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针对集合预报存在的偏差和集合离散度通常偏小的问题,在卡尔曼滤波递减平均的一阶矩和二阶矩偏差订正方案的基础上发展了综合偏差订正方案,并利用B08RDP WWRP(The WWRP Beijing 2008 Olympics Research and Development Project)项目中日本气象厅(JMA)区域集合预报的850 hPa温度资料,将敏感性试验得到的一阶矩和二阶矩订正的最优权重系数应用于综合偏差订正方案,并对其订正效果进行多方面检验分析。试验结果表明,一阶矩订正可以有效减小集合平均偏差,集合平均预报质量得到了明显改善;二阶矩订正对集合离散度具有较强的调整能力,订正后的集合预报可靠性、区分不同天气事件的能力总体上得到了提高;综合偏差订正方案有效融合了一阶矩和二阶矩订正的优势,其各自的最优权重系数适用于综合偏差订正方案,对集合平均偏差和离散度具有良好的订正效果,能够改善集合预报的整体质量。但一阶矩与二阶矩订正对综合偏差订正的贡献程度随评分指标而异,一阶矩订正对等级概率(RPS)评分和异常值百分比评分的贡献分别为83.75%和18.83%,可信度的改善约83.98%源于二阶矩订正,而相对作用特征(ROC)评分中二者的贡献基本相当。  相似文献   

针对对流尺度集合卡尔曼滤波(EnKF)雷达资料同化中雷达位置对同化的影响进行研究。为了考察强对流出现在雷达不同方位时集合卡尔曼滤波同化雷达资料的能力,以一个理想风暴为例,设计了8个均匀分布在模拟区域周围的模拟雷达进行试验。单雷达同化试验中,初期同化对雷达位置较敏感,而十几个循环后对雷达方位的敏感性降低。造成初期同化效果较差的雷达观测位于模拟区域正南和正北方向,这两部雷达与模拟区域中心的连线垂直于风暴移动方向(即环境气流的方向)。双雷达试验的结果表明,正东、正南、正西和正北方向的雷达组合观测会使同化初期误差较大,这说明并不是所有与风暴连线成90°的雷达组合都能在短时同化中得到合理的分析结果,还需要都处于模拟区域对角线上(即与环境气流成45°夹角),同化效果才较好。短时同化后的确定性预报结果表明,较大分析误差也会导致较大预报误差。这些分析误差主要是由于同化初期不准确的集合平均场驱动出的不合理的背景误差协方差造成的。当背景场随着同化循环得到改进后,驱动出的合理的背景误差协方差使得不同位置雷达同化造成的差异逐步减小。基于上述结果,引入迭代集合均方根滤波(iEnSRF)算法,结果显示使用该算法后,雷达位置对同化效果的影响减小,同化不同位置的雷达资料均能有效降低分析和预报误差。   相似文献   

分级集合滤波(Hierarchical Ensemble Filter,HEF)和采样误差修正(Sampling Error Correction,SEC)局地化算法能够使采样误差取得极小值,且不需要给出距离的定义。为了检验其理论优势,基于集合卡尔曼滤波(Ensemble Kalman Filter,En KF)方法同化模拟雷达资料,通过与Gaspari-Cohn(GC)局地化算法对比,分析不同局地化算法对En KF同化效果的影响。结果表明,HEF和SEC局地化算法的雷达回波在水平和垂直方向上均强于GC局地化算法。HEF局地化算法各个变量的离散度最高,均方根误差最低;SEC局地化算法离散度略低,均方根误差略高;GC局地化算法离散度最低,均方根误差最高。相比于GC局地化算法,HEF和SEC局地化算法的冷池强度减弱,面积减小,下沉气流的速度和范围增大,雹霰混合比的大小和覆盖面积增大。通过模拟发现,HEF局地化算法模拟的北侧对流中心最强,SEC局地化算法模拟的南侧对流中心最强,且模拟出(40 km,60 km)处的强对流中心。HEF局地化算法模拟的冷池强度最强,HEF和SEC局地化算法基本上模拟出北侧的雹霰混合比高值区。这表明HEF局地化算法有效地改进了基于GC局地化算法的En KF雷达资料同化效果,SEC局地化算法减小了计算量,是HEF局地化算法较好的近似。  相似文献   

