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Excessive nitrate-nitrogen (nitrate) loss from agricultural watersheds is an environmental concern. A common conservation practice to improve stream water quality is to retire vulnerable row croplands to grass. In this paper, a groundwater travel time model based on a geographic information system (GIS) analysis of readily available soil and topographic variables was used to evaluate the time needed to observe stream nitrate concentration reductions from conversion of row crop land to native prairie in Walnut Creek watershed, Iowa. Average linear groundwater velocity in 5-m cells was estimated by overlaying GIS layers of soil permeability, land slope (surrogates for hydraulic conductivity and gradient, respectively) and porosity. Cells were summed backwards from the stream network to watershed divide to develop a travel time distribution map. Results suggested that groundwater from half of the land planted in prairie has reached the stream network during the 10 years of ongoing water quality monitoring. The mean travel time for the watershed was estimated to be 10.1 years, consistent with results from a simple analytical model. The proportion of land in the watershed and subbasins with prairie groundwater reaching the stream (10–22%) was similar to the measured reduction of stream nitrate (11–36%). Results provide encouragement that additional nitrate reductions in Walnut Creek are probable in the future as reduced nitrate groundwater from distal locations discharges to the stream network in the coming years. The high spatial resolution of the model (5-m cells) and its simplicity may make it potentially applicable for land managers interested in communicating lag time issues to the public, particularly related to nitrate concentration reductions over time.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the alternative conceptual models for groundwater modelling. A true model was created with a synthetic alluvial fan-plain hydrogeological framework. Various alternative conceptual models were evaluated for groundwater flow simulations. The first alternative model is a single aquifer layer model; the second alternative model is a 3-layer aquifer model; and the third model is a 5-layer model consisting of 3 aquifers separated by 2 aquitards. All models could fit very well to the observations with optimized values of hydraulic conductivities. However, the single aquifer layer model can only compute water balance components with good accuracy. The 3-layer aquifer model can be used for water balance computation and groundwater head simulation with small errors. The 5-layer model is capable of simulating water budget, groundwater head distribution and travel times with high accuracy. Multi-model analysis found only the 3rd alternative model superior.  相似文献   

The construction of emergency water sources is the material basis for ensuring urban water safety, and it is also an inherent requirement for maintaining social stability and development. The hydrogeological characteristics of groundwater in Luoyang City from the aspects of the division of groundwater aquifer groups, water yield property and groundwater dynamics were described in this paper. Two emergency water sources were selected on basis of comprehensively considering groundwater resources and ecological environmental effects, groundwater quality and exploitation technology, etc. Then it further analysed the aquifer types, water yield properties and groundwater recharge, runoff and discharge conditions of the two emergency water sources, and evaluate the groundwater resources quantity of the water sources. The results are that the shallow underground aquifer in Luoyang City is thick, coarse, and stable in lithology and thickness. The two water sources enjoy good exploitation potential and can be used as backup water sources to supply water in the event of a water source crisis.  相似文献   

 Regulations aiming to protect exploitable groundwater resources were edicted in Belgium a few years ago. Therefore, prevention and protection zones are defined by law and must be determined practically around each pumping well or spring, based on local hydrogeological conditions. The determination of hydrodynamic and hydrodispersive parameters, characterizing the local flow and transport properties of the aquifer, requires pumping and tracing tests. The interpretation of these field experiments, considering the heterogeneity of the geological layers, is performed through the use of numerical FEM simulations of the groundwater flow and pollutant transport conditions in a deterministic framework. After calibration of the model on experimental measurements, multiple simulations with contaminant injections at various points of the modeled domain allow the determination of the transfer time of the pollutant in the studied aquifer whilst taking the updated heterogeneity into account. On the basis of the computed transfer times in the saturated zone, the various prevention and protection areas can be assessed based on provisions of the law. Received: 27 June 1997 · Accepted: 29 July 1997  相似文献   

