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Knowledge of stock structure is key for the effective management of any fish species. Amphidromous fish, which live and spawn in freshwater but spend a pelagic larval period at sea, have typically been assumed to disperse widely during their larval phase, resulting in populations being sourced from a single unstructured larval pool. We used otolith microchemical analysis to examine the stock structure of bluegill bully (Gobiomorphus hubbsi), a declining amphidromous eleotrid endemic to New Zealand, along the west coast of South Island, New Zealand. Some drainages – even those in close proximity (c. 20?km) – were readily distinguishable based on otolith trace element concentrations, while little structure was evident between other geographically disparate locations. These results indicate that, at least in some cases, locally retained larvae, rather than a single unstructured larval pool, dominates recruitment. Management of bluegill bully and other amphidromous species must therefore consider the possibility of regionally distinct populations.  相似文献   

The larval stage of fishes is critical in determining their dispersal, survival and recruitment, but little is known of the larval behaviours and tolerances of amphidromous fishes, particularly in New Zealand. We report the results of a series of observational and experimental studies on bluegill bully (Gobiomorphus hubbsi), including spawning sites and behaviours, larval characteristics at hatch, phototactic responses of larvae, and larval survival at different salinity levels. Spawning primarily occurred in the lower reaches of the river, and larvae from different nests exhibited marked differences in, and trade-offs between, larval characteristics at hatch, potentially affecting larval success. Larvae were positively phototactic to intense light, an unexpected result based on diel drift patterns and international research. Finally, larvae exhibited markedly higher survival rates when reared at intermediate salinities compared to freshwater or seawater, suggesting estuaries may play an important role as nursery grounds for bluegill bully and other amphidromous fish.  相似文献   

This study compared the longitudinal size distribution of bluegill bullies (Gobiomorphus hubbsi) from Hutt River with existing data on the size distributions of bluegill bullies and torrentfish (Cheimarrichthys fosteri) from Rakaia River, New Zealand. All populations had longitudinal trajectories that showed some increase in size with distance upstream. This increase in size appeared to primarily reflect the influence of amphidromous life styles, where juveniles diffuse upstream from the sea. However, a quantile regression analysis revealed differences in growth and migration rate between the two bluegill bully populations; bluegill bullies from Rakaia River grew at a slower rate and showed variation in migration rate within their population that was not evident in the Hutt River population. Null models were also generated for each population to test for the presence of all size classes of fish in the lower reaches of each river. Both bluegill bully populations showed a significant absence of the largest size classes in the lower reaches and the size trajectories differed significantly from the null models. This difference suggests that all individual bluegill bullies continuously move upstream throughout their lives. In comparison, the size distribution of torrentfish closely resembled the null model, indicating that some individuals did not migrate upstream to the same extent as others.  相似文献   

Galaxias maculatus has considerable potential as a laboratory animal. Laboratory techniques used to maintain, artificially spawn, hatch, and rear this New Zealand native freshwater fish are described. Potential research applications for the fish, the eggs, and the larvae are outlined. The development of the larvae is described.  相似文献   

Snapper (Chrysophrys auratus) is an important coastal fish species in New Zealand for a variety of reasons, but the large amount of research conducted on snapper has not been reviewed. Here, we review life history information and potential threats for snapper in New Zealand. We present information on snapper life history, defining stages (eggs and larvae, juvenile and adult), and assess potential threats and knowledge gaps. Overall we identify six key points: 1. post-settlement snapper are highly associated with certain estuarine habitats that are under threat from land-based stressors. This may serve as a bottleneck for snapper populations; 2. the largest knowledge gaps relate to the eggs and larvae. Additional knowledge may help to anticipate the effects of climate change, which will likely have the greatest influence on these early life stages; 3. ocean acidification, from land-based sources and from climate change, may be an important threat to larval snapper; 4. a greater understanding of population connectivity would improve certainty around the sustainability of fishery exploitation; 5. the collateral effects of fishing are likely to be relevant to fishery productivity, ecosystem integrity and enduser value; 6. our understanding of the interrelationships between snapper and other ecosystem components is still deficient.  相似文献   