Observations are one of the main elements influencing the result of the data assimilation procedure in the models. The additional sources of observations such as the aircraft data have appeared recently. In view of this, the problem arose of receiving the additional observations to specify the result of the data assimilation procedure. The approaches are considered to the estimation of the areas of additional observations for the increase in the accuracy of analysis and forecast in the data assimilation procedure. A technique of observational network planning using the ensemble Kalman filter is proposed. The results are given of numerical experiments on the estimation of the algorithm properties using the model based on the barotropic quasi-geostrophic vortex equation.  相似文献   

在中尺度WRF-EnSRF系统中最新引入的采样误差订正局地化方法不仅考虑了回归系数偏差,而且计算量较小。该方法基于状态变量和对应观测值的相关系数的分布关系,根据离线蒙特卡洛技术制作的关于集合数和样本相关系数的查找表格确定局地化系数因子,进而订正由集合数选取有限造成的背景误差协方差被低估引起的采样误差。本文利用风暴过程的雷达观测资料做了一系列风暴尺度的资料同化理想试验,探讨了采样误差订正局地化方法在风暴尺度集合卡尔曼滤波同化中的技术特点和同化效果。结果表明:相比于经验局地化方法,采样误差订正局地化方法能够有效地改善集合同化的效果,对距离的敏感度更低,尤其在天气系统发展变化较快的阶段,新方法优势更大。并且,对不同观测变量以及在风暴发展的不同阶段使用不同的局地化方法,所得的结果都存在一定的差异,因此需要根据同化对象合理地选择局地化方法。  相似文献   

集合卡尔曼滤波资料同化方法,可以用集合样本统计出随天气形势变化的误差协方差,是当前资料同化领域的研究热点。主要介绍了GRAPES集合卡尔曼滤波资料同化系统的设计以及初步的试验结果。针对集合卡尔曼滤波同化实际观测资料难以实施的问题,采用成批观测同化的顺序同化方法进行多变量的集合卡尔曼滤波同化;为了滤除有限集合数造成的误差相关噪音和缓解求逆矩阵不满秩的问题,在水平和垂直方向都采用了Schur滤波;建立了与GRAPES预报模式的垂直坐标和预报变量一致的模式面集合卡尔曼滤波系统;集合样本的生成考虑了模式变量的空间相关和模式变量之间的相关,通过利用三维变分分析中的控制变量变换得到模式变量扰动场。通过比较GRAPES集合卡尔曼滤波资料同化系统和GRAPES区域三维变分资料同化系统的单点观测资料同化分析结果,对比背景误差相关系数的分布,验证了GRAPES集合卡尔曼滤波系统的正确性。此外,同化区域探空观测资料试验结果表明,GRAPES集合卡尔曼滤波资料同化系统能够得到合理的分析,并且具有实际运行能力。对分析结果进行12h预报表明,GRAPES集合卡尔曼滤波资料同化系统的分析协调性不如三维变分资料同化系统。  相似文献   

利用TIGGE资料集下欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF)、日本气象厅(JMA)、美国国家环境预报中心(NCEP)、中国气象局(CMA)和英国气象局(UKMO)5个模式预报的结果,对基于卡尔曼滤波的气温和降水的多模式集成预报进行研究。结果表明,卡尔曼滤波方法的预报效果优于消除偏差集合平均(BREM)和单模式的预报,但是对于地面气温和降水,其预报效果也存在一定的差异。在中国区域2 m气温的预报中,卡尔曼滤波的预报结果最优。而对于24 h累积降水预报,尽管卡尔曼滤波在所有量级下的TS评分均优于BREM,但随着预报时效增加,其在大雨及以上量级的TS评分跟最佳单模式UKMO预报相当,改进效果不明显。卡尔曼滤波在地面气温和24 h累积降水每个预报时效下的均方根误差均最优,预报效果更佳且稳定。  相似文献   