Based on the observation of a complete hydrological year from June 2014 to May 2015, the temporal and spatial variations of the main inorganic nitrogen(MIN, referring to NO_3~--N, NO_2~--N, NH_4~+-N) in surface water and groundwater of the Li River and the Yuan River wetland succession zones are analyzed. The Li River and the Yuan River are located in agricultural and non-agricultural areas, and this study focus on the influence of surface water level and groundwater depth and precipitation on nitrogen pollution. The results show that NO_3~-N in surface water accounts for 70%-90% of MIN, but it does not exceed the limit of national drinking water surface water standard. Groundwater is seriously polluted by H_4~+-N. Based on the groundwater quality standard of H_4~+-N, the groundwater quality in the Li River exceeds Class III water standard throughout the year, and the exceeding months' proportion of Yuan River reaches 58.3%. Compared with the Yuan River, MIN in groundwater of the Li River shows significant temporal and spatial variations owing to the influence of agricultural fertilization. The correlation between the concentrations of MIN and surface water level is poor, while the fitting effect of quadratic correlation between H_4~+-N concentration and groundwater depth is the best(R~2=0.9384), NO_3~-N is the next(R~2=0.5128), NO_2~--N is the worst(R~2=0.2798). The equation of meteoric water line is δD =7.83δ~(18) O+12.21, indicating that both surface water and groundwater come from atmospheric precipitation. Surface infiltration is the main cause of groundwater H_4~+-N pollution. Rainfall infiltration in non-fertilization seasons reduces groundwater nitrogen pollution, while rainfall leaching farming and fertilization aggravate groundwater nitrogen pollution.  相似文献   

Six regional-scale flow models are compared to gain insight into how different representations of hydraulic-conductivity distributions affect model calibration and predictions. Deterministic geological models were used to define hydraulic-conductivity distributions in two steady-state flow models that were calibrated to heads and baseflow estimates using inverse techniques. Optimized hydraulic-conductivity estimates from the two models were used to calculate layer and model mean hydraulic-conductivity values. Despite differences in the two geological models, inverse calibration produced mean hydraulic-conductivity values for the entire model domain that are quite similar. The layer and model mean hydraulic-conductivity values were used to generate four additional flow models and forward runs were performed. All of the models adequately simulate the observed heads and total baseflow. The six flow models were used to predict the steady-state impact of a proposed well field, and the flow solutions were used in simulating particle tracking and solute transport. Results of the predictive simulations show that, for this example, simple models of heterogeneity produce capture zones similar to more complex models, but with very different travel times and breakthroughs. Inverse modeling combined with different geological models can provide a measure of capture zone and breakthrough reliability.
Resumen Se compara seis modelos de flujo a escala regional para conocer cómo afecta a la calibración y a la predicción del modelo diversas representaciones de la distribución de la conductividad hidráulica. Se ha utilizado modelos geológicos deterministas para definir las distribuciones de la conductividad hidráulica en dos modelos de flujo permanente, calibrados mediante técnicas inversas con niveles piezométricos y estimaciones del flujo de base. Se ha adoptado estimaciones optimizadas de la conductividad hidráulica de los dos modelos para calcular las cotas de las capas y sus conductividades hidráulicas medias. A pesar de las diferencias entre ambos modelos geológicos, con la calibración inversa se obtiene valores similares de conductividad hidráulica en todo el dominio. Estos valores de las capas y de las conductividades hidráulicas medias han servido para generar cuatro modelos adicionales de flujo y realizar predicciones. Todos los modelos simulan de forma adecuada los niveles observados y los caudales de base. Los seis modelos han sido aplicados a la predicción del impacto estacionario de un campo de pozos, y las soluciones del flujo permiten simular el transporte de partículas y de solutos. Los resultados de estas predicciones muestran que, para este ejemplo, los modelos sencillos de la heterogeneidad dan lugar a zonas de captura similares a las generadas por modelos más complejos, pero aparecen grandes diferencias en los tiempos de tránsito y en las curvas de llegada. Una combinación de modelación inversa y de modelos geológicos diferentes puede proporcionar una medida de la fiabilidad de la zona de captura y de las curvas de llegada.

