对比。  相似文献   

从河北秦皇岛采集的用无水乙醇保存的鸭嘴舌形贝(Lingula anatina)样品中提取了DNA,经PCR扩增后进行克隆,得到了2条长度为682 bp的线粒体细胞色素C氧化酶第I亚基(COI)基因片段。调用GenBank中日本有明海和中国香港的鸭嘴舌形贝同源序列,用邻接法和贝叶斯法构建了系统发育树,结果表明:秦皇岛地区的鸭嘴舌形贝与日本有明海的鸭嘴舌形贝形成姊妹群,具有较近的亲缘关系,与香港的鸭嘴舌形贝亲缘关系较远。初步分析认为西太平洋地区鸭嘴舌形贝现有的地理分布并不是由浮游幼虫的扩散引起的,不同地区鸭嘴舌形贝的差异可能跟地理隔离有关。  相似文献   

本文通过对宜昌黄花场剖面和宜昌陈家河剖面大湾组83件样品和陈家河剖面红花园组2件样品的碳氧同位素测试数据,分析了奥陶纪大坪期海水表面温度的变化;并以宜昌黄花场剖面大湾组笔石序列为基础,结合华南地区笔石动物群的分布情况,分析了海水表面温度的变化对笔石动物群地理分布的影响,提出温度变化仅是影响笔石动物群地理分布的间接因素,前人的纬度分带学说值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

在河南省汝阳盆地原划分的古近系始新统"蟒川组"中新发现了大量的恐龙化石。这个动物群主要以植食性的巨型、大型蜥脚类恐龙为主,兼有鸭嘴龙类及肉食性小型兽脚类、大型肉食龙类为辅的恐龙动物群,经初步研究确认至少有10种以上新属种恐龙,还有大量的恐龙蛋壳、龟鳖类、双壳类、植物类等丰富的动植物化石,被称为"汝阳巨型蜥脚类恐龙动物群"。该动物群代表了我国早白垩世晚期至晚白垩早期的恐龙动物群,其分异程度也比以前想象的高得多。而轮藻、介形虫和孢粉等微体化石组合特征、地层叠合关系和区域对比等综合分析,更多显示了汝阳盆地赋存恐龙化石的地层时代为早白垩世中晚期的特征。无疑,汝阳盆地原划分为始新世的"陈宅沟组"、"蟒川组"应为白垩纪,至于是早白垩世中晚期或是晚白垩世早期,还需要更多的证据才能确定。  相似文献   

周口店太平山北坡西洞动物群及其洞穴地层划分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周口店太平山北坡西洞于1987年发现,其中的裂隙堆积物厚达21.7m,可分7层,化石产自剖面的第5层和第7层。第5层计有Erinaceussp.等16种动物化石,第7层产有Ochotonacf.nihe-wanica和Lepussp.。第5层的时代与周口店第9地点动物群的大体相当或略早,而第7层可与太平山北坡东洞的第8-6层对比。  相似文献   

In the transitional period between the Middle and the Late Triassic, the Indochina orogeny caused two tectonic events in South China: (1) the formation and uplift of the Qinling-Dabie orogenic belt along the northern margin of the South China Plate, due to its collision with the North China Plate; and 2) the development of a 1300-km-wide intra-continental orogen in the southeastern part of the South China Plate, which led to a northwestward movement of the foreland thrust-fold zone. These tectonic events resulted in the ending of the Yangtze Platform, and were a stable paleogeographic factor from the Eidacaran to the end of the Middle Triassic. This platform was characterized by the widespread development of shallow-water carbonates. After the end of the Yangtze Platform, the upper Yangtze foreland basin (or Sichuan foreland basin) was formed during the Late Triassic and became a accumulation site of fluvial deposits that are composed of related strata of the Xujiahe Formation. In western Sichuan Province, the Xujiahe Formation overlies the Maantang Formation shallow-water carbonate rocks of the Xiaotangzi Formation siliciclastic rocks (from shelf shales to littoral facies). The sequence-stratigraphic framework of the Upper Triassic in the upper Yangtze foreland basin indicates a particular alluvial architecture, characterized by sequences composed of (1) successions of low-energy fluvial deposits of high-accommodation phases, including coal seams, and (2) high-energy fluvial deposits of low-accommodation phases, including amalgamated river-channel sandstones. The spatial distribution of these fluvial deposits belonging to the Xujiahe Formation and its relative strata is characterized by gradual thinning-out, overlapping, and pinching-out toward both the east and south. This sedimentary record therefore expresses a particular sequence-stratigraphic succession of fluvial deposits within the filling succession of the foreland basin. The sequence-stratigraphic framework for the Upper Triassic in the Upper Yangtze region provides a record of the end of the Yangtze Platform and the formation of the upper Yangtze foreland basin.  相似文献   

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