We present the implementation and results of a model tuning and ensemble forecasting experiment using an ensemble Kalman filter for the simultaneous estimation of 12 parameters in a low resolution coupled atmosphere-ocean Earth System Model by tuning it to realistic data sets consisting of Levitus ocean temperature/salinity climatology, and NCEP/NCAR atmospheric temperature/humidity reanalysis data. The resulting ensemble of tuned model states is validated by comparing various diagnostics, such as mass and heat transports, to observational estimates and other model results. We show that this ensemble has a very reasonable climatology, with the 3-D ocean in particular having comparable realism to much more expensive coupled numerical models, at least in respect of these averaged indicators. A simple global warming experiment is performed to investigate the response and predictability of the climate to a change in radiative forcing, due to 100 years of 1% per annum atmospheric CO2 increase. The equilibrium surface air temperature rise for this CO2 increase is 4.2±0.1°C, which is approached on a time scale of 1,000 years. The simple atmosphere in this version of the model is missing several factors which, if included, would substantially increase the uncertainty of this estimate. However, even within this ensemble, there is substantial regional variability due to the possibility of collapse of the North Atlantic thermohaline circulation (THC), which switches off in more than one third of the ensemble members. For these cases, the regional temperature is not only 3–5°C colder than in the warmed worlds where the THC remains switched on, but is also 1–2°C colder than the current climate. Our results, which illustrate how objective probabilistic projections of future climate change can be efficiently generated, indicate a substantial uncertainty in the long-term future of the THC, and therefore the regional climate of western Europe. However, this uncertainty is only apparent in long-term integrations, with the initial transient response being similar across the entire ensemble. Application of this ensemble Kalman filtering technique to more complete climate models would improve the objectivity of probabilistic forecasts and hence should lead to significantly increased understanding of the uncertainty of our future climate.  相似文献   

继SUM06、AOT40之后,基于气孔臭氧累计吸收通量(AFstY)的研究方法被广泛应用于臭氧风险评估中.然而通量模型中的阈值Y并不能很好地代表植物对臭氧的抗氧化能力以及自我修复能力,如何动态模拟植物自身的防御机制对于提高臭氧风险评估的准确性尤为重要.本文基于前人的研究成果探讨如何定量化植物对臭氧的防御效应,运用光合定量方法动态模拟伤害阈值并计算臭氧有效吸收通量,运用SODA模型从气孔吸收和质外体解毒两个方面探讨细胞内抗坏血酸对臭氧原生质膜通量的影响,旨在为臭氧通量模型研究开辟一个新的视角,并为后续的臭氧胁迫效应研究打下基础.  相似文献   

The breeding method has been widely used to generate ensemble perturbations in ensemble forecasting due to its simple concept and low computational cost. This method produces the fastest growing perturbation modes to catch the growing components in analysis errors. However, the bred vectors(BVs) are evolved on the same dynamical flow, which may increase the dependence of perturbations. In contrast, the nonlinear local Lyapunov vector(NLLV) scheme generates flow-dependent perturbations as in the breeding method, but regularly conducts the Gram–Schmidt reorthonormalization processes on the perturbations. The resulting NLLVs span the fast-growing perturbation subspace efficiently, and thus may grasp more components in analysis errors than the BVs.In this paper, the NLLVs are employed to generate initial ensemble perturbations in a barotropic quasi-geostrophic model.The performances of the ensemble forecasts of the NLLV method are systematically compared to those of the random perturbation(RP) technique, and the BV method, as well as its improved version—the ensemble transform Kalman filter(ETKF)method. The results demonstrate that the RP technique has the worst performance in ensemble forecasts, which indicates the importance of a flow-dependent initialization scheme. The ensemble perturbation subspaces of the NLLV and ETKF methods are preliminarily shown to catch similar components of analysis errors, which exceed that of the BVs. However, the NLLV scheme demonstrates slightly higher ensemble forecast skill than the ETKF scheme. In addition, the NLLV scheme involves a significantly simpler algorithm and less computation time than the ETKF method, and both demonstrate better ensemble forecast skill than the BV scheme.  相似文献   

Observing system simulation experiments are performed using an ensemble Kalman filter to investigate the impact of surface observations in addition to radar data on convective storm analysis and forecasting. A multi-scale procedure is used in which different covariance localization radii are used for radar and surface observations. When the radar is far enough away from the main storm so that the low level data coverage is poor, a clear positive impact of surface observations is achieved when the network spacing is 20?km or smaller. The impact of surface data increases quasi-linearly with decreasing surface network spacing until the spacing is close to the grid interval of the truth simulation. The impact of surface data is sustained or even amplified during subsequent forecasts when their impact on the analysis is significant. When microphysics-related model error is introduced, the impact of surface data is reduced but still evidently positive, and the impact also increases with network density. Through dynamic flow-dependent background error covariance, the surface observations not only correct near-surface errors, but also errors at the mid- and upper levels. State variables different from observed are also positively impacted by the observations in the analysis.  相似文献   