Résumé Six modèles d'écoulement à l'échelle régionale sont comparés afin d'avoir un aperçu de la manière dont les différentes représentations de la distribution de la conductivité hydraulique affectent la calibration et les prédictions de modèles. Des modèles géologiques déterministes ont été utilisés pour définir les distributions de la conductivité hydraulique dans deux modèles d'écoulement en régime permanent qui ont été calibrés avec des estimations des charges et des écoulements de base faites par des techniques inverses. Les estimations optimisées de la conductivité hydraulique de ces deux modèles ont servi à calculer les valeurs de conductivité hydraulique moyenne des couches et du modèle. Malgré des différences entre les deux modèles géologiques, la calibration inverse a donné des valeurs de conductivité hydraulique moyenne pour le domaine complet du modèle qui sont complètement semblables. Les valeurs de la conductivité moyenne des couches et du modèle ont été utilisées pour générer quatre modèles d'écoulement supplémentaires et des traitements ont été effectués. Tous les modèles simulent correctement les charges observées et l'écoulement de base total. Les six modèles ont servi à prédire l'impact en régime permanent d'un champ captant projeté et les solutions d'écoulement ont été utilisées dans une simulation par suivi de particules et de transport de soluté. Les résultats de simulations prédictives montrent que, pour cet exemple, de simples modèles d'hétérogénéité fournissent des zones de capture semblables aux modèles plus complexes, mais pour des temps de parcours et des restitutions très différents. Une modélisation inverse combinée à différents modèles géologiques peut assurer une mesure de la zone de capture et une fiabilité de la restitution.


Based on the observation of a complete hydrological year from June 2014 to May 2015, the temporal and spatial variations of the main inorganic nitrogen (MIN, referring to NO3--N, NO2--N, NH4+-N) in surface water and groundwater of the Li River and the Yuan River wetland succession zones are analyzed. The Li River and the Yuan River are located in agricultural and non-agricultural areas, and this study focus on the influence of surface water level and groundwater depth and precipitation on nitrogen pollution. The results show that NO3--N in surface water accounts for 70%-90% of MIN, but it does not exceed the limit of national drinking water surface water standard. Groundwater is seriously polluted by NH4+-N. Based on the groundwater quality standard of NH4+-N, the groundwater quality in the Li River exceeds Class III water standard throughout the year, and the exceeding months’ proportion of Yuan River reaches 58.3%. Compared with the Yuan River, MIN in groundwater of the Li River shows significant temporal and spatial variations owing to the influence of agricultural fertilization. The correlation between the concentrations of MIN and surface water level is poor, while the fitting effect of quadratic correlation between NH4+-N concentration and groundwater depth is the best (R2=0.9384), NO3--N is the next (R2=0.5128), NO2--N is the worst (R2=0.2798). The equation of meteoric water line is δD =7.83δ18O+12.21, indicating that both surface water and groundwater come from atmospheric precipitation. Surface infiltration is the main cause of groundwater NH4+-N pollution. Rainfall infiltration in non-fertilization seasons reduces groundwater nitrogen pollution, while rainfall leaching farming and fertilization aggravate groundwater nitrogen pollution.  相似文献   

Documenting the interaction between groundwater and rivers is fundamental to understanding hydrological systems. While many studies have examined the location and magnitude of groundwater inflows to rivers, much less is known about the transit times of water in catchments and from where in the aquifer the groundwater originates. Resolving those questions is vital for protecting riverine ecosystems, assessing the impact of contamination, and understanding the potential consequences of groundwater pumping. This study uses tritium (3H) to evaluate the mean transit times of water contributing to Deep Creek (southeast Australia), which is a chain-of-ponds river system. 3H activities of river water vary between 1.47 and 2.91 TU with lower 3H activities recorded during cease-to-flow periods when the river comprises isolated groundwater-fed pools. Regional groundwater 1–2.5 km away from Deep Creek at depths of 7.5–46.5 m has 3H activities of between <0.02 and 0.84 TU. The variation in 3H activities suggest that the water that inflows into Deep Creek is dominated by near-river shallow groundwater with the deeper groundwater only providing significant inflows during drier periods. If the water in the catchment can be represented by a single store with a continuum of ages, mean transit times of the river water range between <1 and 31 years whereas those of the groundwater are at least 75 years and mainly >100 years. Alternatively the variation in 3H activities can be explained by mixing of a young near-river water component with up to 50% older groundwater. The results of this study reinforce the need to protect shallow near-river groundwater from contamination in order to safeguard riverine ecosystems and also illustrate the potential pitfalls in using regional bores to characterise the geochemistry of near-river groundwater.  相似文献   