Length–weight relationships are a fundamental tool for assessing populations and communities in fisheries science. Many researchers have collected length–weight data throughout New Zealand, yet parameters describing these relationships remain unpublished for many species of freshwater fish. We compiled 285,124 fish records from researchers and institutions across New Zealand to parameterise length–weight equations, using both power and quadratic models, for 53 freshwater species belonging to 13 families. The influence of location and sex on length–weight relationships was also assessed. Location, in particular, generated different length–weight relationships for 65% of the species examined. Length–weight equations were validated by comparing predicted weights against independently measured weights from 25 electrofished sites across New Zealand and the equations were highly accurate (R2>0.99). Recommendations are made about how to robustly apply this new resource which should assist freshwater fisheries researchers throughout New Zealand.  相似文献   

Fish larvae were collected in stream benthic invertebrate drift nets from the Otira River, near Arthur's Pass, New Zealand during a study of benthic drift. They are identified as probably those of koaro (Galaxias brevipinnis Gunther) on the basis of estimates of myomere counts (indicating Galaxiidae or Retropinnidae); by a process of elimination of likely species on the basis of distance up stream, elevation, and habitat characteristics; and by determining fish species in the Otira River tributaries upstream of the sampling location. This comprises the first likely record of emigrating larvae of koaro, a species known to be diadromous by the return migrations from the sea of whitebait juveniles during spring. A newly hatched larva of koaro is described and figured.  相似文献   

The occurrence of fish larvae and the effect of diel and tidal variation on catches was studied at about biweekly intervals for a year in Whangateau Harbour, a small well mixed northern New Zealand estuary. Larvae from 31 taxa were identified. The annual pattern of larval occurrence was typical for fish in temperate waters, with a major peak of abundance in early summer. For six taxa, larval densities were significantly greater in night-time than in daytime catches, and analysis of length-frequency distributions suggested that for two species this was due to daytime net avoidance.No significant differences were found between the densities of larvae caught on flood and ebb tides, but changes in length-frequency distributions were significant for two species. Recently hatched larvae of an unidentified goby were found leaving the harbour, where they were probably spawned, while older larvae of this species appeared to be recruiting back in. Larvae of the flounder Rhobosolea plebeia were also apparently recruiting into the harbour. In the absence of a two-layered circulation pattern larvae relied upon tidal transport for recruitment, and probaby ensured their retention by rapidly settling to the bottom.  相似文献   

Non-indigenous zooplankton species pose a biosecurity threat to New Zealand’s freshwater native taxa. Nine species are known to have established in New Zealand lakes to date. The spread of some zooplankton taxa is linked to the translocation of farmed fish, principally grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella), and recreational vessel movements. The aims of this study were to assess the effectiveness of a range of chemical and physical treatments for transport water and associated equipment to kill freshwater cladoceran, copepod, and rotifer zooplankton species, and their risk to non-target fish. Sodium chloride was the most effective and applicable chemical treatment tested at length in the cladoceran and, combined with physical treatment via mechanical filtration of water or hot water immersion of equipment (to also manage the risk of diapausing eggs), represents an effective option for the control of non-indigenous zooplankton, with limited impact on stenohaline fish.  相似文献   

The larva of the primitive mayfly Oniscigaster wakefieldi, McLachlan 1873 (Ephemeroptera: Siphlonuridae) was studied in the Waitakere Stream, near Auckland, New Zealand, over a 17‐month period extending from July 1965— November 1966. A wide‐mouthed dragnet enabled monthly samples (average 46 specimens) to be collected for detailed studies of the larval growth pattern; this collecting method revealed that the species, previously thought to be rare, is numerous both in the study area and elsewhere in North Island, New Zealand.

O. wakefieldi has a univoltine life cycle with 20–25 larval instars. The larvae prefer different habitats according to their age and can be divided into three distinct groups: larvae 1–10 mm in length are found on finer sediments in quiet shallow water; 11–18 mm in length inhabit waters up to 50 cm deep where the substratum is mainly of pebbles (0.4–4.0 cm diameter) set in a silt matrix; and mature larvae 19–26 mm in length are found adjacent to dry emergent boulders, often at the base of riffles.

