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The compilation of serial maps of karst geology in China and Southeast Asia is a project under the “One Belt One Road” geological survey plan granted by China Geological Survey. This paper summarized the research trend of geoscientific mapping in China and Southeast Asia and introduced the significance, contents, technical routes, operating methods and progress of the project. Through bilateral and multilateral cooperation, this project builded an international cooperation platform for mapping and completes the preliminary compilation of related karst geological maps in China and Southeast Asia, thus filling up the blank of karst geological maps in this region.  相似文献   

Based on the mapping program of the map series of karst geology in China and Southeast Asia, the paper summarizes the application of remote sensing technique and the process of acquiring information from remote sensing images. Generally, remote sensing technique serves as an effective method to recognize information about karst topography, rocky desertification and karst collapse. Interpretation of remote sensing images, in combination with field verification and cartographic generalization, provides basic data for updating the program database and compiling synthetic maps. In interpreting remote sensing images, automatic extraction can make it more efficient and visual interpretation can improve its accuracy.  相似文献   

东南亚地区矿产资源十分丰富,特别是铜、镍、铬、钾盐、铝土矿等矿产资源与中国有较强的互补性,受到中国地质学家和矿业界的广泛关注。东南亚地区总体矿产勘查、开发程度低,随着东南亚地区经济的快速发展和找矿技术方法的提高,该地区一大批新矿床的发现和一系列新矿山的陆续建成投产必将为全球经济发展和社会进步注入新的活力。通过对东南亚地区产出的大型-超大型或代表性重要矿床地质特征和分布规律进行总结,对其产出环境和找矿潜力进行讨论,旨在为中国地质学家、矿业企业了解该地区重要矿床的地质特征、时空分布规律、找矿潜力和找矿模型提供有益信息,为中国地勘单位和矿业企业"走出去",在东南亚地区开展综合性找矿评价提供参考依据,同时也为在中国西南三江成矿带开展勘查找矿工作提供对比依据。  相似文献   

东南亚的活动俯冲和碰撞   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
东南亚位于欧亚、印-澳和菲律宾海三大板块汇聚结合带,现代及古代汇聚区域广泛,弧陆碰撞起着重要作用。根据地质、古地磁和浅源地震等地球动力演化的研究建立了一系列构造模式,表明该区地表构造运动的复杂性。尽管规模较小,台湾地区的弧陆碰撞可能是目前全世界的研究热点之一,因为这一碰撞带较年青(数百万年),非常活跃,易于通过地质、地球物理、大地测量和遥感手段进行测定和监控。未来对活动俯冲带和造山带的研究应与地震、海啸、污染、气候变化等这些与自然灾害有关的社会问题紧密联系起来。  相似文献   

东南亚地区是“21世纪海上丝绸之路”(以下简称“海洋丝路”)的重要组成部分,该区历史上曾发生十余次巨大地震,地震及其次生地质灾害是威胁东南亚地区经济社会发展和国际合作的主要自然灾害。系统梳理该区地震活动的时空分布特征及评估未来灾害风险格局,对于推进“一带一路”倡议实施及区域经济社会可持续发展具有重要意义。文章基于东南亚地区1900年以来M≥5地震的时空分布统计分析和地震b值计算,揭示出该区的地震活动在时间上表现出活跃期与平静期交替变化的特征;空间上表现出明显的聚集效应,成丛性强且主要集中在5个地震统计区内,其中印尼—马来多岛弧盆系地震区和菲律宾群岛地震区的地震活动最为活跃。总体而言,东南亚5个地震区的b值偏低,在0.42~0.91之间。该区内的地震b值也存在时空差异,受大地震事件、俯冲带年龄、活动断裂带和震源深度等众多因素影响,但主控因素在不同区域有所不同。地震b值时空变化特征对区域地震活动预测具有启示作用。上述认识为推进“海洋丝路”工程建设和“一带一路”防灾减灾对策提供了科学支撑。  相似文献   

