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Fractalanalysisappliedtofaultsandearthquakes———AcasestudyofChinaJIANWANG(王建)XIAOHUAZHU(朱晓华)YONGHUIXU(徐永辉)DepartmentofGeog...  相似文献   

Vertical coseismic deformation on non-causative fault caused by remote strong earthquakes(epicentral distance≥1500 km,MS≥7.0)are observed by fault-monitoring instruments of new type during recent two years.The monitor-ing result shows,delay time,maximum amplitude and duration of vertical deformation on the non-causative faulthave remarkable close relationship with earthquakes magnitude and epicentral distance.The delay time of verticalcoseismic deformation have positive linear relationship with epicentral distance.The velocity of coseismic defor-mation is 5.5 km/s,close to the velocity of surface wave in granite.The logarithms of maximum amplitude of co-seismic deformation and epicentral distance have remarkable linear relationship with magnitude.The greater themagnitude and the closer the epicentral distance are,the bigger the maximum amplitude of coseismic deformationon non-causative fault will be.Relative to the epicentral distance,the magnitude is the most important factor to theduration of coseismic vertical deformation on the non-causative fault.Stronger earthquake causes longer vibrationduration of coseismic deformation.The experiential equation of co-seismic deformation faults obtained by thiswork is significant on the coseismic deformation research.  相似文献   

Introduction Hexi Corridor, a corridor extended over 1 000 km and with a strike of WNW-ESE, is locatedbetween Alxa uplift and northern Qilianshan Caledonian folding belt of northern Qinghai-Xizang(Tibet) Plateau (Figure 1). In the paper, we will discuss the regions between Altun fault and Yu-mushan of the western Hexi Corridor, where the climate is arid, which results in sparse vegetation,but abundant oil and gas resource, and being one of the most important petroleum industry base…  相似文献   

IntroductionStability of municipal solid waste (MSW) was not a major concern early because waste instability was considered as an operational problem that can be remedied by replacing the waste in its original position. However, with the introduction of liners and leachate collection and removal systems (LCRS), the integrity of the liner and LCRS may be concerned. Instability or displacement of a wasteland may result in failure of above system and contamination of groundwater or surface wa…  相似文献   


In this study, a hybrid factorial stepwise-cluster analysis (HFSA) method is developed for modelling hydrological processes. The HFSA method employs a cluster tree to represent the complex nonlinear relationship between inputs (predictors) and outputs (predictands) in hydrological processes. A real case of streamflow simulation for the Kaidu River basin is applied to demonstrate the efficiency of the HFSA method. After training a total of 24?108 calibration samples, the cluster tree for daily streamflow is generated based on a stepwise-cluster analysis (SCA) approach and is then used to reproduce the daily streamflows for calibration (1995–2005) and validation (2008–2010) periods. The Nash-Sutcliffe coefficients for calibration and validation are 0.68 and 0.65, respectively, and the deviations of volume are 1.68% and 4.11%, respectively. Results show that: (i) the HFSA method can formulate a SCA-based hydrological modelling system for streamflow simulation with a satisfactory fitting; (ii) the variability and peak value of streamflow in the Kaidu River basin can be effectively captured by the SCA-based hydrological modelling system; (iii) results from 26 factorial experiments indicate that not only are minimum temperature and precipitation key drivers of system performance, but also the interaction between precipitation and minimum temperature significantly impacts on the streamflow. The findings are useful in indicating that the streamflow of the study basin is a mixture of snowmelt and rainfall water.
EDITOR D. Koutsoyiannis; ASSOCIATE EDITOR G. Thirel  相似文献   

MechanicalanalysisofenechelonstructureanditssignificanceofcontrollingearthquakesXin-ShengXIE(谢新生)andXiao-PingRUAN(阮小平)(Instit...  相似文献   

