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龙游石窟1~3号洞室稳定性分析及安全通道路线的选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高千  王靖  杨志法  张路青  祝介旺  郑舰  傅燕 《岩土力学》2009,30(9):2713-2721
龙游石窟是一个大型古地下洞室群,具有重要文物价值。但龙游石窟正面临着风化速度加快,围岩变形破坏越来越严重等问题。在洞室群内部设置安全通道的方法是保证旅游安全和实现洞室群长期保护的一个重要措施。为制定设计安全通道的合理方案,对洞室群分布区的变形破坏现象进行了现场地质调查,并根据调查结果重点分析了洞室群洞口区域、顶板、公共边墙和岩柱的变形破坏特征。并利用有限差分程序FLAC3D进行了数值计算分析,对安全通道所经过区域的洞室围岩稳定性进行了评价。在计算过程中,利用网格单元的安全系数计算方法对比分析了安全通道的不同设计方案,初步确定了龙游地下洞室群1~3号洞室安全通道的设计路线。  相似文献   

对于地下工程来说,围岩的长期抗剪强度从来是工程设计者和研究者所关心的课题。但历来仅根据持续时间十分 有限的试验来确定。因此从某种意义上说,由这类试验所得到的,并非真正意义上的长期抗剪强度。所以,本文提出的根据 龙游大型古地下工程即龙游石窟岩柱(包括柱础)的剪坏现象反算岩柱的长期抗剪强度的成果,是很有理论价值的。本文将 以龙游石窟4号洞的4-2号岩柱为对象作古地下工程岩柱长期抗剪强度的反演研究。为了在反演中能进一步考虑剪切面上 各部位的应力变化,作者还借助于FLAC-3D分析结果对不同部分分别进行研究,从而取得了较好的反演结果。  相似文献   

龙游石窟是一个大型的古地下洞室群,具有重要科学和文物价值。为论证古人在龙游石窟23号古地下洞室的洞口设置23-1号斜坡柱的科学性,开展了稳定问题的相关研究。通过对23号洞的地形地貌、地层、构造、地震等方面开展现场地质调查、三维激光扫描和电镜扫描、X射线衍射试验,分析了23-1号斜坡柱岩体的微观性质。结合岩石的物理力学试验和数值反分析方法,反演分析获得了23-1号斜坡柱的物理力学参数。在以上研究的基础上,通过采用假想相同平均截面,同体积的直立岩柱代替原有的23-1号斜坡柱,利用FLAC3D软件对比分析了两种不同岩柱的洞体力学特征。研究结果证明了古人设置23-1号斜坡柱明显优于直立的同体积岩柱,有利于洞室的稳定性,由此论证了古人设置倾斜岩柱的科学性。这一科学发现对现代采矿工程、地下空间的开发与利用、岩土工程的设计与施工具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

龙游石窟1-5号洞室群几百年来一直处于水下,1992年首次被抽干水用于开发旅游。由于抽水前后环境的强烈改变,以及洞内干湿交替明显,所以洞室围岩风化和破坏都十分严重。其中,本文所讨论的3号洞第3-2号岩柱就是已发生严重开裂,并亟待加固。为对该岩柱的加固提供科学依据,需准确把握变形破坏发展情况和据此研究它的变形破坏机理。为此,作者采用JSYCB-73系列电感式测缝仪和钢尺等手段对岩柱开裂的宽度和长度进行监测。根据监测所取得的大量数据和地质条件,对该岩柱的开裂机理进行了分析,得出了以下结论:(1)用来加固邻区的混凝土喷层的重力部分转移到该岩柱上,从而增加了荷载;(2)由于洞内渗水严重、干湿交替、温差变化较大等使风化作用加大。结果,导致该岩柱的强度降低。(3)该岩柱强度的降低和所施加荷载的增加等两个因素最终导致了岩柱被压裂。根据上述研究结论,并考虑文物保护和旅游的需要,提出了治水、地表卸荷、岩柱加锚、加箍等加固措施。加固后的监测数据表明,开裂已不再发展,岩柱已处于稳定  相似文献   

龙游石窟3号洞顶板裂缝发育迅速, 为控制裂缝的进一步发育, 本文采用因素调查、力学计算、监测分析的方法, 对顶板裂缝的发育机理及规律开展研究。研究结果表明:裂缝在多因素交互影响下发育加剧; 裂缝产生的主要原因是围岩的断裂韧度较低; 在已支护区范围内裂缝的发育得到缓解, 未支护区范围裂缝发育速度加快; 已支护区范围外的顶板出现不均匀沉降现象, 原有的支护和监测措施已显不足。针对裂缝发育区本文提出了一套支顶式加固方案, 并采用BIM(Building Information Modeling)技术对洞室和支护结构进行了可视化展示。最后提出了智能化监测方案, 对支护结构和洞室进行监测, 以使支护结构更好地发挥作用。支护方案和监测方案的实施可为古地下洞室的长期稳定提供保障。  相似文献   