Three larval characters are described for the first time to separate the larvae of O. wakefieldi and O. distans. Sexual dimorphism is evident in O. wakefieldi populations by size difference; in the last larval instar, females average 4 mm longer than males. The known distribution of the species in North Island is illustrated.  相似文献   

The complete series of phyllosoma larval stages of spiny lobster lasus edwardsii are described. Eleven stages are recognised from specimens captured in plankton samples collected along a transect extending 185 km east of Castlepoint, North Island, New Zealand between July 1969 and December 1971. A table of distinguishing characteristics and a key for identification of stages are presented. First stage larvae occur between August and October and last stage larvae about 15 months later. Mortality through the phyllosoma stages is estimated to be 98%. Early stage larvae occur mainly inshore in Southland Current water in the upper 5 m, and later stage larvae occur more frequently offshore in East Cape Current water at 40–60 m depth.  相似文献   

Thedietsofthealpinegalaxias(Galaxias paucispondylus Stokell, 1938) and the longjawed galaxias (G. prognathus Stokell, 1940) were studied in Deep Creek, a high‐country stream in the central South Island of New Zealand. Both species are small, slender fish with entirely freshwater life cycles. Their diets were very similar and consisted of aquatic invertebrates, dominated by the larvae of Deleatidium spp. (Ephemeroptera), Hydrobiosis spp. (Trichoptera), and Chironomidae (Diptera). Although diets partly reflected what was available in the stream, both fish selected soft‐bodied prey in preference to cased or harder shelled prey. Both species are probably nocturnal feeders.  相似文献   

The threat status of 74 freshwater and estuarine fish present in New Zealand was determined. Fifty-one native taxa were ranked of which 67% were considered Threatened or At Risk. A single species was classified as Extinct, the New Zealand grayling, which has not been observed since the 1920s. Four taxa were classified in the highest threat category, Nationally Critical, and a further 10 taxa as Threatened (Nationally Endangered or Nationally Vulnerable). Twenty taxa were ranked in the At Risk group with the majority ranked as Declining. Endemic galaxiids (Galaxiidae) dominated the Threatened and At Risk taxa. The majority (68%) belonged to the Galaxias genus, comprising 81% of recognised taxa in this genus and all five species in the genus Neochanna were also ranked as Threatened or At Risk. In addition to 51 native taxa, a further three fish species were considered colonists and 20 introduced species were classified as naturalised, although two of these are considered rare. The majority of the Threatened species occur in the Canterbury and Otago regions where a suite of rare non-migratory galaxiids exist. Threat mechanisms that were identified as causal in the decline of freshwater fish species were the impact of introduced fish species, declining water quality, effects of water abstraction, loss of habitat via land-use change and land-use activities, and river modifications.  相似文献   

We employed flow cytometry to assess plasma membrane viability of sperm cells in farmed giant kokopu Galaxias argenteus, an endemic amphidromous New Zealand fish. Specifically, the variables of fish size (TL mm) and weight (grams) were assessed against sperm viability. We found no significant difference (P?G. argenteus. This study shows that flow cytometry is an effective, accurate and rapid method for analysing sperm viability in G. argenteus.  相似文献   

Many marine species produce pelagic propagules which, because of their life-history characteristics and the local hydrodynamics, can disperse considerable distances from the point of release. Distances travelled are affected by factors such as: release time and location, egg and larval stage duration, local environmental conditions and active swimming and settlement behaviours. Understanding such dispersal patterns is important for the design of effective ecosystem-conservation strategies. We used a regional scale, coupled physical-biological model for the Irish Sea to simulate the possible dispersal of eggs and larvae of five species of fish with contrasting early life histories (cod Gadus morhua, plaice Pleuronectes platessa, witch Glyptocephalus cynoglossus, sprat Sprattus sprattus and pogge Agonus cataphractus). The hydrodynamic model was forced with meteorological data for 1995, a year when extensive plankton surveys were conducted in the Irish Sea. A particle tracking method featuring particle release (spawning) and species-dependent particle development and behaviour was then run based on flow and temperature fields from the hydrodynamical model. Modelled larval distributions and settlement areas corresponded favourably with observations from field sampling. The settlement destinations (or onset of shoaling for sprat) were affected both by their initial spawning location and by the species-specific development rates and behaviours coded into the model. Eggs and larvae typically remained within 160 km of their spawning origin, although a minority travelled up to 300 km. Even in a relatively enclosed sea such as the Irish Sea, fish eggs and larvae can be dispersed over 100s of km. This provides a major challenge for the design of effective spatial management strategies if it is necessary to protect a species across its life-history stages. Further progress in the design of effective conservation measures for species or communities will need an integrated approach taking account of key aspects of early life history and behaviour.  相似文献   