Introduction Being the important evidence of seismic trend prediction, the characters of spatial-temporal distribution of strong earthquakes can, to some extent, reflect the gestation mechanism and the migration law of strong quakes. From temporal point of view, a number of scholars consider the occurrence of strong earthquakes as the independent events, i.e., Poisson process. Based on this assumption, various predicted models are brought forward, such as stationary Poisson model, subsection …  相似文献   

In the present paper a semi-analytical methodology for a nonlinear stress–strain analysis of buried steel pipelines at active fault crossings is presented and verified. The developed model introduces a number of critical refinements to the existing methodologies which extend the application area of analytical models in pipeline design. In particular, a strike-slip and normal-slip fault crossings can be analyzed taking into account material and large displacement nonlinearities, nonlinear pipe–soil interaction. The proposed model is verified against the results by other authors and numerical results, obtained with the finite element method.  相似文献   

Relationshipbetweenfaultsandgenerationofinlandshallowearthquakes:enlighten-mentoftheM=7.2southernHyogoprefec-tureearthquakeTO...  相似文献   

Introduction According to many published papers, seismicity in time-space domain shows some characteristics, such as doughnut epicenter distribution (Mogi, 1969) or quiescence of seismic activity before large earthquakes (WANG, et al, 2002), and aftershock decay (Ogata, 1998). In recent years, more and more seismologists (Lynnr, Steven, 1990) have found that many strong earthquakes are preceded by enhancing regional seismicity and accelerating strain energy release (ZHANG, et al, 2001). T…  相似文献   

Based on the complete seismic data of the Tianshan area in the past 118 years,the co-occurrence rate of earthquakes in different fault zones is calculated,the f...  相似文献   

TheEpi┐continentalarcofSoutheastChinaandrelevantearthquakesJIA-WEIXU(徐嘉炜)DepartmentofResourceandEnvironmentalSciences,HefeiU...  相似文献   

Introduction As the capital of China, Beijing is a major political, economic and cultural center. In 2008, it will host the Olympic Games. Therefore, Beijing is of great importance in our national undertak-ing in guarding against earthquakes and reducing their damages. The Chinese Capital Circle re-gion has always been attached great importance in monitoring earthquakes by the China Earth-quake Administration, and as the kernel of the Capital Circle region, Beijing is the key area for ea…  相似文献   

Due to the increasing number of biological invasions, more and more non-native species become components of already existing food chains and new interactions develop within communities. In our study, we checked whether (1) the predation preferences depended on sympatric or allopatric occurrence of predator and prey (a predator may choose the well-known prey or rather benefit from the naïvety of the novel one) and (2) fish preferences depended on prey susceptibility to fish predation (ability to hide, active predator avoidance) and/or on its palatability. We studied foraging efficiency of two species of Ponto-Caspian gobies (the round goby Neogobius melanostomus and tubenose goby Proterorhinus semilunaris) and the European bullhead Cottus gobio on two species of amphipods—Ponto-Caspian Dikerogammarus villosus and non-invasive Gammarus fossarum, occurring in Central and Western Europe. The gammarids were offered to fish with or without shelters and as mobile individuals or immobilized to test the effect of their hiding ability, mobility and palatability on fish predation. Fish selectivity was exhibited only in trials with motile prey, where all tested predators preferred G. fossarum over D. villosus, showing that their selectivity was independent of prey origin. No selectivity was observed for immobilized amphipods. When shelters were present, the predation was lowest. Thus, predator preferences depended on prey behavioural traits (effective shelter utilization and/or activity reduction) rather than on their palatability. Effective predator preference of G. fossarum over D. villosus may be one of the reasons of the successful invasion of the latter to the European inland waters.  相似文献   