东南亚大地构造特征与成矿作用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
东南亚地区位于全球特提斯成矿域、环太平洋成矿域与印度-澳大利亚成矿域的交汇地带。构造演化独特,先后经历了原-古-中-新特提斯增生造山、印度-欧亚陆陆碰撞造山、太平洋俯冲等多期次构造-岩浆事件,形成了多条火山弧带、蛇绿混杂带以及同碰撞和后碰撞岩浆岩带。本文在总结前人大地构造研究成果基础上,将东南亚地区划分为6个一级构造单元、32个二级构造单元和57个三级构造单元。伴随着原-古-中-新特提斯构造演化、印度-欧亚大陆碰撞、太平洋俯冲等多期次构造域事件,以构造单元划分为基础,将东南亚地区划分为3个一级成矿域,6个二级成矿省,21个三级成矿带,并结合构造演化初步探讨了主要成矿事件。  相似文献   

东南亚中南半岛位于特提斯成矿域和西环太平洋成矿域的相交地带,在印支—喜山期发生了多期次俯冲、碰撞造山成矿作用,发育多个与中酸性岩浆活动密切相关的锡(钨)岩浆热液成矿系统,形成了世界著名的东南亚中南半岛锡矿带。研究区自西向东依次可划分为抹谷—毛淡棉—德林达依—普吉锡矿带、景栋—清莱—清迈锡矿带和越北—长山—昆嵩—大叻锡矿带三大锡矿带及7个锡矿亚带,锡矿化花岗岩多为高度分异演化的重熔型铝过饱和花岗岩类,具有多硅、富碱、多挥发分、高钾、87Sr/86Sr初始比值高、Rb/Sr值高、相对明显富集Be、Bi、Cu、Mo、Pb、Sn、Y、Zn等元素的特点。锡矿体主要分布于S型花岗岩与围岩的内、外接触带。锡矿床成矿类型主要有热液脉型、矽卡岩型、锡石—硫化物型、云英岩型、伟晶岩—细晶岩型等。从海西晚期到喜山早期都有锡的成矿事件发生,以燕山期锡成矿作用为主,成矿构造环境主要为岛弧环境和大陆边缘碰撞造山环境。  相似文献   

东南亚中南半岛位于特提斯成矿域和西环太平洋成矿域的相交地带,在印支—喜山期发生了多期次俯冲、碰撞造山成矿作用,发育多个与中酸性岩浆活动密切相关的锡(钨)岩浆热液成矿系统,形成了世界著名的东南亚中南半岛锡矿带。研究区自西向东依次可划分为抹谷—毛淡棉—德林达依—普吉锡矿带、景栋—清莱—清迈锡矿带和越北—长山—昆嵩—大叻锡矿带三大锡矿带及7个锡矿亚带,锡矿化花岗岩多为高度分异演化的重熔型铝过饱和花岗岩类,具有多硅、富碱、多挥发分、高钾、87Sr/86Sr初始比值高、Rb/Sr值高、相对明显富集Be、Bi、Cu、Mo、Pb、Sn、Y、Zn等元素的特点。锡矿体主要分布于S型花岗岩与围岩的内、外接触带。锡矿床成矿类型主要有热液脉型、矽卡岩型、锡石—硫化物型、云英岩型、伟晶岩—细晶岩型等。从海西晚期到喜山早期都有锡的成矿事件发生,以燕山期锡成矿作用为主,成矿构造环境主要为岛弧环境和大陆边缘碰撞造山环境。  相似文献   

东南亚缅泰老越柬五国与中国西南邻区在大地构造上位于特提斯构造域东段与西太平洋构造域相交接地带,复杂的地质构造演化造就了该区丰富的矿产资源。通过近年来对东南亚中南半岛及中国邻区的地层、构造、岩浆及矿产研究,在大地构造单元划分基础上,本文将研究区划分为两个一级成矿域(特提斯成矿域、环太平洋成矿域)、3个二级成矿省(滇缅马成矿省、印支成矿省、扬子-华夏成矿省)和17个三级成矿带。并对各成矿带的地质及成矿特征进行了简单阐述。  相似文献   