In this study, the maximum likelihood ensemble filter (MLEF) is applied to a tropical cyclone case to identify the uncertainty areas in the context of targeting observations, using the WRF model. Typhoon Sinlaku (2008), from which dropwindsonde data are collected through THORPEX Pacific Asian Regional Campaign (TPARC), is selected for the case study. For the uncertainty analysis, a measurement called the deep layer mean (DLM) wind variance is employed. With assimilation of conventional rawinsonde data, the MLEF-WRF system demonstrated stable data assimilation performance over multiple data assimilation cycles and produced high uncertainties mostly in data-void areas, for the given tropical cyclone case. Dropwindsonde deployment through T-PARC turned out to occur inside or near the weak uncertainty areas that are identified through the MLEF-WRF system. The uncertainty analysis using the MLEF method can provide a guide for identifying more effective targeting observation areas.  相似文献   

计燕霞  孙鑫  张涵斌  赵斐 《暴雨灾害》2024,42(2):195-203

对流尺度集合预报(Convection-allowing Ensemble Prediction,CAEP)是提高强对流天气预报能力的重要手段,构造合理的初始扰动是CAEP的关键问题。本文开展基于观测扰动初值法(Perturbed-observation,PO)的CAEP在内蒙古地区的试验,并以动力降尺度(Downscaling,DOWN)方法作为对比,分析PO方法在内蒙古地区CAEP的预报效果,以期为内蒙古地区CAEP的构建提供技术参考。结果表明:(1) PO方法构造的初始扰动能引入内蒙古地区观测资料从而减少背景场的不确定性,且扰动具有充分的增长能力。(2) 与DOWN方法相比,PO方法可以显著减少CAEP的短时预报误差,高空和地面要素的RMSE分别减小4%~43%和3%~9%,集合离散度略有减少。高空要素的CRPS评分最大可减少约53%,地面要素的CRPS评分平均减少6%,整体提高了对流尺度集合预报质量。(3) PO方法能够提高短时降水的预报能力,0.1 mm、4 mm和13 mm 3个量级的TS评分分别提升了0.015、0.003和0.001 5。且降水个例表明,PO方法对降水的落区和量级预报更准确。


A convection-allowing ensemble forecast experiment on a squall line was conducted based on the breeding growth mode (BGM). Meanwhile, the probability matched mean (PMM) and neighborhood ensemble probability (NEP) methods were used to optimize the associated precipitation forecast. The ensemble forecast predicted the precipitation tendency accurately, which was closer to the observation than in the control forecast. For heavy rainfall, the precipitation center produced by the ensemble forecast was also better. The Fractions Skill Score (FSS) results indicated that the ensemble mean was skillful in light rainfall, while the PMM produced better probability distribution of precipitation for heavy rainfall. Preliminary results demonstrated that convection-allowing ensemble forecast could improve precipitation forecast skill through providing valuable probability forecasts. It is necessary to employ new methods, such as the PMM and NEP, to generate precipitation probability forecasts. Nonetheless, the lack of spread and the overprediction of precipitation by the ensemble members are still problems that need to be solved.  相似文献   

As part of NOAA’s "Warn-On-Forecast" initiative, a convective-scale data assimilation and prediction system was developed using the WRF-ARW model and ARPS 3DVAR data assimilation technique. The system was then evaluated using retrospective short-range ensemble analyses and probabilistic forecasts of the tornadic supercell outbreak event that occurred on 24 May 2011 in Oklahoma, USA. A 36-member multi-physics ensemble system provided the initial and boundary conditions for a 3-km convective-scale ensemble system. Radial velocity and reflectivity observations from four WSR-88 Ds were assimilated into the ensemble using the ARPS 3DVAR technique. Five data assimilation and forecast experiments were conducted to evaluate the sensitivity of the system to data assimilation frequencies, in-cloud temperature adjustment schemes, and fixed- and mixed-microphysics ensembles. The results indicated that the experiment with 5-min assimilation frequency quickly built up the storm and produced a more accurate analysis compared with the 10-min assimilation frequency experiment. The predicted vertical vorticity from the moist-adiabatic in-cloud temperature adjustment scheme was larger in magnitude than that from the latent heat scheme. Cycled data assimilation yielded good forecasts, where the ensemble probability of high vertical vorticity matched reasonably well with the observed tornado damage path. Overall, the results of the study suggest that the 3DVAR analysis and forecast system can provide reasonable forecasts of tornadic supercell storms.  相似文献   