Ecosystem-scale water-use efficiency(WUE) is an important indicator for understanding the intimately coupled relationship between carbon and water cycles in ecosystems. Previous studies have suggested that both abiotic and biotic factors have significant effects on WUE in forest ecosystems. However, responses of WUE to phenology in the context of climate change remain poorly understood. In this study, we analyzed the sensitivity and response patterns of seasonal WUE to phenology in Zhejiang Province where typical subtropical forest ecosystems are located, and discussed potential causes of the changes of the sensitivity and response patterns along different climate gradient during 2000–2014. The results of interannual partial correlation analysis showed widespread negative correlations between WUE and the start of growing season(SOS) in spring. This is because the increase in gross primary product(GPP) is larger than that of evapotranspiration(ET), resulting from an advanced SOS. The positive correlation between WUE and SOS was widely observed in summer mainly because of water stress and plant ecological strategy. The autumn WUE enhanced with the delay in the end of growing season(EOS)mainly because of the increase in GPP meanwhile the decrease or steadiness in ET, resulting from a delayed EOS. In space, the sensitivity of spring WUE to SOS significantly decreased along the radiation gradient, which might be related to strong soil evaporation in high radiation area;the sensitivity of WUE to SOS in summer showed a positive correlation with precipitation and a negative correlation with temperature, respectively, which might be attributed to the compensation of GPP to the delayed SOS and water stress caused by high temperature. The sensitivity of WUE to EOS increased significantly along the radiation and precipitation gradients in autumn, which may be because the increase of radiation and precipitation provides more water and energy for photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Earthquake focal mechanism solutions provide the basic information about the present-day regional tectonics stress distribution, which controls the activities of crustal faults. Therefore, continued efforts for updating the da-tabase of earthquake focal mechanism solutions are quite valuable and important. The international lithosphere program initiated the ″world stress map project″ (Zoback, 1992) since 1980′s. During this project, worldwide studies and measurements of present-day regional…  相似文献   

Soil moisture distribution shows highly variation both spatially and temporally. This study assesses the spatial heterogeneity of soil moisture on a hill-slope scale in the Loess Plateau in West China by using a geostatistical approach. Soil moisture was measured by time-domain reflectometry (TDR) in 313 samples. Two kinds of sampling scales were used (2 × 2 m and 20 ×20 m) at two soil layers (0-30 cm and 30-60 cm). The general characteristics of soil moisture were analyzed by a classical statistics method, and the spatial heterogeneity of soil moisture was analyzed using a geostatistical approach. The results showed that the spherical model is the best-fit model to simulate soil moisture on the experimental hill-slope. The parameters of this model indicated that the spatial dependence of soil moisture in the selected hill-slope was moderate. Even the 2 × 2 m sampling scale was too coarse to show the detailed spatial variances of soil moisture in this area. The dependent distance increased from 27.4 m to 494.16 m as the sampling scale became coarse (from 2× 2 m to 20 ×20 m). A map of soil moisture was generated by using original soil moisture data and interpolated values determined by the Kriging method. The average soil moisture (area weighted) in the different layers of soil was calculated on the basis of this map (10.94% for the 0-30 cm soil layer, 11.88% for the 30-60 cm soil layer). This average soil moisture is lower than the corresponding average effective soil moisture, which suggests that the soil moisture is not sufficient to support vegetation in this area.  相似文献   

Introduction Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is an important branch of artificial intelligence. It is proposed on the foundation of the study on modern neural science, is a man-made network that can implement some functions based on the mans comprehensive understanding for cerebral neural network (HAN, WANG, 1997). ANN is a mathematical model of simplified human brain neural network and is used to simulate the structures and functions of human brain neural network. ANN is a complex netw…  相似文献   

Based on the results from seismogeological study,aeromagnetic inversion and deepseismic sounding(DSS),it is found that the M≥8.0 earthquakes in North China have three common deep structural characteristics,i.e,they all took place above the ultra-crustal deep faults or on the edges of the tectonic blocks with higher intensity,and there are low-velocity,low-density and high-conductive layers deep in the epicentral regions.The origins of the earth-quakes are also discussed and the two possibilities of seismogenesis are proposed,i.e,tectonic movement and intracrustal explosion.  相似文献   

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