东南亚地区因其重要的战略地位、丰富的自然资源、良好的发展前景、巨大的市场需求以及发展矿业及相关产业的强烈意愿成为实践"一带一路"产能合作构想的理想区域。本文以东南亚地区矿业及相关产业为切入点,综合分析了东南亚地区的经济与需求态势、资源状况、矿业及相关产业发展情况、投资环境概况。结合各国政府对基础设施以及重点发展领域和区域的具体规划进行综合分析,提出了中国与东南亚国家的产能合作构想:能源领域合作建议油气、煤炭和新能源领域,以印度尼西亚为重点;固体矿产合作以铝土矿、铜、金、镍、锡矿和钾盐为重点,主要位于印度尼西亚、老挝、越南和泰国等;基础设施建设以泛亚铁路为先,产业园区主要以印度尼西亚、马来西亚、越南等相对发达的地区为主,可建成集冶炼加工产业合作、基础设施建设合作以及工业园区建设为一体的综合优选区。  相似文献   

世界地质公园的发展近况和东南亚地质遗迹 的保护现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵汀  赵逊 《地质通报》2008,27(3):414-425
20世纪90年代以来,不少地球科学家致力于世界地质遗产的保护工作,在联合国教科文组织地学部的领导下,历时4年开展了2轮地质公园的可行性研究,并于1997年正式获得教科文组织大会批准,推动了地质公园的建立。在1996年北京第30届国际地质大会上,欧洲地质学家酝酿了欧洲地质公园网络的组建,取得了欧盟的支持。2000年,欧洲地质公园网和中国国家地质公园正式建立,2004年首批25家世界地质公园在巴黎联合国教科文组织总部正式通过评审并批准.经4批评审现已有52家世界地质公园正式建立。10余年的发展为地质公园的建设积累了丰富的经验。以中国和马来西亚为代表的东亚、东南亚国家,不仅具有丰富的地质遗产,而且在推动地质公园建设方面也发挥着榜样的作用,但各国的发展还很不平衡。  相似文献   

中国西南泛亚大通道环境工程地质问题概论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西南泛亚大通道是中国近期和今后将要重点规划建设的能源和交通廊带,具有重要的经济和战略意义。由于地处中国西南地质环境条件极其复杂的横断山区南段,该廊带地形地貌和地质构造都极其复杂,新构造活动强烈,导致地质灾害频发,并以类型全、数量多、规模大为特点。外动力地质灾害主要包括滑坡、崩塌、泥石流,它们制约着地表工程的建设和运营安全;高地温、高地应力和岩溶突水等又是控制地下工程规划建设的瓶颈。文中从地质环境演化过程的内外动力作用入手,简要地总结了中国西南泛亚大通道规划和建设过程中可能遇到的地质灾害和重大工程地质问题,并探讨了上述问题的研究途径。  相似文献   

H. Uhlig 《GeoJournal》1982,4(1):31-44
Some karst regions of Indonesia (Java, Sulawesi, Bali, Madura), on closer examination geomorphologically and hydro-geologically quite distinct from each other, are checked with regard to land-use, settlement and other economic and cultural significance. Brief comparisons are made to similar regions from the Philippines (Bohol), Thailand etc.An amazingly strong differentiation, especially of the rice-cultivation systems, is determined by the varying access to water. Some densely populated limestone regions are suffering even from critical water supply for human consumption, cattle etc. Proposals for improvement and rural development are given.The comparison of agricultural landscape types under changing geo-ecological conditions yield fine examples of closely interwoven man-earth eco-systems.  相似文献   

Occurrence conditions of groundwater in southern karst area are complicated. The water-bearing media in the karst have multiplicity, and the groundwater is hosted in holes, gaps, seams, pipes and caves. The karst water shows heterogeneity where fast and slow flow coexist, and the Darcy and non-Darcy flow coexist, and the liquid flow, the gas flow and solid flow coexist. The evaluation and investigation indicates that the mineable resource of karst groundwater is about 53.44 billion m3/y, and the current exploitation quantity is merely 6.565 billion m3/year. The exploitation and utilization potential is gigantic. In the region there are altogether 2 763 karst subterranean rivers with a total length of 12 687 km. The dry season runoff volume equals to 47 billion m3/year. At present the exploitation is only 10%. Four effective utilization models of karst groundwater resources have been put forward. (1) The karst hills-depression zone formed the surface-underground united reservoir. By digging tunnels, water diversion irrigation and generating electricity, the ecological economy is developed. (2) In the deep-cut peak cluster depression area, by using the high-part Epikarst spring and constructing the regulation and storage water tank, the stereo ecological agriculture is developed. (3) In the karst peak forest plain and hilly-gully area, the pump-type underground regulating reservoir is constructed and the water-saving ecological agriculture is strengthened. (4) In the fault basin region with the surrounding groundwater runoff belting beam backwater, the water resources are jointly controlled to develop a fruit crop base within the basin.  相似文献   