龙游石窟1号洞和其他4个洞体,开发16a来,在取得了丰硕的社会经济效益和学术成果的同时,洞体在自然力的作用下,出现了严重的破坏。构成石窟的柱、墙和顶板陆续出现裂缝。其原因是构成洞体的泥质砂岩易于风化、易于流变,在干湿交替和温度变化的情况下极易破坏。同时处于浅埋状态的洞室顶板、柱子、墙体强度不足,在自重作用下发生以冲切、剪切、弯曲为主要特征的破坏形式。开发时施加的外部荷载加剧了这种破坏。针对这些破坏形式,加固方案宜采用整体设计分步实施的方案。先柱墙,后顶板。柱墙加固以柱支撑为主要手段,顶板以梁支撑为主要手段。两者相互联系形成一个美观的加固体系。  相似文献   

浙江龙游牛场古地下洞室群1号洞顶板长期抗拉强度估算   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据牛场古地下洞室群1号洞顶板的拉裂现象,利用Ansys 建立与牛场古地下洞室群初始及边界条件相符的模型,通过FLAC-3D计算获得拉裂缝所在单元垂直裂缝方向的拉应力范围,即0.037~0.469 MPa。由于顶板拉裂缝是经过长期变形而产生的,结合材料力学第一强度理论,该范围可以作为牛场古地下洞室群1号洞顶板围岩的长期抗拉强度。  相似文献   

建于南宋的龙游牛场古洞室是国保单位小南海石室(即龙游石窟)的重要组成部分。这一由两个古洞室组成的洞室群,因开挖年代悠久,并因具有罕见的“边墙-顶板斜撑结构”(2号洞)和“塞式支顶结构”(1号洞)而引人关注。但两洞(包括洞口边坡)的变形破坏都十分严重。为长期保护这一重要的不可移动文物,作者从工程地质条件分析入手,对发生的严重变形破坏作了详细的调查分析。分析表明,长期风化(特别是生物风化)和由缓倾角红层构成的顶板过薄等是造成牛场古洞室发生较严重变形破坏的主要原因。  相似文献   

一个超浅埋大型古地下洞室群于1992年在浙江省龙游县被四个农民发现。该洞室群的发现引起了各方面专家和学者的广泛关注。但从发现至今已出现了多种破坏现象,如顶板脱落、洞间壁坍塌、柱子拉张或剪切破坏以及由于渗水导致的洞室围岩的干湿交替引发的风化现象等等。本文从工程地质调查入手,对龙游古地下洞室群的工程地质条件、水文地质条件等进行了分析,为下一步的保护工作提供地质基础。  相似文献   

通过龙游石窟2号洞离洞口较近的洞内围岩的风化程度比离洞口较远的洞内围岩的风化程度更为严重的事实来论证微环境对粉砂岩风化的影响。为了描述围岩风化的严重程度,利用橡皮泥压模法对龙游石窟2号洞洞口附近围岩和洞内围岩的凿痕深度进行了量测。量测结果表明,洞内围岩凿痕的最大高差和最大起伏度的平均值分别为10.2mm和0.43。与之相比,洞口附近围岩凿痕的相应值都较小,分别为8.0mm和0.35。以上数据说明洞口围岩凿痕的风化深度较大,粗糙程度较小,被"磨平"的趋势更严重。作者认为,2号洞洞口附近和洞内的微环境差异(主要包括降水、温度、光照和苔藓等)造成了上述围岩风化程度的差异。  相似文献   

Numerical Study of Failure Mechanism of Serial and Parallel Rock Pillars   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
Using a numerical modelling code, rock failure process analysis, 2D, the progressive failure process and associated acoustic emission behaviour of serial and parallel rock samples were simulated. Both serial- and parallel sample models are presented for investigating the mechanism of rock pillar failure. As expected, the numerical results show that not only the stiffness, but also the uniaxial compressive strength of the rock plays an important role in pillar instability. For serial pillars, the elastic rebound of a rock pillar with higher uniaxial compressive strength can lead to the sudden failure of an adjacent rock pillar with lower uniaxial compressive strength. The failure zone forms and develops in the pillar with lower uniaxial compressive strength; however, the failure zone does not pass across the interface of the two pillars. In comparison, when two pillars have the same uniaxial compressive strengths but different elastic moduli, both serial pillars fail, and the failure zone in the two pillars can interact, passing across the interface and entering the other pillar. For parallel pillars, damage always develops in the pillar having the lower uniaxial compressive strength or lower elastic modulus. Furthermore, in accordance with the Kaiser effect, the stress-induced damage in a rock pillar is irreversible, and only when the previous stress state in the failed rock pillar is exceeded or the subsequent applied energy is larger than the energy released by the external loading will further damage continue to occur. In addition, the homogeneity index of rock also can affect the failure modes of parallel pillars, even though the uniaxial compressive strength and stiffness of each pillar are the same.  相似文献   