With the aim of investigating the P-wave velocity structure below the Tertiary volcano Vogelsberg, a network of 10 mobile short period seismograph stations was installed in May 1987 for a period of 20 months. P-Wave travel time residuals relative to the station Kleiner Feldberg/Taunus (TNS) were determined for 168 seismic events using the Jeffreys - Bullen travel time tables. At all stations the relative residuals showed a positive sign, indicating a low velocity zone beneath the Vogelsberg. Maxima were found in the northern part of the Vogelsberg (station VAD +0.5 s) and in the region of the Amöneburger Basin (station RAU +0.28 s).The travel time residuals were inverted using the tomographic inversion method of Aki et al. (1977). The slowness perturbations of the single blocks were calculated relative to a crustal and upper mantle model of the Rhenish Massif. The results show an intracrustal low velocity body (about –9%) striking in a Variscan direction and underlying the north-eastern part of the Vogelsberg, and another velocity minimum (about – 6%) in the region of the Am6neburger Basin. In the lower crust and the upper mantle the velocities are reduced by about 4% relative to the starting model.The Variscan alignment of the low velocity zone under the Vogelsberg correlates with results of other geological studies. It can be assumed that during the rifting phase of the Upper Rhinegraben Variscan lineations have been reactivated, favouring uprising of magma along these old structures. The position and extension of the low velocity zone correlate with the assumed sediment distributions in the area of investigation. This may account for about one-half of the observed anomaly. The reason for the velocity reduction of about 4% in the entire underground region of the Vogelsberg down to a depth of about 70 km can be explained by the intensive fracturing of the lithosphere, caused by thermal and pressure gradients during the magma eruption process.  相似文献   

Geoelectric and hydrochemical approaches are employed to delineate the ground-water potential zones in District Okara, a part of Bari Doab, Punjab, Pakistan. Sixty-seven VES surveys are conducted with the Electrical Resistivity Meter. The resultant resistivity verses depth model for each site is estimated using computer-based software IX1D. Aquifer thickness maps and interpreted resistivity maps were generated from interpreted VES results. Dar-Zarrouk parameters, transverse resistance (TR), longitudinal conductance (SL) and anisotropy (λ) were also calculated from resistivity data to delineate the potential zones of aquifer. 70% of SL value is ≤3S, 30% of SL value is > 3S. According to SL and TR values, the whole area is divided into three potential zones, high, medium and low potential zones. The spatial distribution maps show that north, south and central parts of study area are marked as good potential aquifer zones. Longitudinal conductance values are further utilized to determine aquifer protective capacity of area. The whole area is characterized by moderate to good and up to some extent very good aquifer protective area on the basis of SL values. The groundwater samples from sixty-seven installed tube wells are collected for hydro-chemical analysis. The electrical conductivity values are determined. Correlation is then developed between the EC (μS/cm) of groundwater samples vs. interpreted aquifer resistivity showing R2 value 0.90.  相似文献   