A fast and adjoint-free nonlinear data assimilation (DA) system was developed to simulate 3D baroclinic circulation in estuaries, leveraging two recently developed technologies: (1) a nonlinear model surrogate that executes forward simulation three orders of magnitude faster than a forward numerical circulation code and (2) a nonlinear extension to the reduced-dimension Kalman filter that estimates the state of the model surrogate. The noise sources in the Kalman filter were calibrated using empirical cross-validation and accounted for errors in model and model forcing.The DA system was applied to assimilate in situ measurements of water levels, salinities, and temperatures in simulations of the Columbia River estuary. To validate the DA results, we used a combination of cross-validation studies, process-oriented studies, and tests of statistical and dynamical consistency. The validation studies showed that DA improved the representation of several important processes in the estuary, including nonlinear tidal propagation, salinity intrusion, estuarine residual circulation, heat balance, and response of the estuary to coastal winds.  相似文献   

A fast and adjoint-free nonlinear data assimilation (DA) system was developed to simulate 3D baroclinic circulation in estuaries, leveraging two recently developed technologies: (1) a nonlinear model surrogate that executes forward simulation three orders of magnitude faster than a forward numerical circulation code and (2) a nonlinear extension to the reduced-dimension Kalman filter that estimates the state of the model surrogate. The noise sources in the Kalman filter were calibrated using empirical cross-validation and accounted for errors in model and model forcing.The DA system was applied to assimilate in situ measurements of water levels, salinities, and temperatures in simulations of the Columbia River estuary. To validate the DA results, we used a combination of cross-validation studies, process-oriented studies, and tests of statistical and dynamical consistency. The validation studies showed that DA improved the representation of several important processes in the estuary, including nonlinear tidal propagation, salinity intrusion, estuarine residual circulation, heat balance, and response of the estuary to coastal winds.  相似文献   

Ocean dynamics play a key role in the climate system, by redistributing heat and freshwater. The uncertainty of how these processes are represented in climate models, and how this uncertainty affects future climate projections can be investigated using perturbed physics ensembles of global circulation models (GCMs). Techniques such as flux adjustments should be avoided since they can impact the sensitivity of the ensemble to the imposed forcing. In this study a method for developing an coupled ensemble with a GCM that does not use flux adjustment is presented. The ensemble is constrained by using information from a prior ensemble with a mixed layer ocean coupled to an atmosphere GCM, to reduce drifts in the coupled ensemble. Constraints on parameter perturbations are derived by using observational constraints on surface temperature, and top of the atmosphere radiative fluxes. As an example of such an ensemble developed with this methodology, uncertainty in response of the meridional overturning circulation (MOC) to increased CO2 concentrations is investigated. The ensemble mean MOC strength is 17.1?Sv and decreases by 2.1?Sv when greenhouse gas concentrations are doubled. No rapid changes or shutdown of the MOC are seen in any of the ensemble members. There is a strong negative relationship between global mean temperature and MOC strength across the ensemble which is not seen in a multimodel ensemble. A positive relationship between climate sensitivity and the decrease of MOC strength is also seen.  相似文献   

农田生态系统是受人为活动强烈控制和干扰的系统,对其碳源/汇的评价是全球碳循环研究的热点.首先概括了以涡度相关法为手段的中国农田生态系统碳通量的研究进展,重点总结了中国农田生态系统碳通量的时间变化、驱动机制和模型模拟等方面的研究成果,并在此基础上对今后中国农田生态系统碳通量研究提出了建议,认为长期观测与研究、多因子协同作用、模型开发与尺度推绎、数据质量监控和评价是今后研究的重点方向.  相似文献   

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