Analytical and Numerical Study on the Pillar Rockbursts Mechanism   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Summary. Based on cusp-type catastrophe theory, a sample rock–rock model for studying the pillar rockburst mechanism is presented in this paper. It is shown that the stiffness ratio, K, of the roof and floor to the pillar plays an important role in the outbreak of instability. Additionally, simple formulae for the deformation jump and the energy release are derived. Based on the assumption that there exists a proportional relationship between the number of microseismic events and microfractured elements, the theoretical microseismic event rate produced by the double rock sample, loaded in series under uniaxial compression, is obtained. Using a newly developed numerical code, RFPA2D, the progressive failure process and associated microseismic behavior of the twin rock samples are simulated, which shows that the spatial distribution of microseismic events develops progressively from disorder at the initial loading stage to order prior to the main shock. The numerically simulated results also confirm that a soft roof and floor promote an unstable failure or collapse of pillars, while a stiff roof and floor can lead to a stable failure of pillars. Additionally, the simulated results reproduce the deformation jump and the energy release that occur during a pillar rockburst. It is demonstrated that the proposed model properly simulates the pillar failure process.  相似文献   

The study of rock pillar failure mechanisms is an issue that is faced routinely in mining and civil industries. In mining operation, the establishment of several mining levels is often necessary to ensure adequate production. This result in the formation of pillars that must be recovered under often high stress conditions at later stages of excavation. It is, therefore, beneficial to develop guidelines that can be used in the design of rock pillars. The aim of this paper is to delve into the mechanisms involved in pillar failure as well as to investigate the non-linear behavior of rock pillars. An extensive numerical analysis was carried out to study the pillar deformation and failure process under natural loading conditions. Effects of pillar geometry and pillar strength parameters on pillar behavior were investigated for hard rock material typical of Canadian mining conditions. Numerical data were compared against field data recorded in Canadian mines. A fairly good match was achieved between numerical and field data and the conducted analysis can be used as a qualitative guideline in the design of rock pillars in underground structures.  相似文献   

樊娟  汪玉松  许芳  刘英峰 《地下水》2009,31(3):104-106
以赵固一矿首采面二1煤顶板作为研究对象,分别应用公式法和岩石破裂过程分析系统 (F-RFPA2D) 确定在分层开采条件下首采面敷岩破坏的高度.并结合顶板破裂的模拟演化过程,为以后留设防水煤柱提供有效的技术参数.  相似文献   

张广超  何富连 《岩土力学》2016,37(6):1721-1728
确定合理的区段煤柱宽度及巷道支护型式和参数,对于提高资源回采率和巷道安全性及实现综放开采高产高效意义重大。以王家岭煤矿20103区段运输平巷为工程背景,采用FLAC3D数值分析了不同煤柱宽度下围岩主应力差、变形及破坏演化规律,认为合理煤柱宽度为6~10 m,并结合实际地质和生产条件确定试验巷道煤柱宽度为8 m。采用理论分析和现场钻孔窥视方法综合确定基本顶断裂线位于距采空区约7 m处,认为由于综放沿空巷道围岩性质结构和应力分布沿巷道中心线呈明显非对称性,将引发煤柱侧顶板严重下沉和肩角部位煤岩体错位、嵌入、台阶下沉等非对称破坏特征,靠煤柱侧顶板及肩角部位是巷道变形破坏的关键部位。在此研究基础上,针对性地提出了以高强锚梁网、不对称锚梁、锚索桁架为主体的综合控制技术,详细阐明了具体支护措施的控制机制,并进行现场应用。工程实践表明,8 m煤柱宽度合理,该支护技术能够保证窄煤柱沿空巷道围岩稳定,并已在王家岭煤矿大面积推广应用,对类似工程条件的支护技术具有一定的理论意义和实用价值。  相似文献   

现场调查发现:古人在建造北响堂寺石窟3号窟时,至少运用了3点符合现代科学原理的方法和技术,其中包括效果良好的选址、洞窟斜墙“设计”和排水系统等。这对现代工程地质和岩石力学研究的发展具有一定借鉴作用。笔者从工程地质和岩石力学角度对其上述工程科学亮点进行了详细论述,对于斜墙“设计”的论证是借助于Flac-3D三维数值计算进行的。通过对斜墙开挖下石窟围岩关键部位的拉应力分布情况、剪应力的大小以及变形等的分析,表明斜墙“设计”可使围岩的应力条件得到多方面的改善,有利于石窟的稳定。  相似文献   

Summary Stability in Exxon's Colony Pilot Mine in the Piceance Creek Basin, Colorado has been monitored by periodic pillar stress determinations and roof to floor convergence measurements since 1971. Pillar failure has caused marginal stability in some areas of the mine. Measurements taken during the process of failure provided valuable information on thein situ pillar strength and long-term behaviour of the mine structure. Four pillars were reinforced by 32 mm (1.25 in.) diameter tensioned grouted bolts to increase long-term stability in the northern area of the mine. Stability of this area is necessary because future plans envisage its use as an exit/access and ventilation exhaust.Computer analyses were performed to help evaluate the effect of pillar reinforcement on long-term stability. Results indicate that bolting is particularly useful in stabilizing failed pillars, but its effects are significant only in the immediate area of the pillar. The projected significant decrease in deformation of two extensively failed pillars near a main entry indicates that bolting reinforcement will assist the long-term stability of the opening.  相似文献   

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