Ecological constraints in subsurface environments relate directly to groundwater flow, hydraulic conductivity, interstitial biogeochemistry, pore size, and hydrological linkages to adjacent aquifers and surface ecosystems. Groundwater ecology has evolved from a science describing the unique subterranean biota to its current form emphasising multidisciplinary studies that integrate hydrogeology and ecology. This multidisciplinary approach seeks to elucidate the function of groundwater ecosystems and their roles in maintaining subterranean and surface water quality. In aquifer-surface water ecotones, geochemical gradients and microbial biofilms mediate transformations of water chemistry. Subsurface fauna (stygofauna) graze biofilms, alter interstitial pore size through their movement, and physically transport material through the groundwater environment. Further, changes in their populations provide signals of declining water quality. Better integrating groundwater ecology, biogeochemistry, and hydrogeology will significantly advance our understanding of subterranean ecosystems, especially in terms of bioremediation of contaminated groundwaters, maintenance or improvement of surface water quality in groundwater-dependent ecosystems, and improved protection of groundwater habitats during the extraction of natural resources. Overall, this will lead to a better understanding of the implications of groundwater hydrology and aquifer geology to distributions of subsurface fauna and microbiota, ecological processes such as carbon cycling, and sustainable groundwater management.
Resumen Los entornos ecológicos en ambientes subsuperficiales están relacionados directamente con el flujo de agua subterránea, la conductividad hidráulica, biogeoquímica intersticial, tamaño de los poros, y vínculos hidrológicos con acuíferos adyacentes y ecosistemas superficiales. La ecología del agua subterránea ha evolucionado a partir de una ciencia que describe la biota subterránea única hasta alcanzar la forma actual que enfatiza estudios multidisciplinarios que integran hidrogeología y ecología. Este enfoque multidisciplinario busca clarificar la función de los ecosistemas de agua subterránea y sus roles en el mantenimiento de la calidad de agua superficial y subterránea. En ecotonos de agua superficial y de acuíferos, los gradientes geoquímicos y biopelículas microbiales median transformaciones de calidad de agua. La fauna subsuperficial (estigofauna) se alimenta de biopeliculas, altera el tamaño de los poros intersticiales mediante su movimiento, y transporta físicamente material a través del ambiente de aguas subterráneas. Además, los cambios en sus poblaciones aportan señales de decadencia de calidad de agua. La mejor integración de ecología de aguas subterráneas, biogeoquímica, e hidrogeología incrementará significativamente nuestro entendimiento de ecosistemas subterráneos, especialmente en términos de bioremediación de aguas subterráneas contaminadas, mantenimiento o mejoramiento de calidad de agua superficial en ecosistemas dependientes de agua subterránea, y protección mejorada de habitats de agua subterránea durante la extracción de recursos naturales. Sobretodo, esto conducirá a un mejor entendimiento de las implicaciones de la hidrología de aguas subterráneas y geología del acuífero, de las distribuciones de fauna subsuperficial y microbiota, procesos ecológicos tal como ciclado de carbono, y gestión sostenible de aguas subterráneas.

Résumé Les contraintes écologiques dans les environnements de subsurface sont en relation directe avec les écoulements des eaux souterraines, la conductivité hydraulique, la biogéochimie des milieux interstitiels, la taille des pores, et les liens hydrologiques avec les aquifères et les écosystèmes adjacents. Lécologie des eaux souterraines a évolué dune science décrivant uniquement les biotopes souterrains à des études multidisciplinaires qui intègrent lécologie et lhydrogéologie. Lapproche multidisciplinaire cherche à élucider le fonctionnement des écosystèmes souterrains et leur rôle consistant à maintenir la qualité des eaux souterraines et de surface. Dans les écotones des eaux de la surfaces des aquifères, les gradients géochimiques et les biofilms microbiologiques contrôlent les transformations de la qualité de leau. La faune de subsurface (stygofauna) construisent les biofilms, altèrent la taille des pores interstitiels à travers leur mouvement, et transportent physiquement des matériaux à travers lenvironnement des eaux souterraines. Par ailleurs, les changements de leur population signalent un déclin de la qualité de leau.Une meilleure intégration de lécologie des eaux souterraines, de la biogeochimie, et de lhydrogéologie pourra faire avancer de manière efficace de notre compréhension des écosystèmes souterrains, et spécialement en terme de bioremédiation des eaux souterraines contaminées, de maintenance et damélioration de la qualité des eaux de surface dépendant des écosystèmes souterrains, et lamélioration de la protection des habitats des eaux souterraines durant lextraction des ressources naturelles. En général, cela conduira à une meilleure compréhension de limplication de lhydrogéologie et de la géologie des aquifères à la distribution de la faune de subsurface et aux microbiota, aux processus écologiques tels que les cycles du carbone, et la gestion durable des eaux souterraines.