东南亚中南半岛成矿带是特提斯(地中海-喜马拉雅-东南亚)洲际成矿域的重要组成部分,富含丰富的矿产资源。基于该区的地质矿产图,结合前人的研究,分别以古地缝合带和深断裂为界,将其划分为5个一级成矿省,19个二级成矿带。研究表明:①在古老陆核结晶基底区形成沉积变质型铁、铜和稀土金属矿床;②在板(断)块的结合带形成典型的与基性—超基性岩浆活动有关的铬铁和铜镍硫化物矿床;③在板内沉积凹陷区形成盐类矿床;④在造山带的各个演化阶段形成与花岗质岩浆活动有关的斑岩铜金矿床、热液型铅锌矿床、热液脉状金矿床与热液脉状钨锡矿床。研究成果不仅为从整体上认识该区的成矿规律提供了基本框架,而且为在中国西南“三江”成矿带寻找与毗邻国家类似的矿床提供了新的启示。  相似文献   

东南亚中南半岛成矿带初步划分与区域成矿特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
东南亚中南半岛成矿带是特提斯(地中海-喜马拉雅-东南亚)洲际成矿域的重要组成部分,富含丰富的矿产资源。基于该区的地质矿产图,结合前人的研究,分别以古地缝合带和深断裂为界,将其划分为5个一级成矿省,19个二级成矿带。研究表明:①在古老陆核结晶基底区形成沉积变质型铁、铜和稀土金属矿床;②在板(断)块的结合带形成典型的与基性—超基性岩浆活动有关的铬铁和铜镍硫化物矿床;③在板内沉积凹陷区形成盐类矿床;④在造山带的各个演化阶段形成与花岗质岩浆活动有关的斑岩铜金矿床、热液型铅锌矿床、热液脉状金矿床与热液脉状钨锡矿床。研究成果不仅为从整体上认识该区的成矿规律提供了基本框架,而且为在中国西南“三江”成矿带寻找与毗邻国家类似的矿床提供了新的启示。  相似文献   

Sediment‐hosted gold (SHG) deposits are becoming more widely recognized in the Southeast Asian region. They are characterized by very fine‐grained gold, typically occurring in stratabound jasperoid replacement and structurally controlled orebodies in calcareous or carbonaceous sedimentary rocks, which are commonly distal to porphyry copper–gold deposits. Gold mineralization is associated with anomalous As‐Sb‐Hg‐Tl and is normally concentrated in the arsenic‐rich rims of pyrite and arsenopyrite grains (commonly refractory). The examples discussed in this paper are located in Southeast Asian countries, and all occur in island or continental arc terrains. SHG deposits have many features comparable to the Carlin deposits in Nevada; however, they differ in tectonic setting, their shallow level of emplacement, fluid composition, and probable metal source. As such, the Southeast Asian examples described in this compilation may be classified as “Carlin‐like” but not “Carlin‐type.” Furthermore, they appear to represent a subclass of low‐temperature epithermal deposits, with most occurrences showing late‐stage colloform quartz vein events. Indeed, they are better described as sediment‐hosted epithermal gold deposits. Several examples are multimillion ounce deposits, such as Sepon, Laos, with its endowment of more than 4 million ounces of gold. Mesel, Sulawesi, and Bau (Jugan and Tai Parit), Sarawak, also possessed multimillion ounce resources prior to mining. Two centuries of Chinese alluvial and eluvial mining at Buduk in northwest Kalimantan has produced a significant unrecorded amount of gold. Structurally controlled feeder zones frequently contain higher‐grade gold mineralization (e.g. Mesel), and constitute valid exploration targets. More recently discovered deposits, such as those in Myanmar (Gegalaw, Taungzaw, and Katsena) and the Philippines (Hijo and Las Cogon), remain to be thoroughly explored. Most of the deposits (Sepon, Mesel, Abong, Sihayo, Jugan, Tai Parit, Hijo, and Lascogon) can be directly linked spatially and genetically to gold–copper porphyry intrusive centers. It is postulated that localities with no obvious connection to known porphyry deposits (Buduk, Ban Bak, Kyaukpahto, Gegalaw, Taungzaw, and Katsena) may represent district‐scale exploration targets for porphyry copper–gold deposits. In terms of discovery techniques, of the 13 SHG deposits discussed here, several were sites of historical mining (Mesel, Bau, and Kyaukpahto). The majority, however, are virgin deposits discovered in the past 25 years by intuitive area selection followed by systematic regional geochemical exploration programs and routine geological inspections. At the project scale, electrical resistivity techniques, such as controlled‐source audio frequency magnetotellurics (CSAMT) and induced polarization (IP), have proven to be useful for mapping blind jasperoid bodies and associated feeder zones and silicified structures. Traditional field mapping and stream float sampling in tropical regions are also effective exploration tools. Deposits that have significant jasperoid development may have conspicuous positive topographic relief, depending on erosion level.  相似文献   