Diadromous fish species dominate the New Zealand freshwater fish fauna and make up 15 of the 17 native fish species found on the Taranaki Ring Plain. Trajectories of occurrence in relation to elevation and distance from the sea are described for 11 diadromous and 2 non‐diadromous species using data from the New Zealand Freshwater Fish Database and data collected over the summer of 1997/ 98. Distinctive distributions were found for most of the species related to their differing migratory strategies and abilities. The species were ranked based on components of these trajectories to compare their penetrative ability. Comparison of the ranking methods used revealed they produced similar results. The ranking of the 11 diadromous species in Taranaki relative to each other revealed similar rankings to those for the same species from the West Coast of the South Island. The non‐migratory native fish, Cran's bully (Gobiomorphus basalis), was not found on the western side of the mountain. This distribution is thought to be the result of the local extinction of non‐migratory species in high gradient or unstable streams.  相似文献   

The New Zealand fish fauna contains species that are affected not only by river system connectivity, but also by catchment and local-scale changes in landcover, water quality and habitat quality. Consequently, native fish have potential as multi-scale bioindicators of human pressure on stream ecosystems, yet no standardised, repeatable and scientifically defensible methods currently exist for effectively quantifying their abundance or diversity in New Zealand stream reaches. Here we report on the testing of a back-pack electrofishing method, modified from that used by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, on a wide variety of wadeable stream reaches throughout New Zealand. Seventy-three first- to third-order stream reaches were fished with a single pass over 150–345 m length. Time taken to sample a reach using single-pass electrofishing ranged from 1–8 h. Species accumulation curves indicated that, irrespective of location, continuous sampling of 150 stream metres is required to accurately describe reach-scale fish species richness using this approach. Additional species detection beyond 150 m was rare (<10%) with a single additional species detected at only two out of the 17 reaches sampled beyond this distance. A positive relationship was also evident between species detection and area fished, although stream length rather than area appeared to be the better predictor. The method tested provides a standardised and repeatable approach for regional and/or national reporting on the state of New Zealand's freshwater fish communities and trends in richness and abundance over time.  相似文献   

Phyllosomata and nistos of Scyllarus sp. Z taken from plankton around and offshore northern New Zealand and in the Tasman Sea are presumed to be those of S. aoteanus Powell, 1949, the most common Scyllarus species in this area. The full larval and postlarval development of this species are described. Three features are characteristic of Scyllarus sp. Z phyllosomata; a dorsal crest on the cephalic shield, dorsal thoracic spines, and a forked telson in middle stages persisting as two prominent spines outreaching the telson posterior margin in the final stage. Scyllarus sp. Z's closest affinities are with a group of Scyllarus species whose phyllosomata have forked telsons in middle stages and medium to strong posterolateral telson spines in the final stage. The nisto is low in profile but distinctive in its armature. Too few Scyllarus sp. nistos have been described to suggest any group to which that of Scyllarus sp. Z can be assigned. The spatial and temporal distribution of the larvae and postlarvae of Scyllarus sp. Z are also described. Although early larval stages and postlarvae are found close to New Zealand, mid‐ and late‐stage larvae are widely distributed, some well beyond the known latitudinal range of the adults. There is probably an extended egg‐bearing and hatching period as early stage larvae are caught in most months. Variable rates of development of the larvae and/or delayed metamorphosis, are also possible.  相似文献   

Temporal patterns of larval brooding and settlement were investigated in a flat oyster (Ostrea chilensis) population in Tasman Bay, central New Zealand. The proportion of the population brooding larvae and larval settlement rates were monitored over 26 months. A peak period of brooding activity began in late spring and continued through summer. Maximum rates of 17% and 23% of adult oysters brooding larvae occurred in November and December, and an estimated 55–78% of adult oysters incubated larvae over the entire summer breeding period. These proportions of brooders are higher than those previously reported for Tasman Bay. A very low level of brooding activity (1%) occurred during winter. Temporal trends in larval settlement closely tracked brooding patterns. Settlement was greatest between November and January, and there were very low rates in winter. The seasonal breeding pattern in the population was intermediate between northern and southern populations, confirming a latitudinal gradient of reproductive behaviour for O. chilensis in New Zealand. Results are useful in optimising the timing of substrate deployment in an enhancement programme for the oyster fishery.  相似文献   

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