Transport and transformation of nitrate was evaluated along a 1-km groundwater transect from an almond orchard to the Merced River, California, USA, within an irrigated agricultural setting. As indicated by measurements of pore-water nitrate and modeling using the root zone water quality model, about 63% of the applied nitrogen was transported through a 6.5-m unsaturated zone. Transport times from recharge locations to the edge of a riparian zone ranged from approximately 6 months to greater than 100 years. This allowed for partial denitrification in horizons having mildly reducing conditions, and essentially no denitrification in horizons with oxidizing conditions. Transport times across a 50–100-m-wide riparian zone of less than a year to over 6 years and more strongly reducing conditions resulted in greater rates of denitrification. Isotopic measurements and concentrations of excess N2 in water were indicative of denitrification with the highest rates below the Merced River. Discharge of water and nitrate into the river was dependent on gradients driven by irrigation or river stage. The results suggest that the assimilative capacity for nitrate of the groundwater system, and particularly the riverbed, is limiting the nitrate load to the Merced River in the study area.  相似文献   

太湖流域经济发达,人口稠密,如管理不善将引发水污染严重、水环境恶化和水质型缺水等水问题,对饮用水安全构成威胁。因此,地下水在保障太湖流域饮用水安全中的作用就显得特别重要,提出了太湖流域地下水保护的对策措施。  相似文献   

Impact of polluted canal water on adjacent soil and groundwater systems   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Received, 12 May 1999 · Accepted, 2 August 1999  相似文献   

Study of the groundwater samples from Tajarak area, western Iran, was carried out in order to assess their chemical compositions and suitability for agricultural purposes. All of the groundwaters are grouped into two categories: relatively low mineralized of Ca–HCO3 and Na–HCO3 types and high mineralized waters of Na–SO4 and Na–Cl types. The chemical evolution of groundwater is primarily controlled by water–rock interactions mainly weathering of aluminosilicates, dissolution of carbonate minerals and cation exchange reactions. Calculated values of pCO2 for the groundwater samples range from 2.34 × 10−4 to 1.07 × 10−1 with a mean value of 1.41 × 10−2 (atm), which is above the pCO2 of the earth’s atmosphere (10−3.5). The groundwater is oversaturated with respect to calcite, aragonite and dolomite and undersaturated with respect to gypsum, anhydrite and halite. According to the EC and SAR the most dominant classes (C3-S1, C4-S1 and C4-S2) were found. With respect to adjusted SAR (adj SAR), the sodium (Na+) content in 90% of water samples in group A is regarded as low and can be used for irrigation in almost all soils with little danger of the development of harmful levels of exchangeable Na+, while in 40 and 37% of water samples in group B the intensity of problem is moderate and high, respectively. Such water, when used for irrigation will lead to cation exchange and Na+ is adsorbed on clay minerals while calcium (Ca2+) and magnesium (Mg2+) are released to the liquid phase. The salinity hazard is regarded as medium to high and special management for salinity control is required. Thus, the water quality for irrigation is low, providing the necessary drainage to avoid the build-up of toxic salt concentrations.  相似文献   