The Burma Terrane has yielded some of the earliest pieces of evidence for monsoonal rainfall in the Bay of Bengal. However, Burmese ecosystems and their potential monsoonal imprint remain poorly studied. This study focuses on the late Eocene Yaw Formation (23° N) in central Myanmar, which was located near the equator (c. 5° N) during the Eocene. We quantitatively assessed the past vegetation, climate, and depositional environments with sporomorph diagrams, bioclimatic analysis, and sequence biostratigraphy. We calculated the palynological diversity and drew inferences with rarefaction analysis by comparing with four other middle to late Eocene tropical palynofloras. Palynological results highlight a high floristic diversity for the palynoflora throughout the section formed by six pollen zones characterized by different vegetation. They indicate that lowland evergreen forests and swamps dominated in the Eocene Burmese deltaic plains while terra firma areas were occupied by seasonal evergreen, seasonally dry, and deciduous forests. This vegetation pattern is typical to what is found around the Bay of Bengal today and supports a monsoon-like climate at the time of the Yaw Formation. Bioclimatic analysis further suggests that in the late Eocene, the Yaw Formation was more seasonal, drier, and cooler compared to modern-day climate at similar near-equatorial latitude. More seasonal and drier conditions can be explained by a well-marked seasonal migration of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), driver of proto-monsoonal rainfall. Cooler temperatures in the late Eocene of central Myanmar may be due to the lack of adequate modern analogues for the Eocene monsoonal climate, while those found at other three Eocene Asian paleobotanical sites (India and South China) may be caused by the effect of canopy evapotranspirational cooling. Our data suggest that paleoenvironmental change including two transgressive–regressive depositional sequences is controlled by global sea level change, which may be driven by climate change and tectonics. The high diversity of the Yaw Formation palynoflora, despite well-marked seasonality, is explained by its crossroads location for plant dispersals between India and Asia.  相似文献   

通过野外调查、采样和分析,运用地统计学方法,选择旱地、稻田、菜园和果园四种地利用方式,分析了渝东南秀山、黔江、酉阳三地土壤有机碳(SOC)的时间和空间分布特征。结果表明:空间上,在耕作层和心土层SOC含量都是菜园最大,旱地最小,且差异显著;而底土层果园最大,稻田最小,差异不显著;不同的土地利用方式对土壤剖面SOC含量的影响一致,自上而下依次降低,均为耕作层SOC含量最高,底土层最低,稻田降幅最大,旱地最小,且差异显著;时间上,与1984年第二次土壤普查相比,除旱地外20多年来渝东南岩溶区0~20cm耕层SOC含量普遍升高,其中菜园的增加幅度最大,稻田最小。但总的来说,研究区岩溶山地土壤有机质含量普遍较低,建议通过人为施肥提高有机质的含量,探索和推广应用免耕、少耕、秸秆还田等耕作措施,增加农田土壤固碳能力。   相似文献   

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