叠加原理在水文地质计算中的应用相当普遍,但一般局限于地下水流模型的解析解,本文扼要介绍了线性定解问题的叠加原理,在此基础上提出了线性离散模型的叠加原理,进而讨论了线性离散模型的叠加原理在地下水流数值模型中的应用一一地下水流数值模型的分解与叠加.模型分解与叠加既可用于解析分析也可用于数值计算;同时不仅可以简化复杂模型的求解问题,更有助于理解地下水变化过程.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analysed the monitored data from nine groundwater-monitoring transects in the lower reaches of Tarim River during the five times of stream water deliveries to the river transect where the stream flow ceased. The results showed that the groundwater depth in the lower reaches of Tarim River rose from −9.30 m before the conveyances to −8.17 and −6.50 m after the first and second conveyances, −5.81 and −6.00 m after the third and fourth the conveyance, and −4.73 m after the fifth. The horizontal extent of groundwater recharge was gradually enlarged along both sides of the channel of conveyance, i.e., from 250 m in width after the first conveyance to 1,050 m away from the channel after the fourth delivery. With the rising groundwater level, the concentrations of major anions Cl, SO42− and cations Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, as well as total dissolved solids (TDS) in groundwater underwent a significant change. The spatial variations in groundwater chemistry indicated that the groundwater chemistry at the transect near Daxihaizi Reservoir changed earlier than that farther from it. In the same transect, the chemical variations were earlier in the monitoring well close to watercourse than that farther away from the stream. In general, the concentration of the major ions and TDS at each monitoring well increased remarkably when the water delivery started, and decreased with the continued water delivery, and then increased once again at the end of the study period. Hence, the whole study period may be divided into three stages: the initial stage, the intermediate stage and the later stage. According to the three stages of groundwater chemistry reaction to water delivery and the relationships between groundwater chemical properties and groundwater depths, we educe that under the situation of water delivery, the optimum groundwater depth in the lower reaches of the Tarim River should be −5 m.  相似文献   

Significant intrusion of geothermal water into fresh groundwater takes place in the Puebla Valley aquifer system, Mexico. The decline in the potentiometric surface due to the overexploitation of the groundwater induces this intrusion. This hydrological system comprises three aquifers located in Plio-Quaternary volcanic sediments and Mesozoic calcareous rocks. The hydraulic balance of the aquifer shows that the annual output exceeds the natural inputs by 12 million m3. Between 1973 and 2002, a drop in the potentiometric surface, with an 80 m cone of depression, was identified in a 5-km-wide area located southwest of the city of Puebla. Chemical analyses performed on water samples since 1990 have shown an increase in total dissolved solids (TDS) of more than 500 mg/L, coinciding with the region showing a cone of depression in the potentiometric surface. A three-dimensional flow and transport model, based on the hydrogeological and geophysical studies, was computed by using the MODFLOW and MT3D software. This model reproduces the evolution of the aquifer system during the last 30 years and predicts for 2010 an additional drawdown in the potentiometric surface of 15 m, and an increase in the geothermal water intrusion.  相似文献   

Factures caused by deformation and destruction of bedrocks over coal seams can easily lead to water flooding(inrush)in mines,a threat to safety production.Fractures with high hydraulic conductivity are good watercourses as well as passages for inrush in mines and tunnels.An accurate height prediction of water flowing fractured zones is a key issue in today's mine water prevention and control.The theory of leveraging BP artificial neural network in height prediction of water flowing fractured zones is analysed and applied in Qianjiaying Mine as an example in this paper.Per the comparison with traditional calculation results,the BP artificial neural network better reflects the geological conditions of the research mine areas and produces more objective,accurate and reasonable results,which can be applied to predict the height of water flowing fractured zones.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2020,3(1):113-123
Regional aridity is increasing under global climate change, and therefore the sustainable use of water resources has drawn attention from scientists and the public. Land-use changes can have a significant impact on groundwater recharge in arid regions, and quantitative assessment of the impact is key to sustainable groundwater resources management. In this study, the changes of groundwater recharge after the conversion of natural lands to croplands were investigated and compared in inland and arid region, i.e., the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountain. Stable isotopes suggest that soil water in topsoil (< 2 m) has experienced stronger evaporation under natural lands than croplands, and then moves downward as a piston flow. Recharge was estimated by the tracer-based mass balance method, i.e., chloride and sulfate. Recharge rates under natural conditions estimated by the chloride mass balance (CMB) method were estimated to be 0.07 mm/a in deserts and 0.4 mm/a in oases. In contrast, the estimated groundwater recharge ranged from 61.2 mm/a to 44.8 mm/a in croplands, indicating that groundwater recharge would increase significantly after land changes from natural lands to irrigated croplands in arid regions. Recharge estimated by the sulfate mass balance method is consistent with that from the CMB method, indicating that sulfate is also a good tracer capable of estimating groundwater recharge.  相似文献   

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